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Znaleziono 25 wyników

  1. Free Download Hotel Laguna - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 300.1 MB | N/A | Isbn:1250277388 | Author: Nicola Harrison | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Historical Fiction, Fiction, Romance, Audiobook, Historical, World War II, Art Download Link:
  2. Harry Harrison, Ant Skalandis - Planeta ??mierci 6 Opis: Tajemnicze potwory pustoszÄ? ??yzne pola Monaloi. W??a??ciciele wielkich plantacji wzywajÄ? na pomoc Pyrrusan. Jason dinAlt przekonuje siÄ? jednak, ??e to nie stwory sÄ? najwiÄ?kszym zagro??eniem. A gospodarze planety nie sÄ? tymi, za kt??rych siÄ? podajÄ?... Download:
  3. Harry Harrison, Ant Skalandis - Planeta ??mierci 5 Opis: Pyrrus wciÄ??? opiera siÄ? pr??bom kolonizacji. ?šmiertelnie niebezpieczna flora i fauna planety unicestwiajÄ? ka??dego napastnika. Jason dinAlt dochodzi do wniosku, ??e mo??na je zniszczyÄ? tylko przy pomocy czego?? lub kogo?? jeszcze bardziej okrutnego. A nikt nie jest tak bezwzglÄ?dny jak straszliwi kosmiczni piraci... Download:
  4. Harry Harrison, Ant Skalandis - Planeta ??mierci 4 Opis: W galaktyce pojawia siÄ? tajemniczy obiekt emitujÄ?cy niemierzalne, ale niszczÄ?ce ??ycie organiczne promieniowanie. Za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? trzeba unicestwiÄ? gigantycznÄ? asteroidÄ?. Jedynymi, kt??rzy mogÄ? tego dokonaÄ?, sÄ? Pyrrusianie z Jasonem dinAlt na czele... Download:
  5. Harry Harrison - Planeta ??mierci 3 Opis: Pyrrus to zab??jcza planeta. Ale w galaktyce istnieje ??wiat jeszcze bardziej przera??ajÄ?cy. Felicity jest ponurÄ? arenÄ? nieustajÄ?cej krwawej wojny dzikich plemion. Tylko osadnicy z Pyrrusa, wyposa??eni genetycznie w niezwyk??e umiejÄ?tno??ci walki, mogÄ? odwa??yÄ? siÄ? postawiÄ? stopÄ? na powierzchni gro??nej planety. I tylko Jason dinAlt mo??e stanÄ?Ä? na ich czele... Download:
  6. Harry Harrison - Planeta ??mierci 2 Opis: Kontynuacja przyg??d Jasona dinAlta, gwiezdnego szulera, kombinatora, hazardzisty, Jason din Alt zostaje porwany z planety Pyrrus przez szalonego bojownika Prawdy jedynej, kt??ry chce publicznie upokorzyÄ? znanego szulera. Statek, kt??rym lecÄ? rozbija siÄ? na peryferyjnej planecie, gdzie obaj wpadajÄ? w powa??ne tarapaty. Planeta nale??y bowiem do dawnych ludzkich kolonii, gdzie cywilizacja techniczna z braku przemys??u, dostÄ?pu do czÄ???ci zamiennych, edukacji i innych czynnik??w, zosta??a zapomniana. A ustr??j pa??stewek na tym ??wiecie jest niewolniczy. DinAlt musi siÄ? wykazaÄ? sporym sprytem, by wyj??Ä? obronnÄ? rÄ?kÄ? z tych k??opot??w. Download:
  7. Artist: Donald Harrison, Ron Carter, Billy Cobham Title: Heroes Year Of Release: 2004 Label: Nagel Heyer Records Genre: Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 65:06 min Total Size: 151 MB Tracklist ---------- 01. Heroes 02. Blues for the new millennium 03. My Funny Valentine 04. One Of A Kind 05. Double Trouble 06. Receipt Please 07. Candlelight 08. Solar 09. Free Style 10. Iko Iko 11. Straight No Chaser Ron Carter, one of altoist Donald Harrison's heroes and the primary bassist on this recording, makes the point that Harrison comes from New Orleans, but doesn't insist that he does. Harrison approaches his tradition with a pure heart, and from his apprenticeship with Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers in the mid '80s through his own leadership in the '90s, he has evolved an historical idiom into an absolutely contemporary, individual style. The title track kicks things off in the searching, striving style of a Wayne Shorter composition, with Harrison's other hero, Billy Cobham, clicking away on his cymbals, and Harrison's tone a bit edgier than elsewhere, accentuating the song's feeling of pursuit. Nothing else in the trio format, or in duet with Carter, reaches this level of urgency. The order of the day is swing and hard bop, with touches of Charlie Parker in the "I Got Rhythm" chords of "Double Trouble" and the Monk-like "Blues for the New Millennium," where Harrison's horn sounds more like a soprano aimed at the snake in the basket. Carter's bass is the dominant supporting voice on Heroes, offering a beautifully tasteful extended solo on a duet version of "My Funny Valentine," where you find yourself singing the words along with Harrison's perfectly rendered lead, and on "Solar," where Carter establishes a rapid tempo and Harrison keeps joyous pace. On "Candlelight," the album's most impressive cut, Harrison caresses the keys gently and romantically, subtly shifting tempo as if he were approaching his date seated on the couch, first suavely relaxed, then impatient, then with his composure regained. Heroes closes with three "bonus tracks" featuring a different trio with Vicente Archer on bass and John Lamkin on drums. With these two, the beats are heavier and the bass lines funkier. Lamkin hits hard on "Free Style," he and Archer handle the second-line rhythms of "Iko Iko" deftly, and Harrison's alto is as warm and sweet as peppermint liqueur. I realize Carter and Cobham are the stars of the show, but these two tracks along with the funky dip of a final "Well You Needn't" leave me looking forward to Harrison's next genre-stretching offering with his usual bandmates. ~ Jeff Stockton Personnel: Vicente Archer: Bass; Billy Cobham: Drums; Donald Harrison: Alto Sax; John Lamkin: Drums; Ron Carter: Bass.
  8. Harry Harrison, Leon Stover - Stonehenge Zag??ada Atlantydy Opis: KsiÄ???Ä? Ason z Myken, Egipcjanin Iteb i Aias z Byblos, uciakajÄ?c z Atlantydy przed wybuchem wulkanu i przed Atlantydami, dostajÄ? siÄ? na wyspÄ? Yerni, dzisiejszÄ? WielkÄ? BrytaniÄ?. Niespodziewane pojawienie siÄ? ekspedycji Atlantyd??w sprawia, ??e uciekinierzy, zaprzyja??nieni z tubylcami, postanawiajÄ? zjednoczyÄ? plemiona Yerni, gdy?? tylko wtedy majÄ? one szansÄ? w walce z naje??d??cami. Najlepszym na to sposobem wydaje siÄ? zbudowanie potÄ???nego kamiennego symbolu nowych czas??w... Download:
  9. Harry Harrison - Przestrzeni Przestrzeni Opis: W sierpniu 1999 roku Stany Zjednoczone liczÄ? 344 miliony obywateli. W samym Nowym Jorku mieszka 35 milion??w ludzi, a miasto chyli siÄ? ku katastrofie. Brakuje ??ywno??ci, woda jest wydawana w porcjach. Szwankuje dostawa prÄ?du do lokali. Przeludnienie sprawia, ??e ludzie mieszkajÄ? na ulicach, a na jednÄ? rodzinÄ? mo??e przypadaÄ? jeden pok??j. Masz drugi? ??yjesz w luksusie - kogo?? Ci dokwaterujemy. Przyk??adowo wrednego typa z dziwnÄ? ??onÄ? i 5 wrzeszczÄ?cych dzieci. Nie ma lekko, takie prawo. SÄ? jednak mo??ni i wa??ni, kt??rych niewygody wsp????czesnego ??wiata omijajÄ?. Gdy jeden z nich zostaje zamordowany, wszechnaciskajÄ?ce wysokie naciski sprawiajÄ?, ??e policjant Andy Rusch za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? musi ustaliÄ?, kto zabi?? i dlaczego. Download:
  10. Harry Harrison - Brion Brandd 02 - Planeta bez powrotu Opis: KsiÄ???ka "Planeta bez powrotu" jest kontynuacjÄ? przyg??d Briona ("Planeta przeklÄ?tych"), kt??ry zostaje wys??any na kolejnÄ? misjÄ? Fundacji. Tym razem Brion ma zbadaÄ? planetÄ?, na kt??rej trwa ciÄ?g??a wojna dw??ch zautomatyzowanych armii. Kto nimi dowodzi? Brion w towarzystwie piÄ?knej pani doktor spr??buje znale??Ä? odpowied?? na to pytanie. Download:
  11. Harry Harrison - Brion Brandd 01 - Planeta przeklÄ?tych Opis: Brion Brandd jest zwyciÄ?zcÄ? Twenties - og??lnoplanetarnych zawod??w sportowych, obejmujÄ?cych wiÄ?kszo??Ä? znanych i nieznanych sport??w, od poezji i szach??w po szermierkÄ?. ZwyciÄ?zca zawod??w staje siÄ? bohaterem ca??ej planety i do ko??ca ??ycia chodzi w glorii i chwale. Takiej w??a??nie nagrody spodziewa?? siÄ? Brion, jednak los zadecydowa?? inaczej. Za namowÄ? jednego z poprzednich ZwyciÄ?zc??w udaje siÄ? na Dis, pustynnÄ? planetÄ?, na kt??rej istoty ??ywe po??Ä?czone sÄ? ze sobÄ? skomplikowanymi wiÄ?ziami symbiozy. Jego zadanie - uratowaÄ? Dis przed zbombardowaniem termonuklearnymi g??owicami. Zosta??o 10 dni. Czy Brion zdÄ???y? Download:
  12. Harry Harrison - Filmowy wehiku?? czasu Opis: Tylko cud albo szerokoekranowa superprodukcja mo??e ocaliÄ? wytw??rniÄ? filmowÄ? Climatic Studios przed bankructwem. Ratunkiem okazuje siÄ? jednak Vremiatron - maszyna czasu profesora Hewetta. PrzedsiÄ?biorczy menad??er, Barney Hendrickson, przenosi siÄ? z ca??Ä? ekipÄ? w jedenastowieczny ??wiat Wiking??w, by tam, bez kosztownych wydatk??w i k??opot??w z dekoracjami, statystami i zwiÄ?zkami zawodowymi nakrÄ?ciÄ? przygodowÄ? sagÄ? z ??ycia krwio??erczych barbarzy??c??w. Pomys?? jest znakomity, ale ??redniowieczna Europa szykuje Amerykanom wiele niespodzianek... Download:
  13. George Fest: A Night to Celebrate the Music of George Harrison (2016) Label: BMG Rights Management Genre: Rock Quality: FLAC(*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Time: 1:47:43 Full Size: 706 Mb â?? Available February 26th, 2016. In aid of the The Material World Foundation, Hot Records Ltd. and Vagrant Records present "George Fest" A Night To Celebrate The Music Of George Harrison. Recorded and filmed on September 28th, 2014 at the The Fonda Theater in Los Angeles, a host of today's best musicians pay tribute to their favorite George Harrison songs. â?? George Fest: A Night to Celebrate George Harrison happened at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles on September 28, 2014 and the whole shindig appeared in a variety of incarnations -- CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, and downloads -- in February of 2016, a few days after what would've been the Beatle's 73rd birthday. His son Dhani directed the concert and, with the exception of Brian Wilson and Heart's Ann Wilson, he favored alt-rock stars of the 2000s: the Killers' Brandon Flowers, Nick Valensi from the Strokes, Spoon's Britt Daniel, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Cold War Kids, and the Flaming Lips form the backbone of this tribute. Around this core orbit some names that seem suitable (Norah Jones, Ben Harper, Perry Farrell), some that seem odd (Ian Astbury, Karen Elson), and some that seem like ringers (Conan O'Brien, Weird Al Yankovic), but this group is united by an affection for George Harrison, a love that runs so deep that none of the crew even make feints toward possible reinterpretations of the tunes. Everybody plays the songs they love in the way they learned them, so the highlights fall along the spectrum of sensitivity to enthusiasm. Norah Jones excels on both "Something" and "Behind That Locked Door," Karen Elson treats "I'd Have You Anytime" as a torch song, and Daniel sways handsomely to "I Me Mine," while Dhani throws himself into "Let It Down" and the two nominal comedians, Conan and Weird Al, tear it up on "Old Brown Shoe" and "What Is Life," respectively. That's enough to provide a hook for this lengthy concert but the lasting impression of George Fest is not about the performances here but rather the depth and range of Harrison's work, which perhaps is how it should be. Setlist: Old Brown Shoe (Conan O'Brien) I Me Mine (Britt Daniel from Spoon) Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) (Jonathan Bates feat. Dhani Harrison) Something (Norah Jones) Got My Mind Set On You (Brandon Flowers from The Killers) If Not For You (Heartless Bastards) Be Here Now (Ian Astbury from The Cult) Wah-Wah (Nick Valensi from The Strokes) If I Needed Someone (Jamestown Revival) Art of Dying (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) Savoy Truffle (Dhani Harrison) For You Blue (Chase Cohl) Beware of Darkness (Ann Wilson) Let It Down (Dhani Harrison) Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (Ben Harper) Here Comes The Sun (Perry Farrell from Jane's Addiction) What Is Life ( Weird Al Yankovic) Behind That Locked Door (Norah Jones) My Sweet Lord (Brian Wilson) Isn't It A Pity (The Black Ryder) Any Road (Butch Walker) I'd Have You Anytime (Karen Elson) Taxman (Cold War Kids) It's All Too Much (The Flaming Lips) Handle With Care (Brandon Flowers, Britt Daniel, Dhani Harrison, Jonathan Bates, Wayne Coyne, and Weird Al Yankovic) All Things Must Pass (Ann Wilson, Dhani Harrison, Karen Elson and Norah Jones)
  14. George Fest: A Night to Celebrate the Music of George Harrison (2016) [bDRip 1080p] Label: BMG Rights Management Genre: Rock Quality: BDRip 1080p Video: MPEG4 Video / AVC 1920x1080 / 23.976fps / 9 148 Kbps Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit Full Size: 8,62 GB â?? Available February 26th, 2016. In aid of the The Material World Foundation, Hot Records Ltd. and Vagrant Records present "George Fest" A Night To Celebrate The Music Of George Harrison. Recorded and filmed on September 28th, 2014 at the The Fonda Theater in Los Angeles, a host of today's best musicians pay tribute to their favorite George Harrison songs. â?? George Fest: A Night to Celebrate George Harrison happened at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles on September 28, 2014 and the whole shindig appeared in a variety of incarnations -- CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, and downloads -- in February of 2016, a few days after what would've been the Beatle's 73rd birthday. His son Dhani directed the concert and, with the exception of Brian Wilson and Heart's Ann Wilson, he favored alt-rock stars of the 2000s: the Killers' Brandon Flowers, Nick Valensi from the Strokes, Spoon's Britt Daniel, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Cold War Kids, and the Flaming Lips form the backbone of this tribute. Around this core orbit some names that seem suitable (Norah Jones, Ben Harper, Perry Farrell), some that seem odd (Ian Astbury, Karen Elson), and some that seem like ringers (Conan O'Brien, Weird Al Yankovic), but this group is united by an affection for George Harrison, a love that runs so deep that none of the crew even make feints toward possible reinterpretations of the tunes. Everybody plays the songs they love in the way they learned them, so the highlights fall along the spectrum of sensitivity to enthusiasm. Norah Jones excels on both "Something" and "Behind That Locked Door," Karen Elson treats "I'd Have You Anytime" as a torch song, and Daniel sways handsomely to "I Me Mine," while Dhani throws himself into "Let It Down" and the two nominal comedians, Conan and Weird Al, tear it up on "Old Brown Shoe" and "What Is Life," respectively. That's enough to provide a hook for this lengthy concert but the lasting impression of George Fest is not about the performances here but rather the depth and range of Harrison's work, which perhaps is how it should be. Setlist: 1. Introduction 2. Old Brown Shoe (Conan O'Brien) 3. I Me Mine (Britt Daniel from Spoon) 4. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) (Jonathan Bates feat. Dhani Harrison) 5. Something (Norah Jones) 6. Got My Mind Set On You (Brandon Flowers from The Killers) 7. If Not For You (Heartless Bastards) 8. Be Here Now (Ian Astbury from The Cult) 9. Wah-Wah (Nick Valensi from The Strokes) 10. If I Needed Someone (Jamestown Revival) 11. Art of Dying (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) 12. Savoy Truffle (Dhani Harrison) 13. For You Blue (Chase Cohl) 14. Beware of Darkness (Ann Wilson) 15. Let It Down (Dhani Harrison) 16. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (Ben Harper) 17. Here Comes The Sun (Perry Farrell from Jane's Addiction) 18. What Is Life ( Weird Al Yankovic) 19. Behind That Locked Door (Norah Jones) 20. My Sweet Lord (Brian Wilson) 21. Isn't It A Pity (The Black Ryder) 22. Any Road (Butch Walker) 23. I'd Have You Anytime (Karen Elson) 24. Taxman (Cold War Kids) 25. It's All Too Much (The Flaming Lips) 26. Handle With Care (Brandon Flowers, Britt Daniel, Dhani Harrison, Jonathan Bates, Wayne Coyne, and Weird Al Yankovic) 27. All Things Must Pass (Ann Wilson, Dhani Harrison, Karen Elson and Norah Jones)
  15. Artist: Camille Harrison Title: When It Comes To Love Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Pizzicato Records Genre: Country/Folk/Americana Quality: MP3 320 Kbps Total Time: 43:38 Total Size: 103 MB Tracklist: 1. Mercy (4:43) 2. Fishy Love (2:38) 3. We Are All The Same (4:39) 4. Can't Think Of No Other Man (4:28) 5. My Little Moses (4:12) 6. Light Up The Dark (4:30) 7. Last Thing On Your List (4:48) 8. Lone Wolf (4:44) 9. No Trouble At All (5:09) 10. Same Language (3:41) If you love good stories, hypnotizing sounds, and funky grooves, turn on and dig in to the rootsy, soulful music release by singer/songwriter, Camille Harrison. This 10 song combination of genres set in a stellar production with exceptional musicianship provides the perfect backdrop for Camille's voice to soar. telling stories, transcending time, reaching around the globe. to share the messages we all have in common "When it Comes to Love." Camille has a powerful voice with an impressive range that effortlessly slides into a tender falsetto, but she never flaunts it. Instead she stays true to the story, and sings with tasteful subtle dynamics. Case in point is the opening track "Mercy," which starts off easy over a slinky groove, then explodes into a huge chorus with mercurial vocals and harmonies. From tender romantic ballads "Can't Think of No Other Man," to a gambler on-the-run "Last Thing On Your List," to an uplifting groove-anthem on the timely topic of people setting aside their differences to create a better world "We Are All the Same," every song is a compelling story with a fresh melody and finely crafted lyrics, themes that most will find something they can relate to when it comes to love. Camille also understands the magic of approaching a song from an unexpected point of view, as in the track "My Little Moses." It tells the poignant story of Moses from the perspective of a young mother who places her son for adoption so that he has the chance for a better life. From the haunting beauty of "Lone Wolf" with its' masterful acoustic guitar work and ethereal harmonics, to the spiritual powerhouse-anthem "Same Language" with its' Native American chant, this music is a strong piece of work. "I had written and recorded some of the songs on piano," she says, "we decided to try taking the record production in an acoustic guitar driven direction, and we liked it." It's refreshing in its' refusal to conform, brave in its' honesty and emotion, and exceptional in its' execution. You'll find yourself listening time and again for each nuance whether it's the songs, the stories, the vocals, the musicians. So enJOY everything. When it Comes to Love by Camille Harrison.
  16. Artist: Harrison Craig Title: Kings Of Vegas Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd. Genre: Jazz, Vocal Jazz, Easy Listening Quality: mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 00:35:23 Total Size: 101 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Comin' Home Baby 02. Fever 03. Almost Like Being in Love 04. I've Got You Under My Skin 05. She's a Lady 06. Put Your Head on My Shoulder 07. Route 66 08. Danke Schoen 09. My Eyes Adored You 10. The Lady Is a Tramp The 2013 winner of the second series of the Australian talent show The Voice, singer Harrison Craig was born in Melbourne in 1994 and raised by his mother in the suburb of Chelsea. Craig grew up with hardship after his father left the family when he was just six. Born with a vocal stutter -- which he continues to battle -- he was free of it when he sang, and with a natural and obvious talent, his mother signed him up to the Victorian Boys Choir in his early teens. With his confidence growing, he applied to perform on the popular TV show The Voice. He auditioned in front of the celebrity judges (Seal, Joel Madden, Delta Goodrem, and Ricky Martin) with a spell-binding version of Josh Groban's "Broken Vow." Viewers were enraptured with Craig's journey as he overcame his stutter and lack of confidence and emerged the winner. In June 2013, he released his debut album, More Than a Dream, which topped the Australian charts and was later certified platinum. Several singles from the album (most of which were songs performed by Craig during his time on The Voice) were also released that year.
  17. VA - George Fest A Music George Harrison (2016) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - Got My Mind Set On You (Brandon Flowers from The Killers) 02 - Beware of Darkness (Ann Wilson) 03 - Let It Down (Dhani Harrison) 04 - My Sweet Lord (Brian Wilson) 05 - I Me Mine (Britt Daniel from Spoon) 06 - Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (Ben Harper) 07 - Here Comes The Sun (Perry Farrell from Jane's Addiction) 08 - Taxman (Cold War Kids) 09 - It s All Too Much (The Flaming Lips) 10 - Handle With Care (Brandon Flowers, Britt Daniel, Dhani Harrison, Jonathan Bates, Wayne Coyne, and Weird Al Yankovic) 11 - All Things Must Pass (Ann Wilson, Dhani Harrison, Karen Elson and Norah Jones) Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: Rock Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 12.4Mbps Length: 00:44:00 | 4.28Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD
  18. Artist: Joel Harrison Title: Urban Myths Year Of Release: 2009 Label: HighNote Genre: Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 55:38 min Total Size: 129 MB Tracklist --------- 01. You Must Go Through a Winter 02. 125 and Lenox 03. Mood Rodeo 04. Last Waltz for Queva 05. Straight No Chaser Variatioons 06. Between the Traveler and the Setting Sun 07. Urban Myths 08. High Expectation Low Return With a string of outstanding records that began with his personal look at the music of George Harrison on Harrison on Harrison (HighNote, 2005), continued with an all-original pairing with guitarist Nguyen Le on Harbor (HighNote, 2007) and culminated with the ambitious The Wheel (Innova, 2008), guitarist Joel Harrison has, over the last few years, been setting an increasingly high bar both compositionally and as a player.Most remarkable is that he's managed, each time, to reach that bar and, in many cases, surpass it. Urban Myths may be an homage of sorts, but it still possesses his personal imprint, avoiding the retro feel of so many others of its kind. Instead, this largely original tribute to electric music of the mid-to-late '70s from legends including Joe Zawinul, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter and John McLaughlin is as modern as they come, while still unmistakably referencing the music that Harrison grew up with back in the day. Urban Myths has grooves aplenty, but they're couched in the kind of episodic writing that's been an increasing Harrison trademark, turning what is largely an impressive blowing session for friends including altoist David Binney and ??ber-violinist Christian Howes into a series of intriguing compositions that transcend mere heads or vamp-based jams. What traces of Harrison's influences exist are so subsumed in his expansive approach to writing that they're more elemental than direct. Not unlike Binney, Harrison finds new ways to couch his roots in complex structures, as on the fiery "You Must Go Through a Winter," where Howes' fervent solo is supported by the relentless energy of bassist Stephan Crump and drummer Jordan Person. The groove gets darker and greasier on "125 and Lenox," with a staggered melody that concurrently references Shorter and, during Daniel Kelly's Rhodes solo, Headhunters-era Hancock though the rhythm section's open-ended approach is like nothing either artist did in the day. "Mood Rodeo" finds an odd nexus between mid-'70s Miles Davis and Jean-Luc Ponty's irregular metered fusion again, despite sounding like neither of these players, with writing of far greater compositional weight. "Last Waltz for Queva" may be a countrified ballad, but its innate lyricism goes beyond western roots with a melody that's sophisticated yet simple; a tad oblique, but equally memorable and singing. Harrison delivers some of his best solos to date. His blues-drenched Telecaster on "Last Waltz" navigates its gospel-inflections with deep feeling, while his massively overdriven solo on "125 and Lenox" is the definition of reckless abandon; a visceral foil for solos throughout from Binney and Howes that match Harrison's unbridled passion and clear invention. Urban Myths may appear, on the surface, less challenging than Harbor or The Wheel, but Harrison nevertheless manages to create a more contemporary tribute to decade-old music more often aimed at lengthy soloing. Skewed as only Harrison can, Urban Myths is an homage with a difference, and continues to assert his growing reputation as a writer and performer of great significance. ~ John Kelman Personnel: Joel Harrison: guitar; David Binney: alto saxophone; Christian Howes: violin; Daniel Kelly: keyboards; Stephan Crump: acoustic bass; Jordan Person: drums; Fima Ephron: electric bass (2, 8); Ambrose Akinmusire: trumpet (4, 5, 7); Corey King: trombone (4, 5, 7); Jerome Sabbag: tenor saxophone (4, 5). ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  19. Artist: Joel Harrison Title: 3 + 3 = 7 Year Of Release: 1996 Label: Nine Winds Records â?Ž Genre: Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 55:52 min Total Size: 127 MB Tracklist ----------- 01. Ratrace 02. Protest 03. Kali 04. Seven Angels 05. Broderick Crawford's Throat 06. Lovingkindness 07. Someday Earth (For Don Cherry) 08. Child's Dream 09. Cold Day In New York 10. Skin Frontier San Francisco's guitarist Joel Harrison debuted with the ambitious 3+3=7 (1996) for three guitars and three percussionists, but then wasted his talent on the brief vignettes of Range of Motion (1997) and the confused hodgepodge of Transience (2001). After relocating to New York, he continued to alternate off lightweight works such as Free Country (2003), a country-music tribute featuring Norah Jones on vocals, Dave Binney on alto sax, violinist Rob Thomas, pianist Uri Caine, and Tony Cedras on accordion, and its follow-up So Long 2nd Street (2004), not to mention the George Harrison tribute Harrison on Harrison (2005), with important and difficult projects such as the post-fusion Harbor (2007), featuring guitarist Nguyen Le, David Binney, and Jamey Haddad, The Wheel (2008), a six-movement suite for guitar and double quartet (string quartet and jazz quartet), Passing Train (2008) is a collection of songs. Urban Myths (2009) sounds like a tribute to jazz-rock of the 1970s (including the funky Mood Rodeo). Search (2012), featuring saxophonist Donny McCaslin, pianist Gary Versace, violinist Christian Howes, cellist Dana Leong, bassist Stephan Crump, and drummer Clarence Penn is a mixed bag but it contains two of his high-brow compositions: Grass Valley and Beyond and A Magnificent Death. Holy Abyss (Cuneiform, 2012) was a collaboration with Italian bassist Lorenzo Feliciati featuring trumpeter Cuong Vu, drummer Dan Weiss and keyboardist Roy Powell. Personnel: Scott Amendola (Dumbek, Drums, Sound Effects); John Schott (Guitar, Guitar (Electric)); Joel Harrison (Guitar, Producer, Guitar (Electric), Arranger); Garth Powell (Drums, Drums (Bass), Sound Effects, Berimbau, Bird Calls); John Holmes (Cymbals, Drums, Indian Bells, Telephone Voice, Cajon); Brad Dutz (Chimes, Maracas Mbira, Telephone Voice, Frame Drum, Udu, Cowbell, Djembe, Conga, Sound Effects, Tabla, Timbales, Cymbals); Steve Cardenas (Guitar, Guitar (Electric)); Alex Cline (Chimes, Cymbals, Gong, Bells, Drums); Glenn Cronkhite (Chimes, Gourd, Bell Tree, Shaker, Drums, Sound Effects); John Golden (Mastering). ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  20. Harrison Harry Stalowy szczur Opis: Nieuchwytny geniusz zbrodni Jim di Griz zostaje pojmany w pu??apkÄ? zastawionÄ? przez agent??w Korpusu Specjalnego, organizacji strzegÄ?cej porzÄ?dku we wszech??wiecie. Szef Korpusu proponuje s??ynnemu przestÄ?pcy przej??cie na stronÄ? prawa. Pierwszym zadaniem Jima w roli kosmicznego policjanta ma byÄ? znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, po co spokojna ziemska kolonia buduje galaktyczny pancernik liniowy... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download:
  21. Terry Harrison: Acrylics The Easy Way (DVDRip) DVDRip | AVI/DivX, ~778 kb/s | 720x480 | Duration: 01:17:47 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 510 MB Genre: Drawing, Painting Artist Terry Harrison presents this guide to painting with acrylics, demonstrating how to use them as watercolours, oils and thick impasto. He also shows how to use a household sponge and some masking fluid to achieve simple techniques. Download From NitroFlare Download From Keep2share Download From Rapidgator
  22. Harrison Harry - West of Eden Trilogy Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 1.1 GB West of Eden #1: West of Eden Sixty-five million years ago, a disastrous cataclysm eliminated three quarters of all life on Earth. Overnight, the ago of dinosaurs ended. The age of dinosaurs ended. The age of mammals had begun. But what if history had happened differently? What if the reptiles had survived to evolve intelligent life? In West of Eden, bestselling author Harry Harrison has created a rich, dramatic saga of a world where the descendents of the dinosaurs struggled with a clan of humans in a battle for survival. Here is the story of Kerrick, a young hunter who grows to manhood among the dinosaurs, escaping at last to rejoin his own kind. His knowledge of their strange customs makes him the humans' leader...and the dinosaurs' greatest enemy. Rivalling Frank Herbert's Dune in the majesty of its scope and conception, West of Eden is a monumental epic of love and savagery, bravery and hope. West of Eden #2: Winter in Eden Harry Harrison, an acknowledged master of imaginative fiction, broke new ground with "West of Eden." He brought to vivid life the world as it might have been, where dinosaurs survived, where their intelligent descendants challenged humans for mastery of Earth, where a young hunter named Kerrick grew among the dinosaurs and rose to become their most feared enemy. Now, the awesome saga continues in "Winter in Eden..." A new ice age threatens Earth. Facing extinction, the dinosaurs must employ their mastery of biology to swiftly reconquer human territory. Desperately, Kerrick launches an arduous quest to rally a final defense for humankind. With his beloved wife and young son, he heads north to the land of the whale hunters, east into the enemy's stronghold, and south to a fateful reckoning with destiny. Not since "Dune" has there been a work of such majestic scope and conception -- a monumental epic of passion, courage, and triumph. West of Eden #3: Return to Eden In "West of Eden" and "Winter in Eden," master novelist Harry Harrison broke new ground with his most ambitious project ever. He brought to vivid life the world as it might have been, where dinosaurs survived, where their intelligent descendants, the Yilane, challenged humans for mastery of the Earth, and where the human Kerrick, a young hunter of the Tanu tribe, grew among the dinosaurs and rose to become their most feared enemy. Now, in "Return to Eden," Harrison brings the epic trilogy to a stunning conclusion. After Kerrick rescues his people from the warlike Yilane, they find a safe haven on an island and there begin to rebuild their shattered lives. But with fierce predators stalking the forests, how long can these unarmed human outcasts hope to survive? And, of course, Kerrick cannot forget Vainte, his implacable Yilane enemy. She's been cast out from her kind, under sentence of death, but how long will her banishment last? For her strange attraction to Kerrick has turned into a hatred even more powerful than her instincts -- an obsession that compels her to hunt down Kerrick and kill him.... Download Link
  23. B. J. Harrison - The P.G. Wodehouse Collection Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Humor | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 431.57 MB This title includes not only the entire audiobook of Right Ho, Jeeves, but also all of the P.G. Wodehouse titles in the current Classic Tales library. It also includes a Jeeves short story only available in the collection: "Extricating Young Gussie". The complete running time is over 15 hours. Here is a list of the titles: "Leave It To Jeeves", "Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest", "The Aunt and the Sluggard", "Death at the Excelsior", "Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg", "Jeeves in the Springtime", "The Man Upstairs", "Jeeves and the Chump Cyril", "Jeeves Takes Charge", "Deep Waters", "The Man Who Disliked Cats", "Extricating Young Gussie", and Right Ho, Jeeves (the unabridged novel - seven hours in length). All titles have been remastered, and have never sounded better! Download Link
  24. Kim Harrison - The Witch With No Name (The Hollows #13) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: 9780061957956 | MP3 64Kb | 720.79 MB It's Rachel Morgan's ultimate adventure . . . and anything can happen in this final book by New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison. Rachel Morgan has come a long way since her early days as an inexperienced bounty hunter. She's faced vampires and werewolves, banshees, witches, and soul-eating demons. She's crossed worlds, channelled gods, and accepted her place as a day-walking demon. She's lost friends and lovers and family, and an old enemy has unexpectedly become something much more. But power demands responsibility, and world-changers must always pay a price. Rachel knew that this day would come -and now it is here. To save Ivy's soul and the rest of the living vampires, to keep the demonic ever-after and our own world from destruction, Rachel Morgan will risk everything . . . Download Link
  25. Thea Harrison - Night's Honor (Elder Races #7) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ASIN: B00INIQQGI | MP3 64Kb | Length: 9 hrs and 32 mins | 524.27 MB On the run from her former employer, Tess knows that she's vulnerable on her own amongst the Elder Races. That's why she decides to audition to become the human attendant of a powerful Vampyre of the Nightkind demesne. But while her position affords her the safety she seeks, her protector turns out to be more than she bargained for. Xavier del Torro, the right-hand man of the Nightkind King, is both terrifying and alluring. While his true nature frightens Tess, she can't ignore the appeal of his innate sense of integrity and self-restraint. Thrown into Xavier's world, Tess must quickly learn to navigate the dangers - both to her life and to her heart. But the biggest threat comes from her own past. Download Link
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