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epub | 7.33 MB | English| Isbn:0972595953 | Author: Lawrence Miles | Year: 2004 Description: Category:Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Fiction, Other Romance Categories, Fantasy Romance, Paranormal Fantasy - Other, Romance - New Adult, Urban Fantasy, Vampire Romance TurboBit RapidGator
Lawrence of Arabia on War: The Campaign in the Desert 1916â "18 - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 664.35 MB | Author: Johnson, Dr Robert | Year: 2020 Description: Category:History, Military History, World War I, World War I - General & Miscellaneous Download Link:
epub | 7.65 MB | English| Isbn:0415145953 | Author: Lawrence Miles | Year: 1998 Description: Category:Music, Film & Performing Arts, Performing Arts, Dance, General & Miscellaneous Performing Arts, Modern Dance TurboBit RapidGator
Lawrence Mark Czerwona Siostra Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Urodzilam sie po to, zeby zabijac. Bogowie stworzyli mnie jako siewce zniszczeniaâ?. W klasztorze Slodkiej Laski mlode dziewczeta uczy sie odbierania zycia. U nielicznych ujawnia sie stara krew, dajaca im talenty rzadko spotykane od czas??w, gdy statki plemion przybyly na Abeth. W Slodkiej Lasce doskonali sie talenty nowicjuszek, czyniac nich smiertelnie grozne wojowniczki. Potrzeba dziesieciu lat, by nauczyc Czerwona Siostre drogi miecza i piesci. Ale nawet mistrzynie walki i cienia nie w pelni zdawaly sobie sprawe, co wpadlo w ich rece, gdy Nona Grey trafila do ich komnat jako zakrwawione osmioletnie dziecko, falszywie oskarzone o morderstwo, a winne znacznie gorszych rzeczy. Ukradziona spod szubienicy None scigaja potezni wrogowie, i to nie bez powodu. Choc klasztor zapewnia bezpieczenstwo i izolacje, skrywana, gwaltowna przeszlosc w koncu ja odnajdzie. W promieniach umierajacego slonca padajacych na slabnace cesarstwo Nona Grey musi zawrzec pok??j ze swymi demonami i stac sie niepowstrzymana skrytob??jczynia. Jesli chce przezyc. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 812 MB czas trwania: 20h 05m 03s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Ewa Abart BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Lawrence English - Cruel Optimism (2017) INFO Title: Cruel Optimism Artist : Lawrence English Year : 2017 Genre: Electronic Packed size: 92 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Hard Rain 02 - The Quietest Shore 03 - Hammering A Screw 04 - Crow 05 - Reqium For A Reaper Pillar Of Cloud 06 - Exquisite Human Microphone 07 - Object Of Projection 08 - Negative Drone 09 - Somnambulist 10 - Moribund Territories
Artist: Sheila Lawrence Title: Down 1297 Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Fallen Tree Records Genre: Roots Rock, Americana Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 53:28 Total Size: 131 Mb Tracklist: 1. Little Bit of Lovin 2. Honky Tonk Heart 3. Last Day of Summer 4. Run 5. In My Dreams 6. When You Were Mine 7. Barren River 8. A Long Way to Go 9. He's Not You 10. Anyone Can Start a Fire 11. Happiness 12. (It Feels Just Like) Saturday Night 13. We Danced These songs all come from the heart. An Americana feel, with true grit, soul and power. "Sheila's gift of music and her love, passion, commitment and dis[beeep]line that she has shown to her craft will be immediately evident with the first note you hear on this album!"~~~Brenda Lee ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Lawrence Thomas Edward Burza nad AzjÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jedynym powodem, dla kt??rego dostajecie "BurzÄ? nad AzjÄ?" jako odrÄ?bnÄ? pozycjÄ? jest moja nie??wiadomo??Ä? i decyzje edytorskie przedwojennej "Biblioteki groszowej". Pewnie z powod??w czysto handlowych dzie??o Lawrence'a w oryginale zatytu??owane "Revolt in the Desert" zosta??o w wydaniu polskim podzielone na "Bunt Arab??w" i "BurzÄ? nad AzjÄ?". Ja zorientowa??em siÄ? w tym, kiedy dobrnÄ???em do ostatniego rozdzia??u "Buntu", stwierdzi??em, ??e akcja w ??aden spos??b siÄ? tam nie ko??czy, a w dodatku znajduje siÄ? tam informacja o dalszym ciÄ?gu w "Burzy". By??bym sw??j b??Ä?d naprawi?? od razu, ale zdobycie owej drugiej czÄ???ci trochÄ? mi zajÄ???o. Ale niniejszym wszystko wraca do normy. Co prawda sÄ? dwa audiobooki i tytu??ach odpowiadajÄ?cych przedwojennej edycji, ale postanowi??em, ??e w "Burzy" rozdzia??y (pliki) bÄ?dÄ? mia??y numeracjÄ? kontynuujÄ?cÄ? numeracjÄ? z "Buntu'. Je??li wiÄ?c kto?? sobie ??yczy, mo??e nowe i stare pliki wrzuciÄ? do jednego katalogu, kt??ry zawieraÄ? bÄ?dzie w ca??o??ci ksiÄ???kÄ? "Revolt in the Desert". ??eby ca??Ä? sprawÄ? jeszcze zamotaÄ?, przypomnÄ?, ??e "Revolt" to niejako skr??cona i poddana p????niejszym przer??bkom wersja wiekopomnego dzie??a Lawrence'a - "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", czyli "Siedem filar??w mÄ?dro??ci", kt??rÄ? w bardziej wsp????czesnym przek??adzie Jerzego Schwakopfa wyda?? w 1998 roku Pa??stwowy Instytut Wydawniczy. Historycy g??oszÄ?, ??e Lawrence nie opisa?? "samej prawdy i tylko prawdy". Pewnie nie, bo ??adnej pojedynczy cz??owiek nie jest w stanie siÄ?gnÄ?Ä? poza swojÄ? subiektywnÄ? ocenÄ? zdarze??, tym bardziej, je??li sÄ? to zdarzenia ??wie??e, w kt??rych sam ogrywa?? rolÄ? wiÄ?cej ni?? obserwatora. Jakby nie by??o, mamy do czynienia z jednym z nielicznych w historii ludzi, kt??rzy nie bÄ?dÄ?c kr??lami, dyktatorami, wodzami itp. zmienili kszta??t geopolityki XX wieku, a konsekwencje tej zmiany trwajÄ? tak??e w naszym wieku XXI, i nikt nie wie, jak d??ugo jeszcze bÄ?dÄ? trwaÄ?. Szczerze polecam. Im siÄ? cz??owiek bardziej zag??Ä?bia w lekturÄ? i im lepiej poznaje i zapamiÄ?tuje opisywane postaci, tym ??atwiej nadÄ???yÄ? za autorem i ogarnÄ?Ä? wzrokiem opisywanÄ? przez niego, absolutnie fascynujÄ?cÄ? rzeczywisto??Ä?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 446 MB czas trwania: 08h 03m 07s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Lawrence Thomas Edward Bunt Arab??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Po raz pierwszy, w przypadku ramot, siÄ?gnÄ???em po literaturÄ? faktu. Nie ??a??ujÄ?, choÄ? wra??enia mam odrobinÄ? mieszane. Tematyka bliskowschodnia nastrÄ?cza mi - w przypadku wydania niemal 100-letniego - powa??ne trudno??ci. Przede wszystkim obowiÄ?zywa??y wtedy inne zasady dotyczÄ?ce przek??adania nazw geograficznych. Pani Janina Sujkowska przek??ada je w spos??b fonetyczny - niby jest to u??atwienie, ale brak mo??liwo??ci odwo??ania siÄ? do literalnej transkrypcji nazw powoduje, ??e za ka??dym razem by??em niepewny choÄ?by w przybli??eniu poprawnej wymowy. PamiÄ?tnikarska forma ksiÄ???ki pozostawia tak??e wiele niewiadomych w zakresie szerszego t??a. Prawdopodobnie w nowoczesnym wydaniu ksiÄ???ka opatrzona by??aby wieloma przypisami pozwalajÄ?cymi na umiejscowienie opisywanych zdarze?? w odrobinÄ? szerszym kontek??cie. W tej postaci, w jakiej "Bunt Arab??w" zosta?? wydany w Bibliotece Groszowej, i w jakiej mo??ecie tÄ? pozycjÄ? pos??uchaÄ?, konieczne jest samodzielne siÄ?ganie do ??r??de?? wiedzy encyklopedycznej i do atlas??w. Co samo przez siÄ? mo??e byÄ? kszta??cÄ?ce. Lawrence jest mistrzem opisu krajobrazu - czyni to plastycznie i zwiÄ???le, oraz ludzi - i to bardziej w zakresie ich psychologii, ni?? wyglÄ?du. Kr??tkie refleksje dotyczÄ?ce mentalno??ci Arab??w, z kt??rymi Lawrence wsp????pracowa??, sÄ? chyba najcenniejszymi pere??kami tego pamiÄ?tnika. mako_new Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 410 MB czas trwania: 07h 24m 47s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: D.H. Lawrence & the Vaudeville Skiffle Show Title: Sons & Lovers Year Of Release: 2015 Label: D.H. Lawrence & the Vaudeville Skiffle Show Genre: Folk, Country, Americana Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 42:58 Total Size: 106 Mb Tracklist: 1. You Saw Me Fall 2. Diane 3. Every City Needs a Whorehouse 4. Sons & Lovers 5. Lady Chatterley's Bower 6. Cherokee Shuffle 7. Vaudeville Show 8. A Needle and the Christ and a Soul Gone God Knows Where 9. Supermodels & Skifflers 10. Drink Another Bottle 11. Pretty Song Debut album from one of Nottingham's finest. Country, Americana, and folk with a skiffle groove. This album takes you on a journey from riotous sing-a-long skiffle to heart-breaking ballads. "As British as The Kinks with a real '60s Townes Van Zandt feel"
Lawrence z Arabii / Lawrence of Arabia (1962) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL Re??yseria: David Lean Scenariusz: Robert Bolt Gatunek: Dramat, Przygodowy, Wojenny Kraj: Wielka Brytania Rok produkcji: 1962 Czas trwania: 216 min. Opis: Rok 1916, pierwsza wojna ??wiatowa. M??ody oficer brytyjski zostaje skierowany na Bliski Wsch??d, by umocniÄ? tamtejszÄ? plac??wkÄ? Imperium. Lawrence, kt??ry jest rzecznikiem uniezale??nienia siÄ? Arab??w, sk??ania ich do otwartego wystÄ?pienia przeciwko Turkom. Omar Sharif, Anthony Quinn i Peter O`Toole we wspania??ych krajobrazach pustyni i siedem Oscar??w, w tym dla najlepszego filmu. Obsada: Donald Wolfit - Genera?? Murray Peter O'Toole - T.E. Lawrence Anthony Quinn - Auda Abu Tayi Jack Hawkins - Genera?? Allenby Omar Sharif - Sherif Ali Ibn El Kharish Anthony Quayle - Pu??kownik Harry Brighton Arthur Kennedy - Jackson Bentley John Ruddock - Elder Harith ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
Educational Technology for Student Success With Renaldo Lawrence Size: 297MB | Duration: 1h 06m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English Technology can play a critical role in the classroom, promoting engagement and knowledge retention. Here Renaldo Lawrence has assembled a list of practical educational technologies that are easy to incorporate into instruction and will help students be successful both in and out of class. He'll help you evaluate the ed tech landscape, determine what technologies are right for your classroom, and provide concrete examples of how to implement them. The tips cover everything from web resources, apps, and video to maps and ebooks. Start watching to find the tool that will take your students to the next level. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
T.E. Lawrence - Seven Pillars Of Wisdom: A Triumph Unabridged AudioBook | 2012 | Genre: History | English | ASIN: B008U2QTKU | MP3 32Kb | Length: 25 hrs and 21 mins | 348.64 MB In his classic book, T.E. Lawrence-forever known as Lawrence of Arabia-recounts his role in the origin of the modern Arab world. At first a shy Oxford scholar and archaeologist with a facility for languages, he joined and went on to lead the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Turks while the rest of the world was enmeshed in World War I. With its richly detailed evocation of the land and the people Lawrence passionately believed in, its incisive portraits of key players, from Faisal ibn Hussein, the future Hashemite king of Syria and Iraq, to General Sir Edmund Allenby and other members of the British imperial forces, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom is an indispensible primary historical source. It helps us to understand today's Middle East, while giving us thrilling accounts of military exploits (including the liberation of Aqaba and Damascus), clandestine activities, and human foibles. Download Link
Digital-Tutors - Painting a Dynamic Dragon in Photoshop With Lawrence Mann 3h 55m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 32KHz 2ch | 7.33GB Genre: eLearning | Projects files Added In this Photoshop tutorial we'll paint a dragon with a real sense of power, speed and action as well as explore and develop focus points and details such as scales and fire. Together, we'll look at simple lighting techniques which will add a real sense of atmosphere to a fantasy beast. By the end of the Photoshop training, you'll have picked up a solid grounding in digital painting as well some great new tips and tricks that will helps you create a new masterpiece for your portfolio. Download From NitroFlare Download From Keep2share Download From Rapidgator
Lynda - Creative Insights: Renaldo Lawrence on Elearning English | 0h 31m | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 312 Mb Genre: eLearning How do teachers adopt technology into classrooms, if they're not quite comfortable with it themselves? This interview with Renaldo Lawrence is an inspiration to educators looking to increase student achievement and create authentic-learning opportunities for their students. Renaldo is a leader on integrating technology in the classroom, but started out as a computer-illiterate educator. His story of learning the technology for the sake of the students is both inspiring, and instructional for educators that want to follow his example. DOWNLOAD
Creative Insights: Renaldo Lawrence on Elearning With Renaldo Lawrence 312MB | Duration: 0h 31m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Appropriate for all | Language: English How do teachers adopt technology into classrooms, if they're not quite comfortable with it themselves? This interview with Renaldo Lawrence is an inspiration to educators looking to increase student achievement and create authentic-learning opportunities for their students. Renaldo is a leader on integrating technology in the classroom, but started out as a computer-illiterate educator. His story of learning the technology for the sake of the students is both inspiring, and instructional for educators that want to follow his example. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From Uploadable
D. H. Lawrence - Women in Love (Brangwen Family #2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2010 | Genre: Literary Classics | English | ISBN-13: 9780486424583 | M4B 64Kb | Length: 18 hrs and 30 mins | 496.07 MB A powerful and engrossing tale of extremes and extremists, D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love follows the passionate relationships of two sisters, Gudrun and Ursula Brangwen, with their respective lovers, the ominous Gerald Crich and the charismatic but fragile Rupert Birkin. Beginning in a narrow-minded English colliery town and culminating amidst the ice and snow of the Alps, the abortive alliance between the two men and the couples' affairs are played out against the derangements of industrialism and the need to find new ways of living and better ways of dying. A masterpiece that heralded the erotic consciousness of the 20th century, Lawrence considered Women in Love his best novel, exploring through it his belief that love is "the great creative process". Download Link
D. H. Lawrence - Lady Chatterley's Lover Unabridged AudioBook | 2012 | Genre: Romance | English | ISBN-13: 9780143039617 | M4B 64Kb | Length: 12 hrs and 58 mins | 361.8 MB Lady Chatterley's husband returns from the War paralysed from the waist down. Frustrated by his attitudes as much as his disability, she begins a love-affair with the gamekeeper, Mellors. She realises that to be fully alive she must live the life of the body as well as the mind, but in doing so she angers the conventions of her day. Banned for over 30 years for the explicit nature of its language and descriptions of sex, Lady Chatterley's Lover also exposes the dehumanisation of the mechanical age, and underlines the profound power of tenderness. Download Link
Lawrence Wright - Going Clear: Scientology Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: General Non-Fic | English | ASIN: B00A9ET54E | MP3 80Kb | Length: 17 hrs and 24 mins | 616.22 MB Immersed in this book, the reader is drawn along by tantalizing revelations while simultaneously exhausted, longing for escape from its cloistered world-mirroring the accounts of many former Scientologists on the record, here. In efficient, unemotional prose, Wright begins with the biography of founder L. Ron Hubbard: his days as a prodigiously prolific writer of pulp fiction, his odd military career, the publication of his breakthrough self-help book Dianetics, and the influence, riches, and controversy that have followed since he founded the Church of Scientology in 1954. For those aware of Scientology through its celebrity adherents (Tom Cruise and John Travolta are the best known) rather than its works, the sheer scope of the church's influence and activities will prove jaw-dropping. Wright paints a picture of organizational chaos and a leader, David Miscavige, who rules by violence and intimidation; of file-gathering paranoia and vengefulness toward apostates and critics; of victories over perceived enemies, including the U.S. government, won through persuasion, ruthless litigation, and dirty tricks. Even more shocking may be the portrayal of the Sea Org, a cadre of true believers whose members sign contracts for a billion years of service, and toil in conditions of indentured servitude, punished mercilessly for inadvertent psychic offenses. Their treatment is a far cry from the coddling afforded to the much-courted celebrities (Wright does point out that, for whatever reason, most Sea Org members remain in service voluntarily.) Page after page of damaging testimony, often from formerly high-ranking officers, is footnoted with blanket denials from the church and other parties (e.g., "The church categorically denies all charges of Miscavige's abuse" and "Cruise, through his attorney, denies that he ever retreated from his commitment to Scientology"). Readers will have to decide whether to believe the Pulitzer-winning author's carefully sourced reporting, or the church's rebuttals. But, quoting Paul Haggis, the Academy Award-winning film director and former Scientologist whom Wright first profiled in the New Yorker: "if only a fraction of these accusations are true, we are talking about serious, indefensible human and civil rights violations." Going Clear offers a fascinating look behind the curtain of an organization whose ambition and influence are often at odds with its secretive ways. Download Link
Digital Tutors - Developing Space Helmet Options in Photoshop With Lawrence Mann 3h 57m | Audio: aac, 32KHz, mono | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 15.00 fps | 2.66GB Genre: eLearning | Project Files Included In this Photoshop tutorial we'll explore how to paint an impressive space crusader's helmet in such a way that we can create unlimited variations which will please almost the most demanding client. You'll learn some great tips for improving your workflow as well as some general Photoshop painting techniques. By the end of this Photoshop training, you'll be able to increase your creative output 100% and you'll have some great new concept art in your portfolio. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
Digital Tutors - Developing Space Helmet Options in Photoshop With Lawrence Mann 3h 57m | Audio: aac, 32KHz, mono | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 15.00 fps | 2.66GB Genre: eLearning | Project Files Included In this Photoshop tutorial we'll explore how to paint an impressive space crusader's helmet in such a way that we can create unlimited variations which will please almost the most demanding client. You'll learn some great tips for improving your workflow as well as some general Photoshop painting techniques. By the end of this Photoshop training, you'll be able to increase your creative output 100% and you'll have some great new concept art in your portfolio. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
Tutsplus - A Beginner's Guide to Using Joomla With Lawrence Turton | 2.8 GB 35 lessons | 7.7 hrs | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | Lawrence Turton Genre: eLearning | Project Files Included This course will cover the installation and administration of Joomla, a CMS which is trusted by millions to run their websites. Joomla has many components and advanced permissions right out of the box, but it can be quite a task to understand all those settings. This course will help you understand how Joomla is built, its components, global configurations, permissions, modules and front-end editing. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
Tutsplus - OS X Application UI Design in Adobe Photoshop With Lawrence Turton English | Duration: 3.4 hours | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 1.2 GB Genre: eLearning Many web app designs can be transitioned into desktop or mobile app designs with just a few modifications. This course will show how experienced graphic designers can create web app designs that they can move over into the realm of OS app designs. You will be producing a music app design for the Mac operating system, starting from scratch with the logo design, wireframe, UI and OS design integration, and finally topping it off with annotations. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From Uploadable
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Lawrence Lessig - Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It Unabridged AudioBook | 2011 | Genre: General Non-Fic | English | ISBN-13: 978-0446576437 | M4B 64Kb | Length: 10 hrs and 00 mins | 303.29 MB In an era when special interests funnel huge amounts of money into our government-driven by shifts in campaign-finance rules and brought to new levels by the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission-trust in our government has reached an all-time low. More than ever before, Americans believe that money buys results in Congress, and that business interests wield control over our legislature. With heartfelt urgency and a keen desire for righting wrongs, Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig takes a clear-eyed look at how we arrived at this crisis: how fundamentally good people, with good intentions, have allowed our democracy to be co-opted by outside interests, and how this exploitation has become entrenched in the system. Rejecting simple labels and reductive logic-and instead using examples that resonate as powerfully on the Right as on the Left-Lessig seeks out the root causes of our situation. He plumbs the issues of campaign financing and corporate lobbying, revealing the human faces and follies that have allowed corruption to take such a foothold in our system. He puts the issues in terms that nonwonks can understand, using real-world analogies and real human stories. And ultimately he calls for widespread mobilization and a new Constitutional Convention, presenting achievable solutions for regaining control of our corrupted-but redeemable-representational system. In this way, Lessig plots a roadmap for returning our republic to its intended greatness. While America may be divided, Lessig vividly champions the idea that we can succeed if we accept that corruption is our common enemy and that we must find a way to fight against it. In REPUBLIC, LOST, he not only makes this need palpable and clear-he gives us the practical and intellectual tools to do something about it. Download Link
Lawrence Watt-Evans - Vika's Avenger Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: 9781619910058 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 10 hrs and 15 mins | 352.48 MB Twelve thousand years in the future, on a planet far, far away, a country boy named Tulzik Ambroz tracks the man who killed his sister Vika, following him across the poisonous crater that is all that remains of the planet's starport, into the great city of Ragbaan. Ragbaan - site of the planet's original settlement, heart of a civilization that has repeatedly risen to astonishing heights of power and technological prowess, only to fall, every time, back into barbarism. How can Tulzik find his quarry in an anarchic city of three million souls, where the technology of the ancients is considered magic? With interior illustrations by Bradley W. Schenck. Download Link
Lawrence James - Churchill and Empire Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Biographical | English | ISBN-13: 978-0297869146 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 17 hrs and 4 mins | 469.28 MB One of our finest narrative historians, Lawrence James has written an illuminating, genuinely new biography of Winston Churchill that focuses solely on his contradictory relationship with the British Empire. As a young army officer in the late 19th century serving in conflicts in India, South Africa, and the Sudan, his attitude toward the Empire was the Victorian paternalistic approach - at once responsible and superior. Conscious even then of his political career ahead, Churchill found himself reluctantly supporting British atrocities and held what many would regard today as prejudiced views, in that he felt some nationalities were superior to others; his (some might say obsequious) relationship with America reflected that view. This outmoded attitude was one of the reasons the British voters rejected him after a Second World War in which he had led the country brilliantly. His attitude remained decidedly old-fashioned in a world that was shaping up very differently. This groundbreaking volume reveals the many facets of Churchill's personality: a visionary leader with a truly Victorian attitude toward the British Empire. Download Link