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The Serpent and the Wolf - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 884.12 MB | Author: Rebecca Robinson | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Science Fiction & Fantasy, Romance, Fantasy Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Romantic Fiction Themes, Dark Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Romance - Unforeseen and Unlikely Loves Download Link:
Free Download The Knife and the Serpent - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 275.09 MB | Author: Tim Pratt | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Science Fiction & Fantasy, Other Science Fiction Categories, Space Exploration - Fiction, Action & Adventure Science Fiction, Science Fiction - Explorers & Frontier Worlds, Science Fiction - Space Opera Download Link:
Free Download Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium by Neven Paar, Alan Irving, Winged Shoes Publishing English | January 20, 2023 | ISBN: B0BSRCFBD7 | 28 hours and 40 minutes | M4B 128 Kbps + PDF | 1.56 Gb Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium is the end-result of my 17-year Kundalini transformation journey after a full and sustained awakening in 2004 that permanently expanded my consciousness. After experiencing a complete visual upgrade that enables me to witness the Holographic nature of the world daily, I knew that what happened to me was unique. So for the next part of my life, I decided to use my gift and devote myself to learning the science of the invisible world of energy that I am intimately connected with while developing the right language skills to communicate my discoveries comprehensively. Awakening the Kundalini is part of your Soul's mission on Earth. Its ultimate purpose is to optimise your toroidal energy field (Merkaba) and transform you into a Being of Light, enabling Interdimensional travel through consciousness. Having the appropriate knowledge in this area can empower you to take control of your Spiritual Evolution and fulfil your destiny so that you can continue your journey through the Stars in your next lifetime. This is why I wrote this book. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium features everything you need to know on the topic of Kundalini, including the impact of the Ascension process on human anatomy and the role the nervous system plays, how to unlock your brain's full potential and awaken the power of your heart, and how to utilise Spiritual Healing modalities like Crystals, Tuning Forks, Aromatherapy, and Tattvas, to raise the vibrations of your Chakras. A large portion of the book is devoted to the philosophy and practice of Yoga (with Ayurveda), including a list of Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, Mantras, and meditations, and their instructions of use. I also discuss the Kundalini awakening and transformation process in detail, including permanent and partial awakenings, Lucid Dreaming, Siddhis (psychic powers), Out-of-Body Experiences, the role of food, water, nutrients, and sexual energy during integration, and peak events in the overall transfiguration process. Since I was the scientist and laboratory in one, this book contains all of my knowledge and experience acquired on my Spiritual journey, including essential meditations that I developed while encountering Kundalini energy stagnations and blockages. Lastly, having helped many Kundalini awakened people over the years who were "groping in the dark" looking for answers, I have included their most common questions and concerns as well. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium is a thorough and advanced exposition on the Kundalini that is a must-listen for anyone interested in the subject and their Spiritual growth. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Free Download Tyson Reeder, James Romick (Narrator), "Serpent in Eden: Foreign Meddling and Partisan Politics in James Madison's America" English | ASIN: B0DC7PDNJ7 | 2024 | MP3@64 kbps | ~12:41:00 | 349 MB Tyson Reeder's book traces early America's rocky beginnings, when foreign interference and political conflict threatened to undermine its aspirations and ideals, even its very existence. Spanning the period from the Revolution to the War of 1812, and focusing on the presidency of James Madison, it reveals a nation adjusting to rancorous partisan politics, aggravated by the untested and imperfect new tools of governance and the growing power of media. No figure was more in the center of it all than James Madison. As a leading delegate at the Constitutional Convention, Republican congressional leader, secretary of state, and president, Madison grappled with foreign meddling for over three decades. He emerged as a political leader, feeding the very partisanship that bred foreign intrigues. As chief executive, he presided over the calamitous barrage of accusations and counteraccusations of foreign collusion that culminated in the War of 1812. The United States remains vulnerable to forces that test whether the constitutional system Madison was so central in implementing can withstand outside meddling while accommodating partisan conflict. Madison's successes and failures, along with his original vision of the Constitution and party politics, illuminate the ongoing struggle between domestic polarization and foreign interference. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
TysiÄ?c ciÄ?Ä? / Le serpent aux mille coupures (2017) PL.BRRip.Xvid-KiT / Lektor PL Re??yseria: Eric Valette Scenariusz: Herve Albertazzi Gatunek: Thriller Produkcja: Francja Premiera: 5 kwietnia 2017 (??wiat) Zima 2015 roku. Ranny motocyklista (Tomer Sisley), na kt??rego trwa ob??awa, szuka schronienia w po??udniowo-zachodniej Francji. MÄ???czyzna wda?? siÄ? w powa??ny konflikt z handlarzami. Uciekinier dostaje siÄ? na farmÄ? rodziny Petit??w i postanawia wziÄ?Ä? ich za zak??adnik??w. Ojciec jednego z zamordowanych przestÄ?pc??w organizuje ekspedycjÄ? karnÄ?. Jego pomocnik, bezlitosny Tod (Terence Yin), nie cofnie siÄ? przed niczym, by dokonaÄ? zemsty.
TysiÄ?c ciÄ?Ä? / Le serpent aux mille coupures (2017) PL.720p.BluRay.x264-LPT / POLSKI LEKTOR Re??yseria: Eric Valette Scenariusz: Herve Albertazzi Gatunek: Thriller Produkcja: Francja Premiera: 5 kwietnia 2017 (??wiat) Zima 2015 roku. Ranny motocyklista (Tomer Sisley), na kt??rego trwa ob??awa, szuka schronienia w po??udniowo-zachodniej Francji. MÄ???czyzna wda?? siÄ? w powa??ny konflikt z handlarzami. Uciekinier dostaje siÄ? na farmÄ? rodziny Petit??w i postanawia wziÄ?Ä? ich za zak??adnik??w. Ojciec jednego z zamordowanych przestÄ?pc??w organizuje ekspedycjÄ? karnÄ?. Jego pomocnik, bezlitosny Tod (Terence Yin), nie cofnie siÄ? przed niczym, by dokonaÄ? zemsty. Informacje o pliku video: [/size][/font][/color][color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][/size][/font][/color] [color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][/size][/font][/color] [color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][/size][/font][/color] [color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][/size][/font][/color] [color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]
W sk??rze wÄ???a / Le Serpent (2006) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Eric Barbier Scenariusz: Tran-Minh Nam Gatunek: Thriller Kraj: Francja Rok produkcji: 2006 Czas trwania: 119 min. Opis: Vincent Mandel jest w trakcie rozwodu. Walczy o prawo do opieki nad swoimi dzieÄ?mi. SytuacjÄ? ??yciowÄ? bohatera komplikuje dodatkowo pojawienie siÄ? Josepha Plendera. Vincenta i Josepha ??Ä?czy d??ugoletnia przyja????. Na poz??r wsp????czujÄ?cy, Joseph okazuje siÄ? byÄ? bezlitosnym mordercÄ?, kt??ry ??yje ??Ä?dzÄ? zemsty. Od lat. Morderstwo, podejrzenia, szanta??... KrÄ?g siÄ? zaciska, doprowadzajÄ?c Vincenta na skraj piek??a. Postanawia stanÄ?Ä? do walki. Czy staÄ? go na to, by pokonaÄ? wroga jego w??asnÄ? broniÄ?? Obsada: Yvan Attal - Vincent Clovis Cornillac - Plender Pierre Richard - Cendras Simon Abkarian - Sam Minna HaapkylÄ?¤ - H??l?ne Olga Kurylenko - Sofia G??rald Laroche - Becker Jean- Claude Bouillon - Max ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
Blasphemium - Crowned By The Serpent (2016) Title: Crowned By The Serpent Artist : Blasphemium Year : 2016 Genre: Symphonic Black Metal Packed size: 96 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Fallen Legacy 02 - Tyranny in the Name of God 03 - Divine Lessons to Sanctity 04 - Apology of Sacred Slave 05 - Servants of Themselves 06 - Servants of Themselves 07 - Unholy War
- blasphemium
- crowned
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Oznaczone tagami:
Serpent - Trinity (2016) Title: Trinity Artist : Serpent Year : 2016 Genre : Doom Metal Packed size: 89 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Lamentation 02 - Serpent Bloody Serpent 03 - Nightflyer 04 - Erlk"nig 05 - December Morning 06 - Disillusions 07 - Chasing The Oblivion 08 - Monolith
Crowbar - The Serpent Only Lies (2016) Title : The Serpent Only Lies Artist : Crowbar Year : 2016 Genre : Doom Metal Packed size: 105 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 - Falling While Rising 02 - Plasmic And Pure 03 - I Am The Storm 04 - Surviving The Abyss 05 - The Serpent Only Lies 06 - The Enemy Beside You 07 - Embrace The Light 08 - On Holy Ground 09 - Song Of The Dunes 10 - As I Heal
W objÄ?ciach wÄ???a / Embrace of the Serpent (2015) PL.480p.HDTV.XViD.AC3-NOiSE | POLSKI LEKTOR Embrace.of.the.Serpent.2015.PL.480p.HDTV.XViD.AC3-NOiSE Info.Opis: Dane techniczne: Screeny: zobacz screeny z tego release Opis uploadu: DOWNLOAD: jeden link * bez archiwum * pobierasz i oglÄ?dasz LUB: ZAPRASZAM
W objÄ?ciach wÄ???a / El abrazo de la serpiente / Embrace of the Serpent (2015) PL.720p.HDTV.x264-B89 | Lektor PL Szaman Karamate w towarzystwie dw??ch bia??ych naukowc??w odbywa podr???? do serca amazo??skiej d??ungli. Celem ich wyprawy jest Yakruna - ro??lina, kt??ra potrafi wyleczyÄ? wszystkie choroby. Poszukiwania trwajÄ? 40 lat i zamieniajÄ? siÄ? w pe??nÄ? niespodziewanych przyg??d i tajemnic podr???? do jÄ?dra ciemno??ci, kt??re z Amazonii uczyni??a kolonizacja. Niezwyk??y obraz w re??yserii Kolumbijczyka Ciro Guerry lu??no nawiÄ?zuje do "JÄ?dra ciemno??ci" Josepha Conrada i "Czasu Apokalipsy" Francisa Forda Coppoli. Film powsta?? na podstawie dziennik??w z podr????y przez kolumbijskÄ? AmazoniÄ?, spisanych przez Niemca Theodora Kocha-Grunberga i Amerykanina Richarda Evansa Schultasa. W objÄ?ciach wÄ???a / El abrazo de la serpiente / Embrace of the Serpent (2015) PL.720p.HDTV.x264-B89 | Lektor PL
Jennifer Melzer - Edgelanders (Serpent of Time #1) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: 9780615952420 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 19 hrs and 38 mins | 539.72 MB When Princess Lorelei of Leithe overhears her fianc??'s plot to murder her on the way to their wedding, she does the only smart thing: she runs. Into the Edgelands, the savage, woodland home of the legendary U'lfer, a race of fierce wolves who walk as men, she knows she is as good as dead, but she would rather be torn apart by werewolves than die by Trystay's hand. A young U'lfer warrior named Finn catches her scent on the wind and finds himself possessed by an unnatural desire to shield and protect her from that which hunts her. From the moment he first sees her, Finn knows she is his. He feels her heartbeat, knows her soul, and he will do anything, even suffer exile from the Edgelands to be with her. But there is more to Lorelei than meets the eye. She is like Finn; there is U'lfer blood in her veins, a beast beneath her skin she never knew was there. The answers she seeks lie south, in the frozen tundra of Rimian, where a village of people just like her have been waiting for Lorelei to come and save them since before she was even born. Download Link
Jennifer Melzer - Sorrow's Peak (Serpent of Time #2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Urban Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Length: 19 hrs and 24 mins | 533.2 MB Once a princess of Leithe, Lorelei was exiled from her homeland and led to the city of Dunvarak in the tundra of Rimian. The people of Dunvarak call her Light of Madra, and nearly every one of them has a story about the white hand of light who saved them from death during the War of Silence. She is their savior, and being a savior is no small task. Charged with retrieving the fractured horns of the U'lfer god, Llorveth, from a long-dead dragon's treasure hoard in the belly of Great Sorrow's Peak, the half-bred U'lfer believe with the horns in hand they will finally be able to embrace the dormant wolf, and rise to stand beside their full-blooded brethren in the coming war with men. But there is more to Lorelei's plight than simply retrieving the mystical horns of a silent god. She and her companions, Finn, an U'lfer warrior she shares a mate bond with, and a half-Alvarii mage named Brendolowyn, have made this journey before, and unless they can figure out where they went wrong in past cycles, time threatens to repeat itself for eternity. Download Link