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Znaleziono 32 wyników

  1. Larssen Erik Bertrand Hell week Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Daj z siebie wszystko przez jeden tydzie?? i odmie?? swoje ??ycie na zawsze! MijajÄ? dni. Tygodnie. Lata. Je??li mamy szczÄ???cie, dane nam bÄ?dzie prze??yÄ? bardzo wiele tygodni. A ile tygodni ze swojego ??ycia pamiÄ?tasz? Kt??re z nich najwiÄ?cej CiÄ? nauczy??y? W kt??rych najwiÄ?cej osiÄ?gnÄ???e??? Kt??re zbli??y??y CiÄ? do Twojego celu, spe??nienia Twojego marzenia? To jest w??a??nie kuracja, kt??rÄ? chcÄ? Ci zaaplikowaÄ?, cywilny wariant mitycznego wojskowego hell weeku. To do??wiadczenie nauczy CiÄ? wydeptywania w??asnych ??cie??ek. Da Ci, choÄ?by czÄ???ciowo, odpowied?? na pytanie, co naprawdÄ? w Tobie drzemie. Je??li do??yjesz osiemdziesiÄ?tki, bÄ?dziesz mia?? za sobÄ? 4160 tygodni. Mo??e w??a??nie hell week bÄ?dzie tym tygodniem, w kt??rym nauczysz siÄ? najwiÄ?cej w swoim ??yciu? Tym, kt??ry najlepiej zapamiÄ?tasz? Witaj w piekielnym tygodniu Bertranda. â?žMoim celem by??o stworzenie cywilnego wariantu wojskowego hell weeku. Piekielnego tygodnia, kt??ry mo??e sobie urzÄ?dziÄ? ka??dy, niezale??nie od tego, czym siÄ? zajmuje. Chodzi o to, by?? robi?? to wszystko, co robisz zazwyczaj, tyle tylko, ??e o wiele lepiejâ?. Piekielny tydzie?? trenera mentalnego Erika Bertranda Larssena to drobiazgowy, rozpisany na poszczeg??lne dni plan pokazujÄ?cy, jak mo??na zatrzymaÄ? siÄ? w codziennej gonitwie i wyj??Ä? ze strefy komfortu, wy??amaÄ? siÄ? z rutyny, siÄ?gnÄ?Ä? po co?? wiÄ?cej. Program polega miÄ?dzy innymi na znalezieniu w??a??ciwego punktu skupienia, planowaniu zada?? i odpowiedniej mobilizacji niezbÄ?dnej do ich wykonania. Je??li w ciÄ?gu jednego tygodnia bÄ?dziesz dawa?? z siebie wszystko we wszystkich aspektach ??ycia, odkryjesz, ??e staÄ? CiÄ? na o wiele wiÄ?cej, ni?? poczÄ?tkowo my??la??e??, i wypracujesz nowe, lepsze nawyki. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 283 MB czas trwania: 07h 52m 45s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Leszek Filipowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  2. Larssen Erik Bertrand Bez lito??ci Okladka/Screeny: Opis: "Nie wa??ne co robisz, bÄ?d?? najlepszy." To mantra powtarzana przez Larssena w tej niesamowitej ksiÄ???ce. Autor daje Ci przydatne narzÄ?dzia, ??eby?? sta?? siÄ? lepszÄ? wersjÄ? siebie samego. Larssen pomaga Ci spojrzeÄ? na ??ycie z dystansu i tak pokierowaÄ? swymi uczuciami, aby zaczÄ?Ä? my??leÄ? inaczej. KsiÄ???ka zmotywuje CiÄ? do tego, aby przekraczaÄ? swoje granice i poka??e, ??e nie ma lito??ci, je??li chodzi o Tw??j w??asny rozw??j. "Bez lito??ci" r????ni siÄ? od innych ksiÄ???ek o samorozwoju. Opowiada ona wspania??Ä? historiÄ? o ma??ym ch??opcu, kt??ry by?? wiele lat ofiarÄ? bullingu, wiecznym przegranym, a kt??ry jednak chcia?? czego?? wiÄ?cej od ??ycia i swojej przysz??o??ci. DziÄ?ki tej ksiÄ???ce mo??esz uczestniczyÄ? w podr????y Larssena, podczas kt??rej stawa?? siÄ? coraz silniejszÄ? i odnoszÄ?cÄ? sukcesy osobÄ?. Autor opowiada w niej, jak radziÄ? sobie z komplikacjami i pokazuje jak ma??e modyfikacje mogÄ? zmieniÄ? Twoje ??ycie. Wszyscy w Norwegii kupili tÄ? ksiÄ???kÄ?. Biznesmeni, najlepsi sportowcy, studenci i sfrustrowane gospodynie domowe, poniewa?? Larssen mo??e pom??c im wszystkim. Wielu wielkich sportowc??w i biznesmen??w u??ywa jego metod dziÄ?ki, kt??rym siÄ?ga po swoje cele i marzenia. Spotkasz niekt??rych z nich w tej ksiÄ???ce, i r??wnie?? otrzymasz specyficzne rady i narzÄ?dzia, kt??re pomogÄ? Ci tak??e to osiÄ?gnÄ?Ä?. Poznaj metodÄ? najbardziej fenomenalnego trenera mentalnego w Norwegii! Zastanawiasz siÄ?, jak uwolniÄ? sw??j potencja?? i osiÄ?gaÄ? wyniki, kt??rych siÄ? po sobie nie spodziewasz? Trener mentalny Erik Bertrand Larssen sprawia, ??e rekiny biznesu, najlepsi norwescy sportowcy i zupe??nie zwykli ludzie osiÄ?gajÄ? swoje cele, zar??wno w ??yciu codziennym jak i zawodowym. Jego metoda odnosi sukces, raz za razem. "Z??ama?? kod Heddy w zaledwie dwadzie??cia minut. Najbardziej efektywny trening mentalny jakiego kiedykolwiek do??wiadczy??am". - Hedda Berntsen "Ucz siÄ? od Bertranda. Ja siÄ? uczÄ?". - Petter Northug Jr "Bertrand pom??g?? mi wyznaczyÄ? cel tak klawy, ??e a?? co?? siÄ? we mnie odmieni??o. I bardzo podoba mi siÄ? ta przemiana". - Martin Johnsrud Sundby, biegacz narciarski "To, co jest niezwyk??e w pracy z Bertrandem to fakt, ??e on sprawia, ??e ludzie zmieniajÄ? swoje zachowanie. I w og??le nie ma siÄ? poczucia, ??e potrzeba do tego jakiej?? ofiary". - Adam Ikdal, szef "Boston Consulting Group" w Norwegii "Bertrand ca??y weekend s??a?? mi kr??tkie, motywujÄ?ce smsy. Bardzo mi pomog??y, a ja nabra??am pewno??ci, ??e jako?? sobie poradzÄ?". - Silje Nergaard, wokalistka jazzowa i autorka piosenek Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 425 MB czas trwania: 07h 51m 47s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Leszek Filipowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  3. Artist: Noriko Ogawa Title: Noriko Ogawa Plays Erik Satie on an 1890 Erard Piano Year Of Release: 2017 Label: BIS Genre: Classical, Piano Quality: flac lossless Total Time: 01:15:21 Total Size: 196 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Pr??lude de la porte h??ro??que du ciel 02. Sports et divertissements: No. 1, Choral inapp??tissant 03. Sports et divertissements: No. 2, La balan?§oire 04. Sports et divertissements: No. 3, La chasse 05. Sports et divertissements: No. 4, La com??die italienne 06. Sports et divertissements: No. 5, Le r??veil de la mari??e 07. Sports et divertissements: No. 6, Colin-maillard 08. Sports et divertissements: No. 7, La p??che 09. Sports et divertissements: No. 8, Le yachting 10. Sports et divertissements: No. 9, Le bain de mer 11. Sports et divertissements: No. 10, Le carnaval 12. Sports et divertissements: No. 11, Le golf 13. Sports et divertissements: No 12, La pieuvre 14. Sports et divertissements: No. 13, Les courses 15. Sports et divertissements: No. 14, Les quatre-coins 16. Sports et divertissements: No. 15, Le pique-nique 17. Sports et divertissements: No. 16, Le water-chute 18. Sports et divertissements: No. 17, Le tango perp??tuel 19. Sports et divertissements: No. 18, Le tra??neau 20. Sports et divertissements: No. 19, Le flirt 21. Sports et divertissements: No. 20, Le feu d'artifice 22. Sports et divertissements: No. 21, Le tennis 23. 3 Sarabandes: No. 1 in F Minor 24. 3 Sarabandes: No. 2 in D-Sharp Minor "?? Maurice Ravel" 25. 3 Sarabandes: No. 3 in B-Flat Minor 26. Pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 1, Voix d'int??rieur 27. Pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 2, Idylle cynique 28. Pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 3, Chanson canine 29. Pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 4, Avec camaraderie 30. 3 V??ritables pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 1, S??v?¨re r??primande 31. 3 V??ritables pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 2, Seul ? la maison 32. 3 V??ritables pr??ludes flasques (pour un chien): No. 3, On joue 33. 3 Fanfares of the Rose+Cross: No. 1, Air de l'ordre 34. 3 Fanfares of the Rose+Cross: No. 2, Air du grand ma??tre 35. 3 Fanfares of the Rose+Cross: No. 3, Air du grand prieur 36. Menus propos enfantines: No. 1, Le chant guerrier du roi des haricots 37. Menus propos enfantines: No. 2, Ce que dit la petite princesse des tulipes 38. Menus propos enfantines: No. 3, Valse du chocolat aux amandes 39. Enfantillages pittoresques: No. 1, Petit pr??lude ? la journ??e 40. Enfantillages pittoresques: No. 2, Berceuse 41. Enfantillages pittoresques: No. 3, Marche du grand escalier 42. Le fils des ??toiles: Pr??lude du premier acte "La Vocation" 43. Le fils des ??toiles: Pr??lude du deuxi?¨me acte "L'initiation" 44. Le fils des ??toiles: Pr??lude du troisi?¨me acte "L'incantation" 45. Peccadilles importunes: No. 1, ?Štre jaloux de son camarade qui a une grosse t??te 46. Peccadilles importunes: No. 2, Lui manger sa tartine 47. Peccadilles importunes: No. 3, Profiter de ce qu'il a des cors aux pieds pour lui prendre son cerceau 48. 3 Nouvelles enfantines: No. 1, Le vilain petit vaurien 49. 3 Nouvelles enfantines: No. 2, Berceuse 50. 3 Nouvelles enfantines: No. 3, La gentille toute petite fille Noriko Ogawa is a major pianist who bases her career half in her native Japan and half in Europe. Her repertory is primarily of the Romantic era and later, with an emphasis on recent classics. After establishing a solid career in Japan, she came to international acclaim with a third place finish in the Leeds International Piano Competition of 1987. This led to her attracting a large following in the United Kingdom, resulting in her decision to spend half of her professional life in Europe. She has appeared with all the major orchestras of the British Isles, including the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, BBC Philharmonic, Philharmonia, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Ulster Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, the Hall?? Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic, and the Orchestra of St. John's Smith Square. In Europe she has appeared with the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, the Tapiola Orchestra (Finland), and the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. She also broadcasts regularly on the Japanese television networks NHK and Nippon Television, and has toured extensively with the NKH Symphony Orchestra. She frequently appears also on the BBC. She is a well-regarded accompanist, particularly known for frequent appearances with Korean violinist Dong-Suk Kang. She is an exclusive artist for the major independent Swedish classical label BIS. The Times of London chose her recording of the second and third Rachmaninov concertos as one of the best releases of 1997, and her account of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition won a Critics' Choice Award. She released a stunning disc of complete Takemitsu piano music, and has also recorded piano concertos of Tcherepnin, as well as music by Harald Saeverud, Johan Peterson-Berger, and selections of Japanese solo piano music and music for cello and piano. After the turn of the century she continued projects to record more Rachmaninov and music of Schumann and Debussy. There is, incidentally, a Japanese soprano of the same name, also building a significant career in Europe and Japan, who performs as Noriko Ogawa-Yatake.
  4. Erik Wollo - Different Spaces (2017) Artist: Erik Wollo Album: Different Spaces Year Of Release: 2017 Genre: Ambient, Electronic, Downtempo Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Total Time: 02:27:41 (2 CD) Total Size: 350 MB
  5. Ake Edwardson - Komisarz Erik Winter 01 - Taniec z anio??em Opis: Pierwszy tom skandynawskiego cyklu kryminalnego o komisarzu Ericu Winterze. W skromnym hotelu w po??udniowym Londynie znaleziono zw??oki m??odego Szweda. Wkr??tce potem podobne morderstwo wydarzy??o siÄ? w G??teborgu. Krwawe ??lady ka??Ä? przypuszczaÄ?, ??e w hotelowym pokoju odby?? siÄ? makabryczny taniec. Dla 37-letniego komisarza Erika Wintera i jego wsp????pracownik??w te wydarzenia sÄ? poczÄ?tkiem najtrudniejszego ??ledztwa, z jakim mieli do czynienia. Taniec z anio??em zosta?? wyr????niony nagrodÄ? Szwedzkiej Akademii Krymina??u w 1997 jako najlepsza powie??Ä? kryminalna roku. KsiÄ???ki Ake Edwarsona o Eriku Winterze rozesz??y siÄ? milionowych nak??adach, by??y wielokrotnie nagradzane, zosta??y prze??o??one na 20 jÄ?zyk??w, a tak??e zekranizowane przez szwedzkÄ? telewizjÄ?. Download:
  6. Ake Edwardson - Komisarz Erik Winter 04 - Niech to siÄ? nigdy nie ko??czy Opis: W G??teborgu panuje niezwykle upalne lato. W parku znaleziono zw??oki zgwa??conej dziewczyny. Komisarz Erik Winter odkrywa, ??e w tym samym miejscu piÄ?Ä? lat wcze??niej pope??niono podobne przestÄ?pstwo, do dzi?? jednak nierozwiÄ?zane. Wkr??tce dochodzi do kolejnego gwa??tu i kolejnej ??mierci. Czy wszystkie te zab??jstwa co?? ??Ä?czy? Winter wraca do starego ??ledztwa, a jednocze??nie pr??buje rozwiÄ?zaÄ? zagadkÄ? ostatnich morderstw. Wydaje siÄ?, ??e to zadanie niemal nie do wykonania, ale komisarz pewien jest jednego: prÄ?dzej czy p????niej morderca powr??ci na miejsce zbrodni. Download:
  7. Ake Edwardson - Komisarz Erik Winter 05 - Niebo to miejsce na ziemi Opis: Policja w G??teborgu otrzymuje co jaki?? czas zg??oszenia, ??e nieznajomy mÄ???czyzna zaczepia ma??e dzieci i proponujÄ?c s??odycze, zwabia je do samochodu. Poniewa?? nie dochodzi do przestÄ?pstwa, zg??oszenia sÄ? ignorowane. Jednak pewnego dnia z placu zabaw zostaje porwany czteroletni ch??opczyk. Kiedy siÄ? odnajduje, przera??ony i poturbowany, wiele wskazuje na to, ??e wykorzystano go seksualnie. W tym samym czasie komisarz Erik Winter prowadzi ??ledztwo w sprawie serii brutalnych napa??ci na m??odych mÄ???czyzn. Zaczyna podejrzewaÄ?, ??e miÄ?dzy obiema sprawami istnieje zwiÄ?zek. Tu?? przed WigiliÄ? zostaje porwane kolejne dziecko. Tym razem przepada bez wie??ci. Okres ??wiÄ?teczny zmienia siÄ? w prawdziwy koszmar dla komisarza, kt??ry wie, ??e musi dzia??aÄ? b??yskawicznie, by zapobiec straszliwej tragedii. Download:
  8. Ake Edwardson - Komisarz Erik Winter 10 - Ostatnia zima Opis: Pewnego grudniowego poranka patrol policyjny zostaje wezwany do mieszkania w eleganckiej dzielnicy G??teborga. MÄ???czyzna, w stanie ciÄ???kiego szoku, le??y obok cia??a zamordowanej partnerki. Kilka dni p????niej, w tej samej eleganckiej dzielnicy powtarza siÄ? schemat zbrodni. Znalezione zostaje kolejne cia??o uduszonej kobiety i mÄ??? pogrÄ???ony w szoku. Podejrzenia ??ledczych kierujÄ? siÄ? w stronÄ? obu mÄ???czyzn, ale m??ody asystent policyjny zwraca uwagÄ? na szczeg????, kt??ry nie zgadza siÄ? z hipotezÄ? ??ledczychâ?? Download:
  9. Ake Edwardson - Komisarz Erik Winter 06 - Kamienny ??agiel Opis: Podczas drugiej wojny ??wiatowej u wybrze??y Szkocji zaginÄ??? John Osvald, szwedzki rybak. Sze??Ä?dziesiÄ?t lat p????niej jego syn Axel r??wnie?? znika bez ??ladu w trakcie podr????y do Szkocji. Na pro??bÄ? jego zaniepokojonej c??rki Erik Winter podejmuje siÄ? zbadaÄ? tÄ? sprawÄ?. Kolejny raz spotyka swojego kolegÄ? po fachu, Steveâ??a MacDonalda, by wraz z nim przeprowadziÄ? ??ledztwo. Jednak tym razem przyjmuje ono obr??t, jakiego ??aden z nich nie m??g?? siÄ? spodziewaÄ?. W tym samym czasie w G??teborgu inspektor Aneta Djanali bada sprawÄ? mÄ???czyzny podejrzanego o znÄ?canie siÄ? nad ??onÄ?. Policjantka mimowolnie zostaje wciÄ?gniÄ?ta w wydarzenia, kt??re sk??aniajÄ? jÄ? do refleksji nad w??asnÄ? przesz??o??ciÄ?... Kamienny ??agiel to sz??sty tom cieszÄ?cego siÄ? du??Ä? popularno??ciÄ? cyklu 10 powie??ci kryminalnych po??Ä?czonych postaciÄ? komisarza Erika Wintera. To pe??ne napiÄ?cia thrillery o mrocznych zakamarkach ludzkiej duszy. Opowiedziane z ironicznym dystansem, zmuszajÄ? do refleksji nad sprawami daleko odbiegajÄ?cymi od sensacyjnej fabu??y. Download:
  10. Erik Hassle - Innocence Lost (2017) INFO Title: Innocence Lost Artist : Erik Hassle Year : 2017 Genre: Pop Packed size: 95 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - No Words 02 - Pathetic 03 - Talk About It (feat. Vic Mensa) 04 - Breaking the Waves 05 - If Your Man Only Knew 06 - TKO 07 - Innocence Lost (feat. Tinashe) 08 - Silver & Gold 09 - FTPA (feat. Gorgon City) 10 - All Of You All Over Me 11 - Minnesota 12 - Missing You
  11. Erik Almas - Desert Tiger Duration: 4hr 30m | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 1.7 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Designed to complement photographer Erik Almas' lecture series on image making and career building, these tutorials reveal Erik's evolution in building and marketing his award-winning body of work. Throughout the footage, Erik encourages you to commit to the journey of defining your own photographic voice, as well as philosophies and suggestions to stay inspired about shooting and promoting your photography. Home Page _ Download From UploadGig Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  12. Artist: Erik Scott Title: In the Company of Clouds Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Erik Scott Genre: New Age / instrumental Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 40:10 min Total Size: 101 MB Tracklist ---------- 01. Nine Lives [00:04:35] 02. Seven Veils [00:04:50] 03. Women of Avalon [00:05:44] 04. Breathing Room [00:05:34] 05. Victory [00:04:50] 06. Open Door [00:03:22] 07. First Cup [00:02:47] 08. Waves [00:04:15] 09. The Long View [00:04:13] It's highly unlikely you have ever heard anything like Erik Scott's solo music.Coming from his background as a bassist with such influential artists as Alice Cooper, Sonia Dada, Flo & Eddie and Pops Staples, not to mention his composing for movies and television, one could hardly expect the haunting melodies that inform the utter beauty of this cinematic music. It defies specific characterization but encompasses the best of new age, ambient, jazz, and world, while forming these disparate genres into something cohesive, engaging, and utterly without equal. As a follow-up to his highly praised release 'Spirits", Scott reignites the fire of ingenuity with "In The Company of Clouds", a recording that may leave listeners breathless with its unexpected yet wholly accessible wonders. Prepare to hear a new standard in contemporary instrumental music with electric bass as its center point...has to be considered one of the best albums of 2016 by any critic who knows his or her stuff. Bill Binkelman-Zone Music Reporter, Wind and Wire magazine
  13. Artist: Erik Mongrain Title: Equilibrium Year Of Release: 2008 Label: Prophase Music Genre: Acoustic Guitar Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue) Total Time: 40:24 min Total Size: 227 MB (+5%) Tracklist: 01. A Ripple Effect 02. Alone In The Mist 03. Equilibrium 04. Muse 05. The Silent Fool 06. Pandora's Box 07. Eon's Illusion 08. Raindigger 09. Maelstrom ?­???¸?? ???????????????? - ???°???°?´????¸?? ?????????????¸?????? ?¸ ???¸???°???¸???, ?¸??????????????? ???° ?¸????????????????°???¸?? ?? ????????? ?¸?????? ?????¸???°???????????? ????¸??? ?´?????????????????? ????????¸?????°. ?­???¸?? ??°?? ???°???????°???? ??????? ????¸???? Acoustic Instrumental Contemporary Music.
  14. Erik Scott - In the Company of Clouds (2016) Erik Scott - In the Company of Clouds Genre: New Age Year: 2016 Source: cdbaby Audio codec: MP3 Bitrate: 320 kb/s Playtime: 00:40:10 Cover: front Size: 92 MB 1. Nine Lives 4:35 2. Seven Veils 4:50 3. Women of Avalon 5:44 4. Breathing Room 5:34 5. Victory 4:50 6. Open Door 3:22 7. First Cup 2:47 8. Waves 4:15 9. The Long View 4:13 linki:
  15. Commercial Photography Success by Erik Almas (HD Videos) Duration: 1hr 30m | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 665 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English In this 90-minute workshop, Erik will navigate your path through the world of advertising photography - what it takes to get there, both in terms of photographic work and vision and the marketing behind it. Erik will offer tools to craft a unique portfolio based on your vision and show you how to build a marketing plan to reach your ideal commercial clients. Download link:]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part1.rar.html]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part2.rar.html]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part1.rar]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part2.rar]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part1.rar]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part2.rar]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part1.rar]5t973.Commercial.Photography.Success.with.Erik.Almas.HD.Videos.part2.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  16. Erik Jackson Presents - Velvet Breaks (WAV) | 200 Mb Why do you need Drum Breaks in your production arsenal? The answer becomes obvious when you're lacking inspiration or stuck with a bad case of 'beat block'. Drum Breaks can be layered under programmed drums to liven up a beat, chopped, flipped, and re-arranged into new drum patterns and much more. Live Breaks embody the soul of Hip Hop Music and the Beatmaking tradition. This break kit has serious soul and features a slew of breaks and one shots for your drum programming and beatmaking pleasure! Velvet Breaks packs in a total of 126 drum breaks and 38 one shots! Velvet breaks was recorded with the Audix DP7 drum microphone pack. Each microphonen was individually shaped and compressed by the Universal Audio 4-710 D and 1176N. If that wasnt enough, the pre amp was fed to an SSL Stereo Bus Compressor, then recorded to a Studer A827 Tape Machine. Download link:]bbd8s.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar.html]bbd8s.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]bbd8s.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]bbd8s.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]bbd8s.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  17. Erik Jackson Presents - Velvet Breaks (WAV) | 200 Mb Why do you need Drum Breaks in your production arsenal? The answer becomes obvious when you're lacking inspiration or stuck with a bad case of 'beat block'. Drum Breaks can be layered under programmed drums to liven up a beat, chopped, flipped, and re-arranged into new drum patterns and much more. Live Breaks embody the soul of Hip Hop Music and the Beatmaking tradition. This break kit has serious soul and features a slew of breaks and one shots for your drum programming and beatmaking pleasure! Velvet Breaks packs in a total of 126 drum breaks and 38 one shots! Velvet breaks was recorded with the Audix DP7 drum microphone pack. Each microphonen was individually shaped and compressed by the Universal Audio 4-710 D and 1176N. If that wasnt enough, the pre amp was fed to an SSL Stereo Bus Compressor, then recorded to a Studer A827 Tape Machine. Download link:]ejjup.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar.html]ejjup.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]ejjup.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]ejjup.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]ejjup.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  18. Erik Jackson Presents - Velvet Breaks WAV | 200 Mb Why do you need Drum Breaks in your production arsenal? The answer becomes obvious when you're lacking inspiration or stuck with a bad case of 'beat block'. Drum Breaks can be layered under programmed drums to liven up a beat, chopped, flipped, and re-arranged into new drum patterns and much more. Live Breaks embody the soul of Hip Hop Music and the Beatmaking tradition. This break kit has serious soul and features a slew of breaks and one shots for your drum programming and beatmaking pleasure! Velvet Breaks packs in a total of 126 drum breaks and 38 one shots! Velvet breaks was recorded with the Audix DP7 drum microphone pack. Each microphonen was individually shaped and compressed by the Universal Audio 4-710 D and 1176N. If that wasnt enough, the pre amp was fed to an SSL Stereo Bus Compressor, then recorded to a Studer A827 Tape Machine. Download link:]gat1l.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]gat1l.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar.html]gat1l.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]gat1l.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  19. Erik Jackson Presents - Velvet Breaks WAV | 200 Mb Why do you need Drum Breaks in your production arsenal? The answer becomes obvious when you're lacking inspiration or stuck with a bad case of 'beat block'. Drum Breaks can be layered under programmed drums to liven up a beat, chopped, flipped, and re-arranged into new drum patterns and much more. Live Breaks embody the soul of Hip Hop Music and the Beatmaking tradition. This break kit has serious soul and features a slew of breaks and one shots for your drum programming and beatmaking pleasure! Velvet Breaks packs in a total of 126 drum breaks and 38 one shots! Velvet breaks was recorded with the Audix DP7 drum microphone pack. Each microphonen was individually shaped and compressed by the Universal Audio 4-710 D and 1176N. If that wasnt enough, the pre amp was fed to an SSL Stereo Bus Compressor, then recorded to a Studer A827 Tape Machine. Download link:]s3nop.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]s3nop.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar.html]s3nop.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar]s3nop.Erik.Jackson.Presents..Velvet.Breaks.WAV.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  20. Erik Jackson Presents Analog Artistry WAV | 417 Mb Welcome to Analog Artistry by Erik Jackson. Analog Artistry was created with a beat maker in mind. Analog Artistry was recorded in C Minor at 90 BPM. Every sound in this kit will work perfectly together, giving you thousands of musical options. Analog Artistry is broken down into these categories: â?? Arps - All of the arps were created by syncing 3 Moog synthesizers to the Moog Mother 32. The Mother sequenced and processed the 3 Moogs together perfectly. They are very dynamic and will fit great in your song. â?? Bass - The bass was recorded as sweeps, meaning you are getting much more than a simple loop. These are over 30 seconds of analog bass, filtered and processed to give you the best sampling options. You can easily sample multiple portions of the same bass with different phases of analog processing. â?? Pads - The pads were another multi analog synth creation. The Moog Sub Phatty and the Roland SH101 were fed to the Moog Mother 32. The Mother added a single LFO and processing the different oscillators together for a moving and ambient pad, full of analog vibes. â?? Drums - All of the drums were recorded from the Elektron Analog Rytm 8. All of the drums were recorded into the MPC 3000, layered and recorded to analog tape. They were recorded as one shots. 47 heavy hitting one shots inside.beware of heavy rumbles! Home Page -
  21. Sund Erik Axl ?šmierciono??ny upominek Opis: SzwecjÄ? zalewa fala samob??jstw. M??odzi ludzie w ca??ym kraju odbierajÄ? sobie ??ycie w r????ne, makabryczne sposoby. ?Ä?czy ich jedno: zainteresowanie muzykiem o pseudonimie HUNGER, kt??ry jest czÄ???ciÄ? najbardziej ekstremalnej i mrocznej subkultury muzycznej ukrytej w podziemnym ??wiecie. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download:
  22. KelbyOne - Active Lifestyle Photography By Erik Valind Duration: 1hr 19m | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920x1080 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 1 ch | 1.09 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Get up and moving with Erik Valind in his latest class on active lifestyle photography! Lifestyle photography is all about capturing believable moments and showing that ideal reality in an image. When done right it should make you want to jump into the photograph and join the people in the picture. In this class Erik takes you through the basics of planning for your shoot, doing your research, and selecting your gear, and then moves through a variety of locations and activities to demonstrate how it works in the real world. Working with natural light, reflectors, studio strobes, and speedlights, you'll get a good handle on how to tailor your lighting to fit the mood of the scene, so you can capture those hero images showing the peak of action. Home Page _ Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  23. Erik Almas - On Aspects of Image Making 30xHDRip | MP4/AVC, ~483 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 08:11:52 | English: AAC, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 3.58 GB Genre: Photo "Designed to complement photographer Erik Almas' lecture series on image making and career building, these tutorials reveal Erik's evolution in building and marketing his award-winning body of work. Throughout the footage, Erik encourages you to commit to the journey of defining your own photographic voice, as well as philosophies and suggestions to stay inspired about shooting and promoting your photography." Nearly 9 hours of footage chronicles 5 image-making case studies. Erik delves into the creative intent of an image, the necessity of planning, plus preparedness for the technical and problem solving aspects of a shoot. Erik will give you a step by step process to define your photographic voice, how to create a body of work and how to build a marketing plan. In nearly 5 hours of Photoshop tutorials, Erik will convey his complete post-production process including elemental darkroom techniques and advanced compositing. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  24. Kelbyone - Taming Natural Light With Erik Valind Duration: 58m | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920x1080, 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 1.07 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Natural light is all around us, but it is up to the photographer to control it in order to make a beautiful portrait. Join Erik Valind as he shows you how to tame that natural light, from direct noontime sun to overcast and shadowless days, and capture killer portraits with little more than just your camera and a reflector. No speedlights or strobes are required for this class. Erik teaches you about the factors that you can control, and then walks you various techniques you can use through a series of real world demonstrations, each one building on the last, that will give you the skills to start seeing and using natural light in new ways. Home Page _ Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  25. The Drum Broker Erik Jackson The Analog Soul Drum Kit [WAV] | 126 MB The Drum Broker has teamed up with veteran & professional sound designer Erik Jackson to bring you an all new, all original, drum kit entitled 'Analog Soul'. These drums have been created and designed from the ground up using an arsenal of analog synths including the Moog Minitaur & Moog Sub Phatty. They were recorded through a Manly Pre-Amp, EQ'd & Shaped by an SSL Alpha Channel & Transient Designer. Erik used a Sonor Brush Kit for the acoustic drums which were recorded through his Avalon Pre-Amp. Analog Soul Features 280 ORIGINAL drum samples including: 71 Hi Hats 71 Kicks 18 Shakers 71 Snares 49 Live, Vinyl FX, and Bonus Drums Processed and Created using: Moog Sub Phatty Moog Minitaur Manly Pre SSL Alpha Channel Transient Designer Sonor Brush Kit + Avalon Pre
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