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Znaleziono 16 wyników

  1. Free Download The Shadow - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 207.07 MB | N/A | Isbn:1538703955 | Author: James Patterson, Brian Sitts | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Mystery, Fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Crime, Science Fiction, Adventure Download Link:
  2. Free Download Murder in Bermuda - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 112.34 MB | N/A | Isbn:N/A | Author: James Patterson, Aaron Tracy, Thaddeus McCants | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Audiobook Download Link:
  3. Free Download The Cornwalls Vanish (previously published as The Cornwalls Are Gone) (Amy Cornwall Book 1) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 314.14 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B07F66WNDJ | Author: James Patterson | Year: 2019 Description: Category:Military Thrillers, Assassination Thrillers, Kidnapping Thrillers Download Link:
  4. Free Download The Cornwalls Vanish (previously published as The Cornwalls Are Gone) (Amy Cornwall Book 1) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 224.66 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B07F66WNDJ | Author: James Patterson | Year: 2019 Description: Category:Military Thrillers, Assassination Thrillers, Kidnapping Thrillers Download Link:
  5. Free Download The President's Daughter: A Thriller - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 395.16 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B088G2GNBL | Author: James Patterson | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Political Thrillers & Suspense, Mystery Action Fiction, Assassination Thrillers Download Link:
  6. Free Download The House of Wolves: Bolder Than Yellowstone or Succession, Patterson and Lupica's Power-Family Thriller Is Not To Be Missed - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 241.3 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 0316404292 | Author: James Patterson | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Murder Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Crime Thrillers Download Link:
  7. Free Download Countdown: Amy Cornwall Is Patterson's Greatest Character Since Lindsay Boxer - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 314.16 MB | English | Isbn:‎ 031645737X | Author: James Patterson | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Terrorism Thrillers, Military Thrillers, Women's Adventure Fiction Download Link:
  8. James Patterson - Agencja Private 03 - Igrzyska Opis: Lipiec 2012 roku. W Londynie ko??czÄ? siÄ? przygotowania do letnich Igrzysk Olimpijskich â?? najwiÄ?kszego widowiska sportowego na naszej planecie. W tym samym czasie pewien cz??owiek rozpoczyna realizacjÄ? swego ob??Ä?dnego planu. Jego celem jest doprowadzenie idei nowo??ytnej olimpiady do upadku, zgaszenie jej p??omienia na zawsze. ??ycie tysiÄ?cy ludzi zawi??nie na w??osku... NajwiÄ?ksza agencja detektywistyczna ??wiata, Private Investigations, ma zapewniÄ? rozpoczynajÄ?cej siÄ? w??a??nie imprezie dodatkowÄ? ochronÄ?. Do stolicy Wielkiej Brytanii przyje??d??a kilkuset agent??w i ekspert??w do spraw bezpiecze??stwa. Kilka godzin przed ceremoniÄ? otwarcia Igrzysk do??wiadczony detektyw Peter Knight, samotny ojciec wychowujÄ?cy dw??jkÄ? dzieci, zostaje wezwany na miejsce wyjÄ?tkowo okrutnej zbrodni: w bestialski spos??b zamordowano sir Dentona Marshalla, prominentnego cz??onka komitetu organizacyjnego. W li??cie do brukowca â?žThe Sunâ? zab??jca, podpisujÄ?cy siÄ? pseudonimem Kronos, oskar??a Dentona o â?žsprzeniewierzenie siÄ? staro??ytnym idea??om olimpijskimâ?. Zaczyna siÄ? seria morderczych atak??w na sportowc??w, dzia??aczy i trener??w. Na zako??czenie Igrzysk szaleniec planuje wydarzenie bardziej spektakularne ni?? atak terrorystyczny na World Trade Center. Tylko Knight wie, jak powstrzymaÄ? zbrodniarza... Download:
  9. Patterson James Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni Tom 01-07 Opis: 1. Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Ty umrzesz pierwszy Inspektor Lindsay Boxer pracuje w wydziale zab??jstw policji w San Francisco. Tego samego dnia, w kt??rym dowiaduje sie o swojej chorobie, rozpoczyna dochodzenie w sprawie morderstwa nowozenc??w, kt??rzy gina w noc poslubna w apartamencie hotelowym. W kilka dni p??zniej zostaje dokonane identyczne morderstwo. Seryjny morderca prowadzi z policja przebiegla gre, zostawia slady, zdaje sie kpic. Lindsay z trzema przyjaci??lkami zaczyna prowadzic sledztwo na wlasna reke. Wszystkie tropy prowadza do wzietego pisarza thriller??w Nicholasa Jenksa. Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni gromadzi wystarczajaca ilosc dowod??w, by aresztowac Jenksa. I wtedy niemal z dnia na dzien Lindsay nabiera przekonania, ze to nie Jenks jest morderca. 2.Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Druga szansa Charyzmatyczna porucznik policji, Lindsay, jest nieformalna szefowa Kobiecego Klubu Zbrodni. Prowadzi sledztwo w sprawie seryjnego zab??jcy, wybierajacego swoje ofiary na chybil trafil. Czy uda jej sie rozwiazac zagadke? 3.Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Trzy oblicza zemsty Porucznik Lindsay Boxer, kierujaca wydzialem zab??jstw w San Francisco, jest przypadkowym swiadkiem eksplozji bomby w willi magnata przemyslowego Mortona Lightowera. Z poswieceniem ratuje kilkuletniego chlopca ze zgliszcz domu. Kilka dni p??zniej ma miejsce kolejne zab??jstwo przemyslowca, tym razem przy pomocy poteznej trucizny. Do serii zbrodni przyznaje sie w e-mailu wyslanym do przyjaci??lki Lindsay, reporterki , grupa lub osoba podpisana jako August Spies (czyli "Sierpniowi Szpiedzy"). Oglasza, iz prowadzi wojne przeciw "chciwym i skorumpowanym" i co trzy dni bedzie zabijal kolejne osoby. Poniewaz w miescie ma wkr??tce odbyc sie szczyt G-8, cala sprawa nabiera szczeg??lnej rangi. 4.Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Czwarty lipca. Lindsay Boxer, szefowa wydzialu zab??jstw w San Francisco, wyciaga bron w obronie wlasnej. Nie przypuszcza, pociagnieciem za spust uruchomi lawine wydarzen. Ojciec zastrzelonej przez nia dziewczyny pozywa ja do sadu, media nie zostawiaja na policjantce suchej nitki. Zostaje zawieszona w czynnosciach sluzbowych. Wyjazd do Half Moon Bay nie przynosi jej wytchnienia. Miasteczkiem wstrzasa seria zab??jstw ofiarami sa zawsze malzenstwa, kt??re przed smiercia zostaja wychlostane. Lindsay wlacza sie do sledztwa, pomimo opor??w miejscowego komendanta policji. Odkrywa, ze morderstwa moga miec zwiazek z filmami pornograficznymi, kreconymi przez meza jednej z ofiar. 5. Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Piaty jezdziec apokalipsy Dwie zagadki kryminalne - kilku morderc??w. W szpitalu miejskim w San Francisco gina pacjenci. Przyjeci na oddzial z niegroznymi urazami lub chorobami, koncza zycie. Tajemnicza Nocna Zjawa kladzie na ich powiekach metalowe krazki z wytloczonymi kaduceuszami. Podejrzenie pada na dosc odstreczajacego lekarza, ale w tej sprawie nic nie jest tak oczywiste, jak mozna sadzic. Porucznik Lindsay Boxer, szefowa wydzialu zab??jstw, prowadzi r??wnolegle drugie sledztwo, kt??re podobnie jak pierwsze wyglada na robote szalenca-psychopaty. Morderca zabija mlode, piekne kobiety, wykwintnie je ubiera i sadza upozowane za kierownicami luksusowych samochod??w. 6.Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Sz??sty cel Podczas strzelaniny na promie w zatoce San Francisco ciezko ranna zostaje lekarka sadowa Claire Washburn, bliska przyjaci??lka porucznik Lindsay Boxer z wydzialu zab??jstw. Sprawca ma szanse uniknac sprawiedliwosci. Nie jest pewne, czy byl poczytalny w momencie popelniania zbrodni. Lindsey prowadzi sledztwo w sprawie paralizujacej miasto serii porwan dzieci z bogatych dom??w, kt??re znikaja razem z opiekunkami. Porywacze nie komunikuja sie z rodzicami, nie wysuwaja zadnych zadan â?? fakt ten budzi coraz wiekszy niepok??j, wszyscy obawiaja sie najgorszego... 7.Kobiecy Klub Zbrodni - Si??dme niebo Od trzech miesiecy San Francisco zyje poszukiwaniami Michaela Campiona, cierpiacego na nieuleczalna chorobe serca syna bylego gubernatora stanu i przyszlego dziedzica fortuny. Michael zniknal , lecz nikt nie zglosil sie z zadaniem okupu. Anonimowy informator naprowadza policje na trop Junie, prostytutki, kt??ra Michael rzekomo odwiedzil w dniu zaginiecia. Przesluchiwana dziewczyna ujawnia przerazajaca prawde i zostaje aresztowana. Ale to jeszcze nie koniec sprawyâ?? W tym samym czasie para psychopat??w podpala najpiekniejsze kalifornijskie rezydencje, skazujac mieszkanc??w na straszliwa smierc w plomieniach. Brak punkt??w zaczepienia, mordercy nie zostawiaja slad??w. Oba dochodzenia prowadzi porucznik Lindsay Boxer, przygnieciona towarzyszacym im rozglosem i swiadomoscia, iz sciga sie z czasemâ?? Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: Haslo:
  10. Artist: Kellee Patterson Title: All The Things You Are Year Of Release: 1979 Label: Shadybrook Records Genre: Soul, R&B, Funk, Disco Quality: Flac (tracks) Total Time: 35:50 Total Size: 219,61 Mb Tracklist : 01. Let Go, Let Go (5:34) 02. Fancy Dancer (4:32) 03. So In Tune With You (6:23) 04. All The Things You Are (6:36) 05. Feelings Old Feelings (4:27) 06. Nice Girl (3:49) 07. How I Love Your Smile (4:28) ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  11. Patterson James Podmuchy wiatru Opis: Mloda lekarka Frannie O Neill, kt??rej maz padl niedawno ofiara morderstwa spotyka w lesie niezwykla dziewczynke. Jedenastoletnia Max jest niezwykle silna i inteligentna. Kilka dni p??zniej lekarke odwiedza agent FBI. Kieruje sledztwem w sprawie przerazajacych eksperyment??w genetycznych prowadzonych w tajnym laboratorium... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: Haslo:
  12. Masterclass - James Patterson Teaches Writing .MP4, AVC, 1200 kbps, 960x540 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 3+ hours | + PDF | 1.98 GB Instructor: James Patterson James Patterson, the author of 19 consecutive No. 1 New York Times bestsellers, reveals his tricks of the trade for the very first time. In this course, he guides you through every part of the book writing process. 22 lessons totaling 3+ hours of video from James covering everything from starting your outline to getting published. 01. INTRODUCTION Your instructor, James Patterson-currently the best-selling author in the world-lets you know what he has planned for your class and what you'll need to learn to start writing your own best-sellers. 02. PASSION + HABIT Getting into the proper mindset is an essential first step to writing a best-seller. This lesson explores James's secrets for staying focused, productive, and motivated. 03. RAW IDEAS How do you recognize a great idea? How do you figure out if it's worthy of your effort? James spells out the techniques he uses to generate his ideas and then separate the good ones from the less compelling ones. 04. Description With the right Description, your reader won't be able to stop turning the pages. In this lesson, James measures out his unique approach to developing Description lines that keep readers wanting more. 05. RESEARCH For James, conducting in-depth research not only makes his writing better, it also boosts his credibility with his readers. Find out when and how James conducts his research and how he incorporates it into his writing in a thoughtful way. 06. OUTLINES PART 1 James's secret weapon is a comprehensive outline. Learn how he sets himself up for a fast and successful first draft. No matter what, don't skip this lesson! 07. OUTLINES PART 2 James has never shown the outline for his best-seller Honeymoon to anyone (not even his publisher) until now. Follow along with the outline provided in your Class Workbook as James further explains his process. 08. WRITER'S BLOCK Even when you've written as many books as James has (76 best sellers and counting), there's still nothing scarier than staring at the blank page. Here's how to conquer those fears. 09. CREATING CHARACTERS From Alex Cross to Michael Bennett, James has mastered the art of creating complex and memorable characters. Hero to villain, learn how to make your character stay with your reader well beyond the last page. 10. FIRST LINES Grab your readers attention quickly, and make them hold on for dear life. James shares his tips for getting your reader hooked from the very first line. 11. WRITING DIALOGUE Dialogue should always push the story forward. Listen to James explain a few common dialogue pitfalls and easy ways to avoid them. 12. BUILDING A CHAPTER James is well known for his numerous short and snappy chapters. Learn how he propels the reader through the book with an outline as his roadmap. 13. WRITING SUSPENSE The secret to suspense is... 14. ENDING THE BOOK We've all read great books with terrible endings. Of the infinite possible endings, learn how James chooses the right one. 15. EDITING James is liberal with a red pen; his editing is key to keeping the reader engaged. Learn how to trim the fat with our interactive editing assignment. 16. WORKING WITH A CO-AUTHOR When does James decide to use a co-author and is it a true collaboration? In this lesson, we meet two of his most trusted co-authors who share their process for making a collaboration truly successful. 17. GETTING PUBLISHED Author of 76 best-sellers and holder of the Guinness World Record for the first person to sell over 1 million eBooks, James knows a thing or two about getting published. In this lesson he shares what he's learned. 18. BOOK TITLES AND COVERS Readers do judge books by their covers. What should they think about yours? 19. MARKETING THE PATTERSON WAY Before publishing his first book, James was an executive at a top ad agency in New York. Find out what James learned from his time in , and how he used it to change the book marketing game. 20. HOLLYWOOD What happens when Hollywood takes an interest in your story? Sit back and listen as James shares the best and worst moments from his time on the set. 21. PERSONAL STORY Every master begins as a student. James shares his long, winding path to becoming the world's best-selling author. 22. CLOSING You've been given the tools to help write your next book. Now what? Download link:]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part1.rar.html]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part2.rar.html]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part3.rar.html]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part1.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part2.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part3.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part1.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part2.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part3.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part1.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part2.rar]nug22.Masterclass..James.Patterson.Teaches.Writing.part3.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  13. Patterson Gareth Ostatnie z wolnych Opis: Patterson by?? asystentem George'a - mÄ???a Joy Adamson - autorki s??awnej ksiÄ???ki "Elza z afryka??skiego buszu". Po tragicznej ??mierci obojga - prawdopodobnie zamordowanych przez przeciwnik??w ratowania od zag??ady "lwiej rodziny" - kontynuowa?? dzie??o Adamson??w. Jego ksiÄ???ka to pe??na dramatyzmu opowie??Ä? o losach potomk??w Elzy, o trudach, jakie podjÄ???, by lwy pozosta??e wolne. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download:
  14. James Patterson - Maximum Ride Forever (Maximum Ride Forever #9) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Young Adult | English | ISBN-13: 9780316384889 | MP3 96Kb | Length: 7 hrs and 28 mins | 308.44 MB Legions of Max fans won't be disappointed by this encore episode in the beloved series about the incredible adventures of a teenage girl who can fly. As Maximum Ride boldly navigates a postapocalyptic world, she and her broken flock are roaming the Earth, searching for answers to what happened. All will be revealed in this last spectacular "ride" - a brand-new grand finale featuring all of the nonstop action, twists, and turns that listeners can rely on in a blockbuster Patterson pause resister! Download Link
  15. James Patterson - NYPD RED3 (NYPD Red #3) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Crime/Thriller | English | ISBN-13: 9781478927945 | MP3 64Kb | 782.45 MB NYPD Red is the elite, highly trained task force assigned to protect the rich, the famous, and the connected. And Detective Zach Jordan and his partner Kylie MacDonald-the woman who broke his heart at the police academy-are the best of the best, brilliant and tireless investigators who will stop at nothing to deliver justice. Zach and Kylie's New Year's celebrations are cut short when they're called to the home of billionaire businessman Hunter Alden, Jr. after he makes a grisly discovery in his townhouse garage. When Alden's teenage son goes missing soon afterwards, and his father seems oddly reluctant to find him, Zach and Kylie find themselves in the middle of a chilling conspiracy that threatens everyone in its wake-especially their city's most powerful citizens. NYPD Red 3 is the next sensational novel in James Patterson's explosive new series, a thriller that goes behind the closed doors of New York high society and into the depths of depravity. Download Link
  16. James Patterson - Private Down Under (Private #6) Unabridged AudioBook | 2013 | Genre: Mystery | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 96Kb | Length: 6 hrs and 48 mins | 281.95 MB With the best detectives in the business, cutting edge technology and offices around the globe, there is no investigation agency quite like Private. Now, at a glittering launch party overlooking the iconic Opera House, Private throws open its doors . . . Craig Gisto and his newly formed team have barely raised their glasses, however, when a young Asian man, blood-soaked and bullet-ridden, staggers into the party, and what looks like a botched kidnapping turns out to be a whole lot more. Within days the agency's caseload is full: from a missing businessman whose latest scheme was a step too far; to a rock star terrified he's next in line for the infamous 'Club 27'. But it is a horrific murder in the wealthy Eastern Suburbs and the desperate search for a motive that stretches the team to the limit. Stacy Friel, friend of the Deputy Commissioner of NSW Police, isn't the killer's first victim - and as the bodies mount up she's clearly not the last . . . Download Link
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