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Znaleziono 26 wyników

  1. Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists pdf | 1.41 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 978-1260430998 | Author: Emma Previato | Year: 2019 Category:Mechanical Engineering Description: Download Link:
  2. Mental Math Tricks To Become A Human Calculator MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours | Lec: 19 | 219 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English The Only System To Do Math In Your Head Faster Than A Calculator Which Will Make Mental Math Your New Superpower The Only System To Do Math In Your Head Faster Than A Calculator Which Will Make Mental Math Your New Superpower Learn Mental Math Tricks To Become A Human Calculator Now You Can Use Simple Mental Math Tricks To Do Math Faster Than a Calculator Effortlessly In Your Head, Even If You Have No Aptitude For Math & Hate Math to Begin With. You don't have to buy this course - Listen, just read this page (or better watch the free video) until the very end and you will learn 3 things that will change the way you do math forever. And you will immediately improve your mental calculation speed from what it is now, without writing anything down, without doing anything you have been taught in school & without having sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach. Warning: I am revealing these secrets only to the first batch of students and plan to put these math tricks back inside the course for the later batch of students. So if you come back later, you might no longer be able to get this for free. So absorb this page completely until the very end while you still can. Deal? Don't Just Look Like A Genius - Be One. Walk with me for a moment as we imagine you waking up tomorrow being able to do lightning fast math in your head. Your family and friends are going to look at you like you are some kind of a genius. Since calculations are done in your head, you would have acquired better memory habits in the process, and your concentration and your ability to think quickly would have also improved. So you will not just look like a genius. You will actually be one. You know what the best part is? Within the next 7 days, you will start thinking like a genius. This will in turn start to positively influence other areas of your life. First, I must tell you why we find it so difficult to do math in our head. School Taught You The Wrong Way To Do Math We use so much of our working memory when we do math the way we have been taught in school. Working memory is the short term memory required for you to complete a task. Think of it like the RAM of your computer. Doing math in our head the way we have been taught in school, overloads our working memory, slowing down our brain like an over loaded computer. We end up struggling with even the basic math skills we have otherwise mastered. Stop Doing Math The Way You Have Been Taught In School The way you have been taught math in school is what slows you down, I will show you what I mean with an example: Try to multiply the 73201 x 3. 1 x 3 = 0 x 3 = 2 x 3 = 3 x 3 = 7 x 3 = This is an easy multiplication problem and in fact it would only take most people seconds to multiply the individual numbers. However to get the final answer, you need to remember every single digit you calculated so far to put them together. You might even end up multiplying again because you forgot one of the numbers. So it might take quite a bit of effort to get the answer of the multiplication. Mental math will become a whole lot easier if you didn't have to use so much of your working memory. In school, we have been taught to write down the numbers on a paper to free up working memory. But there is another way, and I will show you that in a moment. Imagine when we tried to multiply 73201 x 3, if you could have come up with the answer in the time it took you to multiply the individual numbers. Wouldn't you have solve the problem faster than the time it takes you to punch in the numbers inside a calculator? I will show you how to do that in a moment, so keep reading. A Weird Trick to Calculate Faster Before we get into the actual method of calculating in your head fast without writing anything down, I need to tell you about a weird trick that made me go from hating math to making math my full time job. When we try to do math, we sometimes have sweaty palms, feel nervous and find it hard to concentrate. This phenomenon is called math anxiety and it will only slow you down. Most of us suffer from math anxiety of various degrees. You might think you are anxious about math, because you are bad at it. But it's often the other way around. You are doing poorly in math, because you are anxious about it. Math anxiety decreases your working memory. Worrying about being able to solve a math problem, eats up working memory leaving less of it available to tackle the math itself. So you can struggle with even basic math skills like arithmetic that you have otherwise mastered. Your new math super power is not going to make you a super hero unless you relax. If you ever feel math anxiety, take a few deep breaths and you will actually be able to do the math faster. Use the knowledge about how your working memory works to create a mindset where you enjoy doing math. See math as a challenge that will expand the limits of your intelligence. Do this and you will increase your mental math calculation speed even further. Can you see yourself not only doing math fast but also enjoying yourself being a mental math super hero? Do The Opposite Of What You Have Been Taught In School Ok, remember what I told you earlier about how the way we have been taught math in school requires us to remember a lot of numbers? The secret of doing mental math fast in your head is to do the OPPOSITE of what you have been in taught in school. This is called the LR Method. Let me tell you, if you do not do this, any trick you can possibly learn to do mental math, will really be useless. This secret is like the rocket fuel for your mental math skill. Everything else just builds on top of this. This works so well because it frees your working memory almost completely. You will be using the absolute minimum amount of working memory. LR stands for Left to Right. The secret of doing mental math is to calculate from left to right instead of from right to left. This is the opposite of what you have been taught in school. Lets try to do the earlier example where we multiplied 73201 x 3. This time multiply from left to right, so we get 7 x 3 = 21 3 x 3 = 9 3 x 2 = 6 0 x 3 = 0 3 x 1 = 3 Notice that you started to call out the answer before you even finished the whole multiplication problem. You don't have to remember a thing to recall and use later. So you end up doing math a lot faster. In our example, we used a one digit multiplier 3. Imagine calculating with the same speed for more complex numbers like two and three digit multipliers eg (73201 x 38 or 73201 x 432). Imagine doing addition, subtraction and division with the same speed. Let me tell you that this is as ridiculously simple as multiplying using the LR method. You have two choices in front of you: Option 1 - You could use what you learnt about calculating from left to right and apply it to every math problem you solve in the future. It might not be very easy to figure out how to do this in every situation and you might find it confusing on your own. Which brings us to our savvy Option 2. Option 2 - This is the quickest, easiest and smartest way to do math in your head and it will change the way you do math forever. I have already done the work for you. Why start from scratch and try to reinvent the wheel, when there is already a proven and tested system you can immediately apply. A system that has been used by countless thousands of men and women across all ages to do math faster in their head than in a calculator. This is what the vast majority of people decided to do and its called Ofpad Mental Math Program. Introducing Ofpad Mental Math Program From The School Of Genius The Ofpad Mental Math Program is the only system to do math in your head faster than a calculator making math your new super power. These radically simple techniques for mental math will work for you, EVEN IF you hate math and are terrible at math to begin with or even if you have tried everything. No Pen & Paper Required - No Complicated Rules For Special Situations To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Ofpad Mental Math Program is NOT, before I tell you what it is... You will not find complicated rules that work for specific situations in this program. Instead you will learn broad concepts that you can apply to all types of arithmetic problems. You will not find math techniques that will require you to use a pen and paper. Replicate The Success Of Mental Math Geniuses Rather the mental math program is the product of analyzing the techniques used by over 27 mental math geniuses across the world from countries including Sweden, India and China. I uncovered these hidden patterns and unique (sometimes 'odd') tactics they use to do math with super human speed. What is remarkable about this system is it is so simple that even a child can do it. And now, starting TODAY, their success can be your success. The strategies of these math geniuses can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you the power of using math and numbers in life, as you enjoy an improved memory and a laser sharp concentration all while you calculate faster than you ever dreamed possible. Warning: This Course Is Not For Everyone There are some people I simply do not want to give a copy of this course to... and I mean NO offense. I just don't want you to waste your time and money. Fair? Ofpad mental math program is WRONG for you if you are looking for that "Magic Pill" that will make you a genius in seconds, something you already know will never ever work in practice. If that is what you want, then you need to leave this page right now. After you watch the videos in the program you will immediately start calculating in your head faster than before. However for the techniques to become second nature to you, you will have to do the practice exercises that come with the course. So don't think you can become a math genius without practice. Who This Course Is For The Ofpad Mental Math program isn't your fantasy land nonsense. It's the real deal, and it is only for folks like you who are really serious about improving their intelligence and who are willing to put in the time to practise and hone this new skill. While doing math in your head isn't "easy" (nothing worthwhile is), with the Ofpad Mental Math program I have made mental math as easy as it can get. So, if you're like most folks reading this, and you're 100% ready to learn the real secrets of doing mental math faster than a calculator, here's what you can expect: So, if you really want to: Make math and numbers more useful Develop better memory habits Increase concentration And do math in entirely in your head faster than a calculator Then Ofpad Mental Math Program isn't just "a" solution for you it's the ONLY solution for you! Here is What You Can Expect In Each Lesson: Lesson 1. Introduction To Mental Math - You will learn how the course is structured and will get a taste on how to do mental math by learning the age old trick to multiply by 11. Lesson 2. LR Addition & Subtraction - We will take the LR method we learnt and apply it to addition and subtraction. You will learn variation of the LR method in this module. Lesson 3. LR Multiplication - We take the LR method we learnt and take it to the next level. You can learn just this and nothing else and you will be calculating lightning fast. Lesson 4. Basic Multiplication - This lesson was added for completeness of the course, we will cover really large multiplication with smaller numbers from 3 to 12. Most students choose to use the LR Multiplication but this lesson is there for those who want more. Lesson 5. Squaring - You will learn how to square numbers quickly in this lesson. Lesson 6 & 7. Advanced Multiplication - LR Method is difficult for really large numbers. This is where this module comes in and we will cover multiplication with the Bridge & Vitruvian man method. Lesson 8. UT Method - Another technique to multiply really large and complex numbers quickly and efficiently. Lesson 9. FP Division - You can use this technique to divide numbers quickly in your head. This will take quite a bit of practice to truly master. Lesson 10. DS Checking - Finally you will learn how to check the answer of any arithmetic problem quickly with 99% accuracy. Bonus: Limited Time Bonus For Next Batch of Students Now, you're not just receiving Ofpad Mental Math Program today. For the next batch of students, I am giving away the weekly training material as an added bonus to practise after completing this course. This bonus will be priced at an additional $97 for the later batch of students, because that is the cost we have to bear to deliver it to our students. However I am giving this as a value added bonuses free of charge, just to help you master mental math after completing the course. You will only get this bonus if you join before we get enough students to close enrollments for next batch. Why The Price Is Just $95 The Ofpad Pad Mental Math Program sold by itself is valued at $297. Even without the bonus, it's a steal at that price. And, when you add in the bonuses, the retail value of Ofpad Mental Math Program is $297 + $97 = $394 However, only for the next batch of students, the price is dropped to $95. There are two reasons for this discount: First this is the first time I am offering this program online and we need enough students to get feedback and improve this course even further. Second, let me share my vision with you: it's a CAUSE I'm inviting you to join today. Not too long ago, I gave myself a goal: I dedicated myself to helping at least 1,000,000 men and women improve their own lives, by giving them the knowledge they need, to realize their life's full potential. So, I came to the decision that I need to let as many men and women into this cause as possible for the benefit of everyone. A cause I call: Awaken The Genius Within This course was created as a way to fund this cause and help make the cause more self-sustainable. The Good News? You are one of the first founding students. That means a MUCH lower price for you today...because frankly, I want you to join my cause, and I refuse to let finances stop you! 30 DAY - 100% Money Back - Triple Guarantee I know this might still be a large investment for you and I know it can be a bummer to waste money on something that does not work. So don't decide right now... Take advantage of my Unconditional "Triple Guarantee": Just try the Ofpad Mental Math Program for 30 days and If you are not calculating with the speed you expect at the end of 30 days OR If you do not start calculating faster in 48 hours after completing the program OR If you are not happy with the program for any other reason Just let me know and I will say thank you for trying and will refund every penny you invest in this program. No questions asked, no hassles, and no hard feelings. I have a feeling that is not going to happen. But I just want you to know that the option is there, so your investment today is going to be 100% risk free. Bad News: Price Will Go Up As Soon As We Have Enough Students Remember we are giving this at this ridiculous discount only to our founding students. Once we get enough students, the price will be moved closer to the actual value. So you risk coming back at a later date or even a few minutes from now to see the price go. So lock in on your discounted price while you still can. Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
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  4. Math for Digital Marketers + Bonus! MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 40M | Lec: 11 | 885 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Learn the basic math concepts you need to understand digital marketing analytics. Bonus: Intro to Digital Marketing Don't worry - it's not just another math class! However, regardless of the role you play, it is crucial to understand certain key concepts before embarking on the journey that is digital marketing. And several of those concepts involve math. By the end of this class, you'll be able to understand and evaluate performance metrics when someone shows you an account (or you are looking at it yourself). Whether you're setting goals for employees, managing your own account, or evaluating someone else's performance, these skills are crucial. We'll cover acronyms like CTR, CPC, CPM, CPA, and more. Learn what they mean and how to calculate them! Best of all, the course should only take an hour to complete. Get the information you need in the time you have. As a special bonus, we've included an additional lecture: An Introduction to Digital Marketing. This bonus content teaches the important things to think about when creating and designing your first marketing campaigns, and is an important primer for all digital marketers, no matter what your level. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started! Download link:]57asv.Math.for.Digital.Marketers..Bonus.2016.rar.html]57asv.Math.for.Digital.Marketers..Bonus.2016.rar]57asv.Math.for.Digital.Marketers..Bonus.2016.rar]57asv.Math.for.Digital.Marketers..Bonus.2016.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  5. Math for Digital Marketers + Bonus! MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 40M | Lec: 11 | 885 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Learn the basic math concepts you need to understand digital marketing analytics. Bonus: Intro to Digital Marketing Don't worry - it's not just another math class! However, regardless of the role you play, it is crucial to understand certain key concepts before embarking on the journey that is digital marketing. And several of those concepts involve math. By the end of this class, you'll be able to understand and evaluate performance metrics when someone shows you an account (or you are looking at it yourself). Whether you're setting goals for employees, managing your own account, or evaluating someone else's performance, these skills are crucial. We'll cover acronyms like CTR, CPC, CPM, CPA, and more. Learn what they mean and how to calculate them! Best of all, the course should only take an hour to complete. Get the information you need in the time you have. As a special bonus, we've included an additional lecture: An Introduction to Digital Marketing. This bonus content teaches the important things to think about when creating and designing your first marketing campaigns, and is an important primer for all digital marketers, no matter what your level. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started! DOWNLOAD
  6. O'Reilly - Just Enough Math: Advanced Math for Business People to Leverage Big Data .MP4, AVC, 1000 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 5.8 hours | 3.02 GB Instructor: Paco Nathan With the commercial successes of machine learning and cloud computing, many business people need just enough math to take advantage of open source frameworks for big data. This video course from Paco Nathan and Allen Day presents useful areas of advanced math in easy-to-digest morsels. If you're familiar with high school Algebra 2 and basic statistics, you're good to go. You'll learn newly introduced math concepts through business use cases, brief Python code examples, and lots of figures and illustrations. By the end of the course, you'll understand how to leverage complex graphs, sparse matrices, Bayesian priors, optimization solvers, and other tools. Learn advanced math through simple equations and illustrations Get tangible examples such as Lego blocks for data workflows Explore the math examples through typical business use cases Understand how these concepts tie into common business frameworks Follow a case study of the company throughout the course DOWNLOAD
  7. Math Tutor DVD - The Matrix Algebra Tutor WEBRip | English | AVI | 640 x 368 | XviD ~680 kbps | 29.970 fps MP3 | 100 Kbps | 48.0 KHz | 2 channel | ~7 hours | 2.31 GB Genre: eLearning Video / Mathematics Matrix Algebra usually gives students problems in the beginning because although it has applications in algebra, it looks completely different from any algebra the student has used up to this point. The material on these DVDs is covered in most advanced high school algebra courses and is definitely covered in a university linear algebra course. This DVD tutorial lends help in matrix algebra just as if you hired a personal tutor in your home. Every matrix algebra video lesson is taught by fully worked example problems that help you not only do well in class - but truly understand the material. If you need linear algebra help that will increase your understanding and improve your grades in linear algebra quickly the Matrix Algebra Tutor will provide the tools you need to succeed. Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  8. Math Tutor DVD - Mastering Statistics: Vol 2 - Probability Distributions | 549.3 MB Genre: E-Learning Statistics is one of the most important areas of Math to understand. It has applications in science, engineering, business, economics, political science, and more. In this 4 Hour Course, Jason Gibson teaches the fundamental concepts needed to truly Master Statistics with step-by-step video tutorials. The lessons begin with fundamental definitions of statistics such as probability, distribution, z-score, normal table, and more. Next, we introduce the concept of a discrete probability distribution and contrast this with a continuous distribution. Finally, we will spend considerable time on the Normal Probability distribution, which is the most important distribution in all of statistics. We will learn how to solve practice statistical problems using the normal distribution and the z-score table. Statistics is a difficult subject for most students, but anyone can Master Statistics with our step-by-step teaching style! Course Contents: Sect 1: Intro to this Course Sect 2: Random Variables and Discrete Probability Distributions Sect 3: The Normal Probability Distribution Sect 4: Properties of the Normal Distribution Sect 5: The Area Under the Normal Distribution Sect 6: The Standard Normal Distribution Sect 7: Practice with the Standard Normal Distribution Sect 8: Using a Z-Chart Table, Part 1 Sect 9: Using a Z-Chart Table, Part 2 Sect 10: Using a Z-Chart Table, Part 3 Sect 11: Using a Z-Chart Table, Part 4 Sect 12: Finding Probability using a Normal Distribution, Part 1 Sect 13: Finding Probability using a Normal Distribution, Part 2 Sect 14: Finding Probability using a Normal Distribution, Part 3 Sect 15: Finding Probability using a Normal Distribution, Part 4 Sect 16: Finding Probability using a Normal Distribution, Part 5 Sect 17: Finding Z-Values with a Normal Distribution, Part 1 Sect 18: Finding Z-Values with a Normal Distribution, Part 2 Sect 19: Finding Z-Values with a Normal Distribution, Part 3 Sect 20: Finding Z-Values with a Normal Distribution, Part 4
  9. Udemy - SAT Math Algebra - A step by step guide to a A+ in Algebra English | 2.5h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 146 Mb Genre: eLearning From the basics to advance sections in SAT Math Algebra. What are the requirements? No prior algebra knowledge required A urge to learn algebra and score well at the SATs What am I going to get from this course? Over 47 lectures and 2.5 hours of content! Answer the algebra questions at the SATs correctly Answer the algebra questions at the SATs quickly saving time Score very well at the SATs in algebra What is the target audience? Students taking the SATs Anyone interested in improving their algebra knowledge DOWNLOAD
  10. Become an amazing Math Magician :: The secret of Mental Math English | 2 hours | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 108 Mb Genre: eLearning Quickfire Vedic techniques to crack exams like GMAT, GRE, CAT. Fun way to learn math and throw away your math phobia. * Lectures 16 Course Updated On: February 2015 *The Vedic Mathematics techniques discussed in this course will make calculation 15 to 20 times faster than conventional methods. You will surely love mathematics and will do your own mathematical experiments. *You will have lifetime access to 14+ video lectures capsules and all your queries/doubts will get a detail answer, if required with an additional video tutorial also!!
  11. Become an amazing Math Magician :: The secret of Mental Math English | 2 hours | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 108 Mb Genre: eLearning Quickfire Vedic techniques to crack exams like GMAT, GRE, CAT. Fun way to learn math and throw away your math phobia. * Lectures 16 Course Updated On: February 2015 *The Vedic Mathematics techniques discussed in this course will make calculation 15 to 20 times faster than conventional methods. You will surely love mathematics and will do your own mathematical experiments. *You will have lifetime access to 14+ video lectures capsules and all your queries/doubts will get a detail answer, if required with an additional video tutorial also!! DOWNLOAD
  12. Udemy - Speed Math Tricks and Techniques! MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 69 kbps | 48 KHz | Duration: 2 Hours | 619 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Wish you knew the secrets of how to do quick mental math?This amazing course can help you achieve this goal and more. Learn tricks and techniques to drastically improve your number sense, remember long number sequences and mentally multiply numbers at lightening speed. Rid yourself of number phobia and learn to love and manipulate numbers with this tutorial suitable for all age groups. Develop better number sense - How to stop worrying and start loving numbers Learn a fast mental way to multiply large numbers, A cool way to check your results, mentally An amazing method for remembering numbers and much more. Discover Lesser Known but More Powerful Alternatives Multiplication is one of the pillars of Arithmetic. We multiply numbers when at work, in the classroom or even when thinking of life in general. Interestingly most of us rely on the same technique when multiplying. A technique drilled into our minds as young learners. This course will provide you with alternative methods to multiply numbers and improve number sense. Methods that are much faster even when used to solve problems mentally. So stop being envious of number crunching Sally and be the change. Content and Overview I have designed this course to be suitable for all age groups. An introductory video will outline the road-map and enumerate reasons to embark on this fascinating journey. The next section of the course will introduce you to a few Special Cases that will pique your curiosity and display the power of Vedic Math Techniques. We will then raise the bar and see several techniques of rapid multiplication including a fascinating technique for doing mental math and a technique for verifying our results. Each lesson is sprinkled by thoughtful quizzes to reinforce concepts as well as the script for each video, just in case. So if you are a learner trying to overcome your math phobia or crack an aptitude test or keep those brain cells ticking, then this course is for you. If you are a math teacher looking to add a spark to your teaching and more importantly enhance your knowledge base, this course is certainly for you. To get the most from this course, the mantra is practice, and yes, lots of it. What are the requirements? Knowledge of the Times Tables up to 5 will be an asset An open mind will be an asset Sincerity and dis[beeep]line - You should be ready to practice the techniques in order to benefit A pen/ pencil and paper (When was the last time you used one of those) What am I going to get from this course? Over 11 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! Move from number phobia to having fun with numbers. You could also become a numberphile. Perform mental multiplication confidently, correctly and exponentially faster Remember long numbers long after you come across them Be able to verify multiplication results mentally Become an argumentative learner What is the target audience? Students from grade 4 onwards Competitive Entrance Test Aspirants Individuals wishing to broaden their Math knowledge Individuals wishing to keep those grey cells stimulated Teachers wishing to add to their repertoire of knowledge
  13. Udemy - Cryptography And Math Security: Crack The Code (2015) English | MP4 | 1280x720 | AVC ~1639 kbps | 30 fps AAC | 58.7 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 Ch | ~6 hours | 3.76 Gb Genre: eLearning, Cryptography In this course, you will learn all of the old and modern security systems that have been used and are currently being used. You also learn how to crack each one and understand why certain security systems are weak and why others are strong. We will even go into RSA, AES and ECC which are the three main modern cryptosystems used today. DOWNLOAD
  14. Udemy - Essential Poker Math for No Limit Holdem English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 60 kbps | 44 KHz | 03:48:10 | 768 Mb Genre: eLearning Fundamental and Easy-To-Learn No Limit Hold'em Mathematics You Need To Know POKER MATH IS EASY TO LEARN Poker math is a vitally important aspect to No Limit Hold'em, but it is often overlooked or simply not used because many poker players fear it is too difficult to learn. I'm here to tell you it is not. In fact, fundamental poker math is very easy to learn. More importantly, it can yield you a lot more profits at the poker table. Without using simple math at the poker table, you are simply playing a guessing game. USE SIMPLE MATH AT THE POKER TABLE AND INCREASE YOU WINNINGS In this course I will teach you how to use simple arithmetic at the poker table to gain a huge skill advantage over your opponents that will allow you to win more and lose less. Poker players that don't use math are simply guessing and you'll learn to no longer guess and know the right mathematical move at the poker table. These simple mathematical concepts I will be teaching you will drastically help improve your poker game and allow you to make the most profitable decisions at the poker. CONTENTS AND OVERVIEW First you will be introduced to some fundamental overarching poker concepts that apply to poker mathematics. Then we will begin our journey into poker mathematics where you will learn about probabilities and odds, pot odds and implied odds, pot equity, and expected value. You will then learn how to quickly estimate your equity at the poker table using the Rule of 2 & 4. Moreover, you'll learn the steps involved in determining if calling with a drawing hand is profitable or not. We will also cover how to size your bets with the best hand and teach you how often bluffs and hero calls need to work to be profitable. Lastly, we will show you how to perform EV calculations and better understand card coMbinations. DOWNLOAD
  15. Udemy - Discover the secret of Mental Math, become a Math Magician English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 66 kbps | 44 KHz | 01:40:11 | 109 Mb Genre: eLearning Why should YOU take this course? The Vedic Mathematics techniques discussed in this course will make calculation 15 to 20 times faster than conventional methods. You will surely love mathematics and will do your own mathematical experiments. You will have lifetime access to 14+ video lectures capsules and all your queries/doubts will get a detail answer, if required with an additional video tutorial also!! What do students feel about the course? Prashant Bansal says: Extremely simple & lightning speed Those of u appearing for any competitive exams must take the course. This will give lightening speed answers specially for exams like Bank PO, NTSE, MbA & Engg, GMAT entrance examinations. Even if u do not get any questions but this will stimulate your mind in thinking how algebra is used for quick answer finding and may be u can find your own techniques. Jermaine Thomas says: Refreshing The techniques and methods covered within this course, creates a gulp of fresh air. I tend to always try and create my own method of approaching a problem, even when the teach blatantly mark me down, for my different approach. Ashish Natani says: now easy to calculate this course is very useful for everyone who needs to improve their calculation power and Mr. Malay teaches in a very simple and learning way so no one to worry about forget this magical tricks. If you hate mathematics or you have math phobia then this is the perfect course for you. If you are preparing for GRE, GMAT, Bank PO, NTSE, MbA & Engg or any other competitive exam and want a perfect score in quantitative aptitude (QA) part with ease, then this course will surely help you. Learn the fastest and easiest Vedic Mathematics techniques. In this course we will take a close and detail look at multiplication techniques offered by Vedic Mathematics. Each lecture clearly describes the technique and its application as well as coupled with Quiz/Practice exercise. We have a revision lecture also. So, it's a complete workshop having learn-practice-revise model. This course is based on the famous Vedic Mathematics book by Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja. The duration of the complete course is around 1 hour and 45 minutes. Along with Quiz and Practice exercise it may take around 2 hours and 30 minutes. Take this interesting Vedic Math's Tricks course now and master how to multiply big nuMbers. At the end of this course, you will love mathematics, do multiplication within 10 seconds; love to experiment with formulas and mathematics. You can get a full refund within 30 days and no question asked, if you didn't like the course. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now!!! What are the requirements? Take a note book and Pen/Pencil. What am I going to get from this course? Over 16 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! Get a perfect Quanti score in GRE/GMA By the end of this course you will be able to do multiplication at 70% faster pace than before. Train you brain to think faster and better. After completing this course you will develop your own formula and apply in your way. You will be able to complete Quantitative Aptitude part of any exam with less time. What is the target audience? Students preparing for any competitive exam like GMAT or university exam should take this course. Teachers, who want to make their mathematics classes interesting for students. Parents, who want to teach their kids a better and interesting way to look at mathematics. Vedic mathematics mostly a mental task. Hence, anyone who want to sharpen their brain may take this course. DOWNLOAD
  16. Applied Math 582: Computational Methods for Data Analysis 29xHDRip | WMV/WMV3, ~459 kb/s | 640x480 | Duration: 22:04:43 | English: WMA, 32 kb/s (1 ch) | 4.57 GB Genre: Science, Mathematics Exploratory and objective data analysis methods applied to the physical, engineering, and biological sciences. Brief review of statistical methods and their computational implementation for studying time series analysis, spectral analysis, filtering methods, prin[beeep]l component analysis, orthogonal mode decomposition, and image processing and compression. screenshot Buy Premium To Support Me & Get Resumable Support & Max Speed Links are Interchangeable - No Password
  17. Udemy - Essential Poker Math English | 3h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 627 Mb Genre: eLearning Fundamental No Limit Hold'em Mathematics What are the requirements? Basic understanding of No Limit Hold'em poker Basic mathematics abilities A desire to become a winning poker player What am I going to get from this course? Over 22 lectures and 3 hours of content! Understand the importance of math in poker Effectively understand essential poker mathematics Successfully implement poker mathematics into their poker game Use poker mathematics to become a better poker player What is the target audience? This course is designed for poker players looking to better understand fundamental poker mathematics. This includes new poker players or seasoned poker players that have not yet implemented poker mathematics into their poker game. This course is designed for poker players looking to better understand fundamental poker mathematics. This includes new poker players or seasoned poker players that have not yet implemented poker mathematics into their poker game DOWNLOAD
  18. Math Tutor DVD - Mastering Excel 2013 English | FLV | 1200x800 | 244 Kbps | 15.00 fps | aac, 22050 Hz, stereo, s16 | 599 Mb Genre: eLearning Microsoft Excel is one of the most used Math software packages in the world. It is an extremely powerful tool and easy to use once the user knows how to perform the many functions available. In this 6 Hour Video series, Jason Gibson will teach you how to use Excel 2013 through narrated video lessons. Every lesson teaches you the core functionality of Excel with real-world example spreadsheets, formulas, and charts. First, you'll get an overview of excel and a tour of the user interface. Next, you'll master entering data, performing calculations, formulas, formatting cells, charts, filtering data, and much more! 1. Intro and Overview of Excel 2013 Lesson 1: Introduction to Excel 2013 Lesson 2: Overview of the User Interface Lesson 3: The Quick Access Toolbar Lesson 4: Worksheets Vs. Workbooks Lesson 5: The Formula Bar Lesson 6: The Status Bar Lesson 7: The Right-Click Menu and Mini-Toolbar Lesson 8: Using the Mouse and Pointers Lesson 9: Using the Help System Lesson 10: Opening and Saving Files 2. Entering Data Into Cells Lesson 11: Entering Data into Cells Lesson 12: Using Autofill to Enter Data Lesson 13: Entering Dates and Times Lesson 14: Undo and Redo Lesson 15: Using Comments in your Worksheets 3. Performing Calculations with Formulas Lesson 16: Performing Arithmetic with Basic Formulas Lesson 17: Using SUM and AVERAGE Lesson 18: Copying and Pasting Formulas Lesson 19: Calculating Year-to-Date Profit Lesson 20: Order of Operations Lesson 21: Using Relative and Absolute Addressing in Formulas Lesson 22: Max, Min, Median, and Standard Deviation of Data 4. Formatting Cells Lesson 23: Font Styles and Colors Lesson 24: Changing Column Width and Row Height Lesson 25: Alignment and Text Wrap Lesson 26: Working with Cell Borders Lesson 27: Numeric Formatting of Cells Lesson 28: Formatting Date and Time Cells Lesson 29: Conditional Formatting Lesson 30: Working with tables Lesson 31: Insert Shapes, Pictures, Arrows, SmartArt 5. Adjusting the Layout of a Worksheet Lesson 32: Insert and Delete Columns and Rows Lesson 33: Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Columns Lesson 34: Inserting, Moving, and Copying Cells Lesson 35: Find and Replace Data 6. Page Setup and Printing Worksheets Lesson 36: Page Layout View, Headers, and Footers Lesson 37: Page Break Preview Lesson 38: Page Setup and Printing Documents 7. Creating Charts and Graphics Lesson 39: Creating Charts and Graphs Lesson 40: Types of Charts in Excel Lesson 41: Formatting Charts in Excel Lesson 42: Changing Chart Title, Legend, Axes, and More Lesson 43: Creating Sparklines 8. Adjusting the View of a Worksheet Lesson 44: Freeze and UnFreeze Panes Lesson 45: Split Screen Vertically and Horizontally Lesson 46: Creating, Renaming, Deleting Worksheets 9. Sorting Data and Using the IF Function Lesson 47: Formulas with Inputs from Multiple Sheets Lesson 48: Using the IF Function for Logical Tests Lesson 49: Sorting Data Lesson 50: Calculating Subtotals in Lists 10. Filtering Data and Intro to Pivot Tables Lesson 51: Filtering Data Lesson 52: Split Data Into Multiple Columns Lesson 53: Introduction to Pivot Tables DOWNLOAD
  19. Math Tutor DVD - Mastering Java Programming Java is one of the most used programming languages in the world. It is an extremely powerful tool that is currently running on billions of devices worldwide. In this 5-Hour video series, Jason Gibson will teach you the essential concepts of programming in Java by step-by-step video lessons. Every lesson teaches you the core functionality of Java with real-world example code and methods. In addition, every video lesson comes with exercises for the student to work and practice coding skills. Every exercise comes with the solution including a video-walkthrough of the code for that problem. First, you will get an overview of Java, how it is used, and why it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Next, you'll master data types, outputting text and variables to the screen, IF statements, FOR loops, and much more! The easiest way to learn how to program is through step-by-step video lessons! Format: mp4 Language: English Size: 2.65 gb Hoster: Uploaded
  20. Math Tutor DVD - Mastering Excel 2013 Microsoft Excel is one of the most used Math software packages in the world. It is an extremely powerful tool and easy to use once the user knows how to perform the many functions available. In this 6 Hour Video series, Jason Gibson will teach you how to use Excel 2013 through narrated video lessons. Every lesson teaches you the core functionality of Excel with real-world example spreadsheets, formulas, and charts. First, you'll get an overview of excel and a tour of the user interface. Next, you'll master entering data, performing calculations, formulas, formatting cells, charts, filtering data, and much more! Format: mp4 Language: English Size: 598.4 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
  21. Math Tutor DVD - Linear Algebra Tutor Linear Algebra is a course that is usually taken by Sophomore or Junior students in Engineering, Science, and Mathematics. There are a vast array of topics in Linear Algebra that will be of practical use to all students as they learn to solve real-world problems in more advanced classes. This course begins with a review of matrices and then explores the concept of a vector as a matrix. Next, we cover the dot product, n-tuples, triangle inequalities, and more. We then cover solving systems of equations by row reduction and matrix inverse techniques. Format: mp4 Language: English Size: 1.95 GiB Hoster: Uploaded
  22. Math Tutor DVD: Mastering Java Programming - Vol 4: Arrays and Strings English | ~5 hours | FLV | 1200x800 | AVC ~300 kbps | 64 Kbps | 22.05 KHz | 2 Ch | 606 Mb Genre: eLearning Java is one of the most used programming languages in the world. It is an extremely powerful tool that is currently running on billions of devices worldwide. In this 5-Hour video series, Jason Gibson will teach you the essential concepts of programming in Java by step-by-step video lessons. Every lesson teaches you the core functionality of Java with real-world example code and methods. In addition, every video lesson comes with exercises for the student to work and practice coding skills. Every exercise comes with the solution including a video-walk-through of the code for that problem. First, you will get an overview of Java, how it is used, and why it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Next, you'll master data types, outputting text and variables to the screen, IF statements, FOR loops, and much more! The easiest way to learn how to program is through step-by-step video lessons! Lecture titles: Sect 1: Declaring Arrays and Accessing Elements Sect 2: Using a Loop to Access an Array Sect 3: Search for the Max and Min of an Array Sect 4: Two Dimensional Arrays Sect 5: Using Array Length Instance Variable Sect 6: Using Enhanced For Loops with Arrays Sect 7: Creating and Using Strings Sect 8: CoMbining Strings (Concatenation) Sect 9: Obtaining the Length of a String Sect 10: Determining if Two Strings are Equal Sect 11: Comparing Two Strings Sect 12: Reading Characters from a String Sect 13: Searching a String for a Substring Sect 14: Arrays of Strings Sect 15: Searching a String from the End Sect 16: Read Characters from a String into an Array Sect 17: Changing a String to Lowercase or Uppercase Sect 18: Replacing Characters in a String Sect 19: Reading a String from the Keyboard DOWNLOAD
  23. Math Tutor DVD: Mastering Java Programming - Vol 3: Classes and Objects English | ~5 hours | FLV | 1200x800 | AVC ~300 kbps | 64 Kbps | 22.05 KHz | 2 Ch | 621 Mb Genre: eLearning Java is one of the most used programming languages in the world. It is an extremely powerful tool that is currently running on billions of devices worldwide. In this 5-Hour video series, Jason Gibson will teach you the essential concepts of programming in Java by step-by-step video lessons. Every lesson teaches you the core functionality of Java with real-world example code and methods. In addition, every video lesson comes with exercises for the student to work and practice coding skills. Every exercise comes with the solution including a video-walk-through of the code for that problem. First, you will get an overview of Java, how it is used, and why it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Next, you'll master data types, outputting text and variables to the screen, IF statements, FOR loops, and much more! The easiest way to learn how to program is through step-by-step video lessons! Lecture titles: Sect 1: Introduction to Methods in Java Sect 2: Adding Parameters to a Method and Returning Values Sect 3: Introduction to Classes and Objects Sect 4: Definng a Class and Creating Objects Sect 5: Storing and Accessing Instance Variables of an Object Sect 6: Calculations with Instance Variables of an Object Sect 7: Adding a Method to a Class Sect 8: Returning a Value from a Class Method Sect 9: Class Methods with Parameters Sect 10: Adding a Constructor to a Class Sect 11: Garbage Collection Sect 12: The This Keyword Sect 13: Public and Private Access Modifiers Sect 14: The Static Keyword DOWNLOAD
  24. Math Tutor DVD: Mastering Java Programming - Vol 2: Control Statements English | ~5 hours | FLV | 1200x800 | AVC ~300 kbps | 64 Kbps | 22.05 KHz | 2 Ch | 675 Mb Genre: eLearning Java is one of the most used programming languages in the world. It is an extremely powerful tool that is currently running on billions of devices worldwide. In this 5-Hour video series, Jason Gibson will teach you the essential concepts of programming in Java by step-by-step video lessons. Every lesson teaches you the core functionality of Java with real-world example code and methods. In addition, every video lesson comes with exercises for the student to work and practice coding skills. Every exercise comes with the solution including a video-walk-through of the code for that problem. First, you will get an overview of Java, how it is used, and why it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Next, you'll master data types, outputting text and variables to the screen, IF statements, FOR loops, and much more! The easiest way to learn how to program is through step-by-step video lessons! Lecture titles: Sect 1: Read Single Key from Keyboard using Sect 2: Important Behavior When Using Sect 3: Read Integers and Doubles from Keyboard using Scanner Sect 4: Using IF-Else to Make Decisions Sect 5: Nested IF Statements Sect 6: The IF-Else-IF Ladder Sect 7: The Switch Statement Sect 8: Using the Break Statement Sect 9: The Remainder Operator and Continue Statement Sect 10: The While Loop Sect 11: The Do-While Loop Sect 12: Exploring Java Classes and Packages Sect 13: Absolute Value of NuMbers Sect 14: Rounding NuMbers, Ceiling, and Floor Sect 15: Powers and Square Roots Sect 16: Using Pi and E in Calculations Sect 17: Logarithms and Natural Logarithms Sect 18: Converting between Degrees and Radians Sect 19: Sin, Cos, and Tangent Sect 20: aSin, aCos, and aTan DOWNLOAD
  25. Lynda - Everyday Math Fundamentals With Vince Kotchian English | 2h 6m | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 224 Mb Genre: eLearning This course explains essential math concepts in clear language, using real-world problems that will help learners of all levels feel more confident with math. Learn how to calculate percentages for tips and taxes, compare prices as you shop, find the area and volume for home-improvement projects, and even calculate calories. The sections are organized into three foundational areas and four real-life areas. Author Vince Kotchian even points you where to go on your next step to math proficiency. Start now and learn the basic math skills that make everyday life a little easier. Topics include: Practicing mental math Understanding decimals and fractions Working with percentages and ratios Solving equations Calculating area and volume Scaling re[beeep]es Estimating your running speed Calculating the area for home-improvement projects Working with probability DOWNLOAD
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