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John Carter of Mars; Edgar Rice Burroughs SCI-FI/Fantasy Series Collection (ALL 23 Novels) Includes the Barsoom (John Carter of Mars), Pellucidar (At the Earth's Core), & Venus Series) - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 420.74 MB | Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Barsoom Series John Carter of Mars Series, Pellucidar Series At the Earth, Venus Series Carson of Venus Series, Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection Series | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Thrillers, Other Romance Categories, Other Science Fiction Categories, Space Exploration - Fiction, Action & Adventure Fiction, General Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy - Other, Science Fiction - Military & Space Adventure Download Link:
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Free Download Royal Blood - Tome 01 - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 287.92 MB | N/A | Isbn:N/A | Author: Aimee Carter, Antoine Pinchot | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Young Adult, Mystery, Contemporary, Mystery Thriller, Thriller, Romance, Fiction Download Link: Aimée (Aimee) Carter - Royal Blood 01 - Royal Blood.rar Aimée (Aimee) Carter - Royal Blood 01 - Royal Blood.rarée.Aimee.Carter.-.Royal.Blood.01.-.Royal.Blood.rar
Free Download Robert Hunter Thriller 5 Books Collection Set - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 317.58 MB | N/A | Isbn:9526536525 | Author: Chris Carter | Year: N/A Description: Download Link:꞉.Robert.Hunter.Book.5.Thriller.rar꞉.Robert.Hunter.Book.5.Thriller.rar.html
Free Download The Executioner: A brilliant serial killer thriller, featuring the unstoppable Robert Hunter - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 312.28 MB | English | Isbn: 1847376231 | Author: Chris Carter | Year: 2010 Description: Category:Suspense, Suspense Thrillers, Literature & Fiction Download Link:꞉.Robert.Hunter.Book.2.Thriller.rar
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- Executioner
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Kenny Barron & Regina Carter - Freefall (2001) [FLAC] Artist: Kenny Barron & Regina Carter Album: Freefall Year Of Release: 2001 Genre: Jazz, Post Bop, Contemporary Jazz, Cool Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 01:09:28 Total Size: 341 MB TRACKLIST DODATKOWE INFO DOWNLOAD
Carter Chris Rozm??wca Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Nowy UZALE??NIAJÄ?CY thriller BESTSELLEROWEGO autora Tanya Kaitlin nie mo??e siÄ? doczekaÄ? relaksujÄ?cego wieczoru po ciÄ???kim tygodniu, jednak zaraz po wyj??ciu spod prysznica s??yszy dzwonek swojej kom??rki. Jej najlepsza przyjaci????ka, Karen Ward, pr??buje nawiÄ?zaÄ? z niÄ? wideo po??Ä?czenie. Tanya odbiera telefon i wtedy zaczyna siÄ? koszmarâ?? Karen jest zakneblowana i przywiÄ?zana do krzes??a we w??asnym salonie. Je??li jej kole??anka siÄ? roz??Ä?czy, albo przestanie patrzeÄ? w wy??wietlacz, morderca przyjdzie te?? po niÄ?. G??Ä?boki, szorstki, demoniczny g??os na drugim ko??cu linii jej to obieca??. Hunter i Garcia badajÄ? te gro??by i zostajÄ? wciÄ?gniÄ?ci w szalonÄ? karuzelÄ? z??a, tropiÄ?c drapie??nika, kt??ry przetrzÄ?sa ulice i media spo??eczno??ciowe w poszukiwaniu ofiar, a nastÄ?pnie je zadrÄ?cza tajemniczymi listami, karmiÄ?c siÄ? ich strachem. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 448 MB czas trwania: 11h 10m 01s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Filip Kosior BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Lynda Carter - Red Rock N' Blues (2018) Lynda Carter - Red Rock N' Blues Genre: Blues Rock Year: 2018 Source: Digital download Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 01:10:27 Cover: front Size: 483 MB 1. You Never Need Nobody 4:38 2. Take Me To The River 4:12 3. Stop In The Name Of Love 5:14 4. Gone, Gone, Gone 2:59 5. Who's Foolin' Who 4:37 6. Change Just A Little 3:25 7. Put The Gun Down 3:18 8. God Bless The Child 6:25 9. Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing 3:06 10. All I Have To Do Is Dream 2:50 11. The Other Side Of Trouble 3:41 12. After All These Years 3:33 13. I'm Yours 3:41 14. Long Legged Woman 3:01 15. Lonely Girl 3:43 16. I'm On Fire 3:36 17. You've Changed 4:11 18. Mercy 3:38 linki:[FLAC].rar
Carter Chris Egzekutor Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Policja w Los Angeles odkrywa na stopniach ko??cio??a ociekajÄ?ce krwiÄ? pozbawione g??owy cia??o ksiÄ?dza. Sprawca starannie je u??o??y??: nogi duchownego le??Ä? wyprostowane, ramiona z??o??one na piersi jak do modlitwy, a w miejscu, gdzie powinna byÄ? g??owa, spoczywa ??eb psaâ?? Na klatce piersiowej widnieje napisana krwiÄ? cyfra 3.Detektyw Robert Hunter my??li poczÄ?tkowo, ??e to zab??jstwo rytualne, jednak gdy okrutnie okaleczonych cia?? przybywa, ze zgrozÄ? odkrywa, ??e wszystkie ofiary umar??y w spos??b, kt??ry je najbardziej przera??a??. Tylko skÄ?d morderca m??g?? znaÄ? ich najgorsze koszmary? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 538 MB czas trwania: 13h 24m 33s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Adam Bauman BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Carter Chris Jestem ??mierciÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Dwudziestoletnia kobieta zostaje porwana. Siedem dni p????niej policja odnajduje jej cia??o na niewielkiej polance w pobli??u lotniska w Los Angeles. Zw??oki u??o??ono z ko??czynami wyciÄ?gniÄ?tymi w taki spos??b, aby utworzy??y kszta??t gwiazdy. Sekcja wykazuje, ??e kobieta by??a torturowana, a nastÄ?pnie zamordowana w bardzo dziwaczny spos??b. To jednak nie koniec niespodzianek. Morderca lubi gierki, dlatego zostawi?? wiadomo??Ä? wepchniÄ?tÄ? w gard??o swojej ofiary. Do sprawy zostaje przydzielony detektyw Robert Hunter, kt??ry dowodzi jednostkÄ? specjalnÄ? policji w Los Angeles. Niemal natychmiast odkrywa nastÄ?pne cia??o. Hunter wie, ??e musi dzia??aÄ? szybko. StawiajÄ?c czo??o wyzwaniom pojawiajÄ?cym siÄ? ka??dego dnia, Hunter odkrywa, ??e jest na tropie potwora. Drapie??nika, kt??rego przesz??o??Ä? skrywa straszliwÄ? tajemnicÄ?. Drapie??nika, kt??rego potrzeba krzywdzenia ludzi, oraz ??Ä?dza mordu nie mogÄ? zostaÄ? zaspokojone - poniewa?? on jest ?šMIERCIÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 438 MB czas trwania: 10h 54m 22s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Filip Kosior BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
DorwaÄ? Cartera / Get Carter (2000) PL.BRRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Stephen Kay Scenariusz: David McKenna Gatunek: Sensacyjny, Thriller Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 2000 Czas trwania: 102 min. Opis: Jack Carter (Sylvester Stallone) to egzekutor d??ug??w pracujÄ?cy na zlecenie bukmachera z Las Vegas. Jest mistrzem w swoim "fachu" i dlatego osiÄ?ga sukcesy zawodowe, nie potrafi sobie jednak u??o??yÄ? ??ycia osobistego. Pewnego dnia, gdy dowiaduje siÄ? o tragicznej ??mierci swego brata Ritchiego, wyje??d??a do Seattle aby zaopiekowaÄ? siÄ? rodzinÄ? brata. Tam nabiera podejrze??, i?? brat zosta?? zamordowany. ProwadzÄ?c prywatne ??ledztwo zag??Ä?bia siÄ? w przesz??o??Ä? brata, kt??ra okazuje siÄ? bardziej zawi??a i mroczna ni?? Jack m??g?? siÄ? spodziewaÄ?. Obsada: Sylvester Stallone - Jack Carter Mickey Rourke - Cyrus Paice Alan Cumming - Jeremy Kinnear Michael Caine - Cliff Bumby Rachael Leigh Cook - Doreen Miranda Richardson - Gloria Carter Rhona Mitra - Geraldine John C. McGinley - Con McCarty ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
Carter Chris Jeden za drugim Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Detektyw Robert Hunter ze specjalnej jednostki wydzialu zab??jstw policji Los Angeles odbiera dziwny telefon. Anonimowy rozm??wca podaje mu adres strony internetowej i zmusza, by dokonal szokujacego wyboru. Hunter moze jedynie patrzec, jak ktos torturuje i morduje niezidentyfikowana ofiare, transmitujac to wszystko na zywo przez Internet. Policja Los Angeles we wsp??lpracy z FBI uzywa wszelkich dostepnych srodk??w, by namierzyc zr??dlo sygnalu, ale zab??jca umie doskonale zacierac za soba slady. Hunter i jego partner Garcia dopiero rozpoczynaja swoje sledztwo, gdy Hunter dostaje kolejny telefon. Nowy adres internetowy. Nowa ofiara. Ale tym razem zab??jca postanowil zrobic ze swojej gry sadystyczne reality show na zywo, w kt??rym kazdy moze oddac decydujacy glos. â?žSpos??b, w jaki Chris Carter konstruuje fabule przywodzi na mysl Patricie Cornwellâ?. - Daily Mail Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 637 MB czas trwania: 15h 09m 07s bit rate: 118kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Adam Bauman BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:!4pojzDgA!-uY-NBtJyUH9minnQ_w5Pw
Carter Chris Geniusz zbrodni Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Detektyw Robert Hunter musi zmierzyÄ? siÄ? ze swojÄ? przesz??o??ciÄ?, ??eby przechytrzyÄ? najbardziej perfidnego mordercÄ?, z jakim mia?? do czynienia. W prowincjonalnym miasteczku w stanie Wyoming dochodzi do wypadku. Kierowca ciÄ???ar??wki, kt??ry zas??ab?? za kierownicÄ?, wjecha?? do przydro??nego baru, po drodze taranujÄ?c stojÄ?cy na parkingu samoch??d. Wypadek okazuje siÄ? jednak du??o bardziej makabryczny, kiedy w baga??niku potrÄ?conego auta policja znajduje ludzkie g??owy. Szeryf aresztuje cz??owieka podejrzanego o podw??jne morderstwo. W trakcie ??ledztwa dokonuje przera??ajÄ?cego odkryciaâ?? SprawÄ? przejmuje FBI, ale tym razem agenci muszÄ? poprosiÄ? o pomoc z zewnÄ?trz. ZwracajÄ? siÄ? do Roberta Huntera, psychologa, kt??ry swego czasu specjalizowa?? siÄ? w badaniu zachowa?? przestÄ?pc??w, a obecnie jest inspektorem policji w Los Angeles w wydziale zajmujÄ?cym siÄ? szczeg??lnie brutalnymi przestÄ?pstwami. Podczas przes??ucha?? Hunter dociera do straszliwych tajemnic, kt??rych nikt siÄ? nie spodziewa??, a to??samo??Ä? samego mordercy okazuje siÄ? tak niejasna, ??e nawet FBI nie zdawa??o sobie sprawy z jego istnieniaâ?? a?? do teraz. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 575 MB czas trwania: 13h 10m 29s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Przemyslaw Bluszcz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Chris Carter - Robert Hunter 04 - Rze??biarz ??mierci Opis: Studentka pielÄ?gniarstwa prze??ywa szok, gdy odkrywa, ??e jej pacjent, prokurator Derek Nicholson zosta?? brutalnie zamordowany we w??asnym ??????ku. Zbrodnia wydaje siÄ? bezsensowna, bo Nicholson by?? ??miertelnie chory i pozosta??o mu najwy??ej kilka tygodni ??ycia. Jednak detektywa Roberta Huntera z wydzia??u zab??jstw policji z LA najbardziej zdumiewa wiadomo??Ä? pozostawiona przez mordercÄ?. Download:
Carter Chris Krucyfiks Okladka/Screeny: Opis: PrzyprawiajÄ?cy o dreszcze, mroczny i niepokojÄ?cy thriller, kt??ry wbija w fotel i d??ugo nie pozwala zasnÄ?Ä?. W g??Ä?bi parku narodowego Los Angeles National Forest, w opuszczonej chacie, policjanci odkrywajÄ? zw??oki m??odej kobiety. Przed ??mierciÄ? ofiarÄ? okrutnie torturowano, a na koniec przywiÄ?zano jÄ? za nadgarstki do dw??ch r??wnolegle ustawionych drewnianych pali. Kolana kobiety dotyka??y ziemi, jak podczas modlitwy, a na jej karku morderca zostawi?? podpis: tajemniczy symbol podw??jnego krzy??a. Ten sam, kt??rego kilka lat wcze??niej u??ywa?? seryjny morderca ochrzczony przez media Krucyfiksem. Problem w tym, ??e przed dwoma laty Krucyfiksa z??apano i stracono... Czy to mo??liwe, by na??ladowca dotar?? do szczeg??????w starej zbrodni, znanych tylko wÄ?skiej grupie pracujÄ?cych przy dochodzeniu policjant??w? A mo??e skazano w??wczas niew??a??ciwego cz??owieka? PracujÄ?cy przy tamtym ??ledztwie detektyw Robert Hunter nigdy nie by?? przekonany, ??e uda??o siÄ? z??apaÄ? prawdziwego mordercÄ?. Kiedy wiÄ?c pewnego dnia odbiera telefon i s??yszy ten sam, znajomy i zniekszta??cony specjalnymi urzÄ?dzeniami, g??os, czuje, ??e koszmar sprzed dw??ch lat od??ywa na nowo, ze zdwojonÄ? si??Ä?. A morderca zn??w pr??buje go wciÄ?gnÄ?Ä? w swÄ? chorÄ? grÄ?. â?žKrucyfiks â?? wedle recepty Hitchcocka â?? zaczyna siÄ? mocnym uderzeniem, a potem napiÄ?cie ro??nieâ?. - Magazyn Literacki KsiÄ???ki â?žWykorzystujÄ?c swoje do??wiadczenia z dziedziny psychologii kryminalnej oraz lekkie pi??ro, Carter stworzy?? przera??ajÄ?cÄ? powie??Ä?â?. - Lawyers Weekly Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 563 MB czas trwania: 12h 02m 15s bit rate: 112kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Przemys??aw Bluszcz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Carter Chris Nocny prze??ladowca Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Na zapleczu nieczynnego sklepu miesnego policjanci znajduja niezidentyfikowane zwloki mlodej kobiety, kt??rej zaszyto usta iâ?? krocze. Do sekcji zwlok przystepuje doktor Winston i jego mlodziutki asystent. Ogledziny przynosza jednak wiecej pytan niz odpowiedzi, a ich tragiczny final wywoluje niemala panike w szeregach policji LA. Rozpoczyna sie intensywne sledztwo. Do akcji wkraczaja Robert Hunter i Carlos Garcia ze specjalnej jednostki wydzialu zab??jstw. Detektywi odkrywaja wkr??tce, ze prowadzone przez nich sledztwo laczy sie ze sprawa porwania prowadzona przez prywatna detektyw Whitney Myers. Hunter nabiera tez przekonania, ze sadystyczny morderca m??gl porwac nawet kilka kobiet jednoczesnie, i najwyrazniej dopiero sie rozkreca. Wkr??tce policjanci znajduja kolejne zwloki... â?žWciagajaca i wstrzasajaca, ale takze znakomicie napisana powiesc. Ale, uwaga, przeznaczona raczej dla os??b o mocnych nerwach. Z pewnoscia jednak warta poleceniaâ?. - Angora Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 597 MB czas trwania: 12h 13m 21s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Adam Bauman BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Donald Harrison, Ron Carter, Billy Cobham Title: Heroes Year Of Release: 2004 Label: Nagel Heyer Records Genre: Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 65:06 min Total Size: 151 MB Tracklist ---------- 01. Heroes 02. Blues for the new millennium 03. My Funny Valentine 04. One Of A Kind 05. Double Trouble 06. Receipt Please 07. Candlelight 08. Solar 09. Free Style 10. Iko Iko 11. Straight No Chaser Ron Carter, one of altoist Donald Harrison's heroes and the primary bassist on this recording, makes the point that Harrison comes from New Orleans, but doesn't insist that he does. Harrison approaches his tradition with a pure heart, and from his apprenticeship with Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers in the mid '80s through his own leadership in the '90s, he has evolved an historical idiom into an absolutely contemporary, individual style. The title track kicks things off in the searching, striving style of a Wayne Shorter composition, with Harrison's other hero, Billy Cobham, clicking away on his cymbals, and Harrison's tone a bit edgier than elsewhere, accentuating the song's feeling of pursuit. Nothing else in the trio format, or in duet with Carter, reaches this level of urgency. The order of the day is swing and hard bop, with touches of Charlie Parker in the "I Got Rhythm" chords of "Double Trouble" and the Monk-like "Blues for the New Millennium," where Harrison's horn sounds more like a soprano aimed at the snake in the basket. Carter's bass is the dominant supporting voice on Heroes, offering a beautifully tasteful extended solo on a duet version of "My Funny Valentine," where you find yourself singing the words along with Harrison's perfectly rendered lead, and on "Solar," where Carter establishes a rapid tempo and Harrison keeps joyous pace. On "Candlelight," the album's most impressive cut, Harrison caresses the keys gently and romantically, subtly shifting tempo as if he were approaching his date seated on the couch, first suavely relaxed, then impatient, then with his composure regained. Heroes closes with three "bonus tracks" featuring a different trio with Vicente Archer on bass and John Lamkin on drums. With these two, the beats are heavier and the bass lines funkier. Lamkin hits hard on "Free Style," he and Archer handle the second-line rhythms of "Iko Iko" deftly, and Harrison's alto is as warm and sweet as peppermint liqueur. I realize Carter and Cobham are the stars of the show, but these two tracks along with the funky dip of a final "Well You Needn't" leave me looking forward to Harrison's next genre-stretching offering with his usual bandmates. ~ Jeff Stockton Personnel: Vicente Archer: Bass; Billy Cobham: Drums; Donald Harrison: Alto Sax; John Lamkin: Drums; Ron Carter: Bass.
Artist: Valerie Carter Title: Just A Stone's Throw Away Year Of Release: 1977 [1994] Label: Columbia [CK 57688] Genre: Pop, Soul Quality: FLAC (*image + .cue,log) Total Time: 00:33:26 Total Size: 192 mb (+5%rec.) Tracks: 01. Ooh Child 2:56 02. Ringing Doorbells In The Rain 2:40 03. Heartache 2:55 04. Face Of Appalachia 4:15 05. So, So, Happy 3:42 06. A Stone's Throw Away 3:59 07. Cowboy Angel 3:51 08. City Lights 3:18 09. Back To Blue Some More 5:49
Artist: James Carter Title: The Real Quietstorm Year Of Release: 1995 Label: Atlantic Jazz [7567-82742-2] Genre: Contemporary Jazz Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Total Time: 00:58:46 Total Size: 329 mb (+5%rec.) Tracks: 01. 'Round Midnight (6:07) 02. You Never Told Me That You Care (6:42) 03. The Intimacy Of My Woman's Beautiful Eyes (8:47) 04. 1944 Stomp (4:56) 05. The Stevedore's Serenade (9:05) 06. Born To Be Blue (7:48) 07. Depp Throat Blues (6:08) 08. A Ballad For A Doll (5:08) 09. Eventide (4:09)
Artist: Betty Carter Title: I'm Yours, You're Mine Year Of Release: 1996 Label: Verve Records Genre: Jazz / Vocal Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 53:43 min Total Size: 122 MB Tracklist ----------- 01. This Time 02. I'm Yours, You're Mine 03. Lonely House 04. Close Your Eyes 05. Useless Landscape 06. East Of The Sun 07. September Song I'm Yours, You're Mine is a 1997 studio album by the American jazz singer Betty Carter. Recorded in January 1996, this was the last album that Carter recorded before her death in February 1998. Howard Reich, writing in the Chicago Tribune said that "No doubt Betty Carter's singing is an acquired taste, but to those who have acquired it, she's a uniquely appealing artist. The elongated lines, exotic colors and unusual ornaments she brings to every cut on this recording...attest to the singular nature of Carter's singing.
Jack Carter - Alone (2016) Title : Alone Artist : Jack Carter Year : 2016 Genre : Tech house Packed size: 122 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 - Alone 02 - Interstellar 03 - The Cube 04 - The Cube (Vocal Dub) 05 - Luxury 06 - Mecca 07 - Red Line
Brandon Carter - High Life Workout 2.0 WEBRip | English | MP4 | 1920 x 1080 | AVC ~2716 kbps | 23.976 fps AAC | 152 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 01:02:10 | 2.71 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Fitness, Bodybuilding, Health THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN is a program that can get you in the most amazing shape of your life and in a shorter amount of time that you ever thought possible. It is easy to follow and only takes an hour a day. THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN has been created by Personal Trainer and Nutritionist Brandon Carter. Brandon has also worked as a fitness model for many of America's top Fitness companies including NIKE, PUMA, Reebok and Brand JORDAN. THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN - Will show you how you can drastically reduce your body fat, build muscle and transform your body safely and quickly! In as little as 6 weeks you can transform your entire body! - Will show you how to lose more fat by eating more food in the form of Healthy fats, good carbs, and lean protein! - Will show you how you can workout less and get better results. You will learn why doing short sessions of cardio (10-20 minutes a day) is better for you and more effective at burning fat! - Will show you how to quickly and easily build muscle tone that will burn fat for you and help keep it off for life - Will show you how you can build more confidence in yourself and in your body! HERE IT A HOW IT WORKS. THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN Consists of OVER 50 downloadable videos. Video #1 Extreme Strength Training and Muscle Building (5 DAY PLAN)! I believe that this is the most intense strength training program known to man. This is a program that will fully explain how to get incredibly ripped in the least amount of time! This program is a performed 5 days per week, Monday - Friday, focusing on a single muscle group each day. By pounding one muscle group for one hour a day and giving it a full week to recover, you'll get stronger and more ripped in less time than you ever thought possible. Video #2 10 Minutes Cardio In this video I will describe the most effective and efficient cardio fat loss routine ever invented. Best of all it can be performed in only 10 Minutes a day! OVER 50 HOME WORKOUT VIDEOS I have also included over 50 HOME WORKOUT videos were I break down how to do each individual exercise! You will have all the info that you need to get ripped and or gain muscle with out ever having to leave your home! For a limited time I will include in an extremely effective fat burning and muscle building nutrition program! This program is not some bs fad diet. This is an effective program based on sound prin[beeep]les. This program allows you to eat carbs and all the foods that you love and still lose fat and burn muscle! - you'll learn how you can eat fast foods and still get in great shape - you'll learn how to lose more fat by eating more food! In the form of Healthy fats, good carbs, and lean protein! - you'll learn why 80% of Americans are over weight and how you can stop it from happening to you . - you'll learn what foods you should avoid to lose fat. this will surprise you! - you'll learn what foods will burn fat for you! - you'll learn what are the best food for building muscle and why! This nutrition plan alone is valued at over $50 but for a limited time, you will get it for FREE with your order of THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN. OVERVIEW When you order THE HIGH LIFE WORKOUT PLAN you'll get. - Video #1 Full Body Strength Training (With Weights) - Video #2 10 Minutes Cardio -OVER 50 HOME WORKOUT VIDEOS DOWNLOAD
MVP Loops Magnaa Carter Reloaded WAV | 555 Mb Magnaa Carter: Reloaded is here, and something special from MVP Loops. Put simply, weve taken the hit product Magnaa Carter and added 7 more hot construction loop sets to it to make it a total of 27 massive hard hitting construction loop sets in the style of Jay Z and Kanye West. This product is packed with unique sounds that you will pull inspiration from. Big boomin drums, dirty synths and more make up this collection of modern Hip Hop construction kits. In addition to the extra construction loop sets we also added melodic riffs, and drum hits providing even more value and making your production job easier. ALREADY PURCHASED THE ORIGINAL MAGNAA CARTER? No problem, weve put the additional 7 that weve added to the product in a separate Magnaa Carter: Expansion Pack you can purchase here: Magnaa Carter Expansion Pack Magnaa Carter: Reloaded is offered in 5 different formats: 1.) Acid/WAV 2.) Apple/AIF 3.) MIDI 4.) Maschine V.L.X. Virtual Loop Expansion - 27 Maschine Instruments. 5.) Kontakt  V.L.X.  Virtual Loop Expansion Â- This is the specially scripted version for Kontakt for Magnaa Carter: Reloaded, and it is really something special. Its an MPC padded style interface that includes time stretching, note repeat, bit crushing, on board fx including reverb, delay, and compression. V.L.X organizes the construction loop sets and sounds into perfect kit groups so that you can use it to make hits in the studio or in a live performance. V.L.X takes this product to an entirely new level! The V.L.X version contains 27 Kontakt Instruments. Get your hands on this product because it is top rated, and has the most current sounds available today! As always the files are 100% royalty free. This set is pure inspiration, download it today! Magnaa Carter: Reloaded from MVP Loops...Sounds Like A Hit! Product Stats: V.L.X Kontakt Player (Virtual Loop Expansion) 901 loops, samples, riffs, and one shots. 61 Kit Groups 27 Kontakt Instruments Independent Mixes - full mix, drum mix and music mix Formats: Kontakt 5 Genre: Hip Hop, R&B, Soul, EDM All MVP Loops products are Royalty FreeTech Specs V.L.X Kontakt Player (Virtual Loop Expansion) 64 pad - 4 Colored Groups with 16 pads each Tempo Sync switchable per pad Pan, Volume, & Tuning per pad Adjustable Start/End Points per pad (toggleable sustain phase) Global Input Quantize Pad One shot, Latch, Note Repeat Velocity Sensitivity Per Pad LP/HP filters, compressor, reverb, and delay sends per pad Saturation and Lo-Fi Effects per pad Routable pre or post filterProduct Stats: WAV & MIDI Version 27 huge multi- track construction loop sets including drum hits and melodic riffs 44.1 khz/24 bit - Wav Loops cut professionally, ready for time stretching inside of your DAW/Sampler All tempos and keys are included Independent Mixes - full mix, instrumental mix, drum mix and music mix Format: WAV & MIDI More Info : Download link:]wypk8.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar.html]wypk8.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar]wypk8.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar]wypk8.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar]wypk8.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
MVP Loops Magnaa Carter Reloaded WAV | 555 Mb Magnaa Carter: Reloaded is here, and something special from MVP Loops. Put simply, we've taken the hit product Magnaa Carter and added 7 more hot construction loop sets to it to make it a total of 27 massive hard hitting construction loop sets in the style of Jay Z and Kanye West. This product is packed with unique sounds that you will pull inspiration from. Big boomin' drums, dirty synths and more make up this collection of modern Hip Hop construction kits. In addition to the extra construction loop sets we also added melodic riffs, and drum hits providing even more value and making your production job easier. In addition to the extra construction loop sets we also added melodic riffs, and drum hits providing even more value and making your production job easier. ALREADY PURCHASED THE ORIGINAL MAGNAA CARTER? No problem, we've put the additional 7 that we've added to the product in a separate Magnaa Carter: Expansion Pack you can purchase here: Magnaa Carter Expansion Pack Magnaa Carter: Reloaded is offered in 5 different formats: 1.) Acid/WAV 2.) Apple/AIF 3.) MIDI 4.) Maschine V.L.X. Virtual Loop Expansion - 27 Maschine Instruments. 5.) Kontakt  V.L.X.  Virtual Loop Expansion Â- This is the specially scripted version for Kontakt for Magnaa Carter: Reloaded, and it is really something special. It's an MPC padded style interface that includes time stretching, note repeat, bit crushing, on board fx including reverb, delay, and compression. V.L.X organizes the construction loop sets and sounds into perfect kit groups so that you can use it to make hits in the studio or in a live performance. V.L.X takes this product to an entirely new level! The V.L.X version contains 27 Kontakt Instruments. Get your hands on this product because it is top rated, and has the most current sounds available today! As always the files are 100% royalty free. This set is pure inspiration, download it today! Magnaa Carter: Reloaded from MVP Loops...Sounds Like A Hit! Product Stats: V.L.X Kontakt Player (Virtual Loop Expansion) * 901 loops, samples, riffs, and one shots.* 61 Kit Groups* 27 Kontakt Instruments* Independent Mixes - full mix, drum mix and music mix* Formats: Kontakt 5* Genre: Hip Hop, R&B, Soul, EDM* All MVP Loops products are Royalty FreeTech Specs V.L.X Kontakt Player (Virtual Loop Expansion) * 64 pad - 4 Colored Groups with 16 pads each* Tempo Sync switchable per pad* Pan, Volume, & Tuning per pad* Adjustable Start/End Points per pad (toggleable sustain phase)* Global Input Quantize* Pad One shot, Latch, Note Repeat* Velocity Sensitivity Per Pad* LP/HP filters, compressor, reverb, and delay sends per pad* Saturation and Lo-Fi Effects per pad* Routable pre or post filterProduct Stats: WAV & MIDI Version * 27 huge multi- track construction loop sets including drum hits and melodic riffs* 44.1 khz/24 bit - Wav Loops cut professionally, ready for time stretching inside of your DAW/Sampler* All tempos and keys are included* Independent Mixes - full mix, instrumental mix, drum mix and music mix* Format: WAV & MIDI More Info : Download link:]2c7xh.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar]2c7xh.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]2c7xh.MVP.Loops.Magnaa.Carter.Reloaded.WAV.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Artist: Deborah J. Carter, Frits Landesbergen & Michael Varekamp Title: Dear Louis Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Cendi Music Genre: Jazz: Mainstream Jazz, Vocals Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 57:27 Total Size: 134 MB Tracklist: 01. Ain't Misbehavin' (3:43) 02. Struttin' With Some Barbecue (4:03) 03. Do You Know What It Means (5:27) 04. Our Love Is Here To Stay (3:39) 05. Big Butter And Egg Men (4:48) 06. Someday You'll Be Sorry (4:59) 07. Summertime (5:13) 08. Basin St. Blues (5:36) 09. When It's Sleepy Time Indiana (5:10) 10. What A Wonderfull World (5:02) 11. It Don't Mean A Thing (4:05) 12. St. James Infirmary (5:36) This the cover of the CD 'Dear Louis', ' A tribute To Louis Armstrong', recorded in October 2000. This album was recorded with a great line up to honor Louis Armstrong and his music. Deborah J Carter sings songs like 'What A Wonderful World' as if she was there when the music came into the world. Michael Varekamp not only looks like Louis Armstrong... Deborah (Joyce) Carter, vocalist, composer, arranger; b. El Paso, TX, 29 July 1956. She was raised in Oahu, Hawaii and Okinawa, Japan. Her parents are Catherine Carter (b. 21 Spetember 1927), a piano teacher, and Alvin Lilton Carter (b. 11 November 1929). She attended the Berklee School of Music. She tours with her own and has performed at many jazz festivals, seminars, jazz clubs, and radio- and TV-shows in European countries like the Netherlands (including the North Sea Jazz Festival), Germany, Belgium, England, Spain, Latvia, etc. During her years in Spain she collaborated on cd's with Max Sunyer, Carles Benavent and Salvador Niebla adding vocals to their typical brand of Mediterranean jazz. Besides working with her own group, which performs her personal choice of contemporary jazz, Deborah is frequently invited as a guest artist with a number of established European jazz orchestras to sing the great jazz classics. Some of these are: the Timeless Orchestra, the HR (Frankfurt Radio) Big Band, Mike Mossman's Sedavi Big Band, The American Songbook Orchestra, the Ruud Bos Big Band, the Metropole Orchestra, the Berlin Jazz Orchestra and the Dutch Swing College Band. With the latter she did a theater tour featuring a "Duke Ellington Tribute" in 1999. In 2000 and 2001, she toured the Dutch theaters with Scott Hamilton, Michael Varekamp, Frits Landesbergen with a "Tribute to Louis Armstrong" show.