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epub | 7.19 MB | English| Isbn:9781836179542 | Author: Amy Andrews | Year: 2025 Description: RapidGator NitroFlare TurboBit
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Free Download The Windhaven Witches Omnibus Edition : Complete Paranormal Suspense Series, Books 1-4 - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 708.83 MB | English | Isbn: 1953304079 | Author: Carissa Andrews | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Fantasy Anthologies & Short Stories, Fantasy Anthologies, Superhero Fantasy eBooks Download Link:
Andrews Virginia C. Rodzina Casteel Tom 03 Upad??e serca Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Heaven Leigh Casteel walczy o swoja niezaleznosc Piekna i dumna Heaven Leigh Casteel jest juz dorosla i rozpoczyna nowy rozdzial swojego zycia. konczy studia i podejmuje prace jako nauczycielka w szkole, do kt??rej sama niegdys uczeszczala. Wychodzi za maz za Logana, swoja pierwsza mlodziencza milosc. Poczatkowa sielanke przerywa podr??z poslubna mlodej pary, w trakcie kt??rej Leigh odwiedza posiadlosc Tattertona. Ojciec mlodej mezatki skutecznie omami swoja fortuna Logana, a Heaven odkryje pewien sekret, kt??ry, gdy prawda wyjdzie na jaw, bardzo namiesza w jej zyciu. Trzecia czesc sagi po â?žRodzina Casteelâ? i â?žMroczny aniolâ? autorki bestsellrowych â?žKwiat??w na poddaszuâ? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 563 MB czas trwania: 14h 00m 53s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Kamila Kuboth BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Andrews Virginia C. Rodzina Casteel Tom 02 Mroczny anio?? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: " Siedemnastoletnia Heaven Leigh Casteel otwiera kolejny rozdzial swego zycia, przenoszac sie do babci Gillian i jej znacznie mlodszego meza, Tonyâ??ego Tattertona. Tony, wlasciciel zabawkowego imperium, jest czlowiekiem zamoznym i powszechnie szanowanym. Dla Heaven, obciazonej trauma dziecinstwa spedzonego w nedzy i upodleniu posr??d dzikich wzg??rz Zachodniej Wirginii, a potem koszmaru, jakiego doswiadczyla w przybranej rodzinie, nowe miejsce wydaje sie rajem. Pewnego dnia Heaven, bladzac w zielonym labiryncie wielkiego ogrodu, natyka sie na malenki domek, jakby zywcem wyjety z bajek. I jak w bajce, spotyka tam swoja nowa milosc â?? Troya, mlodszego brata Tonyâ??ego, zadeklarowanego samotnika i odludka. Troy, choc zrazu niechetnie, dopuszcza ja do swojego zycia i romans w cieniu labiryntu zaczyna rozkwitac. Dokad zaprowadza tych dwoje poplatane sciezki? Fenomen popularnosci V.C. Andrews trwa nieustannie od czasu wydania â?žKwiat??w na poddaszuâ?. Ksiazki autorki, tworzace prawie dwadziescia bestsellerowych serii, osiagnely laczny naklad ponad 106 milion??w egzemplarzy i zostaly przetlumaczone na dwadziescia dwa jezyki. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 579 MB czas trwania: 14h 25m 27s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Kamila Kuboth BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Andrews Virginia C. Rodzina Casteel Tom 01 Rodzina Casteel Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Powiesc jak bajka o okrutnym ojcu i madrej, ladnej Leigh, jego c??rce Audiobook robi wrazenie, jak wszystkie dotychczasowe powiesci V.C.Andrews. Poruszajaca fabula, niezwykla sila tkwiaca w chodzacej w lachmanach, zyjacej w wiecznym brudzie i glodzie dziewczyny, terroryzowanej przez okrutnego ojca. Leigh pomimo ponurego zycia potrafi ocalic marzenia i nadzieje na lepsze zycie. Nie tylko dla siebie, takze dla swojego mlodszego rodzenstwa. Kt??regos dnia swiat dowie sie jak sa wartosciowymi i utalentowanymi ludzmi. Fenomen popularnosci V.C. Andrews trwa nieustannie od czasu wydania â?žKwiat??w na poddaszuâ?. Ksiazki autorki, tworzace prawie dwadziescia bestsellerowych serii, osiagnely laczny naklad ponad 106 milion??w egzemplarzy i zostaly przetlumaczone na dwadziescia dwa jezyki. â?žRodzina Casteelâ? to pierwsza czesc cyklu. Jego kolejne tomy to â?žMroczny aniolâ?, â?žUpadle sercaâ? i Bramy rajuâ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 659 MB czas trwania: 16h 24m 01s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Kamila Kuboth BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Colin Andrews Title: Messaien: M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit?? Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Loft Genre: Classical, Sacred, Modern Era, Solo Instrumental Quality: mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 01:17:56 Total Size: 179 mb Tracklist --------- 01. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 1, Le P?¨re inengendr?? 02. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 2, La saintet?? de J??sus-Christ 03. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 3, La relation r??elle en Dieu est r??ellement identique ? l'essence 04. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 4, Je suis, je suis! 05. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 5, Dieu est immense, ??ternel, immuable - Le souffle de l'Esprit - Dieu est amour 06. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 6, Le Fils, Verbe et Lumi?¨re 07. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 7, Le P?¨re et le Fils aiment, par le Saint Esprit, eux-m??mes et nous 08. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 8, Dieu est simple 09. M??ditations sur le myst?¨re de la Sainte Trinit??: No. 9, Je suis celui qui suis Bien que les M??ditations sur les Myst?¨res de la Sainte Trinit?? de Messiaen virent le jour sous forme d'improvisations lors du centenaire de l'??glise de la Trinit?? ? Paris en 1967 (et la fin de la r??novation compl?¨te de l'orgue dont il ??tait alors titulaire), elles ne furent d??finitivement not??es et fix??es que deux ans plus tard, et cr????es. ? Washington ! C'est encore sur un autre instrument, le tr?¨s rigoureux et bel instrument Fisk de l'??glise Saint-Paul ? Greenville, en Caroline du Nord, que l'organiste Colin Andrews a d??cid?? d'enregistrer cet opus de Messiaen. Les qualit??s sonores de l'orgue ainsi que l'acoustique, ni trop s?¨che ni surtout trop d??lav??e, de l'??difice religieux offrent ? l'ouvrage un superbe ??crin de clart?? et de coloris. On reconna??tra tout ? la fois l'aspect improvis?? de certains passages et les caract??ristiques tr?¨s Â? ??crites Â? des emprunts ornithologiques qui, eux, ne s'improvisent que si l'on est un petit zoziau car bien trop complexes rythmiquement. Une fort belle entr??e en mati?¨re dans le monde de l'orgue de Messiaen.
Artist: Jessica Andrews Title: Who I Am Year Of Release: 2001 Label: DreamWorks Records Genre: Folk,Country Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 45:43 Total Size: 108 MB Tracklist: 01. Now I Know (3:43) 02. Every Time (4:05) 03. I Don't Like Anyone (4:01) 04. Karma (3:19) 05. Helplessly, Hopelessly (3:59) 06. Who I Am (4:15) 07. These Wings (3:36) 08. Never Had It so Good (3:30) 09. Make Me Love You (4:01) 10. Wishing Well (3:14) 11. Good Friend to Me (3:30) 12. Show Me Heaven (4:24)
Andrews Virginia Kto wiatr sieje Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Czwarta czÄ???Ä? cyklu, rozpoczÄ?tego â?žKwiatami na poddaszuâ? â?? chwilami skandalizujÄ?cej opowie??ci o kazirodczej mi??o??ci, k??amstwach, nienawi??ci, zaskakujÄ?cych przypadkach i odkupieniu win. Do rezydencji Barta, syna Cathy i Chrisa, kt??ry otrzyma?? w spadku Foxworth Hall, przybywa niemal ca??a rodzina, by obchodziÄ? jego dwudzieste piÄ?te urodziny. Ponownie dajÄ? o sobie znaÄ? dawne animozje. Wkr??tce pojawia siÄ? zaginiony od lat Joel Foxworth. I zn??w okazuje siÄ?, ??e nic nie jest takie, jak siÄ? wydawa??o... IntrygujÄ?ce po??Ä?czenie powie??ci obyczajowej, psychologicznej, przygodowej i thrillera. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 523 MB czas trwania: 15h 22m 15s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Kamilla Baar BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Jessica Andrews Title: Heart Shaped World Year Of Release: 1999 Label: Dreamworks Genre: Country Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 43:34 Total Size: 102 MB Tracklist: 01. James Dean in Tennessee (3:32) 02. You Go First (Do You Wanna Kiss) (3:16) 03. The Riverside (5:18) 04. Whatever (3:20) 05. Unbreakable Heart (4:08) 06. Hungry Love (3:33) 07. Heart Shaped World (3:51) 08. I'll Take Your Heart (3:35) 09. I Do Now (3:02) 10. I've Been Waiting for You (3:09) 11. Ruby Shoes (3:23) 12. I Will Be There for You (3:22)
Artist: Courtney Marie Andrews Title: Honest Life Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Mama Bird Recording Co. Genre: Country, Singer-Songwriter Quality: Mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 36:44 Total Size: 103 Mb Tracklist: 1. Rookie Dreaming 2. Not the End 3. Irene 4. How Quickly Your Heart Mends 5. Let the Good One Go 6. Honest Life 7. Table for One 8. Put the Fire Out 9. 15 Highway Lines 10. Only in My Mind At just 16 years old, Courtney Marie Andrews left home in Arizona for her first tour. She traveled up and down the West Coast, busking and playing any bars or caf??s that would have her. Soon after, she took a Greyhound bus four nights straight from Phoenix to New York to do the same on the East Coast. For a decade or so since, Courtney's been a session and backup singer and guitarist for nearly 40 artists, from Jimmy Eat World to Damien Jurado. She never stopped writing her own material, though. Picking up admirers like Jurado and Ryan Adams along the way, she has quietly earned a reputation as a songwriter's songwriter...
Skillshare - Configuring Your Ecommerce Store With WooCommerce With Jeremy Andrews Duration: 1hr 06m | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 311 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English WooCommerce has become the most popular Wordpress Ecommerce plugin in the world. With so many Woocommerce plugins and extensions available, it can be difficult for merchants owners to navigate all of the options. During the class, we should During the class we will explore the power of woocommerce and the plugins enable you to create an amazing ecommerce store with Wordpress. We will also go through Alpha Beta Commerce, an all in one solution for your Woocommerce store, for those merchants that want to get up and running quickly. Home Page _ Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
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Mary Kay Andrews - Beach Town Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Romance | English | ISBN-13: 9781250065933 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 14 hrs and 8 mins | 389.04 MB Greer Hennessy needs palm trees. As a movie location scout, picture-perfect is the name of the game. But her last project literally went up in flames, and her career is on the verge of flaming out. Greer has been given one more chance, if she can find the perfect undiscovered beach hideaway for a big-budget movie. She zeroes in on a sleepy Florida panhandle town called Cypress Key. There's one motel, a marina, a long stretch of pristine beach and an old fishing pier with a community casino-which will be perfect for the film's explosive climax. There's just one problem. Eben Thibadeaux, the town mayor, completely objects to Greer's plan. A lifelong resident of Cypress Key, Eben wants the town to be revitalized, not commercialized. After a toxic paper plant closed, the bay has only recently been reborn, and Eb has no intention of letting anybody screw with his town again. But Greer has a way of making things happen, regardless of obstacles. And Greer and Eb are way too attracted to each other for either of them to see reason. Between an ambitious director and his entourage-including a spoiled "It Boy" lead actor-who parachute into town, a conniving local ex-socialite, and a cast of local fangirls and opportunists who catch the movie bug, nothing is going to be the same in Cypress Key. Now Greer is forced to make some hard choices: about the people and the town she's come to care about, and about her own life. True love is only for the movies, right? Can Greer find a way to be the heroine in her own life story? Told with inimitable heart and humor, Mary Kay Andrews' Beach Town is the perfect summer destination. Download Link
Ilona Andrews - Burn For Me (Hidden Legacy #1) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Romance | English | ISBN-13: 9780062289247 | MP3 64Kb | 702.18 MB Nevada Baylor is faced with the most challenging case of her detective career-a suicide mission to bring in a suspect in a volatile case. Nevada isn't sure she has the chops. Her quarry is a Prime, the highest rank of magic user, who can set anyone and anything on fire. Then she's kidnapped by Connor "Mad" Rogan-a darkly tempting billionaire with equally devastating powers. Torn between wanting to run or surrender to their overwhelming attraction, Nevada must join forces with Rogan to stay alive. Rogan's after the same target, so he needs Nevada. But she's getting under his skin, making him care about someone other than himself for a change. And, as Rogan has learned, love can be as perilous as death, especially in the magic world Download Link
Lyn Andrews - Across a Summer Sea Unabridged AudioBook | 2004 | Genre: General Fiction | English | ISBN-13: 9780747267133 | MP3 64Kb | 516.66 MB When Frank throws his family out on the street, they flee to Dublin. There, his wife Mary meets Richard O'Neill, a handsome, though solitary man. Despite the attraction between them, Mary's not looking for love, and when she hears that Frank needs her she returns to home where surprise awaits her. Download Link
Lyn Andrews - A Daughters Journey Unabridged AudioBook | 2009 | Genre: General Fiction | English | ISBN-13: 9780755346073 | MP3 128Kb | 611.66 MB Angela O'Rourke is six when her parents hand her over to an aunt and uncle in a distant village.It's a common practice for large, hard-up families in 1950s Ireland,but for Angela it means that her mother and father don't love her any more. Still,she's well cared for till she's sixteen, when her uncle starts to take too much of an interest in her. Moving toLiverpool in the early 1960s, she becomes a success in the world of fashion design. The pain of a disastrous love affair sends her home toIreland just after the death of her aunt: and there, among old papers, Angela makes an astonishing discovery. As she learns the truth about the past, a brighter new future beckons. Download Link
Lyn Andrews - Liverpool Angels Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: HistoricalFiction | English | ISBN-13: 978-0755399680 | MP3 128Kb | 543.09 MB Born at the turn of the twentieth century, Mae Strickland is only a few days old when her mother suddenly dies. Her aunt Maggie brings Mae up together with her own children, Eddie and Alice, and the girls become like sisters. In spite of Mae's unhappy start, life feels full of promise. Then, as the First World War looms, everything changes. While the local men - including young Eddie - leave to fight, Mae and Alice train as field nurses. As they travel to the front line in the wake of family tragedy, nothing can prepare them for the hardship that lies ahead. Yet there is solace to be found amid the wreckage of the war, and for both, romance is on the horizon. But it will take great courage for Mae and Alice to follow their hearts. Can love win out in the end? Download Link
Ilona Andrews - Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ASIN: B00G3L6JV4 | MP3 64Kb | 621.05 MB No matter how much the paranormal politics of Atlanta change, one thing always remains the same: If there' s trouble, Kate Daniels will be in the middle of it. As the mate of the Beast Lord, Curran, former mercenary Kate Daniels has more responsibilities than it seems possible to juggle. Not only is she still struggling to keep her investigative business afloat, she must now deal with the affairs of the pack, including preparing her people for attack from Roland, a cruel ancient being with god-like powers. Since Kate's connection to Roland has come out into the open, no one is safe - especially those closest to Kate. As Roland' s long shadow looms ever nearer, Kate is called to attend the Conclave, a gathering of the leaders from the various supernatural factions in Atlanta. When one of the Masters of the Dead is found murdered there, apparently at the hands of a shapeshifter, Kate is given only 24 hours to hunt down the killer. And this time, if she fails, she' ll find herself embroiled in a war that could destroy everything she holds dear. Download Link