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Greco Bastián - Border Patron (2019) 44.1-24 Country: Mexico Genre: RIO, Zeuhl, Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 40:41 Full Size: 497.59 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
cHoclat FRoG - On Detour To Shortcut (2023) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: RIO, Avant-Garde, Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 52:33 Full Size: 621.41 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
- Avant-Garde
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cHoclat FRoG - Snapshot (2021) 44.1-24 Country: Germany Genre: RIO, Avant-Garde, Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:00:05 Full Size: 804.12 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
- Avant-Garde
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Cheer-Accident - Heavens! (2024) 44.1-24 Country: USA Genre: RIO, Avant-Garde, Progressive Rock Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [48kHz/24 bit] Time: 43:05 Full Size: 501.49 MB Included on our debut album, "Sever Roots, Tree Dies" (released in 1988) was an anomalous little number entitled, "Heaven." Even though it stuck out like a sore thumb on that "primarily prog" release, it received very little attention at the time. Given that it truly is a one-of-a-kind song in our catalog, it has been a pleasure whenever it's reared its head in our live performances over the years; and so seldom are these instances that they can easily be enumerated here: We played it in its nascent (and instrumental) form at our second show ever, in 1988, at a fancy little venue in Chicago, called "Limelight."Jef Bek stepped in on drums (and killed it) on 8/26/92, at Metro in Chicago, where Thymme sang it live for the first time; and then we played it at Empty Bottle, on 4/26/97, with Pat Samson on drums; and, finally, fast-forwarding more than a decade and a half later, we whipped it out at Mayne Stage, on 6/22/13, with Sacha Mullin handling the vocals. And that's it! Suddenly, in 2023, we began to play the song with some frequency. An entity known as "DroneLayer" began to inhabit the song's ghostly vocals, and the band (with a few more members than can be heard on the original studio version) turned every rendition into an adventure (making good use of the "free" moments in the song). Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
- Avant-Garde
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Bäitoník Configuration - BäitoníkCast (2011) 44.1-24 Genre: Zeuhl, Avant-Garde Jazz, Avant-Prog, RIO Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [44,1kHz/24 bit] Time: 01:23:24 Full Size: 440.71 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
- Zeuhl
- Avant-Garde Jazz
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Inner Ear Brigade - Perkunas (2024) 96-24 Country: USA Genre: Progressive Rock, Avant Prog, RIO Format: FLAC (*tracks) Quality: Lossless [96kHz/24 bit] Time: 46:24 Full Size: 936.56 MB Download from [b]HotLink[/b]
- Progressive Rock
- Avant Prog
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Oznaczone tagami:
Tina Turner - Live in Rio '88 (2018) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Introduction 02 - Addicted to Love 03 - I Can't Stand the Rain 04 - Private Dancer 05 - We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) 06 - What's Love Got to Do with It 07 - Help 08 - Let's Stay Together 09 - Paradise Is Here Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: R&B | Soul | Pop Rock | Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 12.4Mbps Length: 00:44:00 | 4.24Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 (4:3) | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Muse - Rock In Rio Lisboa (2018) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Thought Contagion 02 - [Drill Sergeant] 03 - Psycho 04 - Interlude 05 - Hysteria (with "Know Your Enemy"/"Back In Black" outro) 06 - Plug In Baby 07 - The 2nd Law: Isolated System 08 - Dig Down 09 - Resistance 10 - Supermassive Black Hole ('Close Encounters' intro) 11 - Stockholm Syndrome (with "Reapers" intro/outro) 12 - The 2nd Law: Unsustainable 13 - Madness 14 - Starlight 15 - Time Is Running Out 16 - Mercy Encore: 17 - Take a Bow 18 - Uprising 19 - Knights of Cydonia Info: Genre: Alternative Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 7834kbps Length: 01:30:00 | 5.16Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 25.000fps Audio: AC3 | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Cz??owiek z Rio / L'homme de Rio (1964) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Philippe de Broca Scenariusz: Jean-Paul Rappeneau Gatunek: Komedia, Przygodowy Kraj: Francja, W??ochy Rok produkcji: 1964 Czas trwania: 110 min. Opis: Farsa szpiegowska i przygodowa. ?šniadzi obcokrajowcy, zdajÄ?cy siÄ? wrÄ?cz niezniszczalni i u??ywajÄ?cy zatrutych strza??ek, kradnÄ? amazo??skÄ? statuetkÄ? z paryskiego muzeum i uprowadzajÄ? znawc??w w dziedzinie wymar??ej cywilizacji Maltek??w. Jest w??r??d nich Agnes, c??rka zamordowanego profesora, posiadacza jednej z trzech figurek Maltek??w. Jej ch??opak, Adrien, przebywajÄ?cy w Pary??u na tygodniowej przepustce z koszar, wiedzÄ?c, ??e na policje nie ma co liczyÄ? rzuca siÄ? w szalony po??cig. Porywacze zabierajÄ? odurzonÄ? narkotykami Agnes do samolotu do Rio. Adrien, wspomagany przez miejscowego pucybuta, aby ocaliÄ? ekscentrycznÄ? dziewczynÄ?, powstrzymaÄ? bezwzglÄ?dnych z??odzieji i przy okazji poznaÄ? tajemnicÄ? Maltek??w, bÄ?dzie musia?? przemierzyÄ? Rio, Bras?liÄ? i d??unglÄ? Amazonii. . . wszystko zanim zostanie uznany za dezertera. Obsada: Jean- Paul Belmondo - Szeregowy Adrien Dufourquet Fran?§oise Dorl??ac - Agnes Villermosa Jean Servais - Profesor Robert Catalan Daniel Ceccaldi - Inspektor policji Adolfo Celi - Mario De Castro Simone Renant - Lola Roger Dumas - Lebel Milton Ribeiro - Tupac ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
Glenny Misha Nemezis o cz??owieku z faweli i bitwie o Rio Okladka/Screeny: Opis: W jaki spos??b ciÄ???ko pracujÄ?cy m??ody ojciec Ant?´nio Francisco Bonfim Lopes sta?? siÄ? kr??lem Rocinhy â?? najwiÄ?kszej faweli w Rio, g??owÄ? kartelu narkotykowego i jednym z najbardziej poszukiwanych przestÄ?pc??w w Brazylii, znanym jako â?žNemâ?? Nemezis to opowie??Ä? o cz??owieku, kt??ry w bezwzglÄ?dnym ??wiecie brazylijskiego p??????wiatka pr??bowa?? walczyÄ? o sprawiedliwo??Ä?. Okrucie??stwo i twarde zasady panujÄ?ce w tym niebezpiecznym ??rodowisku zmusi??y go jednak do wej??cia w ??wiat skorumpowanej policji, bogatych narkoman??w, zak??amanych polityk??w i narkotykowych boss??w. Roz??o??yste lasy deszczowe i wiÄ?zienia o zaostrzonym rygorze. Brudne slumsy i l??niÄ?ce centra handlowe â??Nemezis jest pe??nym kontrast??w opisem brazylijskiej walki z korupcjÄ?, przemocÄ?, narkobiznesem i biedÄ?, czyli z wszystkim tym, z czym r??wnie?? mierzy?? siÄ? â?žNemâ?, walczÄ?c o przysz??o??Ä? swojego kraju. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 367 MB czas trwania: 09h 45m 40s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Andrzej Hausner BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Guns N' Roses: Rock in Rio (2017) HDTVRip.1080p.x264.AC3.Eng-alE13 produkcja: Brazylia d?°ta: 2017 gatunek: Hard Rock, Koncert re??yseria: ?? czas: 3 h 24 min To by?? czwarty wystÄ?p Guns N 'Roses na festiwalu Rock in Rio. Guns Nâ?? Roses â?? ameryka??ski zesp???? hard rockowy, za??o??ony w Los Angeles w 1985 roku. W oryginalny sk??ad Guns Nâ?? Roses weszli: Axl Rose (??piew), Slash (gitara prowadzÄ?ca),Izzy Stradlin (gitara rytmiczna), Duff McKagan (gitara basowa), Steven Adler (perkusja).Do tej pory zesp???? wyda?? sze??Ä? album??w studyjnych, kt??rych nak??ad ze sprzeda??y wyni??s?? ponad 100 milion??w egzemplarzy na ca??ym ??wiecie, w tym 45 milion??w w Stanach Zjednoczonych.Zesp???? podpisa?? kontrakt muzyczny z wytw??rniÄ? Geffen Records w 1986 roku. W 1987 roku ukaza?? siÄ? debiutancki album studyjny Guns Nâ?? Roses zatytu??owany Appetite for Destruction.Rok po premierze osiÄ?gnÄ??? on pierwsze miejsce w rankingu Billboard 200, za?? promujÄ?cy go przeb??j â?žSweet Child Oâ?? Mineâ? dotar?? do pierwszego miejsca w rankingu Billboard Hot 100. Album sprzeda?? siÄ? w nak??adzie 28 milion??w kopii na ca??ym ??wiecie, w tym 18 milion??w w USA, ustanawiajÄ?c go najlepiej sprzedajÄ?cym siÄ? debiutanckim albumem wszech czas??w. tracklist It's So Easy Mr. Brownstone Chinese Democracy Welcome to the Jungle Double Talkin' Jive Better Estranged Live and Let Die Rocket Queen You Could Be Mine Attitude This I Love Civil War Yesterdays Coma Slash Guitar Solo Speak Softly Love (Love Theme From The Godfather) Sweet Child O' Mine Wichita Lineman Used to Love Her My Michelle Wish You Were Here November Rain Black Hole Sun Knockin' on Heaven's Door Nightrain Sorry Patience Whole Lotta Rosie Don't Cry The Seeker Paradise City (not complete)
Hollywood Vampires - Rock In Rio (2015) HDTVRip 1080p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - The Last Vampire 02 - Raise the Dead 03 - My Generation (The Who cover) 04 - I Got a Line on You (Spirit cover) 05 - Cold Turkey (John Lennon cover) 06 - Five to One / Break On Through (to the Other Side) (The Doors cover) 07 - Manic Depression (The Jimi Hendrix Experience cover) 08 - 7 and 7 Is (Love cover) 09 - Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin cover) (with Lzzy Hale) 10 - Jeepster (T. Rex cover) 11 - I'm a Boy (The Who cover) (with Zak Starkey) 12 - School's Out / Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 (with Andreas Kisser) (with Zak Starkey) (Songs from:. more ) 13 - Billion Dollar Babies (Alice Cooper cover) (with Zak Starkey) 14 - Train Kept A-Rollin' (Tiny Bradshaw cover) (with Zak Starkey) 15 - Brown Sugar (The Rolling Stones cover) (with Zak Starkey) Info: Source: Genre: Hard Rock Quality: HDTVRip | 1080p Format: MKV | 17.2Mbps Length: 00:55:00 | 7.07Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AAC | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Republica - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Black Wings 02 - Time to Pay 03 - Stand Your Ground 04 - The Maze 05 - Intimacy of Your Soul 06 - Death For Life 07 - One Left in the Chamber (Corb Lund cover) 08 - Beautiful Lie 09 - Tars Will Shine 10 - Broken 11 - Endless Pain 12 - El Diablo Info: Source: Genre: Alternative Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.3Mbps Length: 01:01:00 | 4.69Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Sepultura - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - I Am the Enemy (with Familia Lima) 02 - Phantom Self (with Familia Lima) 03 - Kairos (with Familia Lima) 04 - Inner Self (with Familia Lima) 05 - Machine Messiah (Live Premiere) 06 - Iceberg Dances (with Familia Lima) 07 - Sworn Oath (with Familia Lima) 08 - Resistant Parasites 09 - Arise 10 - Refuse/Resist 11 - Ratamahatta (with Familia Lima) 12 - Roots Bloody Roots (with Familia Lima) Info: Source: Genre: Thrash | Death | Metal Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 9400kbps Length: 01:00:00 | 4.19Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Alter Bridge - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Come to Life 02 - Addicted to Pain 03 - Cry of Achilles 04 - My Champion 05 - Waters Rising 06 - Isolation 07 - Blackbird 08 - Open Your Eyes 09 - Metalingus 10 - Rise Today Info: Source: Genre: Alternative Metal | Post Grunge Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 8728kbps Length: 01:01:00 | 3.98Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
The Offspring - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones song) 02 - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid 03 - All I Want 04 - Come Out and Play 05 - (Can't Get My) Head Around You 06 - Original Prankster 07 - Have You Ever 08 - Staring at the Sun 09 - Want You Bad 10 - Bad Habit 11 - Hit That 12 - Gone Away 13 - Why Don't You Get a Job? 14 - Americana 15 - Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) 16 - The Kids Aren't Alright 17 - Self Esteem Info: Source: Genre: Punk Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 9423kbps Length: 00:58:00 | 4.05Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Incubus - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Glitterbomb 02 - Circles 03 - Nimble Bastard 04 - Anna Molly 05 - Wish You Were Here 06 - Love Hurts 07 - Pardon Me 08 - Drive 09 - Nice to Know You 10 - No Fun 11 - Stellar 12 - Megalomaniac 13 - Warning Info: Source: Genre: Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 8388kbps Length: 01:00:00 | 3.78Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Justin Timberlake - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Only When I Walk Away 02 - Suit & Tie 03 - Don't Hold the Wall 04 - FutureSex/LoveSound 05 - Like I Love You 06 - My Love 07 - Summer Love 08 - Senorita 09 - Let the Groove Get In 10 - Drink You Away 11 - LoveStoned 12 - Until the End of Time 13 - Holy Grail (JAY-Z cover) 14 - Cry Me A River 15 - What Goes Around... Comes Around 16 - Rock Your Body 17 - Can't Stop the Feeling! (Lovely Day (Bill Weathers) Snippet) 18 - SexyBack 19 - Mirrors (with Reprise) Info: Source: Genre: Pop Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.2Mbps Length: 01:29:00 | 6.75Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
- justin
- timberlake
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Guns N' Roses - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - It's So Easy 02 - Mr. Brownstone 03 - Chinese Democracy 04 - Welcome to the Jungle 05 - Double Talkin' Jive 06 - Better 07 - Estranged 08 - Live and Let Die 09 - Rocket Queen 10 - You Could Be Mine 11 - Attitude 12 - This I Love 13 - Civil War 14 - Yesterdays 15 - Coma 16 - Slash Guitar Solo 17 - Speak Softly Love (Love Theme From The Godfather) 18 - Sweet Child O' Mine 19 - Wichita Lineman 20 - Used to Love Her 21 - My Michelle 22 - Wish You Were Here 23 - November Rain 24 - Black Hole Sun 25 - Knockin' on Heaven's Door 26 - Nightrain 27 - Sorry 28 - Patience 29 - Whole Lotta Rosie 30 - Don't Cry 31 - The Seeker 32 - Paradise City Info: Source: Genre: Hard Rock | Heavy Metal Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.2Mbps Length: 03:22:00 | 15.3Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Intro Jam 02 - Can't Stop 03 - Snow (Hey Oh) 04 - The Zephyr Song 05 - Dark Necessities 06 - Did I Let You Know 07 - I Wanna Be Your Dog (The Stooges cover) 08 - Right on Time 09 - Go Robot 10 - Californication 11 - Tell Me Baby 12 - Sir Psycho Sexy 13 - They're Red Hot (Robert Johnson cover) 14 - The Power of Equality 15 - Under the Bridge (with snippet of Menina Mulher da Pele Preta by Jorge Ben on the beginning.) 16 - By the Way Encore: 17 - Goodbye Angels 18 - Give It Away Info: Source: Genre: Funk Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.0Mbps Length: 01:32:00 | 6.87Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
The Who - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - I Can't Explain 02 - Substitute 03 - Who Are You 04 - The Kids Are Alright 05 - I Can See for Miles 06 - My Generation (With "Cry If You Want" Snippet) 07 - Bargain 08 - Behind Blue Eyes 09 - Join Together 10 - You Better You Bet 11 - I'm One 12 - 5:15 13 - Love, Reign O'er Me 14 - Amazing Journey 15 - Sparks 16 - Pinball Wizard 17 - See Me, Feel Me 18 - Baba O'Riley 19 - Won't Get Fooled Again Info: Source: Genre: Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.1Mbps Length: 01:37:00 | 7.3Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Thirty Seconds To Mars - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Up in the Air 02 - Kings and Queens 03 - This Is War 04 - Walk on Water 05 - Search and Destroy 06 - The Kill (Bury Me) 07 - Do or Die 08 - The Ocean(Led Zeppelin cover) 09 - Cowboys From Hell(Pantera cover) 10 - Closer to the Edge Info: Genre: Alternative Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.0Mbps Length: 01:00:00 | 4.52Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Bon Jovi - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - This House Is Not for Sale 02 - Raise Your Hands 03 - Knockout 04 - You Give Love a Bad Name 05 - Born to Be My Baby 06 - Lost Highway 07 - Because We Can 08 - I'll Sleep When I'm Dead 09 - Runaway 10 - We Got It Goin' On 11 - Someday I'll Be Saturday Night (Acoustic) 12 - Bed of Roses 13 - It's My Life 14 - Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars 15 - Roller Coaster 16 - Wanted Dead or Alive 17 - Lay Your Hands On Me 18 - Keep the Faith 19 - Bad Medicine Encore: 20 - Have a Nice Day 21 - Livin' on a Prayer Info: Source: Genre: Hard Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.5Mbps Length: 02:00:00 | 9.35Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Aerosmith - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - O Fortuna (Carl Orff song) 02 - Let the Music Do the Talking 03 - Love in an Elevator 04 - Cryin' 05 - Livin' on the Edge (with "Within You Without You" snippet by The Beatles) 06 - Rag Doll 07 - Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees) 08 - Stop Messin' Around (Fleetwood Mac cover) 09 - Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac cover) 10 - Crazy 11 - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing 12 - Eat the Rich 13 - Come Together (The Beatles cover) 14 - Sweet Emotion 15 - Dude (Looks Like a Lady) Encore: 16 - Dream On 17 - Mother Popcorn (James Brown cover) 18 - Walk This Way Info: Source: Genre: Hard Rock Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 10.8Mbps Length: 01:40:00 | 8.02Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Tears For Fears - Rock In Rio (2017) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Lorde version) 02 - Secret World 03 - Sowing the Seeds of Love 04 - Advice for the Young at Heart 05 - Everybody Loves a Happy Ending 06 - Change 07 - Mad World 08 - Memories Fade 09 - Creep (Radiohead cover) 10 - Pale Shelter 11 - Break It Down Again 12 - Head Over Heels Encore: 13 - Shout Info: Source: Genre: New Wave | Synthpop Quality: HDTV | 1080i Format: MKV | 8789kbps Length: 01:08:00 | 4.46Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080i | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio: AC3 | 384kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.