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Znaleziono 33 wyników

  1. My Life in the Red Army - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 542.18 MB | Author: Virski, Fred | Year: 2019 Description: Category:Biography, Military Biography, General & Miscellaneous Military Biography Download Link:
  2. Red Army into the Reich - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 270.91 MB | Author: Simon Forty | Year: 2022 Description: Category:History, Military, Nonfiction Download Link:
  3. The Roman Army: Legions, Wars and Campaigns: A Military History of the World's First Superpower From the Rise of the Republic and the Might of the Empire to the Fall of the West - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3, pdf | 253.11 MB | Author: Nigel Rodger, Dr Dodge | Year: 2005 Description: Category:History, Military History, General & Miscellaneous Military History Download Link:
  4. Army Times - November 2024 English | 60 pages | PDF | 54.0 MB Army Times serves active, reserve, national guard and retired United States Army personnel and their families, providing news, information and analysis as well as community and lifestyle features, educational supplements, and resource guides.
  5. Free Download US Army Technical Bulletin, Survival Ebooks, TB 43-0002-72 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE LIMITS FOR FSC GROUP 66, FSC CLASS 6665 - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 272.1 MB | Author: delene kvasnicka,, Survival Ebooks Manuals Team, US Department of the Army, Department of Defense | Year: 2016 Description: Category:Current Affairs & Politics, History, Transportation, World Politics, Middle Eastern History, Asian History, Military History, Aviation, Asia - Politics & Government, Central Asian History, Individual Wars, Armed Forces History, General & Miscellaneous Military History, Strategy & Weapons of War, Aviation - Military, Afghani Politics, Afghanistan - History, Canada - Armed Forces, Military - Biological & Chemical Warfare, Military Aviation - General & Miscellaneous, Afghanistan War, 2001- Download Link:
  6. Free Download US Army Technical Bulletin,TB 9-2320-280-35-15 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR RETRANSMISSION VEHICLE WITH AMTECH TOP FOR SYSTEMS SINGLE CHANNEL GROUND AND AIRBORNE RADIO SYSTEM (SINCGARS) AN/VRC-92F FORCE XXI BATTLE COMMAND, BRIGADE-AND-BELOW (FBCB2) AN - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 863.87 MB | Author: | Year: 2012 Description: Category:Current Affairs & Politics, History, Transportation, World Politics, Middle Eastern History, Asian History, Military History, Aviation, Asia - Politics & Government, Central Asian History, Individual Wars, Armed Forces History, General & Miscellaneous Military History, Strategy & Weapons of War, Aviation - Military, Afghani Politics, Afghanistan - History, Canada - Armed Forces, Military - Biological & Chemical Warfare, Military Aviation - General & Miscellaneous, Afghanistan War, 2001- Download Link:
  7. Army Times - October 2024 English | 68 pages | PDF | 59.4 MB Army Times serves active, reserve, national guard and retired United States Army personnel and their families, providing news, information and analysis as well as community and lifestyle features, educational supplements, and resource guides. [img=]
  8. Army Times - September 2024 English | 60 pages | PDF | 51.9 MB Army Times serves active, reserve, national guard and retired United States Army personnel and their families, providing news, information and analysis as well as community and lifestyle features, educational supplements, and resource guides. [img=]
  9. Cz??owiek-scyzoryk / Swiss Army Man (2016) PL.BDRip.XviD-KiT | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Dan Kwan Scenariusz: Daniel Scheinert Gatunek: Dramat, Komedia, Przygodowy Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 2016 Czas trwania: 97 min. Opis: Zdesperowany rozbitek Hank (Paul Dano) pr??buje pope??niÄ? samob??jstwo, wieszajÄ?c siÄ? na lianie. W ostatniej chwili dostrzega na brzegu cia??o m??odego mÄ???czyzny (Daniel Radcliffe) i biegnie na pomoc. Na pr????no. Okazuje siÄ? jednak, ??e chocia?? Manny (tak nazywa topielca nasz bohater) nie ??yje, mo??e byÄ? ca??kiem przydatny. Oczywi??cie o ile w??a??nie nie wytwarza ca??kiem osobliwych odg??os??w. Hank postanawia wiÄ?c zabraÄ? go ze sobÄ? w poszukiwaniu ratunku, a podr????y przez d??unglÄ? towarzyszy wiele absurdalnych i nietypowych sytuacji. Film oryginalnego re??yserskiego tandemu to tw??rcza reinterpretacja historii Robinsona Crusoe, z odrobinÄ? czarnego humoru, nutÄ? surrealizmu i kroplÄ? szale??stwa. ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  10. Hellboy: Z??ota armia / Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) PL.BRRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Guillermo del Toro Scenariusz: Guillermo del Toro Gatunek: Fantasy, Akcja Kraj: Niemcy, USA Rok produkcji: 2008 Czas trwania: 119 min. Opis: Kolejna czÄ???Ä? przyg??d bohatera komiks??w autorstwa Mike'a Mignoli. Hellboy walczy ze z??em, kiedy nadchodzi wezwanie od pracodawcy: ??ci??le tajnego Biura ds. Bada?? Paranormalnych i Obrony (biuro stworzone przez Roosevelta w 1943 roku, kt??re wykorzystuje tajne technologie, tajemnicze moce i sieÄ? wsp????pracownik??w posiadajÄ?cych nadprzyrodzone zdolno??ci, kt??rych zadaniem jest broniÄ? ??wiat przed brutalnymi napastnikami - znane tak??e jako B. B. P. O. ). On oczywi??cie wola??by spÄ?dziÄ? czas z cygarem, sze??ciopakiem, swojÄ? obdarzonÄ? pirokinetycznÄ? energiÄ? dziewczynÄ?, Liz Sherman (Selma Blair - "Legalna blondynka", "W doborowym towarzystwie") i kotami. Ale przeznaczenie ma dla niego inne zadania. ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  11. Misja: Niewykonalna / Army of One (2016) Lektor PL reżyseria: Larry Charles scenariusz: Rajiv JosephScott Rothman gatunek: Komedia produkcja: USA premiera: 4 listopada 2016 (świat) Gary Faulkner (Nicolas Cage) jest budowlańcem i mechanikiem, który obecnie nie ma pracy. Mężczyzna wierzy, że Bóg wyznaczył mu misję. Polega ona na złapaniu Osamy bin Ladena. Gary wyrusza więc w daleką podróż, chcąc wykonać swoje zadanie. Fabuła filmu oparta została na prawdziwych wydarzeniach.
  12. Cz??owiek-scyzoryk / Swiss Army Man (2016) PL.BDRip.Xvid-KiT / Lektor PL gatunek: Dramat, Komedia, Przygodowy produkcja: USA premiera: 22 stycznia 2016 (??wiat) re??yseria: Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert scenariusz: Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Zdesperowany rozbitek Hank (Paul Dano) pr??buje pope??niÄ? samob??jstwo, wieszajÄ?c siÄ? na lianie. W ostatniej chwili dostrzega na brzegu cia??o m??odego mÄ???czyzny (Daniel Radcliffe) i biegnie na pomoc. Na pr????no. Okazuje siÄ? jednak, ??e chocia?? Manny (tak nazywa topielca nasz bohater) nie ??yje, mo??e byÄ? ca??kiem przydatny. Oczywi??cie o ile w??a??nie nie wytwarza ca??kiem osobliwych odg??os??w. Hank postanawia wiÄ?c zabraÄ? go ze sobÄ? w poszukiwaniu ratunku, a podr????y przez d??unglÄ? towarzyszy wiele absurdalnych i nietypowych sytuacji. Film oryginalnego re??yserskiego tandemu to tw??rcza reinterpretacja historii Robinsona Crusoe, z odrobinÄ? czarnego humoru, nutÄ? surrealizmu i kroplÄ? szale??stwa. Klik ---> Zosta?? VIP-em
  13. Cz??owiek-scyzoryk / Swiss Army Man (2016) PL.720p.BluRay.x264-KiT / Lektor PL 3.45 GiB Re??yseria: Dan Kwan Scenariusz: Daniel Scheinert Gatunek: Dramat, Komedia, Przygodowy Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 2016 Czas trwania: 97 min. Zdesperowany rozbitek Hank (Paul Dano) pr??buje pope??niÄ? samob??jstwo, wieszajÄ?c siÄ? na lianie. W ostatniej chwili dostrzega na brzegu cia??o m??odego mÄ???czyzny (Daniel Radcliffe) i biegnie na pomoc. Na pr????no. Okazuje siÄ? jednak, ??e chocia?? Manny (tak nazywa topielca nasz bohater) nie ??yje, mo??e byÄ? ca??kiem przydatny. Oczywi??cie o ile w??a??nie nie wytwarza ca??kiem osobliwych odg??os??w. Hank postanawia wiÄ?c zabraÄ? go ze sobÄ? w poszukiwaniu ratunku, a podr????y przez d??unglÄ? towarzyszy wiele absurdalnych i nietypowych sytuacji. Film oryginalnego re??yserskiego tandemu to tw??rcza reinterpretacja historii Robinsona Crusoe, z odrobinÄ? czarnego humoru, nutÄ? surrealizmu i kroplÄ? szale??stwa. Informacje o pliku video:
  14. Greta Van Fleet - Anthem Of The Peaceful Army (2018) Greta Van Fleet - Anthem Of The Peaceful Army Genre: Rock Year: 2018 Source: Digital download Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 00:49:34 Cover: front Size: 343 MB 1. Age Of Man 6:06 2. The Cold Wind 3:16 3. When The Curtain Falls 3:42 4. Watching Over 4:27 5. Lover, Leaver 3:34 6. You're The One 4:26 7. The New Day 3:44 8. Mountain Of The Sun 4:30 9. Brave New World 5:00 10. Anthem 4:41 11. Lover, Leaver (Taker, Believer) 6:01 linki:
  15. Status Quo - In The Army Now (Deluxe Edition) (2018) Status Quo - In The Army Now Genre: Classic Rock Year: 2018 Source: Digital download Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 1 CD-00:47:10 2 CD-01:14:11 Cover: front Size: 919 MB 1 CD 1. Rollin' Home 4:24 2. Calling 4:04 3. In Your Eyes 5:07 4. Save Me 4:24 5. In The Army Now 4:41 6. Dreamin' 2:54 7. End Of The Line 4:58 8. Invitation 3:15 9. Red Sky 4:14 10. Speechless 3:40 11. Overdose 5:21 2 CD 1. In The Army Now (Remixed Version) 4:43 2. Lonely 5:08 3. Keep Me Guessing 4:32 4. Don't Give It Up 4:23 5. Heartburn 4:46 6. Late Last Night 2:58 7. Long Legged Girls 5:35 8. Rock N Roll Floorboards 4:15 9. Naughty Girl (Extended Version) 5:15 10. Dreamin' (Wet Mix) 4:28 11. In The Army Now (Military Mix) 5:57 12. Medley: Cake Mix 6:13 13. Overdose (Live In Stockholm) 5:24 14. Dreamin' (Live In Stockholm) 3:10 15. Blues Jam (Live In Paris) 2:26 16. La Grange / Rain (Live In Paris) 4:47 linki:[/center] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center]
  16. Pink Freud - PUNKFREUD ARMY (2017) Pink Freud - PUNKFREUD ARMY (2017) Gatunek / Genre: Jazz Czas trwania / Time: 1 cd Jako??Ä? / Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Ca??kowity rozmiar / Total Size: 117 mb . Tracklista: 1. Burbon / Spytaj milicjanta 2. Punk Freud Armada 3. Police Jazz / To, co czujesz, to, co wiesz 4. Dziwny jest ten kraj / Ludzie Wschodu 5. Punki na piasku 6. Anio??y i demony / Szare koszmary 7. Sex przemoc lÄ?k i niemoc / Mam do??Ä? 8. Punk Freud / M??j kraj 9. Canon / Centrala 10. Pink hot loaded guns / Niewidzialna armia 11. Nie pytaj mnie / Mademoiselle Madera Download: Has??o: brak
  17. Artist: Headstones Title: Little Army Year Of Release: 2017 Label: Cadence Music Genre: Alternative Rock, Hard Rock Quality: 320 Kbps Total Time: 38:35 min Total Size: 101 MB Tracklist: 01. Devil's on Fire 02. Broken 03. Little Army 04. Sunlight Kills the Stars 05. For Your Consideration 06. Dead to Me 07. Captain of the Shit Out of Luck 08. The View Here 09. Kingston 10. Los Angeles 11. Done the Math 12. Don't Think at All The Western-tinged, hard-edged rock & roll of Headstones began in the late '80s in Ontario, Canada, and consists of vocalist Hugh Dillon, guitarist Trent Carr, bassist Tim White, and drummer Dale Harrison. The band signed to MCA in 1993 and soon after released Picture of Health, followed by Teeth & Tissue. Headstones broke more ground in 1996 with Juno Award nominations for Best Group and Best Rock Album, while releasing Smile & Wave that same year. Three years passed before Nickels for Your Nightmares, in which time Carr and Harrison became fathers and Dillon recovered from a drug addiction. Dillon has also found success in acting, appearing in several films, including Hard Core Logo and Dance Me Outside.
  18. Armia Ciemno??ci / Army of Darkness (1992) Screen: Opis: Ash, kt??ry zosta?? wciÄ?gniÄ?ty przez wir czasowy, zostaje przeniesiony do ??redniowiecznej Anglii. Aby powr??ciÄ? do wsp????czesno??ci musi odnale??Ä? Necronomicon i wypowiedzieÄ? zaklÄ?cie. Jednak w czasie poszukiwa?? Ash budzi niechcÄ?cy do ??ycia armiÄ? ciemno??ci, kt??rej bÄ?dzie musia?? stawiÄ? czo??o ... Download: Z??o 3-Armia Ciemno??ci-1992.rmvb.html
  19. Misja: Niewykonalna / Army of One (2016) PL.720p.BluRay.x264.AC3-KiT / Lektor PL Gary Faulkner (Nicolas Cage) jest budowla??cem i mechanikiem, kt??ry obecnie nie ma pracy. MÄ???czyzna wierzy, ??e B??g wyznaczy?? mu misjÄ?. Polega ona na z??apaniu Osamy bin Ladena. Gary wyrusza wiÄ?c w dalekÄ? podr????, chcÄ?c wykonaÄ? swoje zadanie. Fabu??a filmu oparta zosta??a na prawdziwych wydarzeniach. Misja: Niewykonalna / Army of One (2016) PL.720p.BluRay.x264.AC3-KiT / Lektor PL
  20. Artist: Employee Of The Year Title: Woman Army Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Take The Records and Run - TTRR003 Genre: Electropop / House / Downtempo Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 36:54 Total Size: 84 mb Tracklist 1. Woman Army feat. K.Zia (Original Mix)5:08 2. I Don't Know feat. K.Zia (Original Mix)3:16 3. Little Things (Original Mix)3:26 4. Memory (Original Mix)3:49 5. Farewell (Original Mix)4:07 6. Why Don't You feat. K.Zia (Original Mix)6:53 7. Control Voltage (Original Mix)4:33 8. Woman Army feat. K.Zia (Dim Sum Remix)5:42 Founded in 2012 by two Parisian producers, Employee Of The Year has become in a few years as one of the spearheads of the renewal of French electro pop. "The two new ambassadors of " slow French " are proving to be prodigious magicians, mastering the formidable mechanism of the French Touch and wisely deconstructing it to achieve pop heights. "Les Inrockuptibles After their first album in 2014, the band has lived. A first child and a reflection on paternity for the two acolytes that measure the position of women in their lives. Then arose their second album, WOMAN ARMY. A women album marked by the presence of the artist K.Zia and collaborations with other artists. On this album, they are guided by the greatest, from Daft Punk to Massive Attack, while modernizing the French Touch. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  21. Army Of The Pharaohs - The Best Of Army Of The Pharaohs (2016) Title: The Best Of Army Of The Pharaohs Artist : Army Of The Pharaohs Year : 2016 Genre: Hip Hop Packed size: 311 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Battle Cry (feat. Apathy, King Syze, Crypt the Warchild, Des Devious, Esoteric, Chief Kamachi, Planetary, Celph Titled & Vinnie Paz) 02 - Godzilla (feat. Celph Titled, Jus Allah, Apathy, Planetary, King Magnetic & Vinnie Paz) 03 - Time to Rock (feat. Celph Titled, Demoz & Vinnie Paz) 04 - Bloody Tears (feat. Planetary, Doap Nixon, Demoz & Vinnie Paz) 05 - Listen Up (feat. Celph Titled, Esoteric & Crypt the Warchild) 06 - Gorillas (feat. Crypt the Warchild, Esoteric, Apathy & Planetary) 07 - Frontline (feat. Doap Nixon, Vinnie Paz, Planetary, King Syze & Demoz) 08 - Swords Drawn (feat. Chief Kamachi, Demoz, Planetary, Esoteric, Reef the Lost Cauze & Celph Titled) 09 - Seven (feat. Planetary, Chief Kamachi, King Syze, Reef the Lost Cauze, Doap Nixon, Demoz, Celph Titled & Vinnie Paz) 10 - Contra Mantra (feat. Crypt the Warchild, Esoteric & Celph Titled) 11 - Cookin Keys (feat. Doap Nixon, Des Devious, Crypt the Warchild, Demoz, Planetary & Reef the Lost Cauze) 12 - Strike Back (feat. Planetary, Demoz, King Syze, Esoteric & Vinnie Paz) 13 - King Among Kings (feat. Chief Kamachi, Vinnie Paz, Esoteric & Celph Titled) 14 - All Shall Perish (feat. Chief Kamachi, King Syze & Vinnie Paz) 15 - The Five Perfect Exertions (feat. Vinnie Paz, Chief Kamachi, Virtuoso, Esoteric & Bahamadia) 16 - Into the Arms of Angels (feat. Faez One, Crypt the Warchild & Vinnie Paz) 17 - This Is War (feat. 7L, Esoteric, Vinnie Paz, Outerspace & King Syze) 18 - Tear It Down (feat. Reef the Lost Cauze, Planetary & Vinnie Paz) 19 - Bust Em In (feat. Reef the Lost Cauze, Apathy & Celph Titled) 20 - Dump the Clip (feat. Planetary, Esoteric & Celph Titled) 21 - Spaz Out (feat. Apathy, King Magnetic, Esoteric & Celph Titled) 22 - The Ultimatum (feat. King Magnetic, Des Devious, Reef the Lost Cauze, King Syze, Vinnie Paz, Celph Titled, Planetary, Apathy, Crypt the Warchild & Journalist) 23 - Gun Ballad (feat. Chief Kamachi, Demoz, Vinnie Paz & Doap Nixon) 24 - The Torture Papers (feat. Celph Titled, Planetary & Apathy) 25 - Henry the 8th (feat. Vinnie Paz, Chief Kamachi, Reef the Lost Cauze & Planetary) 26 - Agony Fires (feat. Vinnie Paz, Planetary, Celph Titled & Apathy) 27 - Wrath of the Gods (feat. Apathy, Esoteric, Planetary & Des Devious) 28 - Ripped to Shreds (feat. Celph Titled, Demoz & Vinnie Paz) 29 - Narrow Grave (feat. Chief Kamachi, King Syze & Planetary) 30 - Hollow Points (feat. Planetary, Demoz, Vinnie Paz & Doap Nixon) 31 - Murda Murda (feat. Crypt the Warchild, Des Devious & Celph Titled) 32 - Don't Cry (feat. Doap Nixon, Planetary, Demoz & Vinnie Paz)
  22. Army of One (2016) BDRip x264-ROVERS Video: MPEG4 Video | 735 Kbps | 720x302 | 23.976 Fps | 2.40:1 Audio: English | AAC | N/A Kbps | Stereo | 48.0 KHz | Run Time: 01:32:38 Genre: Comedy / Subtitles: No File Size: 564 MiB PLOT: An American civilian sets out on his own to find Osama Bin Laden. Stars: â?? â?? Nicolas Cage, Denis Oâ??Hare, Wendi McLendon-Covey â?? â?? Director: â?? Larry Charles â?š IMDB Ratings: -/10 >> 00 users >> Top 250: #N/A Metascore: N/A/100 sCREENsH0Ts
  23. Employee Of The Year - Woman Army (2016) Employee Of The Year - Woman Army Genre: Electropop Year: 2016 Source: junodownload Audio codec: MP3 Bitrate: 320 kb/s Playtime: 00:36:54 Cover: front Size: 85 MB 1. Woman Army feat. K.Zia (Original Mix) 5:08 2. I Don't Know feat. K.Zia (Original Mix) 3:16 3. Little Things (Original Mix) 3:26 4. Memory (Original Mix) 3:49 5. Farewell (Original Mix) 4:07 6. Why Don't You feat. K.Zia (Original Mix) 6:53 7. Control Voltage (Original Mix) 4:33 8. Woman Army feat. K.Zia (Dim Sum Remix) 5:42 linki:
  24. Swiss Army Man (2016) Opis: Swiss Army Man (2016) BRRip.XviD.AC3-EVO INFO: Download
  25. Armia Tetryk??w / Dad's Army (2016) PL.WEB-DL.XviD-KiT / Lektor PL Screeny: Dane techniczne: Opis uploadu: Download:
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