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Znaleziono 18 wyników

  1. Free Download Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor: Leigh Howard y el misterio de la mansión Simmons-Pierce / (Spanish edition) - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 531.66 MB | Author: Shawn M. Warner, Alicia Maria Teresa Reardon (Translator), Raul Silva (Translator) | Year: 2024 Description: Download Link:
  2. The Haunting of Leigh Harker m4b | 307.3 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B08T895W32 | Author: Darcy Coates | Year: 2021 Category:Ghost Suspense, Ghost Thrillers, Horror Suspense Description: Download Link:
  3. Bardugo Leigh JÄ?zyk cierni Okladka/Screeny: Opis: KsiÄ???ka z uniwersum Grisz??w Mi??o??Ä? przemawia kwiatami. Prawda wymaga cierni. Ws??uchajcie siÄ? w opowie??ci ze ??wiata stworzonego przez Leigh Bardugo, autorkÄ? z listy bestseller??w â?žNew York Timesaâ?. Ta ksiÄ???ka to cudowny zbi??r opowiada??, zainspirowany mitami, ba??niami i folklorem. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 313 MB czas trwania: 07h 45m 02s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  4. Bardugo Leigh Sz??stka wron Tom 01 Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Sze??cioro niebezpiecznych wyrzutk??w. Jeden niewykonalny skok. PrzestÄ?pczy geniusz Kaz Brekker otrzymuje ofertÄ? wzbogacenia siÄ? ponad wszelkie wyobra??enie â?? wystarczy w tym celu wykonaÄ? zadanie, kt??ra z pozoru wydaje siÄ? niewykonalne: â?? w??amaÄ? siÄ? do nies??awnego Lodowego Dworu (niezdobytej wojskowej twierdzy) â?? uwolniÄ? zak??adnika (a ten mo??e rozpÄ?taÄ? magiczne piek??o, kt??re poch??onie ca??y ??wiat) â?? prze??yÄ? dostatecznie d??ugo, ??eby odebraÄ? nagrodÄ? (i jÄ? wydaÄ?). Kaz potrzebuje ludzi wystarczajÄ?co zdesperowanych, ??eby wraz z nim podjÄ?li siÄ? tej samob??jczej misji, oraz dostatecznie niebezpiecznych, ??eby jÄ? wype??nili. Wie, gdzie ich szukaÄ?. Sz??stka najbardziej niebezpiecznych wyrzutk??w w mie??cie â?? razem mogÄ? byÄ? nie do zatrzymania. O ile wcze??niej nie pozabijajÄ? siÄ? nawzajem. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 724 MB czas trwania: 17h 51m 33s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Janusz Zadura BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Bardugo Leigh Sz??stka wron Tom 02 Kr??lestwo kanciarzy Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Drugi tom dylogii Sz??stka Wron Kaz Brekker i jego ekipa dopiero co przeprowadzili skok przekraczajÄ?cy naj??mielsze wyobra??enia. Zamiast jednak dzieliÄ? sowite zyski, muszÄ? walczyÄ? o ??ycie. Zostali wystawieni do wiatru i powa??nie os??abieni; dokucza im brak funduszy, sprzymierze??c??w i nadziei. Na ulicach miasta trwa wojna. Wzajemna lojalno??Ä? w obrÄ?bie ekipy â?? i tak ju?? krucha i wÄ?tpliwa â?? zostaje wystawiona na ciÄ???kÄ? pr??bÄ?. Kaz i jego ludzie muszÄ? siÄ? postaraÄ?, ??eby znale??Ä? siÄ? po stronie zwyciÄ?zc??w. Bez wzglÄ?du na koszty. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 843 MB czas trwania: 20h 49m 18s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Janusz Zadura BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  6. Brackett Leigh Plac??wka na Io Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Ostatnie spotkanie z tw??rczo??ciÄ? Leigh Brackett w t??umaczeniu Witolda Bartkiewicza. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 48,6 MB czas trwania: 53m 10s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Bardugo Leigh Cie?? i Ko??Ä? Opis: â?žCie?? i ko??Ä?â?, ameryka??skiej autorki Leigh Bardugo to jeden z najwiÄ?kszych bestseller??w m??odzie??owego fantasy ostatnich lat. KsiÄ???ka trafi??a na listÄ? bestseller??w New York Timesa, prawa wydawnicze zosta??y sprzedane do kilkunastu kraj??w, a prawa do wersji filmowej wykupi?? sam producent film??w o Harrym Potterze. â?žCie?? i ko??Ä?â? to pierwszy tom trylogii Grisza, kt??ra urzeka niezwykle barwnym ??wiatem i wciÄ?gajÄ?cÄ? miksturÄ? przyg??d, magii i emocji. Ravka, niegdy?? potÄ???na i dumna, jest dzi?? otoczona przez wrog??w i rozdarta przez Fa??dÄ? Cienia: pasmo nieprzeniknionej ciemno??ci, w kt??rej czajÄ? siÄ? przera??ajÄ?ce potwory. Niespodziewanie pojawia siÄ? nadzieja: samotna, m??odziutka uciekinierka jest kim?? wiÄ?cej, ni?? siÄ? wydajeâ?? Alina Starkov nigdy w niczym nie by??a dobra. Kiedy jednak pu??k, z kt??rym podr????uje przez Fa??dÄ?, zostaje zaatakowany, a jej najlepszy przyjaciel Mal odnosi ciÄ???kie rany, Alina musi co?? zrobiÄ?. Odkrywa w sobie u??pionÄ? moc, kt??ra ratuje Malowi ??ycie â?? moc, kt??ra mo??e te?? okazaÄ? siÄ? kluczem do wyzwolenia wyniszczonego przez wojnÄ? kraju. PotÄ?ga ma jednak swojÄ? cenÄ?. PrzemocÄ? oderwana od wszystkiego, co jej znane, Alina trafia na dw??r kr??lewski, aby uczyÄ? siÄ? na GriszÄ?, cz??onkiniÄ? w??adajÄ?cej magiÄ? elity pod wodzÄ? tajemniczego Darklinga. W tym pe??nym przepychu ??wiecie nic nie jest takie, jakim siÄ? wydaje. Podczas gdy ??wiatu grozi ciemno??Ä?, a ca??e kr??lestwo liczy na nieujarzmionÄ? i nieprzewidywalnÄ? moc Aliny, dziewczyna bÄ?dzie musia??a siÄ? zmierzyÄ? z sekretami Grisz??wâ?? i w??asnego serca. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 5,93 MB stron: 420 jakosc: bardzo dobra rodzaj kompresji: .rar zawartosc uploadu: plik .pdf .rtf .jpg wersja jezykowa: polska gatunek: Fantastyka, fantasy, science fiction brak danych naprawczych haslo: brak hasla Download:
  8. Bardugo Leigh Sz??stka wron Opis: Sze??cioro niebezpiecznych wyrzutk??w. Jeden niewykonalny skok. PrzestÄ?pczy geniusz Kaz Brekker otrzymuje ofertÄ? wzbogacenia siÄ? ponad wszelkie wyobra??enie â?? wystarczy w tym celu wykonaÄ? zadanie, kt??ra z pozoru wydaje siÄ? niewykonalne: â?? w??amaÄ? siÄ? do nies??awnego Lodowego Dworu (niezdobytej wojskowej twierdzy) â?? uwolniÄ? zak??adnika (a ten mo??e rozpÄ?taÄ? magiczne piek??o, kt??re poch??onie ca??y ??wiat) â?? prze??yÄ? dostatecznie d??ugo, ??eby odebraÄ? nagrodÄ? (i jÄ? wydaÄ?) Kaz potrzebuje ludzi wystarczajÄ?co zdesperowanych, ??eby wraz z nim podjÄ?li siÄ? tej samob??jczej misji, oraz dostatecznie niebezpiecznych, ??eby jÄ? wype??nili. Wie, gdzie ich szukaÄ?. Sz??stka najbardziej niebezpiecznych wyrzutk??w w mie??cie â?? razem mogÄ? byÄ? nie do zatrzymania. O ile wcze??niej nie pozabijajÄ? siÄ? nawzajem. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 7,65 MB stron: 513 jakosc: bardzo dobra rodzaj kompresji: .rar zawartosc uploadu: plik .pdf .jpg wersja jezykowa: polska gatunek: Fantastyka, fantasy, science fiction brak danych naprawczych haslo: brak hasla Download:
  9. Peter Br??tzmann & Heather Leigh - Ears Are Filled With Wonder (2016) Title: Ears Are Filled With Wonder Artist : Peter Brotzmann & Heather Leigh Year : 2016 Genre: Jazz Packed size: 65 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Ears Are Filled with Wonder
  10. Brackett Leigh Narodziny planety Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Mikro-powie??Ä? sf Leigh Brackett z roku 1941. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 64,5 MB czas trwania: 01h 10m 09s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  11. Brackett Leigh Dziecko S??o??ca Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Opowiadanie SF napisane przez Leigh Brackett - odpowiedzialnÄ? za napisanie scenariuszy do film??w:Rio Bravo , Wielko sen, Imperium kontratakuje i wielu innych. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 78,8 MB czas trwania: 01h 26m 02s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  12. Brackett Leigh Cytadela martwych statk??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Mikro-powie??Ä? SF z lat 1940-tych. Temat - ponadczasowy. Wolno??Ä?. I mimo, i?? wszystko w tej mikro-powie??ci zdaje siÄ? byÄ? czarno-bia??e, kiedy poznajemy motywacje tego "czarnego", trzeba siÄ? jednak zastanowiÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 99 MB czas trwania: 01h 48m 20s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator mako_new BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  13. David Eddings, Leigh Eddings - Odkupienie Althalusa Gatunek: fantasy Format: pdf, epub, mobi Rozmiar: 3.9 mb Download: Eddings, Leigh Eddings - Odkupienie
  14. College Prep: Writing a Strong Essay With Leigh Ann Chow Size: 327MB | Duration: 1h 55m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English Given today's competitive college admissions process, a strong essay is critical. It can be the difference between acceptance and rejection. In this course, writing instructor Leigh Ann Chow covers planning, drafting, editing, and polishing an unforgettable college essay. She explains how the essay is used in determining acceptance and reviews good and bad essay examples. These lessons will not only help improve your chances of getting into a top-choice school, but also make you a better writer once you get there. Topics include: * Understanding the essay purpose and audience * Reviewing common and unusual essay prompts * Starting with a strong opening statement * Showing, not telling * Adhering to word limits * Organizing the essay * Varying sentence structure * Revising the essay * Communicating sincerity and enthusiasm Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  15. Leigh Montville - Evel: The High-Flying Life of Evel Knievel: American Showman, Daredevil, and Legend Unabridged AudioBook | 2011 | Genre: Biographical | English | ASIN: B00CVE3EN8 | M4B 64Kb | Length: 17 hrs and 41 mins | 490.37 MB From New York Times best-selling author Leigh Montville, this riveting and definitive new biography pulls back the red, white, and blue cape on a cultural icon - and reveals the unknown, complex, and controversial man known to millions around the world as Evel Knievel. Evel Knievel was a high-flying daredevil, the father of extreme sports, the personification of excitement and danger and showmanship... and in the 1970s, Knievel represented a unique slice of American culture and patriotism. His jump over the fountains at Caesar's Palace led to a crash unlike anything ever seen on television, and his attempt to rocket over Snake River Canyon in Idaho was something only P. T. Barnum could have orchestrated. The dazzling motorcycles and red-white-and-blue outfits became an integral part of an American decade. Knievel looked like Elvis... but on any given Saturday afternoon, millions tuned in to the small screen to see this real-life action hero tempt death. But behind the flash and the frenzy, who was the man? Best-selling author Leigh Montville masterfully explores the life of the complicated man from the small town of Butte, Montana. He delves into Knievel's amazing place in pop culture, as well as his notorious dark side - and his complex and often contradictory relationships with his image, the media, his own family, and his many demons. Evel Knievel's story is an all-American saga, and one that is largely untold. Leigh Montville once again delivers a definitive biography of a one-of-a-kind sports legend. Download Link
  16. Tutsplus - A/B Testing for Web Designers With Leigh Howells | 224MB Duration: 1.9h | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 44.1KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English This course begins with the basics of A/B Testing. We'll look at examples of how it works, and walk you through setting up tests using three major testing platforms. Then we'll look at the best ways to conduct tests, the interpretation and validity of results, and some more advanced ideas such as testing email campaigns. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From Uploadable
  17. Trisha Leigh - The Last Year Series (#1-2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Length: 21 hrs and 40 mins | 595 MB The Last Year bk 1: Whispers in Autumn In 2015, a race of alien Others conquered Earth. They enslaved humanity not by force, but through an aggressive mind control that turned people into contented, unquestioning robots. Except sixteen-year-old Althea isn't content at all, and she doesn't need the mysterious note inside her locket to tell her she's Something Else. It also warns her to trust no one, so she hides the pieces that make her different, even though it means being alone. The autumn she meets Lucas, everything changes. Althea and Lucas are immune to the alien mind control, and together they search for the reason why. What they uncover is a stunning truth the Others never anti[beeep]ted, one with the potential to free the brainwashed human race. It's not who they are that makes them special, but what. And what they are is a threat. One the Others are determined to eliminate for good The Last Year bk 2: Winter Omens Althea and Lucas barely escaped the Others' clutches in the autumn, and were separated in the process. Alone and on the run from the cruel alien race determined to exterminate her, Althea struggles to adapt and survive in a world she never imagined. When a boy named Pax appears out of nowhere, he quickly recognizes Althea for what she is - a human/Other hybrid just like him. Althea begs him to help her find Lucas, but Pax refuses, intent on following his own mysterious agenda. The Others' presence continues to devour the planet's resources, and if history is an indication, they won't leave until Earth is destroyed beyond repair. Althea and Pax sense the only way to save themselves - and maybe their home - is to understand the powers simmering inside them. Together they push the limits of their capabilities in the quiet Wilds, but are soon confronted with a terrifying fact: no place is safe from the relentless pursuit of the Others. Download Link
  18. Trisha Leigh - The Last Year Series (#1-2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Length: 21 hrs and 40 mins | 595 MB The Last Year bk 1: Whispers in Autumn In 2015, a race of alien Others conquered Earth. They enslaved humanity not by force, but through an aggressive mind control that turned people into contented, unquestioning robots. Except sixteen-year-old Althea isn't content at all, and she doesn't need the mysterious note inside her locket to tell her she's Something Else. It also warns her to trust no one, so she hides the pieces that make her different, even though it means being alone. The autumn she meets Lucas, everything changes. Althea and Lucas are immune to the alien mind control, and together they search for the reason why. What they uncover is a stunning truth the Others never anti[beeep]ted, one with the potential to free the brainwashed human race. It's not who they are that makes them special, but what. And what they are is a threat. One the Others are determined to eliminate for good The Last Year bk 2: Winter Omens Althea and Lucas barely escaped the Others' clutches in the autumn, and were separated in the process. Alone and on the run from the cruel alien race determined to exterminate her, Althea struggles to adapt and survive in a world she never imagined. When a boy named Pax appears out of nowhere, he quickly recognizes Althea for what she is - a human/Other hybrid just like him. Althea begs him to help her find Lucas, but Pax refuses, intent on following his own mysterious agenda. The Others' presence continues to devour the planet's resources, and if history is an indication, they won't leave until Earth is destroyed beyond repair. Althea and Pax sense the only way to save themselves - and maybe their home - is to understand the powers simmering inside them. Together they push the limits of their capabilities in the quiet Wilds, but are soon confronted with a terrifying fact: no place is safe from the relentless pursuit of the Others. Download Link
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