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epub | 8.31 MB | English| Isbn:3749480931 | Author: Laura Bulbeck | Year: 2019 Description: Category:Fiction, Bibles & Christianity, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Peoples & Cultures - Fiction, Christian Fiction & Literature, Other Science Fiction Categories, Christian Fiction - Other, Science Fiction & Fantasy - Other TurboBit RapidGator AlfaFile
Mac Wingate 03: Mission Code - Minotaur - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 582.1 MB | Author: Bryan Swift | Year: 2020 Description: Category:Fiction, Historical Fiction, Historical Fiction - Other Download Link:
epub | 9.83 MB | English| Isbn:9781959943303 | Author: Ashley a Quinn | Year: 2024 Description: Rapidgator links are free direct download only for my subscriber, other hosts are free download for free users
pdf | 57.93 MB | English| Isbn:9781616417444 | Author: Christine Zuchora-Walske | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Kids, Reference & Study Aids - Kids, General & Miscellaneous Reference - Kids
Free Download Harpy's Mission - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 755.97 MB | Author: Laura Greenwood | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Science Fiction & Fantasy, Romance, Fantasy Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy - Other, Fantasy Romance, Urban Fantasy, Urban Fantasy - Other Download Link:
Mission: Impossible 3 / Mission: Impossible III (2006) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL Re??yseria: J.J. Abrams Scenariusz: Alex Kurtzman Gatunek: Sensacyjny Kraj: Chiny, Niemcy, USA Rok produkcji: 2006 Czas trwania: 126 min. Opis: Kolejna, trzecia z kolei czÄ???Ä? opowie??ci o przygodach agenta IMF Ethana (Tom Cruise), kt??ry musi zmierzyÄ? siÄ? z bardzo niebezpiecznym i nieuchwytnym handlarzem zaawansowanych technologicznie broni - Ovenem Devianem (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Przy pomocy tr??jki agent??w Ethan pr??buje go schwytaÄ?, a tak??e uratowaÄ? swojÄ? niedawno po??lubionÄ? ??onÄ? JuliÄ? (Michelle Monaghan), kt??ra zosta??a porwana przez Deviana. W zamian za ??ycie Julii, Ethan musi dostarczyÄ? Devianowi w ciÄ?gu 48 godzin "Kr??liczÄ? ?apkÄ?", inaczej ??ona g????wnego bohatera zginie. Obsada: Tom Cruise - Ethan Hunt Philip Seymour Hoffman - Owen Davian Ving Rhames - Luther Stickell Michelle Monaghan - Julia Keri Russell - Lindsey Maggie Q - Zhen Jonathan Rhys Meyers - Declan Billy Crudup - John Musgrave ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) PL.720p.BluRay.x264.AC3-KiT / Lektor PL | NAPISY PL 5.43 GiB re??yseria: Christopher McQuarrie scenariusz: Christopher McQuarrie gatunek: Sensacyjny produkcja: USA premiera: 10 sierpnia 2018 (Polska) 25 lipca 2018 (??wiat) Konsekwencje zako??czonej niepowodzeniem misji IMF mo??e odczuÄ? ca??y ??wiat. Aby zapobiec katastrofie, Ethan Hunt i jego zesp???? muszÄ? stanÄ?Ä? do wy??cigu z czasem. Informacje o pliku video:
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Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) PL.BDRip.XviD-KiT | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Christopher McQuarrie Scenariusz: Christopher McQuarrie Gatunek: Sensacyjny Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 2018 Czas trwania: 147 min. Opis: Tom Cruise powraca, by po raz kolejny uratowaÄ? ??wiat przed zapÄ?dami znanej z poprzednich czÄ???ci, ??miertelnie gro??nej organizacji, kt??ra tym razem przy u??yciu dw??ch bomb i cennego plutonu chce zniszczyÄ? jednÄ? trzeciÄ? ludno??ci. Ethan Hunt i jego dru??yna z IMF (Alec Balwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames) oraz ich sprzymierze??cy (Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan) podejmujÄ? wy??cig z czasem, by odzyskaÄ? substancjÄ?. ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation / Mission Impossible 5 (2015) PL.BDRip.XviD-KiT / Lektor PL Re??yseria: Christopher McQuarrie Scenariusz: Christopher McQuarrie Gatunek: Sensacyjny Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 2015 Czas trwania: 131 min. Opis: Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), agent elitarnej rzÄ?dowej jednostki Impossible Missions Force, po raz kolejny udowodni, ??e nie ma dla niego misji niemo??liwej. Po rozwiÄ?zaniu IMF, Ethan (Tom Cruise) zostaje na lodzie, sam przeciw wysoko wyspecjalizowanej sieci agent??w, Syndykatowi, kt??ry jest zdeterminowany, by zaprowadziÄ? na ??wiecie nowy porzÄ?dek. S??u??yÄ? ma temu eskalacja atak??w terrorystycznych. Ethan, nie majÄ?c innego wyj??cia, skrzykuje starÄ? gwardiÄ?, by stawiÄ? czo??a gro??nemu Syndykatowi. Do??Ä?cza do nich zdyskredytowana agentka brytyjskiego wywiadu, kt??ra mo??e, ale nie musi, staÄ? po stronie IMF. Tak rozpoczyna siÄ? najbardziej nieprawdopodobna misja. Mission: Impossible. Obsada: Tom Cruise - Ethan Hunt Jeremy Renner - William Brandt Simon Pegg - Benji Dunn Rebecca Ferguson - Ilsa Faust Ving Rhames - Luther Stickell Alec Baldwin - Alan Hunley Sean Harris - Solomon Lane Simon McBurney - Atlee ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
Mission: Impossible 2 / Mission: Impossible II (2000) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL Re??yseria: John Woo Scenariusz: Robert Towne Gatunek: Sensacyjny Kraj: Niemcy, USA Rok produkcji: 2000 Czas trwania: 123 min. Opis: W "Mission Impossible 2" tryumfalnie powraca na ekrany Ethan Hunt - uwodzicielski agent, o rozbrajajÄ?cym u??miechu (Tom Cruise), kt??ry tym razem staje przed "niemo??liwym do wykonania" zadaniem wykradzenia ??mierciono??nego wirusa zmutowanej grypy "Chimery" z ??ap bezwzglÄ?dnych terroryst??w. Ju?? pierwsze sekwencje filmu zapowiadajÄ? niez??Ä? zabawÄ? w najlepszym hollywoodzkim stylu. Poza brawurowÄ? akcjÄ? przejÄ?cia wartej miliony "Chimery", serwowana nam jest katastrofa lotnicza, a na deser prezentowany jest sam agent Cruise wspinajÄ?cy siÄ? przez d??ugie sekundy (oczywi??cie bez ??adnych zabezpiecze??) w celu odebrania zlecenia na kolejnÄ? "niemo??liwÄ? misjÄ?". Intryga nabiera rozpÄ?du, gdy agent Hunt dowiaduje siÄ?, ??e terrorystÄ?, na kt??rego poluje jest jego wieloletni dubler, r??wnie elegancki, co i bezwzglÄ?dny - agent Sean Ambrose (Dougray Scott). BÄ?dÄ?cy kim?? w rodzaju alter ego Hunta - sobowt??rem o mrocznych sk??onno??ciach, kt??ry w dodatku do szale??stwa zakochany jest w tej samej kobiecie... Obsada: Tom Cruise - Ethan Hunt Dougray Scott - Sean Ambrose Thandie Newton - Nyah Nordolf- Hall Ving Rhames - Luther Stickell Richard Roxburgh - Hugh Stamp John Polson - Billy Baird Brendan Gleeson - McCloy Anthony Hopkins - Komandor Swanbeck ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
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Mission: Impossible (1996) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL Re??yseria: Brian De Palma Scenariusz: Robert Towne Gatunek: Sensacyjny Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1996 Czas trwania: 110 min. Opis: "Mission: Impossible" to film szpiegowski w dawnym stylu, do realizacji kt??rego u??yto najnowocze??niejszych wsp????czesnych technologii. To arcydzie??o efekt??w specjalnych i maestria re??ysera, kt??ry jak nikt inny potrafi budowaÄ? ekranowe napiÄ?cie. A wszystko po to, by przedstawiÄ? historiÄ? agenta ameryka??skich s??u??b specjalnych, od kt??rego odwagi i determinacji zale??y utrzymanie delikatnej r??wnowagi miÄ?dzy wielkimi mocarstwami. R??wnowagi, bez kt??rej ??wiat stanie na krawÄ?dzi wojny. Obsada: Tom Cruise - Ethan Hunt Jon Voight - Jim Phelps Emmanuelle B??art - Claire Phelps Henry Czerny - Eugene Kittridge Jean Reno - Franz Krieger Ving Rhames - Luther Stickell Kristin Scott Thomas - Sarah Davies Vanessa Redgrave - Max ~~1 Plik - Pobierasz i OglÄ?dasz~~
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Free Download Soul by Soul: The Evangelical Mission to Spread the Gospel to Muslims English | ASIN: B0CSPTNYSN | 2024 | 5 hours and 38 minutes | M4B@128 kbps | 314 MB Author: Adriana Carranca Narrator: Rebecca Mozo A journey through the fault lines of contemporary religious wars. US-born Protestant evangelicalism has gone global to an extent of which many of us might be unaware. This book tells the story of Americans' colossal mobilization to proclaim Christianity "to the ends of the Earth," a movement that triumphed in the Global South, challenged the Vatican, then turned east in full force after 9/11 to spread the Gospel among Muslims. When the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq set off a wave of anti-American attacks and made the field too dangerous for US missionaries, thousands of disciples, particularly from Latin America, were mobilized to finish the task. In Soul by Soul, journalist Adriana Carranca follows the pilgrimage of a missionary family from Brazil as they move to Afghanistan. Carranca brings us on a harrowing journey through the underground passages of the global evangelical movement as it clashes with the full force of militant Islamic groups in the Middle East and South Asia, where contemporary religious wars are being fought, soul by soul. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
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Free Download Sharing Space: An Astronaut's Guide to Mission, Wonder, and Making Change (Audiobook) English | ASIN: B0CDN5N6NX | 2024 | 9 hours and 18 minutes | M4B@64 kbps | 272 MB Author: Cady Coleman Narrator: Cady Coleman Former NASA astronaut Cady Coleman shares the wisdom that helped her overcome the barriers of others' expectations-and how to work on a team both in close quarters and remotely. In 2010, Cady Coleman boarded a rocket and blasted off into space for her third NASA mission, a six-month expedition to the International Space Station where she was the only woman on her six-person crew. After years spent overcoming obstacles in competitive and elite environments, including grappling with her own doubts and needing to overturn the expectations of others, Coleman became a success story in a role that wasn't built with her in mind-a mother who is also an astronaut, scientists, Air Force pilot, and leader. Her determination and her amazing experiences give her a unique perspective on how to set yourself up for success, and on life here on Earth. In Sharing Space, Cady shares counterintuitive insights integral to her success, such as how to leverage insecurities to beat expectations, how to know when to adapt and when to instead press for change, and how to be the glue that holds a disparate team together so it can be shaped to thrive. Illustrated with stories from her life and training, Cady takes listeners from meteorite hunting in Antarctica to launching a $1.6 billion telescope into space to the wonder of spending six months living and working in zero gravity. This book will inspire anyone eager to escape a box in which they have been (unfairly) placed or to develop the confidence to succeed, even when they're not an obvious "fit." Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Free Download Mission Iran: Special Forces Berlin & Operation Eagle Claw, JTF 1-79 (Audiobook) English | ASIN: B0D98HXFKM | 2024 | 4 hours and 38 minutes | M4B@128 kbps | 241 MB Author: James Stejskal Narrator: Jim Seybert On November 4, 1979, "student" supporters of the Ayatollah seized the U.S. Embassy with over sixty hostages. Although the Cold War was in full swing, the Iran hostage crisis was a watershed for the United States. Detachment A had been established in Berlin early in the Cold War to harass and delay any Soviet military advance west. This Special unit trained relentlessly for every aspect of unconventional warfare, and was later assigned a second mission of counterterrorism. The plan for Operation Eagle Claw, as it became known, was extremely complex. The first stage was intelligence gathering-no mean feat as most of the CIA's capabilities in the country had been eliminated. With operatives trained in intelligence work, fluent in many languages, and adept at blending in, Det A took on the advanced recon of the targets. Then, when Delta Force admitted that it could only manage the assault of the Embassy, Det A volunteered to rescue the three Americans at the Foreign Ministry. Veteran and historian James Stejskal details Det A's unique and integral role in Operation Eagle Claw, based upon firsthand accounts of the operatives involved. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Free Download Millionaire Mission: A 9-Step System to Level Up Your Finances and Build Wealth (Audiobook) English | ASIN: B0CXB76LDV | 2024 | 7 hours and 2 minutes | M4B@64 kbps | 192 MB Author: Brian Preston Narrator: Brian Preston Taking control of your financial freedom is simpler than you think. In fact, your money should work harder than you do. Brian Preston, host of The Money Guy Show podcast and co-founder of Abound Wealth Management, lays out a nine-step system for building wealth with the money you already have. Millionaire Mission helps you account for your financial blind spots, overcome the fear of making wrong decisions, and take the guesswork out of what to do with your next dollar. Remember PEMDAS from grade school? The acronym that helps break down complex math problems into simple steps? When it comes to managing your money, following a similar process-the Financial Order of Operations-will demystify your dollars and show you the way to build transformative wealth with the tools you already have available. Discover what small financial decisions you can make today to move you closer to your more beautiful tomorrow. Millionaire Mission will do more than help you optimize your army of dollar bills-it will motivate you to be the best version of your financial self. You can own your time and own your life. Stop worrying so much about money and start focusing on what really matters to you. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
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epub | 7.94 MB | English| Isbn:9780996274067 | Author: Robert Matzen, Leonard Maltin | Year: 2016 Description: Category:History, Biography, Transportation, Music, Film & Performing Arts, United States History, Entertainment Biography, Military History, Aviation, Military Biography, Film, Historical Biography, 20th Century United States History - Wars & Conflict, World War II, United States Armed Forces, U.S. Military Biography, Film Biographies & Interviews, Aviation - Military, 20th Century American History - World War II, Actors & Actresses - Biography, Aerial Operations - World War II, Army - United States Armed Forces, Aviation - Biography, European Theater - World War II - Campaigns & Individual Battles, Film Actors & Actresses - Biography - General & Miscellaneous, Film Actors - Biography, Military Pilots & Bombardiers - Biography, United States - World War II Armed Forces, United States Military Aviation - General & Miscellaneous, World War II Narratives, U.S. Military Biography - General & Miscellaneous, U.S. Army - Military Biography, Bomber pilots->United States->Biography, United States Army->Air Forces->Biography
Misja na Marsa (2000) Lektor PL Reżyseria: Brian De Palma Scenariusz: Graham Yost Gatunek: Dramat, Sci-Fi Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 2000 Czas trwania: 112 min. Jest rok 2020. Na Marsie ląduje załoga kosmonautów. Wkrótce wszyscy uczestnicy prócz dowódcy Luke'a Grahama (Don Cheadle) giną. Jemu udaje się przekazać meldunek o tragedii. NASA postanawia wysłać ekipę ratunkową, dowodzoną przez Blake'a (Tim Robbins). W jej skład wchodzą też jego narzeczona dr Fisher (Connie Nielsen), pilot McConnell (Gary Sinise) i naukowiec Ohlmyer (Jerry O'Connell).
Styx - The Mission (2018) [96kHz/24bit] Label: UMe Country: USA Genre: Progressive Rock Quality: FLAC (*tracks,scans) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 00:42:10 Full Size: 944 Mb The two-disc package include a CD of the original album, as well as a Blu-ray of THE MISSION mixed in 5.1 Surround Sound by singer/guitarist TOMMY SHAW and producer Will Evankovich accompanied by stunning visualizations for each of the album's 14 songs based on the album artwork. Scans
Styx - The Mission (2018) Blu-ray Genre: Progressive Rock | Label: UMe | Year: 2018 | Quality: Blu-ray Audio | Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 | Audio: DTS-HD MA 5.1 / 96 kHz / 24-bit; TrueHD 5.1 / 96 kHz / 24-bit;LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps | Time: 00:42:10 | Size: 32.98 GB The two-disc package include a CD of the original album, as well as a Blu-ray of THE MISSION mixed in 5.1 Surround Sound by singer/guitarist TOMMY SHAW and producer Will Evankovich accompanied by stunning visualizations for each of the album's 14 songs based on the album artwork. Other extras on the Blu-ray include: "The Making of The Mission Documentary" of exclusive interviews of SHAW and Evankovich, four music videos-"Gone Gone Gone" (official video), "Gone Gone Gone" (video created by NASA), "Radio Silence" (lyric video) and "Radio Silence" (live video from Syracuse, NY)-and three hi-res audio playback modes. Tracklist: Download: Scans
Mission Impossible Fallout [2018] HDRip XViD AC3-ETRG Genres: Action, Adventure, Thriller | Director: Christopher McQuarrie Actors: Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg Rating: 8.0 | Votes: 147340 | Runtime: 147 min .:iMDB iNFO:. Ethan Hunt and his IMF team, along with some familiar allies, race against time after a mission gone wrong.
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Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) PL.SUBBED.HC.HDRip.Xvid-MORS / Napisy PL wtopione re??yseria: Christopher McQuarrie scenariusz: Christopher McQuarrie gatunek: Sensacyjny produkcja: USA premiera: 10 sierpnia 2018 (Polska) 25 lipca 2018 (??wiat) Konsekwencje zako??czonej niepowodzeniem misji IMF mo??e odczuÄ? ca??y ??wiat. Aby zapobiec katastrofie, Ethan Hunt i jego zesp???? muszÄ? stanÄ?Ä? do wy??cigu z czasem. Do pobrania tutaj na szybkich serwerach Klik ---> Zosta?? VIP-em
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Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock - On a Mission - Live in Madrid (2016) [bDRip 1080p] Label: In-akustik Country: Germany Genre: Hard rock,Heavy metal Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p Video: MPEG4 Video / AVC / 1920x1080 / 59.94fps / 10.4 Mb/s Audio: LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: AC3 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps Time: 01:55:54 Full Size: 10,8 GB A line-up that leaves connoisseurs of the international music scene rapturously clicking their tongues in appreciation. A sold-out theatre saw convincing evidence of just how powerful and exciting a concert from Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock is. The musicians clapped along with the fans as they sung along to old and new songs. All musical phases of Michael Schenker's career were included. Setlist: 01. Ocean Odyssey - Intro 02. Doctor Doctor 03. Live And Let Live 04. Lights Out 05. Where The Wild Winds Blow 06. Natural Thing 07. Before The Devil Knows You're Deado) 08. Victim Of Illusion 09. Lovedrive 10. Coast To Coast 11. Vigilante ???°n 12. Rock My Nights Away 13. Saviour Machine 14. Too Hot To Handle 15. Only You Can Rock Me 16. Lord Of The Lost And Lonely 17. Rock You Like A Hurricane 18. Rock Bottom 19. Horizons 20. 20 Attack Of The Mad Axeman 21. Communion 22. Blackout 23. Searching For Freedom - Outro
Niania - misja Mauritius / Das Kinderm?¤dchen: Mission Mauritius (2017) PL.HDTV.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Peter Gersina Scenariusz: Martin Rauhaus Gatunek: Komedia Kraj: Niemcy Rok produkcji: 2017 Czas trwania: 88 min. Opis: ChoÄ? Henriette H??ffner (Saskia Vester) przepracowa??a ju?? 40 lat, jej ??ycie jest ciÄ?g??Ä? walkÄ? o zno??nÄ? sytuacjÄ? materialnÄ?. Mimo braku wy??szego wykszta??cenia kobieta wyr????nia siÄ? spontaniczno??ciÄ?, energiÄ? i ??yciowym do??wiadczeniem. Wnuk Henriette, Toby (Anton Petzold), pomaga jej przy stworzeniu strony internetowej. W rekordowym czasie pojawia siÄ? pierwsza oferta pracy. Henriette zostaje podr????ujÄ?cÄ? po ??wiecie opiekunkÄ? dla dzieci. Wkr??tce wyrusza na wyspÄ? Mauritius, gdzie ma wesprzeÄ? owdowia??ego dyrektora hotelu, Dietera Waldnera (Stephan Grossmann). ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
Misja 92. CzÄ???Ä? 2 / Mission NinetyTwo: Dragonfly (2016) PL.WEB-DL.Xvid-KiT / Lektor PL Gatunek: Dramat, Akcja Produkcja: Kanada, Niemcy Premiera: 3 maja 2016 (??wiat) Badaczka las??w, Sonia Engelhardt (Julia Dordel), odkrywa miÄ?dzynarodowy spisek o kryptonimie "92", kt??rego nazwa odnosi siÄ? do liczby atomowej uranu. Jej ciekawo??Ä? ma jednak wysokÄ? cenÄ?. Kobieta traci wszystko i musi zdecydowaÄ?, czy uciekaÄ?, czy te?? stawiÄ? czo??a potÄ???nemu wrogowi.;2016&_41;_PL.WEB.DL.Xvid.KiT.avi.html
Misja 92. CzÄ???Ä? 2 / Mission NinetyTwo: Dragonfly (2016) PL.1080p.WEB-DL.x264-KiT / Lektor PL Gatunek: Dramat, Akcja Produkcja: Kanada, Niemcy Premiera: 3 maja 2016 (??wiat) Badaczka las??w, Sonia Engelhardt (Julia Dordel), odkrywa miÄ?dzynarodowy spisek o kryptonimie "92", kt??rego nazwa odnosi siÄ? do liczby atomowej uranu. Jej ciekawo??Ä? ma jednak wysokÄ? cenÄ?. Kobieta traci wszystko i musi zdecydowaÄ?, czy uciekaÄ?, czy te?? stawiÄ? czo??a potÄ???nemu wrogowi.