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Znaleziono 20 wyników

  1. Thomas Anders - SWR4 Schlager Open Air (2018) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Der beste Tag meines Lebens 02 - Sternenregen 03 - Interview 04 - Brother Louie 05 - You're My Heart / Billie Jean (bridge) Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: Pop Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 13.9Mbps Length: 00:19:00 | 2.00Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: Deutsch | English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  2. Thomas Anders - Pures Leben (2017) Thomas Anders - Pures Leben Genre: Pop,EuroDisco Year: 2017 Source: Digital download Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:48:06 Cover: front Size: 353 MB 1. Der beste Tag meines Lebens 3:25 2. Sternenregen 3:42 3. Das Lied das Leben hei??t 3:55 4. Feuerwerk 3:32 5. Sie und ich und du 4:38 6. Unendlich 3:26 7. Schwerelos 4:08 8. Traumt?¤nzer 3:30 9. Zur??ck zu dir 3:41 10. Tr?¤ume 3:29 11. Ein Augenblick der alles dreht 3:17 12. Odysee 3:39 13. Fliegen 3:38 linki:
  3. Thomas Anders - History (Deluxe Edition) (2016) Thomas Anders - History Genre: Pop,EuroDisco Year: 2016 Source: Digital download Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:55:11 Cover: front Size: 437 MB 1. Youre My Heart, Youre My Soul (New Hit Version) 3:28 2. You Can Win If You Want (New Hit Version) 3:41 3. Cheri, Cheri Lady (New Hit Version) 3:32 4. Brother Louie (New Hit Version) 3:43 5. Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love) (New Hit Version) 3:52 6. Geronimos Cadillac (New Hit Version) 3:36 7. Jet Airliner (New Hit Version) 3:55 8. In 100 Years (New Hit Version) 3:59 9. You Are Not Alone (New Hit Version) [3:44 10. Sexy, Sexy Lover (New Hit Version) 3:37 11. China In Her Eyes (New Hit Version) 3:43 12. Win The Race (New Hit Version) 3:38 13. Juliet (New Hit Version) 3:38 14. Lunatic 3:18 15. Take The Chance 3:38 linki:
  4. Roslund Anders, Thunberg Stefan Rodzinny interes Ostatni skok Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Leo wyciera z krwi podloge w przedpokoju. Ma czternascie lat i sprzata po swoim ojcu. Ostatni raz. Ojciec poszedl do wiezienia, mama lezy w szpitalu. On i jego mlodsi bracia zostali sami i teraz musi sie nimi zaopiekowac. Juz wie, jak to zrobi. Nalozy maske i zrobi sw??j pierwszy w zyciu skok. Kiedy ma juz na koncie cala serie napad??w na banki, trafia do wiezienia. Na wolnosc wychodzi po wielu latach. Teraz ma tylko jeden cel w zyciu: popelnic przestepstwo doskonale i zabrac to, co nie istnieje ? pieniadze, o kt??rych spoleczenstwo zdazylo juz zapomniec. Tym razem nie zamierza angazowac swoich braci ani zostawic slad??w, po kt??rych policja moglaby go odnalezc. Niespodziewanie sytuacja sie komplikuje i do akcji wkracza inspektor policji kryminalnej, John Broncks. Zmieniaja sie reguly gry: �Jesli ty wkrecisz w sprawe mojego brata, ja wkrece twojego�. �Ksiazka, od kt??rej nie mozna sie oderwac!� Aftonbladet S??ndag �Autorzy stworzyli dzielo o gestej, efektownej akcji. Kr??tkie, dopracowane w kazdym szczeg??le rozdzialy wbijaja czytelnika w fotel. Powiesc trzyma w napieciu przez caly czas. Dzieki wiarygodnym portretom bohater??w i opisom swiadczacym o swietnej znajomosci srodowisk, w kt??rych obraca sie majacy na sumieniu wiele przestepstw Leo, ksiazka jest niezwykle realistyczna!� Mariestads-Tidningen Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 639 MB czas trwania: 15h 54m 37s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Krzysztof Plewako-Szczerbi??ski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Lenkiewicz Antoni Genera?? W. Anders Okladka/Screeny: Opis: S??awÄ? Andersa tworzy??y okoliczno??ci historyczne. By?? polskim genera??em i patriotÄ?, kt??ry doskonale zna?? jÄ?zyk rosyjski i sowieckÄ? mentalno??Ä?. Nikt inny tak skutecznie nie m??g??by ograÄ? niezmiernie przebieg??ego Stalina i wykorzystaÄ? kr??tko trwajÄ?cÄ? koniunkturÄ? dla wyprowadzenia z ZSRR nie tylko Wojska Polskiego ale r??wnie?? ca??ej rzeszy cywil??w, w tym znacznej ilo??ci dzieci. Wywi??d?? z nieludzkiej ziemi tysiÄ?ce ludzi, kt??rym grozi??a zag??ada. Paradoksem jest to, ??e w Polsce nie opublikowano dotÄ?d ??adnej pe??nej i wszechstronnie udokumentowanej monografii o Generale W??adys??awie Andersie. Nadal trzeba szukaÄ? odpowiedzi na wiele pyta??. W jakich warunkach ukszta??towa??a siÄ? jego osobowo??Ä?? Czy ??wiadomie tworzy?? polskÄ? historiÄ?, czy by?? tylko tej historii dosyÄ? przypadkowym narzÄ?dziem? Czy by?? przede wszystkim ??o??nierzem i zdolnym dow??dcÄ? wysokiego szczebla, czy tak??e politykiem realizujÄ?cym w??asne pomys??y i programy? Niniejsza ksiÄ???ka stanowi pr??bÄ? odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 169 MB czas trwania: 04h 13m 51s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Maciej GÄ?siorek BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download: Anders.czyt.M.Gasiorek.rar
  6. Thomas Anders - History (2016) Thomas Anders - History Genre: Pop Year: 2016 Source: web Audio codec: FLAC Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:44:48 Cover: tak Size: 361 MB tracklist: 1. Youâ??re My Heart, Youâ??re My Soul (New Hit Version) 3:32 2. You Can Win If You Want (New Hit Version) 3:46 3. Cheri, Cheri Lady (New Hit Version) 3:36 4. Brother Louie (New Hit Version) 3:48 5. Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love) (New Hit Version) 3:55 6. Geronimoâ??s Cadillac (New Hit Version) 3:41 7. Jet Airliner (New Hit Version) 3:59 8. In 100 Years (New Hit Version) 4:03 9. You Are Not Alone (New Hit Version) 3:47 10. Sexy, Sexy Lover (New Hit Version) 3:40 11. Lunatic 3:22 12. Take The Chance 3:39 linki:
  7. De La Motte Anders Geim Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Henrik HP Pettersson to 30-letni kombinator i pr??zniak, kt??rego zyciowe ambicje moga byc smialo podsumowane jednym zdaniem: byc numerem jeden. Jest zadufany w sobie, beznadziejnie impulsywny, a przy tym dreczy go poczucie bycia niedocenianym. Pewnego dnia znajduje telefon kom??rkowy, kt??ry zaprasza go do tajemniczej Gry w Alternatywna Rzeczywistosc. Po wykonaniu testu pr??bnego HP otrzymuje szereg fascynujacych i niebezpiecznych zadan, kt??re sa filmowane, a nastepnie publikowane na liscie rankingowej, ocenianej przez spolecznosc w sieci. Napiecie w grze rosnie, nagrody sa coraz cenniejsze, a fani wystawiaja mu swietne noty. HP powoli staje sie gwiazda. Podejmuje sie coraz bardziej ryzykownych zadan, by tylko pozostac w grze. Inspektor Rebecca Norm??n jest jego przeciwienstwem. Kontroluje swoje zycie w kazdym szczeg??le i szybko pnie sie po szczeblach kariery. Wszystko ukladaloby sie idealnie, gdyby nie anonimowe, niepokojace lisciki, kt??re znajduje w swojej szafce. Ktokolwiek je pisze, wie o jej przeszlosci wiecej, niz powinien. Dlaczego? Czy ktos sie z nia bawi? Podczas gdy gra stopniowo wkracza w zycie HP i Rebecki, ich swiaty nieuchronnie sie lacza. Pochloniety kolejnymi zadaniami HP zaczyna zdawac sobie sprawe, ze gra niesie za soba smiertelne niebezpieczenstwoâ?? Kto stoi za tajemnicza rozgrywka? Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 271 MB czas trwania : 09h 53m 27s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Lukasz Garlicki BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download:
  8. Artist: VA Title: So Und Anders ~ Als Schlagerstars Fremd Gingen Teil 1 Year Of Release: 2001 Label: Bear Family Genre: Schlager Quality: MP3 320 kbps Total Time: 01:16:08 Total Size: 178 Mb They were audience favorites, had a subscription to the hitparades, landed success in series: Schlagerstars of the 50s and 60s in Germany. It was clear, however, that their record companies and management did not suffice in the long run, because even then the lucrative English and American markets were the measure of all things. As a result, musical test balloons were launched, hardly noticed by the local public. If a Paul Anka or Laurie London, a Connie Francis or Vera Lynn were suddenly able to sing in the German language, why should not the opposite way throw off one or other hit beyond the borders? And so it came about that long established producers like Peter Kraus, Freddy Quinn, Manuela, Ted Herold and many others in the recording studio again found - with English lyrics in front of the nose. The resulting singles remained almost exclusively exotics. Today, about forty years after its formation, many of these discs are sought. Made in not very large editions, they are among the rarities of the genre; Some titles were even polled back at the last moment before the planned release, remained to this day in the 'toxic cabinet'. Tracklist: 1. Drafi Deutscher - Marmor, Stein Und Eisen Bricht (2:40) 2. Drafi Deutscher - Marble Breaks And Iron Bends (2:39) 3. Manuela - Horch, Was Kommt Von Drau??en 'rein (2:14) 4. Manuela - There Goes Charly (2:13) 5. Peter Kraus - Mit Siebzehn (2:10) 6. Peter Kraus - Dream Face (2:09) 7. Bernd Spier - Das War Mein Sch??nster Tanz (2:23) 8. Bernd Spier - I Only Came To Dance With You (2:30) 9. Conny Froboess - Zwie Kleine Italiener (2:45) 10. Conny Froboess - Gino (2:44) 11. Ted Herold - Moonlight (2:44) 12. Ted Herold - Moonlight (English Version) (2:43) 13. Renate Kern - Kiss And Shake (2:46) 14. Renate Kern - Now And Then (2:46) 15. Roy Black - Du Bist Nicht Allein (2:28) 16. Roy Black - I Am Not Alone (2:27) 17. Freddy Quinn - Junge, Komm Bald Wieder (3:07) 18. Freddy Quinn - I've Roamed Around (2:59) 19. Gus Backus - Der Mann Im Mond (2:36) 20. Gus Backus - Queen Of The Stars (2:32) 21. Ivo Robic - Muli-song (2:16) 22. Ivo Robic - The Happy Muleteer (2:19) 23. Vico Torriani - Kalkutta Liegt Am Ganges (2:42) 24. Vico Torriani - Calcutta (2:07) 25. Peggy Brown - Denn Sie Fahren Hinaus Auf Das Meer (3:02) 26. Peggy Brown - Alone On The Shore (3:00) 27. Bill Ramsey - Telefon Aus Paris (2:07) 28. Bill Ramsey - Got A Call From Paris (2:08) 29. Billy Mo - Ich Kauf' Mir Lieber Einen Tirolerhut (2:26) 30. Billy Mo - I'd Rather Buy Myself A Tyrolian Hat (2:26)
  9. Artist: Anders Br?¸rby Title: Mulholland Drive 1984 Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Hyle Tapes Genre: Ambient, Experimental, IDM Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 00:49:41 Total Size: 116 Mb :: PLAYLIST :: 01. Anders Br?¸rby - Mulholland Drive, 1978 (7:10) 02. Anders Br?¸rby - Black Room (4:27) 03. Anders Br?¸rby - Mulholland Drive, 1984 (6:42) 04. Anders Br?¸rby - Persuasion of Existence (6:32) 05. Anders Br?¸rby - Defeat (5:40) 06. Anders Br?¸rby - Room with a Different View (3:46) 07. Anders Br?¸rby - The Unhappiest Places on Earth (7:13) 08. Anders Br?¸rby - A Sudden Sense of Loss (3:16) 09. Anders Br?¸rby - Deconstruction of Mirages (2:04) 10. Anders Br?¸rby - Handheld Weapon (2:51)
  10. Artist: Anders Osborne Title: Ash Wednesday Blues Year Of Release: 2001 Label: Shanachie Genre: Blues Rock Quality: Flac (tracks, log, .cue) Total Time: 67:54 Total Size: 437 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 1. Stoned, Drunk & Naked 2. Ho-di-Ko-di-Ya-la-Ma-Ma 3. Every Bit of Love 4. Stuck on My Baby 5. Snake Bit Again 6. Soul Livin' 7. Me & Lola 8. Kingdom Come 9. Kiddin' Me 10. Life Is Strange 11. Aim Way High 12. Improvise 13. Ash Wednesday Blues 14. Through & Through New Orleans is known for producing musicians in search of a good time, men who are long on boogie, but short on content. Osborne just might be the exception. He owes as much to artists like Jackson Browne and early Bruce Springsteen as he does to Dr. John or Professor Longhair. Have no fear, most of these songs still bring the slurry wobble most people love about the Big Easy, but there's a self-deprecation to these lyrics and enough dark imagery to make sure you take Osborne seriously. Whether he turns into Townes Van Zandt (hopefully), or Bob Seger (hopefully not), remains to be seen. This is a snapshot of an artist discovering himself. Very good in its own right, it leads one to believe the next record just might be a classic. Stay tuned.
  11. Artist: Gabriela Anders Title: Last Tango In Rio Year Of Release: 2004 Label: Narada Genre: Jazz / Vocal Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 40:28 min Total Size: 101 MB Tracklist --------- 01. You Go To My Head 02. Abracadabra 03. Love Is Here To Stay 04. God Bless the Child 05. Embrace Me 06. Buenos Aires Mix, The 07. Body and Soul 08. All Your Love 09. Meant To Be 10. 'Til The End of Time With the release of her second album, Last Tango in Rio, the Argentinean jazz chanteuse Gabriela Anders has given us yet another mesmerizing record. She released her debut album, Wanting, in 1998 and has worked with the likes of Grover Washington Jr. and Celia Cruz in the past few years. Gabriela's innate ability to fuse styles and sounds came through on a few independent demo tracks she had made on the cheap and sent to the record labels' general addresses listed on the New York Yellow Pages. To that end, Gabriela went on to become one of the only artists ever signed to the Warner Music Group from unsolicited material. From Vogue and People Magazine to the New Yorker, critics have praised Gabriela as "one of the most distinctive new voices to hit the music scene in years." Put the cozy and velvety voice of Billie Holiday together with the nostalgic sound of the bandoneon and you are a step closer to what Last Tango in Rio sounds like. From Gabriela's soulful voice and the classical guitar arrangements to the subtle beat of the bass, this album brings out the unexpected versatility of jazz in the most sincere way. Born into a family of musicians in Buenos Aires, Gabriela began her musical journey at an early age. She studied classical guitar and piano while listening closely to her father, jazz saxophonist Jorge Anders. "There were so many influences when I was growing up, and I wanted to do something with them all. My father's concerts and studio work certainly affected me, as did tango and the music of Brazil," says Gabriela. "[They] are so harmonically rich". And in Last Tango in Rio, Gabriela uses that Latin American sensibility as she covers such classics of American jazz as "God Bless the Child," "All of Me," and "You Go to My Head". "'Gold Bless the Child' is such a touching song to me and to just about everyone who has heard Billie (Holiday) perform it," says Gabriela. "Billie's work has meant so much to me and it has been a dream of mine to take these songs and spin them in my own way." So, why Last Tango in "Rio" and not in Buenos Aires (as one would expect)? "Because I wanted to put an end to this historic soccer-related animosity between Argentina and Brazil," adds Gabriela. "I put tango next to the Brazilian guitars like a marriage. I wanted to unite the people musically."
  12. Artist: Gabriela Anders Title: Eclectica Year Of Release: 2003 Label: Gabriela Anders Genre: Jazz / Bossa Nova / Latin Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 42:57 min Total Size: 101 MB Tracklist ---------- 01.Together Again 02.Pearls And Gold 03.Naufragio 04.What My Dreams Are Made Of 05.Fading Light 06.I Wait 07.Socamerengue 08.Like U Do 09.Far Away 10.Love So Right Born into a family of musicians, the Argentinean native studied classical guitar and piano in Buenos Aires while listening closely to her father, jazz saxophonist Jorge Anders. Says Gabriela, "There were so many influences when I was growing up, and I wanted to do something with them all. My father's concerts and studio work certainly affected me, as did the music of Brazil; it's so harmonically rich and so interesting melodically". After high school, Anders decided to continue her studies in New York. After a short while, she started to do studio and club work. This work lead to two recording projects with top producer Sergio George. Through Sergio, she had the opportunity to sing for Grover Washington Jr., Marc Anthony, Celia Cruz & Talhia. Her ongoing exposure to music of various sensibilities and her innate ability to fuse styles and formats were abundantly revealed in a few demo tracks she made on the cheap. Shortly thereafter, Anders became one of the only artists ever signed to Warner Bros. from unsolicited material. Gabriela Anders' debut, "Wanting", is brimming with vocal subtlety; although smooth, it is anything but simple. She wrote ten of the twelve tracks. "Wanting" elicited much praise for Anders' vision and impassioned vocal style. Her unique blending of pop, Latin and jazz resulted in Vogue and People magazines, among others, describing Anders and her music as: "exotic and bold"; "wonderfully soulful"; and "one of the most distinctive new voices to hit the music scene in years" Gabriela Anders continues a journey of musical excellence and introspection with her new release, "Eclectica", a collection of Brazilian, R&B and jazz- influenced songs, now including two additional tracks, "Far away" and "Love so right". "Eclectica": a sultry, exotic sound with irresistible grooves, punctuated by intensely soulful vocals. Anders' voice seduces, and her impassioned ideas and desires are enthralling. Says Anders, "Growing as a musician is absolutely the most important thing to me" Produced by Sonic Soul, Eastriverjoint and Gabriela herself, Eclectica showcases Anders' ability to push traditional boundaries and transcend genres and formats while featuring some of today's most soulful musicians: Wayne Krantz, Negro Hernandez, John Benitez, Ron Lawrence, Cidinho, Cafe, Cliff Lyons, Rick Savage, Luis Bonilla, Hector Martignon, Vince Cherico, Hami Marqui Dair, Susan Youngblood, Sammy Merendino, Ross Traut, Reggie Hamilton and Otmaro Ruiz. Most of the songs and lyrics are by Anders, as are the arrangements. The first single, the appealingly warm "Together Again", is Gabriela's homage beautiful Brazil. The Latin grooves of "Naufragio" and "Socamerengue" take you to the tropics, to bring you back with the soulful solo voice/piano performance of "Fading Light". The slinky funkiness of "What My Dreams Are Made Of" contrasts with the jazziness of "I Wait". "Eclectica" keeps on surprising you; every track takes you on a different journey: an eclectic trip into Gabriela's sensual musical world. Anders channels her multi-cultural musical gifts into the power of love's emotions and vulnerabilities, both personal and universal, and that is the essence of her allure.
  13. Artist: Gabriela Anders Title: Cool Again Year Of Release: 2015 Label: East Village Joint Genre: Jazz / Bossa Nova Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 37:58 min Total Size: 101 MB Tracklist ------------ 01. Not True 02. Pearls 03. Corcovado 04. Cool Again 05. Sto Male 06. Crave 07. Urubu 08. You Were Meant for Me Gabriela Anders' new solo project, "Cool Again", beautifully displays the significant gifts as singer, vocal orchestrator, songwriter and bandleader she has steadily developed through her previous releases: "Wanting", "Eclectica", "Latina", "Last Tango in Rio" and "Bossa Beleza". The mix of original and cover songs on "Cool Again" finds Gabriela at her best. The soulful funk of the original title track is a classic example. Its message of empowerment can be considered a core theme in Gabriela's lyrics and a source of her resonating appeal as a performer, entertainer and artist. Her love and familiarity with Brazil's music, her appreciation for the American songbook, her skill as a singer/songwriter and her moving, intimate way with a ballad are all wonderfully present in "Corcovado", "You Were Meant for Me", "Pearls and Gold", "Crave" and the Italian classic, "Sto Male". Gabriela assembled a fantastic band for this recording: Wayne Krantz, Anthony Jackson, Cliff Almond, Jim Ridl, Rogerio Bocatto, John Benitez and Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez. As most of the tracks were cut live in the studio, Gabriela's singular and remarkably interactive musical nature is strikingly evident here. "Cool Again" is a gift from one of the most accomplished and appealing contemporary vocalists creating today.
  14. Artist: Thomas Anders Title: When Will I See You Again Year Of Release: 1993 Label: Polydor Genre: Pop Quality: MP3 320 Kbps Total Time: 00:44:50 Total Size: 117 Mb Tracklist: 01-When Will I See You Again (feat. The Three Degrees) 02-Dangerous Lies 03-I'll Love You Forever 04-Midnight 05-Marathon Of Love 06-Is It My Love 07-The Love In Me 08-Stay A Little Longer 09-Dance In Heaven 10-Shipwrecked 11-Hold My Hand 12-When Will I See You Again (Unplugged Version)
  15. Thomas Anders - Down On Sunset (1992) Thomas Anders - Down On Sunset Genre: Pop,Euro-Disco Year: 1992 Source: cd Audio codec: FLAC Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:42:48 Cover: tak Size: 496 MB 1. How Deep Is Your Love 4:04 2. You Have Rescued Me 3:51 3. My One And Only 4:03 4. Across The World Tonight 4:47 5. Standing Alone 3:58 6. Laughter In The Rain 3:13 7. Turn Around 3:54 8. If You Could Only See Me Now 3:47 9. A Little At A Time 3:34 10. Thru With Love 4:22 11. Cruising Down On Sunset 3:08 linki:
  16. Artist: Anders Osborne Title: Spacedust & Ocean Views Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Back On Dumaine Records Genre: Blues, Blues Rock, Americana, Singer-Songwriter Quality: FLAC Total Time: 58:26 Total Size: 332 MB Tracklist: 1. Wind (4:44) 2. Pontchartrain (4:42) 3. Life Don't Last That Long (4:35) 4. Lafayette (3:55) 5. Cape Cod (6:07) 6. All There Is To Know (3:55) 7. Can You Still Hear Me (3:14) 8. Move Back To Mississippi (6:17) 9. Burning Up Slowly (3:43) 10. Tchoupitoulas Street Parade (4:54) 11. Big Talk (5:40) 12. From Space (6:07) The depth of one's life is evident through their music. The more sorrow, laughter and adventure experienced, the more interesting curves and crevices are carved into an artist's songs. The miles traveled leave rich lines in the verses that only time, misadventure, and hard-won wisdom can produce. Anders Osborne is a map of intensely felt, passionately engaged living, a fractured but healing topography of heartbreak and hope for fellow travelers to explore. Osborne's music is redolent of the blues bathed in West Coast sunshine and brotherly compassion, a torchbearer for rock 'n' roll with blood in it's veins and a heart in it's hands. His long awaited new full length, Spacedust & Ocean Views, offers up graceful songwriting and signature guitar work on one of the strongest releases in his storied career. A strong sense of place runs through the album. From an evocation of geography to a questioning of one's place in the universe, big ideas are condensed in thoughtful, smoothly swinging ways. It's the album his fans have been waiting for- one that only he can deliver. "These twelve songs speak about places dear to me, places I feel something profound about, but there's also the presence of the universe," explains Osborne. "I think one of the main struggles we all face is the separation from unity. I want to understand how I can feel unified with the world and others, with the universe writ large. I can arrange the ideas intellectually but the feeling of longing remains. The whole thing is a mystery, sometimes a sad, baffling mystery and sometimes very enchanting, but overall I just don't understand and want to desperately. That's what this music is, an attempt to understand it all." And what an attempt it is. Producer Mark Howard (Bob Dylan, Daniel Lanois, Iggy Pop) uses Osborne's seasoned, searching voice like a river running through the song cycle. It's a distinctly human element that continually tenderizes the listener as his sinewy, emotionally charged guitar dances with longtime bassist Carl Dufrene, guitar foil Scott Metzger (Joe Russo's Almost Dead), and the shared drumming of Brady Blade and Tony Leone. New Orleans percussion master Johnny Vidacovich, bassist James Singleton, and pop-jazz legend Rickie Lee Jones join Osborne for the cosmically charged album closer "From Space." On the other hand, Spacedust's lead single "Lafayette" is a roots-fueled rocker- a track that finds Osborne simultaneously sticking to his guns and exploring new territory as an artist. This special collection of compositions is the culmination of years of writing and touring. "This is the last chapter before something new emerges. I'm wrapping some stuff up and figuring some fresh stuff out," says Osborne, who's been moving beyond his complicated past for close to a decade. "Now my life is about a human experience in a larger sense. Now, I feel I'm standing on my own two feet, trying to be a grown man doing the right thing." In an ever changing musical landscape, Spacedust & Ocean Views firmly plants Anders Osborne as one of American music's elite guitarists and songwriters.
  17. Thomas Anders - Whispers (1991) Thomas Anders - Whispers Genre: Pop, Euro-Disco Year: 1991 Source: cd Audio codec: FLAC Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:45:06 Cover: tak Size: 328 MB tracklist: 1. The Sweet Hello, the Sad Goodbye 4:33 2. Whispers of Love 5:06 3. The Echo of my Heart 4:29 4. Maybe I'm Dreaming 4:24 5. For All that We Know 4:05 6. Can't Give You Anything 4:17 7. For your Love 4:39 8. True Love 4:45 9. Don't Say You Love Me 4:41 10. Hungry Hearts 4:07 linki:
  18. Thomas Anders - Different (1989) Thomas Anders - Different Genre: Pop, Euro-Disco Year: 1989 Source: cd Audio codec: MP3 Bitrate: 320 kb/s Playtime: 00:57:09 Cover: tak Size: 185 MB tracklist: 1. Love Of My Own 4:51 2. On My Way 5:50 3. Turn On The Light 4:12 4. Living On The Edge 4:40 5. You Are My Life 4:39 6. One Thing 3:52 7. Soldier 4:32 8. Someone New 4:47 9. Close Your Eyes To Heaven 5:01 10. Fool If You Think It's Over 5:35 11. True Love 4:26 12. You Are My Life (Classical Mix) 4:39 linki:
  19. Thomas Anders - History (Deluxe Edition) (2016) Thomas Anders - History Genre: Pop Year: 2016 Source: web Audio codec: MP3 Bitrate: 320 kb/s Playtime: 00:55:11 Cover: front Size: 126 MB tracklist: 1. Youâ??re My Heart, Youâ??re My Soul (New Hit Version) 3:28 2. You Can Win If You Want (New Hit Version) 3:41 3. Cheri, Cheri Lady (New Hit Version) 3:32 4. Brother Louie (New Hit Version) 3:43 5. Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love) (New Hit Version) 3:52 6. Geronimoâ??s Cadillac (New Hit Version) 3:36 7. Jet Airliner (New Hit Version) 3:55 8. In 100 Years (New Hit Version) 3:59 9. You Are Not Alone (New Hit Version) 3:44 10. Sexy, Sexy Lover (New Hit Version) 3:37 11. China In Her Eyes (New Hit Version) 3:43 12. Win The Race (New Hit Version) 3:38 13. Juliet (New Hit Version) 3:38 14. Lunatic 3:18 15. Take The Chance 3:38 linki:
  20. Berberyusz Ewa Anders spieszony Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: HASLO:
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