Dork Tower (Web Comic) - Complete through 2014
"Dork Tower" ( by John Kovalic chronicles the lives of a group of geeks living in the fictional town of Mud Bay, Wisconsin. The strip's topics include role-playing games (RPGs), comic books, video games, and fandom in general. The online comic, which premiered in 1997, concentrates primarily on single-cartoon gags and shorter stories, while the comic book, which premiered a year later, tends toward longer storylines; however, there is a large amount of overlap between the two, and key storylines from the comic book are often reprinted online.
This torrent collects "Dork Tower" comics from the strip's premiere in 1997 through the end of 2014 in a set of CBR files by year. The torrent does not include content from "Dork Tower" comic books, except where that content also appeared online. Everything here comes from the archive, though the content of that archive has been "cleaned up" considerably. Early comics have been resorted both by year and by where they originally appeared. Reprints of "classic" comics, which appear regularly throughout the archive, were removed (after making sure the cartoons were available in their original forms), as were samples of other titles and various advertisements, though I did assemble the "Unspeakable Oaf" comics which appear in the archive in an extra CBR file. ("The Unspeakable Oaf" was a comic by Kovalic which appeared semi-regularly in "Dragon" magazine.)
Format: cbr
Language: English
Size: 366 mb
Hoster: Uploaded