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Veste Luca Z??odziej ko??ci Okladka/Screeny: Opis: P??acz nie pomo??e. Porwie ciÄ? w z??o??ci. Pokroi cia??o, zachowa ko??ci. Dwadzie??cia lat temu czworo nastolatk??w postanowi??o odnale??Ä? w lesie Ko??ciucha, z??odzieja ko??ci, potwora z dzieciÄ?cej rymowanki. Tylko troje z nich powr??ci??o z tej wyprawy. W Liverpoolu odnaleziono b??Ä?kajÄ?cÄ? siÄ?, okaleczonÄ? kobietÄ?, kt??ra twierdzi, ??e uciek??a potworowi z lasu. ProwadzÄ?ca dochodzenie detektyw Louise Henderson pamiÄ?ta sprawÄ? zaginiÄ?cia dziecka sprzed lat. Teraz musi przekonaÄ? koleg??w z pracy, ??e legendarne monstrum mo??e okazaÄ? siÄ? cz??owiekiem z krwi i ko??ci. Gdy w lesie zostaje znalezione kolejne cia??o, sprawy przybierajÄ? jeszcze mroczniejszy obr??tâ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 500 MB czas trwania: 12h 26m 42s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Jakub Wieczorek BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
D'Andrea Luca Istota z??a Okladka/Screeny: D'Andrea Luca Istota z??a Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Brutalna zbrodnia, pora??ajÄ?ca pierwotnÄ? grozÄ? natura, obsesja i pradawna przyczajona Bestia Amerykanin, filmowiec dokumentalista, Jeremiasz Salinger przenosi siÄ? z ??onÄ? i c??rkÄ? z Nowego Jorku do Siebenhoch, ma??ej wioski w g??rach Po??udniowego Tyrolu. Zafascynowany miejscowym krajobrazem krÄ?ci dokument o pracy ratownik??w g??rskich. Jednak podczas jednej z akcji ratunkowych ginie ca??a za??oga, a Jeremiasz jako jedyny cudem unika ??mierci. NÄ?kany atakami paniki i poczuciem winy pr??buje uporaÄ? siÄ? z traumÄ? i stresem pourazowym. Odrzuca terapiÄ? lekami i postanawia sam zmierzyÄ? siÄ? z ogarniajÄ?cym go mrokiem oraz wewnÄ?trznÄ? BestiÄ?. Kiedy przypadkiem trafia na mro??Ä?cÄ? krew w ??y??ach historiÄ? brutalnej masakry w wÄ?wozie Bletterbach, staje siÄ? ona jego obsesjÄ?. Mimo ??e od tragedii minÄ???o ponad trzydzie??ci lat, sprawa ciÄ?gle nie zosta??a wyja??niona. Ludzie wierzÄ?, ??e w wÄ?wozie czai siÄ? z??o, kt??rego lepiej nie budziÄ?. Z??o tak pradawne i gro??ne jak sama Ziemiaâ?? TA HISTORIA WCIÄ?GA, PORUSZA I TRZYMA W NAPIÄ?CIU DO KO??CA! Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 585 MB czas trwania: 13h 34m 04s bit rate: 112kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Tomasz Sobczak BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download: Opis: Brutalna zbrodnia, pora??ajÄ?ca pierwotnÄ? grozÄ? natura, obsesja i pradawna przyczajona Bestia Amerykanin, filmowiec dokumentalista, Jeremiasz Salinger przenosi siÄ? z ??onÄ? i c??rkÄ? z Nowego Jorku do Siebenhoch, ma??ej wioski w g??rach Po??udniowego Tyrolu. Zafascynowany miejscowym krajobrazem krÄ?ci dokument o pracy ratownik??w g??rskich. Jednak podczas jednej z akcji ratunkowych ginie ca??a za??oga, a Jeremiasz jako jedyny cudem unika ??mierci. NÄ?kany atakami paniki i poczuciem winy pr??buje uporaÄ? siÄ? z traumÄ? i stresem pourazowym. Odrzuca terapiÄ? lekami i postanawia sam zmierzyÄ? siÄ? z ogarniajÄ?cym go mrokiem oraz wewnÄ?trznÄ? BestiÄ?. Kiedy przypadkiem trafia na mro??Ä?cÄ? krew w ??y??ach historiÄ? brutalnej masakry w wÄ?wozie Bletterbach, staje siÄ? ona jego obsesjÄ?. Mimo ??e od tragedii minÄ???o ponad trzydzie??ci lat, sprawa ciÄ?gle nie zosta??a wyja??niona. Ludzie wierzÄ?, ??e w wÄ?wozie czai siÄ? z??o, kt??rego lepiej nie budziÄ?. Z??o tak pradawne i gro??ne jak sama Ziemiaâ?? TA HISTORIA WCIÄ?GA, PORUSZA I TRZYMA W NAPIÄ?CIU DO KO??CA! Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 585 MB czas trwania: 13h 34m 04s bit rate: 112kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Tomasz Sobczak BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody - Prometheus (2016) Genre: Symphonic Power Metal,Neo-Classical Metal Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [48kHz/24bit] Time: 01:10:12 Full Size: 903Mb The latest album of Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY, Â?Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis DivinusÂ?, was chosen to be the first studio album in music history to be remixed in Dolby Atmos. Renowned producer/mixing engineer Chris Heil (DAVID BOWIE, BRYAN ADAMS, SCORPIONS) mixed the entire masterpiece in Dolby Atmos - the mindblowing result will be submitted for the 2017 Grammy nominations. Â?Prometheus, The Dolby Atmos Experience + Cinematic And LiveÂ? will be released December, 9th via Nuclear Blast. Luca Turilli, responsible for composition and orchestra- and choir-arrangements states: "The new Dolby Atmos sound fits perfectly with Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY music just as the RHAPSODY music - emotional, visionary and cinematic in its nature - is perfect to showcase the potential of an amazing technology destined to revolutionize the field of immersive audio's experience. From a composer's point of view, Dolby Atmos is like the advent of a canvas with colors in three dimensional space. It enables me to place the band, orchestra and choir around me like I would in a real life situation, granting to the listener an emotional and breathtaking journey in a parallel dimension. Every instrument can finally breathe and live in three dimensions, turning the Dolby Atmos version of RHAPSODY's music into a divine, musical experience of transcendence. No limits for creativity anymore. This new Dolby technology allows my heart and soul to finally express themselves with complete freedom and exciting force!" But what actually is Dolby Atmos? Cinemas discovered this new format and integrated loud speakers in their ceilings to place the listener into an 'acoustic honeycomb?. "This novelty has now reached the home technology and we at Yamaha wanted to support the project of Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY with an audio-bluray-disc in Dolby Atmos", Michael Geise from Yamaha explains. "It's a very thrilling challenge and makes this release a vivid and new experience. And since we are always looking for new contents, the cooperation with Luca Turilli was a great idea for us. Dolby Atmos is already included in our receivers and the customer can immediately use it - but so far only few releases support this new format and usually it is only available for films, not for music blurays. But now it is and we created a medium that could easily bring instruments to life, without any artifical effects. We had the know-how to turn this performance into a real live experience with our loudspeakers, receivers and the new sound bar that brings the musicians almost right into everyone's living room!" Producer and mixer Chris Heil found Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY almost by accident: "I heard excerpts from Â?Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis DivinusÂ? in the studio right next to me and knew immediately that this was the material I wanted to use to showcase the potential of Dolby Atmos to the world. This kind of music is made for this format with its combination of band,orchestra and choir arrangements. I called Luca Turilli immediately to ask his permission to use the material and he immediately agreed. The result of their two months long cooperation is a vivid combination of metal, filmscore and a wide variety of ethnic elements. "It is incredibly entertaining and inspiring to listen to the result. It's the first album in my 36-year career where I had to leave longer pauses between the tracks because you really need time to digest that bombastic sound. It's mindblowing," states Chris Heil. And Luca Turilli agrees: "Dolby Atmos will bring a revolution to the world of films and music and allows you to enjoy every release even more!" Tracklist: 01. Nova Genesis (Ad Splendorem Angeli Triumphantis) 02. Il Cigno Nero 03. Rosenkreuz (The Rose And The Cross) 04. Anahata 05. Il Tempo Degli Dei 06. One Ring To Rule Them All 07. Notturno 08. Prometheus 09. King Solomon And The 72 Names Of God 10. Yggdrasil Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer's Fall Part II: Codex Nemesis 11.1 I. Codex Nemesis Alpha Omega 11.2 II. Symphonia Ignis Divinus (The Quantum Gate Revealed) 11.3 III. The Astral Convergence 11.4 IV. The Divine Fire Of The Archangel 11.5 V. Of Psyche And Archetypes (System Overloaded) Alessandro Conti, lead vocals Luca Turilli, guitar, keyboards, orchestral arrangements Dominique Leurquin, guitar Patrice Guers, bass Alex Landenburg, drums Additional: Ralf Scheepers, co-lead vocals on "Thundersteel" David Readman, Dan Lucas, Bridget Fogle, Emilie Ragni, vocals's_Rhapsody_-_Prometheus.rar.html
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody - Prometheus (2016) Genre: Symphonic Power Metal,Neo-Classical Metal Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [48kHz/24bit] Time: 01:10:12 Full Size: 903Mb The latest album of Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY, Â?Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis DivinusÂ?, was chosen to be the first studio album in music history to be remixed in Dolby Atmos. Renowned producer/mixing engineer Chris Heil (DAVID BOWIE, BRYAN ADAMS, SCORPIONS) mixed the entire masterpiece in Dolby Atmos - the mindblowing result will be submitted for the 2017 Grammy nominations. Â?Prometheus, The Dolby Atmos Experience + Cinematic And LiveÂ? will be released December, 9th via Nuclear Blast. Luca Turilli, responsible for composition and orchestra- and choir-arrangements states: "The new Dolby Atmos sound fits perfectly with Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY music just as the RHAPSODY music - emotional, visionary and cinematic in its nature - is perfect to showcase the potential of an amazing technology destined to revolutionize the field of immersive audio's experience. From a composer's point of view, Dolby Atmos is like the advent of a canvas with colors in three dimensional space. It enables me to place the band, orchestra and choir around me like I would in a real life situation, granting to the listener an emotional and breathtaking journey in a parallel dimension. Every instrument can finally breathe and live in three dimensions, turning the Dolby Atmos version of RHAPSODY's music into a divine, musical experience of transcendence. No limits for creativity anymore. This new Dolby technology allows my heart and soul to finally express themselves with complete freedom and exciting force!" But what actually is Dolby Atmos? Cinemas discovered this new format and integrated loud speakers in their ceilings to place the listener into an 'acoustic honeycomb?. "This novelty has now reached the home technology and we at Yamaha wanted to support the project of Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY with an audio-bluray-disc in Dolby Atmos", Michael Geise from Yamaha explains. "It's a very thrilling challenge and makes this release a vivid and new experience. And since we are always looking for new contents, the cooperation with Luca Turilli was a great idea for us. Dolby Atmos is already included in our receivers and the customer can immediately use it - but so far only few releases support this new format and usually it is only available for films, not for music blurays. But now it is and we created a medium that could easily bring instruments to life, without any artifical effects. We had the know-how to turn this performance into a real live experience with our loudspeakers, receivers and the new sound bar that brings the musicians almost right into everyone's living room!" Producer and mixer Chris Heil found Luca Turilli's RHAPSODY almost by accident: "I heard excerpts from Â?Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis DivinusÂ? in the studio right next to me and knew immediately that this was the material I wanted to use to showcase the potential of Dolby Atmos to the world. This kind of music is made for this format with its combination of band,orchestra and choir arrangements. I called Luca Turilli immediately to ask his permission to use the material and he immediately agreed. The result of their two months long cooperation is a vivid combination of metal, filmscore and a wide variety of ethnic elements. "It is incredibly entertaining and inspiring to listen to the result. It's the first album in my 36-year career where I had to leave longer pauses between the tracks because you really need time to digest that bombastic sound. It's mindblowing," states Chris Heil. And Luca Turilli agrees: "Dolby Atmos will bring a revolution to the world of films and music and allows you to enjoy every release even more!" Tracklist: 01. Nova Genesis (Ad Splendorem Angeli Triumphantis) 02. Il Cigno Nero 03. Rosenkreuz (The Rose And The Cross) 04. Anahata 05. Il Tempo Degli Dei 06. One Ring To Rule Them All 07. Notturno 08. Prometheus 09. King Solomon And The 72 Names Of God 10. Yggdrasil Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer's Fall Part II: Codex Nemesis 11.1 I. Codex Nemesis Alpha Omega 11.2 II. Symphonia Ignis Divinus (The Quantum Gate Revealed) 11.3 III. The Astral Convergence 11.4 IV. The Divine Fire Of The Archangel 11.5 V. Of Psyche And Archetypes (System Overloaded) Alessandro Conti, lead vocals Luca Turilli, guitar, keyboards, orchestral arrangements Dominique Leurquin, guitar Patrice Guers, bass Alex Landenburg, drums Additional: Ralf Scheepers, co-lead vocals on "Thundersteel" David Readman, Dan Lucas, Bridget Fogle, Emilie Ragni, vocals's_Rhapsody_-_Prometheus.rar.html
Artist: Luca Barbarossa Title: Vivo Year Of Release: 1993 Label: Columbia Genre: Pop Quality: mp3/APE (tracks) Total Time: 01:06:49 Total Size: 158,51 / 433,57 Mb Tracklist : 01. Vivo 02. Se tu sei come me 03. Via Margutta 04. Andare avanti 05. Senza amore 06. Come dentro un film 07. Mandela 08. Yuppies 09. Fine di un amore 10. L'amore rubato 11. Al di l del muro 12. Portami a ballare 13. Cuore d'acciaio 14. Roma spogliata ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
- luca
- barbarossa
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Oznaczone tagami:
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody - Prometheus, Cinematic & Live (2016) Title: Prometheus, Cinematic & Live Artist : Luca Turilli's Rhapsody Year : 2016 Genre: Power Metal Packed size: 286 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Nova Genesis (Live) 02 - Il Cigno Nero (reloaded) (Live) 03 - Rosenkreuz (The Rose and the Cross) (Live) 04 - Land of Immortals (Live) 05 - Aenigma (Live) 06 - War of the Universe (Live) 07 - Of Michael the Archangel and Lucifer's Fall (Extract) (Live) 08 - Excalibur (Live) 09 - The Ancient Forest of Elves (Live) 10 - Son of Pain (Live) 11 - Prometheus (Live) 12 - Drum Solo (Live) 13 - Knightrider of Doom (Live) 14 - Warrior's Pride (Live) 15 - The Astral Convergence (Live) 16 - The Pride of the Tyrant (Live) 17 - Tormento E Passione (Live) 18 - Demonheart (Live) 19 - Bass Solo (Live) 20 - Warrior of Ice (Live) 21 - Of Michael the Archangel and Lucifer's Fall, Pt. II - Of Psyche and Archetypses (Live) 22 - Dark Fate of Atlantis (Live) 23 - Dawn of Victory (Live) 24 - Quantum x (Live) 25 - Ascending to Infinity (Live) 26 - Emerald Sword (Live) 27 - Finale (Live)
- cinematic
- prometheus
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Oznaczone tagami:
Artist: L.U.C.A Title: I Semi Del Futuro Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Mondo - MND006 Genre: Ambient, Downtempo Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 43:30 Total Size: 100 mb Tracklist A1 - In Prin[beeep]io (06:03) A2 - Il Valzer Del Risveglio (03:18) A3 - Sirene (01:49) B1 - Nuovo Ordine... Equilibrio (05:01) B2 - Anni Verdi (04:23) C1 - In The Sun (04:31) C2 - Esodo (04:23) D1 - Niagara (04:21) D2 - Oggi, Domani, Sempre (06:13) D3 - Plancton (03:28)
Jam Track Central: 20 II-V-I Fusion Licks with Luca Mantovanell.2015 WEBRip | English | MP4 + MP3 jam tracks + PDF tabs | 1280 x 720 | AVC ~4461 Kbps | 29.970 fps AAC | 192 Kbps | 48.0 KHz | 2 channels | ~1 hour | 580 MB Genre: eLearning Video / Guitar lesson New JTC artist Luca Mantovanelli plays a MultiAmp in his first JTC pack and he has definitely hit the ground running! This pack is going to show you exactly how to navigate the most essential of chord progressions (the II-V-I) like an absolute pro! Why is the II-V-I an essential progression? Firstly it's the most widely used progression in Jazz, and appears in Pop and Rock tunes the world over, but it also contains the three most common chord types, a Maj7 chord, a Min7 chord and a dominant chord and learning to solo over these chord types might just be the most important lesson you can learn. Inside this pack Luca executes 20 melodic fusion licks that perfectly outline the underlying harmony. We're talking Dorian licks, Superlocrian scales, Dominant7b9 arpeggios, Diminished arpeggios, tritone scales, use of the harmonic minor scale, chromatic lines, pentatonics, hybrid picking, legato, string skipping, sweep picking, fast phrases, slow phrases and a lick inspired by Tom Quayle. You really couldn't cram any more value into this pack if you tried! All of this is combined in a very musical fashion with impeccable time-feel and groove. If any of the above terms scare you, then this pack may just be the perfect introduction to not just the subjects but how to apply them to your own playing and licks. The icing on the cake here are the two very jammable backing tracks with one in a straight feel and the other in a swing feel.
The Gnomon Workshop - Sci-Fi Costume Design in ZBrush With Luca Nemolato 4h 46m | aac, 22050 Hz, 1 channels | h264, yuv420p, 1600x900,15fps | 2.41GB Genre: E-learning In this lecture, Luca Nemolato shares his creative pipeline for the design of a futuristic sci-fi costume. Using the myriad techniques and software that he has learned during his career, Luca begins his concept in ZBrush, showing the power of designing in 3D and developing the idea while sculpting. This exercise teaches you to imagine your concepts in three dimensions from the start, making your workflow quicker and more efficient. Luca then poses the model as another phase of the design process, while still further developing the design. From there, the lecture focuses on how to present your 3D model to a client with basic rendering in Keyshot. Luca shares all of his realistic rendering techniques for the realization of the final concept. He then jumps into Photoshop where the final magic happens. All of the Keyshot renders get composited with Luca's various tricks and tips, giving you the tools and techniques to realize your next costume design. This lecture covers a pipeline that includes sculpting and posing in ZBrush, Rendering in Keyshot, presenting your 3D model to a client and creating the final realistic concept art using Photoshop. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
Luca Mantovanelli - 20 Beginner Jazz Standard Licks English | MP4, 1280x720 (16:9), 1779 Kbps, 25.000 fps | MP3, 128 Kbps, 44100 Khz, 2 Ch | 146 Mb Genre: eLearning This brand new licks pack from the incredible Luca Mantovanelli gives you the perfect introduction to Beginner Jazz lead guitar playing and more specifically, ways to approach the most common beginner Jazz standards out there. Keeping the licks technically simple but melodically interesting this package contains all of the tools you will need to master the basics of Jazz guitar and get you jamming right away over the authentic backing tracks in various Jazz styles. Some players are a little weary of Jazz as it often seems like only advanced players and theory-buffs can play it, but this package debunks this myth by giving you 20 simple Jazz licks that you can start incorporating into your playing right away. If you are interested in the theory behind the licks our bonus lick notes contains extra little nuggets of information and tips about the theory and techniques you may encounter such as: harmonic minor scales, super-locrian scales, diminished scales, altered arpeggios, chromatic notes, the blues scale, dominant chords and arpeggios, superimposing chords and more. This pack boasts 10 great backing tracks to cover all of the basic Jazz featuring the following standard chord progressions: Major 2-5-1, Minor 2-5-1, All The Things You Are, Autumn Leaves, Bb7Swing, Bb Jazz Blues, Rhythm Changes, Blue Bossa, Major Latin backing track and a Minor Swing backing track. If you can conquer the progressions in these tracks, and master the basic Jazz licks you will be well on your way to tackling other more complicated Jazz standards. Luca will be releasing intermediate and advanced versions to follow this pack, so purchase and download the beginners pack now to get a great step up on the next release of the series. As ever, we have accurately transcribed every note and included the TAB/notation in the download, full backing tracks, audio solos and track notes. DOWNLOAD
- luca
- mantovanelli
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