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Znaleziono 46 wyników

  1. The Black Echo (Harry Bosch Series #1) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 759.32 MB | Author: Michael Connelly, Dick Hill | Year: 2017 Description: Category:Awards, Mystery & Thrillers, Police Stories, Crime Fiction, Thrillers, Detective Fiction, Big City Cops - Fiction, Crime Thrillers, Detective Fiction - Hard-Boiled, 1991-2000->First Novel->Edgar Award, 1993 Edgar Award Winners Download Link:
  2. Free Download Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter Series #6) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 885.55 MB | Author: J. K. Rowling | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Kids, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Harry Potter - Kids, Fantasy & Magic - Kids Fiction, Harry Potter - Titles - Kids Download Link:
  3. Free Download Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter Series #5) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 736.51 MB | Author: J. K. Rowling | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Awards, Kids, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Fantasy & Magic - Kids Fiction, 2003 Bram Stoker Award Winners, 2004 Anthony Award Winners, Best Children's/Young Adult Mystery->Anthony Award Winners, Work for Young Readers->Bram Stoker Award Winners (1998-2004) Download Link:
  4. Free Download Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter Series #2) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 136.26 MB | Author: J. K. Rowling | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Kids, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Harry Potter - Kids, Fantasy Fiction, Fantasy & Magic - Kids Fiction, Fantasy for All Ages, Harry Potter - Titles - Kids, School Life - Kids Fiction Download Link:
  5. Free Download Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter Series #4) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 290.45 MB | Author: J. K. Rowling | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Awards, Kids, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Harry Potter - Kids, People, Places & Cultures - Kids Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, European People, Fantasy for All Ages, Harry Potter - Audio Editions - Kids, Harry Potter - Other Editions - Kids, Harry Potter - Titles - Kids, 2001 Hugo Award Winners, 2001-2010->Best Novel->Hugo Award Winners Download Link:
  6. Free Download Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter Series #3) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 168.8 MB | Author: J. K. Rowling | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Awards, Kids, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fiction & Literature - Kids, Harry Potter - Kids, People, Places & Cultures - Kids Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, European People, Fantasy & Magic - Kids Fiction, Fantasy for All Ages, Harry Potter - Audio Editions - Kids, Harry Potter - Other Editions - Kids, Harry Potter - Titles - Kids, School Life - Kids Fiction, 1999 Bram Stoker Award Winners, 1999 Whitbread Book Award Winners, Work for Young Readers->Bram Stoker Award Winners (1998-2004) Download Link:
  7. epub | 9.56 MB | English| Isbn:9780804150682 | Author: Joseph Wambaugh | Year: 2013 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Fiction, Fiction Subjects, Police Stories, Occupations - Fiction, Big City Cops - Fiction, Detectives - Fiction
  8. Free Download The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair: A Novel - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 576.61 MB | Author: Joel Dicker | Year: 2014 Description: Category:Awards, Mystery & Thrillers, Crime Fiction, Thrillers, Crime Thrillers, 2015 Barry Award Nominees Download Link:
  9. Harry Belafonte - An Evening with Harry Belafonte and Friends (2003) WEB-DL.XviD-NINE / Koncert
  10. Harry Holland & Dieter Reith â?Ž- Prasentieren Hits Im Akkordeon-Sound (1985) [FLAC] Artist: Harry Holland & Dieter Reith Album: Prasentieren Hits Im Akkordeon-Sound Year Of Release: 1985 Genre: Accordion, Instrumental, Easy Listening Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 00:53:05 Total Size: 357 MB TRACKLIST
  11. Harry Holland - Superhits '85 Im Magic Accordion-Sound (1985) [FLAC] Artist: Harry Holland Album: Superhits '85 Im Magic Accordion-Sound Year Of Release: 1985 Genre: Accordion, Instrumental, Easy Listening Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 00:54:05 Total Size: 352 MB TRACKLIST
  12. Artist: Harry Manx Title: Faith Lift Year Of Release: 2017 Label: Dog My Cat Genre: Acoustic Blues, Country, Folk Quality: 320 / FLAC (tracks.cue.log) Total Time: 48:46 Total Size: 112 / 254 Mb Tracklist: 01. Moon Goin' Down 02. Working on a Railroad 03. Death Have Mercy 04. Coat of Mail 05. Point of Purchase 06. Baby Please/ Help Me 07. Sometimes 08. A Little Cruel 09. Summertime 10. A Single Spark 11. Crazy Love 12. Love and Happiness Faith lift is Harry Manx's latest release. On this recording Harry plays a variety of guitars while accompanied by a String Quartet. The songs are all drawn from previous releases with the exception of Al Greens' 'Love and Happiness'. The new arrangements of these songs have taken on a whole new life of their own with the addition of the strings. The lush but sparse feeling of the recording leaves the listener with space to lean into the music.
  13. Harry Harrison, Ant Skalandis - Planeta ??mierci 6 Opis: Tajemnicze potwory pustoszÄ? ??yzne pola Monaloi. W??a??ciciele wielkich plantacji wzywajÄ? na pomoc Pyrrusan. Jason dinAlt przekonuje siÄ? jednak, ??e to nie stwory sÄ? najwiÄ?kszym zagro??eniem. A gospodarze planety nie sÄ? tymi, za kt??rych siÄ? podajÄ?... Download:
  14. Harry Harrison, Ant Skalandis - Planeta ??mierci 5 Opis: Pyrrus wciÄ??? opiera siÄ? pr??bom kolonizacji. ?šmiertelnie niebezpieczna flora i fauna planety unicestwiajÄ? ka??dego napastnika. Jason dinAlt dochodzi do wniosku, ??e mo??na je zniszczyÄ? tylko przy pomocy czego?? lub kogo?? jeszcze bardziej okrutnego. A nikt nie jest tak bezwzglÄ?dny jak straszliwi kosmiczni piraci... Download:
  15. Harry Harrison, Ant Skalandis - Planeta ??mierci 4 Opis: W galaktyce pojawia siÄ? tajemniczy obiekt emitujÄ?cy niemierzalne, ale niszczÄ?ce ??ycie organiczne promieniowanie. Za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? trzeba unicestwiÄ? gigantycznÄ? asteroidÄ?. Jedynymi, kt??rzy mogÄ? tego dokonaÄ?, sÄ? Pyrrusianie z Jasonem dinAlt na czele... Download:
  16. Harry Harrison - Planeta ??mierci 3 Opis: Pyrrus to zab??jcza planeta. Ale w galaktyce istnieje ??wiat jeszcze bardziej przera??ajÄ?cy. Felicity jest ponurÄ? arenÄ? nieustajÄ?cej krwawej wojny dzikich plemion. Tylko osadnicy z Pyrrusa, wyposa??eni genetycznie w niezwyk??e umiejÄ?tno??ci walki, mogÄ? odwa??yÄ? siÄ? postawiÄ? stopÄ? na powierzchni gro??nej planety. I tylko Jason dinAlt mo??e stanÄ?Ä? na ich czele... Download:
  17. Harry Harrison - Planeta ??mierci 2 Opis: Kontynuacja przyg??d Jasona dinAlta, gwiezdnego szulera, kombinatora, hazardzisty, Jason din Alt zostaje porwany z planety Pyrrus przez szalonego bojownika Prawdy jedynej, kt??ry chce publicznie upokorzyÄ? znanego szulera. Statek, kt??rym lecÄ? rozbija siÄ? na peryferyjnej planecie, gdzie obaj wpadajÄ? w powa??ne tarapaty. Planeta nale??y bowiem do dawnych ludzkich kolonii, gdzie cywilizacja techniczna z braku przemys??u, dostÄ?pu do czÄ???ci zamiennych, edukacji i innych czynnik??w, zosta??a zapomniana. A ustr??j pa??stewek na tym ??wiecie jest niewolniczy. DinAlt musi siÄ? wykazaÄ? sporym sprytem, by wyj??Ä? obronnÄ? rÄ?kÄ? z tych k??opot??w. Download:
  18. Harry Harrison, Leon Stover - Stonehenge Zag??ada Atlantydy Opis: KsiÄ???Ä? Ason z Myken, Egipcjanin Iteb i Aias z Byblos, uciakajÄ?c z Atlantydy przed wybuchem wulkanu i przed Atlantydami, dostajÄ? siÄ? na wyspÄ? Yerni, dzisiejszÄ? WielkÄ? BrytaniÄ?. Niespodziewane pojawienie siÄ? ekspedycji Atlantyd??w sprawia, ??e uciekinierzy, zaprzyja??nieni z tubylcami, postanawiajÄ? zjednoczyÄ? plemiona Yerni, gdy?? tylko wtedy majÄ? one szansÄ? w walce z naje??d??cami. Najlepszym na to sposobem wydaje siÄ? zbudowanie potÄ???nego kamiennego symbolu nowych czas??w... Download:
  19. Harry Harrison - Przestrzeni Przestrzeni Opis: W sierpniu 1999 roku Stany Zjednoczone liczÄ? 344 miliony obywateli. W samym Nowym Jorku mieszka 35 milion??w ludzi, a miasto chyli siÄ? ku katastrofie. Brakuje ??ywno??ci, woda jest wydawana w porcjach. Szwankuje dostawa prÄ?du do lokali. Przeludnienie sprawia, ??e ludzie mieszkajÄ? na ulicach, a na jednÄ? rodzinÄ? mo??e przypadaÄ? jeden pok??j. Masz drugi? ??yjesz w luksusie - kogo?? Ci dokwaterujemy. Przyk??adowo wrednego typa z dziwnÄ? ??onÄ? i 5 wrzeszczÄ?cych dzieci. Nie ma lekko, takie prawo. SÄ? jednak mo??ni i wa??ni, kt??rych niewygody wsp????czesnego ??wiata omijajÄ?. Gdy jeden z nich zostaje zamordowany, wszechnaciskajÄ?ce wysokie naciski sprawiajÄ?, ??e policjant Andy Rusch za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? musi ustaliÄ?, kto zabi?? i dlaczego. Download:
  20. Harry Harrison - Brion Brandd 02 - Planeta bez powrotu Opis: KsiÄ???ka "Planeta bez powrotu" jest kontynuacjÄ? przyg??d Briona ("Planeta przeklÄ?tych"), kt??ry zostaje wys??any na kolejnÄ? misjÄ? Fundacji. Tym razem Brion ma zbadaÄ? planetÄ?, na kt??rej trwa ciÄ?g??a wojna dw??ch zautomatyzowanych armii. Kto nimi dowodzi? Brion w towarzystwie piÄ?knej pani doktor spr??buje znale??Ä? odpowied?? na to pytanie. Download:
  21. Harry Harrison - Brion Brandd 01 - Planeta przeklÄ?tych Opis: Brion Brandd jest zwyciÄ?zcÄ? Twenties - og??lnoplanetarnych zawod??w sportowych, obejmujÄ?cych wiÄ?kszo??Ä? znanych i nieznanych sport??w, od poezji i szach??w po szermierkÄ?. ZwyciÄ?zca zawod??w staje siÄ? bohaterem ca??ej planety i do ko??ca ??ycia chodzi w glorii i chwale. Takiej w??a??nie nagrody spodziewa?? siÄ? Brion, jednak los zadecydowa?? inaczej. Za namowÄ? jednego z poprzednich ZwyciÄ?zc??w udaje siÄ? na Dis, pustynnÄ? planetÄ?, na kt??rej istoty ??ywe po??Ä?czone sÄ? ze sobÄ? skomplikowanymi wiÄ?ziami symbiozy. Jego zadanie - uratowaÄ? Dis przed zbombardowaniem termonuklearnymi g??owicami. Zosta??o 10 dni. Czy Brion zdÄ???y? Download:
  22. Harry Harrison - Filmowy wehiku?? czasu Opis: Tylko cud albo szerokoekranowa superprodukcja mo??e ocaliÄ? wytw??rniÄ? filmowÄ? Climatic Studios przed bankructwem. Ratunkiem okazuje siÄ? jednak Vremiatron - maszyna czasu profesora Hewetta. PrzedsiÄ?biorczy menad??er, Barney Hendrickson, przenosi siÄ? z ca??Ä? ekipÄ? w jedenastowieczny ??wiat Wiking??w, by tam, bez kosztownych wydatk??w i k??opot??w z dekoracjami, statystami i zwiÄ?zkami zawodowymi nakrÄ?ciÄ? przygodowÄ? sagÄ? z ??ycia krwio??erczych barbarzy??c??w. Pomys?? jest znakomity, ale ??redniowieczna Europa szykuje Amerykanom wiele niespodzianek... Download:
  23. Harry And Snowman (2015) Opis: Harry And Snowman 2015 LiMiTED DVDRip x264-LPD Dane uploadu Download
  24. Artist: Harry Allen's All-Star Brazilian Band Title: Flying Over Rio Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Arbors Records Genre: Bossa Nova, Brazilian Jazz Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 76:27 Total Size: 180 MB Tracklist: 01. Double Rainbow (4:32) 02. A Ship Without A Sail (4:01) 03. The Night Has A Thousand Eyes (7:09) 04. Bonita (4:50) 05. Girl From Ipanema (5:44) 06. Bate Papo (4:44) 07. Copacabana (5:57) 08. Tristeza De Nos Dois (4:31) 09. Eu E A Briza (4:17) 10. Mojave (4:52) 11. Flying Over Rio (4:52) 12. Serra De Estrella (4:08) 13. Lamento No Morro (4:45) 14. Piano No Mangueirra (5:08) 15. Love Dance (6:48) Personel: Harry Allen - saxophone Duduka Da Fonseca - drums Guilherme Monteiro - guitar Maucha Adnet - vocals Klaus Mueller - piano Saxophonist Harry Allen has teamed with a Latin Group for this CD. A look at the playlist will reveal many by Jobim plus a few which don't normally get Bossa-Latin treatment. For example, there is "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" and "A Ship Without a Sail." Plus there are some originals by pianist Klaus Mueller, bassist Nilson Matta, and Harry. Drummer Duduka Da Fonseca supplied the title tune, "Flying Over Rio." Pensacola Jazzfans will remember Harry Allen from his performances here. He played for our first Pensacola Jazz Party in 1989 at age 20! About four years ago he came for Pensacola JazzFest and his most recent visit was two years ago at our JazzFest along with pianist Rossano Sportiello. The liner notes are by journalist/author Will Friedwald. He writes for the Wall Street Journal and his liner notes have garnered him ten Grammy nominations. I reached Harry by telephone and he kindly answered questions for me about how this recording came to be. He had been playing with a Latin group so it was a natural progression that they would like to record. Guilherme Montiero, who became a professional guitarist in Brazil at age 15, was new to the group since the regular guitarist was unable to make the recording session. The name Klaus Mueller, the pianist, doesn't suggest Brazilian or Latin. However, Klaus' German family has lived in various places including Chile and Japan. Klaus studied piano wherever they resided. The vocalist is Maucha Adnet. She performed with Antonio Carlos Jobim for the last ten years of his life. She sings in Portuguese as well as English and is married to the drummer Duduka Da Fonseca. I asked Harry how each of the four came to contribute tunes on this album. He replied that the group had been playing them regularly, so it was reasonable that these tunes should be included. I asked about notable events in the studio. Harry reported that the tune "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" - the longest tune on the CD at 7:11-required the most arranging. He said he was especially pleased that "Girl from Ipanema" turned out so well. Since that is a much-recorded song, they didn't want it to sound like everyone else's. So, Montiero did a guitar solo introduction and thereby a unique presentation. Another unique aspect of the recording session was that this was the last, or next-to-last, recording in the famous NOLA studio. This studio is on top floor of the Steinway Building and is located in the former residence quarters of the Steinway family. Harry was most complimentary of the staff and their equipment. Sadly, the studio is now closed as there are plans to renovate the building and add more floors.
  25. Artist: Harry Allen & The Jan Lundgren Quartet Title: Quietly There Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Stunt Records Genre: Jazz Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 56:54 Total Size: 133 MB Tracklist: 01. Sure As You Are Born (6:54) 02. Emily (5:58) 03. The Shining Sea (6:17) 04. Quietly There (6:03) 05. A Time For Love (5:35) 06. Cinnamon And Clove (4:40) 07. The Shadow Of Your Smile (7:57) 08. Just A Child (5:36) 09. Suicide Is Painless (7:49) Some musicians deserve more attention than they get. In this sentiment, the American jazz magazine Down Beat has a poll called "Talent Deserving Wider Recognition". The American tenor saxophonist Harry Allen definitely belongs in this category. He is not widely known in Scandinavia despite his more than three dozen releases as bandleader. He is certainly not lazy when it comes to touring on both sides of the Atlantic. He is an old-fashioned traveling musician, happy to be hired with local musicians. Over the years many fine Scandinavian musicians - in this case Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren, likewise Swedish bassist Hans Backenroth, and Danish drummer Kristian Leth - have had the pleasure of Allen's expertise, and a long-standing touring relationship with the aforementioned musicians has been documented on QUIETLY THERE, recorded during the Copenhagen Jazz Festival at STC Studios in the summer of 2014. Harry Allen (born 1966) began playing accordion at the age of seven. Four years later he switched to clarinet, but soon substituted it with the tenor saxophone. "My father had been a drummer during the big band era, and he and Paul Gonsalves were close friends. Before joining Basie's orchestra in the late 40's he and my father had played together. And he is still one of my greatest inspirations along with Stan Getz. In my book, Stan Getz is one of the all-time greats. Technically as well as musically he is unique", says Harry Allen. In the 80's Allen studied at Rutgers University, where Kenny Baron, Sahib Shihab and Bob Minzer were among his teachers. He soon had enough gigs to make a living, and after a while drummer Oliver Jackson took him along to Europe. Since then Harry Allen has lived well as a touring jazz musician, but no matter how often he visits Europe, he never intends to leave New York, as so many other jazz musicians have done. "I just love New York. I can't imagine living anywhere else. When it comes down to it, New York is where it happens. It's great to come to Europe, where I've met many fine musicians, also the band I have recorded this album with. And I don't mind traveling." Harry Allen's playing does not imitate his heroes, but contributes to keeping the same tradition alive. Firmly based in swing and bop, his style is not innovative, but his music has a rare authentic authority, and he has a wonderful talent for making a tune sound fresh and meaningful. Quite simply, Harry Allen is a masterful interpreter. He has been called the Frank Sinatra of the tenor sax, and Johnny Mandel's tunes on QUIETLY THERE are a fine platform for this dedicated musician. The Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren (born 1966) had hardly come out of his teens when Swedish tenor saxophonist Arne Domnerus spotted him. Years later, his performing and recording credits read like a "who's who" of Swedish jazz as well as boasting numerous recordings on Japanese, American and German jazz labels. Regardless of the setting, his touch is elegant and his phrasing is swinging and supple. Swedish bassist Hans Backenroth (also born 1966) has been a popular and versatile bassist in Swedish jazz for years. His credits include Monica Zetterlund, Alice babs, Arne Domnerus, Putte Wickman, Bengt Hallberg, Bernt Rosengren and Kjell ??hman. Think Ray brown and Oscar Pettiford. That will give you an idea of the swing and support personified by this fine musician. Drummer Kristian Leth (born 1973) is the youngster in this band and the only Dane. However, it is he who got the ball rolling and brought Harry Allen to Scandinavia. His discreet and light-handed drumming suits this music perfectly. He has toured and recorded with many fine musicians including Scott Hamilton, Eric Alexander, Claire Martin and Ulf Wakenius. The repertoire is a pleasant mixture of ballads and medium-tempo tunes, all written by Johnny Mandel, who - along with Henry Mancini - is one of the most talented songwriters in the generation following Gershwin, Porter, Kern and Berlin. At 88 he is still an active composer. There are but a few albums dedicated solely to Johnny Mandel's compositions, which is yet another reason to welcome Harry Allen/Jan Lundgren Quartet's QUIETLY THERE. Great songs, great music, lots of heart.
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