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Winston Churchill: A Biography of one of history's most iconic men - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3, pdf | 299.47 MB | Author: Matt Clarke | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Biography, Current Affairs & Politics, Political Biography, General & Miscellaneous Political Biography Download Link:
Winston Churchill and the Art of Leadership: How Winston Changed the World - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 674.58 MB | Author: William Nester | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Biography, Current Affairs & Politics, Political Biography, General & Miscellaneous Political Biography Download Link:
Free Download Mr. Churchill in the White House: The Untold Story of a Prime Minister and Two Presidents (Audiobook) English | ASIN: B0D9HX4FY8 | 2024 | 13 hours and 46 minutes | M4B@128 kbps | 764 MB Author: Robert Schmuhl Narrator: Paul Boehmer Well into the twenty-first century, Winston Churchill continues to be the subject of scores of books. Biographers portray him as a soldier, statesman, writer, painter, and even a daredevil, but Robert Schmuhl, the noted author and journalist, may be the first to depict him as a demanding, indeed exhausting White House guest. Drawing on years of research, Schmuhl not only contextualizes the unprecedented time Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt spent together between 1941 and 1945, but he also depicts the individual figures involved: from Churchill himself to "General Ike," as he affectionately called Dwight D. Eisenhower, to Harry Truman, and not to mention the formidable Eleanor Roosevelt, who resented Churchill's presence in the White House and wanted him to occupy the nearby Blair House instead (which, predictably, he did not do). Mr. Churchill in the White House presents a new perspective on the politician, war leader, and author through his intimate involvement with one Democratic and one Republican president during his two terms as prime minister. Indeed, Churchill had his own "Special Relationship" with these two presidents. Diaries, letters, government documents, and memoirs supply the archival foundation and color for each Churchill visit, providing a wholly novel perspective on one of history's most perplexing and many-faceted figures. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Free Download Taking London: Winston Churchill and the Fight to Save Civilization (Audiobook) English | ASIN: B0CGRY62MK | 2024 | 10 hours and 21 minutes | M4B@64 kbps | 302 MB Author: Martin Dugard Narrator: Samuel Roukin Great Britain, summer 1940. The Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin. Adolf Hitler's powerful armies control Europe. England stands alone against this juggernaut, the whole world knowing it is only a matter of time before Nazi Germany unleashes its military might on the island nation. In London, a new prime minister named Winston Churchill is determined to defeat the Nazi menace, no matter the costs. Luckily for Churchill, one quirky Englishman has seen the future. Air Vice-Marshall Hugh Dowding is head of the Royal Air Force Fighter Command. He has spent years preparing his nation's aerial defenses, utilizing the new technology of radar, training hundreds of hand-picked young pilots, and overseeing the design and purchase of the world's most up-to-date fighter aircraft. In time, the names "Spitfire" and "Hurricane" will become iconic, these airplanes synonymous with a David versus Goliath struggle between the RAF and German Luftwaffe. For the first time in history, the battlefield will not be land or water but entirely contested in the blue skies above. Nazi victory depends upon their overwhelming air power. The fate of not just the British people, but all of Western Civilization, hinges on a small group of elite pilots stopping this onslaught-a band of brothers who will go down in history as the Few. Taking London puts the listener inside the action, telling the complex personal sagas of Churchill, Dowding, and legendary fighter pilots like Peter Townsend, Geoffrey Wellum, Richard Hillary, and American Billy Fiske, all set against the defiant backdrop of wartime London. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
McCarten Anthony Czas Mroku Jak Churchill zawr??ci?? ??wiat znad krawÄ?dzi Okladka/Screeny: Opis: KsiÄ???ka towarzyszy filmowi "Czas mroku", z fenomenalnÄ? rolÄ? Gary'ego Oldmana, kt??ry powsta?? na podstawie scenariusza Anthonyâ??ego McCartena. Maj 1940 roku. Trwa wojna, demokracje europejskie upadajÄ?, wojska Hitlera uderzajÄ? na BelgiÄ?, HolandiÄ? i FrancjÄ?, a angielska opinia publiczna nadal nie rozumie, ??e ??wiat stanÄ??? nad przepa??ciÄ?. Zaledwie kilka dni po objÄ?ciu stanowiska premiera Winston Churchill ma przed sobÄ? trudny wyb??r **â?? negocjowaÄ? z nazistami i uniknÄ?Ä? inwazji na WielkÄ? BrytaniÄ? czy sprzeciwiÄ? siÄ? i naraziÄ? ??ycie rodak??w. Churchillowi nie sprzyjajÄ? ani kr??l, ani w??asna partia. Musi przekonaÄ? nar??d. Wyg??asza mowÄ?, kt??ra porusza serca Brytyjczyk??wâ?? Anthony McCarten tworzy portret Churchilla na nowo. Odmalowuje wielkiego przyw??dcÄ?, kt??rym w tamte burzliwe i mroczne dni targa??y wÄ?tpliwo??ci i kt??ry rozwa??a?? ustÄ?pienie Hitlerowi. Brytyjski premier nie jest tu ikonÄ?. Jest cz??owiekiem ze wszystkimi u??omno??ciami i s??abo??ciami. Lecz to na nim spoczywa odpowiedzialno??Ä? za losy ??wiata. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 478 MB czas trwania: 09h 03m 59s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Mi??ogost Reczek BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Churchill (2017) Opis: Churchill (2017) HDRip.XviD.AC3-EVO SCREEN: Dane uploadu Download
Churchill (2017) PL.SUBBED.480p.BRRip.Xvid.AC3-MORS / Napisy PL wtopione re??yseria: Jonathan Teplitzky scenariusz: Alex von Tunzelmann gatunek: Biograficzny, Dramat, Thriller produkcja: Wielka Brytania premiera: 25 maja 2017 (??wiat) Czerwiec, rok 1944. Na 96 godzin przed lÄ?dowaniem w Normandii premier Wielkiej Brytanii, Winston Churchill, zmaga siÄ? z wÄ?tpliwo??ciami dotyczÄ?cymi s??uszno??ci ataku.
Decaux Alain Churchill zwany lwem Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Ostatni lew brytyjskiego imperium, czlowiek niezwykle utalentowany. Choc kojarzony gl??wnie z polityka, byl jednoczesnie dobrym pisarzem i malarzem. Przezywany przez niemiecka propagande tlustym syfilitykiem szybko zasluzyl na pokazana w filmie "Okret" opinie ze strony marynarzy, ze "cholernie dobrze prowadzi te wojne". Odwazny, honorowy pragmatyk nienawidzacy wszelkiego rodzaju totalitaryzm??w, z r??wna niechecia odnoszacy sie do komunizmu i faszyzmu. Jako sternik slabnacego juz brytyjskiego imperium nie ugial sie przed Hitlerem i obiecujac Brytyjczykom tylko "krew, pot i lzy" doprowadzil do ostatecznego zwyciestwa choc niestety r??wniez kosztem narod??w Europy Wschodniej. Mimo, ze biografia zostala napisana przez niezbyt przyjaznego Anglikom Francuza, ukazuje nam te nietuzinkowa postac na przestrzeni calego zycia. Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 61.5 MB czas trwania : 01h 08m 18s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Grzegorz Pawlak BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download:
Lawrence James - Churchill and Empire Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Biographical | English | ISBN-13: 978-0297869146 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 17 hrs and 4 mins | 469.28 MB One of our finest narrative historians, Lawrence James has written an illuminating, genuinely new biography of Winston Churchill that focuses solely on his contradictory relationship with the British Empire. As a young army officer in the late 19th century serving in conflicts in India, South Africa, and the Sudan, his attitude toward the Empire was the Victorian paternalistic approach - at once responsible and superior. Conscious even then of his political career ahead, Churchill found himself reluctantly supporting British atrocities and held what many would regard today as prejudiced views, in that he felt some nationalities were superior to others; his (some might say obsequious) relationship with America reflected that view. This outmoded attitude was one of the reasons the British voters rejected him after a Second World War in which he had led the country brilliantly. His attitude remained decidedly old-fashioned in a world that was shaping up very differently. This groundbreaking volume reveals the many facets of Churchill's personality: a visionary leader with a truly Victorian attitude toward the British Empire. Download Link