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  1. pdf | 111.11 MB | English| Isbn:9781908382849 | Author: Craig Walker | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Music, Film & Performing Arts, Performing Arts, Television, Performing Arts - Reference, Television - Reference
  2. Free Download Suffer the Children - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 312.81 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 1476739633 | Author: Craig DiLouie | Year: 2014 Description: Category:Vampire Horror, Dark Fantasy Horror, Dark Fantasy Download Link:
  3. Free Download Letters From Hell (Time Diving Book 1) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 346.32 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B0C22L1ZDD | Author: Craig Robertson | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Metaphysical Fantasy eBooks, Time Travel Science Fiction, Time Travel Fiction Download Link:꞉.Time.Diving.Book.1.Sci-Fi.rar
  4. Russell Craig Jan Fabel Tom 06 Strach przed ciemnÄ? wodÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Nie daj zwie??Ä? pozorom anonimowo??ci w sieci. Ka??dy tw??j krok, ka??da odwiedzana strona, ka??de klikniÄ?cie zostaje zapamiÄ?tane. ??yjemy w dw??ch ??wiatach: realnym i wirtualnym. Kiedy s??u??bom ratunkowym Hamburga udaje siÄ? opanowaÄ? pow??d?? zagra??ajÄ?cÄ? miastu, ustÄ?pujÄ?ce wody wyrzucajÄ? na brzeg ludzki korpus. Hamburska policja pr??buje wytropiÄ? Zab??jcÄ? z Sieci â?? seryjnego mordercÄ? i gwa??ciciela, kt??ry ??ledzi swe ofiary za po??rednictwem portali internetowych, a ich cia??a wyrzuca do wody. Nigdy jednak nie zdarzy??o siÄ?, by zw??oki pozbawione by??y g??owy i ko??czynâ?? Czy detektyw Jan Fabel rozwik??a zagadkÄ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 648 MB czas trwania: 14h 18m 32s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Mastalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Craig Russell Jan Fabel Tom 05 Pie???? Walkirii Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jan Fabel to cz??owiek z problemami. Kobiety jego ??ycia zaczynajÄ? coraz bardziej mu je komplikowaÄ?: jego partnerka, Susanne, chce powa??niejszego zwiÄ?zku, c??rka rozwa??a wstÄ?pienie do policji, za co Jana obwinia by??a ??ona. Jakby tego by??o ma??o, po dziesiÄ?ciu latach milczenia, ponownie daje o sobie znaÄ? seryjna morderczyni, Anio?? z St. Pauli - prasa szeroko opisuje znalezione w hamburskiej dzielnicy czerwonych latarni cia??o angielskiej gwiazdy popu, kt??ra zmar??a od makabrycznych ran no??em. PojawiajÄ? siÄ? po??Ä?czenia miÄ?dzy pozornie niezwiÄ?zanymi wydarzeniami: morderstwem dziennikarza w Norwegii, ??mierciÄ? serbskiego gangstera i dawno zapomnianym wschodnioniemieckim projektem z czas??w zimnej wojny, dotyczÄ?cym grupy ??wietnie wyszkolonych zab??jczy??, nazywanych Walkiriami. Poszukiwanie prawdy postawi Fabla na przeciw przera??ajÄ?co skutecznego profesjonalnego zab??jcy... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 735 MB czas trwania: 14h 32m 57s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Masztalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  6. Craig Russell Jan Fabel Tom 04 Mistrz karnawa??u Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Karnawa?? w Kolonii. Miasto opanowuje chaos, stanowiÄ?cy t??o dramatycznych wydarze??. Jan Fabel odk??ada swojÄ? decyzjÄ? o odej??ciu ze s??u??by i postanawia pom??c kolo??skiej policji w schwytaniu seryjnego mordercy kanibala. W tym samym czasie jego podw??adna, Maria Klee, potajemnie rozpoczyna swojÄ? prywatnÄ? krucjatÄ? przeciwko dawnemu wrogowi â?? Wasylowi Witrence. Tropem bossa ukrai??skiej mafii handlujÄ?cej ??ywym towarem podÄ???a r??wnie?? major Taras Buslenko. Przewodzi tajnej misji majÄ?cej jeden cel: wyeliminowanie Witrenki. Punktem kulminacyjnym wydarze?? staje siÄ? Karnawa??owa Noc Kobiet, podczas kt??rej nic nie jest takie, jakim siÄ? wydaje. Jak wytropiÄ? mordercÄ?, gdy nie wiadomo, czyja twarz kryje siÄ? za maskÄ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 582 MB czas trwania: 13h 25m 46s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Mastalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Craig Russell Jan Fabel Tom 03 Zmartwychwsta??y Okladka/Screeny: Opis: W ciÄ?gu jednej dobry znalezione zostajÄ? zw??oki dw??ch rozpoznawalnych os??b: by??ego lewicowego dzia??acza, a p????niej aktywisty ekologicznego, oraz genetyka zajmujÄ?cego siÄ? badaniami nad dziedziczno??ciÄ? pamiÄ?ci. Obu mÄ???czyzn oskalpowano, przy obu cia??ach znaleziono pojedyncze rude w??osy, nie nale??Ä?ce jednak do ??adnej z ofiar, a do nieznanej osoby, kt??rej obciÄ?to je dwadzie??cia lat wcze??niej. Jan Fabel i jego zesp???? z wydzia??u zab??jstw sÄ? naciskani przez polityk??w i media, by jak najszybciej schwytaÄ? mordercÄ?, kt??rego prasa ochrzci??a ju?? mianem Hamburskiego Fryzjera. ?šledztwo ujawnia powiÄ?zania w przesz??o??ci obu ofiar, a Fabel trafia w sam ??rodek napÄ?dzanej chÄ?ciÄ? zemsty, rozciÄ?gajÄ?cej siÄ? na szesna??cie stuleci intrygi. ?šledczy bÄ?dÄ? musieli odkryÄ?, co ??Ä?czy staro??ytne zmumifikowane cia??o, rozbitÄ? od dawna grupÄ? terrorystycznÄ?, jej nies??awnego lidera oraz seryjnego mordercÄ?, kt??ry wierzy, ??e zosta?? zreinkarnowany, by wywrzeÄ? zemstÄ? na tych, kt??rzy zdradzili go w poprzednim ??yciu. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 613 MB czas trwania: 13h 04m 00s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Mastalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  8. Craig Russell Jan Fabel Tom 02 Ba??niowy morderca Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Na bladym piasku hamburskiej pla??y le??y cia??o. Dziewczyna zosta??a u??o??ona w dziwnÄ? pozÄ?, w jej rÄ?ce ukryto wiadomo??Ä?: "??y??em pod ziemiÄ?, teraz jednak czas, bym wr??ci?? do domu..." KierujÄ?cy wydzia??em zab??jstw Jan Fabel pr??buje zrozumieÄ? stojÄ?cy za zbrodniÄ? mroczny, pe??en brutalno??ci umys??. Cztery dni po znalezieniu pierwszego cia??a, w sercu lasu pojawiajÄ? siÄ? kolejne - kobieta i mÄ???czyzna, z poder??niÄ?tymi gard??ami, w d??oniach karteczki z imionami "Ja??" i "Ma??gosia", spisanymi tym samym co wcze??niej charakterem pisma. Gdy staje siÄ? jasne, ??e kolejne zbrodnie nawiÄ?zujÄ? do zebranych przed prawie dwoma wiekami ludowych opowie??ci braci Grimm, rozpoczyna siÄ? polowanie na seryjnego mordercÄ?, ??ywiÄ?cego siÄ? naszymi pierwotnymi lÄ?kami. To drapie??nik, kt??ry zabija, a nastÄ?pnie z powrotem kryje siÄ? w cieniu. Potw??r, kt??rego nauczyli??my siÄ? baÄ? jako dzieci. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 583 MB czas trwania: 11h 56m 22s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Mastalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  9. Craig Russell Jan Fabel Tom 01 Krwawy orze?? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Dwie kobiety zostajÄ? zamordowane w taki sam, makabryczny, rytualistyczny spos??b. Ich zb??jca igra z policjÄ?, wysy??ajÄ?c ??ledczym wiadomo??ci e-mail. Oczywistym wydaje siÄ?, ??e dzia??a tu seryjny morderca, atakujÄ?cy losowe ofiary i realizujÄ?cy swoje chore fantazje. Z czasem prowadzone przez zesp???? Jana Fabela dochodzenie odkrywa nowe, zaskakujÄ?ce tropy. ?šledczy zostajÄ? wciÄ?gniÄ?ci w g??Ä?b mrocznych wikingowskich mit??w i legend, tajnych kult??w, intryg politycznych i walki o kontrolÄ? nad miastem. Fabel i jego wsp????pracownicy walczÄ? z czasem, by schwytaÄ? mordercÄ?, zanim ten zaatakuje kolejnÄ? ofiarÄ?. ZmierzÄ? siÄ? jednak z niebezpiecze??stwem, kt??rego nie mogli przewidzieÄ?. I z??em, kt??rego istnienia nie potrafili sobie nawet wyobraziÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 693 MB czas trwania: 14h 15m 50s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Mastalerz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  10. Mats Gustafsson & Craig Taborn - Ljubljana (2017) INFO Title: Ljubljana Artist : Mats Gustafsson & Craig Taborn Year : 2017 Genre: Jazz Packed size: 88 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - The Eyes Moving. Slowly. 02 - The Ears Facing the Fantasies. Again.
  11. Ian William Craig - Centres (2016) Title: Centres Artist : Ian William Craig Year : 2016 Genre: Ambient Packed size: 167 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Contain (Astoria Version) 02 - A Single Hope 03 - Drifting to Void On All Sides 04 - The Nearness 05 - Set to Lapse 06 - Power Colour Spirit Animal 07 - Arrive, Arrive 08 - A Circle Without Having to Curve 09 - An Ocean Only You Could See 10 - Purpose (Is No Country) 11 - It Need Not Be Hopeless 12 - Innermost 13 - Contain (Cedar Version)
  12. Artist: Craig Chaquico Title: Fire Red Moon Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Blind Pig Records Genre: Blues, Electric Blues, Blues Rock Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 47:18 Total Size: 190 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 01. Lie To Me 02. Devil's Daughter 03. Born Under A Bad Sign 04. Bad Woman 05. Rollin' And Tumblin' 06. Fire Red Moon 07. Little Red Shoes 08. Blue On Blue 09. Fogtown Stroll 10. Crossroads Fire Red Moon is neither the arena rock of Craig Chaquico's days with Jefferson Starship, nor the chart-topping smooth jazz that he initially turned to as a solo artist. It's something grittier, more primordial - and utterly surprising. Yet, there he is, chugging and juking with vocalist Noah Hunt (Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band) through "Lie to Me," the first of seven originals on Fire Red Moon, due on October 16, 2012, from Blind Pig Records. Chaquico also tears into tracks from the likes of Muddy Waters and Robert Johnson, and brilliantly reworks the Albert King classic "Born Under a Bad Sign" as a scalding instrumental. There's none of the brawny crunch associated with his mainstream Starship hits, and none of the satiny ruminations of Acoustic Planet - nominated for a new age Grammy in 1995. Chaquico, often alongside touring vocalist Rolf Hartley, instead settles into a dusty-booted groove on "Devil's Daughter," then goes to the bottom of a brown bottle with singer Eric E. Golbach on "Bad Woman." "Little Red Shoes," as with "Devil's Daughter," occasionally betrays just a hint of his pop-chart-topping penchant for a hook, while "Blue on Blue" almost gets quiet enough to recall his more recent smooth jazz past, but Fire Red Moon never strays too far from its central roots-rocking, occasionally Santana-esque theme. (Review by Nick DeRiso)
  13. Artist: Harrison Craig Title: Kings Of Vegas Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd. Genre: Jazz, Vocal Jazz, Easy Listening Quality: mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 00:35:23 Total Size: 101 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Comin' Home Baby 02. Fever 03. Almost Like Being in Love 04. I've Got You Under My Skin 05. She's a Lady 06. Put Your Head on My Shoulder 07. Route 66 08. Danke Schoen 09. My Eyes Adored You 10. The Lady Is a Tramp The 2013 winner of the second series of the Australian talent show The Voice, singer Harrison Craig was born in Melbourne in 1994 and raised by his mother in the suburb of Chelsea. Craig grew up with hardship after his father left the family when he was just six. Born with a vocal stutter -- which he continues to battle -- he was free of it when he sang, and with a natural and obvious talent, his mother signed him up to the Victorian Boys Choir in his early teens. With his confidence growing, he applied to perform on the popular TV show The Voice. He auditioned in front of the celebrity judges (Seal, Joel Madden, Delta Goodrem, and Ricky Martin) with a spell-binding version of Josh Groban's "Broken Vow." Viewers were enraptured with Craig's journey as he overcame his stutter and lack of confidence and emerged the winner. In June 2013, he released his debut album, More Than a Dream, which topped the Australian charts and was later certified platinum. Several singles from the album (most of which were songs performed by Craig during his time on The Voice) were also released that year.
  14. Craig Urquhart - Calm Seas (2016) Title: Calm Seas Artist : Craig Urquhart Year : 2016 Genre: New Age Packed size: 133 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Calm Seas 02 - North Star 03 - Waltz 04 - Wellfleet Winter 05 - Green Mountain 06 - Night Thoughts 07 - Fair Wind 08 - Sandpiper's Dance 09 - New Moon 10 - Devotion 11 - Day Dreaming 12 - Grace 13 - Blue Skies
  15. Craig David - Following My Intuition [Deluxe Edition] (2016) Craig David - Following My Intuition [Deluxe Edition] (2016) Gatunek / Genre: Pop / R&B Czas trwania / Time: 01:01:46 min Jako??Ä? / Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Ca??kowity rozmiar / Total Size: 149 mb Tracklista: 01. Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala) 02. When the Bassline Drops (Feat. Big Narstie) 03. Don't Go 04. 16 05. Couldn't Be Mine 06. One More Time 07. Change My Love 08. Nothing Like This (Feat. Blonde) 09. Got It Good (Feat. Kaytranada) 10. All We Needed 11. Louder Than Words 12. What If 13. Like a Fan 14. Better with You 15. No Holding Back (feat. Hardwell) 16. Here with Me 17. Warm It Up 18. Sink or Swim Download: Has??o: brak
  16. Artist: Craig Duncan Title: Irish Love Songs Year Of Release: 2013 Label: Green Hill Productions Genre: Folk, Easy Listening, World, Celtic Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (tracks) Total Time: 50:09 Total Size: 122/296 Mb Tracklist: 1. My Wild Irish Rose 2:58 2. Haste To The WeddingThe Irish WeddingThe Tailor's Wedding (Medley) 4:49 3. Red Is The Rose 3:02 4. Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms 3:46 5. Mairi's Wedding 3:28 6. The Rose Of Tralee 3:34 7. Courtin' In The KitchenI'll Tell Me Ma (Medley) 3:58 8. Cherish The Ladies 4:00 9. She Moved Through The Fair 4:56 10. The Coulin 3:37 11. You're A Long Time A'courtin'Jenny's WeddingKiss The Bride (Medley) 4:17 12. Will Mountain Thyme (Will Ye Go Lassie Go) 3:33 13. Londonderry Air (Danny Boy) 4:05 Featuring uilleann pipes, pennywhistle, fiddle, dulcimer, Celtic harp, flute, accordion, and bodhran, this 13-track collection of Irish Love Songs offers up a nice mix of lesser-known Emerald Isle gems ("Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms," "Mairi's Wedding," "The Coulin") and the usual suspects ("Wild Mountain Thyme," "Londonderry Air [Danny Boy]," "She Moved Through the Fair"), resulting in a lovely and lilting set of well-executed instrumentals.
  17. Artist: Ian William Craig Title: Meaning Turns to Whispers Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Aguirre Records â?Ž- ZORN43 Genre: Modern Classical, Ambient, Experimental Quality: 320 / FLAC Total Time: 43:54 Total Size: 106 / 234 Mb Tracklist: 1. Lovers; Cascading (Part I) 08:11 2. Lovers; Cascading (Part II) 07:32 3. Wherever Two Circles can be Drawn 05:53 4. Open Passage, Closed Passage, Hidden Passage 07:50 5. Expanding Hope into Caverns 10:58 6. Everything and Tired 03:26 For those recently indoctrinated in Ian William Craig's drone hymns, 'Meaning Turns to Whispers' may come as a surprise. His first record stands, alongside song-written and vocalised records such as 'A Turn of Breath' and 'Cradle for the Wanting', as something completely different: a largely instrumental, suffocatingly noisy but decidedly Frahmian piano record. Delve closer into Craig's discography, and this shouldn't be all that surprising: he's released these kind of records alongside his records proper, be it 'Theia for the Archive', with its Hecker-scarred ballads, or 'Zugzwang for Fostex', a largely noise-decayed tape of miniatures. For the first entry into Craig's canon, though, it's interesting that he hid his most notable instrument: the voice. Formed largely of improvisations for piano -- much of Craig's recorded and live output at this time was entirely at the mercy of improvisation -- 'Meaning' is meandering but towards a tipping point. Craig has described the noisy, textural element of his music as a way of dealing with the sentimentality inherent to what he does, and that's no more obvious than on this record. His piano playing can reflect the most sombre of neo-classical artists, from Dustin O'Hallaran to Lubomyr Melnyk, but it will eventually reach a point of no return, at which point he'll coat it with feedback from his FM loops, seemingly washing any narrative or poignancy clean before he can start up again. The rare strands of vocals in this record are the most treated of all: they crackle and glitch before escaping into the ether, never to be pieced together into a proper form. There's beauty in 'Meaning Turns to Whispers', but perhaps my favourite thing about the record is hearing Craig come to terms with that beauty, and often even ruin it. For me, his music is about conflict, decay and memory abstraction, which is why calling it old-fashioned or ancient-sounding feels off: tape loops, botched opera and textural degradation are as modern as a forgotten snapchat message or a shit deleted tweet. "Wherever Two Circles Can Be Drawn" is a solo piano piece done lo-fi, improvised so that its most beautiful notes may be met with ominous rejoinders. "Open Passage" continues where it left off but envelops the composition in scarred, failing feedback, as if to refuse us the pre-established journey we're expecting. This kind of improvisation is about vulnerability and the scope for human error, and once more, 'Meaning' is a record in which Craig posits these things from places we thought perfect: who'd have thought neo-classical could go so wrong, and sound better for it?
  18. Craig Ballantyne - Turbulence Training 2.0 WEBRip | MP4 | English | 960 x 544 | AVC ~676 kbps | 25 fps AAC ~48 Kbps | 48.0 KHz | 1 channel | 10:04:28 | 2.64 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Cardio Workout, Health Why the Wall Street Journal Claims Cardio is as Bad as Cheeseburgers and 3 Other Shocking Facts About Fat Loss.Imagine never having to suffer through another boring cardio workout again.And along with that, picture yourself being able to eat a juicy burger, all while enjoying the lean, sexy body you have been working so hard to achieve. This might sound like a fantasy, but it's not. In fact, you're about to discover how this dream can become reality. And yes, you'll find out how cheeseburgers are better than long, slow cardio on the treadmill when it comes to losing fat and building an amazing body. It all starts with shocking scientific research. Recently, several new studies revealed that long, slow and boring cardio workouts actually SABOTAGE your natural ability to burn ugly belly fat. Think about that for a moment. If you're tired, fed up and disappointed with the results you've been getting from your current workout, then I want you to know that this cutting edge research is going to change your life. You'll also see exactly how the entire fitness industry - from personal trainers to gym owners to equipment manufacturers - have been lying to you about your weight and exactly what you can do about it. So-called experts, including many overweight doctors have been telling you for years that you need to do up to an hour of cardio per day in order to lose weight. That's a BIG FAT LIE. Listen, if you spend hours each week running, pedaling or're ruining your ability to burn fat and build a lean, sexy body. Excessive daily cardio basically says to your body, "Whoa, hold on to this belly fat. We need it. Burn this muscle instead!" In fact, research shows that treadmills, elliptical machines and stairmasters can actually train your body to STORE fat instead of burning it. Other studies show that cardio not only makes you fatter, it also ages you faster. However, these serious problems from doing excessive cardio are quickly and easily reversible. There is one little known way to exercise that commands your body to STOP gaining fat. fitwoman When you switch from cardio to this unique, short burst workout system, it will make you look 10-15 years younger in just a few weeks. This is not crazy talk. And you don't need to adopt an insane diet, start taking truckloads of expensive pills or use one of those infomercial gimmicks that get peddled on late night TV. You see, this new form of exercise works for anyone and at any age. Scientists have shown this unique system helps men and women of all ages to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. That's the Holy Grail of Exercise! And that means you can use these methods to look and feel better in your 30's, 40's, 50's or even your 60's than you did as a teenager. But you'll never hear this from the mainstream media. And not knowing this information can keep you FAT FOREVER. You'll be stuck doing the same boring, dangerous and ineffective cardio routine that has not worked for you in the last five years and won't EVER work for you in the future. So stop the insanity. stk327147rknListen, I don't want you to feel stuck. I don't want you to hate your body and feel ashamed about the way you look. I don't want you to hear people talking about your weight behind your back. But the problem is that the fitness industry is more interested in taking your money than it is in helping you get amazing results. My 18 years in the fitness world as a writer for Men's Health and Women's Health magazines has shown me the dark side of most exercise advice being pitched today. And worst of all.I've seen thousands of people wreck their health by slaving away on treadmills. That's all going to end today. I'm going to reveal the BIG LIE about cardio right now. I've helped thousands of people get the body of their dreams. It all starts with understanding a few simple, but controversial facts that the fitness industry doesn't want you to know. burgerVcardioBANNER Imagine never having to suffer through another boring cardio workout again. And along with that, picture yourself being able to eat a juicy burger, all while enjoying the lean, sexy body you have been working so hard to achieve. This might sound like a fantasy, but it's not. In fact, you're about to discover how this dream can become reality. And yes, you'll find out how cheeseburgers are better than long, slow cardio on the treadmill when it comes to losing fat and building an amazing body. It all starts with shocking scientific research. burgervcardio4 French-Canadian Researchers Discover a Weird Trick to Boosting Your Fat Loss by 450% Keep reading to find out more! Recently, several new studies revealed that long, slow and boring cardio workouts actually SABOTAGE your natural ability to burn ugly belly fat. Think about that for a moment. If you're tired, fed up and disappointed with the results you've been getting from your current workout, then I want you to know that this cutting edge research is going to change your life. You'll also see exactly how the entire fitness industry - from personal trainers to gym owners to equipment manufacturers - have been lying to you about your weight and exactly what you can do about it. So-called experts, including many overweight doctors have been telling you for years that you need to do up to an hour of cardio per day in order to lose weight. That's a BIG FAT LIE. Listen, if you spend hours each week running, pedaling or're ruining your ability to burn fat and build a lean, sexy body. Excessive daily cardio basically says to your body, "Whoa, hold on to this belly fat. We need it. Burn this muscle instead!" In fact, research shows that treadmills, elliptical machines and stairmasters can actually train your body to STORE fat instead of burning it. Other studies show that cardio not only makes you fatter, it also ages you faster. However, these serious problems from doing excessive cardio are quickly and easily reversible. There is one little known way to exercise that commands your body to STOP gaining fat. fitwoman When you switch from cardio to this unique, short burst workout system, it will make you look 10-15 years younger in just a few weeks. This is not crazy talk. And you don't need to adopt an insane diet, start taking truckloads of expensive pills or use one of those infomercial gimmicks that get peddled on late night TV. You see, this new form of exercise works for anyone and at any age. Scientists have shown this unique system helps men and women of all ages to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. That's the Holy Grail of Exercise! And that means you can use these methods to look and feel better in your 30's, 40's, 50's or even your 60's than you did as a teenager. But you'll never hear this from the mainstream media. And not knowing this information can keep you FAT FOREVER. You'll be stuck doing the same boring, dangerous and ineffective cardio routine that has not worked for you in the last five years and won't EVER work for you in the future. So stop the insanity. stk327147rknListen, I don't want you to feel stuck. I don't want you to hate your body and feel ashamed about the way you look. I don't want you to hear people talking about your weight behind your back. But the problem is that the fitness industry is more interested in taking your money than it is in helping you get amazing results. My 18 years in the fitness world as a writer for Men's Health and Women's Health magazines has shown me the dark side of most exercise advice being pitched today. And worst of all.I've seen thousands of people wreck their health by slaving away on treadmills. That's all going to end today. I'm going to reveal the BIG LIE about cardio right now. I've helped thousands of people get the body of their dreams. It all starts with understanding a few simple, but controversial facts that the fitness industry doesn't want you to know. 4 Shocking Facts Reveal Exactly Why You're NOT Getting the Fat Loss Results You Deserve - and - How You Can Fix Your Broken metabolism to Burn Fat 24 Hours per Day, 7 Days Per Week If you're tired of workouts that take forever and leave you with a flabby belly, then this research is for you. If you're tired of leaving the gym with sore knees, an aching back and foot pain from doing long cardio workouts then pay close attention. Researchers have the good news you've been looking for all these years. Here are the scientific FACTS: FACT 1 Cardio Makes You Gain Fat Around Your Belly, Thighs, Hips, and Legs redarrowbanner Here's a fact: if you want to GAIN WEIGHT, then you should get on the treadmill. Most people believe that the key to losing fat and getting in shape is to spend lots of time running on a treadmill. But that's dead wrong. You see, long, slow and boring cardio actually trains your body to store fat. It makes your body guard its fat closer than a hungry dog guards his food. I know you've seen that famous button on the treadmill that reads: "Fat Burning Zone" but that button should really be called the "Fat STORING Zone" because that's the real effect it has on your body. When you spend 30, 40 or even 50 minutes pounding away on the treadmill, you send your body a powerful signal to start storing fat instead of burning it. Why? It's all in your hormones. Here's what smart scientists know: According to a study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, People who performed intense cardio suffered from decreased T3 hormone production. (Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003 Jan; 88(4-5):480-4.) T3 is the hormone produced by your thyroid to burn fat. When you do cardio, your body reacts to the stress by suppressing this fat burning hormone. This means your body starts gaining fat immediately. Why? Because your body needs the fat to function. But it gets worse. Doing cardio also puts massive amounts of stress on your body. According to a 2011 study in the scientific journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, Cardio increases the stress hormone cortisol. (Skoluda, N., Dettenborn, L., et al. Elevated Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Endurance Athletes. Psychoneuroendocrinology. September 2011.) Cortisol is associated with heart disease, cancer and visceral belly fat. That's the kind of fat that hangs around your waist and gives you that disgusting pear shape. If cortisol and T3 weren't bad enough. During long, slow and boring cardio - your appetite also increases. Have you ever CRAVED sugary food after you finish a long run? I'm sure you have and it's all because your body gets very greedy for food after you finish your cardio session. In fact, your body overreacts to cardio like a dramatic teenager, causing you to eat more and more food. Even worse, you always end up eating more fat-gaining calories AFTER you work out which means that you gain more and more weight. A 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that: After cardio exercise, the subjects end up eating 100 calories more than they just burned off. (Sonneville, K.R., et al. (2008) International Journal of Obesity. 32, S19-S27.) Researchers have even found that people on a long term cardio plan actually GAIN weight instead of losing it. A 2006 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that runners who ran the same distance or slightly more each week had LARGER waistlines at the end of the 9 year study. Scary right? Here's your second shocking fact: FACT 2 Cardio DAMAGES Your Heart, Joints, and Back redarrowbanner In 1977, Jim Fixx published The Complete Book of Running. In 1984, Jim Fixx died of a massive heart after his daily run. He was 52 years old. Fixx is the misguided man behind the entire cardio craze. He's the guy behind our dangerous obsession with cardio. Now, scientists realize how insane Fixx's exercise guidance really was. If you struggle with your weight and still do cardio.then it's not your fault. Even Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the founder of aerobics, recently admitted that he was WRONG about cardio. In his latest book, he said there is "no correlation between 'aerobic' endurance performance and healthy, longevity or protection against heart disease." You've been LIED to. And this lie has put your health in jeopardy. If you don't want to suffer the same fate as Jim Fixx, then you need to pay close attention now. tired woman exercise bike DOWNLOAD
  19. Artist: VA Title: Cocoon Ibiza Mixed By Carl Craig And Sonja Moonear Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Cocoon Recordings - CORMIX053DIGITALX Genre: Techno Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 02:31:20 Total Size: 319 mb Tracklist 1. Carl Craig - Cocoon Ibiza - Carl Craig Detroit Love Mix [Continuous Mix] (01:18:47) 2. Sonja Moonear - Cocoon Ibiza - Sonja Moonear White Mix [Continuous Mix] (01:12:33) Wowser, what a stunning double feature we have here in our hands today! To all our ibiza amigos andchicas: Cocoon Recordings presents an unbelievable package just in time for the peak of this yearsIbiza season. Please welcome Sonja Moonear and one of the greatest house and techno producers ofall time, mister Carl Craig! And what a package this is full of love, soul and electronic dance musichighlights.Carl Craig is in charge for CD1 of our official 2016 Ibiza release. The Detroits 90s techno wunderkindand the mastermind behind some of the biggest house and techno records ever made leaves usalmost speechless with his amazing selection and mix. Of course we didnt expect anything less thanthis as Carl is a never ending source of inspiration for us and all house lovers around the globe. Youknow that feeling, somewhere between deepest admiration and jealousy looking at such a big talentwith all these amazing productions and remixes he gave us the god of techno has blessed thislovely and gifted artist and we are extremely proud to have him on our ibiza mix-CD this year! MaestroCraig selected a fine list of tracks for his mix by fellow legends like DJ Pierre (remixed by RicardoVillalobos), Luciano (remixed by Dennis Ferrer), DJ Deep or Agoria. Carl Craig created a perfect mixwith power and deepness at the same time - this is high class techno music. Especially the start of theCD with his exclusive C2 intro edit of Luca Ballerinis Impressions Of A Dawn catches us right fromthe beginning. By including two more remixes by himself the whole selection becomes a perfectlyblended collage of music that appears like an xxl Carl Craig remix. This mix will be for sure one of theall time highlights in our ibiza-cd-series and it was definitely worth the wait! CC hypnotized us with thismix, this one will stay! Coming up next is lovely Sonja and her mix for CD2 of our package. Miss Moonear included some realhouse lovers delights by artists like Elbee Bad, Ralphie Rosario, Frank Roger and the new US-BerlinerBrett Johnson. What looks and sounds like a deep and housey collection develops pretty soon to afreaky and technoide mix that beams us straight back to our monday nights at cocoon/amnesia. Dontget us wrong, Sonja Moonears mix follows a cool and sexy house direction but it gets us going fromstart to end and she really knows when to power up the pace before bringing us back to the cooldeepness again. This DJ-mix touches us with its electronic soul vibe and Sonja Moonear really handedus a true summer mix in. Everybody misses the sun and heat in the summer of 2016 so wedesperately needed a heart warming music cure to take ibiza with us back home. We especiallyappreciate that Sonja included some of our all time favorites by John Tejada and Ricardo Villalobos(together with Argenis Brito), who receives the honor to close her mix. This is a mix full of pure sexand kicking deepness and we are really proud to have it on our label!
  20. Artist: Craig Pruess Title: Through The Ages Year Of Release: 2001 Label: Heaven On Earth Music (HOEM-03) Genre: New Age, Meditative Quality: FLAC (image+.cue+covers) / MP3 CBR 320 kbps Total Time: 53:02 min Total Size: 224 MB / 130 MB (+5%) Tracklist: 01. Doors Into Time (1:34) 02. I Remember (3:10) 03. The Forefathers (1:19) 04. Kings (4:13) 05. Open Sea (3:00) 06. Rest By Me (6:06) 07. Timeless (10:22) 08. Geomance (23:18)
  21. TutsPlus - Advanced Animation With GSAP Plugins With Craig Campbell Duration: 2hr 25m | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 30fps | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2 ch | 1.1 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English The GreenSock Animation Platform is a powerful javascript library for animating HTML elements in the browser. In this course, you will go beyond the basics of GreenSock animation as Envato Tuts+ instructor Craig Campbell takes you on a tour of the plugins that ship with GSAP. Home Page _ Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  22. Logo Animation and Compositing with CINEMA 4D and After Effects With Craig Whitaker Size: 883MB | Duration: 1h 10m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English Bring your logos to life with this quick start guide for animating and compositing a logo design in CINEMA 4D and After Effects. Craig Whitaker walks through a compressed 7-step workflow, which takes you from import to final render. He extrudes the logo (from a prebuilt Illustrator design), adds text and lights, creates and applies materials, and composites the project in After Effects. Along the way, he reviews the workflow and the plugins he uses, so you can adapt them to fit your projects. Download From FileBoom Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  23. TutsPlus - Animating With Snap.svg With Craig Campbell 2.2 hours | h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 25fps | aac, 44100 Hz, 1 ch | 854 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English | +Project files SVG is a powerful way to create vector-based graphics that resize flawlessly. In this course, you will learn how to use the Snap.svg javascript framework to create, control, and animate your SVGs with ease. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  24. CINEMA 4D Rendering Tips for NUKE With Craig Whitaker Size: 592MB | Duration: 1h 31m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English Like a cake, a render isn't fully "baked" until you've added the finishing touches that take motion graphics from good to great. This course shows you how to take a render directly from CINEMA 4D, or any other 3D package, and bump it up a notch with NUKE. Author Craig Whitaker shows how to combine UVW passes with ST maps to retexture objects, build RGB mattes, create glows and gizmos with Fresnel shaders, and add depth of field, motion blur, and other effects. Topics include: * Prepping UVs for export * Using the STMap node to retexture objects * Compositing the shot * Creating RGB mattes * Working with Fresnel shaders * Creating depth of field and motion blur effects Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  25. Tutsplus - Using SVG Sprites With Craig Campbell 1.5 hours | English | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 25 fps | 553 MB Genre: Video Training | Craig Campbell SVG technology has been around for years, but it has only recently started gaining wide usage. In this course, I'll show you how to combine multiple scalable sprite images into a single SVG and display them on your web pages. The techniques discussed in this course will put you on track to create icon sets which are conveniently contained in a single file. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
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