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epub | 7.29 MB | English| Isbn:9781869794354 | Author: Ian Lambie | Year: 2010 Description: Category:Family & Relationships, Health & Fitness, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction TurboBit RapidGator AlfaFile
Helping Teens Who Cut, Second Edition: Using DBT Skills to End Self-Injury - [AUDIOBOOK] pdf, m4b | 481.89 MB | Author: Michael Hollander PhD, George Newbern (Read by) | Year: 2023 Description: Download Link: Rapidgator links are free direct download only for my subscriber, other hosts are free download for free users
Free Download Udemy - Kids & Teens Closet Mastery Adventure Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 1.48 GB | Duration: 0h 36m A teen-led course on how to declutter your cloths and keep your closet tidy What you'll learn Declutter and sort out your clothes fast & easy, by deciding what stays and what goes- which any kid can learn. Learn how your clothes affect the environment and how to make better shopping choices- even from a young age. Discover "The Sushi Method" - A cool and fun clothes-folding technique that will help you create order and more space in your closet. Organise your closets from top to bottom, in a way that works best for you and is easy to sustain. Learn the secret to keeping your room tidy always, no matter what is going on your life. 4 Course Downloads- You will receive my course notes to download for easy referencing. Requirements No prior skills needed just eagerness to learn. Description Hi. I am Theope, a 14 year old, declutter enthusiast! Do you struggle with keeping your room tidy? It all begins with our closets. If they are not in order- nothing is! I can help you unlock the secrets to an organized, and eco-friendly closet. Join my fun and engaging mini-course, where I will teach you step-by-step, how to transform your space, no matter what size or shape your room has. My unique method will help your sort it all out. Learn easy and essential skills, so you can find things easily, keep an order in your closet and avoid chaos in your room. I will show you all the steps, using my own room in the lessons, so you can get a real-life experience of how this is all done. My course is perfect for you kids and teens, who want to create a more sustainable room order, develop positive life-habits that will serve you, later on in your life - and of course, avoid nagging parents! How cool is that?There are many benefits to learning how to organize your stuff. Watch how I transform my room in just 30 minutes into a clutter-free paradise. You can do it too! Let the Super Closet Mastery Adventure, begin! Overview Section 1: PREVIEW Lecture 1 Preview Section 2: INTRODUCTION TO COURSE Lecture 2 Welcome to my course! Section 3: LESSONS 1-4 Lecture 3 LESSON 1 Lecture 4 Lesson 2 Lecture 5 Lesson 3 Lecture 6 Lesson 4 Section 4: LET'S WRAP-UP & BONUS Lecture 7 Wrap-up & Bonus For kids and teens with messy rooms.,For parents who want to encourage their kids to learn better habits.,For want-to-be minimalists but did not know where to start. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
英语街 少年 Teens' Space - September 2024 中文 | 42 pages | True PDF | 41.2 MB Teens' Space is a vibrant monthly news magazine, aimed at readers aged 10+. Introducing topics such as world news, sport, puzzles and STEM-related articles in a fun and carefully written manner, Teens' Space provides an ideal gateway for young readers to the world of information in a manner they can relate to. [img=]
Grupa czternastolatk??w z jednej ze szk???? ??rednich w Zurychu zmaga siÄ? z procesem dojrzewania i zmianami zachodzÄ?cymi w ich cia??ach. M??odzi ludzie poddawani sÄ? ciÄ?g??ej presji i muszÄ? ukrywaÄ? swoje prawdziwe uczucia. Nieustannie czujÄ? te?? potrzebÄ? bycia jeszcze fajniejszymi, zabawniejszymi, bardziej atrakcyjnymi. Ich ??yciem w coraz wiÄ?kszym stopniu rzÄ?dzÄ? te?? media spo??eczno??ciowe, w kt??rych trwa miÄ?dzy nimi walka o popularno??Ä?. Nastolatkowie kreujÄ? w nich innÄ? rzeczywisto??Ä?, bez ??adnych ogranicze??. CiÄ?g??e napiÄ?cie i rywalizacja mogÄ? jednak prowadziÄ? do tragedii. Oryginalny, szczery obraz Szwajcara Niklausa Hilbera ("Chaos and Cadavers", "Cannabis") opowiada o pokoleniu wsp????czesnych nastolatk??w i wp??ywie medi??w spo??eczno??ciowych na ich ??ycie oraz seksualno??Ä?. Film zmusza do refleksji nad kondycjÄ? wsp????czesnego spo??ecze??stwa i skutkami, jakie pociÄ?ga za sobÄ? niekontrolowany dostÄ?p do Internetu. Pokazuje takie zjawiska, jak cyberprzemoc czy przenoszenie kontakt??w miÄ?dzyludzkich do ??wiata wirtualnego. W rolach g????wnych wystÄ?pujÄ? utalentowani amatorzy, kt??rym udaje siÄ? stworzyÄ? wielowymiarowe, intrygujÄ?ce postacie - Fabrizio Borsani ("Vitus"), Annina Walt ("Nichts passiert"), Chiara Carla B?¤r (serial "Tatort"), Luna Wedler ("Blue My Mind"), Benjamin Dangel. Produkcja zdoby??a nagrodÄ? dla najlepszego filmu na festiwalu w Zurychu. By??a te?? nominowana w trzech kategoriach do Szwajcarskich Nagr??d Filmowych. Nieletnie Amatorki / Amateur Teens (2015) MULTi.1080i.HDTV.H264-B89 / lektor i napisy pl
Latexxx Teens - Be Wrong (2017) INFO Title: Be Wrong Artist : Latexxx Teens Year : 2017 Genre: Industrial Metal Packed size: 140 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - The End 02 - Falling Down 03 - Be Wrong 04 - November 05 - Have a Bad Day 06 - The Sanctity of Mr. D 07 - False Belief 08 - Anger 09 - Einsamkeit 10 - Where Are We from 11 - Eternity (Acoustic Version) 12 - The End (Combichrist Remix) 13 - November (Spiritual Front Remix) 14 - The End (Departer Remix)