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Znaleziono 24 wyników

  1. Clive Cussler Desolation Code - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 265.45 MB | Author: Graham Brown | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Thrillers, Crime Fiction, Action Thrillers, Crime Thrillers, Suspense Fiction Download Link:
  2. epub | 8.83 MB | English| Isbn:9780735217263 | Author: Clive Cussler, Jack Du Brul | Year: 2019 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Fiction, Detective Fiction, Historical Fiction, Other Mystery Categories, Thrillers, Detective Fiction - Private Investigators, Historical Mysteries, Historical Thrillers
  3. epub | 2.21 MB | English | ASIN:9780399167324 | Author: Clive Cussler | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Fiction, Suspense, Thriller RapidGator NitroFlare TurboBit
  4. epub | 2.28 MB | English | ASIN:9780062034649 | Author: Clive Barker | Year: 2000 Description: Category:Fiction, Literature, Short Stories RapidGator NitroFlare TurboBit
  5. epub | 789.87 KB | English | ASIN:9780399159268 | Author: Clive Cussler | Year: 2012 Description: Category:Fiction, Suspense, Thriller
  6. epub | 7.4 MB | English| Isbn:9780061753435 | Author: Clive Barker | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Awards, Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fiction Subjects, Body, Mind & Health - Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, LGBT Fiction, Religion & Beliefs - Fiction, AIDS & HIV - Fiction, Dark Fantasy, LGBT Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, Spiritual Quest - Fiction, 1997 Lambda Literary Award Winners, SF/Fantasy/Horror->Lambda Literary Award Winners
  7. epub | 8.51 MB | English| Isbn:9780593719206 | Author: Graham Brown | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Thrillers, Crime Fiction, Action Thrillers, Crime Thrillers, Suspense Fiction
  8. epub | 1.58 MB | English | ASIN:9780593719206 | Author: Graham Brown | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Fiction, Suspense, Thriller
  9. Clive Cussler - Oregon 02 - ?šwiÄ?ty kamie?? Opis: Grenlandia. Ameryka??ski naukowiec natrafia w lodowej grocie na tajemniczy obiekt sprzed tysiÄ?cy lat. Londyn. Arabscy terrory??ci planujÄ? atak podczas sylwestrowego koncertu Eltona Johna. Arabia Saudyjska. OpÄ?tany ??Ä?dzÄ? zemsty ameryka??ski miliarder celuje w samo serce islamu: w pielgrzym??w zmierzajÄ?cych do Mekki i Czarny Kamie??, naj??wiÄ?tsze miejsce muzu??man??w. Je??li on i terrory??ci zrealizujÄ? swe cele, miliony ludzi straci ??ycie. A je??li wykorzystajÄ? tajnÄ? bro?? â?? grenlandzkie znalezisko â?? nikt ju?? nie bÄ?dzie bezpiecznyâ?? JedynÄ? nadziejÄ? dla ??wiata jest â?žOregonâ?. SplatajÄ?c brawurowÄ? akcjÄ? z historiÄ? i najnowocze??niejszÄ? technikÄ?, mistrz sensacji i przygody trzyma nas w najwy??szym napiÄ?ciu, gdy kapitan Cabrillo, bohater Z??otego Buddy, i jego za??oga prowadzÄ? ??miertelny wy??cig z czasem... Download:
  10. Clive Cussler - Przygody Dirka Pitta 10 - Smok Opis: Japonia, 1945 rok. Z dw??ch ameryka??skich samolot??w z bombami atomowymi na pok??adzie tylko jeden dociera nad HiroszimÄ?. Pacyfik, 1993 rok. Trzy statki tonÄ? wskutek gigantycznej podwodnej eksplozji nuklearnej. Ma ona zwiÄ?zek z japo??skim planem opanowania ??wiatowej gospodarki. Przeciwnikiem fanatyk??w dÄ???Ä?cych do stworzenia nowego imperium jest Dirk Pitt. Download:
  11. Clive Cussler - Przygody Dirka Pitta 09 - Skarb Opis: Rok 391. P??onie najwiÄ?kszy zbi??r dzie?? sztuki i ksiÄ???ek staro??ytnego ??wiata: wielka biblioteka i muzeum w Aleksandrii. CzÄ???Ä? skarbu udaje siÄ? jednak wywie??Ä? i ukryÄ? na odleg??ym kontynencie... Rok 1991. Dirk Pitt wpada na trop miÄ?dzynarodowego spisku. Jego przyw??dca zamierza przejÄ?Ä? w??adzÄ? nad ??wiatem. A skarb Aleksandrii ma byÄ? ??rodkiem do osiÄ?gniÄ?cia zbrodniczego celu... Download:
  12. Barker Clive Abarat Dni magii, noce wojny Opis: "Abarat" to najambitniejszy projekt w bogatej tw??rczo??ci Barkera - to ilustrowana wspania??ymi, kolorowymi obrazami autora, wybitna literacko-fantastyczna powie??Ä? i fantastyczna podr???? przez najg??Ä?bsze oceany imaginacji. Candy zdo??a??a umknÄ?Ä? ?šcierwnikowi, lecz jego agenci nadal depczÄ? jej po piÄ?tach. W??adca P????nocy pragnie jÄ? schwytaÄ? - dlaczego? JedynÄ? szansÄ? na ocalenie jest powr??t do rodzinnego Kurczakowa. Lecz abaracki ocean, wezwany, by zanie??Ä? Candy do domu, zatapia miasto. Na zalanych wodÄ? ulicach toczy siÄ? ostateczne starcie si?? Dnia i Nocy. A Candy musi wygraÄ? wy??cig z czasem i rozwik??aÄ? tajemnicÄ? swego pochodzenia, zanim Absolutna P????noc zapanuje nad Abaratem... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 3,47 MB stron: 561 jakosc: bardzo dobra rodzaj kompresji: .rar zawartosc uploadu: plik .pdf .jpg wersja jezykowa: polska gatunek: Fantasy, science fiction, horror brak danych naprawczych haslo: brak hasla Download:
  13. Barker Clive Cabal nocne plemiÄ? Opis: Boon ju?? wie, ??e nie znajdzie na ziemi ani szczÄ???cia, ani rado??ci. Oskar??ony przez swego lekarza Deckera o pope??nienie potwornych morderstw, decyduje siÄ? na ??mierÄ?. Lecz i ona nie przynosi mu wyzwolenia. Midian - legendarne miasto - zamieszkane przez odmie??c??w, degenerat??w i mutant??w, przyjmuje go do siebie. Ale i tam... Najwybitniejsze z dzie?? literackiego czy filmowego horroru to te, kt??re pod p??aszczykiem makabry, krwi i okrucie??stwa niosÄ? bardziej wznios??e tre??ci â?? nierzadko nie??atwe w odbiorze czy przyswojeniu. PokazujÄ? one prawdÄ? o cz??owieku, jego zachowaniach i lÄ?kach â?? a nierzadko tak??e zabobonnych uprzedzeniach. UkazujÄ? â?ždrugÄ? twarzâ? najwybitniejszego przedstawiciela zwierzÄ?cego kr??lestwa. PrzedstawiajÄ? tak??e inny charakter Z??a, ciemnego i zamieszkanego przez dziwne istoty ukrytego przed oczyma ??miertelnik??w ??wiata. W wÄ?dr??wkÄ? po takiej krainie zaprasza nas po raz kolejny Clive Barker. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 2,62 MB stron: 186 jakosc: bardzo dobra rodzaj kompresji: .rar zawartosc uploadu: plik .pdf .jpg wersja jezykowa: polska gatunek: Fantasy, science fiction, horror brak danych naprawczych haslo: brak hasla Download:
  14. Barker Clive Powr??t z Piek??a Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Szata??skie moce nie ??piÄ?... W starym domu w pobli??u Londynu Frank Cotton wznieca piek??o. Dos??ownie. Sam staje siÄ? pierwszÄ? ofiarÄ? z??ych mocy. Ale czy ostatniÄ?? Szata??ska umowa i poszukiwanie ostatecznej rozkoszy - to "Powr??t z piek??a" Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 140 MB czas trwania: 03h 33m 23s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wojciech Masiak BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  15. Barker Clive Cabal - nocne plemiÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Boon ju?? wie, ??e nie znajdzie na ziemi ani szczÄ???cia, ani rado??ci. Oskar??ony przez swego lekarza Deckera o pope??nienie potwornych morderstw, decyduje siÄ? na ??mierÄ?. Lecz i ona nie przynosi mu wyzwolenia. Midian - legendarne miasto - zamieszkane przez odmie??c??w, degenerat??w i mutant??w, przyjmuje go do siebie. Ale i tam... Najwybitniejsze z dzie?? literackiego czy filmowego horroru to te, kt??re pod p??aszczykiem makabry, krwi i okrucie??stwa niosÄ? bardziej wznios??e tre??ci â?? nierzadko nie??atwe w odbiorze czy przyswojeniu. PokazujÄ? one prawdÄ? o cz??owieku, jego zachowaniach i lÄ?kach â?? a nierzadko tak??e zabobonnych uprzedzeniach. UkazujÄ? â?ždrugÄ? twarzâ? najwybitniejszego przedstawiciela zwierzÄ?cego kr??lestwa. PrzedstawiajÄ? tak??e inny charakter Z??a, ciemnego i zamieszkanego przez dziwne istoty ukrytego przed oczyma ??miertelnik??w ??wiata. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 294 MB czas trwania: 07h 19m 35s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Mastalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:Ä?.rar
  16. Clive Cussler - Piranha (The Oregon Files #10) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Action/Adventure | English | ISBN-13: 9780399167324 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 12 hrs and 9 mins | 336.36 MB Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon return in the extraordinary new novel in the #1 New York Times-bestselling series by the grand master of adventure. In 1902, the volcano Mt. Pel??e erupts on the island of Martinique, wiping out an entire city of thirty thousand-and sinking a ship carrying a German scientist on the verge of an astonishing breakthrough. More than a century later, Juan Cabrillo will have to deal with that scientist's legacy. During a covert operation, Cabrillo and the crew meticulously fake the sinking of the Oregon-but when an unknown adversary tracks them down despite their planning and attempts to assassinate them, Cabrillo and his team struggle to fight back against an enemy who seems to be able to anti[beeep]te their every move. They discover that a traitorous American weapons designer has completed the German scientist's work, and now wields extraordinary power, sending the Oregon on a race against time to stop an attack that could lead to one man ruling over the largest empire the world has ever known. Download Link
  17. Clive Barker - The Scarlet Gospels Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Horror | English | ISBN-13: 9781250055804 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 11 hrs and 3 mins | 304.01 MB The Scarlet Gospels takes listeners back many years to the early days of two of Barker's most iconic characters in a battle of good and evil as old as time: The long-beleaguered detective Harry D'Amour, investigator of all supernatural, magical, and malevolent crimes, faces off against his formidable and intensely evil rival, Pinhead, the priest of hell. Barker devotees have been waiting for The Scarlet Gospels with baited breath for years, and it's everything they've begged for and more. Bloody, terrifying, and brilliantly complex, fans and newcomers alike will not be disappointed by the epic, visionary tale that is The Scarlet Gospels. Barker's horror will make your worst nightmares seem like bedtime stories. The Gospels are coming. Are you ready? Download Link
  18. Clive Barker - Collection Unabridged AudioBook | 2011 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 2.66 GB Imajica (1991/2015): Imajica is an epic beyond compare: vast in conception, obsessively detailed in execution, and apocalyptic in its resolution. At its heart lies the sensualist and master art forger Gentle, whose life unravels when he encounters Judith Odell, whose power to influence the destinies of men is vaster than she knows, and Pie "oh" pah, an alien assassin who comes from a hidden dimension. That dimension is one of five in the great system called Imajica. They are worlds that are utterly unlike our own but are ruled, peopled, and haunted by species whose lives are intricately connected with ours. As Gentle, Judith, and Pie "oh" pah travel the Imajica, they uncover a trail of crimes and intimate betrayals, leading them to a revelation so startling that it changes reality forever. Galilee: A successful film maker, painter, playwright, and best-selling author, Clive Barker commands an astonishing range of creative talent. Drawing upon the literary genius that produced Sacrament, he returns to the realm of the supernatural with this intriguing saga of two families, one human and the other divine. One of America's wealthiest and most influential families since the Civil War, the Gearys harbor terrible secrets. The Barbarossa family's roots are far more ancient and ethereal, but they are bound to the Gearys by a shared history of murder, insanity, and adultery. When Rachel Geary and Galilee, the seductive prince of the Barbarossa clan, fall in love, they unleash powerful enmities that could destroy both dynasties. Shorter and more conventional than some of Barker's other work, this novel is especially rich with complex, passionate, three-dimensional characters, lush settings, and elegant language. Paul Hecht's powerful narration gives added depth to this dark, sumptuous novel. The Damnation Game: Marty Strauss, a gambling addict recently released from prison, is hired to be the personal bodyguard of Joseph Whitehead, one of the wealthiest men in the world. The job proves more complicated and dangerous than he thought, however, as Marty soon gets caught up in a series of supernatural events involving Whitehead, his daughter (who is a heroin addict), and a devilish man named Mamoulian, with whom Whitehead made a Faustian bargain many years earlier, during World War II. As time passes, Mamoulian haunts Whitehead using his supernatural powers (such as the ability to raise the dead), urging him to complete his pact with him. Eventually Whitehead decides to escape his fate after a few encounters with Mamoulian and having his wife, former bodyguard, and now his daughter Carys taken away from him. With hope still left to save Carys, Marty Strauss, although reluctant to get involved in the old man Whiteheads deserved punishment, decides to get involved and attempt to save the innocent gifted addict from being another victim to the damnation game. Weaveworld: Clive Barker has made his mark on modern fiction by exposing all that is surreal and magical in the ordinary world - and exploring the profound and overwhelming terror that results. With its volatile mix of the fantastical and the contemporary, the everyday and the otherworldly, Weaveworld is an epic work of dark fantasy and horror - a tour de force from one of today's most forceful and imaginative artists. Download Link
  19. Clive Cussler & Justin Scott - The Assassin (Isaac Bell #8) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Crime/Thriller | English | ISBN-13: 9780399171758 | MP3 96Kb | Length: 10 hrs and 40 mins | 440.54 MB The new thriller in the #1 New York Times-bestselling Isaac Bell series from grand master of adventure Clive Cussler. As Van Dorn private detective Isaac Bell strives to land a government contract to investigate John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil monopoly, the case takes a deadly turn. A sniper begins murdering opponents of Standard Oil, and soon the assassin-shooting with extraordinary accuracy at seemingly impossible long range-kills Bell's best witness, a brave and likable man. Then the shooter detonates a terrible explosion that sets the victim's independent refinery ablaze. Bell summons his best detectives to scour the site of the crime for evidence. Who is the assassin and for whom did he kill? But the murders-shootings, poisonings, staged accidents-have just begun as Bell tracks his phantom-like criminal adversary from the "oil fever" regions of Kansas and Texas to Washington, D.C., to the tycoons' enclave of New York, to Russia's war-torn Baku oil fields on the Caspian Sea, and back to America for a final, desperate confrontation. And this one will be the most explosive of all. Download Link
  20. Clive Cussler, Dirk Cussler - Havana Storm (Dirk Pitt #23) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Crime/Thriller | English | ISBN-13: 9780399172922 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 11 hrs and 00 mins | 304.89 MB Dirk Pitt returns, in the thrilling new novel from the grand master of adventure and number one New York Times best-selling author. While investigating a toxic outbreak in the Caribbean Sea that may ultimately threaten the United States, Pitt unwittingly becomes involved in something even more dangerous - a post-Castro power struggle for the control of Cuba. Meanwhile, Pitt's children, marine engineer Dirk and oceanographer Summer, are on an investigation of their own, chasing an Aztec stone that may reveal the whereabouts of a vast historical Aztec treasure. The problem is, that stone was believed to have been destroyed on the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, which brings them both to Cuba as well - and squarely into harm's way. The three of them have been in desperate situations before... but perhaps never quite as dire as the one facing them now. Download Link
  21. Clive Barker - Abarat Series (#2-3) Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 1.08 GB Abarat Book 2: Days of Magic, Nights of War Candy Quackenbush's adventures in the amazing world of the Abarat are getting more strange by the hour. Christopher Carrion, the Lord of Midnight, has sent his henchman to capture her. "Why?" she wonders. What would Carrion want with a girl from Minnesota? And why is Candy beginning to feel that the world of Abarat is familiar to her? Why can she speak words of magic she doesn't even remember learning? There is a mystery here. And Carrion, along with his fiendish grandmother, Mater Motley, suspects that whatever Candy is, she could spoil their plans to take control of the Abarat. Now Candy's companions must race against time to save her from the clutches of Carrion, and she must solve the mystery of her past before the forces of Night and Day clash and Absolute Midnight descends upon the islands. A final war is about to begin. And Candy is going to need to make some choices that will change her life forever. Abarat Book 3: Absolute Midnight "'I know that many of you here have waited years for this Hour,'" Mater Motley said, using that voice that, though it was barely conversational in volume, was somehow heard everywhere. 'The waiting is over. Tomorrow there will be no dawn. Only midnight, absolute and eternal.'" And so begins a new chapter in the epic story of 16-year-old Candy Quackenbush and her journeys through the world of the Abarat, where every hour is an island in one eternal day, and nothing is as it seems. Candy travels through the Abarat from island to island and across the sea with an unlikely band of friends: the escaped prisoner Malingo the Geshrat; the quarrelsome John Brothers, who all share the same body but never the same opinion; and the many other colorful characters they meet along the way. The problem is that trouble finds Candy wherever she goes. And soon she discovers a secret plot, masterminded by the diabolical Mater Motley, who is obsessed with becoming Empress of the Islands. Her method is simple. She will darken the skies, putting out the suns, moons, and stars. She will bring absolute midnight. Download Link
  22. Clive Barker - Days of Magic, Nights of War (Abarat #2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2005 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: 9780060596385 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 14 hrs and 11 mins | 585.21 MB Candy Quackenbush's adventures in the amazing world of the Abarat are getting more strange by the hour. Christopher Carrion, the Lord of Midnight, has sent his henchman to capture her. "Why?" she wonders. What would Carrion want with a girl from Minnesota? And why is Candy beginning to feel that the world of Abarat is familiar to her? Why can she speak words of magic she doesn't even remember learning? There is a mystery here. And Carrion, along with his fiendish grandmother, Mater Motley, suspects that whatever Candy is, she could spoil their plans to take control of the Abarat. Now Candy's companions must race against time to save her from the clutches of Carrion, and she must solve the mystery of her past before the forces of Night and Day clash and Absolute Midnight descends upon the islands. A final war is about to begin. And Candy is going to need to make some choices that will change her life forever. Download Link
  23. Clive Barker - Abarat (Abarat #1) Unabridged AudioBook | 2005 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: 9780064407335 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 11 hrs and 29 mins | 316.69 MB It begins in the most boring place in the world: Chickentown, U.S.A. There lives Candy Quackenbush, her heart bursting for some clue as to what her future might hold. When the answer comes, it's not one she expects. Out of nowhere comes a wave, and Candy, led by a man called John Mischief (whose brothers live on the horns on his head), leaps into the surging waters and is carried away. Where? To the Abarat: a vast archipelago where every island is a different hour of the day, from The Great Head that sits in the mysterious twilight waters of Eight in the Evening, to the sunlit wonders of Three in the Afternoon, where dragons roam, to the dark terrors of Gorgossium, the island of Midnight, ruled over by the Prince of Midnight himself, Christopher Carrion. Candy has a place in this extraordinary world: she is here to help save the Abarat from the dark forces that are stirring at its heart. Forces older than Time itself, and more evil than anything Candy has ever encountered. Download Link
  24. Clive Davis - Soundtrack Of My Life Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Biographical | English | ISBN-13: 978-1476714783 | MP3 64Kb | 1.25 GB In The Soundtrack of My Life, music legend Clive Davis recounts an extraordinary five-decade career in the music business, while also telling a remarkable personal story of triumphs, disappointments, and encounters with some of the greatest musical artists of our time, from Bob Dylan and Paul Simon to Whitney Houston and Alicia Keys. Orphaned and impoverished in his teens, Davis overcame early hardships, earning a full scholarship to New York University and then one to Harvard Law School. As general counsel at Columbia Records, Davis quickly distinguished himself and capitalized on a lucky break to catapult to the presidency of the company. More surprisingly, he was to learn he had "ears," a rare ability to spot talent and create hit records. Those ears contributed to the fabled success of three companies-Columbia, Arista, and J-where Davis discovered and developed more unique artists than anyone in the history of the music industry. What began on the grass at the Monterey Pop Festival with the signing of Janis Joplin has evolved into a lifelong passion and calling, spanning the years and genres, including rock, pop, R&B, country, jazz fusion, and hip-hop. Through it all, Davis has discovered a pantheon of all-time greats: Bruce Springsteen; Billy Joel; Aerosmith; Carlos Santana; Blood, Sweat & Tears; Chicago; Earth, Wind and Fire; Barry Manilow; Patti Smith; Whitney Houston; Kenny G.; and Alicia Keys. In addition, he has championed and played a vital part in the careers of Simon and Garfunkel, Miles Davis, the Kinks, the Grateful Dead, Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross, Annie Lennox, Carly Simon, Alan Jackson, Brooks and Dunn, Jennifer Hudson, and Rod Stewart. His is the imprimatur that has helped shape contemporary music and our popular culture for the past forty-five years. The Soundtrack of My Life is an essential book for anyone interested in the story of popular music, the workings of the music business, the alchemy of hits, and the dramatic life of a brilliant leader . . . and listener. Download Link
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