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Free Download Linkedin - MongoDB Code Challenges From Beginner to Advanced Released 03/2025 With John Cokos MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Skill Level: Advanced | Genre: eLearning | Language: English + subtitle | Duration: 3h 40m 59s | Size: 432 MB Practice your MongoDB skills with a series of code challenges that'll test your CRUD skills in MongoDB. Course details In this course, learn essential skills to harness data using MongoDB and the tools to keep learning as technology evolves. Join instructor John Cokos for a series of code challenges-ranging from beginner to advanced-that will test your CRUD skills in MongoDB and help you take control of your data. Homepage: [b]AusFile[/b] Fileaxa TakeFile Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Free Download Udemy - MongoDB MasterClass Published: 3/2025 Created by: Gautam Saini MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Level: Beginner | Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 144 Lectures ( 10h 16m ) | Size: 3.82 GB The NoSQL Powerhouse for Scalable Databases What you'll learn Understand the Fundamentals of MongoDB, Perform CRUD Operations with MongoDB Manage Databases and Collections, Work with schema design for best performance, Implement Security and Access Control Master Aggregation Framework for Advanced Queries, Perform data transformation and analytics using the Aggregation Pipeline. Work with Indexes and Performance Optimization, Learn how to optimize queries using explain() and indexing strategies. By the end of this course, students will be confident in using MongoDB for real-world applications, optimizing databases, handling large-scale data efficiently Requirements Some basic knowledge to SQL commands and databases should be enough Description Are you ready to master MongoDB, one of the most powerful NoSQL databases used in modern applications? This comprehensive MongoDB course will take you from the basics to advanced topics, equipping you with the skills to build and manage databases efficiently.What you'll learnUnderstanding NoSQL & MongoDBCRUD Operations & Data ManagementSchema Design & Data ModelingIndexing & Performance OptimizationAggregation Framework & Advanced QueriesSchema Validation & ConstraintsCursor Methods & Query OptimizationReal-World Applications & Best PracticesHands-On Labs & Practical ExercisesThroughout the course, you'll apply your knowledge through lab exercises and real-world use cases to strengthen your MongoDB skills.Course Highlights Comprehensive MongoDB Training - Covers basic to advanced topics 100+ Lectures & Labs - Includes practical, hands-on exercises Best Practices & Real-World Scenarios - Get ready for production-level MongoDB Self-Paced Learning - Learn at your own speed with lifetime access Expert Instructor Support - Ask questions and get help anytime!By the end of this course, you will: Understand how MongoDB differs from SQL databases Perform CRUD operations with real-world use cases Master Indexing & Aggregation Framework Optimize database performance for high-speed queries Work with Schema Validation, Relationships, & Data Modeling Learn MongoDB Atlas, Compass, & Shell for cloud & local database managementReady to become a MongoDB expert? Enroll now and take your database skills to the next level! Who this course is for This course is designed for anyone looking to master MongoDB, whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional. If you want to learn how to store, manage, and optimize data in MongoDB, this course is for you! Beginners & Students -If you are new to databases or NoSQL, this course will help you understand MongoDB from scratch with hands-on examples. Software Developers & Programmers - Learn how to integrate MongoDB with Node.js, Python, Java, and other programming languages to build modern applications. Anyone Interested in NoSQL Databases - If you are coming from a SQL background and want to explore MongoDB and NoSQL concepts, this course is perfect for you! No prior MongoDB experience is required! Whether you're a student, developer, or IT professional, this course will take you from beginner to advanced with practical hands-on exercises. Homepage: Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Free Download Php , Laravel, Mysql, Mongodb, Webpay De Transbank Última actualización: 3/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: Español | Size: 9.90 GB | Duration: 24h 42m PHP, Laravel, Webpay de Transbank, Integración con Paypal, API Rest, JWT, Blade, Livewire What you'll learn Laravel es el framework estrella de la plataforma PHP Conocerás el framework Laravel 9 por dentro Veremos cómo funciona su potente motor de plantillas Blade Formularios, validaciones, upload de archivos También aprenderás a crear APIs Rest con Laravel 9 Login, registro de usuarios, JWT, envío de mails Webpay de Transbank es la pasarela de pago más utilizada en Chile Implementación de Paypal Generación de reportes en PDF, EXCEL y CSV Livewire Laravel 9 Laravel 11 Requirements No se necesita experiencia previa Conocimientos básicos de HTML Muchas ganas de aprender para salir al mercado laboral o mejorar en tu empleo actual Description PHP es uno de los lenguajes más utilizados en la actualidad, sobre todo a nivel de los CMS (Content Management System) y LMS (Learning Management System) que existen en el mercado.Laravel es el framework estrella de PHP, es el más utilizado actualmente, y cuenta con una amplia comunidad detrás que está permanentemente desarrollando mejoras.En este curso aprenderás cómo crear aplicaciones completamente funcionales con este potente framework de desarrollo, y obtendrás las herramientas para salir de forma real a buscar empleo con Laravel. Además aprenderás a implementar la pasarela de pago Webpay de Transbank .Dentro de lo que aprenderás:Conocerás el ecosistema de Laravel por dentroAprenderás a trabajar con su potente motor de plantillasVerás cómo sacarle el máximo provecho al ORM de LaravelTe enseñaremos a crear formularios, validarlos, subir archivosHoy vivimos en el mundo de las integraciones, por lo que, desde luego, te enseñaremos a crear APIs Rest para integrarlas con cualquier cliente como alguna aplicación SPA, Android, IOS, etc.También te enseñaremos cómo consumir APIs de tipo Rest y SOAP, para poder adquirir el conocimiento necesario para integrar tus aplicaciones con cualquier plataforma, ya sea basada en JSON o en XML.Un tema del que no habla mucho en estas plataformas, es el de las pasarelas de pago. En este curso te enseñaremos a integrar Laravel con:Introducción técnico teóricaInstalación y primeros pasosSintaxis básica, variablesCondicionales, ciclos y arraysFuncionesProgramación orientada a objetosTrabajo con FormulariosUpload de archivosConexión con MySQL, CRUDHerencia y colaboración de objetosCreación de archivos PDFImportar Excel y guardar datos en MySQLCrear archivo excelManipular imágenesEnvío de mails con PHP Mailer PáginaCliente API SOAP PáginaCliente API Rest PáginaLogin con sesiones PáginaImplementación de webpay de TransbankCreación de códigos QRImplementaciónd de Google ChartCreación de archivos ZIPLaravel 9. Instalación y primeros pasosLaravel 9. Controladores y rutasLaravel 9. Modelos y migracionesLaravel 9. Formularios y validacionesLaravel 9. Creación de helper personalizadoLaravel 9. Implementación de AJAXLaravel 9. ORM (Object-Relational mapping)Laravel 9. Paginación de registrosLaravel 9. Login Auth, extensión de modelo AuthLaravel 9. Creación de buscadorLaravel 9. Creación de API RestLaravel 9. API Rest con request y response JSONLaravel 9. API Rest upload de archivosLaravel 9. API Rest con JWT con FirebasJWTLaravel 9. Despliegue en AWSLaravel 9. Envío de mails con MailableWebpay de TransbankLaravel 11Livewire Overview Section 1: Introducción Lecture 1 Introducción Lecture 2 Qué editor usaremos Section 2: Repaso de PHP Lecture 3 Inducción técnico - teórica Lecture 4 Sintaxis básica Lecture 5 Condicionales y ciclos Lecture 6 Ciclos y array Lecture 7 Funciones Lecture 8 Programación orientada a objetos Lecture 9 Método Constructor Lecture 10 Métodos de clase Lecture 11 Métodos estáticos Lecture 12 Clases abstractas Lecture 13 Herencia Lecture 14 Colaboración de objetos Lecture 15 Trabajo con Formularios Lecture 16 Upload de archivos Section 3: Conexión con MySQL Lecture 17 Habilitación de PDO en PHP.INI Lecture 18 PDO (PHP Data Object) para MySQL, archivo de conexión Lecture 19 Clase de consulta Lecture 20 Listar Productos asociados a Categorías Lecture 21 Crear productos Lecture 22 Editar productos Lecture 23 Eliminar productos Section 4: Conexión con MongoDB Lecture 24 Instalación en Ubuntu de MongoDB\Client Lecture 25 Archivo de conexión Lecture 26 Listar Productos asociados a Categorías Lecture 27 Crear productos con insertOne y MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Lecture 28 Editar productos Lecture 29 Eliminar productos Section 5: Librerías y utilidades para el mercado laboral real Lecture 30 Creación de archivos PDF con MPDF Lecture 31 Crear archivo excel Lecture 32 Creación de archivos ZIP Lecture 33 Cliente API SOAP Lecture 34 Cliente API Rest Lecture 35 Creación de códigos QR Lecture 36 Envío de mails con PHP Mailer Lecture 37 Creación de JWT (Json Web Token) Section 6: Laravel 9 - Instalación y primeros pasos Lecture 38 Instalación y primeros pasos Lecture 39 Controladores y rutas Lecture 40 Parámetros en rutas Section 7: Laravel 9 - Templates Blade Lecture 41 Primer archivo blade Lecture 42 Datos desde el controlador - Binding desde Blade Lecture 43 Condicionales en Blade Lecture 44 Ciclos en Blade Lecture 45 Include en Blade Lecture 46 Creación de componentes Lecture 47 Links en Blade Lecture 48 Archivos estáticos en Blade Lecture 49 Creación de template Lecture 50 Implementación de DOM (usaremos Bootstrap) Lecture 51 Página error 404 personalizado Lecture 52 stacks y push Section 8: Laravel 9 - Formularios y validaciones Lecture 53 Creación de FormularioController Lecture 54 Formulario básico Lecture 55 CSRF ( Cross-site request forgery) Lecture 56 Uso de helper old Lecture 57 Clase Request Lecture 58 Validaciones Lecture 59 Select dinámico Lecture 60 Validaciones personalizadas con invokable Lecture 61 Manejo de checkbox Lecture 62 Flash Messages y redirect Section 9: Laravel 9 - Upload de Archivos Lecture 63 Creación de formulario Lecture 64 Validación mimetype Lecture 65 Upload de archivo Section 10: Laravel 9 - Helper personalizado Lecture 66 Creación de controlador Lecture 67 Conociendo los helpers de Laravel Lecture 68 Creación clase Helper y su Content Provider Lecture 69 Métodos de prueba y uso en controlador Lecture 70 Uso del Helper desde Blade Section 11: Laravel 9 - Envio de E-Mail con Mailable Lecture 71 Creación de controlador Lecture 72 Creación de clase EjemploMailable Lecture 73 Ejemplo de envío vía SMTP Section 12: Laravel 9 - Migraciones Lecture 74 Ejecución de migración Lecture 75 Ver estado migraciones Lecture 76 Creación primera migración Lecture 77 Migración con llaves foráneas Lecture 78 Modificar tabla y rollback Section 13: Laravel 9 - Elocuent ORM Lecture 79 Creación de controlador Lecture 80 Modelos Categoría Lecture 81 Modelos Productos y ProductosFotos con llaves foráneas Lecture 82 Listar categorías con order by Lecture 83 Crear categorías Lecture 84 Editar categorías (firstOrFail) Lecture 85 Eliminar categorías Lecture 86 Listar productos con tabla relacionada Lecture 87 Crear productos Lecture 88 Editar productos Lecture 89 Eliminar productos Lecture 90 Productos por categoría Lecture 91 Listar fotos productos Lecture 92 Subir fotos producto Lecture 93 Eliminar fotos producto Lecture 94 Paginación de registros Lecture 95 Implementación de useBootstrapFive y useBootstrapFour Lecture 96 Buscador interno con like Section 14: Laravel 9 - Utilidades Lecture 97 Creación controlador útiles Lecture 98 Reporte PDF Lecture 99 Reporte Excel Lecture 100 Cliente Rest con guzzlehttp Lecture 101 Cliente SOAP Section 15: Laravel 9 - Login Auth, Registro de usuarios Lecture 102 Tabla Perfil Lecture 103 Extención modelo Auth con perfil Lecture 104 Creación controlador Acceso Lecture 105 Formulario Registro Lecture 106 Creación modelos Perfil y UserMetadata Lecture 107 Registro de usuario con hash de contraseña Lecture 108 Formulario login Lecture 109 Login con Auth::attempt y sesiones personalizadas Lecture 110 Validación de login en Blade Lecture 111 Controlador rutas protegidas Lecture 112 Cerrar sesión Lecture 113 Validación de perfil en rutas Lecture 114 Middleware auth Lecture 115 Creación de Middleware para login Section 16: Implementación de Webpay de Transbank Lecture 116 Creación de controlador Lecture 117 Creación de botón de pago Lecture 118 Programación de botón de pago Lecture 119 Verificación de token de Webpay Section 17: Laravel 9 - Creación de API Rest Lecture 120 Controlador de ejemplo básico Lecture 121 Conociendo Postman Lecture 122 Ejemplo básico con GET-POST-PUT-DELETE Lecture 123 Parámetros vía GET Lecture 124 Parámetros json request Lecture 125 Listar Categorías Lecture 126 Categoría por ID Lecture 127 Crear categoría Lecture 128 Modificar categoría Lecture 129 Eliminar categoría Lecture 130 Listar productos Lecture 131 Producto por ID Lecture 132 Crear productos Lecture 133 Editar productos Lecture 134 Eliminar productos Lecture 135 Listar fotos producto Lecture 136 Listar fotos por producto Lecture 137 Upload de foto producto Lecture 138 Eliminar foto producto Lecture 139 Autenticación Basic Lecture 140 Controlador de login para obtener JWT Lecture 141 Middleware rutas protegidas con Bearer Lecture 142 Rutas protegidas con JWT Section 18: Laravel 9 - Implementación de Paypal Lecture 143 Configuración cuenta sandbox Paypal Lecture 144 Conociendo API de Paypal. Lecture 145 Configuración variables globales Lecture 146 Migración órdenes de pedido Lecture 147 Modelo OrdenesPaypal Lecture 148 Configuración de controlador Lecture 149 Solicitar token desde Laravel Lecture 150 Crear orden de pago y botón de pago Lecture 151 Implementación de página de captura Lecture 152 Página de cancelación (Descarga archivos del curso) Section 19: Laravel 11 - Instalación y primeros pasos Lecture 153 Creación de proyecto (Descargar fuentes) Lecture 154 Análisis novedades de Laravel 11 Lecture 155 Despliegue directo y usando PHP Artisan Lecture 156 Despliegue con PHP Lecture 157 Ejecución de migraciones - novedades Section 20: Laravel 11 - Implementación de layout Lecture 158 Creación homeController Lecture 159 Primera ruta home Lecture 160 Creación e implementación de layout Lecture 161 Diseño Bootstrap layout Lecture 162 Creación custom Helper Lecture 163 Fecha dinámica Lecture 164 Reloj digital Section 21: Laravel 11 - Login Lecture 165 Migración y modelo Perfiles Lecture 166 Migración y modelo UsersMetadata Lecture 167 Creación layout login Lecture 168 LoginController y ruta Lecture 169 Formulario Login HTML Lecture 170 Procesar formulario y validaciones Lecture 171 Auth login, creación de sesiones Lecture 172 Creación middleware Acceso Lecture 173 Agregando middleware a rutas protegidas Lecture 174 Mostrar datos de la sesión en layout blade Lecture 175 Cerrar la sesión Section 22: Laravel 11 - Equipos Lecture 176 Migración y modelo Lecture 177 Creación controlador y ruta Lecture 178 Listar equipos Lecture 179 Ventana modal dinámica Lecture 180 Crear equipo Lecture 181 Editar equipo Section 23: Laravel 11 - Jugadores Lecture 182 Migración y modelo Jugadores Lecture 183 Creación controlador y ruta Lecture 184 Listado jugadores Lecture 185 Crear jugadores con ventana modal Lecture 186 Editar jugadores Lecture 187 Eliminar jugadores Lecture 188 Eliminar equipos Lecture 189 Mensajes flash Section 24: Laravel 11 - APIs Rest Lecture 190 Instalación módulo API Rest Lecture 191 Creación controlador EquiposApiController y rutas Lecture 192 Listar equipos Lecture 193 Listar equipos por ID Lecture 194 Crear equipo Lecture 195 Editar equipo Lecture 196 Eliminar equipo Lecture 197 Creación controlador JugadoresApiController y rutas Lecture 198 Listar jugadores con llave foránea de equipo Lecture 199 Listar jugadores por ID Lecture 200 Crear jugadores Lecture 201 Editar jugadores Lecture 202 Eliminar jugadores Section 25: Laravel 11 - APIs Rest JWT Lecture 203 Instalación librería JWT Lecture 204 Configuración guard Lecture 205 Métodos getJWTIdentifier y getJWTCustomClaims Lecture 206 Creación LoginApiController - retornar JWT Lecture 207 Protegiendo rutas Section 26: Livewire 3 - Primeros pasos Lecture 208 Creación proyecto - Descargar código fuente Lecture 209 Instalación de Livewire 3 vía Composer Lecture 210 Primer componente Home y Primera ruta Lecture 211 Creación de layout Lecture 212 slot, livewireStyles y livewireScripts Lecture 213 Accediendo a propiedades en la vista Lecture 214 Compartir datos adicionales con la vista con with Lecture 215 Parámetros path Lecture 216 Parámetros querystring Lecture 217 Componentes inline Lecture 218 Implementación template bootstrap Lecture 219 Creación de enlaces | wire:navigate | route Lecture 220 Title dinámico Lecture 221 Componentes de renderizado Lecture 222 Componentes de renderizado parámetros Section 27: Livewire 3 - Acciones y Eventos Lecture 223 Creación ActionsComponent Lecture 224 Creación contador dinámico Lecture 225 Modificando el DOM Lecture 226 Funciones con parámetros Lecture 227 Método mágico $set Lecture 228 Método mágico $parent Lecture 229 Creación EventosComponent Lecture 230 Primer evento | console log Lecture 231 Segundo evento | usando parámetros Lecture 232 Tercer evento | implementación de sweetalert2 Lecture 233 Cuarto evento | select2 | push y stack Lecture 234 Quinto evento | Ventana modal Lecture 235 Sexto evento | Mensajes Toast Lecture 236 Componentes tipo Volt Lecture 237 setUpdateRoute para despliegue normal (Importante!!) Section 28: Livewire 3 - Formularios y validaciones Lecture 238 Creación FormulariosComponent Lecture 239 Formulario básico | submit prevent Lecture 240 Realtime validación con anotaciones Lecture 241 Upload de Archivos | WithFileUploads Section 29: Con qué seguir ? Lecture 242 ¿ Cómo puedo seguir aprendiendo ? Lecture 243 Curso Microservicios multiplataforma Desarrolladores, estudiantes, ingenieros, o cualquier persona que requiere aprender PHP Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Free Download Mastering MERN - Essential MongoDB, Express,React &Node Guide Published 9/2024 Created by Deepanshu Udhwani MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 48 Lectures ( 15h 29m ) | Size: 7.67 GB Transform Into a MERN Expert: Practical, In-Depth Learning in Modern Web Development What you'll learn: Master MERN: Build & launch full-stack web apps with MongoDB, Express, React, Node Create real-world MERN projects for a robust portfolio. Integrate React UI with Node js and Express js backend seamlessly Optimize data with MongoDB for high-performance web solutions Requirements: No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know Description: Course Description:Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive MERN Stack course. This program is meticulously crafted to turn beginners into proficient developers in MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js - the pillars of modern web development.What You Will Learn:MongoDB: Dive into database management with MongoDB, learning how to structure, query, and optimize data.Express.js: Explore the back-end functionalities and create robust server-side applications.React: Gain fluency in React to develop dynamic, responsive front-end interfaces.Node.js: Understand Node.js for efficient, scalable server-side scripting.Each module is packed with real-world examples, ensuring that you not only learn the theories but also apply them practically. By the end of this course, you'll be capable of building and deploying full-fledged web applications.Who This Course Is For: This course welcomes anyone passionate about web development - from beginners to experienced developers looking to solidify their skills in the MERN stack.Why Choose This Course:Hands-on Learning: Engage in practical exercises and project work.Industry-Relevant Skills: Equip yourself with skills highly sought after in the tech industry.Personal Growth: Grow not just as a developer but as a problem solver and innovator.Join us to start your journey into full-stack development and unlock a world of opportunities in the tech industry! Who this course is for: Aspiring Full-Stack Developers: Individuals looking to build a career in full-stack development with a focus on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express js, React, Node js). Front-End Developers: Professionals seeking to expand their skill set by learning back-end technologies and becoming proficient in full-stack development. Back-End Developers: Those experienced in server-side languages who want to gain expertise in front-end technologies and master the complete web development cycle. Computer Science Students: University students or recent graduates aiming to enhance their practical skills in modern web development frameworks and technologies. Tech Enthusiasts and Hobbyists: Individuals passionate about web technologies and looking to build their own projects or contribute to open-source projects using the MERN stack. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Web Development with Node.js, MongoDB and Express MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 3 Hours 15M | 654 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Node.js is the JavaScript runtime in the console. Now you can use JavaScript outside the browser. As a developer, you need to know just one language to build an application for the World Wide Web. In this course we teach you how to use Node.js; you will learn why Node.js is very easy to work with. Node.js is also built for asynchronous programming. With async functions now part of the JavaScript specification your code will look much better than before. We will assist you with writing this kind of code. One of the most used web framework in Node.js, Express.js will have no secret anymore for you. We touch on all the basics to build a modern web application with Node.js by using Express.js. With this course, you will learn to build your own web application in Node.js. At the end of the course, you will store, search, and manage data in MongoDB. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
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O'Reilly - Introduction to MongoDB Duration: 21m | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2 Ch | 357 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Release Date: November 2017 This video introduces you to MongoDB (a document database) and MongoDB Atlas (MongoDB's database-as-a-service for the cloud). You'll learn how MongoDB differs from other databases, the programming languages it works with, how data is modeled, and how you access MongoDB data. Then you'll explore MongoDB Atlas, its benefits (e.g., how it enables fast time-to-market app deployments), and the tools it provides to view data, perform backups, alerts, and real-time performance metrics. You'll learn how to deploy a cluster, connect to it, and write documents you can manipulate with your own applications. After viewing this tutorial, you'll know how to install the client locally, whitelist your IP, and start building your own rich applications without incurring the operational overhead associated with database administration. Parti[beeep]nts should download the MongoDB client and utilities, MongoDB Atlas, and MongoDB Compass before starting the course. Master the differences between MongoDB and relational databases Learn MongoDB 's document database structure and how it stores data without rigid schemas Understand how to write data to and access data from MongoDB Explore the MongoDB Atlas cloud service Learn how to deploy MongoDB Atlas to AWS, Azure, and Google Compute Gain hands-on experience building a free cluster with MongoDB Atlas Download From NitroFlare Download From UploadGig Download From Rapidgator
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Packt Publishing - Developing with MongoDB English | Size: 687.53 MB Category: CBTs MongoDB is the most popular NoSQL database in the market today. With support for real-time analytics, it is being used by many big enterprises for efficient and fast processing of data. The importance of NoSQL databases, and particularly MongoDB, has also increased with the rise of IoT.Spanning over 4 hours, this tutorial will show you how you can get the most out of MongoDB's advanced features with ease. After getting a quick overview of the basics of MongoDB, you will directly jump to covering the concepts related to advanced data modelling, complex querying, indexing and database operations. You will also implement a highly available MongoDB database for high performance by implementing techniques like sharding, aggregation and replication. Finally, you will also cover aspects like cloud deployment which is important when it comes to web applications, and integration with Hadoop for fast and efficient Big Data processing.By the end of this tutorial, you will have mastered all the concepts of MongoDB when it comes to querying, data modelling and the other database operations. What You Will Learn * How to become immediately productive with MongoDB * How to model your data in MongoDB for optimal performance * How to analyze, optimize, and scale your MongoDB clusters * How MongoDB integrates into the larger world of analytics and big data Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
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Projects in MongoDB - Learn MongoDB Building Ten Projects WEBRip | English | MP4 | 1280 x 720 | AVC ~203 kbps | 30 fps AAC | 128 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 12:00:19 | 2.31 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Development, Programming A Comprehensive Course to Learn MongoDB By Developing Ten Professional Projects. The most authoritative and comprehensive course on MongoDB is here. This tutorial forms the last of our MEAN project series which covered Nodejs, Angular and Express n earlier project based courses which received tremendous response from our community worldwide. The MongoDB is the world's most popular cross platform NoSQL database. Powered by JSON like document schemas it makes lot of data oriented operations relaible and faster. Few of the popular features which makes it one of the hottest technology are listed below: It allows Adhoc queries. It provides sharding based load balancing. It can also be used as a File system Any field is MongoDB can be indexed It also allows server side javascript application.. This course also follows our project based pedagogy and you will learn MongoDB while building real projects and will create fully functional system based on this amazing technology. We have also used lot of server side javascript in all our projects so you can expect to get a lot more than just MongoDb in this course. So lets get started and let MongoDB show you what it got.. What are the requirements? Student should have a basic understanding of javascript and NoSQL schema What am I going to get from this course? Over 67 lectures and 12 hours of content! Build Web Solutions using MongoDB Learn to harness full power of document oriented schema Use server side javascript with mongoDB Learn best practices for NoSQL development Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Lynda - Learning Full-Stack javascript Development: MongoDB, Node and React Size: 483 MB | Duration: 3h 12m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 25fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English Learn by doing! Learn full-stack javascript development by building a web application with MongoDB, Node. js, and React. js. Learn how to use Node as a web server and an API server, how to consume data and build user interfaces with React, and how to read and write data with a MongoDB database. React allows you to build full-featured, data-driven applications faster and more efficiently than what is possible with javascript alone. Samer Buna introduces modern javascript programming concepts, with an emphasis on functional methods and open-source tools. The lessons are almost completely hands-on, with live coding demonstrations that bring the concepts home. Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Stone River Learning - Learn MongoDB From Scratch Duration: 2.5 hrs | Video: h264, yuv420p 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 894 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Everything you need to master MongoDB Data is a very popular buzzword in the technology industry right now. As more and more people move their activities online, the data companies and websites collect on them will become even more relevant. And guess what that means? Programmers and developers who know their way around databases - and more importantly, who can actually interpret and build things from them - will be in high demand. MongoDB is one of the most dynamic databases out there, so getting to grips with it sooner rather than later means you'll stay well ahead of the curve. - Become a MongoDB Master - Gain an in-depth understanding of MongoDB's capabilities - Learn how MongoDB can be used for web app design, development, testing and more - Set up a powerful development environment with an online IDE - Explore the impressive MongoDB Aggregation Framework - Build a complete web application fully integrated with MongoDB Approach Data in New Exciting Ways This MongoDB online course has been designed for web developers, web designers, web architects, testers, site administrators, and pretty much anyone who already has a working knowledge of web development. Although it's not vital, knowing how to build web UI components and a familiarity with NoSQL persistence will help. This course is absolutely not limited to developers only, however. The goal is to provide a solid foundation of MongoDB knowledge. To get you up and running on building your own web apps with MongoDB at their core, and to help you understand the capabilities, functionality and limitations of what this database can do. You'll learn how to configure and run MongoDB, start importing data, and then quickly get stuck into creating new databases. You'll pick up Mongo Query Language commands and dive into one of MongoDB's most powerful features, the Aggregation Framework. You'll work through detailed examples to gain an understanding of the various pieces of the puzzle, all the while learning about this database's scaling, replication, and sharding abilities. Download More: By the end of this course, those examples you've been working on will all fit together to form a complete, working web application that's fully integrated with MongoDB. And not only that, you'll have the confidence, knowledge and practice needed to start working on your own MongoDB projects straight away. About MongoDB MongoDB is an open source database with a document-oriented data model. It differs from a relational database in that instead of storing data in tables and rows, it stores JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas. Because of this, it lends developers the ability to create applications rooted in data in ways they never could before. Download From UploadGig Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
Full Stack JavaScript Learn Backbone.js, Node.js & MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours | Lec: 15 | 970 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Get started on the journey of using JavaScript for your front-end, back-end database This is a hands-on course which introduces you to agile JavaScript web and mobile software development using the latest cutting-edge front-end and back-end technologies including: Node.js, MongoDB, Backbone.js, Parse, Heroku, and Windows Azure. Practical examples include building multiple versions of the Chat app. jQuery + Parse JS REST API Backbone and Parse JS SDK Backbone and Node.js Backbone and Node.js + MongoDB The Chat application has all the foundation of a typical web/mobile application: fetching data, displaying it, submitting new data. Other examples in the course are as follows: jQuery + Twitter RESP API "Tweet Analyzer" Parse "Save John" MongoDB "Print Collections" Backbone.js "Apple Database" Monk + Express.js "REST API Server" This course will save you many hours by providing a hand-picked and tested collection of quick start guides. Full Stack JavaScript has practical examples that allow to spend less time learning and more time building your own applications. Prototype fast and ship code that matters! Download link:]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part1.rar.html]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part2.rar.html]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part1.rar]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part2.rar]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part1.rar]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part2.rar]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part1.rar]jdm7r.Full.Stack.JavaScript.Learn.Backbone.js.Node.js..MongoDB.2016.part2.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Projects in MongoDB - Learn MongoDB Building Ten Projects .MP4, AVC, 1000 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 64 kbps, 2 Ch | 12 hours | 2.95 GB Provider: Eduonix Learning Solutions A Comprehensive Course to Learn MongoDB By Developing Ten Professional Projects The most authoritative and comprehensive course on MongoDB is here. This tutorial forms the last of our MEAN project series which covered Nodejs, Angular and Express n earlier project based courses which received tremendous response from our community worldwide. The MongoDB is the world's most popular cross platform NoSQL database. Powered by JSON like document schemas it makes lot of data oriented operations relaible and faster. Few of the popular features which makes it one of the hottest technology are listed below: It allows Adhoc queries. It provides sharding based load balancing. It can also be used as a File system Any field is MongoDB can be indexed It also allows server side JavaScript application. This course also follows our project based pedagogy and you will learn MongoDB while building real projects and will create fully functional system based on this amazing technology. We have also used lot of server side javascript in all our projects so you can expect to get a lot more than just MongoDb in this course. So lets get started and let MongoDB show you what it got. What am I going to get from this course? Build Web Solutions using MongoDB Learn to harness full power of document oriented schema Use server side javascript with mongoDB Learn best practices for NoSQL development DOWNLOAD
Full Stack JavaScript Learn Backbone.js, Node.js & MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours | Lec: 15 | 970 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Get started on the journey of using JavaScript for your front-end, back-end database This is a hands-on course which introduces you to agile JavaScript web and mobile software development using the latest cutting-edge front-end and back-end technologies including: Node.js, MongoDB, Backbone.js, Parse, Heroku, and Windows Azure. Practical examples include building multiple versions of the Chat app. jQuery + Parse JS REST API Backbone and Parse JS SDK Backbone and Node.js Backbone and Node.js + MongoDB The Chat application has all the foundation of a typical web/mobile application: fetching data, displaying it, submitting new data. Other examples in the course are as follows: jQuery + Twitter RESP API "Tweet Analyzer" Parse "Save John" MongoDB "Print Collections" Backbone.js "Apple Database" Monk + Express.js "REST API Server" This course will save you many hours by providing a hand-picked and tested collection of quick start guides. Full Stack JavaScript has practical examples that allow to spend less time learning and more time building your own applications. Prototype fast and ship code that matters! DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 6- Aggregation Framework MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 27M | 92 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 6- Aggregation Framework Aggregation Framework In MongoDB Using aggregate method- Aggregation Example Using distinct and count Sorting documents Natural Order Sorting In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases Download link:]zhzib.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series.Part.6.Aggregation.Framework.rar.html]zhzib.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series.Part.6.Aggregation.Framework.rar]zhzib.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series.Part.6.Aggregation.Framework.rar]zhzib.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series.Part.6.Aggregation.Framework.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 2 -Basics Of MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 17M | 57 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Topics Covered in this class: Create First Database in MongoDB Creating Document and Saving it to Collection Dropping a Database Creating a Collection - Using db.createCollection(name,options) Dropping a Collection In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases Download link:]6o6nb.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series..Part.2.Basics.Of.MongoDB.rar.html]6o6nb.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series..Part.2.Basics.Of.MongoDB.rar]6o6nb.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series..Part.2.Basics.Of.MongoDB.rar]6o6nb.Complete.MongoDB.Course.Series..Part.2.Basics.Of.MongoDB.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 1- Introduction to NoSQL Databases & Installation MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 26M | 86 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases Download link:]]]] Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
CodeSchool - The Magical Marvels of MongoDB MP4 | AVC 1519kbps | English | 1280x720 | 24fps | 1hour | AAC stereo 95kbps | 724 MB Genre: Video Training MongoDB acts as the database that stores data for your application. Explore the basics and learn to store data in a document-oriented database. COURSE OVERVIEW Level 1 The Magical Marvels of MongoDB Completion Badge LEVEL 1 Conjuring MongoDB 2 Videos | 8 Challenges Capture the mystical basics of MongoDB and try your hand at inserting and finding documents. Level 2 The Magical Marvels of MongoDB Completion Badge LEVEL 2 Mystical Modifications 2 Videos | 12 Challenges â??Learn the lore behind performing updates and transform your data. Level 3 The Magical Marvels of MongoDB Completion Badge LEVEL 3 Materializing Potions 2 Videos | 11 Challenges Dig deep into the spell book to learn how to conjure and customize queries. Level 4 The Magical Marvels of MongoDB Completion Badge LEVEL 4 Morphing Models 2 Videos | 11 Challenges Summon the wisdom to guide you in your journey of modeling data. Level 5 The Magical Marvels of MongoDB Completion Badge LEVEL 5 Aggregation Apparitions 2 Videos | 8 Challenges â??Explore the realm of aggregations to see how data can be combined in miraculous ways. Download link:]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part1.rar.html]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part2.rar.html]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part3.rar.html]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part4.rar.html]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part5.rar.html]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part6.rar.html]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part1.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part2.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part3.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part4.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part5.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part6.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part1.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part2.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part3.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part4.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part5.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part6.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part1.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part2.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part3.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part4.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part5.rar]6wcep.CodeSchool..The.Magical.Marvels.of.MongoDB.part6.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
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Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 8- Relationships in MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 18 | 47 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 8- Relationships in MongoDB Topics Covered in this class: Relationships in MongoDB One-To-One Relationship One-To-Many Relationship Many-To-Many Relationship In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 7- Data Modeling in MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 12M | 38 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 7- Data Modeling in MongoDB Topics Covered in this class: Introduction to Data Modelling in MongoDB Data Modeling using References Data Modeling using Embedded documents In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 6- Aggregation Framework MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 27M | 92 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series: Part 6- Aggregation Framework Aggregation Framework In MongoDB Using aggregate method- Aggregation Example Using distinct and count Sorting documents Natural Order Sorting In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 5: ObjectIds in MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 13M | 45 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 5: ObjectIds in MongoDB Topics Covered in this class: Introduction to ObjectIds in MongoDB Understanding ObjectIds Creating ObjectIds Advantages of ObjectIds created by MongoDB Disadvantages of ObjectIds created by MongoDB In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series Part 3- MongoDB CRUD Operations MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 38M | 136 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 3- MongoDB CRUD Operations Topics Covered in this class: Creating/Inserting a document in collection using javascript file Inserting Array of Documents Reading a Document - Querying Reading a Document with $lt, $gt operator Other Query Operators Updating Documents Deleting documents In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 4: Performance tuning with Indexes MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 17M | 48 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 4: Performance tuning with Indexes Topics Covered in this class: Introduction to Indexes Understanding Impact of Indexes Creating Index Finding Indexes Dropping Index In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 2 -Basics Of MongoDB MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 17M | 57 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Topics Covered in this class: Create First Database in MongoDB Creating Document and Saving it to Collection Dropping a Database Creating a Collection - Using db.createCollection(name,options) Dropping a Collection In this series of MongoDB classes we will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications. In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD
Complete MongoDB Course Series : Part 1- Introduction to NoSQL Databases & Installation MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 26M | 86 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English In this Complete MongoDB Course Series (Part 1 -Part 11), we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations, Indexing, ObjectIds in MongoDB, Aggregation Framework in MongoDB,Data Modeling in MongoDB,Relationships in MongoDB, User/Role Management In MongoDB, Regular Expressions in MongoDB, Map-Reduce in MongoDB. At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development. Course Highlights Most comprehensive course series on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples Course Objective Mastering MongoDB based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development Design MongoDB database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases DOWNLOAD