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Znaleziono 15 wyników

  1. Gibas Jaros??aw ??ycie NastÄ?pny poziom Coaching transpersonalny Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Bez rozwoju duchowego nie ma dostÄ?pu do najsilniejszej a zarazem najg??Ä?bszej motywacji osobistej. Odpowiada ona na pytanie: co jest wa??ne, co nadaje sens nawet prostym dzia??aniom. W tych kilku s??owach mo??na by stre??ciÄ? g????wne przes??anie tej ksiÄ???ki, z kt??rym jako coach i autor siÄ? uto??samiam. Klasyczne metody coachingu zachowujÄ? swojÄ? skuteczno??Ä? do chwili, kiedy pada pytanie o poczucie sensu podejmowanych dzia??a?? na planie ca??ego ??ycia. Serdecznie polecam lekturÄ? w g??Ä?b transpersonalnej motywacji. Maciej Bennewicz, mened??er, trener, coach Mindfulness to s??owo, ktore jest ju?? obecne we wszystkich najlepszych ??wiatowych podrÄ?cznikach zarzÄ?dzania. KsiÄ???ka Jarka Gibasa pokazuje potÄ?gÄ? dzia??ania tych mechanizm??w r??wnie?? w coachingu. Mateusz Grzesiak, miÄ?dzynarodowy nauczyciel i trener, psycholog Jaros??aw Gibas odkrywa przed polskimi czytelnikami kierunek, w kt??rym zmierza dzisiaj ??wiatowy coaching. To lektura dla poszukujÄ?cych odpowiedzi, na najwa??niejsze ??yciowe pytania. Jacek Walkiewicz, m??wca motywacyjny i mentor Wyrusz w podr???? do ??r??de?? rozwoju Wyobra?? sobie, ??e idziesz przez las. B??Ä?dzisz, szukajÄ?c najlepszej drogi. Raz za razem rozglÄ?dasz siÄ? za nowÄ? ??cie??kÄ?, wracasz w to samo miejsce, znowu szukasz i znowu siÄ? orientujesz, ??e jednak nie idziesz w dobrÄ? stronÄ?. Nagle nad g??owÄ?, ponad drzewami widzisz szybujÄ?cego soko??a. Postanawiasz i??Ä? za nim. ?šcie??ki przechodzÄ? jedne w drugie, ale za ka??dym razem stajÄ? siÄ? szersze i idzie Ci siÄ? ??atwiej. W ko??cu, wciÄ??? za krÄ???Ä?cym po niebie soko??em, trafiasz na go??ciniec prowadzÄ?cy do ogrodu. Na jego ko??cu widzisz majaczÄ?cy w oddali dom. I kiedy siÄ? do?? zbli??asz, spostrzegasz, ??e nie ma ju?? soko??a. ZniknÄ??? dok??adnie w tym momencie, w kt??rym zobaczy??e?? sw??j prawdziwy CEL. ZniknÄ???, bo nie by?? Ci ju?? potrzebny! Coaching transpersonalny podchodzi do cz??owieka jako do fizycznej, psychicznej i duchowej ca??o??ci. Rola coacha polega na upewnieniu siÄ?, ??e wybory, kt??rych dokonuje klient, sÄ? rzeczywi??cie jego wyborami: sÄ? dyktowane sercem, p??ynÄ? z g??Ä?bi duszy, sÄ? zgodne z tym, kim klient jest naprawdÄ? i kim faktycznie chce zostaÄ?. Coach musi wiedzieÄ?, ??e kierunek, w kt??rym klient chce i??Ä?, nie jest jedynie mrzonkÄ? i nie wynika z presji spo??ecznej. Musi tak??e przekonaÄ? siÄ?, i?? zmiana, kt??ra dokonuje siÄ? w kliencie, bÄ?dzie trwa??a. Reszta â?? autodiagnoza, zdefiniowanie celu i wyb??r w??a??ciwej drogi ku przysz??o??ci â?? le??y po stronie klienta procesu coachingowego. Dlaczego? Poniewa?? w coachingu, jak w ??yciu, naprawdÄ? wszystko zale??y od Ciebie! Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 373 MB czas trwania: 07h 12m 35s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: autor BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:Ä?pny.poziom.Coaching.transpersonalny.czyt.autor.rar
  2. Bennewicz Maciej Coaching czyli Restauracja osobowo??ci Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Je??eli s??yszeli??cie gdzie?? o coachingu i chcecie siÄ? dowiedzieÄ?, co to jest, zanim sami go do??wiadczycie, to audiobook Coaching czyli restauracja osobowo??ci w przystÄ?pny spos??b udziela odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Dowiecie siÄ? te??, w jakich sytuacjach coaching bywa przydatny, a w jakich niezastÄ?piony. Za ka??dym rozwiÄ?zanym na stronach ksiÄ???ki dylematem stoi jaka?? coachingowa technika i Ä?wiczenie. A wszystko to w historiach z ??ycia wziÄ?tych i niezwyk??ych opowie??ciach z mora??em. To opowie??Ä? o przemianie, rozwoju, poszukiwaniach. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 790 MB czas trwania: 17h 28m 45s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  3. Jon Penberthy - Tube Traffic Mastery & Masterclass Coaching (2016) WEBRip | English | MP4 + PDF Guides | 1280 x 720 | AVC ~333 kbps | 25 fps AAC | 75.6 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | ~20 hours | 6.07 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Business, Net: Advertising, Web Traffic What's included in The Tube Traffic Mastery package? Tube Traffic Mastery 6 Core Modules TTM will teach you how to absolutely dominate YouTube for traffic, leads and sales. You'll learn how to have your videos ranked at the top of Google and YouTube, but not just that, how to also get those visitors off of YouTube and onto your website and turn them into leads and sales. No stone is left unturned and everything is covered in a completely step by step manner. The only way you could go wrong is if you don't follow the training in the steps I've laid out. Tube Traffic Mastery Study Guides & Checklists The entire Tube Traffic Mastery method in step-by-step PDF's! After you watch each training video you can refer to that module's checklist to ensure that you have implemented every step. These are vital to have open as you work through the Tube Traffic Mastery method, to make sure that nothing is left out. TTM FAST START Training Course - Brand new to online marketing? - Want to get started straight away? The Fast Start training will get you up and running as quickly as possible. Ideal for those who wish to start selling products succesfuly using YouTube without studying hours of in-depth material. Just watch the Fast Start video in each module, and away you go! Bonus 1: 6 Week Master Class Join me for 6 weeks of coaching as I take you through all aspects of the Tube Traffic Mastery system, and break it down for you step by step so you know exactly how to get set up. We will also go deep into understanding capture pages, relationship marketing, and my 7 figure list building and email secrets. When you have finished the 6 weeks with me you will have everything you need to succeed with your online business. Bonus 2: Recording From Russell's Event Exclusive footage from Russell Brunson's $10K coaching group! This training is a 2 hour recording of training that I did at Russell Brunson's coaching event. He flew me all the way from London, UK to Boise, Idaho to train his coaching clients on exactly what it is I'm doing with YouTube to drive huge results for my business. This is an exclusive recording that can't be purchased anywhere on the internet. Everyone in the room payed at least $10,000 to attend! Bonus 3: Weekly Q&A Hot Seat Coaching When you purchase my Tube Traffic Mastery training I want you to succeed, so I have made it a priority to hold regular coaching sessions with TTM members. It's an exclusive bonus where members are invited to chat with me LIVE and ask specific questions to do with internet marketing to help your business succeed. Extra Bonus 1: Backlink Power In Backlink Power I literally show you the EXACT backlinks I use to rank my videos on the first page of Google and YouTube. After 2-3 years of testing, I now know EXACTLY where to go for backlinks when I need a video ranked. They work like a dream and I'm going to share my complete Rolodex with you. Extra Bonus 2: Launch Sniper Launch Sniping is how I first found success with online marketing. It is the easiest route to making $10k per month, so join me as I break down the technique and show you how to make big money from other people's product launches. ANYONE can use this method to get results FAST Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  4. Bennewicz Maciej Coaching czyli Przebudzacz neuron??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: PoczÄ?tek to wa??ny moment. Nie mo??na go pominÄ?Ä?. Tu - na poczÄ?tku - wszystko mo??esz zaczÄ?Ä?. Mo??e zdarzyÄ? siÄ?, ??e jeden dzie?? zmieni ca??e Twoje ??ycie. Napotkany cz??owiek, przeczytana ksiÄ???ka, obejrzany film lub zas??yszane s??owa. MogÄ? zmieniÄ? wszystko. ??ycie bowiem staje siÄ? w chwilach. W??a??nie masz przed sobÄ? takÄ? szansÄ?. Je??li choÄ? raz w ??yciu zada??e?? sobie pytanie: Co dalej? Uwierz â?? to ksiÄ???ka dla Ciebie. Nie tylko dlatego, ??e to po prostu dobra lektura. Podyktowana do??wiadczeniem i przemianÄ? wielu os??b. Powiniene?? jÄ? przes??uchaÄ?, bo dziÄ?ki temu przestaniesz traciÄ? czas. Zaczniesz oddychaÄ?, poczujesz, ??e zmiana kt??rej pragniesz jest w zasiÄ?gu rÄ?ki. Mo??esz siÄ? przebudziÄ?. Warunek jest jeden. Daj sobie szansÄ? na siebie. WstÄ?p do ksiÄ???ki czyta sam autor Maciej Bennewicz. Na lektora pozosta??ej czÄ???ci swojego dzie??a wybra?? on znanego polskiego aktora, Rocha Siemianowskiego, kt??rego interpretacja okaza??a siÄ? byÄ? mu najbli??szÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 432 MB czas trwania: 09h 20m 54s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Ben Cummings - Amazon Fast-Track Monthly Coaching Club WEBRip | English | MP4 + PDF Guides + Project files | 960 x 540 | AVC ~131 kbps | 30 fps AAC | 128 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | ~40 hours | 18.6 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Small Business, Entrepreneurs "I just hit $114,000 Per Month in my Amazon business . I rank on Page One for every product I release . and I did all this working 'Part Time'. Question: Would you like to know my exact Ninja Marketing Methods, so that you can duplicate these results for your own Amazon business? If you want to be coached on my exact methods for "crushing it" on Amazon, then keep reading to learn about my new Amazon Fast Track Monthly Coaching Club - Limited Opportunity: * Only available for Jason Fladliens ASM masters who have already bought asm and not refunded - this is not a replacement for the awesome ASM course * This is endorsed by Rapid Crush because I was an ASM Masters coach to several hundred asm'ers and once I was done with the free coaching, we kept getting direct requests for more coaching help with amazon. Since I don't have time to work one on one anymore, I organized this group coaching. These are just my own tactics and strategies that have worked really well for us. With that let me explain what this is about . Dear Friend, My first month on Amazon, I was able to figure out a unique way to rank my brand new amazon product . It took me only four weeks (with only 1 "live" product) to hit $14,981.10 per month and we sold 478 units. Take a look at a screenshot from this my first month: dec2014 This never would have happened, if had done ASM the 'traditional way' that everyone else does. Fast forward to today. We just hit $114,532.60 per month and sold 3,788 units this month! Here's a current screenshot: ASC-OneMonthOct1-Nov5-114k Not bad for doing my amazon business "part time" and for a business that we really only started on January! Crazy, right? If things go as planned - we have hit all my sales targets to date - I'll hit $3000,000/month by this time next year, at about 42% net profit. Not bad money, eh? Once I get a new product on amazon and launched properly, I can pretty much forget about it. I have never before experienced such leverage before. Invest a little time upfront. Get paid into perpetuity. Would you like to earn this kind of money from your private label business? I can tell you, that it's absolutely possible. I know, because I am living proof. I've been on "amazon" a relatively short time. Already I hit $114,000/month of which I get a big chunk of that I get to keep as pure profit. But the reason for my success on Amazon, is because I am doing things much differently than what is taught in ASM, much of which is utterly counter-intuitituve. . and most importantly. I've developed a stable of unique 'marketing and ranking methods' that no one else is using, that work exceptionally well, and that I've proven to work within my own amazon businesses. There are only 3 things that I must focus on in my Amazon business: 1) Ranking my products to page one, as fast as possible. If you're on page 3, you might as well be on page 300! Just like ranking a website in Google, if you're not on page one, you irrelevant. Amazon works the same way. 2) Getting as many five-star reviews in shortest time possible for my new product. When people use Amazon and click on your listing, if the headline and images look appealing, what does everyone do? They scroll right down to read your reviews! If you only have a couple reviews, you won't win their impulse purchase . and . you also won't "stick" in the rankings. 3) Finding hot products to sell I have a simple goal: To make $10,000/mo per product. That is a conservative goal, because my experience is that you can make more than this - but that's my initial target. To hit $100,000/month sales, I need to release 10 good products. I like to keep business "simple." And to make $100k month, is as simple as that. I actually exceeded this target recently, having hit $115k in sales with less than 10 products. "I Think I've Cracked the Code on How to Rank Any Product to Page One on Amazon" But there's something else I need to show you . Something that will really open your eyes. Every single product that I have personally launched on, I have been able to pro-actively get it ranking on page 1 on amazon, usually within less than 12 days. Yes - in every single instance. Yes - even in two ultra-competitive niches Yes - across multiple product categories. "Here are a few recent examples ." (1) In 24 hours, I was able to get a brand new product of ours ranked #1 in ALL of Amazon beauty! Check out this screenshot that I took when this happened recently. #1-in-beauty-final Allow this to sink in! For all of, the world's largest e-commerce site, it took me only 1 day to make this new product rank #1 in ALL of amazon top 100 "best sellers" in "Beauty." Not a sub category. Not for some obscure easy-to-rank for product. To the best of my knowledge, this has never been done before at least by anyone I know. Especially using proactive marketing methods such that I used. In fact, in that one day we sold $16,546.40 in sales and sold 592 units. Yes - this is a ONE DAY screenshot! Sales Dashboard This was in one of the MOST competitive product categories on all of amazon. Yet I got it ranked #1 in Beauty in 24 hours, and by the way as a result this product has been selling very well every day since. In fact, when new inventory arrives, I plan to remarket this product targeting two additional keywords, and I believe this one product can do about $50k-$60k month in sales, all by itself. We shall see! (2) I recently launched 3 new amazon products. Within 7 days, all 3 of them had "#1 best seller" badges . and. we had cracked the top 100 in Beauty for all three products! Take a look and keep in mind this happened within one week of promoting these new products! top100-for3-products My products also appeared in "Hot New Releases" and "Movers & Shakers", resulting in even more sales velocity to help sell our products: Amazon Best Sellers_ Best Beauty-finalThese are brand new products that I only just started to promote, using my unique marketing tactics. Since this ranking movement is so new, the big increase in my monthly sales isn't even reflected in earlier because we are still ranking for other keywords. My point here is that within a matter of days, we took three brand new products (that weren't even in the first 20 pages) . and got them all ranking within the top 100 of beauty and making big sales for us. Here is Why All This is Relevant To You! Without really knowing "squat" in the beginning . using a special "launch marketing strategy" that I created .and have perfected this year.. I built a seven-figure per year amazon business in less than twelve months. You see, it really isn't about the "product". It is about: The Marketing! On amazon, he (or she) who can rank a product to page one, will make it big in this business. But if you don't understand how to do this, you're in trouble. Amazon Best Sellers_ Best Beauty -final-Screenshot of Amazon "Top 100 Best Sellers". My product is #1 as well as #1 Mover & Shaker. Pretty crazy, right? "What the Heck Is Your Secret?" As you can see, my successes on Amazon are no fluke. I have provided you with numerous proof screeshots, income shots, and ranking proof, that are for my own products and all recent. I hope that I've proven to you by now, that I know my shit. As my amazon business grows and hits high six figures per month, you will see me transition out of the "guru" business and return to my roots as a entrepreneur, spear-heading our phenomenal growth, and phasing out all private clients and "wage slave", non-leverage projects. The reason I bring this up, is that you will no longer have access to "Ben Cummings" as a coach, in the future. Frankly, why be bothered doing training and consulting, when I can make far more (for less time and effort) in my amazon business? My goal has always been to build a Big Business that can be sold for several million dollars and "retire" to the island of Saint Barths, and I am laser focused on obtaining that goal in the next 36-48 months. So if you want to "tap into Ben", this is probably the last chance to do so, to access my Brain, and to learn from me about crushing it on amazon, to learn these Master Marketing Skills, so that you too can attain your own version of "retire to Saint Barths". Which leads me to the purpose of this "final" sales letter that I am writing to you. Amazon Fast-Track Monthly Coaching Club - A Very Limited Opportunity. I recently took on 10 private students for 1-on-1 coaching, but I closed the doors to that because I simply don't have the time to do "private consults" anymore. And unfortunately I plan to never again take on any more private 1-on-1 coaching clients moving forward. But as soon as I stopped taking on new clients, we continued to get emails daily from people wanting to learn from me. What to do??? I decided that instead of doing one on one coaching any more, that I would be willing to coach a small elite "mastermind group" comprising of serious high achievers and meet "virtually" via intensive training webinars. Not only would it be fun. Not only would it be great networking for both of us. It would also allow me to take several of you "along for the ride" to the top of amazon, as we all prosper and grow together. Now THAT was an exciting prospect to me, and the reason why I have decided to launch this very limited Amazon Monthly Coaching Club. With that, let me tell you the details of what you'll be getting. First, to qualify for a spot, you MUST have purchased the ASM course and not refunded it, as I am not teaching anything from ASM in this program! This coaching program is not intended to be a replacement for the great content you've learned from the ASM course. This coaching does "take it to the next level" though! Second, Jason Fladlien & Wilson Mattos are recommending and endorsed this coaching club to their ASM Masters . which is awesome! If you know anything about those two, they almost never lend their names behind projects unless they believe whole-heartedly in it! So I have been very flattered they have associated themselves to this project and are backing it. (Thanks guys!) This monthly coaching club is only offered to ASM Masters, so you have to be an ASM Masters customer to be eligible. I am keeping the format of this simple and powerful. It will be about training you, teaching you my numerous marketing and promotional "launch" methods, and then you taking action. It will also be about getting a sh*t load of five star reviews and locking in your rankings, once you attain them. And finally, it will be about rapid expansion of your amazon business so you can hit the big numbers that lead to financial freedom and a big business. It is a "here is what Ben is doing right now, this month, to crush it on amazon, and you get to look over his shoulder each month with the idea that you duplicate his successes within your own amazon business" coaching club. Summary - This will be an intimate monthly "amazon coaching class", that will meet via webinar 2x's per month, in which I will be teaching my tactics and methods, on an ongoing basis, to help your build your Amazon business to make it a fast success. Amazon Fast-Track Monthly Coaching Club - The Details: 1) You will parti[beeep]te in two live webinars per month. The first webinar, is focused on "Amazon Growth & Marketing Training Webinar" that will last 60-90 minutes. This is where I will be teaching you (on on ongoing monthly basis) EXACTLY what I am doing on amazon to grow, market and scale. You get an inside view of my amazon business and methods, with the idea that you take what you've learned to duplicate my results! 2) Then each month, we will do a second webinar, which will be a monthly "Amazon QUESTION & ANSWER Webinar" On this Q & A amazon webinar, you will have the chance to ask me ANY questions you want, get nitty gritty help on issues that come up . help with marketing questions . and help with anything else you guys want or need. In summary: You will be part of two live webinars per month Webinar one, teaching amazon tactics and tricks, that I will NEVER reveal outside this coaching club. Webinar two, is an intensive monthly Q & A / Brainstorming webinar with our coaching club members When appropriate, I'll share documents, emails, ads, tricks, documents, contracts, etc. You will get replays, so you can watch future and past replays whenever you want. How Much? The price is: $295/month, drop out any time. This price is dirt cheap, as you could make this back your first successful week selling on amazon. In fact if you're serious about growing your amazon business, this is a no-brainer, as where else can you learn from someone that is this successful launching every product to date on amazon, like we have been. As soon as you register, I will be sending out an email with dates for our first coaching webinar - and trust me, I have several blockbuster things that I will be sharing on our first Webinar! What This Is NOT Just to be clear, this is NOT "one on one coaching" and I will not be responding to personal emails from the parti[beeep]nts about their various amazon issues, as that is the purpose of the monthly Q & A webinars that we'll be holding. The reason I am being upfront about this, is because if you get a spot, I don't want anyone to be offended if I never reply to your amazon related emails. Truthfully, I simply don't have the time these days for such things, but I am willing to share my super profitable amazon methods to my private coaching club, and that's truthfully all you should really care about because that's where the Real Money is! A Bit of a Warning I plan to limit the number of parti[beeep]nts, so as to keep these methods exclusive to my coaching students, as this is my very best stuff that's allowing me to crush it on amazon! I'd have to be a stupid dolt to expose my methods with too many people. Once I feel that we have enough people, I am taking down this page and I will probably never offer this again . and . based on the large demand for access to my strategies, I can assure you that this will be filled quickly. I am doubling down on our amazon business and we expect to be well into the range of $3000,000/month by next year, and therefore I plan to phase out all coaching and consulting - so this will likely be your one and only chance to learn from me and my unique methods. Hope you parti[beeep]te in our monthly amazon coaching club! It could literally change your financial destiny. Click Here to Register for Amazon Fast-Track Monthly Coaching Club! Sincerely, BenCummings-sig Ben Cummings PS: A few weeks ago, I offered 1-on-1 coaching to 10 people and we filled those spots fast. I am never offering one on one coaching again because I am too busy and honestly making too much money from my amazon business to do that anymore. (If you got one of those spots, you are very lucky.) This monthly coaching club is the next best thing. DOWNLOAD
  6. Nazwa releasu: Business Coaching 3/2010 Opis uploadu: Download:
  7. Nazwa releasu: Atkinson M. - Coaching krok po kroku. Cykl Sztuka i Nauka Coachingu tom II Opis: Poza ruchami religijnymi i politycznymi istnieje obecnie na ??wiecie jeden powa??ny ruch na rzecz rozwoju ludzkiego - coaching. Trzy ksiÄ???ki z cyklu Sztuka i nauka coachingu docierajÄ? do samego sedna tego zjawiska. PokazujÄ?, dlaczego coaching zdobywa popularno??Ä? i propojuje procesy, kt??re umo??liwiajÄ? poznanie potÄ?gi i metodologii rozm??w transformacyjnych. W tomie II pt. Coaching krok po kroku mowa o praktyce i metodologiach rozm??w coachingowych, kt??re uczÄ?, jak dochodzi do owych uskrzydlajÄ?cych rozm??w, kt??re inspirujÄ? i dajÄ? nam wiÄ?kszÄ? kontrole nad ??yciem. Opis uploadu: Download:
  8. KelbyOne - Coaching the Model and Making it Work English | 95min | yuv420p, 1920x1080, 30.0 fps | aac, 48KHz, 2ch | 2.06 Gb Genre: eLearning Make your photo shoots more successful by being a better coach for your models. Join Frank Doorhof in his studio as he shares his tips and techniques for how to put your model at ease before the shoot, on how to give more effective directions to your model, on multiple ways to pose both male and female models, and so much more. Frank believes that light is the language of photography, and as a photographer you need to be control of your lighting, so Frank also takes some time to share his lighting setup as well as some of his secrets for adding depth and dimension to your photos with shadows. Knowing the importance of having a variety of interesting props, Frank also shares some tricks of the trade for how you can get or create great looking props without breaking the budget. DOWNLOAD
  9. Writing a Business Plan Coaching Consulting Business Plan English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 63 kbps | 44 KHz | 3 hours | 312 Mb Genre: eLearning Simple business plan course for Life Coaches and Consultants; Learn how to write a business plan the bank will approve. Brand New Course: Writing a Business Plan: Coaching and Consulting Business Plan was created by 90 Day Guru E-Learning for you. You are currently a Life coach or Consultant and see the potential of writing a business plan but you want the best step-by-step guidance for how to make a business plan. You want business plan samples, strategies and examples on making a business plan that you'll follow and have already been tested and proven to work. You would like logical ways to create a business plan that will inspire your life coaching or consulting business to success. You would like to know how you can write a simple business plan in the shortest amount of time possible that can be accepted for a bank loan. You are ready to write a business plan but just need to know the foundation pieces so you feel more confident that you are doing it right. You are committed to following through with what you're about to learn about writing a business plan for you life coaching or consulting business. This is why you are here because you want to know how to write a business plan that you can follow and the bank will love. Now keep this in mind. Every piece of advice, strategy and logical approach to writing a business plan for a life coaching or consulting business has been tested; none of this is theory. You might be asking yourself; okay so what qualifies Louise to talk about writing a business plan. Great question! DOWNLOAD
  10. Udemy-Writing a Business Plan Coaching Consulting Business Plan MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 63 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 3 Hours | 312 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Simple business plan course for Life Coaches and Consultants; Learn how to write a business plan the bank will approve. Brand New Course: Writing a Business Plan: Coaching and Consulting Business Plan was created by 90 Day Guru E-Learning for you. You are currently a Life coach or Consultant and see the potential of writing a business plan but you want the best step-by-step guidance for how to make a business plan. You want business plan samples, strategies and examples on making a business plan that you'll follow and have already been tested and proven to work. You would like logical ways to create a business plan that will inspire your life coaching or consulting business to success. You would like to know how you can write a simple business plan in the shortest amount of time possible that can be accepted for a bank loan. You are ready to write a business plan but just need to know the foundation pieces so you feel more confident that you are doing it right. You are committed to following through with what you're about to learn about writing a business plan for you life coaching or consulting business. This is why you are here because you want to know how to write a business plan that you can follow and the bank will love. Now keep this in mind. Every piece of advice, strategy and logical approach to writing a business plan for a life coaching or consulting business has been tested; none of this is theory. You might be asking yourself; okay so what qualifies Louise to talk about writing a business plan. Great question! Read more: I have all of the education, financial training and background having worked in every pillar of the financial services industry; which means you get insider insight on how to write a business plan the bank will approve; most life coaches and consultant struggle with this area. I share with you what to do and what not to do based on my experiences having worked with thousands and thousands of clients over the past 25 years. More important and what I share in this course; I understand how to write a business plan that sets you up for success. I am a certified life coach but quickly learned that the life coaching training I received did not even touch on how to write a business plan that will get approved by financial institutions. In this course, you learn the exact steps you need to know to write a business plan that you can follow for success in your life coaching and consulting business. You get business plan insights that only a professional with my background can give you. You get the inside track on what you need to do to write a life coaching or consulting business plan from nothing plus what you need to do to follow through. If that's something you would like to achieve, you have selected the right business plan course to take. If you complete this entire course and implement everything you learn you will have a completed business plan that you can take to the bank or keep for yourself to follow. Remember, it doesn't matter if you are new or already in full swing, I've been there and I can show you exactly what you need to do to make it happen. There is no risk for you to lock in this introductory price. You can take this business plan course now or later. You are also covered by a 30 day money back guarantee. Simply click on take this course to start learning instantly. What are the requirements? Students will need to have Microsoft Office to complete the auto-fill business plan templates. However, a PDF document will be provided for those students that do not have it. What am I going to get from this course? Over 44 lectures and 3 hours of content! You will learn how this business plan course, designed for service based businesses will guide you to business success You will be introduced to business plan essentials for how to make a simple business plan you'll follow You will be given business plan samples, examples, strategies and best practices to model for success You will understand what banks look for when deciding to loan you money plus learn how to write a business plan that the bank loves You will walk away with a business plan outline that guides you to easily write a business plan that gets results You will walk away with a business plan template including financial plan template plus step-by-step guidance for easily completing your business plan You will be guided through business plan coaching that helps you assess your focus for business success plus receive business consulting insight to complete your business plan You will learn the simple business plan success formula that keeps Life Coaches and Consultants focused What is the target audience? This writing a business plan course is ideal for new Life Coaches or Consultants who want a simple business plan to follow This writing a business plan course is ideal for current Life Coaches or Consultants who want to get a bank loan to grow their business This writing a business plan course is ideal for small business owners who want step-by-step instruction for writing a business plan This writing a business plan course is ideal for people thinking of becoming a Life Coach or Consultant and want to learn the foundation pieces for building a business Do not take this course if you have already been approved for a bank loan
  11. Udemy - The Ultimate Confidence Coaching Masterclass English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 64 kbps | 44 KHz | 9 hours | 5.46 Gb Genre: eLearning Learn the secrets, essential truths and prin[beeep]les for building authentic confidence that lasts. Are you ready to learn the essential truths and prin[beeep]les for building authentic confidence that lasts? If so, this course that will take you on an in-depth journey of self discovery to understand the reasons for low self-esteem, how to overcome it, and how to implement your newfound confidence throughout every area of your life - genuine confidence that lasts. Upon enrolling in this Confidence Masterclass, you will: Learn to recognise, understand and manage your negative emotions. Learn effective strategies for reprogramming your minds negative and damaging self-talk. Gain life changing insights into who you truly are. Identify self-sabotaging attitudes and behaviours, fast and effectively, and how to eliminate them. Understand how the quality of your thinking has an influence over your emotional state. Understand where fear and insecurity begins and how to overcome it. Low self-esteem can make life unnecessarily difficult, both at work and at home, so developing genuine self-esteem and authentic confidence in who you are is essential for your happiness and general wellbeing in life. Some people miss out on the many great experiences that average people enjoy, due to fear or a lack of confidence. This course will introduce you to the idea that we aren't born with any pre-existing confidence of self-esteem issues, and that low self-esteem is often a result of mistaken perceptions that we make ourselves in childhood and growing up. DOWNLOAD
  12. Udemy - Life Coaching to Discover your Purpose English | MP4 | MP3 | 854x480 | 54 kbps | 48 KHz | 02:18:14 | 1.63 Gb Genre: eLearning Life Coaching to Discover Your Purpose! Do what you love and live in alignment with the true you through a purpose driven life! This course is for life coaches or those who want to life coach themselves. Everything happens for a reason... This is a term that we may hear often, and the question is-what does it mean? And, do we believe it? Is it something that we tell ourselves to feel better when something goes bad in our life? Well, I guess that depends on your view of life, but what it comes down to is we either grow from our experiences or let our experience define what will happen in our life. In other words, we have the choice to find the meaning (or reason) within everything that happens to us, which infuses our lives with a greater sense of purpose. Purpose exists in everything. We have 2 choices in life, allow the unexpected or negative aspects of life to be a curse, or turn them into blessings. We have always found that when we see experiences as an opportunity we find that that even what could have been considered the worst of obstacles and challenges turned out to be the biggest blessing. This is not only from our perspective, it also comes from our experience working with thousands of people, as well as our education in the field of psychology. Sometimes the events of our lives lead us to such miraculous and meaningful situations that we can't help but see how maybe, just maybe, everything WAS really leading us toward something greater... DOWNLOAD
  13. Build a Profitable & Rewarding Sports Coaching Business English | 2h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 10fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 437 Mb Genre: eLearning A step by step guide to developing your coaching skills & knowledge, then establishing an innovative coaching business. Are you an 'outdoors' person? Do you love sport & have a passion for coaching? Do you want to be your own boss & be in control of your own destiny? If you are currently nodding your head in agreement then this course is for you & will deliver you the skills & knowledge required to develop your own sports coaching business. Not only will you have access to over 90 minutes of easy to follow information, you will also have end of section 'actionables' that are designed to get you moving towards your dream through ACTION! At the conclusion of your course you will have developed your own coaching style, designed an engaging session plan, developed a sports coaching business plan & will also possess the skills & knowledge to start your business immediately. You will also have access to numerous downloadable resources & will receive considerable support via the discussion board from your instructor, who has 15 years experience in the sports education industry. So enrol now & take your first steps towards becoming a sports entrepreneur & enjoying a career that provides both personal satisfaction & financial rewards. What are the requirements? To benefit from all that this course has to offer you will only need to commit to completing all lectures & the actionable activities included No materials are required other than a pen to take notes An E-book of the entire presentation is available to be downloaded at the conclusion of lecture 3 What am I going to get from this course? Over 12 lectures and 2 hours of content! Identify opportunities to become a Sports Entrepreneur Decide on appropriate coaching qualifications Decide on which form their sports coaching business will take Develop their own personal coaching method & philosophy Run an engaging sports coaching profile for children Plan safe, enjoyable & effective skill development sessions for children Register their business name & commence trading Fund the start up costs of their sports coaching business Protect both their business & personal assets from financial loss Promote & market their business to a captive audience Engage with their local community & build a reputation for excellence Develop an integrated social media plan for their sports coaching business Identify appropriate means to expand & diversify Recruit ready made & qualified staff Access professional advice when required What is the target audience? This course is suited to anyone with a love of sport & an interest in coaching or teaching Passionate people who are in need of a career change Budding entrepreneurs who want to pursue opportunities in a sports related field Current teachers & education staff who are interested in developing a part time business Current University or College students who are interested in developing their own small business to assist them through their studies This course would not suit students who have no interest or passion for sport Student who do not have an interest in coaching children can adjust the skills taught to an adult coaching environment DOWNLOAD
  14. Bennewicz Maciej Coaching Tao Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: HASLO:
  15. Udemy - Public Speaking Coaching Series English | .MOV 720x400, 25fps® | AAC 48KHz 2c | 324 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to enhance your speaking skills quickly! Parti[beeep]te in an introductory Public Speaking Course Welcome to this public speaking coaching series course. This is an introductory course that will quickly get you engaged in the speaking process. The course is designed for anyone to interested in enhancing their presentation skills. This course has been synthesized to cover the following topics: A. The definition of public speaking B. Tools to practice relaxation and voice projection C. The importance of giving an informational speech D. The value of understanding an audience profile DOWNLOAD
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