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Znaleziono 12 wyników

  1. Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 (Mac OSX) (11/12/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 (Mac OSX) | 2 GB Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice Get ready to be more productive Dragon Dictate for Mac lets you to dictate, edit, transcribe and control your computer - quickly and accurately - all by using your voice. Flexible voice commands let you get things done quickly with just your voice. Smart Format Rules automatically adapt to how you want abbreviations, numbers and more to appear, so you don't have to correct it every time. Easily create custom word lists and macros for frequently used text. Transcription capabilities to transcribe your voice memos into text. With up to 99% accuracy, make fewer edits and get more done. Speed through your to-do list by talking, not typing. See what's new in Dragon Dictate for Mac, v4 Powerful transcription Supports various formats. Now transcribe from .mp3 audio files. Other supported formats include: .aif, .aiff , .wav, .mp4, .m4a, .m4v. Capture recorded notes. Accurately transcribe based on recorded sources instead of requiring training from a live source. Manage multiple sources. Allows for multiple transcription sources and easy transition between personal dictation and other transcription files. Blend recordings seamlessly. Easily transcribe your own voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder into text and seamlessly mix and match transcribing from other recording sources. Customize your notes. You can keep all the customization and vocabulary from your profile without having to switch out to a different profile. More control Do more with Gmail. Control your Gmail inbox within the Safari or Firefox browser with a few simple voice commands. Full Text Control lets you mix your talking and typing and still be able to edit, correct and format your text using voice commands. Go hands-free. Use your voice to click on any visible link and to open emails. Type or talk. Mix talking and typing with Full Text Control in Apple Pages 4.3. More accurate and faster Higher performance. Get things done with drastically reduced latency and faster editing. As a pure 64-bit application, Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4, now enables higher performance and improved memory management capabilities over previous versions. Enhanced recognition. Improved accuracy over version 3.x, with optimization for latest speech recognition technology. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  2. Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 French Mac OS X (11/12/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 French Mac OS X | 2.2 Go Gr??�ce ?? ses capacit??�s de reconnaissance vocale rapide et pr??�cise et de transcription polyvalente, Dragon Dictate pour Mac version 4 s'adapte parfaitement ?? vos m??�thodes de travail. Avec lui, vous pouvez utiliser votre voix pour cr??�er et ??�diter des documents et envoyer des e-mails, transcrire des notes vocales enregistr??�es sur votre smartphone, et bien plus encore ! Langues de dict??�e : Fran??§ais et anglais. Envie d'un Mac encore plus puissant ? Dragon Dictate pour Mac est la solution pour dicter et ??�diter des documents, transcrire des enregistrements et contr??´ler votre Mac au simple son de votre voix. Des commandes vocales flexibles, pour redoubler d'efficacit??� gr??�ce ?? votre voix. Des r??¨gles de formatage intelligent m??�morisent vos pr??�f??�rences de mise en forme (abr??�viations, num??�rotation, etc.), pour vous ??�viter d'avoir ?? les appliquer ?? chaque fois. Ajoutez des mots au vocabulaire et cr??�ez des macros pour ins??�rer instantan??�ment les textes que vous utilisez le plus souvent. Profitez de fonctions de transcription compl??¨tes pour convertir vos dict??�es en textes tap??�s. Gr??�ce ?? sa pr??�cision pouvant atteindre 99 %, vous passerez moins de temps ?? apporter des corrections. Venez ?? bout de votre liste de t??�ches, rien qu'en parlant. Nouveaut??�s de Nuance Dragon Dictate pour Mac version 4 Une transcription efficace Prise en charge de nombreux formats. En plus des formats .aif, .aiff, .wav, .mp4, .m4a et .m4v, la nouvelle version est d??�sormais compatible avec le format .mp3. Transcription d'enregistrements. Obtenez la transcription de vos enregistrements audio, sans avoir besoin de cr??�er pr??�alablement un profil depuis une source en direct. Gestion de sources multiples. Dragon Dictate accepte des sources de transcription multiples, et permet de passer facilement entre des travaux de dict??�e et de transcription. Compatible avec tous vos enregistrements. Obtenez la transcription des m??�mos vocaux effectu??�s sur votre smartphone ou votre enregistreur num??�rique, et traitez aussi facilement des enregistrements d'autres personnes provenant d'autres sources audio. Acc??¨s permanent ?? vos personnalisations. En utilisant un profil commun pour tous vos travaux de dict??�e et de transcription, vous profitez d'un vocabulaire unique et de tous les ??�l??�ments de personnalisation associ??�s. Plus de contr??´le Plus efficace avec Gmail. G??�rez votre bo??�te de r??�ception Gmail dans Safari et Firefox ?? l'aide de quelques commandes vocales simples. Basculez facilement entre dict??�e et saisie au clavier, et utilisez ?? tout moment des commandes vocales pour ??�diter, corriger et formater vos textes. Oubliez le clavier... et la souris ! Utilisez votre voix pour cliquer sur tous les liens visibles et ouvrir vos e-mails. Dict??�e ou clavier, c'est vous qui choisissez. Passez en toute transparence entre dict??�e et travail au clavier dans Apple Pages 4.3. Plus de pr??�cision et de rapidit??� Des performances accrues. Gagnez en efficacit??� gr??�ce ?? des temps de r??�ponse r??�duits et des ??�ditions plus rapides. Dragon Dictate pour Mac version 4 b??�n??�ficie d??�sormais d'une architecture 64 bits assurant des performances accrues et une meilleure utilisation de la m??�moire. Une pr??�cision am??�lior??�e. Dragon Dictate version 4 offre une pr??�cision am??�lior??�e par rapport aux versions 3.x, pour une reconnaissance vocale de pointe. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  3. Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 German Mac OS X (11/12/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 German Mac OS X | 2.33 GB Dragon Dictate f??Â?r Mac 4 kombiniert schnelle pr??¤zise Spracherkennung mit vielseitigen Transkriptionsfunktionen. Verfassen und bearbeiten Sie Dokumente, versenden Sie E-Mails - alles durch Sprechen. Setzen Sie Sprachaufzeichnungen von Ihrem Smartphone in Text um und mehr. Unterst??Â?tzt die folgenden Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch. Mehr Produktivit??¤t am Mac gef??¤llig? Diktieren und bearbeiten Sie Dokumente oder bedienen Sie Ihren Mac durch Sprechen. Setzen Sie Sprachaufzeichnungen in Text um. Mit Dragon Dictate f??Â?r Mac erledigen Sie alles schnell und genau. Mit flexiblen Sprachbefehlen schaffen Sie mehr in weniger Zeit. Dank SmartFormat-Regeln merkt sich Dragon Ihre Formatierungspr??¤ferenzen f??Â?r Abk??Â?rzungen, Zahlen und vieles mehr. Dadurch m??Â?ssen Sie viel weniger korrigieren. Erstellen Sie m??Â?helos eigene Wortlisten oder Makros f??Â?r Textbausteine. Sprachaufzeichnungen setzen Sie im Handumdrehen in Text um. Bis zu 99 % erkennungsgenau: Sie m??Â?ssen weniger korrigieren und schaffen mehr. Sprechen statt tippen und anfallende Arbeiten im Nu erledigen. Was ist neu in Dragon Dictate f??Â?r Mac Version 4? Leistungsstarke Transkription Unterst??Â?tzung zahlreicher Audioformate. Jetzt k??Â?nnen auch mp3-Dateien verarbeitet werden. Unterst??Â?tzt werden au???¸erdem die Formate .aif, .aiff, .wav, .mp4, .m4a und .m4v. Transkription von Aufzeichnungen. Sie k??Â?nnen aufgezeichnete Diktate pr??¤zise umsetzen, ohne ein Profil aus einer Live-Quelle zu erstellen. Mehrere Quellen verwalten. Verwenden Sie mehrere Transkriptionsquellen und wechseln Sie problemlos zwischen eigenen Diktaten und den Transkriptionsergebnissen aufgezeichneter Diktate. Transkription f??Â?r andere Sprecher. Sie k??Â?nnen nicht nur eigene Sprachaufzeichnungen vom Smartphone oder Diktierger??¤t, sondern auch Aufzeichnungen anderer Sprecher und aus anderen Quellen in Text umsetzen. Permanenter Zugriff auf Anpassungen. Sie k??Â?nnen die individuellen Einstellungen und das Vokabular Ihres Profils f??Â?r Diktier- und Transkriptionsworkflows nutzen, ohne das Profil wechseln zu m??Â?ssen. Bessere Steuerung Gmail besser nutzen. Verwalten Sie Ihren Gmail-Posteingang in Safari oder Firefox mit wenigen einfachen Sprachbefehlen. Dank vollst??¤ndiger Textkontrolle k??Â?nnen Sie nahtlos zwischen Diktier- und Tippmodus wechseln und Ihren Text mit Sprachbefehlen bearbeiten, korrigieren und formatieren. Arbeiten ohne Tastatur. Sprechen Sie einfach, um auf Links zu klicken oder E-Mails zu ??Â?ffnen. Sprechen oder Tippen. Nahtloser Wechsel zwischen Diktier- und Tippmodus mit vollst??¤ndiger Textkontrolle in Apple Pages 4.3. Genauer und schneller Bessere Leistung. Erheblich weniger Verz??Â?gerungen und z??Â?gigere Bearbeitung. Dragon Dictate f??Â?r Mac 4 ist eine echte 64-Bit-Anwendung: Sie bietet noch mehr Leistung und bessere Speichernutzung als ihre Vorg??¤ngerversionen. Verbesserte Erkennung. Genauer als Version 3.x und f??Â?r den neuesten Entwicklungsstand der Spracherkennung optimiert. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  4. Dragon Dictate v4.0.5 Mac OS X (10/12/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.5 Mac OS X | 2 GB Language: English Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice. Get ready to be more productive Dragon Dictate for Mac lets you to dictate, edit, transcribe and control your computer quickly and accurately all by using your voice Flexible voice commands let you get things done quickly with just your voice. Smart Format Rules automatically adapt to how you want abbreviations, numbers and more to appear, so you dont have to correct it every time. Easily create custom word lists and macros for frequently used text. Transcription capabilities to transcribe your voice memos into text. With up to 99 accuracy, make fewer edits and get more done. Speed through your to-do list by talking, not typing. See whats new in Dragon Dictate for Mac, v4 Powerful transcription Supports various formats. Now transcribe from .mp3 audio files. Other supported formats include: .aif, .aiff , .wav, .mp4, .m4a, .m4v. Capture recorded notes. Accurately transcribe based on recorded sources instead of requiring training from a live source. Manage multiple sources. Allows for multiple transcription sources and easy transition between personal dictation and other transcription files. Blend recordings seamlessly. Easily transcribe your own voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder into text and seamlessly mix and match transcribing from other recording sources. Customize your notes. You can keep all the customization and vocabulary from your profile without having to switch out to a different profile. More control Do more with Gmail. Control your Gmail inbox within the Safari or Firefox browser with a few simple voice commands. Full Text Control lets you mix your talking and typing and still be able to edit, correct and format your text using voice commands. Go hands-free. Use your voice to click on any visible link and to open emails. Type or talk. Mix talking and typing with Full Text Control in Apple Pages 4.3. More accurate and faster Higher performance. Get things done with drastically reduced latency and faster editing. As a pure 64-bit application, Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4, now enables higher performance and improved memory management capabilities over previous versions. Enhanced recognition. Improved accuracy over version 3.x, with optimization for latest speech recognition technology. System requirements OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3),OS X Mavericks (10.9),Ram We recommend 4 GB,CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz or faster processor - Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 recommended, A DVD-ROM drive for installation of physical box shipment; for users without DVD-ROM, purchase digital download version A Nuance-approved noise-canceling headset microphone for Mac (included in purchase) Note: An Internet connection is required for automatic product activation (a quick anonymous process) DOWNLOAD LINKS:[beeep]vzmtv/Nuance.Dragon.Dictate.v4.0.5.part1.rar
  5. Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 Mac OS X (25/11/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 Mac OS X | 2 GB Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice. Get ready to be more productive Dragon Dictate for Mac lets you to dictate, edit, transcribe and control your computer - quickly and accurately - all by using your voice. Flexible voice commands let you get things done quickly with just your voice. Smart Format Rules automatically adapt to how you want abbreviations, numbers and more to appear, so you don't have to correct it every time. Easily create custom word lists and macros for frequently used text. Transcription capabilities to transcribe your voice memos into text. With up to 99% accuracy, make fewer edits and get more done. Speed through your to-do list by talking, not typing. See what's new in Dragon Dictate for Mac, v4 Powerful transcription Supports various formats. Now transcribe from .mp3 audio files. Other supported formats include: .aif, .aiff , .wav, .mp4, .m4a, .m4v. Capture recorded notes. Accurately transcribe based on recorded sources instead of requiring training from a live source. Manage multiple sources. Allows for multiple transcription sources and easy transition between personal dictation and other transcription files. Blend recordings seamlessly. Easily transcribe your own voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder into text and seamlessly mix and match transcribing from other recording sources. Customize your notes. You can keep all the customization and vocabulary from your profile without having to switch out to a different profile. More control Do more with Gmail. Control your Gmail inbox within the Safari or Firefox browser with a few simple voice commands. Full Text Control lets you mix your talking and typing and still be able to edit, correct and format your text using voice commands. Go hands-free. Use your voice to click on any visible link and to open emails. Type or talk. Mix talking and typing with Full Text Control in Apple Pages 4.3. More accurate and faster Higher performance. Get things done with drastically reduced latency and faster editing. As a pure 64-bit application, Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4, now enables higher performance and improved memory management capabilities over previous versions. Enhanced recognition. Improved accuracy over version 3.x, with optimization for latest speech recognition technology. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  6. Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 French Mac OS X (23/11/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 French Mac OS X | 2.2 Go Gr??ce ? ses capacit??s de reconnaissance vocale rapide et pr??cise et de transcription polyvalente, Dragon Dictate pour Mac version 4 s'adapte parfaitement ? vos m??thodes de travail. Avec lui, vous pouvez utiliser votre voix pour cr??er et ??diter des documents et envoyer des e-mails, transcrire des notes vocales enregistr??es sur votre smartphone, et bien plus encore ! Langues de dict??e : Fran?§ais et anglais. Envie d'un Mac encore plus puissant ? Dragon Dictate pour Mac est la solution pour dicter et ??diter des documents, transcrire des enregistrements et contr?´ler votre Mac au simple son de votre voix. Des commandes vocales flexibles, pour redoubler d'efficacit?? gr??ce ? votre voix. Des r?¨gles de formatage intelligent m??morisent vos pr??f??rences de mise en forme (abr??viations, num??rotation, etc.), pour vous ??viter d'avoir ? les appliquer ? chaque fois. Ajoutez des mots au vocabulaire et cr??ez des macros pour ins??rer instantan??ment les textes que vous utilisez le plus souvent. Profitez de fonctions de transcription compl?¨tes pour convertir vos dict??es en textes tap??s. Gr??ce ? sa pr??cision pouvant atteindre 99 %, vous passerez moins de temps ? apporter des corrections. Venez ? bout de votre liste de t??ches, rien qu'en parlant. Nouveaut??s de Nuance Dragon Dictate pour Mac version 4 Une transcription efficace Prise en charge de nombreux formats. En plus des formats .aif, .aiff, .wav, .mp4, .m4a et .m4v, la nouvelle version est d??sormais compatible avec le format .mp3. Transcription d'enregistrements. Obtenez la transcription de vos enregistrements audio, sans avoir besoin de cr??er pr??alablement un profil depuis une source en direct. Gestion de sources multiples. Dragon Dictate accepte des sources de transcription multiples, et permet de passer facilement entre des travaux de dict??e et de transcription. Compatible avec tous vos enregistrements. Obtenez la transcription des m??mos vocaux effectu??s sur votre smartphone ou votre enregistreur num??rique, et traitez aussi facilement des enregistrements d'autres personnes provenant d'autres sources audio. Acc?¨s permanent ? vos personnalisations. En utilisant un profil commun pour tous vos travaux de dict??e et de transcription, vous profitez d'un vocabulaire unique et de tous les ??l??ments de personnalisation associ??s. Plus de contr?´le Plus efficace avec Gmail. G??rez votre bo??te de r??ception Gmail dans Safari et Firefox ? l'aide de quelques commandes vocales simples. Basculez facilement entre dict??e et saisie au clavier, et utilisez ? tout moment des commandes vocales pour ??diter, corriger et formater vos textes. Oubliez le clavier... et la souris ! Utilisez votre voix pour cliquer sur tous les liens visibles et ouvrir vos e-mails. Dict??e ou clavier, c'est vous qui choisissez. Passez en toute transparence entre dict??e et travail au clavier dans Apple Pages 4.3. Plus de pr??cision et de rapidit?? Des performances accrues. Gagnez en efficacit?? gr??ce ? des temps de r??ponse r??duits et des ??ditions plus rapides. Dragon Dictate pour Mac version 4 b??n??ficie d??sormais d'une architecture 64 bits assurant des performances accrues et une meilleure utilisation de la m??moire. Une pr??cision am??lior??e. Dragon Dictate version 4 offre une pr??cision am??lior??e par rapport aux versions 3.x, pour une reconnaissance vocale de pointe. Posted by: decent DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  7. Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 German Mac OS X (17/11/14) Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 German Mac OS X | 2.33 GB Dragon Dictate f??r Mac 4 kombiniert schnelle pr?¤zise Spracherkennung mit vielseitigen Transkriptionsfunktionen. Verfassen und bearbeiten Sie Dokumente, versenden Sie E-Mails - alles durch Sprechen. Setzen Sie Sprachaufzeichnungen von Ihrem Smartphone in Text um und mehr. Unterst??tzt die folgenden Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch. Mehr Produktivit?¤t am Mac gef?¤llig? Diktieren und bearbeiten Sie Dokumente oder bedienen Sie Ihren Mac durch Sprechen. Setzen Sie Sprachaufzeichnungen in Text um. Mit Dragon Dictate f??r Mac erledigen Sie alles schnell und genau. Mit flexiblen Sprachbefehlen schaffen Sie mehr in weniger Zeit. Dank SmartFormat-Regeln merkt sich Dragon Ihre Formatierungspr?¤ferenzen f??r Abk??rzungen, Zahlen und vieles mehr. Dadurch m??ssen Sie viel weniger korrigieren. Erstellen Sie m??helos eigene Wortlisten oder Makros f??r Textbausteine. Sprachaufzeichnungen setzen Sie im Handumdrehen in Text um. Bis zu 99 % erkennungsgenau: Sie m??ssen weniger korrigieren und schaffen mehr. Sprechen statt tippen und anfallende Arbeiten im Nu erledigen. Was ist neu in Dragon Dictate f??r Mac Version 4? Leistungsstarke Transkription Unterst??tzung zahlreicher Audioformate. Jetzt k??nnen auch mp3-Dateien verarbeitet werden. Unterst??tzt werden au??erdem die Formate .aif, .aiff, .wav, .mp4, .m4a und .m4v. Transkription von Aufzeichnungen. Sie k??nnen aufgezeichnete Diktate pr?¤zise umsetzen, ohne ein Profil aus einer Live-Quelle zu erstellen. Mehrere Quellen verwalten. Verwenden Sie mehrere Transkriptionsquellen und wechseln Sie problemlos zwischen eigenen Diktaten und den Transkriptionsergebnissen aufgezeichneter Diktate. Transkription f??r andere Sprecher. Sie k??nnen nicht nur eigene Sprachaufzeichnungen vom Smartphone oder Diktierger?¤t, sondern auch Aufzeichnungen anderer Sprecher und aus anderen Quellen in Text umsetzen. Permanenter Zugriff auf Anpassungen. Sie k??nnen die individuellen Einstellungen und das Vokabular Ihres Profils f??r Diktier- und Transkriptionsworkflows nutzen, ohne das Profil wechseln zu m??ssen. Bessere Steuerung Gmail besser nutzen. Verwalten Sie Ihren Gmail-Posteingang in Safari oder Firefox mit wenigen einfachen Sprachbefehlen. Dank vollst?¤ndiger Textkontrolle k??nnen Sie nahtlos zwischen Diktier- und Tippmodus wechseln und Ihren Text mit Sprachbefehlen bearbeiten, korrigieren und formatieren. Arbeiten ohne Tastatur. Sprechen Sie einfach, um auf Links zu klicken oder E-Mails zu ??ffnen. Sprechen oder Tippen. Nahtloser Wechsel zwischen Diktier- und Tippmodus mit vollst?¤ndiger Textkontrolle in Apple Pages 4.3. Genauer und schneller Bessere Leistung. Erheblich weniger Verz??gerungen und z??gigere Bearbeitung. Dragon Dictate f??r Mac 4 ist eine echte 64-Bit-Anwendung: Sie bietet noch mehr Leistung und bessere Speichernutzung als ihre Vorg?¤ngerversionen. Verbesserte Erkennung. Genauer als Version 3.x und f??r den neuesten Entwicklungsstand der Spracherkennung optimiert. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  8. Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 MacOSX (15/11/14) Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.6 MacOSX | 1.95GB Language: English Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice. The benefits Powerful transcription Transcribe voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder, podcasts or an audio file of any single speaker's voice to text. More control With just your voice, create and edit documents in Apple' Pages' 4.3, compose and manage email in Gmaila'?, surf and search the Web and update your Facebook and Twitter status. More speed Just speak and the words appear on the computer screen, instantly. With higher performance and faster editing, you can get more done. More accuracy It's easy to master Dragon Dictate right out of the box. With up to 99% accuracy, Dragon understands you so you make fewer edits and gets your words on the screen the way you intended. Home Page _ DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  9. Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.5 English (Mac OSX) (7/11/14) Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.5 English (Mac OSX) | 2 GB Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice. The benefits Powerful transcription Transcribe voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder, podcasts or an audio file of any single speaker???s voice to text. More control With just your voice, create and edit documents in Apple?? Pages?? 4.3, compose and manage email in Gmail???, surf and search the Web and update your Facebook and Twitter status. More speed Just speak and the words appear on the computer screen, instantly. With higher performance and faster editing, you can get more done. More accuracy It???s easy to master Dragon Dictate right out of the box. With up to 99% accuracy, Dragon understands you so you make fewer edits and gets your words on the screen the way you intended. DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  10. Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.4 (MacOSX) Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.4 (MacOSX) | 1.98 GB Transcribe, edit and write all by voice.. Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice. Powerful transcription Transcribe voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder, podcasts or an audio file of any single speaker's voice to text. More control With just your voice, create and edit documents in Apple Pages 4.3, compose and manage email in Gmail, surf and search the Web and update your Facebook and Twitter status. More speed Just speak and the words appear on the computer screen, instantly. With higher performance and faster editing, you can get more done. More accuracy It's easy to master Dragon Dictate right out of the box. With up to 99% accuracy, Dragon understands you so you make fewer edits and gets your words on the screen the way you intended. Note: The interface language is English, not multilingual for now. What's New Version 4.0.4: * Addresses an issue upgrading profiles with large vocabularies. Requirements: - OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3) - OS X Mavericks (10.9) DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  11. Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.4 (MacOSX) Nuance Dragon Dictate v4.0.4 (MacOSX) | 1.98 GB Transcribe, edit and write all by voice.. Dragon Dictate for Mac, version 4 merges fast, accurate speech recognition and versatile transcription to fit the way you work. Dictate and edit documents, send email, transcribe voice memos from your smartphone, and more with just your voice. Powerful transcription Transcribe voice memos from a smartphone or portable voice recorder, podcasts or an audio file of any single speaker's voice to text. More control With just your voice, create and edit documents in Apple Pages 4.3, compose and manage email in Gmail, surf and search the Web and update your Facebook and Twitter status. More speed Just speak and the words appear on the computer screen, instantly. With higher performance and faster editing, you can get more done. More accuracy It's easy to master Dragon Dictate right out of the box. With up to 99% accuracy, Dragon understands you so you make fewer edits and gets your words on the screen the way you intended. Note: The interface language is English, not multilingual for now. What's New Version 4.0.4: * Addresses an issue upgrading profiles with large vocabularies. Requirements: - OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3) - OS X Mavericks (10.9) DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  12. Neocymatics Hybrid Strings KONTAKT Neocymatics Hybrid Strings KONTAKT | 705 Mb After a long period of detailed research, development and fine-tuning Neocymatics is proud to announce the release of Hybrid Strings, a Kontakt Library that will bring a new perspective to Virtual Strings. The purpose of Hybrid Strings is to serve as a Solo String Library but also as a Section one. Our aim was to achieve the highest playability and expressiveness possible in real time, with no compromise in quality or diversity. Hybrid Strings is 3 Libraries in 1, each with its own character and tone: Studio Strings Bright, professional sound that fits in the mix out of the box. Your Best Choice for Magnificent Orchestral Scoring. Live Strings Lush, warm sound, perfectly suitable for realistic solos, covering almost every music genre from Classical to Ethnic. Electric Strings Sharp, imposing sound that will cut through the mix. The alternative approach to Strings' sound, bringing new air to your musical experimentations. Highlights * Crystal-clear Audio Quality, Ultra Dry Sound with full control over Room/Air * Dynamic Amplitude Sound Shaping, controlled through Breath Controller/Expression Pedal or any Midi CC of your choice * True Legato Performance - Realistic Trills * Bow-Change simulation * Real-time portamento/glissando with variable Finger-String contact and full control over portamento time * Fully controlled real-time Vibrato with variety of techniques/intensity * Fully controlled String Resonances/Harmonics for every note * Formant-correct realistic Pitch-Bend action * Real-time control over Attack Dynamics for both monophonic and polyphonic playing * Increased playability with only 3 articulations to cover the full range of playing techniques (staccato, spiccato, legato, pizzicato, tremolo, portamento, polyphonic playing) in only 1 patch per instrument * FX Processor tweaked for every instrument respectively, with assignable controllers for real-time sound morphing * 30 custom Impulse Responses that will truly transform your sound, ranging from Short Spaces and Early Reflections to Huge Halls and Concert Stages, all recorded at 96 kHz * Individual Note Microtuning with 200 cents range, including 22 ready presets of Byzantine Sounds, Middle Eastern Scales, Arabic Maqams and Miscellaneous Tunings (Pythagorean, Just Intonation etc) - Ability to transpose every Tuning to any Base Note. All Tunings use precision of 2 decimal numbers DOWNLOAD LINKS:
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