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Znaleziono 32 wyników

  1. Studnia i wahad??o / Pit and the Pendulum (1961) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Roger Corman Scenariusz: Richard Matheson Gatunek: Horror Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 80 min. Opis: Sir Nicholas, ostatni potomek s??awnego rodu pan??w zamku, nie mo??e przeboleÄ? tajemniczej ??mierci swej ??ony. Gnany jej g??osem, biega nocÄ? po murach obronnego zamczyska. Jego szwagier Francis pr??buje niby wyja??niÄ? przyczyny ??mierci swej siostry. Napomyka, ??e Nicholas po prostu zwariowa??. Dopiero na kr??tko przed ostatecznym za??amaniem siÄ? Nicholas rozpoznaje, ??e pad?? ofiarÄ? straszliwego spisku. Zbudowana przez jego umys??owo chorych przodk??w sala tortur staje siÄ? widowniÄ? straszliwej zemsty... Obsada: Patrick Westwood - Maximillian Antony Carbone - Doktor Charles Leon Mary Menzies - Isabella Barbara Steele - Elizabeth Barnard Medina Luana Anders - Catherine Medina John Kerr - Francis Barnard Vincent Price - Nicholas Medina Larry Turner - Nicholas Medina (dziecko) ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  2. Dzia??a Navarony / The Guns of Navarone (1961) PL.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE / Lektor PL Re??yseria: J. Lee Thompson Scenariusz: Carl Foreman Gatunek: Wojenny Kraj: USA, Wielka Brytania Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 158 min. Opis: Jest rok 1943. Nazi??ci zajÄ?li niemal ca??Ä? GrecjÄ?, z wyjÄ?tkiem Krety i niewielkiej wysepki Cheros u wybrze??y Turcji. Jedyna droga ewakuacyjna dla odciÄ?tych od ??wiata ??o??nierzy wiedzie przez przesmyk na Morzu Egejskim. DostÄ?pu do niego broni bateria potÄ???nych dzia?? na Nawaronie, ukrytych w niezdobytych ska??ach. Z misjÄ? wysadzenia dzia?? wyrusza sze??ciu decydowanych na wszystko komandos??w, a od powodzenia ich akcji zale??y los dw??ch tysiÄ?cy ??o??nierzy. Obsada: Gregory Peck - Kapitan Keith Mallory David Niven - Kapral John Anthony Miller Anthony Quinn - Pu??kownik Andrea Stavrou Stanley Baker - Szeregowy Casey "Rze??nik" Brown Anthony Quayle - Major Roy Franklin James Darren - Szeregowy Spyros Pappadimos Irene Papas - Maria Pappadimos Richard Harris - Howard Barnsby, dow??dca australijskiego dywizjonu ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
  3. ?šniadanie u Tiffany'ego / Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) PL.BRRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Blake Edwards Scenariusz: George Axelrod Gatunek: Melodramat Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 115 min. Opis: Ekranizacja opowiadania Trumana Capote. Holly Golightly jest postrzelonÄ? dziewczynÄ?, kt??rej ??ycie up??ywa na nieustannej zabawie na koszt bogatych adorator??w. Pewnego dnia piÄ?tro wy??ej wprowadza siÄ? m??ody pisarz, kt??ry tak??e jest utrzymankiem. TÄ? dw??jkÄ? zaczyna ??Ä?czyÄ? przyja????, kt??ra przerodzi siÄ? w g??Ä?bsze uczucie. Oboje bÄ?dÄ? musieli zweryfikowaÄ? swe dotychczasowe ??ycie i zdecydowaÄ?, czy sÄ? w stanie byÄ? razem. Obsada: Audrey Hepburn - Holly Golightly / Lula Mae Barnes George Peppard - Paul Varjak Patricia Neal - 2- E Buddy Ebsen - Doc Golightly Martin Balsam - O. J. Berman Jos?? Luis de Villalonga - Jos?? da Silva Pereira Alan Reed - Sally Tomato Dorothy Whitney - Mag Wildwood ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  4. Wyrok w norymberdze / Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Stanley Kramer Scenariusz: Abby Mann Gatunek: Historyczny, Dramat sÄ?dowy Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 179 min. Opis: Na proces w Norymberdze skierowane sÄ? oczy ca??ego ??wiata, a waga pope??nionych przez nazist??w zbrodni przekracza wszelkie wyobra??enia o potworno??ciach, do kt??rych zdolny jest cz??owiek. SÄ?dzia Dan Haywood (Spencer Tracy), prokurator Tad Lawson (Richard Widmark), obro??ca Hans Rolfe (Maximilian Schell) muszÄ? zmierzyÄ? siÄ? z ciÄ???arem odpowiedzialno??ci, kt??ra na nich spoczywa. Obsada: Spencer Tracy - PrzewodniczÄ?cy sÄ?du Dan Haywood Burt Lancaster - Doktor Ernst Janning Richard Widmark - Pu??kownik Tad Lawson Marlene Dietrich - Pani Bertholt Maximilian Schell - Hans Rolfe Judy Garland - Irene Hoffman Wallner Montgomery Clift - Rudolph Petersen Kenneth MacKenna - SÄ?dzia Kenneth Norris ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  5. Rozw??d po w??osku / Divorzio all'italiana (1961) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE / Lektor PL Re??yseria: Pietro Germi Scenariusz: Ennio De Concini Gatunek: Komedia obycz. Kraj: W??ochy Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 104 min. Opis: To g??o??na, nagrodzona Oscarem komedia z b??yskotliwÄ? rolÄ? Marcello Mastroianniego jako znudzonego ??yciem i swojÄ? ??onÄ? RosaliÄ?, barona Fef?? Cefal??. Podczas letnich wakacji baron zako[beeep]e siÄ? w du??o m??odszej, przepiÄ?knej kuzynce Angeli. Poniewa?? w 1960 roku rozwody nie by??y mo??liwe we W??oszech, baron decyduje siÄ? u??mierciÄ? ma????onkÄ?. W tym celu wprowadza w ??ycie misterny plan. Je??li nakryje ??onÄ? z innym mÄ???czyznÄ?, uratuje w??asny honor i otrzyma ??agodny wymiar kary. Jego poszukiwania kochanka dla ??ony skupiajÄ? siÄ? na osobie doskonale znanego Rosali malarza, Carmelo Patan??. Obsada: Marcello Mastroianni - Ferdinando Cefalu Daniela Rocca - Rosalia Cefalu Stefania Sandrelli - Angela Angela Cardile - Agnese Margherita Girelli - Sisina Antonio Acqua - KsiÄ?dz Lando Buzzanca - Rosario Mul?? Odoardo Spadaro - Don Gaetano Cefalu ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
  6. PiÄ?kna Amerykanka / La Belle Am??ricaine (1961) PL.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE / Lektor PL Re??yseria: Robert Dh??ry, Pierre Tchernia Scenariusz: Robert Dh??ry Gatunek: Komedia Kraj: Francja Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 104 min. Opis: Bogaty przemys??owiec pozostawia w spadku swojej sekretarce piÄ?kny, ameryka??ski samoch??d. W??ciek??a wdowa postanawia tanio sprzedaÄ? pojazd. Nowym w??a??cicielem zostaje skromny robotnik, Marcel. Przejazd ulicami miasta za k????kiem nowego nabytku wywo??uje na sÄ?siadach Marcela ogromne wra??enie. ??ycie jego i jego bliskich zmienia siÄ?. Obsada: Robert Dh??ry - Marcel Perrignon Colette Brosset - Paulette Perrignon Michel Serrault - Chauveau, kloszard Didier Daix - Bernapic Robert Destain - Inspektor Catherine Sola - Isabelle Zoutin Jean Lefebvre - Chougnasse, g????wny ksiÄ?gowy Bruno Balp - Operator stacji benzynowej ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
  7. Artist: Oliver Nelson Title: Nocturne Year Of Release: 1961 Label: OJC Genre: Jazz, Hard Bop Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 39:33 Total Size: 93 MB(+3%) Tracklist 01. Nocturne 02. Bob's Blues 03. Man With A Horn 04. Early Morning 05. In A Sentimental Mood 06. Azur'te 07. Time After Time personnel: Oliver Nelson - alto and tenor saxophone Lem Winchester - vibes Richard Wyands - piano George Duvivier - bass Roy Haynes - drums
  8. Sk????ceni z ??yciem / The Misfits (1961) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: John Huston Scenariusz: Arthur Miller Gatunek: Dramat Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1961 Czas trwania: 119 min. Opis: Piekna Roslyn, ??wie??o po rozwodzie spotyka dw??jkÄ? przyjaci???? Cuido i Gaya. ZamierzajÄ? spÄ?dziÄ? kilka dni poza miastem, w domu Cuida. Wyjazd ma na celu wypoczynek i relaks. Na poczÄ?tku wszystko przebiega g??adko, ale kiedy obaj mÄ???czy??ni zako[beeep]Ä? siÄ? w Roslyn, kt??rej towarzyszy przyjaci????ka Isabelle, w ich wzajemne stosunki wkrada siÄ? rywalizacja i zazdro??Ä?. UjawniajÄ? siÄ? te?? negatywne cechy charakteru. Wkr??tce Gay spotyka starego znajomego Perce'a i ca??a czw??rka wybiera siÄ? zapolowaÄ? na dzikie konie. Tam emocje siÄ?gajÄ? zenitu. By?? to ostatni, uko??czony film dla tr??jki wielkich gwiazd - Marilyn Monroe, Clarka Gable'a i Montgomery Clifta. Scenariusz zosta?? napisany przez ??wczesnego mÄ???a Monroe, wybitnego dramaturga Arthura Millera, specjalnie dla niej. Film mia?? pozwoliÄ? jej ujawniÄ? dramatyczny talent niedoceniany przez producent??w i widowniÄ?. Obsada: Clark Gable - Gay Langland Marilyn Monroe - Roslyn Taber Montgomery Clift - Perce Howland Thelma Ritter - Isabelle Steers Eli Wallach - Guido Kevin McCarthy - Raymond Taber James Barton - Dziadek Fletchera Philip Mitchell - Charles Steers ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  9. Artist: The Melachrino Strings and Orchestra Title: More Music For Relaxation Year Of Release: 1961 Label: RCA Victor Genre: Instrumental, Easy Listening, Jazz Quality: CBR 320 kbit/s Total Time: 39 min Total Size: 109MB Tracklist: A1.Alone Written-By - Brown A2.The Champagne Waltz Written-By - Oakland, Conrad, Drake A3.Poor Butterfly Written-By - Hubbell A4.Drifting And Dreaming Written-By - Van Alstyne, Schmidt, Curtis A5.Fascination Written-By - Marchetti A6.1.Among My Souvenirs Written-By - Nicholls A6.2.Chopin Nocturne In E-Flat Arranged By - Melachrino, Written-By - Chopin B1.The Four Seasons Written-By - Styne B2.Paradise Written-By - Brown B3.1.Serenade In Blue Written-By - Warren B3.2.Schubert's Serenad Arranged By - Melachrino, Written-By - Schubert B4.Mam'selle Written-By - Goulding B5.Misty Written-By - Garner B6.1.I'm Getting Sentimental Over You Written-By - Bassman B6.2.Softly Softly Written-By - Giasson Credits A&r - Ethel Gabriel Conductor - George Melachrino Engineer - Lewis Layton Liner Notes - Ferris Benda
  10. Artist: Tubby Hayes Title: Tubbs Year Of Release: 1961 [2006] Label: Fontana / Universal â?Ž[uCCM-9180] Genre: Jazz Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Total Time: 00:43:48 Total Size: 291 mb (+5%rec.) Tracks: 01. The Late One 3:59 02. Love Walked In 3:05 03. S'Posin' 3:57 04. Tubbsville 4:08 05. R.T.H. 5:32 06. Cherokee 3:40 07. Falling In Love With Love 7:02 08. The Folks Who Live On The Hill 4:15 09. Wonderful! Wonderful! 8:14
  11. Viridiana (1961) PL.DVDRip.XviD-Zelwik / Lektor PL gatunek: Dramat produkcja: Hiszpania, Meksyk premiera: 19 maja 1961 (??wiat) re??yseria: Luis Bunuel scenariusz: Luis Bunuel, Julio Alejandro ??ycie nowicjuszki Viridiany (Silvia Pinal) p??ynie spokojnym, uporzÄ?dkowanym torem. Pragnie przyjÄ?Ä? ??luby zakonne i do ko??ca ??ycia nie widzieÄ? ??wiata poza klasztorem. Na pro??bÄ? siostry prze??o??onej jedzie odwiedziÄ? swojego wuja. Viridiana nawet nie podejrzewa, ??e ta wizyta zmieni ca??e jej ??ycie.
  12. Artist: Crickets Title: Please Don't Ever Change 1961-62 Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Jasmine Music Genre: Country/Pop Quality: FLAC/320 Kbps Total Time: 72:11 Total Size: 325/176 MB Tracklist: 1. He's Old Enough To Know Better (1:52) 2. I'm Feeling Better (2:42) 3. Don't Ever Change (2:14) 4. I'm Not A Bad Guy (2:09) 5. I Believe In You (2:16) 6. Parisian Girl (1:57) 7. Little Hollywood Girl (2:09) 8. My Little Girl (1:55) 9. Teardrops Fall Like Rain (1:44) 10. Willie And The Hand Jive (2:42) 11. Summertime Blues (1:50) 12. Searchin' (2:49) 13. Pretty Blue Eyes (2:17) 14. What's I Say (2:34) 15. Blue, Blue Day (1:47) 16. Love Is Strange (2:32) 17. Blue Monday (2:15) 18. Break It Easy (2:01) 19. Looking All Over Town (1:47) 20. The Real Thing (Demo) (1:46) 21. Harlem Girl (Demo) (1:43) 22. Brand New Doll (Demo) (1:54) 23. A Fool Never Learns (Demo) (1:52) 24. Someday (2:08) 25. When You're In Love (1:52) 26. The Ballad Of Batman (2:27) 27. Batmobile (1:50) 28. Dardanella (2:06) 29. What Time Is It (1:55) 30. Stop Your Crying (2:10) 31. You're Thirteen (2:12) 32. Judee Malone (2:39) 33. I'm Tired (1:58) 34. Submarine Race (1:53) When The Crickets reformed in late 1961, after more than a year's inactivity, their line-up comprised founder-member Jerry Allison (drums & vocals) with Jerry Naylor (vocals), Sonny Curtis (guitar & vocals) and Glen D. Hardin (keyboards). They'd maintained a hugely loyal fan base in Britain and Europe since Buddy Holly's death, who proved highly receptive to the new line-up's recordings. As well as the million selling title track "Don't Ever Change", which made the UK Top 5, they registered internationally with sides like "He's Old Enough To Know Better", "Someday" (with Bobby Vee), "My Little Girl" and "Teardrops Fell Like Rain", whilst their first Liberty LP 'Something Old, Something New, Something Blue, Something Else' was a huge seller in the UK and Europe. This compilation features all their 1961-62 Liberty recordings, including all of the above, plus a half-dozen rare outtakes and demos. Also featured are a number of other serious collectors' rarities which have never previously appeared on CD, including singles by The Camps (actually The Crickets in disguise), The Raiders (a session band featuring Tommy Allsup & Jerry Allison), Jerry Naylor, solo, and Danny & Gwen (Naylor with Vikki Carr).
  13. Artist: Various Artists Title: Tio I Topp 1961-1974 Year Of Release: 2011 Label: EMI Music [50999-0911057-2] Genre: Pop, Rock Quality: CBR 320 kbps (tracks) Total Time: 4:00:26 Total Size: 567 mb / 1,33 gb Tracklist : CD 1 01.Eddie Hodges - Im Gonna Knock on Your Door 2:07 02.Ray Adams - Violetta 2:27 03.Gene Mcdaniels - Tower of Strength 2:20 04.Bobby Vee - Take Good Care of My Baby 2:30 05.Elvis Presley - Good Luck Charm 2:26 06.Ron Goodwin - Murder She Says 2:05 07.Gene Vincent - Be-Bop-A-Lula 2:10 08.Rick Nelson - Young World 2:25 09.Dion - Sandy 2:22 10.Billy J Kramer & the Dakotas - Bad to Me 2:20 11.Streaplers - Diggity Doggety 2:00 12.Bobby Bare - Detroit City 2:50 13.Gerry & the Pacemakers - How Do You Do it 1:55 14.Big Dee Irwin - Swing on A Star 2:39 15.Mr Acker Bilk - The Harem 2:24 16.Snobs - Buckle Shoe Stomp 2:16 17.Alma Cogan - Tennessee Waltz 2:12 18.Beatles - Aint She Sweet 2:13 19.Shanes - Let Me Show You Who I Am 2:27 20.Tages - Sleep Little Girl 2:28 21.Honeycombs - Thats the Way 3:00 22.Del Shannon - Keep Searchin 2:12 23.Yardleys - Under the Boardwalk 2:33 CD 2 01.Hep Stars - No Response 1:39 02.Animals - Bring it on Home to Me 2:36 03.Lenne & the Lee Kings - L.O.D. (Love on Delivery) 2:23 04.Kinks - A Well Respected Man 2:42 05.Mascots - Words Enough to Tell You 1:57 06.Beach Boys - Good Vibrations 3:37 07.Monkees - The Girl I Knew Somewhere 2:38 08.Dee Jays - Baby Talk 2:39 09.Vat 66 - The Birds in the Sky 3:20 10.Young Idea - With A Little Help from My Friends 2:34 11.Paul Jones - Privilege 2:59 12.Red Squares - Lollipop 2:32 13.Keith West - Excerpt from A Teenage Opera 4:33 14.Cowsills - The Rain the Park and Other Things 3:01 15.Scaffold - Thank U Very Much 2:33 16.Lulu - Me the Peaceful Heart 2:26 17.Esther & Abi Ofarim - Cinderella Rockefella 2:34 18.Fireballs - Bottle of Wine 2:11 19.Hollies - Carrie Anne 2:54 20.Tremeloes - Suddenly You Love Me 2:47 21.Flamingokvintetten - Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen 2:26 CD 3 01.Don Partridge - Blue Eyes 2:29 02.O.C. Smith - The Son of Hickory Hollers Tramp 3:53 03.Hermans Hermits - Sleepy Joe 2:57 04.Leapy Lee - Little Arrows 3:00 05.Lee Hazlewood & Suzi Jane Hokum - Summer Wine 3:01 06.Claes Dieden - Da Doo Ron Ron 2:09 07.New Christy Minstrels - Where Did Our Love Go 3:33 08.Eleanor Bodel - One Way Ticket 2:41 09.Donovan - To Susan on the West Coast Waiting 3:15 10.Sonny James - Running Bear 2:49 11.Gene Pitney - If I Only Had Time 2:51 12.Otis Redding - (Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher 3:02 13.Suzie - Walking Back to Happiness 3:01 14.George Howe - Maxwells Silver Hammer 3:17 15.Rank Strangers - Early Mornin Rain 3:09 16.Pipkins - Gimme Dat Ding 2:13 17.CCS - Walking 3:13 18.Harpo - Sayonara 3:35 19.Christie - Yellow River 2:44 20.Pacific Gas & Electric - Are You Ready 2:38 21.Edwin Starr - War 3:46 CD 4 01.Matthews Southern Comfort - Woodstock 4:30 02.Bobby Gentry and Glen Campbell - All I Have to Do is Dream 2:35 03.Ireen Sheer - Hey Pleasure Man 2:33 04.Jose Feliciano - Shake A Hand 3:37 05.Albert Hammon - The Free Electric Band 3:07 06.Shakane - Big Step 3:06 07.Archies - A Summer Prayer for Peace 2:52 08.Daniel Boone - Beautiful Sunday 3:04 09.Glenmarks - Big Fat Oranguman 2:24 10.Peter Noone - Should I 3:17 11.Ricky Wilde - I Am an Astronaut 2:36 12.James Boys - Over and Over 2:24 13.Anne Murray - What About Me 2:38 14.Lena - Maria & Sweet Wine-Hideaway 3:19 15.Birgitta Wollg rd & Salut - My Whole World is Falling Down 2:33 16.Marvin Hamlisch - The Entertainer 3:06 17.Paper Lace - Billy Dont Be A Hero 4:05 18.Douglas - Monkey Song 3:45 19.Les Humphries Singers - Mama Loo 3:47 20.Bj rn Skifs Och Bl blus - Half Breed 2:55 21.Rubettes - Sugar Baby Love 3:32
  14. Artist: VA Title: American Heartbeat 1961 Year Of Release: 2014 Label: One Day Music Genre: Rockabilly, Rock & Roll, Country Quality: MP3 192 kbps Total Time: 02:04:21 (2 CD) Total Size: 177 Mb Tracklist : CD 1 1. Dion - Runaround Sue (2:40) 2. Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (2:00) 3. Jimmy Dean - Big Bad John (3:02) 4. Ral Donner - You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It) (2:12) 5. The Drifters - Please Stay (2:19) 6. Roy Orbison - Crying (2:48) 7. Leroy Van Dyke - Walk On By (2:23) 8. Dick & Dee Dee - The Mountain's High (2:18) 9. Elvis Presley - (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame (2:07) 10. Chubby Checker - Pony Time (2:30) 11. Gene McDaniels - A Hundred Pounds Of Clay (2:23) 12. Ernie K. Doe - Mother-In-Law (2:31) 13. Clarence 'Frogman' Henry - (I Don't Know Why) But I Do (2:21) 14. The Mar-Keys - Last Night (2:37) 15. The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman (2:34) 16. The Shirelies - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (2:43) 17. Bobby Vee - Run To Him (2:10) 18. Patsy Cline - Crazy (2:45) 19. Adam Wade - The Writing On The Wall (2:30) 20. The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2:41) 21. Lawrence Welk & His Orchestra - Calcutta (2:14) 22. Joe Dowell - Wooden Heart (2:05) 23. Gary U.S. Bonds - Quarter To Three (2:35) 24. Chris Kenner - I Like It Like That (Part 1) (2:16) 25. Floyd Cramer - On The Rebound (2:09) CD 2 1. Bobby Vee - Take Good Care Of My Baby (2:40) 2. Del Shannon - Runaway (2:21) 3. Roy Orbison - Running Scared (2:13) 4. Brenda Lee - Fool No. 1 (2:28) 5. Jorgen Ingmann - Apache (2:58) 6. Dee Clark - Raindrops (2:39) 7. Elvis Presley - Surrender (1:55) 8. The Highwaymen - Michael (Row The Boat Ashore) (2:46) 9. Gary U.S. Bonds - School Is Out (2:29) 10. The Jive Five - My True Story (2:35) 11. Ricky Nelson - Travelin' Man (2:23) 12. The Marcels - Blue Moon (2:20) 13. The Shirelles - Dedicated To The One I Love (2:02) 14. The Miracles - Shop Around (2:49) 15. Bobby Lewis - Tossin' & Turnin' (2:20) 16. Pat Boone - Moody River (2:33) 17. The Capris - There's A Moon Out Tonight (2:13) 18. The Dovells - Bristol Stomp (2:20) 19. Shep & The Limelites - Daddy's Home (2:46) 20. James Darren - Goodbye Cruel World (2:22) 21. Marty Robbins - Don't Worry (3:13) 22. Elvis Presley - I Feel So Bad (2:55) 23. The String-A-Lomgs - Wheels (1:56) 24. Brook Benton - The Boll Weevil Song (2:42) 25. Connie Francis - Together (2:56)
  15. Artist: Big Joe Williams Title: Blues On Highway 49 Year Of Release: 1961/2004 Label: Delmark Records Genre: Delta Blues, Pre-War Country Blues Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 38:52 Total Size: 104 MB Tracklist: 1. Highway 49 (3:52) 2. Overhaul Your Machine (2:19) 3. Blues Left Texas (3:24) 4. No. 13 Highway (2:31) 5. Down In The Bottoms (2:34) 6. Poor Beggar (3:25) 7. That Thing's In Town (3:49) 8. Walk On, Little Girl (2:58) 9. Tia Juana Blues (3:19) 10. 45 Blues (3:12) 11. Arkansas Woman (3:14) 12. Four Corners Of The World (4:11) One of Big Joe Williams's better releases, Blues on Highway 49 is a tense, gritty set of roadhouse blues. Williams's stinging playing and singing brings out the best in such songs as "Tia Juana Blues" and "45 Blues" -- he shows exactly how Delta blues could be updated. ~Review by Thom Owens
  16. Artist: The Jazz Crusaders Title: Freedom Sound Year Of Release: 1961 Label: Pacific Jazz Genre: Jazz, Soul Jazz Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 47:12 Total Size: 123 mb Tracklist: 01. The Geek 02. M.J.S. Funk (Alternate Version) 03. Coon (Alternate Version) 04. Freedom Sound 05. Theme From "Exodus" 06. That's It 07. M.J.S. Funk 08. Coon ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  17. Artist: Lonnie Johnson With Victoria Spivey Title: Idle Hours (Remastered) Year Of Release: 1961/2016 Label: J. Joes J. Edizioni Musicali Genre: Acoustic Blues, Country Blues Quality: FLAC MP3 Total Time: 40:57 Total Size: 252 MB 112 MB Tracklist: 1. Darling, I Miss You So (3:23) 2. Long Time Blues (4:37) 3. You Are My Life (3:38) 4. Oh Yes Baby (2:44) 5. Please Baby (2:53) 6. Leave Me Or Love Me (2:58) 7. Idle Hours (3:31) 8. You Have No Love In Your Heart (3:50) 9. Good Luck Darling (3:21) 10. No More Cryin' (3:36) 11. I Got The Blues So Bad (3:03) 12. End It All (3:17) Johnson and Victoria Spivey had known one another for decades (they duetted on the ribald "Toothache Blues" way back in 1928), so it's no surprise that their musical repartee on 1961's Idle Hours seems so natural and playful. Spivey guests on three tracks (including the title number) and plays piano on her one solo entry. Johnson does the majority of the disc without her, benefitting from pianistic accompaniment by Cliff Jackson. ~by Bill Dahl
  18. Artist: VA Title: Jamaica: Rhythm & Blues 1956-1961 Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Fr??meaux & Associ??s â?Ž[FA 5358] Genre: Reggae, Funk / Soul, Blues Quality: FLAC (*tracks + .cue,log) Total Time: 01:59:18 Total Size: 540 mb (+5%rec.) Tracks: CD 1 01. Laurel Aitken with The Boogie cats - Boogie rock 02. Denzil Laing & The Wrigglers - Bloodshot eyes 03. Higgs & Wilson - Manny oh 04. Theophilus Beckford with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Easy snapping 05. Theophilus Beckford with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Georgie and the old shoe 06. Rico Rodriguez - Let George do it 07. Laurel Aitken with Ken Richards & his Harmonisers - Low down dirty girl 08. Laurel Aitken with The Boogie cats - Baba kill me goat 09. Drumbago All Stars - Duck soup 10. Theophilus Beckford with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Jack and Jill shuffle 11. Derrick Morgan with Duke Reid & his group - Fat man 12. Duke Reid's All Stars - Pink Lane shuffle 13. Derrick Morgan with Duke Reid & his group - Lover boy 14. Lloyd Clarke - Parapinto boogie 15. Laurel Aitken with Ken Richards & his Harmonisers - Judgement day 16. Bell's group - Kingston 13 17. Laurel Aitken - More whisky 18. The Folk brothers with Prince Buster All Stars & Count Ossie Afro-combo - Oh Carolina 19. Owen Gray with Kenneth Richard & his band - Cutest little woman 20. Owen Gray with Kenneth Richard & his band - Running around 21. Laurel Aitken with Duke Reid & his group - Mighty redeemer 22. Buddy Davidson with Byron Lee & The Dragonnaires - Kissin' gal CD 2 01. Owen Gray with Hersang & his City slickers - Sinners weep 02. The Jiving Juniors with Hersang & his City slickers - Hip rub 03. Theophilus Beckford - She's gone (my baby is gone) 04. Laurel Aitken & The Caribs - Drinkin' whisky 05. Owen Gray with Hersang & his City slickers - Get drunk 06. Drumbago All Stars - Corn bread and butter 07. Eric ''Monty'' Morris with Drumbago All Stars - Humpty dumpty 08. Derrick Morgan - I'm gonna leave you 09. Duke Reid's All Stars - What makes honey 10. Lascelles Perkins with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Lonely Robin 11. Roy Panton with Drumbago All Stars - Forty four 12. Theophilus Beckford - Don't want me no more 13. Bunny & Skitter - Rock with my baby 14. Derrick Morgan - Wigger wee shuffle 15. Neville Esson with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Lovers' jive 16. Laurel Aitken & The Blue beats - Hey bartender 17. The Folk brothers with Prince Buster All Stars & Count Ossie Afro-combo - I met a man 18. Keith & Enid with Trenton Spence & his group - Everything will be all right 19. Derrick Morgan - Leave Earth 20. Shenley & Annette - Million dollar baby 21. The Blues blasters - Down beat special 22. The Mellow cats - Another Moses
  19. Artist: VA Title: Complete Pop Instrumental Hits Of The Sixties Vol.2 ~ 1961 Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Eric Genre: Easy Listening, Instrumental, Pop, Rock Quality: MP3 320 kbps Total Time: 03:24:32 (3 CD) Total Size: 481 Mb Tracklist: CD 1 1. Bert Kaempfert & His Orchestra - Wonderland By Night (3:14) 2. Louis Prima - Wonderland By Night (3:11) 3. Viscounts - Wabash Blues (2:03) 4. Jerry Murad's Harmonicats - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom (1:49) 5. Ferrante & Teicher - Exodus (2:57) 6. Mantovani & His Orchestra - Main Theme From Exodus (Ari's (3:13) 7. Al Caiola & His Orchestra - The Magnificent Seven (2:04) 8. Royaltones - Flamingo Express (1:56) 9. Duane Eddy & The Rebels - Pepe (2:05) 10. H.B. Barnum - Lost Love (2:22) 11. Lawrence Welk & His Orchestra - Calcutta (2:16) 12. Ramrods - (Ghost) Riders In The Sky (2:37) 13. Johnny & The Hurricanes - Ja-Da (2:05) 14. String A Longs - Wheels (1:57) 15. Ventures - Ram Bunk Shush (1:46) 16. Bert Kaempfert & His Orchestra - Cerveza (2:33) 17. The Cambridge Strings & Singer - (Theme From) Tunes Of Glory (2:21) 18. Mitch Miller & His Orchestra - Tunes Of Glory (2:43) 19. Billy Vaughn & His Orchestra - Wheels (2:07) 20. Bill Doggett - Honky Tonk (Part 2) (2:37) 21. Bill Black's Combo - Hearts Of Stone (2:00) 22. Billy Vaughn & His Orchestra - Orange Blossom Special (2:36) 23. Texans - Green Grass Of Texas (2:21) 24. Jorgen Ingmann - Apache (3:03) 25. Henry Mancini & His Orchestra - (Theme From) The Great Imposte (2:46) 26. Freddie King - Hide Away (2:38) 27. Kokomo - Asia Minor (2:00) 28. Floyd Cramer - On The Rebound (2:09) 29. Duane Eddy & The Rebels - Theme From Dixie (2:00) CD 2 1. Ferrante & Teicher - (Love Theme From) One Eyed Jac (3:05) 2. Lawrence Welk & His Orchestra - (Theme From) My Three Sons (2:04) 3. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Like Long Hair (1:58) 4. String-A-Longs - Brass Buttons (2:04) 5. Bert Kaempfert & His Orchestra - Tenderly (3:15) 6. Ray Charles - One Mint Julep (3:08) 7. B. Bumble & The Stingers - Bumble Boogie (2:13) 8. Frogmen - Underwater (2:08) 9. The Cannonball Adderley Orches - African Waltz (2:09) 10. Al Caiola & His Orchestra - Bonanza (2:19) 11. Ventures - Lullaby Of The Leaves (2:00) 12. Peter Soffici - That's The Way With Love (2:46) 13. Eddie Harris - Exodus (1:58) 14. Duane Eddy & The Rebels - Ring Of Fire (2:22) 15. Jorgen Ingmann - Anna (1:54) 16. Ferrante & Teicher - (Theme From) Goodbye Again (3:14) 17. The Phil Upchurch Combo - You Can't Sit Down (Part 2) (2:15) 18. Bill Black's Combo - Ole Buttermilk Sky (2:05) 19. Billy Vaughn & His Orchestra - Blue Tomorrow (2:23) 20. Lawrence Welk & His Orchestra - Yellow Bird (2:15) 21. Adrian Kimberly - (The Graduation Song) Pomp And (2:03) 22. B. Bumble & The Stingers - Boogie Woogie (2:12) 23. Floyd Cramer - San Antonio Rose (2:19) 24. String-A-Longs - Should I (1:48) 25. The Arthur Lyman Group - Yellow Bird (2:45) 26. Duane Eddy & The Rebels - Drivin' Home (2:29) 27. Ray Ellis & His Orchestra - La Dolce Vita (The Sweet Life) (2:35) 28. Mar-Keys - Last Night (2:39) CD 3 1. Ernie Fields Orchestra - The Charleston (2:10) 2. The Fireballs - Quite A Party (1:48) 3. Joe Reisman And His Orchestra - The Guns Of Navarone (2:08) 4. Freddie King - San-Ho-Zay (2:37) 5. Bert Kaempfert & His Orchestra - Now And Forever (2:48) 6. Santo & Johnny - Hop Scotch (1:57) 7. Rondells - Back Beat No. 1 (2:13) 8. The Ventures - (Theme From) Silver City (1:56) 9. Duane Eddy & The Rebels - My Blue Heaven (2:30) 10. Richard Hayman: Richard Hayman Orchestra - night Train (2:25) 11. Bob Moore & His Orchestra - Mexico (2:36) 12. Lawrence Welk & His Orchestra - Riders In The Sky (1:56) 13. Don Shirley Trio - Water Boy (2:57) 14. The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five (2:55) 15. Bill Black's Combo - Honky Train (2:01) 16. Bill Black's Combo - Movin' (2:02) 17. Floyd Cramer - Hang On (1:47) 18. Hank Levine & His Orchestra - Image (Part 1) (2:23) 19. The Parkays - Late Date (2:21) 20. The Duals - Stick Shift (2:31) 21. Floyd Cramer - Your Last Goodbye (2:26) 22. Billy Vaughn & His Orchestra - Berlin Melody (2:30) 23. The Mar-Keys - Morning After (2:14) 24. Billy Vaughn & His Orchestra - Come September (2:29) 25. The Ventures - Blue Moon (2:15) 26. Jack Eubanks & The Sound Of The South - Searching (2:34) 27. Ferrante & Teicher - Tonight (3:01) 28. Si Zentner & His Orchestra - Up A Lazy River (2:04) 29. Sandy Nelson - Let There Be Drums (2:18) DOWNLOAD
  20. Artist: VA Title: Bossa Nova 1958-1961: La Sainte Trinite Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Fremeaux & Associes Genre: Jazz, Bossa Nova Quality: Mp3 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 01:48:33 Total Size: 253 / 605 Mb Tracklist: CD 1: 01. Insensatez (Joao Gilberto) 02:27 02. Fotografia (Silvia Telles) 02:49 03. Doralice (Joao Gilberto) 01:28 04. Rapaz De Bem (Carlos Lyra) 03:20 05. Desafinado (Joao Gilberto) 02:00 06. Nocturno (Bud Shank) 03:33 07. Um Abraco No Bonfa (Joao Gilberto) 01:39 08. Luzes Do Rio (Luiz Bonfa) 02:33 09. Corcovado (Silvia Telles) 02:33 10. Meditacao (Joao Gilberto) 01:46 11. Ho Ba La La (Joao Gilberto) 02:16 12. Maria Ninguem (Carlos Lyra) 02:56 13. Tete (Silvia Telles) 02:27 14. Pernas (Sergio Ricardo) 02:00 15. Zelao (Os Cariocas) 02:53 16. Manha De Carnaval (Agostinho Dos Santos) 02:44 17. Outra Vez (Elizeth Cardoso) 01:55 18. Esse Seu Olhar (Joao Gilberto) 02:15 19. Saudade Fez Um Samba Em Seu Lugar (Joao Gilberto) 01:47 20. O Samba Da Minha Terra (Joao Gilberto) 02:21 21. Cancao Do Olhar Amado (Carlos Lyra) 02:34 22. Se E Tarde Me Perdoa (Silvia Telles) 01:45 23. Carioca Hills (Bud Shank) 03:07 24. Ciume (Carlos Lyra) 03:01 CD 2: 01. O Barquinho (Maysa) 02:20 02. O Amor Em Paz (Joao Gilberto) 02:23 03. O Pato (Joao Gilberto) 02:00 04. Discussao (Silvia Telles) 01:58 05. Nada Como Ter Amor (Carlos Lyra) 01:47 06. Samba De Uma Nota So (Joao Gilberto) 01:39 07. Rio Rhapsody (Bud Shank) 03:41 08. Dindi (Silvia Telles) 02:35 09. Voce E Eu (Carlos Lyra) 01:03 10. Chega De Saudade (Joao Gilberto) 02:01 11. So Em Teus Bracos (Silvia Telles) 01:54 12. Quebra Mar (Luiz Bonfa) 02:38 13. Choro In A (Bud Shank) 02:36 14. Tudo E Bossa (Os Cariocas) 02:10 15. Lobo Bobo (Joao Gilberto) 01:23 16. Bolinha De Papel (Joao Gilberto) 01:19 17. Rosa Morena (Joao Gilberto) 02:05 18. A Felicidade (Agostinho Dos Santos) 02:47 19. Errinho A Toa (Maysa) 01:45 20. Amor Certinho (Joao Gilberto) 01:53 21. A Primeira Vez (Joao Gilberto) 01:53 22. Maxima Culpa (Sergio Ricardo) 02:02 23. Coisa Mais Linda (Carlos Lyra) 01:31 24. Chora Tua Tristeza (Carlos Lyra) 02:34 DOWNLOAD
  21. Artist: VA Title: Curtis Mathes Collection Of Stereo Music Year Of Release: 1961 Label: Columbia / Curtis Mathes Genre: Easy Listening, Classical, Jazz, Quality: MP3 320 | FLAC Total Time: 06:21:12 (10 Volumes) Total Size: 899 Mb | 2,3 Gb Tracklist: Album 1 1. Ray Conniff - Oklahoma (2:44) 2. Richard Maltby - You and the Night and the Music (2:30) 3. Percy Faith - My Favorite Things (2:45) 4. Lehman Engle - Overture: Kiss Me Kate (6:16) 5. Tony Bennett - Just in Time (1:58) 6. Ray Ellis - Anything Goes (2:18) 7. Kirby Stone - Baubles, Bangles and Beads (2:15) 8. Norman Luboff - Once in Love With Amy (2:19) 9. Andre Kostelanetz - Fan Tan Fannie (2:47) 10. Paul Weston - She Didn't Say Yes (2:29) 11. Luther Henderson - On the Sunny Side of the Street (2:36) 12. Andre Previn - Take Me Along (4:41) Album 2 1. Percy Faith - Camelot (2:20) 2. Tony Bennett - I'm Always Chasing Rainbows (2:45) 3. Paul Weston Orchestra - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (3:01) 4. Norman Luboff Choir - How Are Things In Glocca Morra (3:02) 5. Andre Klostelantz Orchestra - I Enjoy Being A Girl (3:21) 6. Dave Brubech Quartet - Quiet Girl (2:28) 7. Dino Martinelli Orchestra - June Is Bustin' Out All Over (2:50) 8. Percy Faith Orchestra - Some Enchanted Evening (4:39) 9. Neal Hefti Orchestra - September Song (2:39) 10. Ray Conniff Orchestra - Getting To Know You/I Whistle A Happy Tune (3:14) 11. Earl Wrightson - Our Language Of Love (2:52) 12. The Four Lads - They Say It's Wonderful (2:28) Album 3 1. Frank De Vol Orchestra - Medley: There's No Business Like Show Business; Ive Got The Sun In The Morming; The Girl that L Marry (3:19) 2. The Hi-Lo's - Everythin's Coming Up Roses (3:13) 3. Ray Conniff Orchestra - Night And Day (3:22) 4. Tony Bennett - After You're Gone (3:56) 5. Luther Henderson Orestra - I Love Paris (2:24) 6. Johnny Ray - I.'m Begining To See The Light (3:28) 7. Frankie Laine - These Foolish Things (5:08) 8. Jo Stafford - You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (3:25) 9. Duke Ellington - Moog Indigo (3:07) 10. The Hi-Lo's - Climb Every Mountain (2:41) 11. Paul Weston Orchestra - Stars In My Eyes (3:05) 12. Norman Luboff Chroir - I Whistle A Happy Tune (2:27) Album 4 1. The Four Lads - Swingin' Down The Lane (2:13) 2. Andre Kostelanetz - Le Mer (2:15) 3. Norman Luboff Choir - Lavender's Blue (3:28) 4. Jo Stafford - Blues In The Night (3:20) 5. Harry Reser Orchestra - Yo're The Cream In My Coffee (1:50) 6. Andre Kostelanetz - Can Can (2:39) 7. The Four Lads - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (3:39) 8. Duke Ellington Orchestra - Perdido (4:32) 9. Andre Kostelanetz - Song Of The Island (2:59) 10. Norman Luboff Choir - You'll Never Walk Alone (1:52) 11. Paul Weston Orchestra - Who? (1:34) 12. Tony Bennett - September Song (3:53) Album 5 1. Frankie Laine - New Orleans (3:53) 2. Andre Klostelantz - Autumn Leaves (2:31) 3. The Hi Lo's - Lady in Red (3:07) 4. Duke Ellington Orchestra - Alice Blue Gown (3:07) 5. Norman Luboff Choir - Last Round-up (3:26) 6. Johnny Ray - I'm Confessin' (4:18) 7. Paul Weston Orchestra - Why Do I Love You? (3:00) 8. Jo Stafford - I Should Care (3:44) 9. Norman Luboff Choir - Remember Me (3:08) 10. Polly Bergen - Come Rain Or Come Shine (2:49) 11. Andre Klostelantz Orchestra - Under Paris Skies (1:50) 12. Luther Henderson Orchestra - Mack The Knife (3:07) Album 6 1. Les Brown And His Band Of Renown - Love Walked In (3:18) 2. Polly Bergen - Make Someone Happy (2:46) 3. Lionel Hampton - Deep Purple (4:10) 4. The Four Lads - That Old Feeling (2:41) 5. The Banjo Barons - Medley: Bill Bailey/There's A Tavern In The Town/She'll Be Coming Round-The Mountain (2:22) 6. Frankie Laine - The Touch Of Your Lips (3:16) 7. Percy Faith - Tenderly (3:47) 8. The Four Lads - Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland (3:01) 9. Percy Faith - Granada (3:24) 10. The Si Rady Voices - Dream (3:40) 11. Duke Ellington - Where Or When (3:56) 12. The Romanoff Singers - Meadowland (3:23) Album 7 1. Billy Butterfield - Stardust (2:58) 2. Jerry Vale - Peg O' My Heart (2:45) 3. Paul Weston - Why Was I Born? (2:38) 4. The Norman Luboff Choir - The Girl That I Marry (2:50) 5. Andre' Previn - P.S. I Love You (3:07) 6. Vic Damone - Cuddle Up A Little Closer (3:21) 7. Les Elgart - You're Driving Me Crazy (2:20) 8. Tony Bennett - Put On A Happy Face (2:41) 9. The Romanoff Singers - Two Guitars (3:32) 10. Andre' Previn - The Lusty Month Of May (4:45) 11. Vic Damone - Gigi (3:06) 12. Percy Faith - Never On Sunday (2:47) Album 8 1. Percy Faith - Moon River (3:37) 2. Frankie Laine - I Get Along Without You Very Well (3:03) 3. Duke Ellington - Take The A Train (5:38) 4. Ray Conniff - Love Letters (2:55) 5. Frank De Vol - Moments To Remember (3:30) 6. The Si Rady Voices - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (3:54) 7. Paul Weston - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (3:01) 8. Jerry Vale - Paradise (3:17) 9. Tony Bennett - Just In Time (2:01) 10. Jack Pleis - Medley: On The Sunny Side Of The Street/Exactly Like You (2:59) 11. Duke Ellington - Gypsy Love Song (4:06) 12. The Merrill Staton Choir - Anything Hyou Can Do I Can Do Better (3:03) Album 9 1. Percy Faith - I Only Have Eyes For You (4:44) 2. Ray Conniff - The Thrill Is Gone (2:47) 3. Lionel Hampton - Blue Moon (3:46) 4. The Kirby Stone Four - In The Good Old Summertime (3:18) 5. Percy Faith - Quiereme Mucho (3:24) 6. Jerry Vale - Camelot (2:35) 7. Andre Kostelanetz - Prelude No.2 Gershwin (3:25) 8. Andre Kostelanetz - Bess, Oh Where's My Bess; Gershwin (3:11) 9. Andre Previn; Andre Kostelanatz - Rhapsody in Blue; Gershwin (13:58) Album 10 1. The Merrill Staton Choir - Strawberry Roan (3:02) 2. the Merrill Staton Choir - Home On The Range (3:52) 3. The Brothers Four - Yellow Bird (2:29) 4. The Norman Luboff Choir - Red River Valley (3:39) 5. The Norman Luboff Choir - Riders In The Sky (3:13) 6. The Brothers Four - On Top Of Old Smokey (3:06) 7. The Dukes Of Dixieland - Hey Look Me Over (3:00) 8. Carmen Mc Rae - Weep No More (2:55) 9. Richard Maltby - When I Fall In Love (3:06) 10. The Four Lads - Accentuate The Positive (2:21) 11. Lester Lanin - Always True To You; In My Fashion; (4:50) 12. Ray Conniff - They Say It's Wonderful (2:30) DOWNLOAD
  22. Artist: VA Title: Come On Let's Go ~ The Pye International Story 1958-1961 Year Of Release: 2012 Label: One Day Music Genre: Pop, Vocal, Rock'n'Roll Quality: MP3 320 kbps Total Time: 02:02:42 (2 CD) Total Size: 298 Mb Tracklist: CD 1 1. Richie Valens - Come On, Let's Go (2:02) 2. Bob & Jerry - Ghost Satellite (1:54) 3. Travis & Bob - Tell Him No (2:06) 4. The Hot Toddies - Shakin' And Stompin' (2:33) 5. Nina & Frederik - Jamaica Farewell (2:38) 6. The Tempos - See You In September (1:59) 7. Nina Simone - Chilly Winds Don't Blow (2:46) 8. Jimmy Darren - Angel Face (2:00) 9. Santo & Johnny - Sleepwalk (2:23) 10. Dion & The Belmonts - A Lover's Prayer (2:19) 11. The Nutty Squirrels - Uh! Oh! (Part 1) (2:18) 12. The Little Dippers - Forever (2:24) 13. The Georgettes - Down By The River (2:01) 14. Jimmy Darren - Because They're Young (2:36) 15. The Bobbettes - I Shot Mr. Lee (2:34) 16. Annette Funicello - Pineapple Princess (2:24) 17. Shirley Jones - Pepe (4:42) 18. The Marcels - Blue Moon (2:19) 19. Don Covay - Pony Time (2:18) 20. Clarence "Frogman" Henry - (I Don't Know Why) But I Do (2:21) 21. Etta James - At Last (3:01) 22. Etta James - Trust In Me (2:59) 23. The Vigilantes - Man In Space (3:04) 24. The Marcels - Summertime (2:15) 25. The Edsels - Rama Lama Ding Dong (2:27) CD 2 1. Joe Reisman & His Orchestra - The Guns Of Navarone (2:07) 2. The Marathons - Peanut Butter (2:03) 3. Clarence "Frogman" Henry - You Always Hurt The One You Love (2:30) 4. Shep & The Limelites - Daddy's Home (2:46) 5. The Skyliners - I'll Close My Eyes (2:22) 6. The Fireballs - Quite A Party (1:49) 7. Janie Grant - Triangle (2:27) 8. The Belmonts - Tell Me Why (2:44) 9. Neil Scott - Bobby (2:42) 10. Slim Harpo - Rainin' In My Heart (2:33) 11. Chuck Berry - I'm Talking About You (1:49) 12. Howlin' Wolf - Down In The Bottom (2:10) 13. Paul Peek - Brother-In-Law (2:25) 14. The Ideals - Knee Socks (1:40) 15. Tiny Topsy - After Marriage Blues (2:20) 16. The Marcels - You Are My Sunshine (2:40) 17. The Vibrations - The Watusi (2:34) 18. Clarence "Frogman" Henry - Lonely Street (2:10) 19. The Sensations - Music Music Music (3:17) 20. Santo & Johnny - Theme From 'Come September' (1:53) 21. Shep & The Limelites - Ready For Your Love (2:49) 22. Etta James - Dream (2:26) 23. The Marcels - Heartaches (2:33) 24. Clarence "Frogman" Henry - Standing In The Need Of Love (2:37) 25. James Darren - Goodbye Cruel World (2:28) DOWNLOAD
  23. Artist: VA Title: Jamaica: Rhythm & Blues 1956-1961 Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Fr??meaux & Associ??s â?Ž[FA 5358] Genre: Reggae, Funk / Soul, Blues Quality: FLACs (*tracks + .cue,log) Total Time: 01:59:18 Total Size: 540 mb (+5%rec.) Tracks: CD 1 01. Laurel Aitken with The Boogie cats - Boogie rock 02. Denzil Laing & The Wrigglers - Bloodshot eyes 03. Higgs & Wilson - Manny oh 04. Theophilus Beckford with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Easy snapping 05. Theophilus Beckford with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Georgie and the old shoe 06. Rico Rodriguez - Let George do it 07. Laurel Aitken with Ken Richards & his Harmonisers - Low down dirty girl 08. Laurel Aitken with The Boogie cats - Baba kill me goat 09. Drumbago All Stars - Duck soup 10. Theophilus Beckford with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Jack and Jill shuffle 11. Derrick Morgan with Duke Reid & his group - Fat man 12. Duke Reid's All Stars - Pink Lane shuffle 13. Derrick Morgan with Duke Reid & his group - Lover boy 14. Lloyd Clarke - Parapinto boogie 15. Laurel Aitken with Ken Richards & his Harmonisers - Judgement day 16. Bell's group - Kingston 13 17. Laurel Aitken - More whisky 18. The Folk brothers with Prince Buster All Stars & Count Ossie Afro-combo - Oh Carolina 19. Owen Gray with Kenneth Richard & his band - Cutest little woman 20. Owen Gray with Kenneth Richard & his band - Running around 21. Laurel Aitken with Duke Reid & his group - Mighty redeemer 22. Buddy Davidson with Byron Lee & The Dragonnaires - Kissin' gal CD 2 01. Owen Gray with Hersang & his City slickers - Sinners weep 02. The Jiving Juniors with Hersang & his City slickers - Hip rub 03. Theophilus Beckford - She's gone (my baby is gone) 04. Laurel Aitken & The Caribs - Drinkin' whisky 05. Owen Gray with Hersang & his City slickers - Get drunk 06. Drumbago All Stars - Corn bread and butter 07. Eric ''Monty'' Morris with Drumbago All Stars - Humpty dumpty 08. Derrick Morgan - I'm gonna leave you 09. Duke Reid's All Stars - What makes honey 10. Lascelles Perkins with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Lonely Robin 11. Roy Panton with Drumbago All Stars - Forty four 12. Theophilus Beckford - Don't want me no more 13. Bunny & Skitter - Rock with my baby 14. Derrick Morgan - Wigger wee shuffle 15. Neville Esson with Clue J. & his Blues blasters - Lovers' jive 16. Laurel Aitken & The Blue beats - Hey bartender 17. The Folk brothers with Prince Buster All Stars & Count Ossie Afro-combo - I met a man 18. Keith & Enid with Trenton Spence & his group - Everything will be all right 19. Derrick Morgan - Leave Earth 20. Shenley & Annette - Million dollar baby 21. The Blues blasters - Down beat special 22. The Mellow cats - Another Moses DOWNLOAD
  24. Artist: Booker Little Title: Victory Sorrow Year Of Release: 1961 Label: Bethlehem Records Genre: Jazz, Bop Quality: FLAC Total Time: 41:42 Total Size: 230 MB Tracklist: A1. Victory And Sorrow A2. Forward Flight A3. Looking Ahead B1. If I Should Lose You B2. Calling Softly B3. Booker's Blues B4. Matilde
  25. Artist: Booker Little Title: Out Front Year Of Release: 1961 Label: Candid Genre: Jazz, Bop Quality: FLAC Total Time: 44:03 Total Size: 261 MB Tracklist: 1. We Speak (6:41) 2. Strength And Sanity (6:39) 3. Quiet, Please (8:00) 4. Moods In Free Time (5:34) 5. Man Of Words (4:44) 6. Hazy Blues (6:32) 7. A New Day (5:23)
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