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The Silva Method: Tapping the Secrets of Your Mind for Total Self-mastery - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 189.73 MB | Author: Jose Silva | Year: 2000 Description: Category:Self-Help & Relationships, Inspiration, Meditations Download Link:
Free Download Silva Ultramind Esp Course - Streamlined Version Last updated 12/2021 MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 2.34 GB | Duration: 3h 25m Learn to create miracles in your life by using your innate ESP to receive guidance from Higher Intelligence What you'll learn Discover the secret to achieving true and lasting abundance in health, peace of mind, and prosperity Trigger your mind to do more work for you, even while you're asleep Learn to strengthen your natural insight and intuition to discover the best path in crucial decisions. Improve relationships with family, friends, business associates and even romantic interests Bring your life purpose into sharp focus and turn it into your reality Create a new passion for life as you learn to feel calm, energetic, and in control Requirements There are no prerequisites for this course. Description Have you ever suspected that there was a Higher Intelligence whose presence you could feel but that you could never seem to contact? Many people throughout history have alluded to such an all-pervading Intelligence.A century before the birth of Christ, the Roman scholar Cicero said, "No man was ever great without divine inspiration."George Washington, the first President of the United States, said, "Providence has at all times been my only dependence, for all other resources seem to have failed us."The twentieth-century author, Wayne Dyer, wrote, "This spiritual essence is our Source, which is magnificent and stupendous compared to our earthly self. When we're inspired we are connected to this force that is greater in every respect than our physical being."But nobody - not Cicero, not George Washington, not Wayne Dyer, nor any of the countless others who had claimed this guidance from a higher power - could teach us how to connect with that High Intelligence and obtain It's guidance for ourselves. Not until José Silva developed the UltraMind ESP System.Imagine coming into direct, working contact with that all-pervading Higher Intelligence that could guide you to make the correct decisions in your life. What if a simple, reliable, and repeatable process could put you in touch with a Guide who actually knows what lies ahead, who can guide you to success, happiness, and fulfillment, and help you to avoid life's pitfalls?That is exactly what over six million of José Silva's graduates, from all over the world are able to do right now, today! And that is what you are going to learn to do in this streamlined version of the Silva UltraMind ESP course.In this course you will learn to Enter the most powerful part of your mind whenever you wish. This is the part of the mind that is most effective for turning your thoughts into your reality. Create a communication channel between your conscious mind and the nearly unlimited power of your subconscious mind.Recognize and learn from the sometimes mysterious messages that come from your subconscious mind.Ask for guidance from your Higher Intelligence in a way that it has to respond to.So what are you waiting for? Click the Enroll Now button and start creating your life by design instead of by default.Do it now, while it's still fresh in your mind! Overview Section 1: Introduction Lecture 1 Introduction to the Silva UltraMind System Lecture 2 What are brainwave states, why are they so powerful, and how do I use them? Section 2: The Silva Centering Exercise Lecture 3 Introduction to the Centering Exercise and to Preconditioning Lecture 4 The 3-to-1 Method Lecture 5 The Countdown Deepening Exercise Lecture 6 How to come out of these deep brainwave states Lecture 7 Rebuilding Your Genius-Level Mentality Lecture 8 Beneficial Statements for Success Lecture 9 Standard Post Effects Lecture 10 The Silva Centering Exercise Section 3: Debriefing from the Centering Exercise and Introduction to the Mental Screen Lecture 11 Introducing the Mental Screen and the Mental Video Technique Lecture 12 Exercise: The Mental Screen and the Mental Video Technique Section 4: The Mental Video Technique for Health Lecture 13 Introduction to the Mental Video for Health Lecture 14 Exercise: The Mental Video Technique for solving health problems Section 5: The Mental Video Technique for Solving Relationship Problems Lecture 15 Creating a Mental Video for solving relationship problems Lecture 16 Exercise: The Mental Video Technique for solving relationship problems Section 6: The Mental Video for Financial Problems and an Intro to the 3-Scenes Technique Lecture 17 Mental Video for Financial Problems and Intro to the 3-Scenes Technique Lecture 18 Exercise: Mental Video for Financial Problems & the 3-Scenes Technique Section 7: Parting thoughts... Lecture 19 Parting Thoughts Section 8: Bonus Lecture Lecture 20 Bonus Lecture This course is for anyone that believes they deserve a happier life but who just haven't discovered the secret to achieving it - YET,For anyone that just KNOWS that the answers they seek are already inside of them - but hasn't figured out how to access those secrets,For the person that craves alignment with their highest and best purpose in life,You may have heard about the power of the inner conscious states of mind. But how do you gain entry to those powerful brainwave states? Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Artist: Paulo Morello, Tizian Jost, Erivelton Silva Title: Afternoon In Rio Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Brazilian Jazz, Hammond Organ Genre: In+Out Records Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 51:48 Total Size: 122 MB Tracklist: 01. Afternoon In Rio (3:55) 02. Canto Da Liberdad (4:38) 03. Rebuli?§o (2:15) 04. Let's Vamos (4:32) 05. Eternally Touched (3:34) 06. Voce Vai Ver (2:44) 07. Balan?§o Do Gringo (4:12) 08. Na Hora Da Paixao (6:03) 09. Santo Amaro (3:35) 10. Soft Rain (3:57) 11. Eu Viajei Para Nova York (3:09) 12. Noites Cariocas (4:45) 13. Let's Vamos (Alternate Take) (4:22) Though many people probably remember him for an appearance in the film The Shining or for his role as Louie in Chico and the Man during the '70s, Scatman Crothers had an extensive jazz and later R&B background. He performed in many clubs and on radio shows in the '20s,'30s, and '40s before making the move to television in 1948. But once he moved to acting, Crothers stayed busy the remainder of his life. He had roles in such series as The Governor and J.J., Kojak, Toma, and One of the Boys. He was also active as a voice for such cartoon series as Hong Kong Phooey and The Harlem Globetrotters. ~by Ron Wynn
Artist: Susana Santos Silva / Torbj??rn Zetterberg Title: Almost Tomorrow Year Of Release: 2013 Label: Clean Feed Genre: Free Improvisation / Avant-Garde Jazz Quality: FLAC Total Time: 44:34 Total Size: 187.4 MB Tracklist: 1. Knights of Storv??len (05:39) 2. Feet Machine Song (04:27) 3. Columbus Arrival in H?¤rjedalen (06:31) 4. Flocos De Mel (06:21) 5. Almost Tomorrow (04:24) 6. Cow Safari (03:48) 7. Action Jan-Olov (02:30) 8. N??tskalsmusik #6 (02:00) 9. Head Distortion Machine (04:26) 10. Falling and Falling and Falling (04:23) Musicians: Susana Santos Silva - trumpet, flugelhorn Torbj??rn Zetterberg - double bass
Silva Daniel KsiÄ???Ä? ognia Opis: Kunsztowna intryga, zaskakujace zwroty akcji, oblicza terroryzmu i wywiad izraelski od podszewki w krwawej historii politycznych porachunk??w i osobistej zemsty. Swiat po ataku na World Trade Center. Brutalny zamach na izraelska ambasade w Rzymie. Terrorysci maja dostep do tajnych danych Mossadu i planuja ataki na kolejne cele w Europie. Gabriel Allon, niegdys najlepszy szpieg najlepszego wywiadu na swiecie, teraz renomowany konserwator dziel sztuki, zostaje zdekonspirowany, a jego najblizsi i on sam znajduja sie w smiertelnym niebezpieczenstwie. Musi rozwiklac zagadke z przeszlosci i zmierzyc sie z przeciwnikiem w misji, kt??rej stawka jest zycie setek tysiecy niewinnych ludzi. Rozpoczyna sie poscig, w kt??rym do konca nie wiadomo kto jest mysliwym, a kto zwierzyna, kto przyjacielem, a kto wrogiem, i kto pociaga za sznurki... Kim jest nieuchwytny msciciel z przeszlosci? Co kryje sie za staroceltyckim kultem "odcietych gl??w"? Czyja glowa zostanie odcieta? Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Wielkosc calosci: 277 MB Czas: 10h 09m 20s Bit rate: 64kbps Rodzaj kompresji: .rar Zawartosc uploadu: plik .mp3 Wersja jezykowa: polska Czyta: Leszek Teleszynski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA