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milica2992 obserwuje zawartość → Eliot's Waste Land - Critical Synopsis, Gardners Art Through the Ages-A Concise Global History, 3rd ed, Field Guide to Stains,Gestures,Tools,Produce,Herbs & Spices i oraz 7 innych
Gardners Art Through the Ages-A Concise Global History, 3rd ed GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: A CONCISE GLOBAL HISTORY provides you with a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated tour of the world's great artistic traditions! Easy to read and understand, the latest edition of this best-selling art history book continues to evolve, providing a rich cultural backdrop for each of the covered periods and geographical locations, and incorporating new artists and art forms all reproduced according to the highest standards of clarity and color fidelity. A complete online environment, including all images and an eBook, is also available. The unique Scale feature will help you better visualize the actual size of the artworks shown in the book. A new timeline within each chapter, along with "The Big Picture" overviews at the end of every chapter, makes it easier to understand the cultural and historical forces that influenced each artwork Format: pdf Language: English Size: 139.04 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
Field Guide to Stains,Gestures,Tools,Produce,Herbs & Spices List: 1. Field Guide to Gestures: - Melissa Wagner , Nancy Armstrong 2. Field Guide to Herbs & Spices: - Aliza Green 3. Field Guide to Produce: - - Aliza Green 4. Field Guide to Stains: - Virginia Friedman , Melissa Wagner , Nancy Armstrong 5. Field Guide to Tools: - John Kelsey Format: pdf Language: English Size: 167 mb Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 1st Ed (26 Vol Set) (2007) The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences volumes 1-26 comprises the original 20 volumes of ELS (published in 2002) plus six supplementary volumes (published in 2007). Volumes 21-26 collates all the information that has been added to the online version on WileyIntersciences since the publication of the first 20-volume set. Together, they provide the reader with the most comprehensive and the up-to-date information in Life Sciences. Spanning the entire spectrum of life sciences, the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) features more than 4,000 specially commissioned and peer-reviewed articles, making it an essential read for life scientists and a valuable resource for teaching. Aimed at researchers, students and teachers, articles provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage, written by leaders in the field. Colour illustrations and tables accompany articles, with appendix and glossary material providing essential information for the non-specialist, including biochemical and taxonomic information, acronyms, synonyms, units and other technical data. Importantly, all articles have been peer-reviewed to ensure a balanced representation of the literature. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 669.13 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition This encyclopedia provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human nutrition, including clinical applications. Most of the chapters represent brand new expositions of the field, yet the Encyclopedia also includes relevant sections from the Encyclopaedia of Food Science, Food Technology, and Nutrition, which have been revised, updated, and rewritten, plus that reference work's award-winning index system. Virtually everyone will find the Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition easy to use--from the experienced researcher requiring a specific piece of information to the general reader who needs an overview of a new and unfamiliar topic. The work is highly structured and cross-referenced, and leads the reader to the required information as quickly and as intuitively as possible. Of the more than 270 articles, each offers "links" to related articles and also lists "Further Reading Topics," directing the reader to important texts in that area. The Encyclopedia takes a truly international approach where relevant. It details various national conventions and standards and explains nutritional policy differences between the developed and developing world. Nutritionists, clinical nutritionists, dietitians, and allied health workers are sure to benefit and make great use of this resource. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 143 mb Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition - 2nd Ed Gooner The Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Second Edition is an extensively revised, expanded and updated version of the successful eight-volume Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition (1993). Comprising ten volumes, this new edition provides a comprehensive coverage of the fields of food science, food technology, and nutrition. Every article is thorough in its coverage, the writing is succinct and straightforward, and the work presents the reader with the best available summary and conclusions on each topic. Easy to use, meticulously organized, and written from a truly international perspective, the Encyclopedia is an invaluable reference tool. An essential item on the bookshelf for every scientist or writer working in the fields of food and nutrition. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 85.54 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (5 Vol Set) 1st Ed Environmental health has evolved over time into a complex, multidis[beeep]linary field. Many of the key determinants and solutions to environmental health problems lie outside the direct realm of health and are strongly dependent on environmental changes, water and sanitation, industrial development, education, employment, trade, tourism, agriculture, urbanization, energy, housing and national security. Environmental risks, vulnerability and variability manifest themselves in different ways and at different time scales. While there are shared global and transnational problems, each community, country or region faces its own unique environmental health problems, the solution of which depends on circumstances surrounding the resources, customs, institutions, values and environmental vulnerability. This work contains critical reviews and assessments of environmental health practices and research that have worked in places and thus can guide programs and economic development in other countries or regions. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 115 mb Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences - 1st & 2nd Ed The Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences is a complete resource for researchers, students and practitioners involved in all aspects of dairy science and related food science and technology areas. Extensively cross-referenced, it covers the core theories, methods, and techniques employed by dairy scientists. It enables readers to access basic information on topics peripheral to their own areas, provides a repository of the core information in the area that can be used to refresh the researcher's own memory, and aids teachers in directing students to areas relevant to their course work. The Encyclopedia contains information that has been distilled, organized and presented as a complete reference tool to the user. This four-volume set includes over 400 articles covering all aspects of dairy science. Included are numerous figures and tables illustrating the text as well as a color plate section in each volume. The inclusion of "Further Reading" lists at the end of each article provide easy access to further information and a guide into the primary literature. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 111 mb Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Cancer - 2nd (Revised) and 3rd Ed Since the publication of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of Cancer, an amazing amount of new information has been disseminated in the field of cancer research. This second edition strives to capture the advances occurring in the etiology, prevention, and treatment of cancer, from basic science to clinical application. By providing concise expositions on a broad range of topics, the Encyclopedia is an excellent resource for those seeking information beyond their specific areas of expertise. Written by a distinguished panel of authors, entries cover a variety of aspects of cancer such as oncology, immunology, epidemiology, gene therapy, oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes, and pharmacology. This outstanding reference is essential for anyone involved in the study or treatment of cancer. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 321 mb Hoster: Uploaded
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - 1st & 2nd Ed Written for a broad, cross-dis[beeep]linary audience, the Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry addresses the fundamental dis[beeep]line of biological chemistry underlying virtually all of the life sciences. This compilation of more than 500 different entries encompasses all aspects of biochemistry, as well as the extensions of this subject into the related fields of molecular biology, cell biology, genetics and biophysics. This comprehensive encyclopedia covers all areas of biological chemistry written by more than 500 selected international experts. Articles are generously illustrated including more than 800 images in four-color. Each entry contains a clear, concise review of the topic along with illustrations, a glossary of technical terms and a section for additional reading. Each entry further contains general background and term definitions as well as a comprehensive review of the current research in the field. Students, science journalists and scientists seeking a concise introduction to specific topics will appreciate the clear, tabular format of each entry. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 287.33 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
Eliot's Waste Land - Critical Synopsis Written when Eliot was working as a bank clerk and heavily edited by his friend Ezra Pound, 1922's The Waste Land could probably take the prize as the most important English-language poem of the 20th century. This 75th-anniversary edition includes the full text plus notes and an afterword by scholar/editor Christopher Ricks. Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 87 mb Hoster: Uploaded
Elementary Prin[beeep]les of Chemical Processes (Wiley, 2005) GAIN A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES. Materials that's presented in a very clear and accessible way... frequent use of examples... case studies based on commercial processes... a CD-ROM with instructional tutorials, a powerful equation solver, and a visual encyclopedia of chemical process equipment... These are just a few of the features of this text that help provide a realistic, informative introduction to chemical processes. Key Features of the Third Edition Nearly every section in the third edition has been revised to provide increased clarity. Hundreds of new and revised problems and new case studies cover a broader spectrum of chemical engineering applications. Some problems require spread sheeting, and others call for using equation-solving software. The INTERACTIVE CHEMICAL PROCESS PRIN[beeep]LES (ICPP) CD-ROM Provides an active learning environment. With this software, students respond to questions and receive immediate feedback, explore variations in process parameters and see the effect of their changes on process operations, and more. 2005 Edition Icons in the text margin let you know when it's most helpful to use the ICPP CD-ROM and the Student Workbook. Format: pdf Language: English Size: 116 mb Hoster: Uploaded
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CompTIA Network+ All-In-One Exam Guide, Sixth Edition From Mike Meyers, the #1 name in CompTIA training and exam preparation, a thorough revision of his bestselling exam guideâ??updated to cover the 2015 release of the CompTIA Network+ exam. Get complete coverage of all the CompTIA Network+ exam objectives inside this comprehensive resource. Written by the leading expert on CompTIA certification and training, Mike Meyers, this authoritative guide covers exam N10-006 in full detail. You'll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, scenarios, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations. Designed to help you pass the exam with ease, this definitive volume also serves as an essential on-the-job reference Format: pdf Language: English Size: 201.86 MiB Hoster: Uploaded