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pdf | 20.77 MB | English| Isbn:0385755570 | Author: Krull, Kathleen, author | Year: 2014 Description: Category:Awards, Kids, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Science & Technology - Kids, Entertainment & Performing Arts - Kids, Biography - Kids, General & Miscellaneous - Kids Fiction, Inventions & Inventors - Kids, Radio & Television - Kids, Scientists, Naturalists & Engineers - Kids Biography, 2009 Parents' Choice Award for Nonfiction TurboBit RapidGator AlfaFile
How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 97.33 MB | Author: Arthur Herman | Year: 2007 Description: Category:History, Philosophy, Social Sciences, European History, World History, General & Miscellaneous Philosophy, Philosophical Positions & Movements, Regional Studies, British History - Scotland, Civilization - History, Intellectual Movements, European Studies, National Characteristics, 18th & 19th Centuries - Scottish History, Civilization - General & Miscellaneous, Enlightenment, Europe - Civilization, European Studies - Scotland, General & Miscellaneous Scottish History, National Characteristics - Europe, Scottish History - Religious Aspects Download Link:
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) PL.BDRip.XviD-KiT | Lektor PL Re??yseria: Bharat Nalluri Scenariusz: Susan Coyne Gatunek: Biograficzny, Dramat Produkcja: Irlandia, Kanada Premiera: 3 listopada 2017 (??wiat) Akcja dzieje siÄ? w 1843 roku, kiedy Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens) pogrÄ???ony w rozpaczy i biedzie napisa?? swojÄ? najbardziej znanÄ? ksiÄ???kÄ? - "Opowie??Ä? WigilijnÄ?". ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) PL.720p.BluRay.x264-KiT / Lektor PL re??yseria: Bharat Nalluri scenariusz: Susan Coyne gatunek: BiograficznyDramat produkcja: IrlandiaKanada premiera: 3 listopada 2017 (??wiat) AdaptacjÄ? ksiÄ???ki Les Standiforda, kt??rej akcja osadzona jest w 1843 roku i szczeg????owo opowiada o okoliczno??ciach w jakich Charles Dickens, za??amany i bez gorsza przy duszy, napisa?? swoje najs??ynniejsze dzie??o, czyli Opowie??Ä? WiligijnÄ?. Informacje o pliku video:
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) PL.BDRip.Xvid-KiT / Lektor PL Re??yseria: Bharat Nalluri Scenariusz: Susan Coyne Gatunek: Biograficzny, Dramat Produkcja: Irlandia, Kanada Premiera: 3 listopada 2017 (??wiat) Akcja dzieje siÄ? w 1843 roku, kiedy Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens) pogrÄ???ony w rozpaczy i biedzie napisa?? swojÄ? najbardziej znanÄ? ksiÄ???kÄ? - "Opowie??Ä? WigilijnÄ?".
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) Opis: The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) HC.HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO SCREEN: Dane uploadu Download
The Girl Who Invented Kissing (2017) HDRip XviD AC3-EVO File Size : 1.38 GiB ======= [ iMDB iNFO ] ======= ======= [ :: SCreeNSh0Ts :: ] ======= ====================== ====================== ======= [ DoWNLoAD ] =======
Udemy - Improve Your Kid's Behavior-Newly Invented Star Chart Models English | 2h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 1.09 Gb Genre: eLearning For any chore or boundary use these new designs and models of behavior and reward charts- no bribes, any age (2-19yrs). You've heard of these right? Star charts - Reward Charts - Chore charts - Incentive Charts But I don't want to use bribes, payments or prizes as incentives.... As a child, my parents and school teachers used them on me - but they didn't work. WHY NOT? When I became a parent, I used traditional star charts on Cailin... .. but then that model stopped working as well: WHY DID THEY STOP WORKING? So for the last 15 years as a school prin[beeep]l and parent, I figured out why these traditional models don't work for long, and then designed and invented some totally new ones as I found out how to really inspire and motivate a child, instead of bribe them. The observational model (use it even if your child doesn't want to parti[beeep]te) The goal model (powerfully move into celebrating an achieved end goal) The perseverance model (how to keep them persevering, in spite of how difficult things get - prevents them from just giving up) The consistency model (keeps the new behaviour going till it becomes a habit) The process model (how to build strategic thinking and task completion) The gamification model (how to make a star chart like a board game with mystery levels and game rules) I am now known as the parenting coach and teacher who can get a child to do whatever is needed to be done! And these techniques are now used in schools and homes around the world. My experience as a school prin[beeep]l and parenting expert have really paid off ... and those techniques I used that worked are now revealed here for the very first time. You wont find this material any where else (unless someone has copied my work) So, I know these charts work - I even show you our past examples, and have even filmed me starting new ones with Cailin. Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you instant returns. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 2 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already have given up on the power of Star or Behaviour Charts. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you more time and effort as you keep complaining in not getting the results you need from your child .... DOWNLOAD