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Hope by Terry Fox - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3, pdf | 616.02 MB | Author: Barbara Adhiya | Year: 2024 Description: Category:Biography & Autobiography, History, Sports & Recreations, Nonfiction Download Link:
Free Download Terry Pratchett - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 23.49 GB | Author: Andrew M Butler | Year: 2009 Description: Category:Language Arts, Reference, Nonfiction Download Link:
epub | 7.37 MB | English| Isbn:9780345422583 | Author: Terry Brooks | Year: 2007 Description: Category:Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teens & YA, Teen Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Fantasy - Teen Fiction, Contemporary Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy->General->Teen fiction
epub | 7.26 MB | English| Isbn:9780345424648 | Author: Terry Brooks | Year: 2001 Description: Category:Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teens & YA, Teen Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Fantasy - Teen Fiction, Contemporary Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy->General->Teen fiction
epub | 69.97 MB | English| Isbn:9781778523380 | Author: Barbara Adhiya | Year: 2024 Description: Category:History, Biography, Sports, Self-Help & Relationships, Canadian History, Sports & Adventure Biography, Other Sports, Canada - History - General & Miscellaneous, Personal Growth, General & Miscellaneous Canadian History, Sport Figures - General & Miscellaneous - Biography, Sports - History, Success, Motivation & Self-Esteem
Pratchett Terry ?šwiat Dysku Tom 02 Blask fantastyczny Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Tylko jedna osoba moze ocalic Swiat Dysku, kt??ry sunie ku nieuniknionej z pozoru kolizji ze zlowr??zbna czerwona gwiazda. Na nieszczescie, osoba ta jest malo uzdolniony i tch??rzliwy mag o imieniu Ricewind, kt??rego po raz ostatni widziano, jak spadl poza krawedz swiata... Rincewind zostaje magicznie sciagniety z Kosmosu, by stac sie obiektem polowania wszystkich osmiu Obrzadk??w Magicznych, pr??bujacych odzyskac ukryte w jego umysle Zaklecie. W towarzystwie Dwukwiata z Bagazem i Cohena - najwiekszego i najslynniejszego z bohater??w Dysku (choc ostatnio troche bez formy) - po licznych przygodach powraca do Ankh Morpork, by uczestniczyc w jednym z kluczowych wydarzen historii i kosmologii r??wnoczesnie. Na szczescie zakonczonym szczesliwie. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 437 MB czas trwania: 09h 47m 44s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Krzysztof Tyniec BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Pratchett Terry ?šwiat Dysku Tom 01 Kolor Magii Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Pierwsza ksiÄ???ka z serii ?šwiata Dysku, stanowiÄ?ca satyrÄ? na ca??y gatunek fantasy. Opowiada losy pierwszego dyskowego turysty Dwukwiata, oraz jego ??mierciono??nego, wykonanego z magicznego drewna my??lÄ?cej gruszy baga??u. Przybywa on do Ankh-morpork z Imperium Agatejskiego, le??Ä?cego na niewielkim, ale ciÄ???kim od pok??ad??w z??ota kontynencie przeciwwagi. Przewodnikiem turysty zostaje nie do ko??ca potrafiÄ?cy czarowaÄ? mag Rincewind. Prze??ladujÄ? ich w zasadzie wszyscy, spotykajÄ? legendarnych bohater??w, walczÄ? ze smokami.. Dwukwiat w s??odkiej nie??wiadomo??ci dobrze siÄ? bawi, a spanikowany Rincewind usi??uje prze??yÄ?... Terry Pratchett (ur.1965 r.), brytyjski pisarz, rysownik i reporter. Pracowa?? dla gazet Bath Chronicle i Psychic Researcher (jako autor komiks??w), a w latach 80' by?? rzecznikiem prasowym w Central Electricity Generating Board, gdzie by?? odpowiedzialny za trzy elektrownie atomowe. SwojÄ? pierwszÄ? powie??Ä? napisa?? w wieku 17-nastu lat - by?? to Dywan (The Carpet People), wydany ostatecznie w roku 1971.W 1983 r. wyda?? pierwszÄ? ksiÄ???kÄ? z serii ?šwiata Dysku (Discworld) - Kolor Magii (The Colour of Magic). Sukces serii rodzi?? siÄ? w b??lach - z powodu z??ej kampanii marketingowej ksiÄ???ka sprzeda??a siÄ? wyjÄ?tkowo ??le. Jednak??e kolejny tom serii - Blask Fantastyczny (The Light Fantastic), sta?? siÄ? bestsellerem i poczÄ?tkiem wielkiego sukcesu ca??ej serii. W roku 1998 za zas??ugi dla literatury zosta?? udekorowany przez kr??lowÄ? angielskÄ? Orderem Imperium Brytyjskiego. KsiÄ???ki Terry'ego Pratchetta odnios??y ??wiatowy sukces - zosta??y przet??umaczone na 33 jÄ?zyki i sprzedane w ponad 40 milionach egzemplarzy. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 444 MB czas trwania: 09h 43m 41s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Krzysztof Tyniec BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Pratchett Terry ?šwiat Dysku Tom 26 Z??odziej czasu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Czas jest zasobem. Wszyscy wiedzÄ?, ??e trzeba nim gospodarowaÄ?. Na Dysku zadanie to przypada Mnichom Historii, kt??rzy magazynujÄ? go i przepompowujÄ? z miejsc, gdzie siÄ? marnuje (choÄ?by spod wody â?? na co czas potrzebny dorszowi?), do wielkiego miasta, gdzie nigdy nie ma do??Ä? czasu. Konstrukcja pierwszego na ??wiecie naprawdÄ? dok??adnego zegara staje siÄ? dla Lu-Tze i jego ucznia Lobsanga Ludda poczÄ?tkiem wy??cigu... no, z czasem. Poniewa?? ten zegar zatrzyma czas. A wtedy dopiero zacznÄ? siÄ? prawdziwe k??opoty. Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) jako autor opowiada?? zadebiutowa?? w wieku 13 lat, w 1971 r. wydana zosta??a jego pierwsza powie??Ä? â?žDywanâ?, a potem kolejne: â?žCiemna strona s??o??caâ? (1976) i â?žStrataâ? (1981). W 1983 r. ukaza??a siÄ? pierwsza czÄ???Ä? cyklu ?šwiat Dysku â?? â?žKolor magiiâ?. W 1998 r. Pratchett zosta?? uhonorowany przez kr??lowÄ? El??bietÄ? II Orderem Imperium Brytyjskiego za zas??ugi dla literatury. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 490 MB czas trwania: 12h 11m 26s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Maciej Kowalik BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Pratchett Terry ?šwiat Dysku Tom 04 Mort Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Kolejny tytu?? z cyklu o ?šwiecie Dysku, jednocze??nie otwierajÄ?cy cykl o ?šmierci. Czasem nawet ??mierÄ? potrzebuje wakacji â?? a na ?šwiecie Dysku, jedynej P??askiej Ziemi we wszystkich wszech??wiatach, ko??cisty stra??nik klepsydry ??ycia u??wiadamia sobie, ??e tylko jedno mo??e daÄ? mu chwilÄ? wytchnienia: terminator. Wybiera wiÄ?c sobie Morta â?? ch??opca gorliwie pragnÄ?cego zdobyÄ? wiedzÄ?, kt??rej stanowczo posiadaÄ? nie powinien. Wprawdzie Mort szybko opanowuje tajniki przechodzenia przez ??ciany, jednak nauka obiektywizmu to ca??kiem inna sprawa. Zw??aszcza kiedy ??ycie, po kt??re zosta?? wys??any, nale??y do piÄ?knej, m??odej ksiÄ???niczki. W zwiÄ?zku ze zmianÄ? biegu losu rzeczywisto??Ä? chwieje siÄ? w posadach. A ??e ?šmierÄ? wyruszy?? w podr????, by poznaÄ? rozkosze ??miertelnych, to w??a??nie Mort, z pomocÄ? niezbyt kompletnego maga imieniem Cutwell oraz adoptowanej i pe??nej entuzjazmu c??rki ?šmierci, musi naprawiÄ? przysz??y tor historii â?? zanim Dysk siÄ? przekrÄ?ci... Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) jako autor opowiada?? zadebiutowa?? w wieku 13 lat, w 1971 r. wydana zosta??a jego pierwsza powie??Ä? â?žDywanâ?, a potem kolejne: â?žCiemna strona s??o??caâ? (1976) i â?žStrataâ? (1981). W 1983 r. ukaza??a siÄ? pierwsza czÄ???Ä? cyklu ?šwiat Dysku â?? â?žKolor magiiâ?. W 1998 r. Pratchett zosta?? uhonorowany przez kr??lowÄ? El??bietÄ? II Orderem Imperium Brytyjskiego za zas??ugi dla literatury. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 450 MB czas trwania: 08h 31m 37s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Maciej Kowalik BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Baptiste Trotignon, Yosvany Terry Title: Ancestral Memories Year Of Release: 2017 Label: Okeh Genre: Jazz Quality: mp3 320 kbps / flac lossless / flac 24 bits - 44.1Khz Total Time: 00:59:48 Total Size: 137 / 371 / 666 mb Tracklist --------- 01. The Call 02. Ancestral Memories 03. Reunion 04. Bohemian Kids 05. Basta La Biguine 06. Erzulie 07. Minuet Minute 08. Hymn 09. The French Quarter 10. Lost Souls
Artist: George Terry Title: Guitar Dr Year Of Release: 2004 Label: George Terry/Terrytunes, Inc. (BMI) Genre: Blues Rock Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (image, .cue, log) Total Time: 51:16 Total Size: 142/370 Mb (scans) Tracklist: 01. That Ain't You 3:57 02. It's Only Make Believe 3:45 03. She's My Harley Davidson 3:54 04. Let Me Stay 4:12 05. Don't Ask Me 6:06 06. Off To See The Moon 4:15 07. Long Way Down 3:40 08. Only Love Can Save Me Tonight 4:16 09. All Possible Dreams 4:04 10. It's Alright 3:30 11. Wild Life 3:30 12. You Blame It All 3:41 13. Get It Right 2:21 Guitar Drive is a CD with a variety of songs by George Terry including "Let Me Stay" that was done with the original Eric Clapton Band in the 1970's. Jamie Oldaker/Drums, Dick Simms/B3, Carl Radle/Bass, Eric Clapton played and also sang the end chorus of the song, with George Terry on the lead vocal and electric guitars. This is the first CD George has recorded as a solo artist. A rare find for the INDIE market!
SVS - Visualizing Drawing in Perspective by Will Terry (fixed) English | Size: 273.7MB Category: CBTs Will Terry has been a freelance illustrator for 23 years. He got his start working for magazines and newspapers in the Washington D.C. area. His early clients include publications such as Time, Money, WSJ and ads for Sprint, Pizza Hut, Fed Ex, and Master Card. He has illustrated about 30 children's books for a number of publishers, including Random House, Simon & Schuster, Scholastic, and Penguin. He works out of his home studio in Utah. Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
- svs
- visualizing
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Oznaczone tagami:
Pratchett Terry ?šwiat Dysku Tom 22 Ostatni Kontynent Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Ankh-Morpork ma oczywi??cie i uniwersytet. Presti??owa â?? i jedyna â?? uczelnia wy??sza ma jednak chwilowe problemy, ale i temu da siÄ? zaradziÄ?. Tymczasem jednak udamy siÄ? wraz z bohaterami na ostatni kontynent ?šwiata Dysku, Czteriksy. Jest co prawda dopiero w budowie, ale to nie pow??d, aby tam nie poszukaÄ? rozwiÄ?zania. Kolejna ods??ona audio jednego z najpopularniejszych na ??wiecie cyklu fantasy. Ka??da ksiÄ???ka Terry'ego Pratchetta to doskona??a zabawa, kt??ra porywa zar??wno fan??w jego tw??rczo??ci, jak i tych, kt??rzy dopiero poznajÄ? ten wspania??y ??wiat pe??en niestworzonych historii, nieprawdopodobnych zdarze?? i bohater??w, kt??rzy nawet, je??li znamy ich z naszej rzeczywisto??ci, zaskakujÄ? na ka??dym kroku. Tym razem zmierzÄ? siÄ? z problemem deszczu, kt??ry jest prawdziwym novum i zmienia ich wszystkie plany. Niezwykle zabawna, pe??na przyg??d opowie??Ä?, kt??ra nale??y do klasyki gatunku. Kolejny znakomity audiobook, kt??ry m??odszych i starszych s??uchaczy przeniesie do ulubionej krainy. Polecamy nagranie w interpretacji Ireneusza Zal??ga, kt??ry zinterpretowa?? r??wnie?? inne ods??ony â?ž?šwiata Dyskuâ?, miÄ?dzy innymi â?žCiekawe czasyâ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: MB czas trwania: 11h 18m 45s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Ireneusz Za????g BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Terry Lee Hale Title: The Blue Room Year Of Release: 2000 Label: Glitterhouse Records Genre: Alt.Country / Blues / Folk Rock Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 37:15 Total Size: 102 MB Tracklist: 1. Blue Room (4:39) 2. I Still Want You (4:27) 3. Withered Bouquet (4:14) 4. Michigan Weather (5:33) 5. She Makes Me (4:58) 6. Unmet (3:16) 7. Texas Rose (6:11) 8. Postscript (3:50)
Artist: Terry Davidson & The Gears Title: Transmission Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Bangshift Music Genre: Blues Rock Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 41:15 Total Size: 102 MB Tracklist: 1. Bad Bad Bad (3:20) 2. Love Twist (4:26) 3. I Feel Like Getting Loud (2:48) 4. Leopard Girl And Monkey Man (3:24) 5. One Time (2:57) 6. Damaged And Blue (3:26) 7. Thirteen Hour Train (4:07) 8. That's Not It (3:45) 9. This Means War (2:25) 10. My Baby's Not Around (3:59) 11. The Rush (3:35) 12. Tuesday At Two (2:57) Terry Davidson & the Gears are veterans of the Heartland's music scene. Terry has been playing Blues and Rock & Roll around the United States for fifty years. His band, The Gears, delivers electrifying performances night after night, winning over fans from New England to New Orleans, and Paris to Sturgis. Terry's love for the Blues is abundantly apparent, and at the forefront of his music. Styles and influences range from raw, blistering Texas Blues, to low down traditional Chicago Blues, to scorching high-octane Blues Rock; the end result being a ferocious, rockin' Blues blend, steeped in tradition. Terry can be found performing regularly with the Gears throughout the United States, and can occasionally be seen in solo/duo performances as well.
Artist: Terry Davidson & The Gears Title: Leave Here Runnin Year Of Release: 2004 Label: Blue Skunk Music Genre: Blues Rock Quality: APE (image, log, .cue) Total Time: 56:49 Total Size: 388 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 01. She Drives Me Wild 02. Leave Here Runnin' 03. Slow and Easy 04. Blood 05. Can't Get Enough of That 06. Boomerang Baby 07. Here I Go Again 08. Information Blues 09. A Little Wine, A 10. Snakehandlin' Woman, The 11. You Bring Me Down 12. Space Needle 13. Murderin' Blues 14. What the Hell Am I Doing Here? Terry Davidson, a Columbus native, is a veteran of the heartland's music scene. He has been playing Blues and Rock & Roll around the Midwest and eastern United States for over forty years. His band, The Gears, delivers electrifying performances night after night, winning over fans from New England to Florida. Terry's love for the Blues is abundantly apparent, and at the forefront of his music. Styles and influences range from raw, blistering Texas Blues, to low down traditional Chicago Blues, to scorching high-octane Blues Rock; the end result being a ferocious, rockin' Blues blend, steeped in tradition. Terry can be found performing regularly with the Gears throughout the United States, and can occasionally be seen in solo/duo performances as well. Terry and the Gears have performed in shows with many of the world's greatest Blues and Rock & Roll artists, including Muddy Waters, Johnny Winter, Buddy Guy, and Chuck Berry..
Artist: Terry Davidson & The Gears Title: Damnation Blues Year Of Release: 2009 Label: Bangshift Genre: Blues Rock Quality: APE (image, log, .cue) Total Time: 47:10 Total Size: 345 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 01. Damnation Blues 02. Rat Rod 03. Devil's Prize 04. High & Lonesome 05. World's Last Gto 06. Quittin' Time 07. Three Angels 08. Dog Crazy 09. How Long Can This Go On? 10. Black Cat Boogie 11. Little Abigail 12. High Test Love Terry Davidson, a Columbus native, is a veteran of the heartland's music scene. He has been playing Blues and Rock & Roll around the Midwest and eastern United States for over forty years. His band, The Gears, delivers electrifying performances night after night, winning over fans from New England to Florida. Terry's love for the Blues is abundantly apparent, and at the forefront of his music. Styles and influences range from raw, blistering Texas Blues, to low down traditional Chicago Blues, to scorching high-octane Blues Rock; the end result being a ferocious, rockin' Blues blend, steeped in tradition. Over the years Terry Davidson and the Gears have released six albums. The latest album, Damnation Blues, was released to rave reviews, and has been receiving media coverage on many regional and national radio and television programs. This includes the song "Rat Rod" being featured on ESPN2's NASCAR Now, and airplay throughout North America, Europe, and Australia. Terry can be found performing regularly with the Gears throughout the United States, and can occasionally be seen in solo/duo performances as well. Terry and the Gears have performed in shows with many of the world's greatest Blues and Rock & Roll artists, including Muddy Waters, Johnny Winter, Buddy Guy, and Chuck Berry.
Artist: Terry and the Zydeco Badboys Title: Back On Track Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Lockdowne Records Genre: Louisiana Blues, Zydeco Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 47:26 Total Size: 119 Mb Tracklist: 1. We Bad 2. Jolie Catin 3. Everyday Will Be Like a Holiday 4. Give It Up 5. Loan Me Your Handkerchief 6. Oh Bye Bye 7. You Bother Me 8. Ton Na Na 9. He Haw Breakdown 10. Pretty Girl 11. Think of Me 12. Wanna Be a Bull 13. Free Me "Terry Domingue Accordion and vocals- Since the age of four Terry would stand at the foot of any stage mesmerized by the band playing at the local trail rides he would attend with his father. At age eight, this self-taught accordion player got his first accordion and has been playing since. Growing up around his grandparents Terry had no choice but to learn Creole French. To keep tradition alive he continues to sing many traditional zydeco songs in French as well as writing many new ones of his own."
Artist: Terry Harmonica Bean Title: Two Sides Of The Blues Year Of Release: 2007 Label: Terry "Harmonica" Bean Genre: Blues, Harmonica Blues Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (tracks, log, .cue) Total Time: 60:16 Total Size: 162/346 Mb (covers) Tracklist: 1. Bad Blues 2. Why You Do Me Like Me Like You Do 3. No Time To Play 4. They Call Me Terry 5. I'm Ready 6. Kind Hearted Baby 7. Back South 8. Blues Man Boogie 9. Shake, Rattle & Rollin' 10. Work For My baby Terry 'Harmonica' Bean - vocals & harmonica, guitar & foot The Cornicklers: Dale Wise - drums, foot tambourine Dave Groninger - guitar Bobby Gentilo - guitar Tony Ryder - bass Lee Carroll - keys Bean first heard downhome blues at home. His father Eddie Bean, a native of Bruce, sang and played blues guitar and prior to Terry's birth traveled with an electric blues band. For many years Eddie Bean, who died in 1985, hosted informal music and gambling gatherings at the family's house on 'Bean Hill' in west Pontotoc. He also worked as a sharecropper, enlisting Terry and other of his fourteen children to pick cotton in the surrounding fields. Terry began playing guitar and harmonica as a child, and eventually his father began featuring him at the home gatherings and taking him along to other house parties. Terry decided to 'get serious' about the blues in 1988 after visiting the Delta Blues Festival in Greenville. Every weekend for three years Terry traveled to Greenville and its environs to play harmonica with James 'T-Model' Ford as well as Asie Payton at various juke joints. He also played across the Delta with artists including Lonnie Pitchford. These days Terry travels the world solo and with his band bringing Hill Country and Delta blues to every growing authentic blues loving fan base. His live performances are an amazing example of what it means to have fire and raw power. He is one of the best living bluesman in the world and would have held his own in any generation. Terry is hands down at the top of the heap as a Harmonica and Guitar player. On this live album, Terry "Harmonica" Bean and the Cornlickers take you back in time with "Rock This House Tonight", an incredible recording that captures the sound and furry of the house parties Terry grew up with.
Terry Riley - The 3 Generations Trio (2016) Title: The 3 Generations Trio Artist : Terry Riley Year : 2016 Genre: Jazz Packed size: 176 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Camargue Voices 02 - MissiGono (part 3) 03 - G Song 04 - Ebony Horns 05 - LLanto (from Cantos Desiertos) 06 - Shri Camel (revisited)
Artist: Clark Terry with Thelonious Monk Title: In Orbit Year Of Release: 1958 Label: Riverside Genre: Jazz, Bop Quality: FLAC [16bit/44.1kHz] Total Time: 48:29 Total Size: 184 MB Tracklist: 1. In Orbit 2. One Foot In The Gutter 3. Trust In Me 4. Let's Cool One 5. Pea-Eye 6. Argentia 7. Moonlight Fiesta 8. buck's Business 9. Very Near Blue 10. Flugelin' The Blues ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Artist: Clark Terry Title: Clark After Dark: The Ballad Album Year Of Release: 2007 Label: Universal / Verve Genre: Bop, Mainstream Jazz Quality: FLAC (*tracks + .cue,log) Total Time: 00:52:20 Total Size: 296 mb (+5%rec.) Tracks: 01. Misty (5:33) 02. Nature Boy (4:26) 03. Georgia On My Mind (5:25) 04. November Song (5:08) 05. Clark After Dark (6:16) 06. Willow Weep For Me (5:50) 07. Yesterdays (4:27) 08. Emily (4:33) 09. Angel Eyes (5:34) 10. Girl Talk (5:06)
Terry Allen - Lubbock (On Everything) (2016) Title : Lubbock (On Everything) Artist : Terry Allen Year : 2016 Genre : Country Packed size: 190 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps TRACKLIST 01 - Amarillo Highway (for Dave Hickey) 02 - High Plains Jamboree 03 - The Great Joe Bob (a Regional Tragedy) 04 - The Wolfman of Del Rio 05 - Lubbock Woman 06 - The Girl Who Danced Oklahoma 07 - Truckload of Art 08 - The Collector (and the Art Mob) 09 - Oui (a French Song) 10 - Rendezvous USA 11 - Cocktails for Three 12 - The Beautiful Waitress 13 - High Horse Momma 14 - Blue Asian Reds (for Roadrunner) 15 - New Delhi Freight Train 16 - FFA 17 - Flatland Farmer 18 - My Amigo 19 - The Pink and Black Song 20 - The Thirty Years War Waltz (for Jo Harvey) 21 - I Just Left Myself
Terry Oldfield feat. Mike Oldfield - Journey Into Space (2012) [FLAC] Artist: Terry Oldfield feat. Mike Oldfield Album: Journey Into Space Year Of Release: 2012 Genre: New Age, Meditative Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 01:00:43 Total Size: 443 MB
Terry Oldfield & Soraya - Namaste (2016) [FLAC] Artist: Terry Oldfield & Soraya Album: Namaste Year Of Release: 2016 Genre: New Age Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 01:01:54 Total Size: 323 MB