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Znaleziono 14 wyników

  1. Father Tucker (2002-2013) EN.WEB-DL.XviD-NN
  2. Tucker K.A. PiÄ?Ä? sposob??w na upadek Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Pyskata, z wisniowymi konc??wkami blond wlos??w, Reese Mackay popelnila tak wiele bled??w w swoim dwudziestokilkuletnim zyciu, ze wie juz o nich chyba wszystko. Gdy jej kr??tkotrwale, gwaltowne malzenstwo konczy sie zlamanym sercem, decyduje, ze nadszedl czas na zmiany. Przeprowadza sie do Miami z zamiarem ponownego startu i nawet calkiem dobrze by jej szlo, gdyby nie mega upokarzajaca jednonocna przygoda w Canc??n z blond ochroniarzem imieniem Ben. Dzieki Bogu, ze udaje jej sie wsiasc do samolotu i zostawic za soba te katastrofe. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 758 MB czas trwania: 14h 43m 58s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Sylwia Nowiczewska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  3. Tucker K.A. Cztery sekundy do stracenia Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Prowadzenie lokalu ze striptizem nie jest tak fascynujÄ?ce jak uwa??a wiÄ?kszo??Ä? facet??w. DwudziestodziewiÄ?cioletni Cain pracuje g????wnie nocÄ?, jego za??oga nadaje siÄ? do psychiatryka i regularnie odwiedza go policja. Zaczyna jednak wierzyÄ?, ??e to tak??e jego misja. Pewnego dnia piÄ?kna Charlie Rourke staje w drzwiach klubu, przez co wszystko siÄ? sypie. Zasady Caina zostajÄ? wystawione na ciÄ???kÄ? pr??bÄ?. MinÄ???o sporo czasu odkÄ?d dokona??a tego jakakolwiek kobieta... Dwudziestodwuletnia Charlie Rourke potrzebuje szybkich pieniÄ?dzy, by zniknÄ?Ä?, nim bÄ?dzie za p????no. ?šciÄ?ganie ciuch??w na scenie nie jest jej wymarzonÄ? pracÄ?. Gdy kole??anki z pracy marzÄ?, by usidliÄ? seksownego i troskliwego szefa, Charlie nie jest nim zainteresowana. Szczeg??lnie dlatego, ??e Charlie Rourke nie istnieje, a dziewczyna, kt??ra jÄ? udaje, nie mo??e pozwoliÄ? sobie na rozproszenie uwagi niechcianym romansem. Niestety Charlie szybko odkrywa, ??e nie ucieknie przed uczuciem jakim darzy swojego szefa. Obawia siÄ? jednak, ??e strata Caina, gdy ten dowie siÄ? w co dziewczyna jest zamieszana, bÄ?dzie bardziej bolesna ni?? kt??rakolwiek z czekajÄ?cych jÄ? kar. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 783 MB czas trwania: 15h 13m 33s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Sylwia Nowiczewska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  4. Tucker K.A. Jedno ma??e k??amstwo Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Livie zawsze by??a tÄ? bardziej zr??wnowa??onÄ? z si??str Cleary. Poradzi??a sobie z tragicznÄ? ??mierciÄ? rodzic??w. Jednak pod zewnÄ?trznÄ? pow??okÄ? twardej i silnej m??odej kobiety, kryje siÄ? ma??a dziewczynka, uczepiona ostatnich s????w ojca: â?žSpraw, bym by?? dumnyâ?. Obieca??a, ??e siÄ? postaraâ??Przez ostatnie siedem lat ka??da decyzja, s??owo i czyn przybli??a jÄ? do wytyczonego celu. Livie trafia do Princeton z ??yciowÄ? misjÄ?: uczÄ?szczaÄ? na zajÄ?cia, zdaÄ? na medycynÄ? i poznaÄ? dobrego, porzÄ?dnego faceta, za kt??rego pewnego dnia wyjdzie za mÄ???. Nie planuje jednak: galeretkowych shot??w, sympatycznej wsp????lokatorki-imprezowiczki, kt??rej nie potrafi odm??wiÄ? i Ashtona â?? przystojnego kapitana uczelnianej osady wio??larskiej. Jego zdecydowanie NIE planuje. Ashton jest aroganckim dupkiem, kt??ry rozpala zwykle u??piony temperament Livie, ponadto uosabia wszystkie cechy, kt??rych dziewczyna pragnie u faceta uniknÄ?Ä?. Co gorsza, jest przyjacielem i wsp????lokatorem Connora, kt??ry, jak siÄ? akurat sk??ada, idealnie spe??nia wymagania Livie. Dlaczego wiÄ?c dziewczyna ca??y czas wraca my??lami do Ashtona? Czy obowiÄ?zkowa i przyk??adna dotÄ?d Livie zostanie zmuszona, by zrezygnowaÄ? z ostatniej obietnicy, jakÄ? z??o??y??a ojcu? A wraz z niÄ? z jedynej drogi ??yciowej, kt??rÄ? zna? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: MB czas trwania: 11h 28m 53s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Sylwia Nowiczewska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Tucker K.A. DziesiÄ?Ä? p??ytkich oddech??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jak sobie poradzisz kiedy na Twoich oczach ??wiat rozsypuje siÄ? na kawa??ki? Co zrobisz kiedy wszystko idzie ??le? Kiedy b??l rozsadza TwojÄ? duszÄ?? Po prostu oddychasz. DziesiÄ?Ä? p??ytkich oddech??wâ?? Kilka lat temu ??ycie dwudziestojednoletniej Kacey Cleary rozpad??o siÄ? na kawa??ki. Wraz z m??odszÄ? siostrÄ? Livie, z biletami autobusowymi w kieszeni, wyruszajÄ? do Miami. GoniÄ?c za marzeniami i uciekajÄ?c przed koszmarem, dziewczyny trafiajÄ? do apartamentowca niedaleko pla??y. RozpoczynajÄ? nowe ??ycie. I wszystko przebiega??oby zgodnie z planem, gdyby Kacey nie spotka??a Trenta Emersona z mieszkania 1D. ZamkniÄ?ta w sobie Kacey nie chce niczego czuÄ?. Tak jest bezpieczniej. Dla wszystkich. Jednak w ko??cu ulega, otwiera serce i zaczyna wierzyÄ?, ??e mo??e pozostawiÄ? za sobÄ? koszmarnÄ? przesz??o??Ä?, by zaczÄ?Ä? od nowa. Niestety okazuje siÄ?, ??e nie tylko Kacey kryje tajemnicÄ?. Pozornie perfekcyjny mÄ???czyzna ukrywa prawdÄ? o wydarzeniach, kt??rych nie da siÄ? wybaczyÄ?. Odkryta przesz??o??Ä? Trenta sprawi, ??e Kacey powr??ci w przera??ajÄ?cy mrok i samotno??Ä?. PiÄ?kna powie??Ä? o bliznach, o kt??rych nie mo??na zapomnieÄ?, o winie, kt??rej nie da siÄ? odkupiÄ? i o ??wiate??ku w tunelu, kt??re sprawia, ??e nawet najbardziej poraniony cz??owiek szuka w sobie si??y, kt??ra pozwoli mu wykonaÄ? dziesiÄ?Ä? p??ytkich oddech??wâ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 444 MB czas trwania: 10h 31m 56s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Sylwia Nowiczewska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  6. Wigilijny przyjaciel / Christmas with Tucker (2013) PL.WEB-DL.Xvid-J25 / Lektor PL Re??yseria: Larry McLean Scenariusz: Dave Alan Johnson Gatunek: Dramat Kraj: Kanada Rok produkcji: 2013 Czas trwania: 84 min. George jest weso??ym 13-letnim ch??opcem, kt??ry nie ma zbyt wielu obowiÄ?zk??w. Kiedy umiera jego ojciec, przeprowadza siÄ? do dziadk??w na farmÄ?. Od tej pory bÄ?dzie musia?? po??egnaÄ? siÄ? z beztroskim dzieci??stwem. ZmagajÄ?c siÄ? ze stratÄ? najbli??szej osoby i ciÄ???arem nag??ej odpowiedzialno??ci, jaka na niego spada, George prze??ywa najtrudniejszy okres w ??yciu. Niespodziewane oparcie i trochÄ? rado??ci daje mu Tucker - pies z sÄ?siedztwa, z kt??rym szybko siÄ? zaprzyja??nia. Gdy nadu??ywajÄ?cy alkoholu w??a??ciciel czworonoga trafia do aresztu, ch??opiec i pies muszÄ? zatroszczyÄ? siÄ? o siebie nawzajem. Jednak los stawia przed Georgem kolejne wyzwanie, kiedy Thorne wychodzi z wiÄ?zienia. Ch??opiec bÄ?dzie musia?? znale??Ä? spos??b, aby zatrzymaÄ? psa przy sobie. W tym samym czasie nad miasteczkiem przetacza siÄ? potÄ???na burza... Czy George poradzi sobie z rozszala??ym ??ywio??em i gro??bÄ? utraty przyjaciela?
  7. Artist: Allison Adams Tucker Title: Wanderlust Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Origin Records Genre: Jazz / Vocal Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 54:35 min Total Size: 127 MB Tracklist -------- 01. When in Rome 02. Vuelvo Al Sur 03. A Thousand Years 04. ?guas De Mar?§o 05. Cinema Paradiso 06. Sous Le Ciel De Paris 07. Mediterraneo 08. Pure Imagination 09. Takeda Lullaby 10. Wanderlust 11. Better Days Ahead Many modern-day jazz vocalists have been known to touchdown in a few different locales over the course of an album, but few to none get their passports stamped in as many places as Allison Adams Tucker does on the aptly named WANDERlust. Tucker brings her multilingual brilliance and cultural savvy to the fore during this expertly planned travelogue. Tucker's voice is a beautiful instrument one that floats, flies, and seduces with its no-fuss delivery and she makes great use of it here, never overselling or overreaching. It's rather impressive, but it impresses on its own terms. That's evident right off the bat when Tucker, all by her lonesome, kicks things off in compelling fashion on an old winner ("When In Rome"). Less than thirty seconds in, she's joined by several members of her dream team band a crew whose full roster includes pianist Josh Nelson, bassist Scott Colley, drummer Antonio Sanchez, multi-reedist Chris Potter, percussionist Rogerio Boccato, and guitarists Romero Lubambo, Mike Moreno, and Stephane Wrembel. These musicians give Tucker's voice the red carpet treatment throughout while continually whisking her away to faraway places where she can speak the language, reflect on her passions, and absorb and refract the essence of different cultures. The album continues with a trip to Argentina, as Tucker gives us an alluring take on Nuevo Tango (Astor Piazzola's "Vuelvo Al Sur"). Then there's a dip into modern American pop culture (Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years"), a stop in Brazil (Antonio Carlos Jobim's "Aguas De Marco"), an intimate and heartfelt nod to Italy (Ennio Morricone's "Cinema Paradiso") and a sensuous encounter with French chanson ("Sous Le Ciel De Paris"). The second half of the album proves to be equally broad-minded and worldly, with visits to Spain ("Mediterraneo"), Japan ("Takeda Lullaby"), and even Willy Wonka's factory ("Pure Imagination"). By the time Tucker wraps it all up with back-to-back covers from Bjork ("Wanderlust") and Pat Metheny ("Better Days Ahead"), the listener has come to expect the unexpected. That's the power that jazz and polygot programming can have when they're rolled into one. WANDERlust clearly represents a quantum leap forward for Tucker. Much of that is, of course, due to her own hard work, but anybody with a good set of ears knows that a significant amount of credit should also go to these musicians and to producer Matt Pierson, a man who knows more than a thing or two about putting an album together the right way. And then there are the arrangers to acknowledge Nelson, Lubambo, Moreno, Wrembel, and Danny Green. Their respective contributions, as different as they may be, are all endearing works that feed into the theme and serve Tucker well. ~ Dan Bilawsky Personnel: Allison Adams Tucker: vocals; Josh Nelson: piano, Fender Rhodes; pump organ; Scott Colley: bass; Antonio Sanchez: drums; Chris Potter: bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, flute; Rogerio Boccato: percussion; Romero Lubambo: guitar (1, 2, 4, 5, 9); Mike Moreno: guitar (3, 7, 10, 11); Stephane Wrembel: guitar (3, 6).
  8. Artist: Tucker Lane Title: West of Minnesota, North of North Dakota Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Honeytunes Genre: Country, Alt Country, Americana Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 45:17 Total Size: 115 Mb Tracklist: 1. Same Place 2. Wishing You Were Here 3. Deep End 4. Think You Know (Someone Like Me) 5. Calling Your Name 6. Sentimental Fool 7. What Will It Take to Make You Happy? 8. Known Me Forever 9. You Still Love Me 10. Somebody to Love You 11. The Strip 12. Hold On Anna 13. What's It About? Leslie Stanwyck and Johnny Sinclair formerly of The Pursuit of Happiness and Universal Honey have hooked up with some old friends from Western Canada and produced an album of upbeat (North) Americana and Country-Rock/Pop.
  9. Artist: Tanya Tucker Title: Girls Like Me Year Of Release: 1994 (1986) Label: Liberty Records (CDP-7243-8-29947-2-5) Genre: Country Quality: FLAC (image+.cue+covers) / MP3 CBR 320 kbps Total Time: 35:47 min Total Size: 231 MB / 97 MB (+5%) Tracklist: 01. One Love At A Time (2:56) 02. I'll Come Back As Another Woman (4:04) 03. Fool, Fool Heart (3:21) 04. Just Another Love (3:13) 05. Girls Like Me (3:59) 06. Somebody To Care (3:36) 07. It's Only Over For You (3:07) 08. Daddy Long Legs (3:42) 09. You Could Change My Mind (3:34) 10. Still Hold On (4:14) Girls Like Me is a 1986 album by Tanya Tucker. It included the number one country hit "Just Another Love." "I'll Come Back as Another Woman" and "One Love at a Time" would do almost as well at #2 and #3, respectively. Rounding out the Top Ten hits was the #8 "It's Only Over for You." The album rose to #20 on the Country Albums chart.
  10. Artist: The Remus Tucker Band Title: South Of New Orleans Year Of Release: 2013 Label: Graystone Records Genre: Southern Rock, Country Rock, Blues Rock Quality: Mp3/320 kbps Total Time: 50:53 Total Size: 131 Mb Tracklist: 1. South Of New Orleans (4:06) 2. Honky Tonk & Rock and Roll (4:21) 3. Midnight On The Bayou (4:59) 4. Mountains Of The Moon (6:22) 5. She's All Out (4:36) 6. Your Love Cuts (3:58) 7. Skinny Remus (3:59) 8. Nigh Thang (4:24) 9. Snake In The Grass (4:21) 10. Sweet Carolina (3:56) 11. Bury Me On The Banks Of The Mississippi River (5:35) Based out of Denver Colorado, The Remus Tucker Band is a fast moving bit of Southern Fried Rock. Their mix of good ole Southern Rock and Blues keeps the feet a stomping and the butts a moving. They are a bunch of fellas and one "lady", that keeps things lively while stomping to the beat of their own brand and a bit of the favorites remade as only The Remus Tucker Band can. Rockin! Currently signed to Graystone Records, they have played with the likes of Firefall and John Lee Hooker Jr. and have always left to standing ovations. Their influences are many, with deep roots in the South, like any good southern rock band should be. The show is high powered and ready to knock your socks off.. Their remakes of Marshall Tucker's "Cant Ya See", to Led Zeppelin's "What Is and What Should Never Be" have thrilled audiences and gained a reputation as a band that is unique and in their own vein. Their debut album "The Remus Tucker Band, South of New Orleans" was released in 2013 and was a hit with the old fans as well as the new. They have tested their material digitally on outlets such as, and YouTube, as well as playing live and have received many accolades from the press and public.
  11. Artist: Sue Tucker Title: Back Home Year Of Release: 2006 Label: Sue Tucker Genre: Jazz / Vocal Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 48:24 min Total Size: 109 MB Tracklist ----------- 01. Just A Sittin' And A Rockin' 02. Will You Still Be Mine? 03. Lullaby In Rhythm 04. Day Dream 05. Whisper Not 06. When Lights Are Low 07. Exactly Like You 08. That Old Feeling 09. Bye Bye Baby 10. Beautiful Love 11. Under A Blanket Of Blue 12. Soon 13. Why Did I Choose You? An extraordinary jazz vocalist, Sue (Oatts) Tucker, comes from a family of known jazz musicians. She didn't have to look far for encouragement when her love for singing took off. "My father, Jack Oatts, was one of the first jazz educators in Iowa. Music was always around... mostly jazz." Her brothers, Jim and Dick Oatts, are also internationally known and respected jazz artists. Before she took up singing, Sue was blowin' her tenor sax in jazz band and playing a duet with Clark Terry at a jazz festival on her clarinet. "I think playing a horn has had a great influence on my singing. I've tried to approach singing from an instrumental mindset. Space is just as important as sound." After attending college, Sue began a studio career producing and singing jingles and industrials with a voice-over thrown in on occasion. She spent seven years teaching music theory, vocal studio techniques and was the coordinator of the ensemble dept. at McNally Smith College in downtown St. Paul. She's now the Assistant Director of Education at IPR (Institute of Production & Recording) in downtown Minneapolis. She's also a national member of JZVOC and is a board member of the Twin Cities Jazz Society. You'll find her at various night spots in the Twin Cities and beyond singing her cool jazz. About this CD... "I took a lot of time picking out the tunes for this CD. My criteria was threefold; great melodies with lyrics one can relate to today, songs that weren't recorded by every Tom, Dick and Harry, and songs that leant themselves to the makeup of the band. The musicians on this CD are topnotch. To me, the chemistry they achieved on this project was amazing. Gary Raynor, whose such a warm, sensitive player, brought some "Prairie Home Companion" with him; Kent Saunders, whose been on all my CD's, is like a rock when it comes to rhythm guitar; Luis Santiago brought that real "south of the border" feel to the Latin tunes; and Tanner Taylor is a force to be reckoned with...incredible sensitivity and chops from such a young jazz piano player." This is Sue Tucker's 3rd CD and it's an absolute gem.
  12. PorÄ?bani / Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010) PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE | Lektor PL ~~ OPiS FiLMU / MOViE DESCRiPTiON ~~ Re??yseria: Eli Craig Scenariusz: Morgan Jurgenson Gatunek: Czarna komedia Kraj: Kanada, USA Rok produkcji: 2010 Czas trwania: 89 min. Opis: Tucker i Dale, dwaj prawdziwi "pe??nokrwi??ci" wie??niacy, wyruszajÄ? na wymarzone wsp??lne wakacje. To bÄ?dzie wypoczynek na bogato: luksusowy domek, wÄ?dkowanie, a tak??e wprowadzanie do organizmu odpowiednich ilo??ci piwa. Co prawda "wypasiony" domek to stara zdewastowana rudera w le??nej g??uszy, ale przyjaciele sÄ? tak szczÄ???liwi, ??e zdajÄ? siÄ? tego nie zauwa??aÄ?. I wszystko by??oby cudownie, gdyby los nie postawi?? na ich drodze grupy szpanerskiej m??odzie??y z miasta. Przypadek zrzÄ?dza, ??e nasi dwaj duzi panowie o ma??ych rozumkach zostajÄ? uznani przez m??odych ludzi za zwyrodnia??ych seryjnych morderc??w, kt??rzy uzbrojeni w pi??y ??a??cuchowe, czyhajÄ? na ??ycie kolejnych ofiar. Wakacje Tuckera i Dale'a zaczynajÄ? przypominaÄ? krwawe i absurdalne ??owy. Obsada: Alan Tudyk - Tucker Tyler Labine - Dale Katrina Bowden - Allison Jesse Moss - Chad Philip Granger - Szeryf Brandon Jay McLaren - Jason Christie Laing - Naomi Chelan Simmons - Chloe ~~ ZDJÄ?CiA Z FiLMU / PiCTURES FROM ViDEO ~~ ~~ DANE TECHNiCZNE / TECHNiCAL DATA ~~ ~~ 1 PLiK - POBiERASZ i OGLÄ?DASZ / 1 FiLE - DOWNLOAD AND WATCH ~~
  13. Artist: Tanya Tucker Title: Delta Dawn Year Of Release: 1972 Label: T-Bird Records Genre: Country Quality: FLAC Total Time: 28:44 Total Size: 182 MB Tracklist: 1. Delta Dawn (2:57) 2. New York City Song (2:30) 3. Smell the Flowers (2:27) 4. If You Touch Me (2:22) 5. He's All I Got (2:26) 6. The Jamestown Ferry (2:54) 7. Loving You Could Never Be Better (2:40) 8. Soul Song (2:38) 9. Love's The Answer (2:39) 10. The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A. (2:19) 11. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (2:52)
  14. Donis Casey - Alafair Tucker Series (#1-7) Unabridged AudioBook | 2005-2014 | Genre: Mystery | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 1.6 GB Alafair Tucker #1: The Old Buzzard Had it Coming One winter evening in 1912, in the woods outside of Boynton, Oklahoma, abusive and drunken Harley Day surprises his son John Lee and the neighbor girl Phoebe Tucker in a lovers' tryst. An hour later, when John Lee walks his beloved home, Phoebe's mother, Alafair Tucker, suspects that something is amiss. How could she know her daughter has been involved in a violent confrontation that will make Phoebe and her beau murder suspects? At supper that evening, over bowls of soupy beans and buttery cornbread, Alafair, her husband Shaw, and their nine lively children, much amused that Phoebe has a boyfriend, discuss the unfortunate Day family. The Days are tormented by their evil father, who beats his wife, mistreats his children, and wastes their money. The mother is helpless, and the eldest daughter, Maggie Ellen, has run away, leaving only 19-year-old John Lee and his 13-year-old sister Naomi to care for the younger children and keep the family from destitution. Then... well, the old buzzard had it coming! Alafair Tucker #2: Hornswoggled Its the spring of 1913, and love is in bloom for Alice Tucker. Alice's new beau, Walter Kelley, is handsome, popular, and wealthy. Everyone in Boynton, Oklahoma, likes him. Everyone but Alice's mother, Alafair. She sees that Walter has a weakness for the ladies--and they for him. Moreover, Walter's late wife Louise had been stabbed in the heart and her body disposed of in Cane Creek only a few months earlier. The murderer has not been caught. The sheriff has cleared Walter of the deed--he has an alibi. But Alafair is not so sure that he wasn't involved in some way. Something literally doesn't smell right. Could it be Louise's tormented spirit signaling clues from the other side, or is Alafair scenting a more direct link to the crime? Even if he had nothing to do with his wife's death, Alafair judges Walter to have been a bad husband and, with the help of her feisty mother-in-law, Sally McBride, Alafair sets out to prove to the headstrong Alice that Walter is not the paragon she thinks he is. You can bet that Alice has something to say back. As she searches for the truth behind the death of Louise Kelley, Alafair uncovers such a tangle of lies, misdirection, and deceit that she begins to think that the whole town has been downright hornswoggled! Alafair Tucker #3: The Drop Edge of Yonder Alafair Tucker is desperate to find out. One August evening in 1914, a bushwhacker ended a pleasant outing by blowing a hole in Bill McBride, kidnapping and ravaging Bills fiance, and wounding Alafairs daughter Mary. All Mary knows is that the crime had something to do with the Fourth of July. Alafair Tucker #4: The Sky Took Him It as a sad duty that brings Alafair Tucker to Enid, Oklahoma, in the fall of 1915. Her sister Ruth Annas husband, Lester, is not long for this world, and the family is gathering to send him to his reward. Alafair had planned to make the trip on her own with her youngest daughter Grace. So she is surprised and gratified when her eldest daughter Martha volunteers to come along and care for Grace, freeing Alafair to comfort the soon-to-be-bereaved. But her nieceas irresponsible husband, Kenneth, has disappeared at a most inconvenient time. When it comes to light that Kenneth has been involved in some shady dealing with Buck Collinsathe most ruthless businessman in townaeveryone is convinced that Collins has done him in. In fact, no other possibility is considered, not by the family or by the local lawmen. But Alafair suspects that things are not so simple. Over the next few days, Alafair and Martha come face-to-face with blackmail, intimidation, murder, and family secrets that stretch back over twenty years. And in the process, they discover things about each other that will change their relationship forever. Alafair Tucker #5: Crying Blood Praise for Crying Blood..."Powerful as a blue norther sweeping across the Creek Nation...gripping." -Carolyn Hart Shaw Tucker, his brother James, and their sons go hunting in 1915. Instead of a quail, Shaw's dog, Buttercup, flushes an old boot...containing the bones of a foot. Buttercup then leads the men to a shallow grave and a skeleton with a bullet hole in the skull. That night, a pair of moccasin-clad legs brushes by Shaw's tent flap. He realizes that someone is following him. He captures a young Creek Indian boy called Crying Blood, and ties the boy up in the barn, but while he is left alone, someone thrusts a spear through Crying Blood's heart. The local law is on the killer's trail, but Shaw Tucker has a hunch...Donis Casey is a former teacher, academic librarian, and entrepreneur. She lives in Arizona with her husband, poet Donald Koozer. Alafair Tucker #6: The Wrong Hill to Die On Nineteen-sixteen was not shaping up to be a good year for Alafair Tucker, and finding Bernie Arruda dead in a ditch wasn't going to help matters. She had not wanted to come to Arizona in the first place. But her daughter Blanche was suffering from a stubborn ailment of the lungs, and her best chance for a cure was dry desert air. So Alafair and her husband Shaw had bundled their sick child onto the train and made the nightmare trip from Oklahoma to Alafair's sister in Tempe, Arizona. Yet as soon as they arrived on that bright March day, Blanche began to improve. But Alafair and Shaw soon discover that all is not well in sunny Arizona. Elizabeth's marriage is in tatters, tensions are high between the Anglo and Latino communities following Pancho Villa's murderous raid on Columbus, New Mexico, and Alafair suspects her sister is involved in an illegal operation to smuggle war refugees out of Mexico and into the U.S. And now here lies Bernie Arruda on his back in a ditch, staring into eternity. Alafair Tucker #7: Hell with the Lid Blown Off In the summer of 1916, a big twister brings destruction to the land around Boynton OK. Alafair Tucker's family and neighbors are not spared the ruin and grief spread by the storm. But no one is going to mourn for Jubal Beldon, who made it his business to know the ugly secrets of everyone in town. It doesn't matter if Jubal's insinuations are true or not. In a small town like Boynton, rumor is as damaging as fact. But as Mr. Lee the undertaker does his grim duty for the storm victims, he discovers that even in death Jubal isn't going to leave his neighbors in peace. He was already dead when the tornado carried his body to the middle of a fallow field. Had he died in an accident or had he been murdered by someone whose secret he had threatened to expose? There are dozens of people who would have been happy to do the deed, including members of Jubal's own family. As Sheriff Scott Tucker and his deputy Trenton Calder look into the circumstances surrounding Jubal's demise, it begins to look like the prime suspect may be someone very dear to the widow Beckie MacKenzie, the beloved music teacher and mentor of Alafair's daughter Ruth. Ruth fears that the secrets exposed by the investigation are going to cause more damage to her friend's life than the tornado. Alafair has her own suspicions about how Jubal Beldon came to die, and the reason may hit very close to home. Download Link
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