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Znaleziono 8 wyników

  1. Lee Tosca Kr??lowa Saby Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Bilkis, C??ra Ksiezyca. Makeda, Kobieta Ognia. Pelna zycia, ale samotna. Niezalezna, poszukujaca madrosci. Aby zapewnic dalszy dobrobyt swojemu ludowi, dumna Bilkis, kr??lowa ociekajacej bogactwami Saby, jest gotowa wybrac sie w wielomiesieczna podr??z do nieznanego kraju Izraelit??w i stawic czola jego wladcy, Salomonowi. W trakcie rozm??w z kr??lem pokazuje sw??j niezwykly talent polityczny. Ich polemiki to starcia dw??ch swiatlych umysl??w znacznie wyprzedzajacych swoja epoke. Dodatkowo pomiedzy Bilkis i Salomonem rodzi sie wielkie uczucieâ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 575 MB czas trwania: 11h 08m 26s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Dorota Langowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  2. Giacomo Puccini - Tosca (1962) [2017] Label: Decca Genre: Opera Quality: FLAC (*tracks) Bitrate: Lossless [96kHz/24bit] Time: 01:52:00 Full Size: 2.3 GB Tracklist: Atto primo Â? Act One Â? Acte un Â? Erster Akt Timing Page 1 Ah! Finalmente! Angelotti 2.06 2 E sempre lava! . Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae . Che fai? 3.22 Sagrestano, Cavaradossi 3 Dammi i colori . Recondita armonia 4.22 Cavaradossi, Sagrestano 4 Voi! Cavaradossi! Angelotti, Cavaradossi, Tosca 1.00 5 Mario! Mario! Mario! - Son qui! Tosca, Cavaradossi 12.30 6 ?? buona la mia Tosca Cavaradossi, Angelotti 3.11 7 Sommo giubilo, Eccellenza! Sagrestano, coro 1.40 8 Un tal baccano in chiesa! Scarpia, Sagrestano, Spoletta 4.00 9 Or tutto ?¨ chiaro Scarpia, Tosca, Sagrestano 7.38 10 Tre sbirri, una carrozza . Adjutorum nostrum in nomine Domini 5.08 Scarpia, Spoletta, coro Atto secondo Â? Act Two Â? Acte deux Â? Zweiter Akt 11 Tosca ?¨ un buon falco! Scarpia, Sciarrone 2.53 12 Ha pi?? forte sapore la conquista violenta Scarpia, Sciarrone 1.33 13 O galantuomo, come and?? la caccia? Scarpia, Spoletta, Cavaradossi 3.48 14 Ov'?¨ Angelotti? . Mario, tu qui?! Scarpia, Cavaradossi, Spoletta, Tosca 3.47 15 Sciarrone, che dice il Cavalier? Scarpia, Sciarrone, Tosca, Cavaradossi 2.56 16 Ors??, Tosca, parlate . Mario, consenti ch'io parli? 3.36 Scarpia, Tosca, Cavaradossi, Spoletta 17 Floria. - Amore . Nel pozzo del giardino. Va, Spoletta! 1.28 Cavaradossi, Tosca, Scarpia, Sciarrone 18 Vittoria! Vittoria! Cavaradossi, Tosca, Scarpia 2.39 19 Quanto? Tosca, Scarpia 4.44 20 Vissi d'arte Tosca, Scarpia 4.46 21 Chi ?¨ l? ? Scarpia, Spoletta, Tosca 1.47 21 Io tenni la promessa Scarpia, Tosca 6.38 Atto terzo Â? Act Three Â? Acte trois Â? Dritter Akt 23 Io de' sospiri Un pastore 5.28 98 24 Mario Cavaradossi? Carceriere, Cavaradossi 4.10 99 25 E lucevan le stelle Cavaradossi 3.01 100 26 Ah! Franchigia a Floria Tosca Cavaradossi, Tosca 2.43 101 27 O dolci mani Cavaradossi, Tosca, Carceriere 8.18 103 28 Come ?¨ lunga l'attesa! Tosca 2.24 107 29 Presto, su! Mario! . ?? lei Tosca, Sciarrone, Spoletta, soldati 1.30 Leontyne Price, Giuseppe di Stefano, Giuseppe Taddei - Herbert von Karajan
  3. Lee Tosca Judasz Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Tosca Lee, wielokrotnie nagradzana pisarka, autorka licznych bestseller??w, zaglÄ?da do serca i umys??u Judasza â?? cz??owieka, kt??rego imiÄ? sta??o siÄ? synonimem zdrajcy. Pyta: Co sk??oni??o go do wydania Jezusa? I pozwala nam spojrzeÄ? na czyn Judasza w ??wietle jego oczekiwa?? oraz w kontek??cie ??wiata i kultury, w jakich przysz??o mu ??yÄ?. Pozwala odczuÄ? ??wczesne wo??anie ca??ego narodu â?? o wolno??Ä?, o zbawienie, o prawdziwego Mesjasza. I obawy tego narodu, bo przecie?? tylu mesjasz??w ju?? zawiod??o ich nadzieje. Judasz to powie??Ä? wizjonerska, a zarazem historycznie dok??adna, a?? po najdrobniejsze szczeg????y. Mistrzowska narracja, kt??ra wysz??a spod pi??ra jednej z najbardziej utalentowanych pisarek naszych czas??w. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 596 MB czas trwania: 11h 00m 18s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Krzysztof Goszty??a BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  4. Get in touch with Tricentis Tosca Testsuite MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hours | Lec: 30 | 260 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English This course guides you through the world of software test and test automation with Tosca. Learn testing with a new tool. Would you like to learn how we automate software tests with Tricentis Tosca Testsuite? In this course we will provide you with about 1 hour of video, along with useful exercises and quizzes. In order to get the maximum benefit out of this course, we recommend that you practice and repeat the examples shown in the videos. It will take you about 3 hours to complete the entire course if you go through every single example. But there is no need to do everything at once since we have divided this course into several sections. Stick to your individual speed of learning and work your way through an entire section once you've started it! This course requires an installation of Tricentis Tosca Testsuite if you would like to do the exercises as well. Please feel free to watch the videos even without the software. If you do not yet have a Tosca installation, please visit the Tricentis homepage and request a free trial license. You will then be provided with the installation files and licenses required. DOWNLOAD
  5. SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1 (28/11/14) SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1 | 1.41 GB The package of geometric optimization using a third-party solvers (ANSYS, Abaqus, Permas, MSC.NASTRAN, NX.NASTRAN, MD.NASTRAN) Tosca Structure is the market leading technology for structural optimization based on industry standard FEA packages (ABAQUS, ANSYS, MSC NASTRAN). It allows for rapid and reliable design of lightweight, rigid and durable components and systems. Using topology optimization with Tosca Structure.topology you obtain optimal design proposals already during design concept. Specific detail improvements through shape and bead optimization respectively (with Tosca Structure.shape and Tosca Structure.bead respectively) make your designs ready for production. With Tosca Structure.sizing you find optimized sheet thicknesses even for large scale applications with up to millions of design variables. The result are designs with optimum relation between weight, stiffness and dynamic behavior. Year / Release Date: 2014 Version: 8.1 Developer: FE-DESIGN / Dassault Systemes Developer website: _ Bit depth: 64bit OS: wIN/Linux Language: English Medicine: Present (Team-SolidSQUAD) DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  6. SIMULIA TOSCA Fluid 2.4 Linux (20/11/14) SIMULIA TOSCA Fluid 2.4 Linux | 417.8 mb FE-DESIGN GmbH, a engineering and software company for numerical optimization solutions based on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), announced the release of Tosca Fluid 2.4, is so far the only available system for topology optimization of channel flow problems. Starting from an initial design space, an optimized design of a flow channel is determined automatically by Tosca Fluid. With only one CFD solver run an optimized structure with e.g. significantly reduced pressure drop or homogeneous flow is derived. This allows for the first time an economic topology optimization of industrial large scale flow applicatons. What new in SIMULIA TOSCA Fluid 2.4: Supported CFD solver interfaces - Tosca Fluid supports STAR-CCM+ starting with version 6.04.014. The newest supported solver version is 9.02. Both the single and the double precision variants of STAR-CCM+ are supported. Furthermore the installer now allows the set-up PoD license usage of STAR-CCM+ by adding according options to the solver call. - Tosca Fluid supports using the Fluent solver versions 13.0 to 15.0. Refinement of slices near flow boundaries - A new feature to increase the number of slices along the primary particle tracks near the flow boundaries has been introduced. The usage of the feature can be activated within the graphical user interface. Additionally, a parameter defining the level of refinement is available. Filtering slices based on particle tracks - A method for filtering the extracted slices by checking intersections with the primary particle tracks has been added. If a slice along a primary particle track is resulting in multiple closed splines, only the spline enclosing this specific primary particle track is retained. This is especially helpful for an eased CAD reconstruction in case of multiple primary particle tracks when creating a slice for one primary track would result in cutting other primary particle tracks as well. About FE-DESIGN FE-DESIGN GmbH is engineering and software company for numerical optimization solutions based on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). FE-DESIGN develops TOSCA Structure and TOSCA Fluid - leading technologies for structural optimization (topology, shape and bead) and flow optimization (topology). The company also provides comprehensive expertise and unique software applications in flexible, customized engineering services. FE-DESIGN has offices in Europe and the USA and is globally represented by a worldwide network of authorized resellers. Name: SIMULIA TOSCA Fluid Version: 2.4 Home: Interface: english OS: Linux DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  7. SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1 (15/11/14) SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1 | 1.5 Gb FE-DESIGN GmbH, a engineering and software company for numerical optimization solutions based on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), announced the release of Tosca Structure 8.1, is the market leading technology for structural optimization based on industry standard FEA packages (Abaqus, ANSYS, MSC Nastran). It allows for rapid and reliable design of lightweight, rigid and durable components and systems. Using topology optimization with Tosca Structure.topology you obtain optimal design proposals already during design concept. Specific detail improvements through shape and bead optimization respectively (with Tosca Structure.shape and Tosca Structure.bead respectively) make your designs ready for production. With Tosca Structure.sizing you find optimized sheet thicknesses even for large scale applications with up to millions of design variables. The result are designs with optimum relation between weight, stiffness and dynamic behavior. Tosca Structure 8.1 enhancements - Optimization Module within Abaqus/CAE since Abaqus 6.13-AP2 - Full support of fe-safe fatigue analysis to use in shape optimization - Shape optimization now available within Tosca Extension for ANSYS Workbench - Improved Tosca Structure internal data handling - Eased stiffness optimization and adding consideration of thermal loading - Enhanced mesh smoothing for shape optimization using element correction - Improved soft delete algorithms for highly nonlinear geometrical modeling About FE-DESIGN FE-DESIGN GmbH is engineering and software company for numerical optimization solutions based on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). FE-DESIGN develops TOSCA Structure and TOSCA Fluid - leading technologies for structural optimization (topology, shape and bead) and flow optimization (topology). The company also provides comprehensive expertise and unique software applications in flexible, customized engineering services. FE-DESIGN has offices in Europe and the USA and is globally represented by a worldwide network of authorized resellers. Name: SIMULIA TOSCA Structure Version: (64bit) 8.1 Home: Interface: english OS: Windows / Linux Size: 1.5 Gb DOWNLOAD LINKS:
  8. SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1 (Win/Linux) (13/11/14) SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1 (Win/Linux) | 1.41 GB The package of geometric optimization using a third-party solvers (ANSYS, Abaqus, Permas, MSC.NASTRAN, NX.NASTRAN, MD.NASTRAN) Tosca Structure is the market leading technology for structural optimization based on industry standard FEA packages (ABAQUS, ANSYS, MSC NASTRAN). It allows for rapid and reliable design of lightweight, rigid and durable components and systems. Using topology optimization with Tosca Structure.topology you obtain optimal design proposals already during design concept. Specific detail improvements through shape and bead optimization respectively (with Tosca Structure.shape and Tosca Structure.bead respectively) make your designs ready for production. With Tosca Structure.sizing you find optimized sheet thicknesses even for large scale applications with up to millions of design variables. The result are designs with optimum relation between weight, stiffness and dynamic behavior. Year / Release Date: 2014 Version: 8.1 Developer: FE-DESIGN / Dassault Systemes Developer website: _ Bit depth: 64bit OS: wIN/Linux Language: English Medicine: Present (Team-SolidSQUAD) DOWNLOAD LINKS:
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