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Znaleziono 45 wyników

  1. Free Download The Rain - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 357.71 MB | N/A | Isbn:1494856069 | Author: Joseph A. Turkot | Year: 2013 Description: Category:Post Apocalyptic, Science Fiction, Dystopia, Apocalyptic, Fiction, Horror, Adventure Download Link:
  2. Free Download Cybersecurity All-in-One For Dummies - [AUDIOBOOK] epub, m4b | 725.6 MB | English | Isbn:139415285X | Author: Joseph Steinberg, Kevin Beaver, Ted Coombs, Ira Winkler | Year: 2023 Description: Download Link:
  3. Joseph Haydn - Symphony No.92'Oxford' (2018) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01. Adagio - Allegro spiritoso 02. Adagio 03. Menuet & Trio 04. Finale. Presto Description: At the start of 1791, when Franz Joseph Haydn arrived in England, he was already the most famous composer in Europe, and had been for a few years. It seemed obvious, then, that a suggestion would be made for Haydn to receive an honorary doctorate degree from Oxford University (English composer and music historian Charles Burney put forth that suggestion). But that degree required the candidate to prove his skill in composition. One of the things Haydn did to prove he was worthy was conduct a concert at Oxford University that July which featured his Symphony No. 92 â?? it earned him the degree, and the symphony would later be nicknamed the "Oxford" symphony. Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Smart Cutter 1.92 -> .ts file format Genre: Symphony Classical Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 10.2Mbps Length: 00:59:00 | 4.81Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio 1: MP2 | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  4. Delaney Joseph Wied??mi spisek Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Fantasy Klany Wiedzm z Pendle zawsze skakaly sobie do gardel. Dzieki temu, ze nieustajacy konflikt absorbowal ich uwage, ludzie byli wzglednie bezpieczni. Ale oto dwa zgromadzenia polaczyly swe sily, a niedlugo dolaczy do nich trzecie. zjednoczone wsp??lnym celem beda mialy dosc mocy, by przywolac do tego swiata potege tak mroczna, ze nikt na ziemi nie bedzie w stanie jej pokonac. Ale nim Stracharz i jego uczen wyrusza do Pendle, Tom musi udac sie do rodzinnego domu. Jego matka powr??cila do swojej ojczyzny, Grecji, na farmie zas pozostawila tajemnicze szkatulki, kt??re tylko on moze otworzyc. Czy w zamknietych skrzyneczkach Thomas znajdzie wyjasnienia wydarzen z przeszloscia I czy prawda na temat matki nie sprowadzi na rodzine jeszcze wiekszego niebezpieczenstwa. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 384 MB czas trwania: 09h 34m 52s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Waldemar Barwi??ski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Mary Bevan & Joseph Middleton - Voyages (2017) [FLAC] Artist: Mary Bevan & Joseph Middleton Album: Voyages Year Of Release: 2017 Genre: Classical Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 01:20:19 Total Size: 317 MB TRACKLIST DOWNLOAD
  6. Finder Joseph Fachowiec Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Dwudziestoletnie milczenie wkr??tce zostanie przerwaneâ?? Kiedy dziennikarz ??ledczy Rick Hoffman traci pracÄ?, narzeczonÄ? i mieszkanie, jedyne, co mu pozostaje, to wprowadziÄ? siÄ? z powrotem do domu, w kt??rym spÄ?dzi?? swoje smÄ?tne dzieci??stwo i m??odo??Ä?. OdkÄ?d ojciec Ricka po przebytym udarze zamieszka?? w o??rodku opieku??czym, dom stoi pusty i niszczeje. Pr??bujÄ?c co nieco naprawiÄ? w tym starym budynku, Rick dokonuje szokujÄ?cego odkrycia â?? znajduje schowane za ??cianÄ? miliony dolar??w. PieniÄ?dzy jest na tyle du??o, by ca??kowicie odmieniÄ? ??ycie Ricka i wszystko to, co do tej pory wiedzia?? i my??la?? o swoim ojcu. Im wiÄ?cej jednak tajemnic o przesz??o??ci ojca wychodzi na jaw, w tym wiÄ?kszym niebezpiecze??stwie zaczyna byÄ? Rick. W ko??cu musi uciekaÄ? przed ??miertelnie gro??nymi wrogami, kt??rzy desperacko pragnÄ?, by przesz??o??Ä? pozosta??a pogrzebana. Ricka uratowaÄ? mo??e jedynie rozwiÄ?zanie zagadki ojca â?? cz??owieka, kt??ry od dwudziestu lat nie powiedzia?? ani s??owaâ?? â?žFinder jest ceniony jako pisarz, kt??ry wni??s?? napiÄ?cie w ??wiat biznesu i finans??w â?? zrobi?? dla dyrektor??w to, co John Grisham dla prawnik??w â?? uczyni?? ich tr??jwymiarowymi, nikczemnymi i bardzo przera??ajÄ?cymiâ?. Daily Mail â?žWirtuoz snucia opowie??ciâ?. Providence Journal â?žWartka narracja, rozdzia??y, kt??re po??yka siÄ? jeden za drugim, oraz pomys??owa fabu??a, a szczeg??lnie typowe dla Findera tw??rcze wykorzystanie cyfrowych technik ??ledczych gwarantujÄ? ekscytujÄ?ce doznania literackieâ?. Library Journal Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 530 MB czas trwania: 10h 31m 51s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Bartosz G??ogowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Joseph Murphy - PotÄ?ga pod??wiadomo??ci Opis: AUDIOKSIÄ???KA NA PODSTAWIE NOWEGO ROZSZERZONEGO WYDANIA. Jeden z najlepszych i najskuteczniejszych poradnik??w, jakie kiedykolwiek napisano. Ta ksiÄ???ka pomog??a milionom ludzi na ca??ym ??wiecie osiÄ?gnÄ?Ä? upragnione cele jedynie dziÄ?ki zmianie sposobu my??lenia. Teraz do rÄ?k czytelnik??w trafia nowe wydanie z nigdy wcze??nie nie publikowanymi komentarzami Autora. Rewolucyjne techniki doktora Murphy'ego opierajÄ? siÄ? na sprawdzonej zasadzie: Je??li wierzysz w co?? bez zastrze??e?? i mo??esz to zobrazowaÄ? w swoim umy??le, usuniesz pod??wiadome przeszkody, kt??re powstrzymujÄ? ciÄ? przed osiÄ?gniÄ?ciem ko??cowego rezultatu, a twoja wiara stanie siÄ? rzeczywisto??ciÄ?. KsiÄ???ka PotÄ?ga pod??wiadomo??ci jest sztandarowym dzie??em Josepha Murphy'ego. Dowodzi ona, ??e procesy psychiczne przebiegajÄ?ce poza naszÄ? ??wiadomo??ciÄ? i bez jej udzia??u, bÄ?dÄ?ce wa??nÄ? czÄ???ciÄ? naszej osobowo??ci, mogÄ? byÄ? wykorzystane w spos??b celowy, po naszej my??li. S??u??Ä? temu specjalne techniki, zbadane, sprawdzone i opisane w tej ksiÄ???ce, poparte konkretnymi przyk??adami. Metody te ods??oniÄ? przed tobÄ? nowe obszary i nowe mo??liwo??ci twojego umys??u. Z ksiÄ???ki PotÄ?ga pod??wiadomo??ci dowiesz siÄ? nie tylko, ??e masz w sobie klucz do ??ycia pe??niejszego, ale tak??e, jak tego klucza u??ywaÄ?, aby pom??c sobie i bliskim. Download:
  8. Delaney Joseph Tajemnica Starego Mistrza Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jesie?? nieub??aganie zbli??a siÄ? ko??cowi, noce sÄ? coraz d??u??sze, a dni ch??odniejsze. Nied??ugo z targanych wiatrem drzew opadnÄ? ostatnie li??cie i Hrabstwo za??nie w lodowatych objÄ?ciach zimy. Nadchodzi czas, by stracharz i jego ucze?? Thomas, udali siÄ? do Anglezarke, do zimowej siedziby Mistrza... Tom s??ysza?? ju?? opowie??ci o z??owieszczej, budzÄ?cej grozÄ? sadybie, nic jednak nie przygotowa??o go na spotkanie z ponurÄ? rzeczywisto??ciÄ?. Nie tylko domostwo, ale i jego okolice wydajÄ? siÄ? byÄ? przesiÄ?kniÄ?te aurÄ? tajemnicy. W przesz??o??ci Starego Mistrza kryje siÄ? wiele, a?? nazbyt wiele sekret??w, kt??re byÄ? mo??e nigdy nie powinny ujrzeÄ? ??wiat??a dziennego. PonoÄ? prawda zawsze wychodzi na jaw, pytanie tylko czy to dobrze, czy ??le. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 500 MB czas trwania: 09h 14m 18s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Waldemar Barwinski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  9. Walter Olbertz - Joseph Haydn: Die Klaviersonaten (1996) [FLAC] Artist: Walter Olbertz Album: Joseph Haydn: Die Klaviersonaten Year Of Release: 1996 Genre: Classic Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 09:29:58 (9 CD) Total Size: 2.16 GB
  10. Conrad Joseph Lord Jim Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Lord Jim to najwybitniejsze dzie??o J??zefa Korzeniowskiego, napisane pod pseudonimem - Joseph Conrad. Autor do stworzenia fabu??y wykorzysta?? w??asne do??wiadczenia i przygody z czas??w, gdy by?? marynarzem. Powie??Ä? wydana w 1900 roku prezentuje wizjÄ? honoru, jako najwy??szej warto??ci. Tytu??owy bohater - Jim, to uosobienie szlachetno??ci, choÄ? nie pozbawione skazy... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 689 MB czas trwania: 12h 43m 08s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Marcin Nowakowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  11. Ray Stevens - Mary & Joseph & The Baby & Me (2016) Title: Mary & Joseph & The Baby & Me Artist : Ray Stevens Year : 2016 Genre : Country Packed size: 75 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Mary And Joseph And The Baby And Me 02 - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer 03 - Frosty The Snowman 04 - All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth 05 - Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer 06 - Claws (A Cat's Letter To Santa) 07 - All I Want For Christmas Is You 08 - Merry Christmas 09 - Christmas Will Be Just Another Lonely Day 10 - Christmas Bells (In The Steeple)
  12. Joseph Vincent - Here's 2 You EP (2016) Title: Here's 2 You EP Artist : Joseph Vincent Year : 2016 Genre : Pop Packed size: 34 MB Format : M4A Bitrate : 270Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Magnetize 02 - Memory 03 - One Stop Shop 04 - Breaking Down Your Walls 05 - My Girl
  13. Joseph Hein - AM Gold (2016) Title : AM Gold Artist : Joseph Hein Year : 2016 Genre : Folk Rock Packed size: 119 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 - Looking Backwards 02 - In the Sunshine 03 - Countless Nights 04 - Lonely 05 - In a Daze 06 - Been a Long Time 07 - Unsuspecting Eyes 08 - Fall Apart 09 - Not All is Lost 10 - Disappear 11 - Sails 12 - The Path
  14. Photography 101 Training Video With Joseph Duration: 2h 10m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 24fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | 2.45 GB Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English Today's cameras put an amazing amount of power in your hands, but all those buttons, dials, and settings can be pretty intimidating. In Photography 101, photographer Joseph ["PhotoJoseph"] Linaschke helps you understand what's going on inside your camera, explaining photography fundamentals like what aperture is and how shutter speed works. Learn basics such as how to hold the camera, what various modes mean and when to use them, and even how and when to use the camera's flash. There's also creative instruction to guide you toward becoming a better photographer. As you become more comfortable with your gear, you'll find that many creative possibilities open up for you and the quality of your photography improves. Topics include: * Adjusting aperture, shutter speed, and ISO * Controlling autofocus * Using buttons to change focus, metering, and shooting modes * Carrying a camera like a pro * Stabilizing the camera * Working with flash * Thinking creatively and changing your point of view * Buying new gear Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From Uploaded
  15. Artist: Joseph Zohlo Title: Invader Ant Remixes Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Dark And Death Recordings - DADR008 Genre: Dub Techno Quality: WAV - 1411 kbps Total Time: 00:45:27 Total Size: 440 mb Tracklist: 1. Invader Ant [Animam Remix] (9:08) 2. Invader Ant [Dporto Remix] (8:00) 3. Invader Ant [Oscar Cornell Remix] (6:30) 4. Invader Ant [Whitelie Remix] (6:42) 5. Invader Ant [sardinian Love Remix] (7:50) 6. Invader Ant [Audiction Remix] (7:17) Dark And Death Recordings presenta su Remix compilaci??n que cuenta con remixes de artistas como Whitelie , Dporto , Oscar cornell , Sardinian Love , Audiction & Animam remix de la primera pista editada en el Label que lleva por nombre Invader Ant una pista llena de Techno y Deep asi como sus remixes.
  16. Joseph Delaney - KlÄ?twa z przesz??o??ci Download:Ä?twa_z_przesz??o??
  17. Joseph Delaney - Tajemnica starego mistrza Download:
  18. Uartsy - 3D Printing for Artists With Joseph Drust 10 Modules | Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 1024x608 | Audio: AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 15.2 GB Genre: eLearning | English 3D Printing for Artists Instructor: Joseph Drust World's First Online 3D Printing Course Devoted Entirely To Artists! In this 10 module intensive course, Joseph Drust will show you everything you need to know to create your own collectibles, freelance for the toy industry & get started with your own Makerbot or with a service like The 5 most important lessons: How to use advanced ZBrush sculpting techniques like Trim, Booleans, Dynamesh and more How to set up your model for 3D printing, focusing on Sculpteo, MakerBot, CNC, and Form1 processes How to make sure your model has a water-tight mesh for 3D printing using Dynamesh and Projection How to make a mold and simple castings to create your own collectibles for sale on sites like Etsy How to create your own stop-motion figures with articulated joints and keys Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  19. Fundamentals of Cloud Data Storage With Joseph Lowery Size: 290MB | Duration: 1h 26m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English Most businesses are moving data storage to the cloud to access data at scale with speed. But how do you choose a provider? What kind of plan will your company need? Joseph Lowery walks through these questions and more, in this course on researching and choosing a cloud data storage provider. Learn how to calculate your costs; investigate the options from providers such as Google, Amazon, HP, and Microsoft; and handle issues related to latency, security, and scalability. Joe also includes a short case study around setting up a cloud storage solution with Amazon Web Services, one of the most popular solutions. Topics include: * Discovering cloud storage solutions * Managing database content * Assessing API interconnectivity * Troubleshooting cloud data storage issues * Reviewing cloud storage vendors * Setting up Amazon Web Services (AWS) Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  20. HTML5 Canvas and WebGL in Flash Professional CC With Joseph Labrecque Size: 543MB | Duration: 1h 36m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English No longer restricted to only ActionScript and Flash Player, Flash Professional CC offers more publishing possibilities than ever before. Developers can now use Flash to build assets and animation that target platforms such as HTML5 Canvas and WebGL. And adding JavaScript allows for playback on just about any modern desktop or mobile device. This course focuses on using Flash Professional CC to create a shared pool of content for a set of related projects: an HTML5 video, an interactive ad, and a simple web-based game. Author Joseph Labrecque shows how to use Flash's familiar toolset to build and manage assets that fit into a modern web publishing workflow. Topics include: * Using code snippets and actions * Assembling and animating a scene for video * Rendering the video * Laying out an ad with WebGL and JavaScript * Programming a game in HTML5 Canvas Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  21. Building Custom HTML5 Video Playback with AngularJS With Joseph Labrecque Size: 549MB | Duration: 1h 22m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English HTML video doesn't require plugins for playback, but the default experience differs drastically across browsers. Using a combination of Bootstrap and AngularJS, you can develop a responsive video app that performs and appears great in all browsers-unifying the user experience and allowing custom functionality, such as playlists and full-screen playback. Join Joseph Labrecque for this start-to-finish course that guides you through every step in the process, from installing the software to employing a variety of foundational AngularJS directives. All you need to bring is the video and the time. Topics include: * Setting up * Creating a video element * Making the video element responsive * Building controls * Setting up an AngularJS controller * Binding properties * Customizing the playback controls and time display * Enabling full-screen playback and playlist support * Using AngularJS directives and filters Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  22. Joseph Goldstein - Abiding In Mindfulness Volume 2: On Feeling, The Mind & Dhamma Unabridged AudioBook | 2007 | Genre: Self-Help | English | ISBN-13: 9781591796459 | MP3 64Kb | 598.84 MB In the words of the Buddha, the four foundations of mindfulness (the four satipa??­??­hÄna) are "the direct path for the purification of beings, for the surmounting of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of dukkha (suffering) and discontent, for acquiring the true method, for the realization of Nibbana." Within the quintessential discourse called the Satipa??­??­hÄna Sutta, we find the Buddha's seminal teachings about the practice of meditation. On Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume 2: On Feeling, the Mind & Dhamma, esteemed teacher and author Joseph Goldstein presents a nine-CD audio curriculum to reveal the deeper insights of this vital sutta-and how it serves to inform and guide your own daily practice. The Second Foundation of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of Feelings Course objectives: Discuss the second foundation of mindfulness: mindfulness of the feelings, including worldly and unworldly feelings Discuss the third foundation of mindfulness: mindfulness of the mind, including a discussion of self-judgment, as well as the contracted and distracted mind Explore the refrain of the Sutta: including the mindfulness of reactivity, the mindfulness of arising and passing away, as well as the mindfulness of internal and external experience Discuss the fourth foundation of mindfulness: mindfulness of the Dhammas, including mindfulness of the five hindrances (desire, aversion, sloth and torpor, restlessness, and doubt) Explore the five aggregates, including material elements, feeling, perception and formations, formations and consciousness, as well as non-self The Buddha begins this pivotal section of the sutta with a rhetorical question: how does one abide contemplating feelings? Before you can answer this question, explains Goldstein, you must understand what the Buddha means by "feeling." Returning to the Pali word vedana, he points out the qualities of "pleasantness, unpleasantness, or neutrality" that arise in every moment of experience. For it is close attention to each of these qualities that unlocks our deepest patterns of conditioning-and removes our greatest obstacles to liberation. From the crucial distinction between "worldly" and "unworldly" feelings to practical methods for "de-conditioning" habitual responses, Goldstein elucidates the Buddha's instructions for achieving a deeper happiness and ease of being through moment-by-moment mindfulness of feelings. The Third and Fourth Foundations of Mindfulness: Mindfulness of Mind, Mindfulness of Dhammas As you continue your exploration of the Satipa??­??­hÄna Sutta, Goldstein brings you to the third and fourth foundations of mindfulness: Mindfulness of Mind and Mindfulness of Dhammas (or "categories of phenomena"). Here, you will learn what it means to "take responsibility for your own heart and mind"-the central art of the third foundation-through the pragmatic discernment of skillful and wholesome mind states and their counterparts, and direct investigation of the higher states of mind, including "concentrated" and "liberated" mind, and more. Next, you progress through the beginning sections of the fourth foundation, with Goldstein's step-by-step guidance about working with the hindrances and the aggregates. Download Link
  23. Joseph L. Matthews - Long-Term Care: How to Plan & Pay for It Unabridged AudioBook | 2012 | Genre: Self-Help | English | ISBN-13: 978-1413317510 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 9 hrs and 55 mins | 409.1 MB Find the best care in the right place at the right price with this all-in-one guide! Finding the right long-term care often means making difficult decisions during difficult times. Long-Term Care will help you understand the alternatives to nursing facilities and explain how to find the best care you can afford. With Long-Term Care, you'll be able to: Evaluate long-term care insurance Arrange home care Explore options beyond nursing homes Choose a nursing facility Get the most out of Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefit programs Protect your assets, and Recognize and prevent elder fraud This completely updated eighth edition has an all-new chapter on long-term care insurance and updated coverage of Medicaid. It also includes up-to-date benefit numbers, information on laws and taxes, and revised information on veterans' benefits. With sensitivity and clarity, Attorney Joseph Matthews gives you everything you need to help plan for and make the best arrangements for long-term Download Link
  24. John Joseph Adams - The End Has Come (The Apocalypse Triptych #3) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ASIN: B00XB6L7MK | MP3 64Kb | Length: 14 hrs and 4 mins | 386.63 MB Famine. Death. War. Pestilence. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. In science fiction, the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biological warfare/pandemic, ecological disaster, or cosmological cataclysm. But before any catastrophe, there are people who see it coming. During, there are heroes who fight against it. And after, there are the survivors who persevere and try to rebuild. THE APOCALYPSE TRIPTYCH tells their stories. Edited by acclaimed anthologist John Joseph Adams and bestselling author Hugh Howey, THE APOCALYPSE TRIPTYCH is a series of three anthologies of apocalyptic fiction. THE END IS NIGH focuses on life before the apocalypse. THE END IS NOW turns its attention to life during the apocalypse. And THE END HAS COME focuses on life after the apocalypse. THE END HAS COME features all-new, never-before-published works by Hugh Howey, Seanan McGuire, Ken Liu, Carrie Vaughn, Mira Grant, Jamie Ford, Tananarive Due, Jonathan Maberry, Robin Wasserman, Nancy Kress, Charlie Jane Anders, Elizabeth Bear, Ben H. Winters, Scott Sigler, and many others. THE END IS NIGH is about the match. THE END IS NOW is about the conflagration. THE END HAS COME is about what will rise from the ashes. Download Link
  25. Choosing a PHP Editor With Joseph Lowery 280MB | Duration: 1h 34m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English A coding professional needs professional tools, and while you can write PHP with a regular text editor, a specialized editor or IDE will make the job easier and your code more accurate. In this course, programming expert Joseph Lowery takes you on a survey of the most popular all-purpose and PHP-specific editors. Learn what features are absolutely required from any good editor; explore options that can boost your productivity, like snippets and database integration; and then take a look at tools that work with multiple technologies (such as Aptana Studio, Sublime Text, and Cloud 9) and those more directly targeted at PHP (like Eclipse or PhpStorm). This course is vital to anyone starting on the path to PHP programming, as well as developers seeking to ramp up their efficiency. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
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