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Znaleziono 33 wyników

  1. Wilson Susan Tajemnica starej farmy Opis: Po stracie pierwszego dziecka Evangeline Worth wraca na ukochana farme, odziedziczona po babce w malej miescinie w Nowej Anglii. Jej maz walczy na froncie po drugiej stronie Atlantyku, Vangie natomiast usiluje zapanowac nad swoim zyciem, pogodzic sie z b??lem. Pewnego dnia na jej progu staje nieznajomy, kt??ry w zagadkowych okolicznosciach pojawia sie w poblizu. Vangie najmuje go do pracy na farmie. Czy bez wahania pogonilaby go z progu, gdyby wiedziala, jak bardzo ten mezczyzna zawazy na jej zyciu? Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Wielkosc calosci: 161 MB Czas: 11h 44m 30s Bit rate: 32kbps Rodzaj kompresji: .rar Zawartosc uploadu: plik .mp3 Wersja jezykowa: polska Czyta: Joanna Jedryka BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: Haslo: BRAK HASLA
  2. Wilson Susan C??rka wr????ki Opis: Trzydziestoletnia Sabine cale zycie spedzila w podr??zy, towarzyszac matce, wedrownej wr??zce, znanej jako Madame Ruby. Do spokojnego miasteczka, w kt??rym zdecydowala sie wreszcie osiasc, przyjezdza Dan Smith, filmowiec z Nowego Jorku. Wezwala go chora babka, by pozalatwiac wszystkie swoje ziemskie sprawy. Sabine i Dan coraz bardziej sie sobie podobaja, choc on ma narzeczona. Nieoczekiwanie pojawia sie Madame Ruby. Ma przeczucie, ze cos waznego stanie sie w zyciu jej c??rki i postanawia wyjawic jej mroczna tajemnice z przeszlosci. Sabine takze ma zdolnosci parapsychologiczne, choc dotychczas nie chciala z nich korzystac. Splot niezwyklych okolicznosci sprawi, ze odkryje sekret, kt??ry zmieni zycie Dana. Czy jednak zdola go przy sobie zatrzymac? Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 167 MB Czas trwania: 12h 21m 47s bit rate: 32kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Maria Komorowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: Haslo: BRAK HASLA
  3. Susan Illene - The Sensor Series Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 523 MB The Sensor #1: Darkness Haunts Melena Sanders faced her fair share of danger with insurgents and terrorists when she served in the U.S. Army, but now she is about to go up against a new threat. Her best friend, Aniya, has disappeared while on a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska-a supernatural haven. Most humans have no idea darker races lurk amongst them. Mel knows better. If she wants to get her friend back, she's going to have to go in alone-but not unarmed.Melena has a few special skills the Army didn't provide, but the odds are still against her. She's got to come up with a plan fast that doesn't involve her, or her friend, dying. But danger likes to play it rough. A war for power is about to rise in Fairbanks and if she wants to get Aniya back, she's going to have to step right into the middle of it. The Sensor #2: Darkness Taunts Melena Sanders has managed to avoid all things inhuman for most of her life, but after coming to Fairbanks, Alaska to rescue her best friend from supernaturals she hasn t been allowed to leave. That is, until her long-time nemesis comes to collect a favor she owes him. Lucas might be half angel, but he s all bad as far as she s concerned. Paying him back might get her out of town for a while, but her new destination will be anything but enjoyable. Mel s got to help the nephilim take care of a demon possession outbreak in Juneau. But working closely with Lucas is changing the dynamics of their hate-hate relationship--worrying her even more than the demons Download Link
  4. Vreeland Susan Pasja Artemizji Opis: Historia Artemizji Gentileschi - malarki, kt??ra oczarowala postrenesansowe Wlochy pieknem swej sztuki - obfituje w wiele dramatycznych zdarzen. Jako osiemnastoletnia dziewczyna - uwiklana w upokarzajacy proces o gwalt - opuszcza Rzym i poslubiona przez malarza udaje sie do Florencji. Jej rosnaca slawa przyczynia sie jednak do rozpadu malzenstwa i Artemizja rozpoczyna zycie na wlasna reke, starajac sie pogodzic sztuke i macierzynstwo, uczucie i geniusz. Powiesc o poszukiwaniu milosci, przebaczenia i ukojenia przez sztuke - usytuowana w malowniczej scenerii Rzymu, Florencji, Genui i Neapolu, ubarwiona mn??stwem szczeg??l??w z zycia siedemnastowiecznych malarzy - ukazuje niezwykla kobiete, kt??ra osmielila sie rzucic wyzwanie konwenansom epoki i zyc zgodnie z nakazem serca. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Wielkosc calosci: 167 MB Czas: 12h 35m 10s Bit rate: 32kbps Rodzaj kompresji: .rar Zawartosc uploadu: plik .mp3 Wersja jezykowa: polska Czyta: Elzbieta Kijowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: Haslo: BRAK HASLA
  5. Vreeland Susan Dziewczyna w hiacyntowym b??Ä?kicie Opis: Urokliwa i subtelna powiesc Susan Vreeland to zapis historii jednego obrazu, poczawszy od chwili, kt??ra przyniosla natchnienie artyscie, poprzez kolejne etapy los??w dziela, kiedy to przechodzilo z rak do rak, bywalo ukrywane albo zapominane, by w koncu spokojnie wyplynac na powierzchnie. Podobnie jak obrazy Vermeera powiesc ta ilustruje najbardziej intymne i piekne chwile z zycia wielu ludzi: gdy zmienia ich milosc, gdy traca nadzieje, gdy zwycieza ich pragnienie wolnosci. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 78,4 MB czas trwania : 05h 42m 42s bit rate: 32kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czytaja: Elzbieta Kijowska, Krzysztof Kolbasiuk BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA
  6. Susan Cheever - Louisa May Alcott: A Personal Biography Unabridged AudioBook | 2011 | Genre: Biographical | English | ISBN-13: 978-1416569923 | MP3 64Kb | 518.36 MB Louisa May Alcott never intended to write Little Women. She had dismissed her publisher's pleas for such a novel. Written out of necessity to support her family, the book had an astounding success that changed her life, a life which turned out very differently from that of her beloved heroine Jo March. In Louisa May Alcott, Susan Cheever, the acclaimed author of American Bloomsbury, returns to Concord, Massachusetts, to explore the life of one of its most iconic residents. Based on extensive research, journals, and correspondence, Cheever's biography chronicles all aspects of Alcott's life, from the fateful meeting of her parents to her death, just two days after that of her father. She details Bronson Alcott's stalwart educational vision, which led the Alcotts to relocate each time his progressive teaching went sour; her unsuccessful early attempts at serious literature, including Moods, which Henry James panned; her time as a Civil War nurse, when she contracted pneumonia and was treated with mercury-laden calomel, which would affect her health for the rest of her life; and her vibrant intellectual circle of writers and reformers, idealists who led the charge in support of antislavery, temperance, and women's rights. Alcott's independence defied the conventional wisdom, and her personal choices and literary legacy continue to inspire generations of women. A fan of Little Women from the age of twelve, and a distinguished author in her own right, Cheever brings a unique perspective to Louisa May Alcott's life as a woman, a daughter, and a working writer. Download Link
  7. Susan Elizabeth Phillips - Heroes Are My Weakness Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Romance | English | ISBN-13: 9780062106117 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 12 hrs and 51 mins | 353.81 MB New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips is back with a delightful novel filled with her sassy wit and dazzling charm Deepest winter. An isolated island off the coast of Maine. A man. A woman. Puppets. (Yes, puppets . . .) And . . . A mysterious house looming over the sea . . . He's a reclusive writer whose imagination creates chilling horror novels. She's a down-on-her-luck actress reduced to staging kids' puppet shows. He knows a dozen ways to kill his characters with his bare hands. She knows a dozen ways to kill an audience with laughs. But she's not laughing now. Annie Hewitt has arrived on Peregrine Island in the middle of a snowstorm and at the end of her resources. She's broke, dispirited, but not quite ready to give up. Her red suitcases hold the puppets she uses to make her living: sensible Dilly, spunky Scamp, and Leo, the baddest of bad guys. Her puppets, the romantic novels she loves, and a little bit of courage are all she has left. Annie couldn't be more ill prepared for what she finds when she reaches Moonraker Cottage or for the man who dwells in Harp House, the mysterious mansion that hovers above the cottage. When she was a teenager, he betrayed her in a way she can never forget or forgive. Now they're trapped together on a frozen island along with a lonely widow, a mute little girl, and townspeople who don't know how to mind their own business. Is he the villain she remembers, or has he changed? Her head says no. Her heart says yes. It's going to be a long, hot winter. Download Link
  8. Susan Beth Pfeffer - Last Survivors Series (#1-4) Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Young Adult | English | ISBN-13: N/A | M4A 64Kb | Length: 9 hrs and 2 mins | 833.84 MB Miranda's disbelief turns to fear in a split second when a meteor knocks the Moon closer to the Earth. How should her family prepare for the future when worldwide tsunamis wipe out the coasts, earthquakes rock the continents, and volcanic ash blocks out the sun? As summer turns to Arctic winter, Miranda, her two brothers, and their mother retreat to the unexpected safe haven of their sunroom, where they subsist on stockpiled food and limited water in the warmth of a wood-burning stove. Told in journal entries, this is the heart-pounding story of Miranda's struggle to hold on to the most important resource of all, hope, in an increasingly desperate and unfamiliar world. Download Link
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