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  1. epub | 10.27 MB | English| Isbn:1784966185 | Author: Mike Lee | Year: 2017 Description: Category:Fiction, Literature, Kids, Romance, American Fiction, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Fiction Subjects, Literary Fiction, 19th Century American Fiction, Literary Styles & Movements - Fiction, Other Romance Categories, Women's Fiction, 19th Century - Post-Civil War American Fiction, Emotions & Behaviors - Kids Fiction, Family Life - Kids Fiction, Fiction - Other, Fiction Classics - Other, General Romance, Women - Families, Women - Romantic Relationships TurboBit RapidGator
  2. Free Download Mike Brind - ASP.NET Core Razor Pages in Action, Video Edition by Mike Brind Duration: 12h 38m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 15 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 2.12 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video. Razor Pages lets you build, configure, and deploy amazing dynamic ASP.NET websites with ease. In ASP.NET Core Razor Pages in Action you will learn Building, configuring, and publishing a data-driven website Creating a complete web application step-by-step Forms for collecting and processing user data Connecting to databases from a Razor Page Protecting areas of a Razor Page from unauthorized access with ASP.NET Identity Using Object Relational Mapping tools to work with data in Razor Pages applications Generating CRUD pages using scaffolding gestures Generating and sending email from your web application ASP.NET Core Razor Pages in Action teaches you to develop dynamic websites using the powerful Razor Pages framework, .NET 6, and ASP.NET. Razor Pages generates HTML on the server, and is the perfect choice for eCommerce sites, intranet services, content management systems, and other apps that require reliability. In this book, you'll use Razor Pages to build a complete application for booking city breaks, learning to iterate amazing new features chapter-by-chapter. You'll even learn how to enhance your web applications with the huge ecosystem of C# libraries, and how to locate the perfect tool for your task using centralized repositories. About the Technology Simplify ASP.NET web development with Razor Pages! Razor Pages provides a cohesive page-based organization layer for application components like routes and actions. It's page-centric approach means you spend less dev time switching between the controller, model, and view files, as compared to a traditional MVC approach. About the Book ASP.NET Core Razor Pages in Action teaches you how to use Razor Pages to code and scale dynamic ASP.NET Core websites. You'll learn a new feature in every chapter as you build an interesting vacation-booking application. As your app grows, you'll be amazed how Razor Pages accelerates essential tasks like form creation, data processing, testing, and deployment. What's Inside Securing your applications from unauthorized access Using object-relational mapping tools to work with data Generating and sending email from a web application Enhance your web apps with C# libraries TakeFile Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  3. epub | 7.33 MB | English | Isbn:9798874140144 | Author: Mary Kennedy | Year: 2024 About ebook: MIKE: Voodoo Guardians: Book Seventeen
  4. Free Download Cask Strength: The Story of the Barrel, the Secret Ingredient in Your Drink - [AUDIOBOOK] epub, m4b | 288.46 MB | English | Isbn:1637742975 | Author: Mike Gerrard | Year: 2023 Description: Download Link:
  5. Free Download Shelter for the Damned - [AUDIOBOOK] epub, m4b | 190.73 MB | English | Isbn:1950305600 | Author: Mike Thorn | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Horror, Fiction, Novella, Lovecraftian, Thriller, Supernatural, Coming Of Age Download Link:
  6. Free Download Got Your Number: The Greatest Sports Legends and the Numbers They Own - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 160.22 MB | N/A | Isbn:1368073565 | Author: Mike Greenberg | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Sports, Nonfiction, Audiobook, Baseball Download Link:
  7. Free Download The House of Wolves: Bolder Than Yellowstone or Succession, Patterson and Lupica's Power-Family Thriller Is Not To Be Missed - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 241.3 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 0316404292 | Author: James Patterson | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Murder Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Crime Thrillers Download Link:
  8. Mike Campbell & The Dirty Knobs - Front And Center (2022) HDTV 1080 Genre: Rock Quality: HDTV. 1080i Format: MKV. 7231 kbps Time: 00:54:09. 2.91 Gb Video: MPEG-2. 1920x1080i. 16:9. 29.970fps Audio: AC3. 192kbps. 48kHz. 2 ch Tracklist 01. intro 02. Wicked Mind 03. Pistol Packin' Mama 04. Wreckless Abandon 05. Irish Girl 06. I Still Love You 07. Refugee 08. You Got Lucky 09. Little Queenie 10. Runnin' Down a Dream 11. credits via,,
  9. Mike Oldfield - The Tubular Bells 50th Anniversary (2022) 2xBDRip 1080p Genre: Progressive Rock Format: mkv Video: MPEG-4 1020x1080, 1920x1080, 6969 Kbps, 29.970 fps, Audio: AC3, 2ch, 448 Kbps, 16 bits Time: 01:26:54+01:43:55 Size: 9.31 GB Tracklist BDRip1 1. The Gem (composer : Robin Smith) 2. Summit Day (composer : Mike Oldfield, from the album Guitars) 3. Moonlight Shadow (composer : Mike Oldfield, from the album Crises, sung here by Lisa Featherston) 4. Tubular Bells Part 1 & 2 (composer : Mike Oldfield) 5. The Sailor's Hornpipe (Trad.) BDRip2 1. Documentary via,,
  10. Mike Stern - Band 39'Leverkusener Jazztage (2018) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01. Out Of The Blue 02. You Never Know 03. All You Need 04. I Believe You 05. Trip 06. Red House Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: Jazz Fusion | Post-Bop Quality: HDTV |720p Format: TS | 8684kbps Length: 01:08:00 | 4.58Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  11. Mike Resnick - Zamglony horyzont Opis: Na planecie Grotamana, zwanej przez ludzi Medina, Xawier William Lennox, autor literatury podr????niczej i tajny agent Ministerstwa Spraw Pozaludzkich, zostaje schwytany podczas pr??by obserwacji miejscowego rytua??y religijnego i bezlito??nie okaleczony za ??w akt ??wiÄ?tokradztwa. Ale pragnienie poznania tajemnicy jest silniejsze ni?? gro??ba unicestwienia. Lennox wraca na MedinÄ? w ciele ukszta??towanym tak, by niczym nie r????ni??o siÄ? od cia??a Medi??czyka... Jedna z najlepszych powie??ci Mike'a Resnicka, w kt??rej przygoda splata siÄ? fascynujÄ?co z metafizycznÄ? tajemnicÄ? i niezwyk??ymi spekulacjami filozoficznymi i antropologicznymi. Download:
  12. Mike Resnick - Jeremiach Opis: Ogromne, po??yskujÄ?ce szk??em i aluminium wie??owce, l??niÄ?ce, pnÄ?ce siÄ? ku niebu miasta, technologie na najwy??szym poziomie i ludzie - mieszka??cy Ziemi, kt??rzy majÄ? zbyt wiele wolnego czasu... Niekoronowanym kr??lem tego imperium jest Solomon Moody Moore. Nikt nie wie, kim jest naprawdÄ?. Nikt, opr??cz kilku stra??nik??w z jego ochrony, kilku konkurent??w, kt??rych zrujnowa??, kilku wybitnych wsp????pracownik??w i... Jeremiaha B. Ta oto istota pragnie wszystkiego, co posiada Moore: w??adzy i bogactwa. I choÄ? trudno sobie wyobraziÄ?, by kto?? tak zwyczajny jak Jeremiah B. obali?? imperium, to jednak... Download:
  13. Mike Resnick - Powr??t Egzekutora Opis: Kontynuacja bestsellerowej powie??ci Mike'a Resnicka Egzekutor. Pierwszy sklonowany Nighthawk by?? r??wnie sprawny i bezwzglÄ?dny jak oryginalny Egzekutor, brakowa??o mu jednak do??wiadczenia. Zap??aci?? za to ??yciem. Drugi klon dysponuje baga??em nie zawsze przyjemnych wspomnie??, w dzia??aniu za?? kieruje siÄ? tylko jednÄ? zasadÄ?: NIKOMU NIE UFAÄ?! Czy dziÄ?ki temu zdo??a wykonaÄ? strace??czÄ? misjÄ?... i prze??yÄ?? Download:
  14. Mike Resnick - Egzekutor Opis: By?? najdoskonalszÄ? maszynÄ? do zabijania, najgro??niejszym ??owcÄ? nagr??d w ca??ej galaktyce. Jefferson Nighthawk, znany jako Egzekutor. Poddany hibernacji, przez ponad sto lat oczekuje wynalezienia lekarstwa na toczÄ?cÄ? jego cia??o ??miertelnÄ? chorobÄ?. W ko??cu zostaje sklonowany pod postaciÄ? dwudziestotrzyletniego mÄ???czyzny po to, by zabiÄ? gro??nego zamachowca. Klon Nighihawka ma jego talenty, instynkt i tÄ? samÄ? determinacjÄ? w dÄ???eniu do celu. Najbardziej pragnie Melisandy, piÄ?knej kochanki mÄ???czyzny, kt??rego ma zg??adziÄ?. Pomimo wielu cech odziedziczonych po Egzekutorze, brakuje mu jego do??wiadczenia oraz wiedzy o mrocznej stronie natury ludzi i obcych - a w pozbawionych prawa ??wiatach pogranicza, gdzie zdrada jest formÄ? sztuki, za?? oszustwo sposobem na ??ycie, niewinno??Ä? mo??e byÄ? ??miertelnÄ? chorobÄ?. Download:
  15. Mike Resnick - S??onie na Neptunie Opis: Wyb??r najlepszych opowiada?? Mike'a Resnicka, jednego z najbardziej utytu??owanych pisarzy SF wszechczas??w. Resnick od wielu lat jest w ??wiatowej czo????wce tw??rc??w opowiada??, nie ma roku, by kt??re?? z nich nie trafi??o na listy nominowanych do Hugo, Nebuli, Locusa. Wiele z opowiada??, kt??re siÄ? w tym zbiorze znalaz??y, tÄ? rywalizacjÄ? wygra??o. Oto 14 opowiada?? i nowel sk??adajacych siÄ? na ten tom: Barnaba na wybiegu nominacja Hugo, nominacja Locus 1994 Siedem spojrze?? na wÄ?w??z Olduvai Hugo, Nebula 1994, nominacja Locus Zimowe przesilenie nominacja Hugo 1991 Doskonale piÄ?kny poranek, z szakalami nominacja Hugo 1991 Manamouki Hugo, nominacja Nebula 1990 Kirinyaga Hugo, nominacja Nebula 1988 Bowiem dotknÄ???am nieba nominacja Hugo, nominacja Nebula 1989 Kapitalna zabawa! nominacja Hugo, nominacja Nebula 1990 NOWO?šÄ? Kiedy starzy bogowie umierajÄ? nominacja Hugo, nominacja Nebula 1995 43 dynastie antaryjskie Hugo 1997 Podr????e z moimi kotami Hugo, nominacja Nebula S??onie na Neptunie nominacja Hugo, 2001 NOWO?šÄ? ?owy na Snarka nominacja Hugo, 1999 Czerwona kaplica nominacja Hugo, 2001 NOWO?šÄ? Download:
  16. Mike Resnick - Lucyfer Jones - nowe przygody Opis: Awanturnik, czarujÄ?cy ??otr i intrygant Lucyfer Jones zn??w w akcji!!! Ucieka z kontynentu na kontynent, a ??wiat okazuje siÄ? dla niego za ma??y. Wszystko, czego szuka, to ??atwa s??awa, bogactwo i wyznawcy. Ale nic nie przychodzi ??atwo. WszÄ?dzie czyhajÄ? potwory, handlarze narkotyk??w, duchy i wilko??aki. Lucyfer Jones zostanie legendÄ? dwudziestego wieku, je??li tylko zdo??a przechytrzyÄ? prawo. Download:
  17. Mike Resnick - Lucyfer Jones Opis: Poznaj doktora Lucyfera Jonesa - samozwa??czego kaznodziejÄ?, nicponia i uroczego oszusta, Amerykanina z krwi i ko??ci. Jones, przy ca??ym swoim sprycie i brawurze, musi stawiÄ? czo??o egzotycznym i fantastycznym niebezpiecze??stwom Czarnego LÄ?du. Ale czy nawet cz??owiek o tak wyjÄ?tkowych zdolno??ciach jak Lucifer Jones jest w stanie prze??yÄ? w??r??d grasujÄ?cych mumii faraon??w, wampir??w ??Ä?dnych krwi i hord g??odnych kanibali?! Download:
  18. Magic Mike XXL (2015) PL.BDRip.Xvid-KiT / Lektor PL Produkcja: USA Gatunek: Komedia Czas trwania: 116 min. Premiera: 17.07.2015 - Polska, 01.07.2015 - ?šwiat Re??yseria: Gregory Jacobs Scenariusz: Reid Carolin Aktorzy: Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Joe Manganiello, Kevin Nash Gotowi zako??czyÄ? karierÄ? cz??onkowie Kings of Tampa postanawiajÄ? daÄ? z wielkim rozmachem ostatni wystÄ?p.
  19. Gordon Jon, Smith Mike Mecz wygrywa sie w szatni Okladka/Screeny: Opis: "Mecz wygrywa siÄ? w szatni!" to zapis bezcennych do??wiadcze?? Mikeâ??a Smitha â?? trenera dru??yny NFL Atlanta Falcons i Jona Gordona â?? wybitnego konsultanta wielu uczelnianych i profesjonalnych dru??yn sportowych, ukazujÄ?cy siedem fundamentalnych zasad, dziÄ?ki kt??rym liderzy ka??dej instytucji, firmy, jednostki o??wiatowej czy dru??yny sportowej mogÄ? zdopingowaÄ? sw??j zesp????. Krok po kroku autorzy wprowadzajÄ? nas w tajniki budowania dobrze prosperujÄ?cej organizacji, oferujÄ?c jasnÄ? strategiÄ? dzia??ania oraz praktyczne narzÄ?dzia, dziÄ?ki kt??rym zwierzchnicy mogÄ? stworzyÄ? doskona??Ä? kulturÄ? organizacyjnÄ?, inspirowaÄ? swojÄ? postawÄ?, wzmacniaÄ? relacje, usprawniaÄ? pracÄ? zespo??owÄ?, osiÄ?gaÄ? imponujÄ?ce wyniki oraz unikaÄ? b??Ä?d??w, kt??re nazbyt czÄ?sto parali??ujÄ? organizacje i niweczÄ? dzia??ania ich lider??w. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 309 MB czas trwania: 04h 21m 48s bit rate: 192kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Janusz German BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  20. Mike Zito & Albert Castiglia - 37.Lahnsteiner Bluesfestival (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Woman Don't Lie 02 - Make Blues Not war 03 - Gone To Texas Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: Blues Rock Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 12.7Mbps Length: 00:24:00 | 2.36Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  21. Mike Oldfield - Return To Ommadawn (2017) Mike Oldfield - Return To Ommadawn Genre: Progressive Rock,Acoustic,Folk Rock Year: 2017 Source: hdtracks Audio codec: FLAC(96/24 - 2528 kb/s) Bitrate: lossless(Dynamic Range Meter) Playtime: 00:42:08 Cover: front Size: 736 MB 1. Return To Ommadawn Pt. I 21:10 2. Return To Ommadawn Pt. II 20:57 linki:[HiRes].rar
  22. Mike + The Mechanics - Berlin Live (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Intro 02 - Are You Ready 03 - Another Cup Of Coffee 04 - Silent Running 05 - The Best Is Yet To Come 06 - High Life 07 - Wonder 08 - Let Me Fly 09 - Over My Shoulder 10 - All I Need Is A Miracle 11 - The Living Years 12 - Word Of Mouth Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Smart Cutter 1.92 -> mkvmerge GUI ->.mkv Genre: Soft Rock Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: MKV | 11.0Mbps Length: 01:00:00 | 4.97Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  23. Mike + The Mechanics - Front And Center (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 Intro 02 Silent Running 03 Coffee 04 The Best Is Yet To Come 05 Let Me Fly 06 Land Of Confusion 07 High Life 08 Over My Shoulder 09 Beggar On A Beach Of Gold 10 Living Years 11 All I Need Is A Miracle Info: Source: Genre: Soft Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: TS | 10.2Mbps Length: 00:56:00 | 4.3Gb Video: MPEG2 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  24. Insane Home Fat Loss with Mike Chang's WEBRip | English | MP4 + PDF Guides | 720 x 480 | AVC ~2400 kbps | 24 fps AAC | 132 Kbps | 48.0 KHz | 2 channels | 02:55:21 | 3.09 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Fitness, Cardio Workout, Health Effective short 20 minute workout (9) without the equipment (at home) to burn fat and acceleration of metabolism. That's where home fat loss comes in. You see, you can burn just as much fat as home as you can at the gym. It's just a matter of knowing what to do to get maximum results. Mike Chang, the guy famous for Six Pack Short Cuts has a new program called Insane Home Fat Loss, that's all about getting ripped at home.. Mike Chang's Insane Home Fat Loss program is a complete system for blasting that fat off of you that you can do in the comfort of your own home. In fact, the only piece of work out equipment that you need to use this system is a towel. Yep, i said a towel, like the kind that you have in your bedroom. Weird I know. As far as the exercises themselves go, the whole program consists of rather simple exercises, so these aren't like complex Olympic lifts or anything. They are all what we call "body-weight exercises" meaning that you use your own body weight for resistance, hence the fact that you don't need any equipment. The way it works is cool too. Rather than just getting some ebook that you need to motivate yourself to read and follow, the Insane Home Fat Loss program consists of videos where you work out right along side Mike. The workouts are short and he switches it up so you aren't doing the same old thing over and over again. All in all I think that the best part of this system is the fact that Mike has great high energy to keep you motivated and powering through your workouts. If you have any experience with fitness then you know it takes motivation and inspiration to get to the perspiration part where you actually burn off that fat! My Recommendation On Insane Home Fat Loss This is one of the best fitness products I've ever tried and for me it's pretty perfect because my wife just had a baby, and I would rather stay close to home with my family, rather than go to the gym five days a week like I used to. Some people may wonder why you need a training course like this in order to lose weight at home, thinking that all they need to do is buy a treadmill. Well, take it from somebody who has bought a ton of home fitness equipment. just having that stuff is not enough. My recumbant exercise bike turned into a coat rack and my treadmill got covered with all kinds of junk because I would never use it. Nope, if you really want to get into shape at home then I think that Mike's training course is a much better alternative because he will keep you on task and make sure that you keep on task, working out, and reaching your goals. I've been following the program for a while now and I can say that it is a great course. That said, I was already in very good shape when I got started with Insane Home Fat Loss, so I don't have a lot of fat to lose. But you can hear success stories from people who have seen really impress changes in there bodies here on Mike's website: Official Insane Home Fat Loss Website A Few Tips On Working Out At Home. Recently, since I have been following Mike's Insane Home Fat Loss Program I have been working out at home 90% of the time. This is a big change for me because I used to go to the gym days a week. Here are a few tips I have found make working at home easier: Tip #1) Work out at the same time every day - When I first started working out at home I missed a lot of workouts because I kept saying "I'll do it later". And then I'd get distracted. Instead you've got to pick a time and stick to it. Remember if you follow Mike's program these are only 20 minute workouts! So if you keep that in mind it is easy to bang 'em out quick and get on with your day. Tip #2) Reward Yourself - One good way to make sure that you stick with your workouts is to do something nice for yourself AFTER you workout. So for example you could say, "After I workout for 20 minutes I'll go take a walk in my garden and have a popsicle". or whatever else is a treat for you. Tip #3) Follow A Program - I used to try to work out at home for years, but it never really clicked for me until I started following Mike's program. Personally I find the structure that following a program provides to be invaluable. Includes: day 1: Fit-test day 2: The Fatal Assassin day 3: Maximum After-Burn ?day 4: The Super Hero day 5: The Fat Destroyer day 6: Upper Body Blaster day 7: The Knock Out day 8: The Kamikaze day 9: Cores Galore Download From NitroFlare Download From UploadGig Download From Rapidgator
  25. Mike + The Mechanics - Let Me Fly (2017) Mike + The Mechanics - Let Me Fly (2017) Gatunek / Genre: Rock Czas trwania / Time: 1 cd Jako??Ä? / Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Ca??kowity rozmiar / Total Size: 122 mb . Tracklista: 01. Let Me Fly (4:43) 02. Are You Ready (4:28) 03. Wonder (4:37) 04. Best Ist Yet To Come (4:01) 05. Save The World (4:42) 06. Dont Know What Came Over Me (4:20) 07. High Life (2:50) 08. The Letter (4:56) 09. Not Out Of Love (4:18) 10. Love Left Over (3:28) 11. I'll Be There For You (3:32) 12. Save My Soul (4:50) Download: Has??o: brak
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