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  1. VA - Polska nostalgia.Vol. 1-12 (2015) FLAC VA - Polska nostalgia.Vol. 1-12 (2015) FLAC Gatunek / Genre: Pop / Old / Jazz/ Rock Czas trwania / Time: 12 cd Jako??Ä? / Quality: FLAC Bitrate: Lossless Ca??kowity rozmiar / Total Size: 4,96 gb . Tracklista: Polska nostalgia 75+. Audycja 1 (Sentymentalne piosenki do ta??ca dla doros??ych, kt??rzy nie wstydzÄ? siÄ?, ze je pamiÄ?tajÄ?) (2015) 01. Marta Mirska - Pierwszy siwy w??os 02. S??awa Przybylska - PamiÄ?tasz by??a jesie?? 03. Rena Rolska - Nie oczekujÄ? dzi?? nikogo 04. Rena Rolsla - Zn??w minÄ??? lata jeden dzie?? 05. Hanna Rek - Romeo 06. Zbigniew Kurtycz - JadÄ? do ciebie tramwajem 07. Ludmi??a Jakubczak - Gdy mi ciebie zabraknie 08. Ludmi??a Jakubczak - Szeptem 09. Kalina JÄ?drusik - I wciÄ??? siÄ? na co?? czeka 10. Kalina JÄ?drusik - Do ciebie sz??am 11. Violetta Villas - Sp??jrz prosto w oczy 12. Katarzyna Bovery - Daj mi zachowaÄ? wspomnienia 13. Krystyna Konarska - Jest tyle r????nych szczÄ???Ä? 14. Piotr Szczepanik - KochaÄ? 15. Ireana Santor - Ka??da mi??o??Ä? jest pierwsza 16. Maria Koterbska - Odejd?? smutku Polska nostalgia 70+. Audycja 2 (Sentymentalne piosenki raz jeszcze, choÄ? nie wszystkie do ta??ca, dla Pani i Pana, kt??rzy majÄ? wspomnienia) (2015) 01. Rena Rolska - Jeszcze poczekajmy 02. Ludmi??a Jakubczak - Wakacje z deszczem 03. Maria Koterbska - Augustowskie noce 04. Violetta Villas - Przyjdzie na to czas 05. Krystyna Konarska - Jesienny pan 06. Wanda Warska - Oczy masz niebiesko - zielone 07. Kalina JÄ?drusik - S.O.S. 08. Teresa Tutinas - Jak ciÄ? mi??y zatrzymaÄ? 09. Regina Bielska - ??yje siÄ? tylko raz 10. Ireana Santor - Tych lat nie odda nikt 11. Stenia Koz??owska - Nie tÄ?skniÄ? za nikim 12. Witold Antkowiak - Jeste?? jak weso??y ob??ok 13. Jerzy Po??omski - Nie przyznam siÄ? 14. S??awa Przybylska - Piosenka o okularnikach 15. S??awa Przybylska - Gdzie sÄ? kwiaty 16. Anna German - Kupi??abym ci me kochanie 17. Andrzej DÄ?browski - Niewczesna mi??o??Ä? 18. Danuta Rinn - Czy to wszystko ma sens Polska nostalgia 60+. Audycja 3 (Dla tych kt??rzy s??uchali r????nej muzyki, trochÄ? jazzu, trochÄ? funky, bossa novy, disco, ale zawsze w najlepszym wykonaniu) (2015) 01. Jerzy Po??omski - Nie pierwszy raz 02. "Novi" - Nie wiem 03. Ewa Wanat - Bossa nova 04. Zdzis??awa So??nicka i "Bizony" - Czarna woda, bia??y wiatr 05. Ewa Bem i "Bemibek" - Sprzedaj mnie wiatrowi 06. "Bemibek" - With a Little Help from My Friends 07. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak - IdÄ? dalej 08. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak - Do ko??ca ??wiata 09. Liliana Urba??ska - Szare kwiaty 10. Zdzis??awa So??nicka - ??yj sobie sam 11. Krystyna Pro??ko - Deszcz w Cisnej 12. Gra??yna ?obaszewska - Gdyby?? 13. Grzegorz Markowski - Ballada 07 14. ?ucja Prus - KsiÄ???yc nad Ko??cieliskiem 15. Krystyna Pro??ko i Halina FrÄ?ckowiak - Tam gdzie lekki wieje wiatr 16. "VOX" - W oczach masz dwa nieba Polska nostalgia 60+. Audycja 4 (Melancholijne piosenki, pie??ni, ballady o ??yciu, mi??o??ci oraz ca??ej reszcie (i nas samych) (2015) 01. ?ucja Prus - Nic dwa razy siÄ? nie zdarza 02. Violetta Villas - Do ciebie mamo 03. Kalina JÄ?drusik - Zmieni??e?? siÄ? 04. Kalina JÄ?drusik - Ja nie chcÄ? spaÄ? 05. Gustaw Lutkewicz - Modlitwa 06. Marek Grehuta i "Anawa" - Niepewno??Ä? 07. Wojciech M??ynarski - Nie ma jak u mamy 08. Magda Umer - Koncert jesienny na dwa ??wierszcze 09. "2 + 1" - Chod??, pomaluj m??j ??wiat 10. El??bieta Wojnowska - Zapro??cie mnie do sto??u 11. Irena Wi??niewska - Pie???? kochank??w 12. S??awa Przybylska - Trzy mi??o??ci 13. Gra??yna ?obaszewska - Czas nas uczy pogody 14. Martyna Jakubowicz - W domach z betonu nie ma. 15. El??bieta Adamiak - Pozw??l mi pozbieraÄ? ??zy 16. "VOX" - SzczÄ???liwej drogi ju?? czas Polska nostalgia 65+. Audycja 5 (Rockowo, bluesowo, psychodelicznie, dla tych kt??rzy chcieli mieÄ? dzinsy (jeansy) i d??ugie w??osy (release 19.06.2015) 01. "Dzikusy" - Stale to samo 02. "Skaldowie" - Czasem kochaÄ? chcesz 03. "Skaldowie" - 26. marzenie 04. Niemem i "Akwarele" - Allilah 05. KrzyczÄ? przez sen - Stan Borys 06. Maciej Kossowski - Oczy ci zas??onie 08. "Romuald i Roman" - Cz??owiek 09. "Niebiesko - Czarni" - Trzecia czÄ???Ä? nocy 10. Marek Grechuta i "Anawa" - Korow??d 11. "Test" - ?šwiat jaki jest 12. Grzegorz Szczepaniak i "ABC" - Asfaltowe ??Ä?ki 13. "Nurt" - Kto ma dzi?? czas 14. "Budka Suflera" - Sen o dolinie 15. "Ossian" - Milcz Polska nostalgia 65+. Audycja 6 (Sentymentalne piosenki do ta??ca, po raz trzeci (i uwaga doros??e dzieci), nie tylko dla rodzic??w) (release 31.07.2015) 01. Kalina JÄ?drusik - Piosenka dla kogo innego 02. Urszula Dusziak - Nie jest ??le 03. Czes??aw Niemen i "Bossa Nova Combo" - Pod papugami 04. Violetta Villas - Nic nikomu nie m??w 05. Bohdan ?azuka - Przepraszam ciÄ? 06. S??awa Przybylska - Nie dotykaj gwiazd 07. Stenia Koz??owska - Przypomnij mi 08. Danuta Rinn - Nie mam o to ??alu 09. ?ucja Prus - JarzÄ?bino, jarzÄ?bino 10. Violetta Villas - ZostanÄ? z tobÄ? 11. Hanna Konieczna i "Skaldowie" - We?? mnie ze sobÄ? 12. ?ucja Prus i "Skaldowie" - W ??????tych p??omieniach li??ci 13. Andrzej DÄ?browski - Przygoda z MariÄ? 14. Jerzy Po??omski - Daj 15. Anna Jantar - Za nami barwy lata 16. Irena Jarocka - Odp??ywajÄ? kawiarenki 17. Beata Andrzejewska - Nie mijaj wiosno 18. Zdzis??awa So??nicka - A kto siÄ? kocha w tobie Polska nostalgia 65+. Audycja 7 1.Night In Tunisia 2.SwingujÄ?ca Samba 3.Ballad For Bernt 4.Ballada Dla Anny 5.Bal w Kosmosie 6.Bal w Kosmosie 7.Ta??czÄ? Tylko Nasze D??onie 8.Post Scriptum 9.Oddalasz siÄ? 10.Jeansy 11.Byk 12.Mokry ??nieg 13.Cabernet 14.Spirala 15.Rajd Sagari 16.Matnia Polska nostalgia 60+. Audycja 8 (Dla tych kt??rzy s??uchali rocka, jazzu, mieli u?? jeansy, nosili d??ugie w??osy i tylko ciÄ?gle czego?? brakowa??o) (2015) 01. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak i "ABC" - Oj, czekam, ja czekam 02. "D??amble" - Sami 03. Studio Jazzowe Polskiego Radia - Fantazja n/t trojaka 04. "D??amble" - Nieobecno??Ä? 05. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak i "ABC" - Za du??o chcesz 06. "Stress" - CiÄ???kÄ? drogÄ? 07. "Skaldowie" - Gdzie mam ciebie szukaÄ? 08. "Skaldowie" - Jak znikajÄ?cy punkt 09. Orkiestra PR i TV w Katowicach - W??r??d pampas??w 10. Orkiestra PR i TV w ?odzi - BÄ?d?? wieczorem w dyskotece 11. Big Band Katowice - Hey, Man 12. Big Band Katowice - Madrox 13. Orkiestra Rozrywkowa PR i TV - ??ycie na gorÄ?co 14. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak - Ma??e jeziora Polska nostalgia 55+. Audycja 9 (Po prostu piosenki piÄ?kne, mÄ?dre, prawdziwe i do s??uchania) (2015) 01. Andrzej DÄ?browski - Zielono mi 02. Marek Grechuta - Dni, kt??rych nie znamy 03. Hanna Konieczna - Latawica 04. "Novi" - Ludzie nie m??wiÄ? prawdy 05. Andrzej Nardelli - Nocna ballada 06. Andrzej Zaucha i "Anawa" - Nie przerywajcie zabawy 07. Krystyna Sienkiewicz i Piotr Fronczewski - Panie, Panowie 08. Zofia Kami??ska - Nie umia??am ??yÄ? jak inne 09. Danuya Rinn -Nie mam o to ??alu 10. Violetta Villas - Dzikuska 11. Andrzej Zaucha - Bezsenno??Ä? we dwoje 12. Jacek R????a??ski - ??ycie to nie teatr 13. Alicja Majewska - Wielki targ 14. Hanna Banaszak - Samba przed rozstaniem 15. "Voo Voo" - Jak gdyby nigdy nic 16. Magda Umer - Jeszcze w zielone gramy Polska nostalgia 65+. Audycja 10 (Odrobina ??yciowej poezji dla tych, kt??rzy nie bojÄ? siÄ? jesieni, wiedzÄ? co to jest melancholia i lubiÄ? niebieski) (2015) 01. El??bieta Czy??ewska i Robert Polak - Piosenka od daremnym smutku 02. Anna Prucnal - Nie dbam o to 03. Iga Cembrzy??ska - Intymny ??wiat 04. Fryderika Elkana - Ballada dla ciebie 05. Fryderika Elkana - Oddalasz siÄ? 06. Wojciech M??ynarski - Polska mi??o??Ä? 07. Violetta Villas - Wiedz o mnie wszystko 08. Wojciech M??ynarski - Bynajmniej 09. Krystyna Sienkiewicz - Kokaina 10. Krystyna Konieczna - Niepok??j 11. Tadeusz Wo??niak - Smak i zapach pomara??czy 12. Stanis??awa Celi??ska - Oczekiwanie 13. Iga Cembrzy??ska - Kto?? kto mnie lubi 14. Ewa Bem - Dzie?? dobry Mr Blues 15. Danuta Rinn - Dodatek za wys??ugÄ? lat 16. Ewa Bem - Do ciebie sz??am 17. Teresa Haremza - Zbieram dobre dni 18. Leszek D??ugosz - Nie ma nas 19. Ewa B??aszczyk i Piotr Fronczewski - Czas p??ynie i zabija rany Polska nostalgia 55+. Audycja 11 (Gdy siÄ? Chrystus rodzi (Pastora??ki, kolÄ?dy, tradycyjne i wsp????czesne) (2015) 01. Stenia Koz??owska - Pora kartek ??wiÄ?tecznych 02. Joanna Rawik - ?šwieci gwiazdka 03. "Skaldowie" - Ciemno tej nocy betlejemskiej by??o 04. Anna German - Gdy ??liczna panna 05. Waldemar Koco?? - Cicha noc 06. Ewa DÄ?bicka - W??r??d nocnej ciszy 07. Zbigniew Wodecki - Dzisiaj w Betlejem 08. Zbigniew Namys??owski - Lulaj??e Jezuniu 09. El??bieta Adamiak - Lulaj??e Jezuniu 10. "Pod BudÄ?" - Pastora??ka dla poet??w 11. Anna Chodakowska i Tomasz Stockinger - GwiazdÄ? zastukali 12. "Gang Marcela" - Mamy ??wiÄ?ta 13. Anna Jurksztowicz - A c???? z tÄ? dziecinÄ? 14. Andrzej Zaucha i W??odzmierz Korcz - Anio?? m??wi?? do ch??opak??w 15. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak, Alicja Majewska, Andrzej Zaucha i W??odzmierz Korcz - Chro??my te chwile 16. Halina FrÄ?ckowiak, Alicja Majewska i Andrzej Zaucha - Zanim siÄ? sko??czy ciep??o 17. Anna Jurksztowicz - Bia??a kolÄ?da 18. Krzysztof Antkowiak - Ca??y z kochania Polska nostalgia 60+. Audycja 12 (2015) 01 Jeste??my na wczasach - Wojciech M??ynarski 02 Nigdy wiÄ?cej - Piotr Szczepanik 03 Wakacje z blondynkÄ? - Maciej Kossowski 04 Do zakochania jeden krok - Andrzej DÄ?browski 05 Bo z dziewczynami - Jerzy Po??omski 06 Najtrudniejszy pierwszy krok - Anna Jantar 07 Czterdzie??ci lat minÄ???o - Andrzej Rosiewicz 08 Jak siÄ? masz kochanie - Happy End 09 Ca??y ??wiat parami chodzi - Witold Antkowiak 10 Nie ??a??ujmy tej mi??o??ci - Emilia Czerwi??ska 11 Jak minÄ??? dzie?? - Krzysztof Krawczyk 12 Przed nocÄ? i mg??Ä? - Alicja Majewska 13 Nie liczÄ? godzin i lat - Andrzej Rybi??ski 14 Czy te oczy mogÄ? k??amaÄ? - Jan Pietrzak 15 Daj mi tÄ? noc - Bolter 16 Cha??upy welcome to - Zbigniew Wodecki 17 Prze??y??am z tobÄ? tyle lat - Krystyna Gi??owska 18 Gdzie siÄ? podzia??y tamte prywatki - Wojciech GÄ?ssowski Download: nostalgia vol.1-12 FLAC.rar.html Has??o: brak
  2. VA - Wielka Kolekcja Disco Polo : Mister Dex (2009) VA - Wielka Kolekcja Disco Polo : Mister Dex Genre: Disco Polo Year: 2009 Source: kompilacja Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(cue/log) Playtime: 00:50:06 Cover: front Size: 365 MB 1. Kopciuszek 4:20 2. Jeste?? wiatrem 3:16 3. Kochaj i ca??uj 4:15 4. Malowana lala 4:38 5. Motyle 4:22 6. Szmaragdowa przygoda 4:09 7. Tyle mi??o??ci 3:13 8. NaprawdÄ? jaka jeste?? 5:31 9. Saneczki 3:36 10. Czerwone r????e 4:24 11. P??atki na d??oni 4:02 12. Mi??o??Ä? na zawo??anie 4:20 linki:
  3. Depeche Mode - Discography (1981-2013) FLAC Format: FLAC Size: 19.9 GB Depeche Mode â?? brytyjska grupa muzyczna z krÄ?gu elektronicznego popu, kt??ra powsta??a w 1980 w Basildon w Wielkiej Brytanii. Aktualnie cz??onkami zespo??u sÄ? Dave Gahan (wokal), Andrew Fletcher (klawisze, bas) i Martin Gore (klawisze, gitara elektryczna i wokal). Ca??a tr??jka nale??a??a do sk??adu grupy od poczÄ?tku jej istnienia. Nazwa grupy powsta??a na podstawie inspiracji francuskim magazynem mody, zasugerowa?? jÄ? Gahan. Powstanie Depeche Mode poprzedza??a grupa Composition of Sound. W 2006 zesp???? zdoby?? statuetkÄ? MTV Europe Music Awards w kategorii â?žnajlepszy zesp????â?. Albums: x x
  4. Gentle Giant - Gentle Giant (2019) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Madfish Country: UK Genre: Progressive rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 0:36:59 Full Size: 1,36 G Giant
  5. Dirty Shirley - Dirty Shirley (2020) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Frontiers Records s.r.l. Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 01:02:40 Full Size: 784.2 MB Dirty Shirley, a new band project featuring guitarist George Lynch (The End Machine, KXM, Lynch Mob, ex-Dokken) and vocalist/keyboardist Dino Jelusick (Animal Drive, Trans-Siberian Orchestra). Croatian singer Dino Jelusick, over the course of just one album and one covers EP released with his band Animal Drive, has started to make quite the name for himself in the hard rock and metal scene. More than a few musicians of note have called up Dino to see if he might be interested in collaborating, which he is floored by. This talented young singer has an appreciation and deep respect for the musical heroes who preceded and profoundly influenced him. So, when George Lynch opened the doors to the idea of writing and producing a record together, Dino was more than intrigued. Frontiers, known for releasing interesting collaborations of this nature, was more than happy to be the label home for this project.
  6. Steve Pierson - Blue Me Away (2020) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Time-Life Music Country: USA Genre: Blues Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 44:53 Full Size: 912,97 MB
  7. In This Moment - Blood At The Orpheum [Live] (2014) FLAC Genre: Alternative Metal,Metalcore Label: © Century Media Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Time 01:01:24 Full Size: 403 Mb
  8. Blue Oyster Cult - Hard Rock Live Cleveland 2014 (2020) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Frontiers Records s.r.l. Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock,Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 01:50:52 Full Size: 1,29 Cb Recorded on October 17, 2014 at the Hard Rock Casino in Northfield, OH, "Hard Rock Live Cleveland 2014" offers a comprehensive and exciting look at the Blue Oyster Cult repertoire. With nearly 2 hours of music, the band is on fire, performing some of the finest and most beloved songs from their history, while not forgetting some deeper cuts which will make longtime fans of the band quite happy. Oyster Cult
  9. Blue Oyster Cult - Cult Classic [Remastered] (2020) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Frontiers Records s.r.l. Country: USA Genre: Hard Rock,Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 01:07:58 Full Size: 817 Mb Perhaps recognizing Columbia Records' failure to release a proper greatest-hits album, Blue Oyster Cult re-recorded its best-known material on this collection, which was tied into the broadcast of a TV mini-series version of Stephen King's The Stand, a horror novel that had mentioned BOC's hit "(Don't Fear) The Reaper." The selection of songs here is good, and this edition of BOC (original members Eric Bloom, Allen Lanier, and Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser, plus replacement members Chuck Burgi and Jon Rogers) re-creates the original recordings closely. But they are re-recordings. (The album contains 12 tracks, plus extra performances of "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" and "Godzilla" in so-called "TV mixes" -- i.e., without vocals). ~ William Ruhlmann Oyster Cult
  10. British Lion - The Burning (2020) [48kHz/24bit] Label: Parlophone UK Country: UK Genre: Hard rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [48kHz/24bit] Time: 01:00:17 Full Size: 821.1 MB
  11. Peter Gabriel - Birdy [Music From The Film/Remastered] (2019) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Peter Gabriel Ltd Country: UK Genre: Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 35:44 Full Size: 346 Mb Instrumental Soundtrack from Birdy, the 1984 film directed by Alan Parker. Includes original compositions and adaptations of tracks on Gabriel's third and fourth albums. Recorded between October and December 1984 and originally released in 1985, Birdy marks the first occasion that Peter worked with French-Canadian producer and multi-instrumentalist Daniel Lanois who was fresh from working on The Unforgettable Fire with U2. Lanois went on to co-produce the So and US albums with Peter. Birdy is the soundtrack to the Alan Parker movie of the same name - the tale of a Vietnam vet who harbours Icarus-like ambitions to fly - it finds Peter flexing his creative muscles free of any commercial pressures. Gabriel
  12. Peter Gabriel - And I'll Scratch Yours [Remastered] (2019) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Peter Gabriel Ltd Country: UK Genre: Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 55:33 Full Size: 604 Mb And I'll Scratch Yours (originally announced as I'll Scratch Yours) is a compilation album by the English rock musician Peter Gabriel. Initially slated for release in 2010, the album was released on 24 September 2013. The original concept was that And I'll Scratch Yours would serve as a companion piece to Gabriel's 2010 covers album Scratch My Back. The idea was to give the artists whose songs Gabriel covered on Scratch My Back a medium to reciprocate - And I'll Scratch Yours would feature those artists covering Gabriel's songs. However, four of the artists declined to record covers of Gabriel's material. The release version of the album deviated from its initial concept in having two new artists (Feist and Joseph Arthur) contributing covers to the album. "Rather than make a traditional covers record, I thought it would be much more fun to create a new type of project in which artists communicated with each other and swapped a song for a song, i.e. you do one of mine and I'll do one of yours, hence the title - Scratch My Back - And I'll Scratch Yours." (Peter Gabriel) Gabriel
  13. Joe Satriani - Additional Creations and Bonus Tracks [Remastered] (2020) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Epic/Legacy Country: USA Genre: Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 01:15:52 Full Size: 1,59 Gb Satriani
  14. Joe Satriani - Surfing with the Alien [Deluxe Edition] (2020) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Epic/Legacy Country: USA Genre: Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 01:15:10 Full Size: 1,62 Gb Previously Unreleased: From its original release in 1987, Surfing With The Alien established Joe Satriani as one of the definitive guitarists of his generation thanks to unforgettable songs like Satch Boogie and Always With Me, Always With You. More than 30 years after Surfing With The Alien went platinum, earned two Grammy Award nominations and camped out on the Billboard 200 for over a year - a chance for seasoned fans and aspiring shredders to appreciate what makes this album a must hear for guitar players the world over. Satriani
  15. Per Gessle - Samma skrot och demos (2020) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Elevator Entertainment AB Country: Sweden Genre: Pop,Pop Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 0:38:55 Full Size: 457 Mb Per decided to keep the tradition of releasing something special on his birthday. Last year it was the first Mono Mind album, Mind Control, this year it is the demos to Gyllene Tider's last album, Samma skrot och korn. Better said, not all the demos, since Vanliga saker is missing, but there is a demo to Detektiv. The latter one was a left-over song from Samma skrot och korn, but in the end it was released in November as a single. Title of the album is Samma skrot och demos. The album cover shows a lovely pic of Per as a kid and his mother.
  16. Gentle Giant - Unburied Treasure [29 CD Box Set] (2019) FLAC Label: Snapper Uk [SMABX1091] Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (image+.cue,scans) Bitrate: Lossless Time: 26:06:40 Full Size: 13.75 GB The trailblazing progressive rock act Gentle Giant are the focus of a massive new box set. Entitled Unburied Treasure, the 30-disc set collects the band's 12 studio releases, as well as 15 live albums and two compilations of outtakes. The box set includes a new mix of Gentle Giant's 1970 debut on high-resolution Blu-ray. Additionally, of the 15 concert recordings feature, all but one have never before been heard or never released in an official capacity. The box set also includes 136-page coffee table book, a signed band photo, replicas of past promotional items, and more. Giant
  17. Thin Lizzy - Live At The BBC [Super Deluxe Edition] (2011) FLAC Label: UMC Country: Ireland Genre: Hard rock,Blues Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Time: 06:10:52 Full Size: 2,45 GB Six CDs and one DVD is a lot of Lizzy...but few bands inspire such devotion as Phil Lynott's romantic Irish renegades, and this 2011 set goes a long way in illustrating why. Containing every surviving BBC session Thin Lizzy recorded -- some 18 of them, plus four separate concerts on the CD side of things; the DVD has shows from 1978 and 1983, 13 Top of the Pops performances taped between 1973 and 1981, two Old Grey Whistle Test appearances, and a spot on Three of a Kind in 1982 -- it is a wealth of riches for the Lizzy devotee. There may not be much in the way of revelation - there are no surprising covers and the versions generally follow the same arrangements that are on the studio records - but the intensity level is higher, sometimes resulting in intensely visceral readings that are certainly worth the price of admission. If anything, this generous set proves that for nearly a decade, Thin Lizzy were untouched in creating epic, emotional rock & roll...and if there's any place to hear just how good they were for how long, this is it. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine Lizzy
  18. Slayer - The Repentless Killogy (Live at the Forum in Inglewood, CA) (2019) FLAC Label: Nuclear Blast Country: USA Genre: Thrash Metal Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Time: 1:31:39 Full Size: 756 Mb
  19. Peter Gabriel - Shaking The Tree - 16 Golden Greats [Remastered] (2019) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Peter Gabriel Ltd Country: UK Genre: Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 01:17:41 Full Size: 1,68 Gb Released in 1990, Shaking The Tree is a career-spanning overview of Peter's solo years (up to that point) from the first self-titled album of 1977 up to the 1989 Passion soundtrack with a few curiosities and rarities to grab the ear of the completist. The compilation's title track, a playful duet between Peter and Senegalese superstar Youssou N'Dour, hadn't previously appeared on a Gabriel album, just on Youssou's The Lion album. Here it reappears, albeit it with a new vocal from Peter. Here Comes The Flood, originally from that 1977 debut, is also revisited, this time in a deeply effective (and affecting) piano-and-voice treatment. Gabriel
  20. Blackfield - Blackfield V [Limited Edition] (2017) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Kscope Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 0:44:07 Full Size: 859 Mb Wilson announced in August 2016 that he and Geffen had re-formed a full recording partnership. Blackfield V was cut over 18 months in Tel Aviv and London. The pair re-enlisted drummer Tomer Z and recruited Eran Mitelman on keyboards, as well as the London Session Orchestra to handle string charts; they even coaxed Alan Parsons to produce three tracks. The set's 13 songs are loosely centered around an ocean theme.
  21. Eros Ramazzotti - Eros Duets (2017) Eros Ramazzotti - Eros Duets Genre: Pop Year: 2017 Source: web Audio codec: FLAC Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 01:06:36 Cover: front Size: 468 MB 1. Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - Cosas de la Vida (Can't Stop Thinking of You) 4:48 2. Eros Ramazzotti & Nicole Scherzinger - Hasta el ??xtasis 3:44 3. Giorgia - Inevitabile (feat. Eros Ramazzotti) 3:55 4. Eros Ramazzotti & Anastacia - I Belong to You (El Ritmo de la Pasion) 4:25 5. Eros Ramazzotti & Ricky Martin - No Estamos Solos 3:41 6. Eros Ramazzotti & Cher - Pi?? che puoi 4:14 7. Eros Ramazzotti & Andrea Bocelli - Musica ?¨ 9:41 8. Eros Ramazzotti - Fuego en el Fuego (Fuoco Nel Fuoco) (feat. Carlos Santana) 4:02 9. Eros Ramazzotti & Patsy Kensit - La luce buona delle stelle 4:14 10. Eros Ramazzotti & Take 6 - Un Segundo de Paz (Un Attimo Di Pace) 3:19 11. Ramazzotti & Ornella Vanoni - Solo un volo Eros 4:05 12. Eros Ramazzotti - Amarte Es Total 4:23 13. Raf - Anche tu (feat. Eros Ramazzotti) 3:35 14. Eros Ramazzotti & Luciano Pavarotti - Se bastasse una canzone 4:35 15. Eros Ramazzotti - Una Emocion para Siempre (Un'emozione per sempre) (feat. The Chieftains) 3:48 linki:[FLAC].rar Winrar potrzebny do poprawnego wypakowania:
  22. Jethro Tull - Stormwatch [40th Anniversary 'Force 10' Deluxe Edition] (2019) [96kHz/24bit] Label: Chrysalis Records, Warner Music Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks,Covers) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 46:00+45:32+1:12:11+18:34 Full Size: 3,65 GB Tull
  23. Spock's Beard - Noise Floor (2018) [96kHz/24bit] Label: InsideOutMusic Country: USA Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 01:09:01 Full Size: 1.57 GB Noise Floor is album number three for Spock's 3.0, referring to the third incarnation of the band with a new lead singer. Following the departures of Neal Morse and Nick D'Virgilio as the previous front men, Ted Leonard confidently took the reins with the tour de-force Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep in 2013. Fans of that album will find much to love on this release, too. Indeed, Ted continues to be the star of the show, which is quite a feat given his predecessors and the stellar musicianship provided by this seasoned band. However, the personnel features one prominent shift from the two previous albums: drummer and backing vocalist Jimmy Keegan is absent. Big shoes to fill indeed, and the only logical solution (to quip the band's namesake) is to return to their roots and bring original member Nick D'Virgilio back to the drummer's seat. Beard
  24. King Crimson - The Power To Believe (2016) [44.1kHz/24bit] Label: Discipline Global Mobile Country: UK Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [44.1kHz/24bit] Time: 0:51:11 Full Size: 567.5 MB The Power to Believe (2003) marks the return of King Crimson for the group's first full-length studio release since ConstruKction of Light (2000). While it draws upon material featured on the live Level Five (2001) and studio Happy with What You Have to Be Happy With (2002) extended-play discs, there are also several new sonic sculptures included. Among them is the title track, which is divided into a series of central thematic motifs much in the same manner as the "Larks' Tongues in Aspic" movements had done in the past. This 21st century schizoid band ably bears the torch of its predecessors with the same ballsy aggression that has informed other seminal King Crimson works -- such as In the Court of the Crimson King (1969), Red (1974), and more recently THRAK (1995). This incarnation of the Mighty Krim includes the excessively talented quartet of Adrian Belew (guitar/vocals), Robert Fripp (guitar), Trey Gunn (Warr guitar/Warr fretless guitar), and Pat Mastelotto (percussion). Under the auspices of Machine -- whose notable productions include post-grunge and industrial medalists Pitchshifter and White Zombie -- the combo unleashes a torrent of alternating sonic belligerence ("Level Five") and inescapable beauty ("Eyes Wide Open"). These extremes are linked as well as juxtaposed by equally challenging soundscapes from Fripp on "The Facts of Life: Intro" as well as Belew's series of "The Power to Believe" haikus. The disc is fleshed out with some choice extended instrumentals such as "Elektrik" and "Dangerous Curves," boasting tricky time signatures that are indelibly linked to equally engaging melodies. Both "Happy With What You Have to Be Happy With" and "Facts of Life" stand out as the (dare say) perfect coalescence of Belew's uncanny Beatlesque lyrical sense with the sort of bare-knuckled, in your face aural attack that has defined King Crimson for over three decades. If the bandmembers' constant tone probing is an active search to find the unwitting consciousness of a decidedly younger, rowdier, and more demanding audience, their collective mission is most assuredly accomplished on The Power to Believe -- even more so than the tripped-out psychedelic prog rock behemoth from whence they initially emerged. ~ Lindsay Planer Crimson
  25. Big Big Train - Reflectors of Light (2019) [48kHz/24bit] Label: English Electric Recordings Country: UK Genre: Symphonic Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [48kHz/24bit] Time: 02:19:11 Full Size: 1,60 GB Reflectors Of Light was recorded at Big Big Train's run shows at Cadogan Hall, London and features the best performance of every song performed at the concerts, providing a full set-list from their 2017 shows. Big Train
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