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Znaleziono 40 wyników

  1. Jerry Lee Lewis & Friends - Live In London 89 (2018) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - I Am What I Am 02 - I Don't Want to Be Lonely Tonight 03 - You Win Again 04 - I Got A Woman 05 - Goodnight Irene 06 - What I'd Say 07 - High School Confidential 08 - Rockin' My Life Away 09 - Johnny B. Goode 10 - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On (Big Maybelle cover) 11 - Great Balls of Fire 12 - Good Golly Miss Molly (Little Richard cover) / Tutti Frutti (Little Richard cover) 13 - Mexical Rose 14 - Real Wild Child (The Wild One) Description: Jerry Lee Lewis performs to a sold-out audience in London?s Labatt?s Apollo joined by a number of special guests, including Van Morrison, Dave Edmunds, John Lodge (Moody Blues), Brian May (Queen), Dave Davies (The Kinks) and many more! This title has been out of print for a number of years, and is now available for fans of all the parti[beeep]nts in this magnificent show. Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Smart Cutter 1.92 -> .ts file format Genre: Rock & Roll Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 5541kbps Length: 00:57:25 | 2.87Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio 1: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Audio 2: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  2. Jenkins Jerry B., MacDonald James S. Pergaminy Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Doktor Augie Knox wiedzie spokojne, mo??e nawet nieco nudne ??ycie wyk??adowcy akademickiego. Pewnego dnia dostaje tajemniczÄ? wiadomo??Ä?. Przyjaciel prosi, by Augie niezw??ocznie uda?? siÄ? do W??och. Dwadzie??cia stuleci wcze??niej medyk ?ukasz wspiera swojego przyjaciela Paw??a z Tarsu, oczekujÄ?cego w wiÄ?zieniu na egzekucjÄ? po wyroku, kt??ry wyda?? na niego cesarz Neron. Pawe?? bardzo chce odzyskaÄ? swoje rÄ?kopisy, pozostawione w Troadzie. W ko??cu pergaminy wracajÄ? do w??a??ciciela. Wkr??tce potem Pawe?? ginie. Wraz z nim znikajÄ? jego wspomnienia. Do czasuâ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 464 MB czas trwania: 11h 33m 35s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Mariusz Bonaszewski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  3. Jerry Lee Lewis: Last Man Standing (2007) DVD data: 2007 produkcja: USA director: Jim Gable producer: Mitch Owgang producer: [Co-producer]: Phoebe Lewis mixed by [stereo And 5.1] – Elliot Scheiner gatunek: Dokument, Koncert, Rock & Roll, Country czas: 1h 41min + 56 min Jerry Lee Lewis ameryka??skÄ? ikonÄ? Rock & Rolla - piosenkarz, autor tekst??w i pianista, kt??ry niesamowicie gra na fortepianie ju?? przez p???? wieku. Lewis nigdy nie przesta?? koncertowaÄ?, wciÄ??? dostarcza wybuchowych koncert??w, kt??re sÄ? nieprzewidywalne, emocjonujÄ?ce i takie osobiste. Lewis zebra?? przyjaci???? i rodzinÄ?, wykona?? szereg prywatnych koncert??w w Nowym Jorku i Los Angeles, kt??re zosta??y sfilmowane na tej p??ytce. tracklist:
  4. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 08 Koniec jest bliski Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Po wielu trudach John Rourke odnajduje ??onÄ? i dzieci. Okazuje siÄ? jednak, ??e nawet schron zbudowany przez niego w g??rach, nie jest miejscem gwarantujÄ?cym prze??ycie kataklizmu rozpÄ?tanego na Ziemi. Jedyna szansa to hibernacja, ale tylko Rosjanie posiadajÄ? serum umo??liwiajÄ?ce powr??t do ??ycia. Rourke i agentka KGB Natalia Tiemierowna, wyruszajÄ? w niebezpiecznÄ? podr????... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 108 MB czas trwania: 04h 12m 14s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 07 Prorok Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Czy ogarniÄ?ci ??Ä?dzÄ? w??adzy Rosjanie potrafiÄ? siÄ? opamiÄ?taÄ?? Oto przygotowali sze??Ä? kolejnych pocisk??w nuklearnych â?? ostateczna zag??ada ??wiata zdaje siÄ? byÄ? nieunikniona... Ale Rourke nie po to walczy?? o ??ycie, by umrzeÄ? w apokalipsie ognia i krwi. Podejmuje desperackÄ? pr??bÄ? ocalenia ludzko??ci. Je??li mu siÄ? nie uda â?? ??aden cz??owiek nie bÄ?dzie stÄ?pa?? po ziemi. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 110 MB czas trwania: 04h 15m 16s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  6. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 06 Bestialski szwadron Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Czy absurdalna wojna nuklearna zabi??a w cz??owieku odwieczny instynkt przetrwania? Czy bestialstwo okupant??w przewy??sza nieugiÄ?tÄ? wolÄ? walki Johna Rourke o ocalenie ludzko??ci? Rosjanie w przemy??lny spos??b ukrywajÄ? g??owice nuklearne, bÄ?dÄ?ce kolejnym zagro??eniem dla ??wiata. John Rourke i jego zadanie specjalne â?? niebezpieczne, odpowiedzialne, w??a??ciwie â?? niewykonalne. Agent specjalny podejmuje wyzwanie i decyduje siÄ? na samob??jczÄ? walkÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 115 MB czas trwania: 04h 28m 17s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 05 PajÄ?cza sieÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: John Rourke w trakcie poszukiwania najbli??szych trafia do ma??ego miasteczka, kt??rego mieszka??cy przera??eni skutkami wojny, pozbawieni nadziei i godno??ci postanawiajÄ? pope??niÄ? zbiorowe samob??jstwo. Tymczasem rodzina bohatera znajduje siÄ? w ??miertelnym niebezpiecze??stwie. Ucieczka przez krainÄ? uzbrojonych szale??c??w to chyba zbyt wiele, jak na mo??liwo??ci kobiety i dwojga dzieci... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 134 MB czas trwania: 05h 13m 30s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  8. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 04 Skazaniec Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Skutki III wojny ??wiatowej sÄ? nieprzewidywalne i coraz bardziej zatrwa??ajÄ?ce. Wskutek mega wstrzÄ?s??w spowodowanych wybuchami bomb atomowych, Floryda oderwa??a siÄ? od kontynentu i wpada do oceanu... John Rourke postanawia podjÄ?Ä? siÄ? ryzykownego i niebezpiecznego zadania ocalenia mieszka??c??w. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 129 MB czas trwania: 04h 59m 52s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  9. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 03 Poszukiwanie Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jak w koszmarze, z podziemnych schron??w wychodzÄ? ci, kt??rzy prze??yli kataklizm. John Rourke wie, ??e tu, gdzie szalenie barbarzy??cy w????czÄ? siÄ? i mordujÄ?, gdzie zabijajÄ? siÄ? po to, aby ??yÄ? â?? szanse na odnalezienie bliskich sÄ? niewielkie. Tylko on, as wywiadu CIA, mo??e ich odszukaÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 88,6 MB czas trwania: 03h 24m 28s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  10. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 02 Destrukcja Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Po konflikcie nuklearnym, w kt??rym zginÄ???y miliony ludzi, a Stany Zjednoczone sta??y siÄ? tylko wspomnieniem, John Rourke â?? superagent wywiadu ameryka??skiego, przechodzi ostateczny test. Paramilitarne oddzia??y, uzbrojeni bandyci oraz nieko??czÄ?ca siÄ? rzeka uciekinier??w utrudniajÄ? mu wype??nienie misji. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 151 MB czas trwania: 06h 48m 46s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  11. Ahern Jerry Krucjata Tom 01 Wojna totalna Okladka/Screeny: Opis: BezwzglÄ?dny agent CIA - John Rourke - i jego doskonale wyszkolona brygada morderc??w nale??Ä? do tych nielicznych, kt??rym uda??o siÄ? prze??yÄ? konflikt jÄ?drowy. Niestety nie jest to ostatnia tragedia dla Rourke'a i innych ludzi. Koszmar dopiero siÄ? zaczyna... Z ca??Ä? bezwzglÄ?dno??ciÄ? dokonywane wyroki ??mierci, masowe gwa??ty, mordy - to tylko nieliczne elementy nowego ??wiata. Po??r??d ogarniajÄ?cego kraj chaosu, John musi odnale??Ä? swojÄ? rodzinÄ? â?? ??onÄ? Sarah oraz dw??jkÄ? dzieci â?? sze??cioletniego Michaela i czteroletniÄ? Ann. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 139 MB czas trwania: 05h 21m 15s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  12. Mungo Jerry - Berlin Live (2016) HDTV Screenshots: Setlist: 00 - Intro & Interview 01 - Rock Me Mama 02 - One More Night Without You 03 - Goodnight Irene 04 - Lady Rose 05 - Touch The Sky 06 - Why I Sing The Blues 07 - I hard A bird 08 - In The Summertime 09 - I'll Be A Happy 'Til I Die Info: Source: Lineage: Vu+Solo2 DVB-S2 satellite receiver -> HDD -> Videoredo TV Suite 4 -> .ts file format Genre: Blues | Psychedelic Rock Quality: HDTV | 720p Format: TS | 11.6Mbps Length: 01:00:00 | 5.48Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 50.000fps Audio: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R, LFE Language: English Capper: Galexanders pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
  13. Jerry Spinelli - Gwiazda Opis: Od pierwszego dnia jej przybycia do spokojnego liceum w Mica po korytarzach niesie siÄ? szmer g??os??w powtarzajÄ?cych â?žGwiazda, Gwiazdaâ?. PoczÄ?tkowo zauroczeni sÄ? wszyscy uczniowie, ale p????niej zwracajÄ? siÄ? przeciwko niej. Nagle odrzucajÄ? GwiazdÄ? z powodu tego, co jÄ? wyr????nia, a Leo, przera??ony i rozpaczliwie zakochany, nak??ania jÄ?, aby sta??a siÄ? dok??adnie taka jak wszyscy. Download:
  14. Jerry Maguire (1996) PL.BRRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Cameron Crowe Scenariusz: Cameron Crowe Gatunek: Obyczajowy Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1996 Czas trwania: 138 min. Opis: Tytu??owy Jerry Maguire zdoby?? w ??yciu wszystko: jest cenionym agentem sportowym, zajmuje wp??ywowÄ? pozycjÄ?, ??wietnie zarabia, ma atrakcyjnÄ? dziewczynÄ?. Pewnego dnia jednak decyduje siÄ? przedstawiÄ? zwierzchnikom manifest, w kt??rym krytykuje bezmy??lnÄ? pogo?? za karierÄ? i pieniÄ?dzmi. W wyniku swego czynu traci wszystko, czym ??y?? do tej pory: pracÄ?, pieniÄ?dze i przyjaci????. Staje za to przed szansÄ? na prawdziwie romantyczne uczucie do dziewczyny, kt??ra samotnie wychowuje kilkuletniego synka... Obsada: Tom Cruise - Jerry Maguire Cuba Gooding Jr. - Rod Tidwell Ren??e Zellweger - Dorothy Boyd Jerry O'Connell - Frank Cushman Jay Mohr - Bob Sugar Regina King - Marcee Tidwell Bonnie Hunt - Laurel Boyd Jonathan Lipnicki - Ray Boyd ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  15. Artist: Jerry Johnson Title: Saxman's Visions of Love Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Jerry Johnson Genre: Jazz, Reggae Quality: mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 00:55:31 Total Size: 127 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Thinking of You 02. Right Track 03. Bless 04. What's Going On 05. It's Time for Amour 06. In the Rain 07. Feel the Breeze 08. Without You 09. Brotherly Love 10. Love Kiss 11. Why Did You Change 12. Since You Came into My Life
  16. Jerry Lee Lewis - Last Man Standing Live (2007) 1080p.BRRip.x264.DTS.PCM-alE13 Jerry Lee Lewis ameryka??skÄ? ikonÄ? Rock & Rolla - piosenkarz, autor tekst??w i pianista, kt??ry niesamowicie gra na fortepianie ju?? przez p???? wieku. Lewis nigdy nie przesta?? koncertowaÄ?, wciÄ??? dostarcza wybuchowych koncert??w, kt??re sÄ? nieprzewidywalne, emocjonujÄ?ce i takie osobiste. Lewis zebra?? przyjaci???? i rodzinÄ?, wykona?? szereg prywatnych koncert??w w Nowym Jorku i Los Angeles, kt??re zosta??y sfilmowane na tej p??ytce. track list: 1 Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls Of Fire 2 Jerry Lee Lewis Chantilly Lace 3 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Tom Jones Green Green Grass Of Home 4 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Tom Jones End Of The Road 5 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Solomon Burke Who Will The Next Fool Be 6 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Solomon Burke Today I Started Lovin' You Again 7 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Norah Jones Crazy Arms 8 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Norah Jones Your Cheatin' Heart 9 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Buddy Guy Hadacol Boogie 10 Jerry Lee Lewis Don't Put No Headstone On My Grave 11 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Chris Isaak Somewhere Over The Rainbow 12 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Chris Isaak Cry 13 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Ron Wood Rockin' My Life Away 14 Jerry Lee Lewis Lewis Boogie 15 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Merle Haggard Bumming Around 16 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Ivan Neville What'd I Say 17 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Kris Kristofferson Once More With Feeling 18 Jerry Lee Lewis, With John Fogerty CC Rider 19 Jerry Lee Lewis, With John Fogerty & Kris Kristofferson Will The Circle Be Unbroken 20 Jerry Lee Lewis, With John Fogerty Good Golly Miss Molly 21 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Ron Wood Trouble In Mind 22 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Willie Nelson Jambalaya 23 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Don Henley You Win Again 24 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Kid Rock Little Queenie 25 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Kid Rock Honky Tonk Woman 26 Jerry Lee Lewis, With Ken Lovelace* That Lucky Old Sun 27 Jerry Lee Lewis Roll Over Beethoven 28 Jerry Lee Lewis Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On Bonus Feature 29 Jerry Lee Lewis With Merle Haggard Goodnight Irene Jerry Lee Lewis - Last Man Standing Live (2007) 1080p.BRRip.x264.DTS.PCM-alE13
  17. Artist: Various Artists Title: Jerry Jams for Rex Volume I & II Year Of Release: 2010-2011 Label: Self Released Genre: Rock, Jam Rock, Blues Rock, Folk Rock Quality: CBR 320 kbps (tracks) Total Time: 2:59:31 Total Size: 440 mb / 1.14 gb Tracklist : Volume I 1. Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers - Lady With A Fan (7/25/2009 - The Biltmore, Asheville, NC) * 2. The String Cheese Incident - Eyes of the World (8/1/2001 - Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA) * 3. Railroad Earth - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo (7/29/2006 - Stone Pony, Asbury Park, NJ) 4. The Black Crowes - Sugaree (8/1/2006 LC Pavilion, Columbus, OH) 5. Moonalice - Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad (7/22/2010 - The Silvermoon Brewery, Bend, OR) ** 6. Yonder Mountain String Band - Reuben And Cherise (12/31/2009 - Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO) 7. The Waybacks - Dupree's Diamond Blues (4/26/2007 - Watson Stage, MerleFest, NC) 8. Widespread Panic - Cream Puff War (7/26/2010 Tennessee Theatre, Knoxville, TN) 9. Keller & The Keels - Mountains of the Moon (6/17/2010 - Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Telluride, CO) * 10. Hot Buttered Rum - Cumberland Blues (3/21/2009 - Crocodile Cafe, Seattle, WA) ** 11. Steve Kimock Crazy Engine - Stella Blue (7/25/2009 - Regency Ballroom, San Francisco, CA) ** 12. Phish - Terrapin Station (8/9/1998 - Virginia Beach Amphitheatre, Virginia Beach, VA) * Volume II STS9 - Shakedown Street (6/3/2011 - Ozark, AR) Railroad Earth - The Wheel (12/31/2010 - Denver, CO) Chris Robinson Brotherhood - Brown-Eyed Women (5/26/2011 - San Francisco, CA) Widespread Panic - Fire On The Mountain (2/10/2011 - Athens, GA) New Monsoon with Steve Kimock and Tim Carbone - Mission In The Rain (5/13/2006 - San Francisco, CA) Umphrey's McGee - Crazy Fingers (9/01/2008 - Boulder, CO) Yonder Mountain String Band - Althea (7/23/2011 - North Plains, OR) The String Cheese Incident - Deal (8/06/2004 - Terra Alta, WV) Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers - Standing on the MoonHalcyon Days (11/09/2009 - Richmond, VA) Dark Star Orchestra - St. Stephen (5/09/2011 - Burlington, VT) ALO - They Love Each Other * (5/28/2006 - Santa Rosa, CA) * Bonus download only track, not on the CD
  18. Artist: Jerry McCain Title: Love Desperado Year Of Release: 1991 Label: Ichiban Records Genre: Blues, Modern Electric Blues, Swamp Blues, Harmonica Blues Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 44:01 Total Size: 109 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 01. Blues Tribute 02. Burn The Crackhouse Down 03. I Need To Do Something 04. Love Desperado 05. The World's On Fire 06. Lovin' School 07. I Used To Have It 08. Mercy, Mercy Mercy 09. Non-Stop Lovin' Not only is Alabama-born Jerry McCain a terrific amplified harpist, he's also one of the funniest songwriters working the genre and has been for more than four decades, as anyone who's dug his out-of-control 1950s Excello rockers "My Next Door Neighbor" and "Trying to Please" will gladly testify. McCain was born on June 18, 1930, in Gadsden, AL. As a youngster, Little Walter was McCain's main man on harp, an instrument McCain began playing at age five. Walter passed through Gadsden one fateful night in 1953 with his Aces, offering encouragement and a chance to jam at a local nightspot. That same year, "Boogie" McCain made his vinyl debut for Lillian McMurray's Trumpet label in Jackson, MS, with "East of the Sun"/"Wine-O-Wine" and his brother, Walter McCain, playing drums on the sides. McCain's 1954 Trumpet encore, "Stay Out of Automobiles"/"Love to Make Up," was solid Southern blues, but barely hinted at the galvanic energy of his subsequent output. Jerry McCain signed with Ernie Young's Nashville-based Excello logo in 1955, cutting "That's What They Want" with his usual sidekick Christopher Collins on guitar. "Run, Uncle John! Run," "Trying to Please," the torrid "My Next Door Neighbor" (a prior homemade demo version of the track that surfaced much later was even crazier), and "The Jig's Up" ranked with McCain's best 1955-1957 Excello efforts. The harpist is probably best-known for his two-sided 1960 gem for Rex Records, "She's Tough"/"Steady." The Fabulous Thunderbirds later appropriated the insinuating mid-tempo A-side, while McCain's harp chops were strikingly showcased on the flip. McCain waxed three 45s for OKeh in Nashville in 1962, utilizing Music Row mainstays Floyd Cramer, Grady Martin, and Boots Randolph as his backup for "Red Top" and "Jet Stream." A series of 1965-1968 sides for Stan Lewis' Shreveport-based Jewel Records included a tailor-made tribute to the company, "728 Texas (Where the Action Is)" (Jewel's address). Struttin' My Stuff After too many years spent in relative obscurity, McCain rejuvenated his fortunes in 1989 by signing with Ichiban Records and releasing Blues 'n' Stuff, followed three years later by Struttin' My Stuff and Love Desperado. In 2000, McCain released an all-star album This Stuff Just Kills Me for the Jericho label featuring Johnnie Johnson, John Primer, Anson Funderburgh, Jimmie Vaughan, along with the Double Trouble rhythm section of Tommy Shannon and Chris Layton. McCain resurfaced on Ichiban in 2002 with the release of American Roots: Blues.
  19. Artist: Mungo Jerry Title: The Very Best Of Mungo Jerry Year Of Release: 2002 Label: Castle Music / Sanctuary Records Genre: Contemporary Pop/Rock, Soft Rock, Jug Band Quality: FLAC (image+.cue,log)/320 Total Time: 51:50 Total Size: 349/124 MB Tracklist: 01. In The Summertime 02. Baby Let's Play House 03. Lady Rose 04. Baby Jump 05. You Don't Have To Be In The Army To Fight The War 06. Wild Love 07. Alright, Alright, Alright 08. Open Up 09. Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die 10. San Francisco Bay Blues 11. Long Legged Woman Dressed In Black 12. Little Miss Hipshake 13. Mighty Man 14. I Just Wanna Make Love To You ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  20. Jerry Butler - The Soul Of Jerry Butler (2016) Title: The Soul Of Jerry Butler Artist : Jerry Butler Year : 2016 Genre: Soul Packed size: 225 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - He Will Break Your Heart 02 - Teardrops from My Eyes 03 - Moon River 04 - Find Another Girl 05 - Have a Good Time 06 - I'm a Telling You 07 - One by One 08 - Give Me Your Love 09 - It's Too Late 10 - Where Do I Turn 11 - Aware of Love 12 - Without Your Love 13 - Couldn't Go to Sleep 14 - Don't Take Your Love from Me 15 - I See a Fool 16 - I Was Wrong 17 - Is It True Love 18 - I'm the One 19 - You Can Run (But You Can't Hide) 20 - September Song 21 - For Your Precious Love 22 - Sweet Was the Wine 23 - Make It Easy on Yourself 24 - You Go Right Through Me 25 - The Gift of Love 26 - After the Laughter 27 - Thanks to You 28 - Butterfly 29 - The Lights Went Out 30 - Lost 31 - I Found a Love 32 - When Trouble Calls 33 - The Wicked Man 34 - A Lonely Soldier 35 - Love Me 36 - The Wishing Star (Theme from Taras Bulba) 37 - O Holy Night 38 - Silent Night
  21. Dear Jerry: Celebrating The Music Of Jerry Garcia (2016) DTS-HD MA 5.1 Genre: Rock Quality: DTS-HD MA 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2306 kbps / 24-bit Time: 02:34:01 Full Size: 2,48Gb }â?? Essentially a warm-up gig for the Grateful Dead's 50th anniversary shows, this double CD documents three sets of music performed by the surviving Grateful Dead members and a crew of fellow travelers. Ostensibly a tribute to one Jerome Garcia (1942-1995), this May 2015 show in Maryland's Merriweather Post Pavilion also celebrates the greater jam-band community, both musicians and audience, that keep the leading-averse bandleader's increasingly codified but mostly inquisitive spirit alive. â?? Tribute shows, with their Teleprompter-abetted guest spots, rarely equal the real deal, and this one's no exception. It does have its moments, however, beginning with Phil Lesh and his Communion ensemble's show-opening "The Wheel/Uncle John's Band," 17 minutes so silky and sinuously tuned-in you can almost understand the bassist's decision to blow off the rest of the event. And much of the second set stands as a kind of fathers-and-sons testament, with Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann shepherding the Disco Biscuits and other third-generation improv-rockers through spirited renditions of Grateful Dead jam staples "Scarlet Begonias/I Know You Rider" and "Help on the Way"/"Slipknot"/"Franklin's Tower." â?? Garcia's bluegrass buddy David Grisman ("Shady Grove"), New Orleans composer-pianist Allen Toussaint (Get Out of My Life, Woman"), and reggae icon Jimmy Cliff ("The Harder They Come") represent Garcia's various stylistic and cover enthusiasms. (Don Was led a crisp house band.) And Moe. ("Loser") and Widespread Panic ("Morning Dew") tackle their material with grace and gravitas befitting the uncompromising, decades-old jam masters they are. â?? Whether joining Los Lobos for "Bertha," or winding things down with "Touch of Grey" and "Ripple," Bob Weir, judging by the DVD version of the show, looks vaguely uncomfortable throughout, even while performing like the wise old trooper he still is. Perhaps he's pondering Lesh's absence, or, even more conspicuously, that of lyricist Robert Hunter, who arguably brought as much to this music, this legacy, as did his writing partner. In any case, Weir knows there's always another gig coming up down the road, and the final Dear Jerry letter is yet to be delivered. --Richard Gehr, Rolling Stone Tracklist: 1. The Wheel / Uncle John's Band - Phil Lesh & Communion 17:00 2. Get Out Of My Life Woman - Allen Toussaint 03:43 3. Shady Grove - David Grisman 04:42 4. (I'm A) Road Runner - Peter Frampton 04:41 5. Deal - Buddy Miller 03:29 6. Sugaree - Jorma Kaukonen07:30 7. The Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 03:33 8. Fire On The Mountain - Jimmy Cliff, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 06:54 9. Help On The Way / Slipknot / Franklin's Tower - Bill Kreutzmann's Billy & The Kids 10:15 10. Scarlet Begonias / I Know You Rider - The Disco Biscuits and Bill Kreutzmann's Billy & The Kids 12:36 11. Loser - moe. 07:11 12. St. Stephen - O.A.R. 05:39 13. Bertha - Los Lobos and Bob Weir 06:55 14. Brown-Eyed Women - Trampled By Turtles 05:42 15. Shakedown Street- Yonder Mountain String Band 08:29 16. Friend Of The Devil - Bob Weir and Grace Potter 06:55 17. Tennessee Jed - Eric Church 05:54 18. Morning Dew - Widespread Panic 12:06 19. Touch Of Grey - Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 06:49 20. Ripple- full ensemble 05:29
  22. Dear Jerry - Celebrating The Music Of Jerry Garcia (2016) BDRip 720p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - THE WHEEL / UNCLE JOHNâ??S BAND - Phil Lesh & Communion 02 - GET OUT OF MY LIFE WOMAN - Allen Toussaint 03 - SHADY GROVE - David Grisman 04 - (Iâ??M A) ROAD RUNNER - Peter Frampton 05 - DEAL - Buddy Miller 06 - SUGAREE - Jorma Kaukonen 07 - THE HARDER THEY COME - Jimmy Cliff, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 08 - FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN - Jimmy Cliff, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 09 - HELP ON THE WAY / SLIPKNOT / FRANKLINâ??S TOWER - Bill Kreutzmannâ??s Billy & The Kids 10 - SCARLET BEGONIAS / I KNOW YOU RIDER - The Disco Biscuits and Bill Kreutzmannâ??s Billy & The Kids 11 - LOSER - moe. 12 - ST. STEPHEN - O.A.R. 13 - BERTHA - Los Lobos and Bob Weir 14 - BROWN-EYED WOMEN - Trampled By Turtles 15 - SHAKEDOWN STREET - Yonder Mountain String Band 16 - FRIEND OF THE DEVIL - Bob Weir and Grace Potter 17 - TENNESSEE JED - Eric Church 18 - MORNING DEW - Widespread Panic 19 - TOUCH OF GREY - Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 20 - RIPPLE - full ensemble Info: Genre: Psychedelic Rock | Jam Rock Quality: BDRip | 720p Format: MKV | 4808kbps Length: 02:34:00 | 8/59Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio 1: DTS | 1536kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R, LFE Audio 2: DTS | 1536kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD
  23. Dear Jerry - Celebrating The Music of Jerry Garcia (2016) Blu-Ray 1080i Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - THE WHEEL / UNCLE JOHNâ??S BAND - Phil Lesh & Communion 02 - GET OUT OF MY LIFE WOMAN - Allen Toussaint 03 - SHADY GROVE - David Grisman 04 - (Iâ??M A) ROAD RUNNER - Peter Frampton 05 - DEAL - Buddy Miller 06 - SUGAREE - Jorma Kaukonen 07 - THE HARDER THEY COME - Jimmy Cliff, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 08 - FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN - Jimmy Cliff, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 09 - HELP ON THE WAY / SLIPKNOT / FRANKLINâ??S TOWER - Bill Kreutzmannâ??s Billy & The Kids 10 - SCARLET BEGONIAS / I KNOW YOU RIDER - The Disco Biscuits and Bill Kreutzmannâ??s Billy & The Kids 11 - LOSER - moe. 12 - ST. STEPHEN - O.A.R. 13 - BERTHA - Los Lobos and Bob Weir 14 - BROWN-EYED WOMEN - Trampled By Turtles 15 - SHAKEDOWN STREET - Yonder Mountain String Band 16 - FRIEND OF THE DEVIL - Bob Weir and Grace Potter 17 - TENNESSEE JED - Eric Church 18 - MORNING DEW - Widespread Panic 19 - TOUCH OF GREY - Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 20 - RIPPLE - full ensemble Bonus: Dear Jerry About: Dear Jerry: Celebrating The Music Of Jerry Garcia was recorded live at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia Maryland on Thursday, May 14, 2015. This historic one-night concert event honored the music of Jerry Garcia, one of the most influential musicians and cultural icons of our time. The two and half hour concert film and available audio recordings feature over 20 once-in-a-lifetime performances from this momentous event by Phil Lesh & Communion, Bob Weir, Bill Kreutzmann's Billy & the Kids, Mickey Hart, Eric Church, Jimmy Cliff, The Disco Biscuits, Peter Frampton, David Grisman, Jorma Kaukonen, Los Lobos, Buddy Miller, Moe., O.A.R., Grace Potter, Allen Toussaint, Trampled By Turtles, Widespread Panic, and Yonder Mountain String Band. Captured and presented in stunning HD with true Dolby 5.1 surround stereo, the full length concert film and available audio records include some of Garcia classics, like 'Touch of Grey', 'Friend of The Devil', 'The Wheel' and more. Info: Genre: Psychedelic Rock | Jam Rock Quality: Blu-Ray | 1080i Format: M2TS | 15.9Mbps Length: 02:37:03 | 26.8Gb Video: H.264 | 1920x1080 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio 1: DTS-HD MA | 4416kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R, LFE Audio 2: DTS-HD MA | 2306Kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD
  24. Dear Jerry - Celebrating The Music Of Jerry Garcia (2016) [bDRip 1080p] Genre: Rock Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p Video: MPEG4 Video / AVC / 1920x1080 / 29.97fps / 10.8 Mbps Audio: DTS-HD MA 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2306 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit) Time: 02:34:01 Full Size: 12,1Gb â?? Essentially a warm-up gig for the Grateful Dead's 50th anniversary shows, this double CD documents three sets of music performed by the surviving Grateful Dead members and a crew of fellow travelers. Ostensibly a tribute to one Jerome Garcia (1942-1995), this May 2015 show in Maryland's Merriweather Post Pavilion also celebrates the greater jam-band community, both musicians and audience, that keep the leading-averse bandleader's increasingly codified but mostly inquisitive spirit alive. â?? Tribute shows, with their Teleprompter-abetted guest spots, rarely equal the real deal, and this one's no exception. It does have its moments, however, beginning with Phil Lesh and his Communion ensemble's show-opening "The Wheel/Uncle John's Band," 17 minutes so silky and sinuously tuned-in you can almost understand the bassist's decision to blow off the rest of the event. And much of the second set stands as a kind of fathers-and-sons testament, with Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann shepherding the Disco Biscuits and other third-generation improv-rockers through spirited renditions of Grateful Dead jam staples "Scarlet Begonias/I Know You Rider" and "Help on the Way"/"Slipknot"/"Franklin's Tower." â?? Garcia's bluegrass buddy David Grisman ("Shady Grove"), New Orleans composer-pianist Allen Toussaint (Get Out of My Life, Woman"), and reggae icon Jimmy Cliff ("The Harder They Come") represent Garcia's various stylistic and cover enthusiasms. (Don Was led a crisp house band.) And Moe. ("Loser") and Widespread Panic ("Morning Dew") tackle their material with grace and gravitas befitting the uncompromising, decades-old jam masters they are. â?? Whether joining Los Lobos for "Bertha," or winding things down with "Touch of Grey" and "Ripple," Bob Weir, judging by the DVD version of the show, looks vaguely uncomfortable throughout, even while performing like the wise old trooper he still is. Perhaps he's pondering Lesh's absence, or, even more conspicuously, that of lyricist Robert Hunter, who arguably brought as much to this music, this legacy, as did his writing partner. In any case, Weir knows there's always another gig coming up down the road, and the final Dear Jerry letter is yet to be delivered. --Richard Gehr, Rolling Stone Setlist: 1. The Wheel / Uncle John's Band - Phil Lesh & Communion 17:00 2. Get Out Of My Life Woman - Allen Toussaint 03:43 3. Shady Grove - David Grisman 04:42 4. (I'm A) Road Runner - Peter Frampton 04:41 5. Deal - Buddy Miller 03:29 6. Sugaree - Jorma Kaukonen07:30 7. The Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 03:33 8. Fire On The Mountain - Jimmy Cliff, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 06:54 9. Help On The Way / Slipknot / Franklin's Tower - Bill Kreutzmann's Billy & The Kids 10:15 10. Scarlet Begonias / I Know You Rider - The Disco Biscuits and Bill Kreutzmann's Billy & The Kids 12:36 11. Loser - moe. 07:11 12. St. Stephen - O.A.R. 05:39 13. Bertha - Los Lobos and Bob Weir 06:55 14. Brown-Eyed Women - Trampled By Turtles 05:42 15. Shakedown Street- Yonder Mountain String Band 08:29 16. Friend Of The Devil - Bob Weir and Grace Potter 06:55 17. Tennessee Jed - Eric Church 05:54 18. Morning Dew - Widespread Panic 12:06 19. Touch Of Grey - Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann 06:49 20. Ripple- full ensemble 05:29
  25. Artist: Tractor Jerry and the Mud Bucket Title: Tractor Jerry and the Mud Bucket Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Tractor Jerry and the Mud Bucket Genre: Country, Alt Country, Americana Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 43:08 Total Size: 106 Mb Tracklist: 1. Bathtub Gin 2. Jeanie Lee 3. Uncle Stepdad 4. We Part 5. Old Man Nickel's Daughter 6. James 7. Momma Needs Her Medicine 8. Forrest for the Trees 9. Taking Down the Queen 10. Miss Me When I'm Gone 11. Dirt 12. Ghost Track Tractor Jerry and the Mud Bucket is a return to a past era marked by bluegrass festivals and camp sites scattered up and down the east coast. A flat picking guitar player placed a frustrated banjo into the hands of his son with a prediction that once youth and rock music ran it's course, the roots of traditional old time music would emerge. The father didn't know that the travel through alternative rock would color and shape the sound and add some raw grit and punch to what is a now hybrid. Fascinated by the instrumentation of traditional music and troubled by an often shallow depth of lyric, the Mud Bucket sets out in this Freshman effort to muddle alt country and new grass. Most importantly, as can be derived from the name, Tractor Jerry and the Mud Bucket aims to have fun in this musical experiment, not take things too seriously and make music worthy of the stage and the porch.
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