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  1. Senator Martyna Zanim zgasnÄ? gwiazdy Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wszystko zaczyna siÄ? od pewnego snu. Wojtek spotyka ma??Ä? dziewczynkÄ?, kt??ra wrÄ?cza mu klepsydrÄ? i m??wi: "Musisz jÄ? uratowaÄ?, zanim piasek przestanie siÄ? sypaÄ?. W przeciwnym razie ona umrze". Po przebudzeniu Wojtek odkrywa, ??e znajduje siÄ? w szpitalu. Nie pamiÄ?ta kim jest ani jak siÄ? tam znalaz??. Z pomocÄ? przyjaci???? pr??buje na nowo odtworzyÄ? dwadzie??cia lat swojego ??ycia, ale jego wysi??ki przynoszÄ? marne rezultaty. Na dodatek wok???? Wojtka zaczynajÄ? dziaÄ? siÄ? coraz dziwniejsze rzeczy... Kiedy ch??opak jest przekonany, ??e jego ??ycie nie mo??e siÄ? ju?? bardziej skomplikowaÄ?, poznaje MilenÄ? - dziewczynÄ?, kt??rej grozi ??miertelne niebezpiecze??stwo... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 254 MB czas trwania: 06h 20m 35s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Maciej WiÄ?ckowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  2. Artist: Murali Coryell Title: Mr. Senator Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Self Released Genre: Blues Rock Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 44:31 Total Size: 106 MB Tracklist: 1. Mr. Senator (5:32) 2. Dysfunctional Child (4:35) 3. Tuff Love (3:22) 4. This Masquerade (4:15) 5. You Blew My Mind (5:04) 6. Higher Ground (4:46) 7. Slip Away (3:37) 8. Let's Straighten It Out (5:17) 9. My Pedalboard (2:58) 10. Tejanos (5:02) Son of jazz-rock fusion guitar legend Larry Coryell and author/actress Julie Coryell, contemporary soul blues artist Murali Coryell grew up surrounded by great music - by the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis and Carlos Santana. Murali began playing drums at age 8 and continued through junior high school. He started playing guitar after discovering the blues in his early teens. "I was into the music of Led Zeppelin, particularly a minor blues tune called 'Since I've Been Loving You'. My dad told me if I wanted to hearsome REAL blues to get B.B. King's 'Live At The Regal' which to this day, I consider one of the greatest recordings ever made. The emotion and sadness in B.B. King's voice and guitar really spoke to me. That's When I first picked up a guitar." He took lessons for a while but picked up most of what he learned from listening to the music of other blues guitar greats...besides B.B., from early Clapton, Albert Collins, Jimi Hendrix and Albert King. The big turning point in Murali's musical career came at age 15 when he attended the National Guitar Summer Workshop in Connecticut. "For the first time in my life I got serious about my music. I started playing all the time. I got into jazz." He joined a jazz ensemble at college, studied classical guitar and graduated with a degree in music theory and composition. He founded a soul/blues band, The Ambassadors, in upstate New York in the late 80s. The band quickly became a regional favorite in New York's Hudson Valley area. In the summer of '94, while a faculty member at the Guitar Workshop, Murali met Duke Robillard who was teaching a master class. Robillard heard me sing at a concert and asked to sit in with my band. He called me a month later and hired me as second guitarist for his upcoming world tour. He featured me on a couple of vocal tunes, Ray Charles' 'I Got A Woman' and Albert King's 'The Hunter'". Soon after, Murali was signed by the fledgling Big Mo Records label as a solo artist resulting in his Stax/Volt influenced debut CD, "Eyes Wide Open" In 1999 Murali recorded "2120" for Marshall Chess' CZYZ label. Rolling Stone magazine named Murali "One promising new hound". Since that time he's released several albums including 2003's "Strong As I Need To Be", 2005's "The Future Of Blues", the solo acoustic album "Don't Blame It On Me" in 2007, 2008's "The Same Damn Thing" and 2009's "Sugar Lips" as well as a collaboration with his father Larry and brother Julian "The Coryells" (2000/Chesky Records). In additon to performing with his own group, Murali has toured as a featured artist with award winning blues artist Joe Louis Walker, Saxophonist Bill Evans and his father, jazz guitar legend Larry Coryell. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  3. Senator Martyna ??smy kolor tÄ?czy Opis: MinÄ???o piÄ?Ä? lat, odkÄ?d Lilka straci??a wzrok. Dzisiaj stoi u progu doros??o??ci, a jej ??ycie wydaje siÄ? szczÄ???liwe, choÄ? nieco monotonne. Wszystko siÄ? zmienia, gdy na jej drodze pojawia siÄ? Tomek. Znajomo??Ä?, kt??ra poczÄ?tkowo mia??a ograniczaÄ? siÄ? do zwyk??ych korepetycji z fizyki, do??Ä? szybko przeradza siÄ? w znacznie g??Ä?bszÄ? za??y??o??Ä?. Lilka na nowo odkrywa ??wiat, w kt??rym ??yje. Ka??dego dnia coraz ??mielej przekracza w??asne granice i robi to, co wcze??niej wydawa??o jej siÄ? niewykonalne. Jednak nowa rzeczywisto??Ä? skrywa w sobie wiele tajemnic. Kim tak naprawdÄ? jest Tomek? Dlaczego tak bardzo zale??y mu na znajomo??ci z LilkÄ?? I wreszcie: co zrobi Lilka, gdy pozna odpowiedzi na pytania, kt??rych nikt nawet nie odwa??y?? siÄ? zadaÄ?? Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 330 MB czas trwania: 07h 15m 32s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Monika DÄ?browska-Jarosz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
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