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Znaleziono 19 wyników

  1. Matt Andersen & The Mellotones - Live At Olympic Hall (2018) Matt Andersen & The Mellotones - Live At Olympic Hall Genre: Blues Rock,Acoustic Blues Year: 2018 Source: Digital download Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:54:16 Cover: tak Size: 384 MB 1. Weightless 5:39 2. Alberta Gold 3:50 3. I Donâ??t Wanna Give In 3:55 4. What Will You Leave 5:27 5. Coal Mining Blues 5:37 6. Ophelia 5:04 7. My Last Day 8:01 8. Going Down 6:36 9. Devils Bride 10:06 linki:
  2. Tomasz Sta??ko, Arild Andersen, Jon Christensen - Bluish (1991) [FLAC] Artist: Tomasz Sta??ko, Arild Andersen, Jon Christensen Album: Bluish Year Of Release: 1991 Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 00:48:23 Total Size: 267 MB TRACKLIST DODATKOWE INFO DOWNLOAD
  3. Arild Andersen - The Triangle (2004) [FLAC] Artist: Arild Andersen Album: The Triangle Year Of Release: 2004 Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 00:53:24 Total Size: 270 MB TRACKLIST DODATKOWE INFO DOWNLOAD
  4. Grimm Bracia, Andersen Hans Christian NajpiÄ?kniejsze ba??nie ??wiata Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Zawarto??Ä? zbioru: Czerwony Kapturek Calineczka Dziewczynka z zapa??kami S??owik Krasnoludek Paluszek ?šnie??ka Roszpunka Ja?? i Ma??gosia O czterech muzykantach z Bremy Trzej bracia Kopciuszek Brzydkie kaczÄ?tko Kr??l ??ab Jednooczka, Dwuoczka, Trzyoczka Lektury klasy I-III Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 177 MB czas trwania: 04h 23m 22s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Dorota Segda BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Andersen Hans Christian Nowe szaty cesarza Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jedna z najzabawniejszych ba??ni, jakie stworzy?? sam Hans Christian Andersen. R??wnie?? w Wielkiej Kolekcji Bajek, kt??re ukazujÄ? siÄ? w interpretacji Wiktora Zborowskiego, uchodzi za jednÄ? z najweselszych. Oto us??yszymy historiÄ? w??adcy, kt??ry pragnÄ??? wyglÄ?daÄ? dostojnie i elegancko. PragnÄ??? tego tak bardzo, ??e zapomnia?? niemal o wszystkim, nawet o rozsÄ?dku, kiedy kto?? pr??bowa?? wykorzystaÄ? jego narcyzm i wm??wiÄ? mu nieprawdÄ?. To mÄ?dra historia, kt??ra przestrzega przed zbytnim zapatrzeniem w siebie. Jest uniwersalna, choÄ? powsta??a wiele lat temu. Raz na jaki?? czas, dla przypomnienia starych prawd, powinni pos??uchaÄ? jej i doro??li, i dzieci. I najlepsze jest takie w??a??nie s??uchanie: wsp??lnie z rodzicami starszym rodze??stwem, dziadkami. â?žNowe szaty cesarzaâ? to gwarancja znakomitej zabawy, kt??ra w mi??ym towarzystwie bÄ?dzie jeszcze lepsza. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 14,3 MB czas trwania: 18m 11s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wiktor Zborowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  6. Andersen Hans Christian KsiÄ???niczka na ziarnku grochu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wiktor Zborowski, kt??ry interpretuje kolejne tomy Wielkiej Kolekcji Bajek, tym razem prezentuje s??uchaczom â?žKsiÄ???niczkÄ? na ziarnku grochuâ?. Nagranie zabierze nas do ??wiata ba??ni Hansa Christiana Andersena i na niemal kwadrans poch??onie tak, jak potrafiÄ? tylko najwspanialsze ba??nie. Us??yszymy zatem o dziewczynce, kt??ra nie mog??a siÄ? wyspaÄ?. A ??e by??a to c??rka kr??la, nadskakiwano jej i wszyscy starali siÄ? zaradziÄ? temu problemowi. Czy komu?? siÄ? uda? I dlaczego w??a??ciwie ksiÄ???niczka nie mo??e wypoczÄ?Ä?? Pos??uchajmy audiobooka, kt??ry daje odpowied??, a przy okazji zapewni mn??stwo zabawy dzieciom i sentymentalnÄ? ??ezkÄ? doros??ym, kt??rzy poznali tÄ? opowie??Ä? dawno temu i emocjonowali siÄ? bardzo, oczekujÄ?c na szczÄ???liwe zako??czenie. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 10,5 MB czas trwania: 13m 07s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wiktor Zborowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Andersen Hans Christian Dziewczynka z zapa??kami Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Mimo ??e wszystkie ba??nie stworzone przez du??skiego mistrza, Hansa Christiana Andersena majÄ? w sobie poruszajÄ?ce elementy i wÄ?tki, to â?žDziewczynka z zapa??kamiâ? bezsprzecznie jest najbardziej wzruszajÄ?cÄ? opowie??ciÄ? w jego dorobku. Od lat zachwyca dzieci i doros??ych. To historia, kt??ra uwra??liwia i sk??ania do refleksji. Aby wyrobiÄ? takie nawyki w naszych dzieciach, warto zapoznawaÄ? je z takimi jak ta historiami. Pos??uchajcie tej wspania??ej opowie??ci z najm??odszymi, porozmawiajcie o historii ubogiej dziewczynki, kt??ra zamarz??a na ulicy, sprzedajÄ?c zapa??ki. To okazja, aby podjÄ?Ä? wa??ne i powa??ne tematy. ChoÄ? opowie??Ä? ko??czy siÄ? wyjÄ?tkowo drastycznie, to najrozsÄ?dniejsze rozwiÄ?zanie, aby wprowadziÄ? dzieci w pewne trudne kwestie. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 10,9 MB czas trwania: 13m 54s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wiktor Zborowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  8. Andersen Hans Christian Calineczka Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Historia dziewczynki wielko??ci paluszka. Pewna kobieta bardzo pragnÄ???a, aby mieÄ? dziecko. Uda??a siÄ? wiÄ?c do wr????ki, aby spe??ni??a jej marzenie. Wr????ka zaczarowa??a najpiÄ?kniejszy kwiat, kt??ry rozchyli?? swoje p??atki i okaza??o siÄ?, ??e na dnie kwiatu siedzi male??ka dziewczynka. Kobieta nazwa??a jÄ? CalineczkÄ?. Kobieta bardzo pokocha??a CalineczkÄ?. Ale pewnego dnia wydarzy??a siÄ? straszna historia... CalineczkÄ? porwa??a ropucha, aby daÄ? jÄ? jako ??onÄ? swojemu synowi.... Czy Calineczka kiedykolwiek wr??ci do domu? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 19,05 MB czas trwania: 24m 03s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wiktor Zborowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  9. Andersen Hans Christian Brzydkie KaczÄ?tko Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Bajka w interpretacji Wiktora Zborowskiego W Wielkiej Kolekcji Bajek â?? serii audiobook??w czytanych przez Wiktora Zborowskiego, nie zabrak??o najpiÄ?kniejszych opowie??ci pi??ra Hansa Christiana Andersena. Do takich w??a??nie nale??y miÄ?dzy innymi â?žBrzydkie kaczÄ?tkoâ?. Pos??uchajmy jeszcze raz piÄ?knej historii bezbronnej kaczuszki, kt??ra po trudnych prze??yciach i odtrÄ?ceniu sta??a siÄ? wspania??ym, dostojnym ??abÄ?dziem. To niezwykle mÄ?dra i ciep??a historia â?? jak wiele ba??ni Andersena. Od lat wzrusza i bawi dzieci na ca??ym ??wiecie, opowiadajÄ?c uniwersalnÄ? prawdÄ? o wzajemnym szacunku, wewnÄ?trznym piÄ?knie i cierpliwo??ci, kt??ra w ko??cu zaowocuje. Ba???? w niniejszym nagraniu to niespe??na dwadzie??cia minut opowie??ci, kt??ra poch??onie maluchy, a starszym przypomni jednÄ? z najbardziej wzruszajÄ?cych historii, jakie poznali w dzieci??stwie. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 14,3 MB czas trwania: 18m 46s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wiktor Zborowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  10. Andersen Hans Christian ?šwiniopas Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wspania??a opowie??Ä? o szczerych intencjach i uczuciach, kt??re nie zwa??ajÄ? na konwenanse. W??r??d ba??ni Andersena w Wielkiej Kolekcji Bajek nie mog??o zabraknÄ?Ä? audiobooka z tym utworem. â?ž?šwiniopasâ? obok â?žS??owikaâ?, â?žCalineczkiâ? i â?žBrzydkiego kaczÄ?tkaâ? stanowi pr??bÄ? pisarskiego talentu Andersena i do dzi?? jest jednÄ? z najchÄ?tniej prezentowanych opowie??ci tego autora. Dzieci z pewno??ciÄ? polubiÄ? nagranie, kt??re opr??cz tego, ??e ciekawe, niesie ze sobÄ? r??wnie?? nienachalnÄ? mÄ?dro??Ä? i ??yciowe prawdy. To znakomita okazja, aby zapoznaÄ? maluchy z klasykÄ? literatury oraz pokazaÄ? na piÄ?knym przyk??adzie ksiÄ?cia, ksiÄ???niczki i ??winiopasa, co jest w ??yciu wa??ne, jak trzeba wystrzegaÄ? siÄ? pozor??w i ufaÄ? sobie. To audiobook, kt??ry uprzyjemni wolny czas, u??atwi poruszanie trudnych i wa??nych temat??w i przekona dzieci, jak wspania??a mo??e byÄ? literatura. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 10,5 MB czas trwania: 13m 08s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wiktor Zborowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  11. Artist: Mike Andersen Title: Devil Is Back Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Nordic Music Society Genre: Blues Rock Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 41:07 Total Size: 103 MB Tracklist: 1. When You're High It Don't Count (3:41) 2. This Time (Feat. Joss Stone) (2:59) 3. Wake Up (3:06) 4. (I Will) Give It Up For Your Love (3:31) 5. Boyhood Friends (4:09) 6. Devil Is Back (4:04) 7. Pretty Fool (3:44) 8. Barbed Wire (3:28) 9. Gonna Get Me A Dog (2:53) 10. Here's To You (3:44) 11. Sweet Tooth (5:44) Mike Andersen (born Mikkel Dybdal Andersen, February 25, 1977, Aarhus, Denmark) is a Danish blues and soul songwriter, guitarist, singer and bandleader of the Mike Andersen Band. Already at 12 years old blues, rhythm & blues and African-American music had taken a firm grip on Mike Andersen. While everyone around him in Denmark was listening to a mix of Wham, Duran Duran and Madonna, he practiced guitar along with the LPs of Lightning Hopkins, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Albert King, Otis Rush and many more. Later, as Mike focused on voices and words he ventured into the soul stars and Al Green, Donny Hathaway and Marvin Gaye were added to his collection of vinyl. At 20, Mike met the blues guitarist Otis Grand. Otis and his six piece band perfectly framed the music Mike had listened to his whole life, from raw urban blues to sweaty '60s soul. Otis invited the young Mike Andersen to one of his major shows in England where he parti[beeep]ted as a guitarist in The Otis Grand All Star Revue at the 'The Great British R & B Festival in Colne, England. When Mike returned home to Denmark he had a firm resolve to form a six piece blues and soul band of his own. Knocking around the blues and soul scene of Aarhus, Mike soon cranked up his Blues Crew band and quickly caught the attention of older, more established Danish musicians. Soon he formed The Mike Andersen Band whose first album, My Love For The Blues was released in 2002 as one of the last 15 years most striking Danish blues albums. It was imprinted with the relentless uncompromising attitude which has characterized his career since (1997). Another significant studio album, Tomorrow released in 2004 and The Mike Andersen Band EP of 2006 followed along with hundreds of concerts across Europe, including opening for The Fabulous Thunderbirds and no less than three times for the legend B.B. King. The 5th Annual Independent Music Awards (2005) winner in the blues songs category was Mike and the band's Stuck With Me. During the last half of the decade, while honing his skills working with a variety of Danish local and international musicians, Mike was busy creating a new CD to show off his band's new sound. Two plus years in the making, when echoes was released in early 2010 Mike was heralded as "an original interpreter of the old qualities" by the music editor of the nation's second largest newspaper, Politiken. GAFFA, a leading publisher of music news in Denmark for almost thirty years wrote that echoes "is so far his best. Perhaps because . . . he dares to mix his interest in and enjoyment of the blues with his interest and pleasure in soul music." Three days later the countries leading pop radio station DR P4 named the new CD their Album of the Week. Then noted music journalist Peter Widmer wrote in the Odense Music Library's news about "Mike Andersen's voice that has evolved . with great range, and is primarily in the center of echoes, with lyrics about love, jealousy and passion as the main themes. In a review, Grahame Rhodes reviewed thusly: "Echoes comes highly recommended for those who like their music soulful and full of good grooves and top notch songs. In Trumpet Magazine, a Danish Music Union publication, Mike tells the story of how he was able to connect with the Grammy award winning album producer and mixer Russell Elevado who final mixed echoes.
  12. Artist: Mike Andersen Title: Devil Is Back Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Nordic Music Society Genre: Blues-Rock Quality: FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 41:23 min Total Size: 263 MB Tracklist: 01. When You're High It Don't Count [03:43] 02. This Time (feat. Joss Stone) [03:01] 03. Wake Up [03:08] 04. (I Will) Give It up for Your Love [03:32] 05. Boyhood Friends [04:10] 06. Devil Is Back [04:05] 07. Pretty Fool [03:45] 08. Barbed Wire [03:29] 09. Gonna Get Me a Dog [02:54] 10. Here's to You [03:45] 11. Sweet Tooth [05:45] Already at 12 years of age, blues, rhythm & blues and African-American music had taken a firm grip on Andersen. While everyone around him in Denmark was listening to a mix of Wham, Duran Duran and Madonna, he practised guitar along with the LPs of Lightning Hopkins, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Albert King, Otis Rush and many more. Later, as Andersen focused on voices and words he ventured into the soul stars and Al Green, Donny Hathaway and Marvin Gaye were added to his collection of vinyl. At 20, Andersen met the blues guitarist Otis Grand. Otis and his six piece band perfectly framed the music Mike had listened to his whole life, from raw urban blues to 1960s soul. Grand invited the young Andersen to one of his major shows in England where he parti[beeep]ted as a guitarist in The Otis Grand All Star Revue at the 'The Great British R & B Festival in Colne, England. When Andersen returned home to Denmark he had a firm resolve to form a six piece blues and soul band of his own. Knocking around the blues and soul scene of Aarhus, Andersen soon cranked up his 'Blues Crew' band and quickly caught the attention of older, more established Danish musicians. Soon he formed 'The Mike Andersen Band' whose first album, My Love for the Blues was released in 2002 as one of the last 15 years most striking Danish blues albums. It was imprinted with the relentless uncompromising attitude which has characterized his career since. Another significant studio album, Tomorrow released in 2004 and The Mike Andersen Band EP of 2006 followed along with hundreds of concerts across Europe. These included opening for The Fabulous Thunderbirds and three times for B.B. King. The 5th Annual Independent Music Awards (2005) winner in the blues songs category was Mike and the band's Stuck With Me. During the last half of the decade, while honing his skills working with a variety of Danish local and international musicians, Andersen was busy creating a new CD to show off his band's new sound. Two plus years in the making, when echoes was released in early 2010, Andersen was heralded as "an original interpreter of the old qualities" by the music editor of the nation's second largest newspaper, Politiken. GAFFA, a leading publisher of music news in Denmark for almost thirty years wrote that echoes "is so far his best. Perhaps because . . . he dares to mix his interest in and enjoyment of the blues with his interest and pleasure in soul music." Three days later the countries leading pop radio station DR P4 named the new CD their Album of the Week. Then the music journalist Peter Widmer wrote in the Odense Music Library's news about "Mike Andersen's voice that has evolved ... with great range, and is primarily in the center of echoes, with lyrics about love, jealousy and passion as the main themes. In a review, Grahame Rhodes reviewed thusly: "Echoes comes highly recommended for those who like their music soulful and full of good grooves and top notch songs. In Trumpet Magazine, a Danish Music Union publication, Andersen told how he was able to connect with the Grammy Award winning producer and mixer Russell Elevado who finally mixed echoes.
  13. Artist: Martin J. Andersen Title: Six String Renegade Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Grooveyard Records Genre: Hard Blues Rock Quality: Flac (image, log, .cue) Total Time: 50:11 Total Size: 432 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 01. The Fire Burns Within 02. Six String Renegade 03. Dirty Little Angel 04. Strange Dreams (Frank Marino Cover) 05. Never Ending Climb 06. The Trooper (Iron Maiden Cover) 07. Freak Flag Flying 08. Funky State Of Mind 09. Stranger (Johnny Winter Cover) 10. Anthem For Humanity Phenomenal first solo studio disc by this amazing gifted guitarist/vocalist from Denmark who is best known as the prolific leader/founder of the awesome power trio: Blindstone. Includes 10 tracks of outstanding, world-class, powerful, killer, retro-sonic, blues-based, total heavy guitar excellence that lands down hard with exceptional musical brilliance. Martin J. Andersen has arrived & landed rock solid to the core as a solo artist and has achieved true guitar rock greatness on the aptly titled, amazing beyond belief Six String Renegade disc. From start to finish, Andersen kicks our asses hard with his brain-damaging brand of high-voltage, electrified, guitar rock riffage/mojo. An excellent mix of vocal + instrumental tracks, the Six String Renegade disc finds the axemaster exploring his Blindstone + deep hard rock musical roots which always land with an ever-loving, vintage, blues-based, guitar rock vibe. Combining all the right six string influences & inspirations in the form of Hendrix, Trower, Frank Marino, Leslie West, Michael Schenker, Pat Travers, Eric Gales and other guitar greats, Martin J. Andersen is a true Six String Renegade who speaks the same guitar language as the above players and beyond. Andersen has created his own style, vibe & voice on the Guitar and he surpasses our highest expectations of legendary guitar hero status on this outstanding, impressive, mind-blowing new Grooveyard Records disc. Every track on Six String Renegade lands tremendous and, as an added bonus, Andersen nails down an incredible version of Strange Dreams by Frank Marino, a way-kool instrumental version of The Trooper by Iron Maiden, a remarkable version of Stranger by Johnny Winter (that is dedicated to the musical memory of the late, great blues/rock guitar slinger), and in Outstanding Total Guitar Rock Fashion, Martin J. Andersen closes his impressive solo disc with an incredible Epic instrumental guitar track called Anthem For Humanity that also features the following superb special guest Danish guitar hero cats: Michael Denner, Torben Enevoldsen & Soren Andersen who, together with Martin J. Andersen, make serious Guitar Rock History and ride high on the big, electric, six string musical brotherhood boogie train. The Real Guitar Rock World is a better place to live in, Thanks to Martin J. Andersen and his vast, incredible musical efforts on the Six String Renegade disc. An amazing, essential heavy guitar rock musical document of awesome proportions that is Highly recommended to fans of Blindstone and all other outstanding heavy guitar rock axemasters on the 3rd stone from the sun. Also make sure to check out Martin Andersen's bad-ass + killer guitar rock mojo @ the Mountain Of Power & Mike Onesko's Guitar Army discs. Welcome to the musical world of Martin J. Andersen... a true Six String Renegade riff-master who is on a Mission to Keep the Rock alive.
  14. Artist: Eric Andersen Title: Memory Of The Future Year Of Release: 1998 Label: Appleseed Records Genre: Folk Rock, Folk Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 1:00:20 Total Size: 140 mb Tracklist: 01. Sudden Love (04:48) 02. Foghorn (05:07) 03. Rain Falls Down In Amsterdam (06:17) 04. Blue Heart (04:13) 05. Goin' Gone (04:33) 06. Memory Of The Future (07:15) 07. Sex With You (03:54) 08. Chinatown (06:43) 09. No Mans Land (06:09) 10. When I'm Gone (05:46) 11. Hills Of Tuscany (05:38)
  15. Artist: Eric Andersen Title: Stages the Lost Album Year Of Release: 1991 Label: Legacy/Columbia Genre: Folk, Country, Soft Rock Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 58:17 Total Size: 134 mb Tracklist: 01. Baby, I'm Lonesome (03:21) 02. Moonchild River Song (04:22) 03. Can't Get You Out of My Life (02:56) 04. Woman, She Was Gentle (04:20) 05. Time Run Like a Freight Train (08:31) 06. It's Been a Long Time (03:22) 07. Wild Crow Blues (06:12) 08. Be True to You (03:10) 09. I Love to Sing My Ballad, Mama (02:58) 10. Dream to Rimbaud (06:27) 11. Make It Last (04:53) 12. Lie with Me (03:53) 13. Soul of My Song (03:56) ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  16. Artist: Two-Tone Steiny Title: Welcome To The Club Ft. Kid Andersen Year Of Release: 2010 Label: Two-Tone Steiny Genre: Blues, West Coast Blues, Modern Electric Blues Quality: Flac (tracks, log, .cue) Total Time: 52:03 Total Size: 391 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 01. Bet Your Bottom Dollar 02. There's A Party Goin' On 03. Welcome To The Club 04. Baby You're The One 05. Give Me One More Chance 06. A Hundred Other Women 07. I Don't Need You Baby 08. Goin' Back To Chicago 09. A Better Man 10. You Don't Deserve To Be Treated This Way "Welcome To The Club" is the second CD release for Mark "Steiny" Steinmetz. This CD features an allstar cast including the amazing Chris "Kid" Andersen on guitar. Unlike Steiny's first CD "Pocket Full Of Money", these 10 original songs are less tounge in cheek, and are injected with the kind of soul that can only be gleaned by a fool in love, a broken heart, and a love gone bad. The music and the lyrics are powerful...the recording superb...and the message is comforting. You're not alone..."Welcome To The Club".
  17. Andersen Hans Christian Kr??lowa ?šniegu i inne ba??nie Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Oto zbi??r siedemnastu najpiÄ?kniejszych ba??ni Hansa Christiana Andersena w klasycznych t??umaczeniach Franciszka Mirandoli i Cecylii Niewiadomskiej. W cudownym ??wiecie ba??ni sÄ? czary i z??oto, ale prawdziwÄ? si??Ä? i pocieszeniem jest dobro, mi??o??Ä? i odwaga. Kt???? nie chcia??by siÄ? przenie??Ä? tam choÄ? na chwilÄ?â?? Pos??uchaj historii Kaja i zimnej Kr??lowej ?šniegu. Poznaj si??Ä? mi??o??ci ma??ej Syrenki. Zobacz jak wiele uda??o siÄ? prze??yÄ? male??kiej Calineczce i kto siÄ? ??mia?? ostatni z nowych szat Cesarza. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 406 MB czas trwania: 08h 14m 23s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czytaja: El??bieta Kijowska, Janusz Zadura, Stanis??aw Biczysko, Marcin Popczy??ski, Iwona Milerska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  18. Mike Andersen - Devil Is Back (2016) Title : Devil Is Back Artist : Mike Andersen Year : 2016 Genre : Blues Rock Packed size: 96 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - When You're High It Don't Count 02 - This Time (Feat. Joss Stone) 03 - Wake Up 04 - (I Will) Give It Up For Your Love 05 - Boyhood Friends 06 - Devil Is Back 07 - Pretty Fool 08 - Barbed Wire 09 - Gonna Get Me A Dog 10 - Here's To You 11 - Sweet Tooth Download
  19. Format : MPEG Audio/mp3 Ca??kowita przep??ywno??Ä? bit??w : 64,0 Kb/s Album : Wolne Lektury Tytu?? nagrania : Hans Christian Andersen, "Brzydkie kaczÄ?tko" : Hans Christian Andersen, Calineczka (t??um. Cecylia Niewiadomska) : Hans Christian Andersen, Dziewczynka z zapa??kami (t??um. Cecylia Niewiadomska) : Hans Christian Andersen, Dzwony (t??um. Cecylia Niewiadomska) : Hans Christian Andersen, Historia roku (t??um. Cecylia Niewiadomska) : Hans Christian Andersen, "Kr??lowa ??niegu" Wykonawca : Katarzyna MaciÄ?g Akompaniament : Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska Dyrygent : Jakub Kowalski Wydawca : Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska Rodzaj : Speech Rok wydania : UTC 2008-09- 5 Data nagrania : 2008 Zdekodowana data : UTC 0018-08- 7 Biblioteka zapisujÄ?ca : Pro Tools Ustawienia kodowania : Lavf53.21.0 brak has??a
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