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Znaleziono 28 wyników

  1. Free Download The Railway Detective: The bestselling Victorian mystery series - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3, m4b | 1.27 GB | English | Isbn:‎ B006WB7MMU | Author: Edward Marston | Year: 2009 Description: Category:Historical British & Irish Literature, Historical Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Fiction, Traditional Detective Mysteries Download Link:
  2. Free Download The Silver Locomotive Mystery: The bestselling Victorian mystery series (Railway Detective Book 6) - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 167.73 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B006WB7PDQ | Author: Edward Marston | Year: 2009 Description: Category:Historical Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Fiction, Historical Mysteries, Murder Download Link:
  3. Money Mammoth pdf, m4b | 236.41 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 1119636043 | Author: Brad Klontz;Edward Horwitz;Ted Klontz; | Year: 2020 Category:Personal Budgeting, Retirement Planning, Personal Money Management Description: Download Link:
  4. Iron Maiden - Edward The Great:The Greatest Hits (Remaster) (2005) Iron Maiden - Edward The Great:The Greatest Hits Genre: Rock,Heavy Metal Year: 2005 Source: cd Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 01:14:26 Cover: tak Size: 638 MB 1. Run To The Hills 3:57 2. The Number Of The Beast 4:53 3. The Trooper 4:13 4. Flight Of Icarus 3:52 5. 2 Minutes To Midnight 6:02 6. Wasted Years 5:08 7. Can I Play With Madness 3:32 8. The Evil That Men Do 4:34 9. Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter 4:45 10. Man On The Edge 4:14 11. Futureal 2:57 12. The Wicker Man 4:36 13. Brave New World 6:19 14. Wildest Dreams 3:52 15. Rainmaker 3:51 16. Fear Of The Dark (Live) 7:43 linki:â?Žâ??_Edward_The_Great_(The_Greatest_Hits)_(2005)_[FLAC].rar
  5. Edward Simoni - Golden Panflute (2008) [APE] Artist: Edward Simoni Album: Golden Panflute Year Of Release: 2008 Genre: Panpipes (Pan Flute), Instrumental Quality: APE (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 01:09:38 Total Size: 452 MB TRACKLIST DOWNLOAD
  6. Chatterton Keble Edward Dunkierka Sukces operacji "Dynamo" Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Operacja â?žDynamoâ? â?? â?žcud Dunkierkiâ?, kt??ry zdecydowa?? o losach wojny. 27 maja 1940 roku wynik bitwy o FrancjÄ? by?? ju?? przesÄ?dzony. W??wczas to rozpoczÄ???a siÄ? jedna z najwiÄ?kszych operacji II wojny ??wiatowej: ewakuacja spod Dunkierki. Przez kolejne dziewiÄ?Ä? dni, sformowana naprÄ?dce armada najrozmaitszych statk??w i okrÄ?t??w ocali??a blisko 340 tys. ??o??nierzy si?? sprzymierzonych. Przewioz??a ich przez kana?? La Manche i sprowadzi??a bezpiecznie z powrotem do Anglii. Wspomnienia tamtych wydarze?? sÄ? wciÄ??? ??ywe w pamiÄ?ci Brytyjczyk??w. Jednak przy ca??ym zaanga??owaniu Kr??lewskiej Marynarki Wojennej, marynarki handlowej oraz innych armator??w z Wysp Brytyjskich, wk??ad pozosta??ych zaanga??owanych nacji â?? Francuz??w, Holendr??w czy Belg??w â?? pozostaje niedoceniony. Podobnie zresztÄ? jak znaczenie dzia??a?? obronnych w Calais, Lille czy Amiens, kt??re skutecznie odciÄ?gnÄ???y uwagÄ? Niemc??w od Dunkierki. KsiÄ???ka Chattertona to nie jedna, a wiele opowie??ci, ukazujÄ?cych ??wczesne wydarzenia z r????nej perspektywy. Dopiero splot rozmaitych fakt??w i relacji pozwala ujrzeÄ? je w pe??nym wymiarze. Z kolei przytaczane dokumenty z epoki wskazujÄ?, ??e pewne zdarzenia widziano i oceniano na bie??Ä?co inaczej, czÄ?sto w opozycji do p????niejszej wiedzy. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 337 MB czas trwania: 08h 21m 56s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Leszek Filipowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Edward Fenton - Widmo z G??ogowego Wzg??rza Opis: Przez kr??tkÄ? chwilÄ?, w ciemnÄ? noc, bez ksiÄ???yca, kt??ry by?? za chmurami, na samym ??rodku niesko??czonej, bia??ej przestrzeni dojrza??em co??, jakby w peruce na g??owie, co wyglÄ?da??o zupe??nie na widmo zdziwacza??ej starszej pani, kt??ra zjawi??a siÄ?, aby nawiedziÄ? dom, gdzie przez tyle lat mieszka??a samotnie. To co?? jakby mignÄ???o, ale w gruncie rzeczy wcale tego nie widzia??em. Jedyne, co widzia??em, to by?? ba??wan ze ??niegu. U??miechnÄ???em siÄ?, m??wiÄ?c sobie w duchu, ??e taki pomys?? w sam raz pasuje do Amandy, kt??ra lubi wszystko dramatyzowaÄ?. Ale r??wnocze??nie ogarnÄ???o mnie nag??e przekonanie, ze tam rzeczywi??cie co?? jest. Je??eli nie widmo pani Houghton, to w takim razie co??, co mog??em opisaÄ? tylko jako Obecno??Ä?. W tym momencie wuj Olivier zaczÄ??? m??wiÄ? - nie pamiÄ?tam ju?? co - i odeszli??my od okna. Z humorem napisana powie??Ä? "kryminalna" dla m??odzie??y. Bohaterem i narratorem jest ch??opiec, kt??ry wraz z dw??jkÄ? swoich kuzyn??w odkrywa tajemnicÄ? starego domu. Jest "widmo" ukazujÄ?ce siÄ? w oknie, jest dziwny zdzicza??y pies i jest ukryty w oryginalnym miejscu testament samotnej starszej pani, poprzedniej w??a??cicielki tytu??owego G??ogowego Wzg??rza. Download:
  8. Edward Gardner - Lutos??awski: Vocal Works (2011) [FLAC] Artist: Edward Gardner Album: Lutos??awski: Vocal Works Year Of Release: 2011 Genre: Classical Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 01:07:40 Total Size: 241 MB
  9. Edward Lee - Ludzie z bagien Opis: Crick City to zapyzia??a dziura. Brud, smr??d i ub??stwo; miejsce, kt??rego nikt nie nazwa??by domem. Jedynie Phil Straker, gliniarz z wydzia??u zab??jstw, czuje siÄ? tutaj jak u siebie. A teraz kto?? - lub co?? - urzÄ?dza sobie w jego mie??cie istnÄ? rze??. OdciÄ?te ko??czyny... Zmasakrowane zw??oki... M??wiÄ? na nich Ludzie z bagien. Przyczajeni od wiek??w w g??Ä?bi ciemnego lasu, kierowani gniewem i ??Ä?dzÄ? zemsty. Zdeformowane, wykrzywione w dziwnych grymasach pyski, czerwone jak szkar??at oczy. Teraz, kiedy ksiÄ???yc wisi nisko nad ich starym domostwem, wybierajÄ? siÄ? na krwawe ??niwa, by pogrÄ???yÄ? Crick City w koszmarze, kt??rego to miasto nigdy nie zapomni... Pisarstwo Edwarda Lee jest jak pi??a mechaniczna na pe??nych obrotach. Je??li podejdziesz zbyt blisko, ur??nie ci nogi. - Jack Ketchum Download:
  10. Edward Redli??ski - Konopielka Opis: Konopielka to znakomita komedia obyczajowa â?? mistrzowski zapis konfrontacji mentalno??ci polskiej wsi z cywilizacjÄ? miasta. To najbardziej znana powie??Ä? Edwarda Redli??skiego i jedna z bardziej zabawnych lektur szkolnych, kt??ra zosta??a zekranizowana w przez Witolda Leszczy??skiego (w 1981 roku) z wybitnÄ? rolÄ? Krzysztofa Majchrzaka. Mieszka??cy Taplar od pokole?? ??yjÄ? spokojnie i po bo??emu, w ciemnocie, brudzie i zabobonie. Wielki ??wiat z jego diabelskimi wynalazkami, jak radio czy widelec, szczÄ???liwie omija ich wioskÄ?. Niestety, pewnego dnia w??adze powiatu postanawiajÄ? przeprowadziÄ? elektryfikacjÄ? i otworzyÄ? we wsi szko??Ä?. Do Taplar przyje??d??a nauczycielka, kt??ra â?? choÄ? jest delikatnÄ? miastowÄ? panienkÄ? â?? zupe??nie burzy dotychczasowy porzÄ?dek. Download:
  11. Edward No??ycorÄ?ki / Edward Scissorhands (1990) REMASTERED.PL.DUAL.720p.BluRay.x264-FLAME / Lektor PL W??a??ciciel ogromnego zamczyska, po??o??onego na wzg??rzu, powo??uje do ??ycia niezwyk??ego ch??opca-cyborga, Edwarda. Zamiast d??oni ma on no??yczki, kt??rymi niezwykle sprawnie siÄ? pos??uguje. Jest prawdziwym artystÄ?, istotÄ? bardzo wra??liwÄ?. Po ??mierci swego tw??rcy ch??opiec opuszcza mury zamczyska i rusza w ??wiat. Trafia na przedmie??cia pobliskiego miasteczka, gdzie po pokonaniu nieufno??ci mieszka??c??w, staje siÄ? ich nadwornym ogrodnikiem i fryzjerem, kreujÄ?c najwymy??lniejsze rze??by i fryzury. Nikt nie pr??buje siÄ? z nim zaprzyja??niÄ?, czy choÄ?by okazaÄ? wiÄ?kszego zainteresowania, traktujÄ?c go jak kolejny przedmiot u??ytkowy. Jedynie energiczna akwizytorka kosmetyk??w okazuje mu wsp????czucie i zaprasza, by zamieszka?? z jej rodzinÄ?. Tu poznaje ??licznÄ? c??rkÄ? gospodyni - Kim, z pozoru r??wnie wra??liwÄ? jak on. Mimo to Edward nadal nie znajduje bratniej duszy. Film zosta?? zrealizowany wg scenariusza, kt??ry powsta?? na podstawie dzieciÄ?cej wizji jego tw??rcy - Tima Burtona. Edward No??ycorÄ?ki / Edward Scissorhands (1990) REMASTERED.PL.DUAL.720p.BluRay.x264-FLAME / Lektor PL
  12. Artist: Edward Simon Title: Unicity Year Of Release: 2006 Label: CAMJazz Genre: Jazz, Post-Bop Quality: FLAC [16bit/44.1kHz] Total Time: 52:42 Total Size: 276 MB Tracklist: 01. Invocation (Simon) - 0:54 02. The Messenger (Patitucci) - 7:16 03. Abiding Unicity (Simon) - 5:59 04. Gevriasolas (Binney) - 7:25 05. The Midst of Chaos (Simon) - 6:34 06. Prelude N.9 (Mompou) - 4:12 07. Pathless Path (Simon) - 5:31 08. Evolution (Simon) - 6:40 09. Eastern (Simon) - 5:10 10. Abiding Unicity (Reprise) (Simon) - 3:01
  13. Guziakiewicz Edward Hurysy z katalogu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: MajÄ?cy ponad sto dwadzie??cia lat Groom chcia?? za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? siÄ? odm??odziÄ?. To by??a jego id??e fixe. Jedynie zamo??ni mogli sobie pozwalaÄ? na takie kaprysy. Zagubiony w d??ungli Ganimedesa o??rodek, w kt??rym rezydowa??, ??Ä?czy?? siÄ? z du??ym laboratorium badawczym. Mrowie ??ciÄ?gniÄ?tych tam naukowc??w z r????nych bran?? trudzi??o siÄ? nad opartym na retelicie eliksirem m??odo??ci. Specjali??ci poradziliby sobie pewnie z tym widmowym zadaniem na miarÄ? ??redniowiecznych alchemik??w pokroju Paracelsusa, gdyby Raoul Dupont nie wszed?? Groomowi w drogÄ? i nie zniweczy?? jego plan??w, odcinajÄ?c mu dostÄ?p do z?????? cennej rudy. W ten przedziwny spos??b Bogu ducha winny wojskowy, kt??rego wspiera??y piÄ?kne, obdarzone niezwyk??ymi umiejÄ?tno??ciami hurysy, sta?? siÄ? wrogiem numer jeden. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 359 MB czas trwania: 09h 43m 20s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  14. Lawrence Thomas Edward Burza nad AzjÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jedynym powodem, dla kt??rego dostajecie "BurzÄ? nad AzjÄ?" jako odrÄ?bnÄ? pozycjÄ? jest moja nie??wiadomo??Ä? i decyzje edytorskie przedwojennej "Biblioteki groszowej". Pewnie z powod??w czysto handlowych dzie??o Lawrence'a w oryginale zatytu??owane "Revolt in the Desert" zosta??o w wydaniu polskim podzielone na "Bunt Arab??w" i "BurzÄ? nad AzjÄ?". Ja zorientowa??em siÄ? w tym, kiedy dobrnÄ???em do ostatniego rozdzia??u "Buntu", stwierdzi??em, ??e akcja w ??aden spos??b siÄ? tam nie ko??czy, a w dodatku znajduje siÄ? tam informacja o dalszym ciÄ?gu w "Burzy". By??bym sw??j b??Ä?d naprawi?? od razu, ale zdobycie owej drugiej czÄ???ci trochÄ? mi zajÄ???o. Ale niniejszym wszystko wraca do normy. Co prawda sÄ? dwa audiobooki i tytu??ach odpowiadajÄ?cych przedwojennej edycji, ale postanowi??em, ??e w "Burzy" rozdzia??y (pliki) bÄ?dÄ? mia??y numeracjÄ? kontynuujÄ?cÄ? numeracjÄ? z "Buntu'. Je??li wiÄ?c kto?? sobie ??yczy, mo??e nowe i stare pliki wrzuciÄ? do jednego katalogu, kt??ry zawieraÄ? bÄ?dzie w ca??o??ci ksiÄ???kÄ? "Revolt in the Desert". ??eby ca??Ä? sprawÄ? jeszcze zamotaÄ?, przypomnÄ?, ??e "Revolt" to niejako skr??cona i poddana p????niejszym przer??bkom wersja wiekopomnego dzie??a Lawrence'a - "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", czyli "Siedem filar??w mÄ?dro??ci", kt??rÄ? w bardziej wsp????czesnym przek??adzie Jerzego Schwakopfa wyda?? w 1998 roku Pa??stwowy Instytut Wydawniczy. Historycy g??oszÄ?, ??e Lawrence nie opisa?? "samej prawdy i tylko prawdy". Pewnie nie, bo ??adnej pojedynczy cz??owiek nie jest w stanie siÄ?gnÄ?Ä? poza swojÄ? subiektywnÄ? ocenÄ? zdarze??, tym bardziej, je??li sÄ? to zdarzenia ??wie??e, w kt??rych sam ogrywa?? rolÄ? wiÄ?cej ni?? obserwatora. Jakby nie by??o, mamy do czynienia z jednym z nielicznych w historii ludzi, kt??rzy nie bÄ?dÄ?c kr??lami, dyktatorami, wodzami itp. zmienili kszta??t geopolityki XX wieku, a konsekwencje tej zmiany trwajÄ? tak??e w naszym wieku XXI, i nikt nie wie, jak d??ugo jeszcze bÄ?dÄ? trwaÄ?. Szczerze polecam. Im siÄ? cz??owiek bardziej zag??Ä?bia w lekturÄ? i im lepiej poznaje i zapamiÄ?tuje opisywane postaci, tym ??atwiej nadÄ???yÄ? za autorem i ogarnÄ?Ä? wzrokiem opisywanÄ? przez niego, absolutnie fascynujÄ?cÄ? rzeczywisto??Ä?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 446 MB czas trwania: 08h 03m 07s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  15. Lawrence Thomas Edward Bunt Arab??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Po raz pierwszy, w przypadku ramot, siÄ?gnÄ???em po literaturÄ? faktu. Nie ??a??ujÄ?, choÄ? wra??enia mam odrobinÄ? mieszane. Tematyka bliskowschodnia nastrÄ?cza mi - w przypadku wydania niemal 100-letniego - powa??ne trudno??ci. Przede wszystkim obowiÄ?zywa??y wtedy inne zasady dotyczÄ?ce przek??adania nazw geograficznych. Pani Janina Sujkowska przek??ada je w spos??b fonetyczny - niby jest to u??atwienie, ale brak mo??liwo??ci odwo??ania siÄ? do literalnej transkrypcji nazw powoduje, ??e za ka??dym razem by??em niepewny choÄ?by w przybli??eniu poprawnej wymowy. PamiÄ?tnikarska forma ksiÄ???ki pozostawia tak??e wiele niewiadomych w zakresie szerszego t??a. Prawdopodobnie w nowoczesnym wydaniu ksiÄ???ka opatrzona by??aby wieloma przypisami pozwalajÄ?cymi na umiejscowienie opisywanych zdarze?? w odrobinÄ? szerszym kontek??cie. W tej postaci, w jakiej "Bunt Arab??w" zosta?? wydany w Bibliotece Groszowej, i w jakiej mo??ecie tÄ? pozycjÄ? pos??uchaÄ?, konieczne jest samodzielne siÄ?ganie do ??r??de?? wiedzy encyklopedycznej i do atlas??w. Co samo przez siÄ? mo??e byÄ? kszta??cÄ?ce. Lawrence jest mistrzem opisu krajobrazu - czyni to plastycznie i zwiÄ???le, oraz ludzi - i to bardziej w zakresie ich psychologii, ni?? wyglÄ?du. Kr??tkie refleksje dotyczÄ?ce mentalno??ci Arab??w, z kt??rymi Lawrence wsp????pracowa??, sÄ? chyba najcenniejszymi pere??kami tego pamiÄ?tnika. mako_new Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 410 MB czas trwania: 07h 24m 47s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  16. Artist: St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra, Edward Serov Title: Boris Tchaikovsky - Chamber Symphony, Signs of the Zodiac, Four Preludes, Clarinet Concerto Year Of Release: 2003 Label: Northern Flowers Genre: Classical Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) Total Time: 01:09:06 Total Size: 422 Mb Tracklist: Chamber Symphony (1967) 01. Sonata (4:36) 02. Unison (2:18) 03. Choral Music (2:18) 04. Interlude (2:08) 05. Marching motives (3:40) 06. Serenade (5:15) Signs of the Zodiac, a cantata for soprano, harpsichord and strings (1974) 07. Prelude. Silentium! The words by F. Tiutchev (10:20) 08. There's a long way. The words of Alexander Blok (3:13) 09. In the four roads. The words of Marina Tsvetaeva (4:52) 10. Signs of the Zodiac. According to N. Z's (5:33) Four Preludes for Chamber Orchestra (1984) 11. Agitato. Con moto. Adagio. Semplice (12:24) Concerto for clarinet and chamber orchestra (1957) 12. Moderato (4:57) 13. Vivace (1:39) 14. Allegro (5:55) Performers: St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra Edward Serov, conductor Margarita Miroshnikov, soprano Gregory Korchmar, harpsichord Adil Fedorov, clarinet The St. Petersburg-based label Northern Flowers is connected with a cultural alliance led by conductor Yury Serov, which sponsors an annual music festival. Among the native composers whom they champion is Boris Tchaikovsky (1925-1996), whose greatest barrier in the West is the mere coincidence that he shares the same last name as a much better known Russian composer. The liner notes state in clunky English that "the works of Boris Tchaikovsky are among the most notable phenomena in the twentieth century Russian music," and the disc Boris Tchaikovsky: St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra pulls together some wholly unfamiliar Melodiya recordings of the '70s and '80s to plead his cause. These recordings feature conductor Edward Serov and the St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra in four works. The room sound, from the Capella Concert Hall in St. Petersburg, is big and boomy, making the harpsichord in the Chamber Symphony rather difficult to hear. Soprano Margarita Miroshnikova sings the song cycle Signs of the Zodiac beautifully, and the work itself is quite attractive, but one wants to hear a recording a bit better than this one, which is hissy and seems to come from a deteriorating master tape. When we get to the Preludes (4) for chamber orchestra, which are all combined on a single track, and the Clarinet Concerto, we are getting the goods, as performance and recording of both works are very nicely done minus some brief moments of bright high end that go over the top. Tchaikovsky's approach to musical form is somewhat episodic, and once in awhile he tends toward a severity of manner reminiscent of his teacher Dmitri Shostakovich. Nevertheless, one would never mistake Tchaikovsky's work for that of his master. Tchaikovsky employs some rather distinctive instrumental effects and makes effective use of short, repetitive rhythmic ideas that capture one's attention. His melodic gift is natural and well developed, and some of his themes are generally reminiscent of European film music, not surprising as Tchaikovsky wrote the music to more than 30 films. Tchaikovsky's Chamber Symphony is also available on Hyperion with the Musica Viva Chamber Orchestra under Alexander Rudin, which is a more crisply played and better-recorded performance. For an introduction to the music of Boris Tchaikovsky, the Hyperion disc is probably a better choice, but for those who are already won over by his music this is the only choice for the other works, and is thus self-recommending.
  17. Tripsichore Yoga: Uniquely Advanced Vinyasa with Edward Clark (DVDRip) 7xDVDRip | MP4/AVC, ~497 kb/s | 720x480 | Duration: 05:19:25 | English: AAC, 78 kb/s (2 ch) | 1,29 Gb Genre: Yoga, Health, Sport This acclaimed 2-DVD set explores the extraordinary power of the Tripsichore Yoga vinyasa techniques through thrilling on-stage performances, entertaining workshop material and challenging advanced vinyasa yoga sequences for practice at home. Edward's insightful instruction will illuminate the mysteries beyond your current notions of vinyasa yoga. Tripsichore Yoga DVD highlights: 5 1/2 hours of material in a 2-DVD set 6 on-stage Tripsichore Yoga performances 90 minutes of workshops exploring techniques and philosophy 3 challenging vinyasa practices, ranging from strong intermediate to highly advanced Options for headstand or handstand variations in practices 2 Audio options: Practice Instruction and Edward's Alternate Commentary Ability to loop specific vinyasas for focused practice Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  18. Edward W. Robertson - The Cycle of Arawn Series Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 1.77 GB The Cycle of Arawn #1: The White Tree Secrets don't like to stay hidden. In the kingdom of Mallon, all knowledge of the death god Arawn has been brutally quashed--but a teen named Dante has just found the dark god's holiest book. Within days, Dante's attacked in the streets. Not by the city guard. By Arawn's own servants, long-hidden. Two things save his life: a big-mouthed bodyguard named Blays, and his own growing skill with the nether, the shadowy power that fuels the world. But the attacks on Dante are just the first stirs of a larger threat. In the far north, Arawn's followers are rallied by a priestess named Samarand. Mallon is burning. To save their homeland, Dante and Blays will have to travel to a half-ruined city and assassinate the woman driving her people to war. The Cycle of Arawn #2: The Great Rift Five years ago, young sorcerer Dante Galand and his friend Blays averted war against their new home, the city of Narashtovik. Ever since, they've been repaying their debts, arming and training the nomadic norren people in preparation for rebellion against the empire that enslaves them. When Dante hears a nearby norren clan is in possession of the Quivering Bow--a legendary artifact that can strike down walls with a single arrow--his course is clear. With such a weapon, he can secure independence for both the norren and Narashtovik. But the bow has been taken by the enemy. Following a trail of pirates and slavers, Dante, Blays, and a clan of norren warriors strike deep into enemy lands. Until now, their rebellion's been kept secret. But their quest for the bow leads Dante and Blays to an all-out assault on the personal manor of powerful lord Cassinder. Enraged, Cassinder will have his revenge on norren and Narashtovik alike--and this time, there will be no stopping the engines of war. The Cycle of Arawn #3: The Black Star Narashtovik has been saved - but Dante and Blays' friendship has been destroyed. Blaming the Gaskan king for the loss of his love, Lira, Blays infiltrates the enemy nobility. There, he schemes to bankrupt Gask and drive its ruler from the throne. But Dante's been waiting for Blays' return. If he finds and exposes him, Blays will be executed as a spy. As they squabble, strange lights shine in the east. Harbingers of a long-forgotten threat. If the signs go ignored, Narashtovik will be annihilated by an enemy it never knew it had. Download Link
  19. Edward Tenner - Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Math/Science/Tech | English | ASIN: B00INHCC4Y | MP3 64Kb | Length: 14 hrs and 29 mins | 398.74 MB In this perceptive and provocative look at everything from computer software that requires faster processors and more support staff to antibiotics that breed resistant strains of bacteria, Edward Tenner offers a virtual encyclopedia of what he calls "revenge effects"--the unintended consequences of the mechanical, chemical, biological, and medical forms of ingenuity that have been hallmarks of the progressive, improvement-obsessed modern age. Tenner shows why our confidence in technological solutions may be misplaced, and explores ways in which we can better survive in a world where despite technology's advances--and often because of them--"reality is always gaining on us." For anyone hoping to understand the ways in which society and technology interact, Why Things Bite Back is indispensable reading. "A bracing critique of technological determinism in both its utopian and dystopian forms...No one who wants to think clearly about our high-tech future can afford to ignore this book."--Jackson Lears, Wilson Quarterly Download Link
  20. Edward E. Babtist - The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: History | English | ISBN-13: 978-0465002962 | MP3 64Kb | 548.35 MB Historian Edward Baptist reveals how the expansion of slavery in the first eight decades after American independence drove the evolution and modernization of the United States. "Edward Baptist's The Half Has Never Been Told is an achievement of the first order. With Baptist's meticulous research and comprehensive, chronological approach, the other half of the story has now been told, and told very well. The reader is readily engaged in this scholarly treatment of over 400 pages, thanks to Baptist's narrative style and his skillful interweaving of personal stories from slave and enslaver memoirs and letters with complex political and economic context. Baptist's depiction of the breakup of families, slave coffles in chains, and relentless field toil is heartbreakingly affective and never allows us to forget that it is ultimately impossible to make property of people. This book on 'slavery's second life in the United States' is highly recommended to those who want to understand the evolution of our African-American heritage and its centrality to the nation's political and economic history, not to mention the shameful blow to America's stated ideals." Download Link
  21. Edward E. Babtist - The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: History | English | ISBN-13: 978-0465002962 | MP3 64Kb | 548.35 MB Historian Edward Baptist reveals how the expansion of slavery in the first eight decades after American independence drove the evolution and modernization of the United States. "Edward Baptist's The Half Has Never Been Told is an achievement of the first order. With Baptist's meticulous research and comprehensive, chronological approach, the other half of the story has now been told, and told very well. The reader is readily engaged in this scholarly treatment of over 400 pages, thanks to Baptist's narrative style and his skillful interweaving of personal stories from slave and enslaver memoirs and letters with complex political and economic context. Baptist's depiction of the breakup of families, slave coffles in chains, and relentless field toil is heartbreakingly affective and never allows us to forget that it is ultimately impossible to make property of people. This book on 'slavery's second life in the United States' is highly recommended to those who want to understand the evolution of our African-American heritage and its centrality to the nation's political and economic history, not to mention the shameful blow to America's stated ideals." Download Link
  22. An Introduction to Number Theory With Edward B. Burger Course No. 1495 | .AVI, XviD, 1206 kbps, 624x480 | English, MP3, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 24x30 mins | 6.63 GB Lecturer: Professor Edward B. Burger Ph.D. How could an ancient king be tricked into giving his servant more than 671 billion tons of rice? It's all due to a simple but powerful calculation involving the sum of geometric progression -- an important concept in number theory and just one of the fascinating concepts you'll encounter in An Introduction to Number Theory. Taught by veteran Teaching Company instructor Edward B. Burger, this 24-lecture course offers an exciting adventure into the world of numbers. An Introduction to Number Theory is a great introduction to the field for anyone who loves numbers, is fascinated by math, and wants to go further into the relationships among these mysterious objects. What Is Number Theory? Called "the queen of mathematics" by the legendary mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, number theory is one of the oldest and largest branches of pure mathematics. Practitioners of number theory delve deep into the structure and nature of numbers, and explore the remarkable, often beautiful relationships among them. In this course, you'll cover all the fundamentals of this exciting dis[beeep]line and explore the many different types of numbers: Natural numbers Prime numbers Integers Negative and irrational numbers Algebraic numbers Imaginary numbers Transcendental numbers Course Lecture Titles: 01. Number Theory and Mathematical Research 02. Natural Numbers and Their Personalities 03. Triangular Numbers and Their Progressions 04. Geometric Progressions, Exponential Growth 05. Recurrence Sequences 06. The Binet Formula and the Towers of Hanoi 07. The Classical Theory of Prime Numbers 08. Euler's Product Formula and Divisibility 09. The Prime Number Theorem and Riemann 10. Division Algorithm and Modular Arithmetic 11. Cryptography and Fermat's Little Theorem 12. The RSA Encryption Scheme 13. Fermat's Method of Ascent 14. Fermat's Last Theorem 15. Factorization and Algebraic Number Theory 16. Pythagorean Triples 17. An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 18. The Complex Structure of Elliptic Curves 19. The Abundance of Irrational Numbers 20. Transcending the Algebraic Numbers 21. Diophantine Approximation 22. Writing Real Numbers as Continued Fractions 23. Applications Involving Continued Fractions 24. A Journey's End and the Journey Ahead More Info: _ Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From Uploadable
  23. TTC Video - Our Night Sky With Edward M. Murphy Course No. 1846 | .MKV, x264, 784 kbps, 960x720 | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 12x30 mins | + PDF Guidebook | 2.51 GB Lecturer: Professor Edward M. Murphy Ph.D. For thousands of years, the star-filled sky has been a source of wonder, discovery, entertainment, and instruction. Ancient people from nearly every continent and culture wove exciting stories about the mythological figures they saw in the heavens. People also used the sun, moon, and stars for time-keeping and navigation. And careful observers throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere kept precise astronomical records, eventually paving the way for the Scientific Revolution and its remarkable discoveries about the nature of the universe. Even today, watching the sky has not lost its fascination. Equipped only with a pair of eyes or, at most, binoculars and a small telescope, you can behold marvels such as these: The jewel-like star cluster called the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus, easily visible with the naked eye and even more magnificent through a pair of binoculars The broad band of the Milky Way arching across the summer sky; the band is the plane of our galaxy seen edge-on from the inside The Perseid meteor shower, a celestial display that peaks in mid-August of every year when Earth passes through debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle The cratered face of the moon, stark evidence of the violent era after the birth of the solar system-a record almost completely erased from Earth due to weathering The four Galilean moons of Jupiter, named after Galileo, whose discovery of them in 1610 helped overthrow the geocentric model of the universe A total solar eclipse, an awe-inspiring spectacle that occurs somewhere on Earth roughly every 18 months and is well worth traveling thousands of miles to see Course Lecture Titles 01. Constellations and Their Stars 02. Seeing and Navigating the Sky 03. Using Binoculars and Backyard Telescopes 04. Observing the Moon and the Sun 05. Observing the Planets with a Telescope 06. Meteor Showers, Comets, Eclipses, and More 07. Northern Sky and the North Celestial Pole 08. Fall Sky 09. Winter Sky 10. Spring Sky 11. Summer Sky 12. Southern Sky and the Milky Way More Info: _ Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  24. Theory of Evolution: A History of Controversy With Edward J. Larson 12xDVDRip | AVI/XviD, ~677 kb/s | 480x352 | Duration: 06:07:43 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 2.09 GB Genre: History, Biology Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution-the idea that life on earth is the product of purely natural causes, not the hand of God-set off shock waves that continue to reverberate through Western society, and especially the United States. What makes evolution such a profoundly provocative concept, so convincing to most scientists, yet so socially and politically divisive? The Theory of Evolution: A History of Controversy is an examination of the varied elements that so often make this science the object of strong sentiments and heated debate. Professor Edward J. Larson leads you through the "evolution" of evolution, with an eye toward enhancing your understanding of the development of the theory itself and the roots of the controversies that surround it. In these lectures you will: Explore pre-Darwinian theories of the origins of life, from Genesis and the ancient Greeks to such 18th- and 19th-century scientists as Georges Cuvier and Chevalier de Lamarck Follow the life and work of Charles Darwin, and the impact of his 1859 masterpiece, On the Origin of Species. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was immediately recognized as a threat to traditional religion, but was quickly accepted (the first printing of Origin of Species sold out on the first day) Examine the history of evolutionary science after Darwin-a fascinating story that includes the "rediscovery," after 35 years, of Gregor Mendel's work on genetic variation; the unearthing of prehominid, or early human, fossils by Raymond Dart in 1925 and the Leakey family in the 1950s; and the confusion created by the sensational, but later discredited, discovery of Piltdown Man-a fake evolutionary "missing link"-in 1912 Trace the history of religious objections to evolution, from those of Darwin's own time to contemporary efforts to teach creation science in American schools. This includes a detailed discussion of the famous Scopes "monkey trial," which in fact was a staged media event, designed to create publicity for the town of Dayton, Tennessee. Are Our Genes more Important than We Are? This course makes it clear that the history of controversy surrounding evolution is not limited to a dispute between science and religion. Even within the scientific community, the fine details of the theory of evolution have long been a matter of passionate dispute. In fact, in the last third of the 19th century, the prin[beeep]l objections were scientific, not religious. Although the fossil record was a key piece of evidence for evolution, it had gaps that could be used to argue against the theory. And both proponents and critics wondered how altruistic human qualities such as love and generosity could possibly have evolved through the competitive, often harsh, processes that Darwin described. From Professor Larson's presentation, you will learn that new ideas in evolution science have often created new controversies. For example, is it truly possible, as some scientists now maintain, that humans exist merely to ensure the survival of their genes? Such research has created disagreement among scientists about the degree to which evolution drives human behavior, and has further alienated many segments of the public. Evolution's "Dark Side": Social Darwinism In these lectures, you will review perhaps the most sinister controversy associated with the theory of evolution: social Darwinism. From the beginning, the Darwinian theory of evolution has been linked to economic and political views. Thomas Malthus's theories of population growth and competition for limited resources even inspired Darwin's thinking on natural selection. Unfortunately, later supporters of evolution carried this line of thinking too far. Beginning with Herbert Spencer, who coined the term "survival of the fittest," Darwin's ideas were used as evidence for a wide range of social beliefs, from laissez-faire capitalism to racism, colonialism, and, in perhaps the worst application, Nazism. In the United States, social Darwinism has served as a basis for the creation of IQ tests and for eugenics programs that resulted in the forced sterilization of thousands of mentally ill or retarded Americans. Unsettling Implications: The Growing Gulf Between Science and Religion During the late 19th century, largely through the efforts of scientists who sought to integrate evolutionary science with spiritual belief, evolution was widely accepted by the religious community in the United States. Today, this is hardly the case. In his last four lectures, Professor Larson examines the trends that have, since 1920, widened the gulf between science and religion. These include an increase in fundamentalist Protestantism, the weakening of liberal Protestantism as a counteracting force, and the growing power of a firmly conservative South. In the 1960s, federally funded neo-Darwinian textbooks provoked a conservative backlash. Beginning with the publication of Henry M. Morris's The Genesis Flood, efforts to gain equal time for the teaching of creation science, based on biblical teachings, gathered strength. Rebuffed by the courts, creationism continues to thrive through the increasing numbers of private Christian schools and through home schooling. The growing gulf between science and religion has unsettling implications for our society. Large segments of the American population reject the naturalism of current evolutionary thinking. Nine of 10 Americans believe in spiritual causes for life, with only 10 percent accepting the purely naturalistic explanations espoused by evolution. Strikingly, these statistics are almost exactly the opposite among the scientific community. A Pulitzer Prize-Winning Teacher As both a historian of science and a professor of law, Professor Edward J. Larson brings exceptional qualifications to this subject. His book, Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion, won the 1998 Pulitzer Prize in History. His analysis provides an invaluable perspective on the volatile history of what is arguably the single most significant idea of modern times. Lectures: 01 - Before Darwin 02 - Evolution In The Air 03 - Darwin's Inspiration 04 - An Intellectual Revolution 05 - Debates Over Mechanism 06 - Missing Links 07 - Genetics Enters the Picture 08 - Social Darwinism and Eugenics 09 - America's Anti-Evolution Crusade 10 - Neo-Darwinian Synthesis 11 - Scientific Creationism 12 - Selfish Genes and Intelligent Design Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
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