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Znaleziono 9 wyników

  1. Artist: Zahn, Hatami & McClure Title: Veerian Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Eilean rec. / eilean 32 Genre: Ambient Quality: Lossless Total Time: 00:51:42 Total Size: 262 mb Tracklist: 1. Veerian (7:07) 2. Vooon (6:10) 3. Vhaundt (5:21) 4. Vhandaan (7:19) 5. Veeland (9:58) 6. Velbb (8:43) 7. V-Modal (7:04) "Veerian" is the result of a collaborative project involving Uwe Zahn (aka Arovane), Porya Hatami and Darren McClure. Started in the summer of 2015, the three artists created a shared pool of audio ideas, exchanging sounds from their studios in Germany, Iran and Japan.
  2. Timothy Zahn - The Thrawn Trilogy Unabridged AudioBook | 2012 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: N/A | M4B 64Kb | Collection | 1.2 GB The Thrawn Trilogy #1: Specter of the Past Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn makes his triumphant return to the Star Wars® universe in this first of an epic new two-volume series in which the New Republic must face its most dangerous enemy yet--a dead Imperial warlord. The Empire stands at the brink of total collapse. But they have saved their most heinous plan for last. First a plot is hatched that could destroy the New Republic in a bloodbath of genocide and civil war. Then comes the shocking news that Grand Admiral Thrawn--the most cunning and ruthless warlord in history--has apparently returned from the dead to lead the Empire to a long-prophesied victory. Facing incredible odds, Han and Leia begin a desperate race against time to prevent the New Republic from unraveling in the face of two inexplicable threats--one from within and one from without. Meanwhile, Luke teams up with Mara Jade, using the Force to track down a mysterious pirate ship with a crew of clones. Yet, perhaps most dangerous of all, are those who lurk in the shadows, orchestrating a dark plan that will turn the New Republic and the Empire into their playthings. The Thrawn Trilogy #2: Dark Force Rising The dying Empire's most cunning and ruthless warlord - Grand Admiral Thrawn - has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic's destruction. With the aid of unimaginable weapons long hidden away by the Emperor on a backwater planet, Thrawn plans to turn the tide of battle, overwhelm the New Republic, and impose his iron rule throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republican Council - only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies. Yet most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness...and scheming to corrupt Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side. The Thrawn Trilogy #3: The Last Command The embattled Republic reels from the attacks of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who has marshaled the remnants of the Imperial forces and driven the Rebels back with an abominable technology recovered from the Emperor's secret fortress: clone soldiers. As Thrawn mounts his final siege, Han and Chewbacca struggle to form a coalition of smugglers for a last-ditch attack against the empire, while Leia holds the Alliance together and prepares for the birth of her Jedi twins. Overwhelmed by the ships and clones at Thrawn's command, the Republic has one last hope: sending a small force, led by Luke Skywalker, into the very stronghold that houses Thrawn's terrible cloning machines. There a final danger awaits, as the Dark Jedi C'baoth directs the battle against the Rebels and builds his strength to finish what he had already started: the destruction of Luke Skywalker. Download Link
  3. Timothy Zahn - Cobra Outlaw (Cobra Rebellion #2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: 9781476780344 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 10 hrs and 54 mins | 301.18 MB ORIGINAL TRADE PAPERBACK. SEQUEL TO COBRA SLAVE. New York Times #1 best-selling author Timothy Zahn continues his Cobra SF adventure series with book #2 of a new Cobra saga, Cobra Rebellion. Cobra warriors: technologically enhanced human warriors designed to combat an implacable alien menace. Now, and not for the first time, the Cobras are facing trouble from their own kind. The Broom clan of Cobra warriors finds itself pressed between two star empires headed for war. On the planet Aventine, the Broom's homeworld, pater familia Paul Broom has been taken prisoner by Commodore Santeros, an implacable operative of the Dominion of Man. Paul is due to have his memories sifted through by the dreaded and often destructive Dominion MindsEye in order to root out the location of legendary Qasamaa planet where huge advances in military hardware, particularly a svelte powered armor, might give the Dominion of Man an edge in a coming war with the alien Troft. Santeros hopes to strike a deal with Qasama and, if a deal cannot be struck, then Santores and the Dominion are prepared to take what they want. Elsewhere on Aventine and in the galaxy beyond, rebellion is brewing against Dominion atrocities and Dominion scheming, with outlaw Cobra warriors Lorne and Jody Broom in the vanguard. Meanwhile, Cobra Jason Broom poses as an escaped slave on a secret Troft prison planet where humans are sent to gladiatorial combat to the death for Troft amusement and wagering. He is seeking information on Troft factions, for not every Troft wants war with humankind, and if he can identify moderate elements, he may save the Cobra worlds, and head off a massive interstellar war in the bargain. The stage is set for adventure with one family of Cobra heroes once again fighting for freedom and peace in a galaxy on the edge of war. Download Link
  4. Zahn Timothy Gwiezdne Wojny Trylogia Thrawna Ciemna strona mocy Opis: Luke Skywalker, ksiezniczka Leia i Han Solo podejrzewaja Fey'lye o tajna wsp??lprace z Imperium. Slady prowadza na planete Nowa Kowia. Han i jego przyjaciel Lando Calrissian odnajduja tam informacje o miejscu ukrycia zaginionej gwiezdnej floty katanskiej, skladajacej sie z dwustu pancernik??w, co moze przechylic szale zwyciestwa na strone Republiki w prowadzonej wojnie z silami dawnego Imperium. Niestety, admiral Thrawn jest szybszy. Jego ludzie opanowuja wiekszosc statk??w floty. O reszte toczy sie zazarta bitwa kosmiczna. W krytycznym momencie z odsiecza przybywa czlowiek, kt??ry prowadzi prywatna wojne z Imperium. Nie zmienia to ciezkiej sytuacji, tym bardziej, ze Thrawn wykorzystuje juz urzadzenia do klonowania zolnierzy, pozostawione w skarbcu g??ry Tantiss przez Imperatora. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 736 MB czas trwania : 17h 53m 59s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA
  5. Zahn Timothy Star Wars RÄ?ka Thrawna 02 Wizja przysz??o??ci Opis: Zwolennicy, i przeciwnicy Bothan, wraz ze swoimi flotami pojawili sie w systemie Bothawui. Co raz wybuchaja miedzy nimi kolejne zatargi, a prawdziwa wojna wisi w powietrzu. Talon Karrde wyruszyl po jedyna rzecz, jaka moze spowodowac koniec sporu â?? dokument Cammasjanski. Luke zas, wraz z Mara przebywaja na nieznanej dotad planecie â?? siedzibie Chis??w, gdzie odkrywaja kolejne nieznane dotad fakty o admirale Thrawnie. Disra, Flint, oraz major Tierce rozpoczynaja ostatnia faze planu, majacego zniszczyc Nowa Republike, oraz przywr??cic swietnosc Imperium Podobnie jak swoja poprzedniczka, ksiazka znajduje sie w scislej czol??wce powiesci o SW. Sprawia ona wrazenie jakby cztery poprzednie, czesci ( w tym trylogia) byly tylko mocno rozbudowanym wstepem do konca. Faktycznie Zahn konczy tu wszystko co kiedys rozpoczal. Ostatnia kopia geniuszu Thrawna ginie, Luke i Mara, z poczatku smiertelni wrogowie, sojusznicy, potem przyjaciele, wyznali sobie wreszcie milosc, na zupelnie nowa droge wkracza watek Shady Duuâ??khal. Jest ona ogromnym zasobem wiedzy o SW. Wyjasnia ona, co naprawde wydarzylo sie na Dagobah, opisuje nie znane dotad regiony galaktyki â?? po raz pierwszy jakiemus autorowi udalo sie pokazac jaka ona ogromna. Nawet wczesniej wystepujace postacie sa dokladniej opisane, co wcale nie znaczy nudne, niz w przewodnikach. Calosc dazy do kr??tkiej finalnej sceny, ale nim do tego doszlo moglismy zostac swiadkami wspanialego watku detektywistyczno-szpiegowskiego z Corranem i Wedgem w roli gl??wnej, pokojowe rozmowy Lei z Palleonem, kr??tki wypad po informacje na Bastion, az po formowanie floty, i przygotowanie do finalowej bitwy. Kazdy z tych watk??w, zostal wspaniale rozbudowany â?? o nowe postacie, bronie, metody walki. Calosc jest przeplatana dlugimi dyskusjami, od szkodliwosci Ciemnej Strony Mocy, po psychologie poszczeg??lnych ras. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: Haslo:
  6. Zahn Timothy Star Wars RÄ?ka Thrawna 01 Widmo przesz??o??ci Opis: Planety czlonkowskie Nowej Republiki nekaja lokalne wasnie. Agenci pokonanego Imperium podsycaja jeszcze wewnetrzne zamieszki. Zagrozenie wzrasta, gdy w galaktyce pojawiaja sie dziwne jednostki o nieznanej konstrukcji. Podazajacy ich sladem Luke Skywalker trafia na odlegla planete i odkrywa tajemnicza fortece z czarnego kamienia... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: Haslo:
  7. Zahn Timothy Ostatni rozkaz Opis: Admiral Thrawn podejmuje wielka ofensywe przeciwko Nowej Republice. Wykorzystujac statki floty katanskiej i zolnierzy-klony, zdobywa kolejne planety. Tylko dawna zaufana Imperatora, Mara Jade, zna polozenie g??ry Tantiss, gdzie hodowane sa klony. Mara walczy w szeregach obronc??w republiki, ale przesladuje ja ostatni rozkaz Imperatora, kt??ry brzmi: zabic Skywalkera. O wyprawie na planete Wayland, na kt??rej znajduje sie Tantiss, dowiaduje sie mistrz Ciemnych Jedi, Joruus Câ??Baoth. Przygotowuje przemyslna pulapke na Lukeâ??a, Mare i Leie. Jednoczesnie Thrawnowi udaje sie wciagnac w zasadzke gl??wne sily Republiki. Koniec marzen o demokratycznej Galaktyce wydaje sie bliski... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 799 MB czas trwania : 19h 28m 33s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA
  8. Zahn Timothy Gwiezdne Wojny Trylogia Thrawna Dziedzic imperium Opis: W piec lat po zwyciestwie Rebeliant??w wielki admiral Thrawn zamierza odbudowac potege Imperium. Tymczasem w stolicy Nowej Republiki ambitny, zadny wladzy polityk dokonuje przewrotu. Han i Luke musza powstrzymac go za wszelka cene... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 654 MB czas trwania : 15h 53m 55s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: amator BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA
  9. David Weber, Timothy Zahn - A Call to Duty (Manticore Ascendant #1) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Length: 14 hrs and 4 mins | 389.28 MB Growing up, Travis Uriah Long yearned for order and dis[beeep]line in his life . . . the two things his neglectful mother couldn't or wouldn't provide. So when Travis enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Navy, he thought he'd finally found the structure he'd always wanted so desperately. But life in the RMN isn't exactly what he expected. Boot camp is rough and frustrating; his first ship assignment lax and disorderly; and with the Star Kingdom of Manticore still recovering from a devastating plague, the Navy is possibly on the edge of extinction. The Star Kingdom is a minor nation among the worlds of the Diaspora, its closest neighbors weeks or months away, with little in the way of resources. With only modest interstellar trade, no foreign contacts to speak of, a plague-ravaged economy to rebuild, and no enemies looming at the hyper limit, there are factions in Parliament who want nothing more than to scrap the Navy and shift its resources and manpower elsewhere. But those factions are mistaken. The universe is not a safe place. Travis Long is about to find that out. Download Link
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