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Znaleziono 54 wyników

  1. Son of the Shadows (Sevenwaters Series #2) - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 368.79 MB | Author: Juliet Marillier | Year: 2010 Description: Category:Science Fiction & Fantasy, Fiction, Literature, World Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Other Fantasy Fiction Categories, Australian & New Zealand Fiction, Fantasy - Myths & Legends, Fantasy - Other, Fantasy - Women of Lore, Historical Fantasy, New Zealand Fiction Download Link:
  2. Dombey and Son - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 1016.94 MB | Author: Charles Dickens | Year: 2015 Description: Category:Classic Literature, Fiction, Literature Download Link:
  3. Dombey and Son (Penguin Classics) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3, pdf | 1.91 GB | Author: Jim Manis | Year: 2002 Description: Category:Classic Literature, Fiction Download Link:
  4. The Son: A novel - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 505.1 MB | Author: Jo Nesbo, Gildart Jackson | Year: 2014 Description: Category:Awards, Mystery & Thrillers, Fiction, Fiction Subjects, Peoples & Cultures - Fiction, Crime Fiction, Thrillers, Family & Friendship - Fiction, European Peoples & Cultures - Fiction & Literature, Multicultural Detectives - Fiction, Crime Thrillers, Fathers & Sons - Fiction, Norwegians - Fiction, Scandinavian Mystery & Crime, 2014 Earphones Awards Download Link:
  5. Cumner's Son and Other South Sea Folk - Volume 05 - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 3.48 GB | Author: Gilbert Parker | Year: 2019 Description: Download Link:
  6. Fortunate Son - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 136.62 MB | Author: J.D. Rhoades | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Thrillers, Action & Adventure Fiction Download Link:
  7. The President's Son - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 622.34 MB | Author: A.L. Evcott | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Fiction, Romance, LGBT Fiction, Gay Romance, LGBTQ+ Romance Download Link:
  8. epub | 254.12 KB | English | ASIN:9780062287540 | Author: Cormac McCarthy | Year: 2014 Description: Category:Performing Arts, Nonfiction
  9. Free Download Streamlit Deployer son app de Machine Learning sur le web Last updated 9/2024 Created by Pierre-louis Danieau MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: French + subtitle | Duration: 25 Lectures ( 4h 38m ) | Size: 1.74 GB Créez rapidement une superbe application web et déployez votre modèle d'IA dans le monde entier avec Python ! What you'll learn Savoir utiliser Streamlit Développer et déployer son application Data afin de partager ses modèles de Machine Learning sur le web Scrapper de la Data en temps réel grâce à une API (Yahoo Finance) Utilisation de Streamlit Cloud Créer des visuels attrayants avec les librairies interactives de Python Créer une interface utilisateur attractive (UI / UX) Structurer son programme Python pour du développement web Savoir optimiser une application Streamlit (Cache / Session / Form...) Utilisation de Git et Github Surpasser le Jupyter Notebook et donner vie à son projet Data Requirements Une connaissance élémentaire du language de programmation Python est requise pour mieux comprendre les concepts abordés dans cette formation. De simples connaissances suffisent. Aucune compétence en développement web et/ou en data engineering n'est nécessaire. L'ensemble des concepts sont abordés depuis le début. Aucune expérience dans le cloud n'est requise. Vous apprendrez tout ce qu'il est utile de savoir pour la partie déploiement / mise en production. Description Avez-vous déjà ressenti la frustration d'avoir développé un super modèle de Machine Learning sur votre Jupyter Notebook et de ne jamais pouvoir le confronter à une utilisation réelle ? C'est la proposition de valeur de Streamlit et de cette formation: Pouvoir déployer votre projet Data sur le web afin que le monde entier puisse l'utiliser grâce à votre propre application web !Ainsi, l'ensemble de vos projets Data vont prendre vie ! Vous allez ainsi pouvoir : Partagez votre superbe classificateur d'images afin que d'autres personnes puissent utiliser votre modèle en y téléchargeant leurs propres images.Déployez en temps réel le score de sentiment des derniers tweets d'Elon Musk avec du NLP.Ou encore réaliser des dashboards interactifs à destination de vos équipes en entreprise avec un système d'authentification pour restreindre l'accès à seulement quelques personnes.J'ai développé ce cours après que des dizaines de personnes m'aient contacté pour me demander comment j'avais fait pour développer une application web de réservation de trains en temps réel, utilisée par plus de 10 000 personnes. Car oui on peut utiliser streamlit pour tous types d'applications et non seulement des applications data / IA !Bref, des centaines de cas d'usage sont possibles avec streamlit !Ce qui est formidable dans tout ça, c'est qu'il suffit uniquement d'avoir des connaissances en Python.Et qu'aucune compétence en Développement web, en Data Engineering ou même en cloud n'est nécessaire.Ce cours est scindé en 2 parties : Une partie exercice où nous verrons l'ensemble des fondamentaux de Streamlit, depuis la connection à un système de base de donnée, en passant par la création de l'interface puis finalement la partie sur le déploiement dans le cloud !Une seconde partie destinée au projet de formation : Développement et mise en production d'une application de tracking et d'analyse des actions du S&P5O0 avec notamment la visualisation de l'évolution du cours des actions et le calcul d'indicateurs de performances. Les données seront requêtées via une API.Faites passer vos projets data à l'étape supérieure avec Streamlit !Bonne formation :) Who this course is for Des personnes s'intéressant à la Data et à Python mais qui sont frustrés de ne jamais pouvoir partager leurs modèles de Machine Learning autour d'eux ! Des Data Scientist en entreprise qui souhaitent partager leurs travaux de Machine Learning ou des dashboards en interne pour leurs collaborateurs. Une personne qui a une idée de projet d'application web et qui souhaite développer un MVP en quelques heures ! Tous bons Data Sientists ! Homepage Screenshot Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  10. Free Download Empire's Son, Empire's Orphan: The Fantastical Lives of Ikbal and Idries Shah (Audiobook) English | ASIN: B0D6WYKZ19 | 2024 | 13 hours and 30 minutes | MP3@64 kbps | 371 MB Author: Nile Green Narrator: Keval Shah In literary circles of the mid-twentieth century, father and son, Ikbal and Idries Shah, spread seductive accounts of a mystical Middle East. Pitching themselves as the authentic voice of the Muslim world, they penned travelogues and exotic potboilers alongside weighty tomes on Islam and politics. Above all, father and son told Western readers what they wanted to hear: audacious yarns of eastern adventure and harmless Sufi mystics-myths that, as the century wore on and the Taliban seized power, became increasingly detached from reality. This book follows the Shahs from their origins in colonial India to literary London, wartime Oxford, and counterculture California via the Levant, the League of Nations, and Latin America. Nile Green unravels the conspiracies and pseudonyms, fantastical pasts and self-aggrandizing anecdotes, high stakes and bold schemes that for nearly a century painted the defining portrait of Afghanistan. Ikbal and Idries convinced poets, spies, orientalists, diplomats, occultists, hippies, and even a prime minister that they held the key to understanding the Islamic world. From George Orwell directing Muslim propaganda to Robert Graves translating a fake manuscript of Omar Khayyam and Doris Lessing supporting jihad, Green tells the fascinating tale of how the book world was beguiled by the dream of an Afghan Shangri-La that never existed. Rapidgator Fikper Free Download Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  11. Si??dmy syn / Seventh Son (2014) PL.480p.BBRip.XViD-KOKOSPOKO | POLSKI LEKTOR gatunek: Familijny, Fantasy, Przygodowy produkcja: Chiny, Kanada, USA, Wielka Brytania re??yseria: Sergey Bodrov scenariusz: Charles Leavitt, Max Borenstein, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg Kiedy zabijesz wied??mÄ?, ale zapomnisz jÄ? spaliÄ?, ona wr??ciâ?? silniejsza, straszniejsza, pa??ajÄ?ca pragnieniem zemstyâ?? Dawno, dawno temu Stracharz, Mistrz Gregory (laureat Oscara Jeff Bridges), si??dmy syn si??dmego syna, w nier??wnej walce z si??ami z??a pokona?? przera??ajÄ?cÄ? wied??mÄ?, MateczkÄ? Malkin (Julianne Moore). Na wiele lat w okolicy zapanowa?? spok??j. Ale dni Mistrza sÄ? policzone i wie, ??e wied??ma powr??ci, dlatego od dawna szuka swego nastÄ?pcy. Wielu kandydat??w nie sprosta??o zadaniu, byli zbyt s??abi, nie potrafili wykorzystaÄ? danych im mocy. Zosta?? tylko on - Thomas Ward (Ben Barnes). To w??a??nie Ward musi stawiÄ? czo??a Mateczce Malkin, kt??ra pragnie, by z??o wr??ci??o na ziemiÄ?. Mistrz Gregory ma niewiele czasu, by przygotowaÄ? Thomasa do walki z si??ami z??aâ?? to, co zajmuje kilka lat, musi zrobiÄ? do najbli??szej pe??ni ksiÄ???yca. Przysz??o??Ä? ludzko??ci jest w rÄ?kach si??dmego syna si??dmego syna. NFO: CO W SRODKU: DOWNLOAD: W CALOSCI/BEZ PODZIALU NA PARTY: HASLO/PASS: HELLO Pliki sa identyczne na wszystkich hostingach/serwerach, wiec mozesz pobierac jednoczesnie ze wszystkich. Jesli brakuje pliku na jednym serwerze, to sciagnij go z innego, jaki podalem wyzej. Bedzie pasowac.
  12. Synalek / The Good Son (1993) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Joseph Ruben Scenariusz: Ian McEwan Gatunek: Thriller Kraj: USA Rok produkcji: 1993 Czas trwania: 83 min. Opis: Po ??mierci matki 12-letni Mark Evans (Elijah Wood) trafia do domu krewnych, gdy?? jego ojciec musi wyjechaÄ? w podr???? s??u??bowÄ? zagranicÄ?. Tam poznaje swego kuzyna, Henry'ego (Macaulay Culkin). MiÄ?dzy nimi szybko nawiÄ?zuje siÄ? niÄ? porozumienia. Ch??opcy spÄ?dzajÄ? ze sobÄ? wiele czasu na zabawie i rozmowach. Wkr??tce jednak wszystko siÄ? zmienia, gdy Mark odkrywa, ??e Henry od pewnego czasu przejawia dziwne, niebezpieczne sk??onno??ci. Sprawia mu rado??Ä? czynienie z??a. Henry powoduje karambol drogowy i zabija psa. Wkr??tce ch??opak zaczyna zagra??aÄ? ??yciu swojej m??odszej siostry. Mark chce ratowaÄ? ??ycie dziewczynki, ale problem w tym, ??e rodzice Henry'ego nawet nie dopuszczajÄ? do siebie my??li, ??e ich syn by??by zdolny do takich rzeczy... ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  13. Syn Szaw??a / Son of Saul / Saul fia (2015) PL.BDRiP.XViD-K12 / Lektor PL Screeny: Dane techniczne: Opis uploadu: Download:
  14. Ma??a Wielka Stopa / The Son of Bigfoot (2017) Opis: Ma??a Wielka Stopa / The Son of Bigfoot (2017) PLDUB.1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AC3-KiT / Dubbing PL Dane uploadu Download
  15. Ma??a Wielka Stopa / The Son of Bigfoot (2017) PLDUB.WEB-DL.Xvid-KiT / Dubbing PL re??yseria: Ben Stassen, Jeremy Degruson scenariusz: Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker gatunek: Animacja, Komedia produkcja: Belgia, Francja premiera: 28 lipca 2017 (Polska) 26 lipca 2017 (??wiat) Adam jest zwyczajnym, trochÄ? nie??mia??ym nastolatkiem. Pewnego dnia wyrusza na wyprawÄ? w poszukiwaniu dawno zaginionego taty. Nie spodziewa siÄ?, ??e ju?? wkr??tce odkryje pewien w??ochaty rodzinny sekret. Ot???? jego tata jest potomkiem legendarnego Yeti i od lat mieszka w puszczy. Oczywi??cie Adam te?? ma w sobie geny tej niezwyk??ej istoty, a to niesie ze sobÄ? pewne niezwyk??e konsekwencje. Ch??opak podobnie jak jego tata posiada szczeg??lne super moce. Wkr??tce bÄ?dzie musia?? ich u??yÄ?, by obroniÄ? siebie i ojca przed tropicielami, kt??rzy na zlecenie pewnej firmy futrzarskiej od lat szukajÄ? Yeti. Szykuje siÄ? wieeeelka przygoda!
  16. Ma??a Wielka Stopa / The Son of Bigfoot (2017) Opis: Ma??a Wielka Stopa / The Son of Bigfoot (2017) PLDUB.WEB-DL.XviD-KiT / Dubbing PL SCREEN: Dane uploadu Download
  17. Ma??a Wielka Stopa / The Son of Bigfoot (2017) PLDUB.WEB-DL.Xvid-KiT / Dubbing PL re??yseria: Ben Stassen, Jeremy Degruson scenariusz: Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker gatunek: Animacja, Komedia produkcja: Belgia, Francja premiera: 28 lipca 2017 (Polska) 26 lipca 2017 (??wiat) Adam jest zwyczajnym, trochÄ? nie??mia??ym nastolatkiem. Pewnego dnia wyrusza na wyprawÄ? w poszukiwaniu dawno zaginionego taty. Nie spodziewa siÄ?, ??e ju?? wkr??tce odkryje pewien w??ochaty rodzinny sekret. Ot???? jego tata jest potomkiem legendarnego Yeti i od lat mieszka w puszczy. Oczywi??cie Adam te?? ma w sobie geny tej niezwyk??ej istoty, a to niesie ze sobÄ? pewne niezwyk??e konsekwencje. Ch??opak podobnie jak jego tata posiada szczeg??lne super moce. Wkr??tce bÄ?dzie musia?? ich u??yÄ?, by obroniÄ? siebie i ojca przed tropicielami, kt??rzy na zlecenie pewnej firmy futrzarskiej od lat szukajÄ? Yeti. Szykuje siÄ? wieeeelka przygoda!
  18. VA - Le Son Dancefloor Summer 2017 [4CD] (2017) VA - Le Son Dancefloor Summer 2017 [4CD] (2017) Gatunek / Genre: Pop , Dance Czas trwania / Time: 4 cd Jako??Ä? / Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Ca??kowity rozmiar / Total Size: 644 mb . Tracklista: CD1: 1. You don't know me - Jax Jones 2. Despacito - Luis Fonsi 3. Chocolat - Lartiste 4. Good day - Yellow Claw 5. Back for more - Feder 6. I feel it coming - The Weeknd 7. Another life - Afrojack 8. True disaster - Tove Lo 9. Be mine - Ofenbach 10. Tuesday - Burak Yeter 11. By your side - Jonas Blue 12. Solo dance - Martin Jensen 13. Stay - Zedd 14. Chasing highs - Alma 15. Avancer - Ridsa 16. Smile - Boostee 17. Children of a miracle - Don Diablo 18. Infinity - Sound of Legend 19. Fuego - Alok 20. Living - Bakermat CD2: 1. Loin (pilule violette) - Ma??tre Gims 2. Scared to be lonely - Martin Garrix 3. Sunset lover - Petit Biscuit 4. Rich boy - Galantis 5. Arriv??e - Caitlyn 6. Your mind - Hedia 7. Peine & piti?? - Vitaa 8. Tied up - Julian Perretta 9. Get get down - Basada 10. Laisse les parler - Kelvin 11. Shooting stars - Bag Raiders 12. La vie est belle - Nassi 13. Libre comme l'air - DJ Sem 14. La costa - O2 15. Happiness - Tomfat 16. Don't want to go home - Dany Key 17. Colors - Celestal 18. Badam badam - Mika V 19. All aboard - Bassjackers 20. Hit the road jack - Throttle CD3: 1. You remain - Kungs 2. Comme moi - Black M 3. Fly - Odyssey 4. No lie - Sean Paul 5. You make me - A.M.T 6. Until the end - Henri Pfr 7. Mon everest - Soprano 8. I love you - Axwell /\ Ingrosso 9. Ecartez-vous - Makassy 10. Domino - David Carreira 11. Tu vas danser - Bssmnt 12. Qu'est-ce qu'on s'aime - Heezy Lee 13. Let's dance - Bonome 14. Alibi - Benjamin Braxton 15. Naturally - Celestal 16. Open your eyes - Sam Feldt 17. Heaven - Pagadixx 18. Ay mama - Singuila 19. Thinking about you - Hardwell 20. Alone - Nervo CD4: 1. Call on me - Starley 2. Places - Martin Solveig 3. Bazard??e - Keblack 4. A kele nta - Mhd 5. Porto rico - Ridsa 6. Cutting shapes - Don Diablo 7. Stay a while - Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike 8. Caribbean rave - W&W 9. I feel - Liam 10. What do you love - Seeb 11. Back to me - Kshmr 12. Be ok - April Ivy 13. Living on video - Stream 14. Life is short - Maeva Carter 15. So long - Massari 16. Elle s'est emball??e - Dout'S 17. The mack - Nevada 18. All or nothing - Lost Frequencies 19. In your arms - Nervo 20. The riddle - Nils Van Zandt Download: Has??o: brak
  19. Son of a Gun (2014) PL 480p.BDRip.Xvid.AC3-ELiTE / Lektor PL gatunek: Dramat, Krymina?? produkcja: Australia premiera: 2 stycznia 2015 (Polska) 16 pa??dziernika 2014 (??wiat) re??yseria: Julius Avery scenariusz: Julius Avery M??ody JR (Brenton Thwaites) zostaje aresztowany za niewielkie przestÄ?pstwo. W twardych warunkach wiÄ?zienia szybko zdaje sobie sprawÄ?, ??e bez silnej opieki nie ma szans na przetrwanie za kratami. M??odemu przestÄ?pcy udaje siÄ? zawrzeÄ? znajomo??Ä? z gro??nym kryminalistÄ? uchodzÄ?cym za wroga publicznego numer jeden - Brendanem Lynchem (Ewan McGregor). JR staje siÄ? podopiecznym gangstera. Wszystko ma jednak swojÄ? cenÄ?. M??ody ch??opak musi pom??c Brendanowi i jego ekipie w ucieczce z wiÄ?zienia. W nagrodÄ? za udanÄ? akcjÄ?, JR dostaje propozycjÄ? udzia??u w napadzie na z??oto warte miliony dolar??w. Kiedy w grÄ? wchodzÄ? tak olbrzymie pieniÄ?dze, nie mo??na ufaÄ? nikomu.
  20. Artist: Skip Wilkins Title: Father & Son Year Of Release: 2012 Label: SteepleChase Lookout Genre: Jazz Quality: Mp3/ 256kbps Total Time: 55:49 min Total Size: 102 MB Tracklist ---------- 01. Witness & Muse 02. Elegant Lady 03. A House In the Village (Green) 04. Kindness 05. Message to Maruska 06. Reckless Not Feckless 07. And Now. 08. Butterfly of Steel 09. Not Really New and sealed Audio CD, complete; item ships from San Francisco, California; guaranteed. Note: While we will pack your order to the best of our abilities to ensure its safe delivery to you, jewel cases are extremely delicate and occasionally do crack in transit--this seldom has any effect on the disc itself or the cover art and replacement jewel cases are mostly not hard to find. Thanks for your understanding! ~Editorial Reviews Personnel: Dan Wilkins (saxophone); Skip Wilkins (piano); Scott Lee (bass), Jeff Hirshfield (drums)
  21. Jay King - Helen's Son (2017) INFO Title: Helen's Son Artist : Jay King Year : 2017 Genre: Rhythm and blues Packed size: 101 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Good Kinda Lovin 02 - Tryin To Get You Back 03 - Take My Breath Away 04 - Let Me Relax Your Mind 05 - The One 06 - Runnin 07 - Now We're Making Love 08 - All About Your Love 09 - I'm Where You Belong 10 - Helen's Son
  22. Artist: Son Of Dave Title: 02 Year Of Release: 2006 Label: Kartel Genre: Blues, Folk, Beat-Box Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 39:05 Total Size: 102 mb Tracklist: 01. Leave Without Runnin' (3:25) 02. Goddamn (3:31) 03. Get You Back (2:13) 04. San Francisco (4:10) 05. Devil Take My Soul (Feat. Martina Topley Bird) (4:16) 06. Crossroad Blues (3:48) 07. I Got What You Need (3:49) 08. Crickets (0:51) 09. Life Is So Easy Now (4:17) 10. Rollin' And Tumblin' (4:34) 11. Mannish Boy (4:11)
  23. Artist: Clara-Jumi Kang and Yeol Eum Son Title: Schumann & Brahms Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Decca Genre: Classical Quality: mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 01:00:46 Total Size: 140 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Schumann: Sonata No.1 For Violin And Piano In A Minor, Op.105 - 1. Mit leidenschaftlichem Ausdruck 02. Schumann: Sonata No.1 For Violin And Piano In A Minor, Op.105 - 2. Allegretto 03. Schumann: Sonata No.1 For Violin And Piano In A Minor, Op.105 - 3. Lebhaft 04. C. Schumann: 3 Romances For Violin And Piano, Op.22 - 1. Andante molto 05. C. Schumann: 3 Romances For Violin And Piano, Op.22 - 2. Allegretto 06. C. Schumann: 3 Romances For Violin And Piano, Op.22 - 3. Leidenschaftlich schnell 07. Schumann: 3 Romances, Op.94 - 1. Nicht schnell 08. Schumann: 3 Romances, Op.94 - 2. Einfach, innig 09. Schumann: 3 Romances, Op.94 - 3. Nicht schnell 10. Brahms: Sonata For Violin And Piano No 3 In D Minor, Op.108 - 1. Allegro 11. Brahms: Sonata For Violin And Piano No 3 In D Minor, Op.108 - 2. Adagio 12. Brahms: Sonata For Violin And Piano No 3 In D Minor, Op.108 - 3. Un poco presto e con sentimento 13. Brahms: Sonata For Violin And Piano No 3 In D Minor, Op.108 - 4. Presto agitato
  24. Artist: Lucky Peterson Title: The Son Of A Bluesman Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Jazz Village Genre: Blues, Modern Electric Blues Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 57:00 Total Size: 144 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 1. Blues In My Blood 2. Funky Broadway 3. Nana Jarnell 4. I Pity The Fool 5. Boogie-Woogie Blues Joint Party 6. I'm Still Here 7. The Son Of A Bluesman 8. I Can See Clearly Now 9. Joy 10. You Lucky Dog 11. I'm Still Here (Gospel) Lucky Peterson's father was blues guitarist and singer James Peterson, a well-known regional musician who also owned the Governor's Inn, a premier blues nightclub in Buffalo, New York, which means Peterson grew up around his father's friends, who just happened to be touring and recording musicians like Jimmy Reed, Muddy Waters, and Bill Doggett, and he learned from all of them. He became fascinated with the Hammond B-3 organ as a young child, and by the time he was five, he'd proved to be a prodigy on it. Mentored by another of his father's friends, the great songwriter, bassist, arranger, and producer Willie Dixon, Peterson was still only five when he scored an R&B hit with the Dixon-produced "1-2-3-4," the novelty of it all landing him appearances on The Tonight Show, The Ed Sullivan Show, and others, and his debut album appeared in 1969. But Peterson had an exploratory nature, and while he could have had quite a career as a keyboard player, he picked up the guitar at the age of eight, and by the time he was a teen, he had developed an emotionally searing guitar style. He could have relaunched his career then, but instead he attended the Buffalo Academy of Performing Arts, and went out on the road as part of the touring bands of Etta James and Otis Rush, spent three years as Little Milton's keyboardist, another three years in Bobby "Blue" Bland's band, and backed jazz stars like Hank Crawford and Abbey Lincoln. He learned blues, jazz, soul, R&B, funk, and gospel, and by the time he made his re-debut as a bandleader with the Bob Greenlee-produced Lucky Strikes! in 1989, Peterson was a triple-threat multi-instrumentalist who managed to fuse R&B, jazz, gospel, funk, and rock with the blues. All of this leads up to this very personal and semi-autobiographical set, and his 18th album as a bandleader. The Son of a Bluesman, aside from being another fine set of Peterson's joyous fusion blues, is also the first of his albums that he has produced himself, and it has a warm, career-summing kind of feel to it. The title track, "The Son of a Bluesman," and the two different versions of the gospel-themed "I'm Still Here," give this album a personal and retrospective feel, as does the striking, and even silly "Joy," a straight-up family home recording featuring a rap interlude. But perhaps the best and most poignant track on an album full of standouts is the lovely instrumental "Nana Jarnell," dedicated to both Peterson's mother and his wife's mother, musician, singer, and songwriter Tamara Stovall-Peterson. Peterson's guitar lead on the track is a marvel of crying, elegantly balanced phrasing, almost horn-like or vocal-like, and it speaks and sings like the marvel it is. This is perhaps Peterson's most well-rounded and personal album yet, and it coheres in a wonderful arc, capturing the blues as an ever-flowing, joyous, and ultimately uplifting thing.
  25. Artist: Affkt Title: Son Of A Thousand Sounds Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Sincopat - SYNCLP02 Genre: Deep/Tech House Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 47:40 Total Size: 109 mb Tracklist 1. Dreamback (Original Mix)3:36 2. Oxi (Album Version)4:18 3. San Diego (Album Version)5:05 4. Between Us (Original Mix)3:12 5. The Show (Album Version)4:03 6. Ikigai (Original Mix)3:05 7. FlashCrash (Album Version)4:09 8. Boira (Original Mix)3:57 9. Someone In The Sky (Album Version)5:33 10. Mareny (Original Mix)3:29 11. Ceniza (Original Mix)2:16 12. Esclafit (Original Mix)4:57 Over the past 9 years, AFFKT - real name, Marc Martinez Nadal - has amassed a prolific and diverse musical r??sum??, including the release of his critically acclaimed debut LP Punto 0 in 2012 and, amongst many others, a series of well-received recent offerings on respected labels such as; Suara, NM2, Exploited, Kitball, Kling Klong plus, of course, his very own Sincopat. Son of a Thousand Sounds sees the talented Spaniard return with a unique and distinctive 12-track aural adventure, fusing together elements of Techno, House, straightforward beats, immersive Pop and Electronica. AFFKTs penchant for shape-shifting through genres makes him a perfect pick not just for clubbers, but also Indie, Pop and Electronic music enthusiasts. The albums impressive opener Dreamback gets things off to a fine start showcasing the first of several alluring left-field soundscapes that the album has of offer. Between Us follows a few cuts later, seeing AFFKT demonstrate his passion for a gentle association with Techno/Dub music by, delivering an edgy arrangement of future bass-lines, subtly beats and outer space chained melodies. Other highlights include, the warm and optimist puzzle of Boira (composed alongside Upercent), the 3.5 minute synth worshiping Mareny, the organic and bizarrely nostalgic sounding Ceniza plus AFFKT and Pieks graceful flirtation with deconstructed House music entitled Esclafit - if you're looking for some deep, wild and engaging loop-based dance sounds, this song will definitely satisfy. Now with one foot on the dance-floor, its the perfect time to highlight the albums most banging tracks, San Diego and Oxi. These two rockin and vivid compositions shift seamlessly from moody moments to explosions of electronic ecstasy, boasting prominent synth melodies and propulsive Techno-House beats. PLUS, lets not forget Flashcrash, what could easily be a major tribute to the world-renowned dance duo The Chemical Brothers. Flashcrash boasts the skilled vocal talents of Sutja Gutierrez (a member of the band The Fruhstucks) who also appears on The Show (the albums first single) and Someone in the Sky (the albums second single). With his inclusion, Pop sensations have definitely taken a back seat in favour of uncompromising dance floor functionality. Sometimes funky and fresh, sometimes emotional and breath-taking. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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