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epub | 7.33 MB | English| Isbn:9780751554137 | Author: Clare Mackintosh | Year: 2016 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Thrillers, Psychological Suspense
Clare Cassandra W??adca cieni Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Czy odda??by?? bratniÄ? duszÄ?â?? za swojÄ? prawdziwÄ? duszÄ?? ??ycie Nocnego ?owcy to ??ycie w pÄ?tach powinno??ci. W wiÄ?zach honoru. ?šwiat Nocnego ?owcy to ??wiat uroczystych przysiÄ?g, a nie ma ??lub??w ??wiÄ?tszych ni?? te ??Ä?czÄ?ce parabatai â?? wojownik??w-partner??w, kt??rzy majÄ? razem walczyÄ? i razem ginÄ?Ä?, lecz nigdy, przenigdy nie wolno im siÄ? zakochaÄ?. Emma Carstairs odkry??a, ??e mi??o??Ä? odwzajemniona przez jej parabatai, Juliana Blackthorna, jest nie tylko zakazana, lecz tak??e ??miertelnie niebezpieczna: mo??e zniszczyÄ? ich oboje. Wie, ??e powinna uciec od Juliana, lecz jak??e mia??aby to zrobiÄ?, gdy Blackthornom ze wszystkich stron zagra??ajÄ? wrogowie? Ich jedynÄ? nadziejÄ? jest Czarna KsiÄ?ga Umar??ych, magiczny wolumin o ogromnej mocy. Wszyscy chcÄ? jÄ? dostaÄ?, ale tylko Blackthornowie sÄ? w stanie jÄ? odnale??Ä?. Emma, jej najlepsza przyjaci????ka Cristina oraz Mark i Julian Blackthornowie przybywajÄ? do Faerie â?? gdzie hulaszcze zabawy skrywajÄ? krwawe zagro??enie i ??adnej obietnicy nie mo??na ufaÄ? â?? by tam zawrzeÄ? mroczny pakt z kr??lowÄ? Jasnego Dworu. Tymczasem narastajÄ?ce napiÄ?cie miÄ?dzy Nocnymi ?owcami i Podziemnymi doprowadzi??o do wy??onienia Kohorty, grupy ekstremist??w w??r??d Nocnych ?owc??w, kt??rzy domagajÄ? siÄ? wprowadzenia obowiÄ?zku rejestracji Podziemnych i â?žniewygodnychâ? Nefilim. ZrobiÄ? wszystko, co w ich mocy, by ujawniÄ? tajemnice Juliana i przejÄ?Ä? w??adzÄ? nad Instytutem w Los Angeles. Kiedy Podziemni zwracajÄ? siÄ? przeciw Clave, pojawia siÄ? nowa gro??ba w postaci W??adcy Cieni â?? kr??la Ciemnego Dworu, kt??ry wysy??a swoich najlepszych wojownik??w z zadaniem wymordowania wszystkich, w kt??rych ??y??ach p??ynie krew Blackthorn??w, i przechwycenia Czarnej KsiÄ?gi. Gdy mordercza pÄ?tla zaciska siÄ? wok???? Juliana, ten opracowuje ryzykowny plan ratunkowy. Jego powodzenie zale??y od wsp????pracy z nieprzewidywalnym nieprzyjacielem. Sukces mo??e jednak mieÄ? swojÄ? cenÄ?, kt??rej ani on, ani Emma nawet sobie nie wyobra??ajÄ?; krwawy rachunek, kt??ry â?? byÄ? mo??e â?? przyjdzie zap??aciÄ? wszystkim, kt??rych kochajÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 0,99 GB czas trwania: 25h 23m 22s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Kerth BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Clare Cassandra Pani noc Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Nocni ?owcy z Los Angeles sÄ? g????wnymi bohaterami powie??ci â?žPani Nocâ?, pierwszej ods??ony najnowszego cyklu Cassandry Clare zatytu??owanego â?žMroczne Intrygiâ?, kontynuacji bestsellerowej serii â?žDary Anio??aâ?. MinÄ???o piÄ?Ä? lat od wydarze?? przedstawionych w â?žMie??cie Niebia??skiego Ogniaâ?, po kt??rych Nocni ?owcy znale??li siÄ? na skraju zag??ady. Emma Carstairs nie jest ju?? pogrÄ???onÄ? w ??a??obie dziewczynkÄ?, lecz m??odÄ? kobietÄ?, kt??ra zamierza za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? dowiedzieÄ? siÄ?, kto zabi?? jej rodzic??w, i pom??ciÄ? ich ??mierÄ?. Wraz ze swoim parabatai, Julianem Blackthornem, musi siÄ? nauczyÄ? ufaÄ? swojemu sercu i rozumowi, gdy odkrywa demoniczny spisek obejmujÄ?cy zasiÄ?giem ca??e Los Angeles, od Sunset Strip a?? po morskie fale roztrzaskujÄ?ce siÄ? na pla??ach Santa Monica. Gdyby jeszcze serce nie prowadzi??o jej na manowceâ?? Jakby ma??o by??o tych komplikacji, brat Juliana Mark â?? uprowadzony przez faerie przed piÄ?cioma laty â?? zostaje teraz uwolniony w ge??cie dobrej woli ze strony porywaczy. Faerie rozpaczliwie poszukujÄ? mordercy, kt??ry zbiera w??r??d nich krwawe ??niwo â?? i w tych poszukiwaniach potrzebujÄ? pomocy Nocnych ?owc??w. K??opot w tym, ??e w krainie faerie czas p??ynie inaczej i Mark nie tylko prawie siÄ? nie postarza??, ale na dodatek nie rozpoznaje nikogo ze swoich bliskich. Czy bÄ?dzie w stanie naprawdÄ? wr??ciÄ? na ??ono rodziny? I czy faerie naprawdÄ? na to pozwolÄ?? Oto rozdzierajÄ?ce serce wprowadzenie do nowej serii Cassandry Clare, â?žMroczne Intrygiâ?, wciÄ?gajÄ?ca gra pozor??w, pe??na magii i obfitujÄ?ca w przygody Nocnych ?owc??w. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 975 MB czas trwania: 24h 17m 09s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Kerth BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Clare Cassandra Miasto zagubionych dusz Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jace stal sie sluga zla, zwiazanym na wiecznosc z Sebastianem. Tylko mala grupka Nocnych Lowc??w wierzy, ze mozna go ratowac. Zeby to zrobic, musza zbuntowac sie przeciwko Clave. I musza dzialac bez Clary. Bo Clary rozgrywa niebezpieczna gre zupelnie sama. Cena przegranej jest nie tylko jej wlasne zycie, ale r??wniez dusza Jaceâ??a. Clary jest gotowa zrobic dla niego wszystko, ale czy nadal moze mu ufac? I czy on jest naprawde stracony? Jaka cena jest zbyt wysoka, nawet za milosc? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 844 MB czas trwania: 16h 19m 36s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Clare Cassandra Miasto popio????w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Clary Fray chcia??aby, ??eby jej ??ycie znowu sta??o siÄ? normalne. Ale czy cokolwiek mo??e takie byÄ?, skoro dziewczyna jest Nocnym ?owcÄ?, zabijajÄ?cym demony, jej matka zosta??a magicznie wprowadzona w stan ??piÄ?czki, a ona sama nagle zaczyna widzieÄ? mieszka??c??w Podziemnego ?šwiata â?? wilko??aki, wampiry, wr????kiâ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 441 MB czas trwania: 12h 59m 39s bit rate: 80kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Clare Cassandra Miasto ko??ci Okladka/Screeny: Opis: BohaterkÄ? bestsellerowej serii jest Clary Fray nastoletnia rudow??osa artystka o sk??onno??ciach do wpadania w tarapaty. Jej najlepszym i jedynym przyjacielem jest ch??opak, matka jest roztrzepanÄ? artystkÄ?, a miejscem rozrywki sÄ? ulice Manhattanu i nocne kluby. A?? do czasu, gdy pewnej nocy w nocnym klubie Pandemonium trzech nastolatk??w, kt??rych widzi tylko ona, na jej oczach zabija ch??opca, kt??ry, jak siÄ? okazuje, tak naprawdÄ? nie jest ch??opcem... Clary czuje, ??e powinna zawiadomiÄ? policjÄ?, ale wie, ??e nikt jej nie uwierzy, gdy?? cia??o zamordowanego rozp??ynÄ???o siÄ? w powietrzu, a napastnik??w nikt opr??cz niej nie widzi. SÄ? to Nocni ?owcy, tajemna kasta wojownik??w, kt??rych celem jest walka z demonami. W ciÄ?gu nastÄ?pnych 24 godzin znika matka Clary, a ona sama o ma??o nie ginie z rÄ?ki demona. PoszukujÄ?c matki, Clary trafia do tajemnego ??wiata, po??o??onego g??Ä?boko pod ulicami Nowego Jorku, zwanego Podziemnym ?šwiatem, pe??nego tajemniczych wr????ek, wampir??w, hybryd cz??owieka i wampira, i demon??w. Clary jest rozdarta pomiÄ?dzy uczuciami, kt??re ??ywi do dw??ch ch??opc??w â?? jej najlepszego przyjaciela, Simona, oraz do tajemniczego ??owcy wampir??w, p???? cz??owieka, p???? anio??a Jaceâ??a. Wkr??tce sama staje siÄ? czÄ???ciÄ? ukrytego ??wiata ??owc??w demon??w zwanych Nefilim i odkrywa strasznÄ? tajemnicÄ?... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 494 MB czas trwania: 14h 29m 57s bit rate: 80kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Clare Cassandra Miasto niebianskiego ognia Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Ciemnosc ogarnela swiat Nocnych Lowc??w. Chaos i destrukcja obezwladniaja Nefilim, ale Clary, Jace, Simon i ich przyjaciele lacza sily, zeby walczyc z najwiekszym zlem, z jakim kiedykolwiek sie zetkneli. Brat Clary, Sebastian Morgenstern, systematycznie usiluje zniszczyc Nocnych Lowc??w. Poslugujac sie Piekielnym Kielichem, zmienia ich w istoty z koszmaru, rozdziela rodziny i kochank??w, powieksza szeregi swojej armii Mrocznych. Nic na swiecie nie jest w stanie go pokonacâ?? ale jesli Clary i jej druzyna wyprawia sie do kr??lestwa demon??w, moga miec szanseâ?? Ludzie straca zycie, milosc zostanie poswiecona, caly swiat sie zmieni. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 1,17 GB czas trwania: 22h 18m 31s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Clare Cassandra Miasto upad??ych anio????w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wojna siÄ? sko??czy??a i szesnastoletnia Clary Fray wraca do Nowego Jorku, podekscytowana mo??liwo??ciami, kt??re siÄ? przed niÄ? otwierajÄ?. Zaczyna szkolenie Nocnego ?owcy, ??eby nauczyÄ? siÄ? wykorzystywaÄ? sw??j wyjÄ?tkowy dar. Podziemni i Nocni ?owcy w ko??cu zawarli pok??j i, co najwa??niejsze, Clary mo??e w ko??cu nazywaÄ? Jaceâ??a swoim ch??opakiem. Jednak??e wszystko ma swojÄ? cenÄ?. Kto?? zabija Nocnych ?owc??w i prowokuje w ten spos??b napiÄ?cia miÄ?dzy Podziemnymi i Nocnymi ?owcami, mogÄ?ce doprowadziÄ? do kolejnej krwawej wojny. Najlepszy przyjaciel Clary, Simon, nie mo??e jej pom??c. Jego matka w??a??nie dowiedzia??a siÄ?, ??e syn jest wampirem, wiÄ?c Simon musia?? opu??ciÄ? dom rodzinny. Okazuje siÄ? jednak, ??e wszyscy chcÄ? mieÄ? go po swojej stronie... ze wzglÄ?du na moc klÄ?twy, kt??ra niszczy jego ??ycie. I gotowi sÄ? zrobiÄ? wszystko, ??eby dostaÄ? to, czego chcÄ?. W dodatku, Simon umawia siÄ? r??wnocze??nie z dwiema piÄ?knymi, niebezpiecznymi dziewczynami, i ??adna nie wie o tej drugiej. Kiedy Jace zaczyna siÄ? odsuwaÄ? od Clary, niczego nie wyja??niajÄ?c, jest ona zmuszona dotrzeÄ? do serca tajemnicy, kt??ra oka??e siÄ? jej najgorszym koszmarem. Clary zapoczÄ?tkowuje ciÄ?g strasznych wydarze??, mogÄ?cych pozbawiÄ? jÄ? wszystkiego, co kocha. Nawet Jaceâ??a. Mi??o??Ä?. Krew. Zdrada. Zemsta. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 568 MB czas trwania: 13h 19m 25s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Clare Teal Title: Get Happy Year Of Release: 2008 Label: W14 music Genre: Vocal Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue,scans)/320 Total Time: 0:49:07 Total Size: 330| 116 mb When Yorkshire-born singer Clare Teal first surfaced six years back, she sounded like an artist who could deliver a very safe jazz and classic-pop repertoire with a distinctive fizz that came from both technical sophistication and an unequivocal love of the material. Teal grew up fantasising she was Ginger Rogers whirling into the arms of Fred Astaire around the aisles of Keighley shopping centre when she was out with her mum - and that enduring devotion to swing, standards and lyrics about a rosily simplified life remains central to her appeal. This set marks Teal's move to Universal's W14 imprint (Alison Moyet and Siouxsie Sioux are labelmates), and, of course, it's all tailor-made Michael Parkinson material. Teal's powerful jazz credentials are more to the fore on this album, however, notably in her light-stepping swing over a fast bass-walk on Cheek to Cheek, the Ella Fitzgerald scat-jam at the end, and the Cab Calloway hi-de-ho references in the finale of Moondance. Her clarity and controlled power allow her to make the much-travelled pop ballads Love Hurts and Breaking Up Is Hard to Do her own, but in replacing the sense of desolation in Love for Sale with a kind of plain-speaking resignation, she diminishes its meaning. Some may find many of the other lyrics too cheesy to be delivered without irony, and the Radio 2 vibe too pervasive. But, as always with Teal, she sounds as if she's loving every moment, and for many that will be infectious. Tracklist: 01. All For Love (4:21) 02. Ger Happy (2:41) 03. Love hurts (4:33) 04. Begin The Beguine (4:19) 05. Cheek to Cheek (3:29) 06. Get On It Sam (2:57) 07. The very Thought Of You (4:32) 08. Breaking Up is Hard To Do (3:05) 09. Moondance (4:59) 10. Love For Sale (3:41) 11. High Love (3:35) 12. Time After Time (3:42) 13. All The Things You Are (3:12) Clare Teal - vocals, backing vocals Dennis Rollins - trombone (tracks 1, 6) James Watson - piano, organ Simon Little - bass (tracks 1-12) Chris Dagley - drums, percussion (tracks 1-12) A. D. Chivers - percussion, backing vocals (tracks 1, 2, 5, 6, 9) Colin Ball - backing vocals (tracks 5, 6, 9)
Artist: Clare Sands Title: Join Me At The Table Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Self Released Genre: Folk, Blues, Jazz Quality: FLAC MP3 Total Time: 44:36 Total Size: 252 MB 105 MB Tracklist: 1. Satisfy Me (3:22) 2. Surfing Up In Clare (6:08) 3. Join Me At The Table (4:14) 4. Mo Chroi Briste - The Road To Chicago (5:20) 5. Silver (3:47) 6. Let You Go (2:13) 7. New York, Be Kind (5:58) 8. I'm Shakin (3:57) 9. Better To Have Loved (5:52) 10. Stella Fiesta (3:41) With a fiddle in one hand and a guitar in the other, Cork based Clare Sands is a singer-songwriter, musician, composer, and music teacher. She performs in a variety of genres, her own material being a mixture of Blues & Folk. With deep roots in Northern Ireland and County Wexford, Clare started playing the fiddle at the age of four, learning tunes off her father Seamus on a weekly basis. As well as playing Traditional Irish Music from an early age with different family members, Clare also trained classically on the violin. Her mother Susan bought her a guitar in her early teens, and gave her a strong love of the Blues, playing legends like Muddy Waters and Eva Cassidy on the way to school. She soon found a love for song writing, and used whatever instruments that lay around the house like the guitar, the piano, the bodhr??n or the mandolin to accompany herself. Having spent the summer of 2013 gigging around New York City, Clare returned to Cork to finish her degree in Music and Italian in UCC. During her time there she has met fabulous musicians such as Aisling Urwin, a singer-songwriter and harpist hailing from Kenmare, Co. Kerry.Their Irish tour in April/May 2014 to promote Clare's debut single, 'Change Is A Comin' was hugely successful, having played 20 prestigious venues around the country, as well as venues across Holland and Germany. They subsequently released a 'Live in Charlies Bar' album, which Clare promoted on her tour of New York City during the summer of 2015. As well as playing in a Folk/Blues duo, Clare has a Jazz/Blues Quintet 'Clare Sands Quintet', plays in a Funk-Blues group in Cork City every week 'What's That Sound?' and various Traditional Irish music and Gypsy Jazz groups. Clare works as a full time music teacher and session musician playing with various Irish artists, Luka Bloom, Mundy, Anna Mitchell, Hank Wedel, John Blek, Dylan Howe, to name a few. Clare is also set to release her debut album 'Join me at the Table' October 7th, 2016 (Available worldwide on Itunes). The album is an eclectic mix of Blues/Folk/Jazz/Trad, recorded by musician and producer Christian Best of Monique Studios (O Emperor, Mick Flannery).
Artist: Clare Fader & The Vaudevillains Title: Seventh And Trade Year Of Release: 2003 Label: Raconteur Records Genre: Jazz, Vocal Jazz, Cabaret Quality: Flac (tracks, log, .cue) Total Time: 44:13 Total Size: 268 Mb Tracklist: 01. Catch of the Day (3:35) 02. Tain Ya Ta Bain Mei Ren Gui (3:49) 03. Only the Neighbors Know (3:50) 04. The Epic Moon (4:06) 05. Libertango (4:33) 06. Seventh and Trade (4:45) 07. Down on the Quay (3:21) 08. The Good Time Girl (4:01) 09. Betty Crocker's Bail (3:22) 10. Big Bang Theory Man (4:47) 11. Left With The Thought of You (4:04) Born in England and raised in Ireland, Clare Fader's past is as colorful as the songs she writes. After a stint in a Hawaiian Lounge in Montreal, Canada during the late 90's, Ms. Fader moved to the US and began making a name for herself writing and performing seriously fun music. The Worcester Telegram & Gazette calls it " a woozy and bohemian sound that absorbs elements of jazz, folk, and pop, all tugged at by dueling influences of retro-chic and avant-garde" The Independent Weekly proclaims "Fader is part Dietrich and part dark carnival" Her debut cd, The Elephant's Baby, is considered by some to be the jewel in the crown of independent record making. This follow up release is already receiving equally enthusiastic reviews. Go Triad Magazine calls it "unforgettable stuff" The Vaudevillains include Mary K Elkins on 'cello, Andy Mabe on upright bass, Aaron Bachelder on drums, and Brad Cokendolpher on guitar. Guest soloists on this cd include, North Carolina's fiddle master Rex McGee. In February of 2004, Clare Fader and The Vaudevillains performed with The Winston-Salem Symphony. Critics agree the evening was a smashing success. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Clare Cassandra Miasto szk??a Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Po??r??d chaosu wojny Nocni ?owcy muszÄ? zdecydowaÄ? siÄ? na walkÄ? u boku wampir??w, wilko??ak??w i innych Podziemnychâ?? albo przeciwko nim. Tymczasem Jace i Clary te?? muszÄ? podjÄ?Ä? wa??ne decyzje. Czy mogÄ? pozwoliÄ? sobie na zakazanÄ? mi??o??Ä?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 532 MB czas trwania: 15h 35m 58s bit rate: 80kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Alex Clare - Tail Of Lions (2016) Title: Tail Of Lions Artist : Alex Clare Year : 2016 Genre : Electronic Packed size: 89 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Tell me what you need 02 - Get real 03 - Surviving aint living 04 - Bring me down 05 - Basic 06 - Gotta get up 07 - Tired from the fire 08 - Love can heal 09 - Open my eyes 10 - You'll be fine
Cassandra Clare - The Mortal Instruments Series Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | M4B 64Kb | Collection | 1.3 GB City of Bones: The Mortal Instruments, Book 1 City of Ashes: The Mortal Instruments, Book 2 City of Glass: The Mortal Instruments, Book 3 City of Fallen Angels: The Mortal Instruments, Book 4 City of Lost Souls: Mortal Instruments, Book 5 City of Heavenly Fire: The Mortal Instruments, Book 6 Download Link
Jessica Clare, Jen Frederick - Last Kiss (Hitman #3) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Romance | English | ASIN: B00O9A4BKW | MP3 64Kb | Length: 11 hrs and 10 mins | 308.93 MB Naomi: When I was kidnapped, I thought only of survival. I gave my captors exactly what they wanted: my skill with computers. Making millions for a crime lord who kept me imprisoned in his basement compound kept my family safe. When he was taken out, I thought my ticket to freedom had arrived. Wrong. I traded one keeper for another. This time I'm in the hands of a scarred, dark, demanding Russian who happens to be the head of the Bratva, a Russian crime organization. He wants my brain and my body. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued, but I can't be a prisoner forever... no matter how good he makes me feel. Vasily: At a young age, I was taught that a man without power is a puppet for all. I've clawed - and killed - my way to the top so that it is my heel on their necks. But to unify the fractured organization into an undefeatable machine, I need a technological genius to help me steal one particular artifact. That she is breathtaking, determined, and vulnerable is making her more dangerous than all of my enemies combined. Soon, I must choose between Naomi and Bratva law. But with every day that passes, this becomes a more impossible choice. Download Link
Cassandra Clare - The Mortal Instruments Series (Books 1-6) Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Young Adult | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 7 GB Book 1 - City of Bones When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murderâ?? much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Then the body disappears into thin air. It's hard to call the police when the murderers are invisible to everyone else and when there is nothingâ??not even a smear of bloodâ??to show that a boy has died. Or was he a boy? This is Clary's first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. It's also her first encounter with Jace, a Shadowhunter who looks a little like an angel and acts a lot like a jerk. Within twenty-four hours Clary is pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know.. Darkness has descended on the Shadowhunter world. Chaos and destruction overwhelm the Nephilim as Clary, Jace, Simon, and their friends band together to fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary's own brother. Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell. Nothing in this world can defeat Sebastian-but if they journey to the realm of demons, they just might have a chance. Book 2 - City of Ashes Clary Fray just wishes that her life would go back to normal. But what's normal when you're a demon-slaying Shadowhunter, your mother is in a magically induced coma, and you can suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her best friend, Simon, who's becoming more than a friend. But the Shadowhunting world isn't ready to let her go - especially her handsome, infuriating, newfound brother, Jace. And Clary's only chance to help her mother is to track down rogue Shadowhunter Valentine, who is probably insane, certainly evil - and also her father. To complicate matters, someone in New York City is murdering Downworlder children. Is Valentine behind the killings - and if he is, what is he trying to do? When the second of the Mortal Instruments, the Soul-Sword, is stolen, the terrifying Inquisitor arrives to investigate and zooms right in on Jace. How can Clary stop Valentine if Jace is willing to betray everything he believes in to help their father? Book 3 - City of Glass To save her mother's life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters - never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight. As Clary uncovers more about her family's past, she finds an ally in mysterious Shadowhunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all Shadowhunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside their eternal enemies. But can Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he's willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her newfound powers to help save the Glass City - whatever the cost? Book 4 - City of Fallen Angles The Mortal War is over, and sixteen-year-old Clary Fray is back home in New York, excited about all the possibilities before her. She's training to become a Shadowhunter and to use her unique power. Her mother is getting married to the love of her life. Downworlders and Shadowhunters are at peace at last. And-most importantly of all-she can finally call Jace her boyfriend. But nothing comes without a price. Someone is murdering Shadowhunters, provoking tensions between Downworlders and Shadowhunters that could lead to a second, bloody war. Clary's best friend, Simon, can't help her-his mother just found out that he's a vampire, and now he's homeless. When Jace begins to pull away from her without explaining why, Clary is forced to delve into the heart of a mystery whose solution reveals her worst nightmare: she herself has set in motion a terrible chain of events that could lead to her losing everything she loves. Even Jace. Book 5 - City of Lost Souls What price is too high to pay, even for love? When Jace and Clary meet again, Clary is horrified to discover that the demon Lilith's magic has bound her beloved Jace together with her evil brother Sebastian, and that Jace has become a servant of evil. The Clave is out to destroy Sebastian, but there is no way to harm one boy without destroying the other. As Alec, Magnus, Simon, and Isabelle wheedle and bargain with Seelies, demons, and the merciless Iron Sisters to try to save Jace, Clary plays a dangerous game of her own. The price of losing is not just her own life, but Jace's soul. She's willing to do anything for Jace, but can she still trust him? Or is he truly lost? Book 6 - City of Heavenly Fire Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell. The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris - but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons? When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee - even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned... Download Link