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Zawartość dodana przez Courses2024

  1. Free Download AutoCAD 2D- From Zero to Advanced Published 9/2024 Created by Craft Learning,S. Bryantt V. MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 124 Lectures ( 9h 39m ) | Size: 4.93 GB Learn essential drafting tools, creating blocks, working with layers, and precision drawing techniques. What you'll learn: AutoCAD 2025 Interface and Navigation Make and edit their own AutoCAD Drawings, Plans and Layouts Applying Layers and Line Types for Organized Drawings Adding Text, Dimensions, and Leaders to Your Drawings Layouts and Printing in AutoCAD 2025 Drawing Commands for Basic Shapes in AutoCAD 2025 Creating Blocks and Dynamic Blocks Using Object Snap in AutoCAD 2025 Using Tables and Fields in AutoCAD 2025 Advanced Tools for Collaborating and Sharing Drawings Requirements: Basic computer skills (using software, navigating files) A computer with AutoCAD 2025 installed (free trial or licensed version) A positive attitude and excitement to learn and explore all the awesome tools and features AutoCAD has to offer! Description: Are you ready to become an expert in AutoCAD 2025? Whether you're a complete beginner or want to take your skills to the next level, this course, "AutoCAD 2025 - for Beginners - from Zero to Advanced," is the perfect fit for you!Starting from scratch, we'll guide you through the fundamentals of the AutoCAD interface, covering everything from the Application Menu and Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) to customizing your workspace. You'll learn how to efficiently use tools like Zoom, Pan, and DYNMODE to navigate your drawings easily. Plus, we'll teach you how to manage metric and imperial units, and create simple templates for streamlined projects.You'll dive deep into essential drawing techniques, like creating lines, polylines, arcs, and more complex shapes such as polygons and splines. You'll also learn how to use OSNAP, POLAR, and ORTHO modes for precision drafting, and how to edit your drawings using commands like Trim, Extend, Move, and Rotate.As you advance, we'll cover key tools for working with blocks, attributes, and XREFs, along with advanced editing techniques such as the EXPLODE and WBLOCK commands. You'll even learn to create accurate dimensions, add tables, and design professional title blocks.By the end of the course, you'll be ready to tackle real-world projects, using advanced features like DWG Compare, Count functionality, and Batch Plotting to ensure high-quality output every time.Enroll today and start your journey toward mastering AutoCAD 2025! Who this course is for: Designers Engineers Architects Beginners new to AutoCAD Intermediate users seeking advanced skills Students and professionals in engineering, architecture, and construction BIM Modelers, BIM Managers and BIM Coordinators Anyone interested in creating 2D drawings and 3D models with AutoCAD Homepage TakeFile Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  2. Free Download Artificial Intelligence Basics - Your Simple Guide Last updated 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: Arabic | Duration: 6h 28m | Size: 4.38 GB الذكاء الاصطناعي: تعلم الآلة، التعلم العميق، وتطبيقات الذكاء التوليدي في الحياة اليومية What you'll learn مفاهيم الذكاء الاصطناعي والمهارات العملية لتطبيق أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي بشكل فعال تعزيز الكفاءة في العمل بمساعدة الذكاء الاصطناعي كيف تبدأ عملك الخاص بمساعدة الذكاء الاصطناعي كيف تطلق العنان لإبداعك مع الذكاء الاصطناعي Requirements معرفة أساسية بالحاسوب مستوى لا بأس به باللغة الانجليزية جهاز حاسوب أو لابتوب اتصال انترنت Description استكشف عالم الذكاء الاصطناعي في هذه الدورة الشاملة التي تغطي الأساسيات والتطبيقات المتقدمة. سنبدأ بفهم تعلم الآلة (Machine Learning) وأهميته في تطوير نماذج تنبؤية قوية. ستتعلم كيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي أن يتعلم ويتحسن مع مرور الوقت دون الحاجة إلى برمجة صريحة. سنتناول أيضًا التعلم العميق (Deep Learning)، حيث سنتعمق في كيفية عمل الشبكات العصبية العميقة، ونستعرض كيفية استخدام هذه التقنيات لمحاكاة التفكير البشري والتعرف على الأنماط واتخاذ القرارات المستنيرة.كما سنتطرق إلى الذكاء التوليدي (Generative AI) وكيف يمكن لهذه التقنيات إنتاج محتوى مبتكر في مجالات متعددة، مثل النصوص والصور والأصوات. سنستخدم أدوات شهيرة مثل ChatGPT وDALL-E ونوضح كيفية الاستفادة منها بطرق إبداعية وفعالة لتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة. سنناقش أيضًا الحالات العملية التي يُستخدم فيها الذكاء الاصطناعي لتحسين جوانب مختلفة من حياتنا اليومية، بما في ذلك تحسين الرعاية الصحية، والتنبؤ بالأحوال الجوية، وتطوير الألعاب الإلكترونية.بالإضافة إلى التطبيقات العملية، سنتناول مواضيع مثل الأخلاقيات والمسؤولية في استخدام وتطوير الذكاء الاصطناعي لضمان تطبيقات آمنة ومنصفة. سنستعرض التحديات الأخلاقية المرتبطة بتطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي وكيفية التغلب عليها لضمان أن تكون هذه التقنيات مفيدة للمجتمع بأسره.إلى جانب ذلك، سنستعرض كيفية تحسين صورتك الشخصية باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي للبحث عن وظائف، والاستعداد لها والحصول عليها، وأيضًا كيفية بدء ودعم عملك الخاص باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي. ستتعلم كيفية استغلال هذه التقنيات لتعزيز وجودك المهني والشخصي في السوق.هذه الدورة مصممة للمبتدئين وأولئك الذين لديهم خلفية بسيطة في التكنولوجيا، وتوفر قاعدة صلبة لتطوير مهارات متقدمة في الذكاء الاصطناعي. انضم إلينا لاكتساب المعرفة والأدوات اللازمة لدخول هذا المجال المثير والمستقبلي وتحقيق التقدم فيه. Who this course is for كل من له اهتمام في تطوير نفسه مهنيا وتقنيا ووظيفيا في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  3. Free Download ArcGIS Pro - Devenir un expert SIG avec le logiciel (A to Z) Dernière mise à jour : 5/2024 Duration: 11h24m | Video: .MP4, 1280x720 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 5.98 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: Français Transformez votre maîtrise des SIG avec ArcGIS Pro : Du débutant à l'expert Ce que vous apprendrez Vous allez découvrir les bases du logiciel ArcGIS Pro, son interface utilisateur et son fonctionnement. Vous allez apprendre à créer, importer et gérer des données géographiques dans ArcGIS Pro. Vous allez acquérir des compétences en matière d'analyse spatiale en utilisant les outils et les fonctionnalités d'ArcGIS Pro. Vous allez apprendre à créer des cartes efficaces et esthétiques en utilisant ArcGIS Pro. Tout au long du cours, vous pouvez vous attendre à travailler sur des projets pratiques qui vous permettront d'appliquer les compétences que vous avez acquises. Prérequis Connaissance de l'environnement Windows. Description Le cours "Devenir un expert SIG avec le logiciel ArcGIS Pro (A to Z)" est conçu pour vous aider à acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour devenir un expert dans l'utilisation d'ArcGIS Pro, l'un des logiciels de référence en matière de systèmes d'information géographique (SIG). Que vous soyez débutant dans le domaine des SIG ou que vous souhaitiez approfondir vos connaissances, ce cours vous guidera étape par étape dans votre apprentissage. Vous commencerez par vous familiariser avec les concepts fondamentaux des SIG et comprendrez l'importance de la cartographie et de l'analyse spatiale dans divers domaines. Ensuite, vous plongerez dans l'interface d'ArcGIS Pro, en apprenant à naviguer dans les différentes fonctionnalités et à personnaliser votre espace de travail selon vos besoins. Le cours vous enseignera les compétences essentielles pour importer, gérer et manipuler des données géographiques, qu'elles soient vectorielles ou raster. Vous apprendrez à effectuer des analyses spatiales avancées, à créer des cartes thématiques et à mettre en page vos résultats de manière professionnelle. Le cours comprendra des projets pratiques et des études de cas réels pour renforcer votre compréhension des concepts et vous permettre de mettre en pratique vos compétences nouvellement acquises. Vous serez guidé tout au long du processus, avec des instructions détaillées et des astuces utiles pour résoudre les problèmes courants. À la fin du cours, vous aurez acquis une solide maîtrise d'ArcGIS Pro, vous permettant de devenir un expert en SIG. Que vous souhaitiez poursuivre une carrière dans le domaine des SIG, améliorer vos compétences professionnelles ou simplement explorer votre passion pour la cartographie, ce cours vous fournira les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour atteindre vos objectifs. À qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ? Le cours peut être conçu pour les personnes qui n'ont pas ou peu d'expérience préalable avec les systèmes d'information géographique (SIG). Le cours peut également être bénéfique pour les professionnels travaillant dans des domaines liés à la géographie, à l'environnement, à l'aménagement du territoire, à l'urbanisme ou à d'autres secteurs qui utilisent des SIG. Les étudiants universitaires, les chercheurs ou les personnes impliquées dans des projets de recherche nécessitant l'utilisation de SIG peuvent trouver ce cours utile pour développer leurs compétences techniques et leur compréhension des concepts fondamentaux des SIG. Afficher plus Afficher moins Formateur Layelmam Mohammed Professor 4,1 Note du formateur 94 avis 429 parti[beeep]nts 8 cours En tant que Professeur et Chef de service SIG avec plus de 18 ans d'expérience dans les domaines des SIG et de la télédétection, je possède une expertise approfondie dans ce domaine. J'ai acquis plusieurs certifications qui attestent de ma maîtrise des concepts et des outils des études SIG, notamment en matière d'analyse, de modélisation, de conception et de formation. Tout au long de ma carrière, j'ai eu l'opportunité de participer à une grande variété de projets, couvrant des domaines tels que l'urbanisme, les télécommunications, la banque, la cartographie, l'irrigation, les statistiques et les données socio-économiques, le géomarketing, le traitement d'images, la géologie et les mines, l'agriculture, et bien plus encore. Ces expériences diversifiées m'ont permis de développer une vision globale et une compréhension approfondie des enjeux liés aux SIG dans différents contextes. En tant que formateur, j'ai également partagé mes connaissances et mon expertise en animant des sessions de formation sur les SIG. J'ai pu transmettre les compétences nécessaires à de nombreux professionnels afin qu'ils puissent utiliser efficacement les outils SIG et tirer le meilleur parti des données géospatiales dans leurs projets. Avec mon parcours et mon expérience, je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances et de vous guider dans votre parcours d'apprentissage des SIG. Rejoignez-moi dans ces cours et ensemble, nous explorerons les multiples facettes des SIG et développerons vos compétences pour en faire des atouts clés dans votre domaine d'activité. Afficher plus Afficher moins Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  4. Free Download Anti-Money Laundering (AML) in Banking and Fintech Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 41m | Size: 422 MB Anti-Money Laundering (AML) in Banking and Fintech What you'll learn Overview of Money Laundering: Understand the stages of money laundering-Placement, Layering, and Integration-and its global impact. AML Challenges in Banking and Fintech: Explore specific AML risks and how they differ between traditional banking and fintech industries. Legal and Regulatory Framework: Gain knowledge of global AML regulations, key regulatory bodies (FATF, Basel Committee), and compliance requirements. Industry Structure and Risks: Learn about the structure of banks and fintech companies and the risks associated with digital payment systems AML Policies and Procedures: Develop skills to implement AML programs in banks and fintech, while addressing challenges in a globalized and digital world. AML Compliance Teams: Understand how AML teams are structured and the roles of compliance officers. KYC (Know Your Customer): Learn about the importance of KYC, e-KYC onboarding, and how they prevent money laundering. Customer Screening Techniques, Transaction Monitoring Product Risk Assessment: Learn best practices for assessing risks in banking and fintech products like wire transfers, digital wallets, and cryptocurrencies. Customer Risk Profiles: Evaluate customer risk based on geography, business type, and transaction behavior, and apply a risk-based approach. Identifying and Reporting Suspicious Activities: Learn how to identify red flags and the process of reporting suspicious activities to regulatory authorities. Advanced AML Systems, AML System Implementation, Future Trends in AML AML Training and Cybersecurity: Learn the importance of continuous AML training and the role of cybersecurity in combating money laundering. Requirements Basic Understanding of Financial Systems: Familiarity with banking, financial services, or fintech operations is helpful but not mandatory. Interest in Compliance and Regulatory Practices: A genuine interest in understanding anti-money laundering (AML) practices and regulatory frameworks. No Prior AML Knowledge Needed: The course is designed for both beginners and professionals; no prior experience in AML is required. Description The "Anti-Money Laundering in Banking and Fintech" course offers an in-depth exploration of anti-money laundering (AML) principles tailored specifically for the banking and fintech sectors. This comprehensive program is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively combat financial crime and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.Module 1 introduces the fundamentals of money laundering, covering its impact on the global financial system and the key stages: Placement, Layering, and Integration. Module 2 examines the specific AML challenges and risks faced by banks and fintech companies, highlighting the unique aspects of each sector. Module 3 provides a detailed overview of global AML regulations and the roles of key regulatory bodies such as FATF and the Basel Committee.Subsequent modules delve into the operational aspects of AML, including the development and implementation of policies and procedures (Module 5), organizational structures for effective compliance (Module 6), and the importance of Know Your Customer (KYC) processes (Module 7). Students will learn about customer screening techniques (Module 8), transaction filtering and monitoring (Module 9), and risk assessment for both products (Module 10) and customers (Module 11).Advanced topics cover the latest AML technologies (Module 13), detailed requirements for AML systems (Module 14), and emerging trends and challenges (Module 15). The course concludes with a focus on training and cybersecurity (Module 16), emphasizing the need for ongoing education and a culture of compliance.By the end of the course, parti[beeep]nts will have a robust understanding of AML practices in the banking and fintech industries, preparing them to effectively manage and mitigate financial crime risks. Who this course is for Banking Professionals: Individuals working in traditional banking roles who want to enhance their understanding of AML regulations and compliance. Fintech Employees: Professionals in fintech companies looking to grasp the complexities of AML within the digital financial landscape. Compliance Officers: Those responsible for ensuring their organizations comply with AML regulations and want to stay up-to-date with the latest practices. Risk and Fraud Analysts: Individuals working in risk assessment, fraud detection, and financial crime prevention. Regulatory and Legal Experts: Professionals involved in the legal and regulatory aspects of financial services who want to deepen their AML knowledge. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Founders or executives of fintech companies who need to understand AML to ensure compliance in their operations. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  5. Free Download Ansible For PostgreSQL by 20+ Examples Last updated 4/2024 Duration: 3h24m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 1.27 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Automate PostgreSQL with some real-life examples of how to use the most common modules and Ansible Playbook What you'll learn Ansible in real life use cases Ansible For PostgreSQL Ansible code by modules Ansible For Database Requirements Ansible basic knowledge Description Learn the Ansible automation technology with some real-life examples. Every successful IT department needs automation nowadays for bare metal servers, virtual machines, could, containers, and edge computing. Automate your IT journey with Ansible automation technology. I'm going to teach you, example by example, how to accomplish the most common Dabatse Administrator tasks. Each of the 20+ lessons summarizes a module, from the most important parameter to some live demo of code and real-life usage. Each code is battle-proved in real life. Console interaction and verification are included in every video. Mundane activities like installing the database management system in Red Hat (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Amazon Linux, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, etc.) and Debian (Ubuntu, Scientific Linux) like systems, creating a database file, creating a user, granting the permission to a user to connect to the database, backup ad restore a single database could be automated with some lines of code and these are only some of the long lists included in the course. Some Ansible codes are usable in all the Linux systems, some specific for RedHat-like and Debian-like systems. The Ansible troubleshooting lesson teaches you how to read the error message, reproduce it, and the process of troubleshooting and resolution. Are you ready to automate your day with Ansible? Who this course is for Database Administrator System Administrator IT Professional DBA DevOps Linux Engineer Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  6. Free Download Advanced AI Programming - Mastering Cutting-Edge Techniques Published 9/2024 Duration: 42m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 1.17 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English This course is designed for experienced programmers who want to deepen their understanding of advanced AI techniques and What you'll learn Master Advanced Techniques: Gain expertise in advanced machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning techniques. Implement Cutting-Edge Models: Learn how to build, train, and fine-tune state-of- the-art models including CNNs, GANs, and Transformers Deploy AI Systems: Understand how to deploy scalable AI solutions in production environments Ethical AI Practices: Explore the ethical implications and best practices for responsible AI Design and Implement AI Architectures: Learn to design and implement complex AI architectures tailored to specific applications Optimize AI Performance on Various Platforms: Gain skills in optimizing AI models for performance across different computing environments Leverage Transfer Learning and Pre-trained Models: Understand and apply transfer learning techniques and leverage pre-trained models to enhance the efficiency Explore Emerging Trends in AI Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements and research trends in AI Conduct Independent AI Research and Development: Build the capability to conduct independent research and development in AI Requirements Solid understanding of basic programming concepts (preferably in Python). Experience with fundamental machine learning and AI concepts. Familiarity with basic algorithms and data structures. Understanding of Data Management and Preprocessing Description Welcome to "Advanced AI Programming: Mastering Cutting-Edge Techniques"! This course is designed for experienced programmers who want to deepen their understanding of advanced AI techniques and apply them to real-world problems. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills in machine learning, deep learning, or reinforcement learning, this course provides a comprehensive, hands-on approach to mastering these technologies. Objectives and Goals Master Advanced Techniques Gain expertise in advanced machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning techniques. Implement Cutting-Edge Models Learn how to build, train, and fine-tune state-of-the-art models including CNNs, GANs, and Transformers. Deploy AI Systems Understand how to deploy scalable AI solutions in production environments. Ethical AI Practices Explore the ethical implications and best practices for responsible AI. Target Audience Prerequisites Solid understanding of basic programming concepts (preferably in Python). Experience with fundamental machine learning and AI concepts. Familiarity with basic algorithms and data structures. Who Should Take This Course Data Scientists looking to expand their expertise. Machine Learning Engineers aiming to improve their advanced modeling skills. AI Researchers interested in exploring the latest advancements in the field. Developers and engineers with a strong programming background who want to delve into advanced AI applications. Course Structure The course is divided into eight comprehensive sections, each focusing on a specific area of advanced AI Introduction : Get an overview of the course, understand the relevance of advanced AI, and set up your development environment. Advanced Machine Learning Techniques : Dive into ensemble methods, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation to enhance your machine learning capabilities. Deep Learning Mastery : Explore advanced neural network architectures, transfer learning, and generative models to build sophisticated deep learning systems. Reinforcement Learning : Learn the fundamentals and advanced algorithms of reinforcement learning, and apply them to real-world scenarios. AI System Design : Understand how to design and scale AI systems, deploy models, and manage AI infrastructure. Ethical and Responsible AI : Discuss the ethical considerations of AI, including bias, fairness, and privacy concerns. Cutting-Edge Topics : Explore emerging topics like quantum computing and AI for edge computing, and their implications for the future. Hands-On Projects : Apply your knowledge through practical projects, including image classification, reinforcement learning applications, and building scalable AI services. Learning Approach Theory and Practice Each section combines theoretical concepts with practical, hands-on exercises. Projects and Case Studies Real-world projects and case studies are included to solidify your understanding and showcase your skills. Interactive Quizzes Assess your knowledge and track your progress with interactive quizzes and exercises. Tools and Resources Development Environment Detailed setup instructions for tools such as Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Jupyter Notebooks. Key Libraries and Frameworks Introduction to essential libraries and frameworks used throughout the course. Additional Resources Links to supplementary materials, research papers, and recommended readings. Who this course is for Data Scientists looking to expand their expertise. Machine Learning Engineers aiming to improve their advanced modeling skills. AI Researchers interested in exploring the latest advancements in the field. Developers and engineers with a strong programming background who want to delve into advanced AI applications. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  7. Free Download Adobe Express Creating Marketing Materials Released 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Skill Level: Beginner + Intermediate | Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 33m | Size: 96 MB Join instructor Nicte Cuevas for an in-depth exploration of Adobe Express, an all-in-one design platform where users can create videos, PDF documents, webpages, graphics, and other digital assets. Elevate your digital marketing and content creation skills by learning how to strategically plan marketing campaigns aligned with your branding goals. Discover the interface of Adobe Express-both the desktop and mobile versions-and prepare your assets to create a compelling brand kit. Get hands-on with a variety of available content types, including templates, animated reels, carousel graphics, professional presentations, and more. Along the way, learn how to use Adobe Express's built-in scheduler to time your posts and manage your content calendar seamlessly with ease. By the end of this course, you'll be able to leverage the versatile toolkit of Adobe Express to design and schedule engaging digital content that fits your brand. Homepage TakeFile Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  8. Free Download AWS-CWI-Welding Inspector and Inspection Technology. Module1 Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 1h 49m | Size: 1.84 GB The Welding Inspector and Inspection Technology What you'll learn Students learn and prepare for the American Welding Society - Certified Welding Inspector Examination Students learn the skills of Certified Welding Inspector of American Welding society Students learn the Welding Inspection Technology, Welding Metallurgy, as per the AWS and International Standards Students learn the welding fundamentals, Metallurgy, terms and definitions, welding processes, nondestructive examination, procedures, symbols, calculations. Students learn safety practices, and duties and responsibilities of a CWI. Students learn practical hands-on test to find the ability of visually identify welding discontinuities and to determine the acceptance or rejection of a weld. Students learn the proficiency, ability of evaluation of test results with open book of Code application with a selected code application like API 1104. Requirements Degree or Diploma or Trade Certificate in Mechanical or Welding Engineering Description Course Title: Welding Inspector and Inspection TechnologyCourse Overview: This course is designed to equip parti[beeep]nts with the essential knowledge and skills required to become proficient Welding Inspectors. The curriculum covers fundamental principles of welding processes, inspection techniques, quality control measures, and the application of inspection technology in various industrial settings. Parti[beeep]nts will gain hands-on experience in interpreting welding codes and standards, performing inspections, identifying defects, and ensuring compliance with safety and quality requirements.Learning Objectives:The duties, responsibilities, and the requirement of Welding InspectorInspection activities of a Welding InspectorUnderstanding Welding Processes: Explore various welding techniques such as SMAW welding, TIG , MIG, gas welding, and resistance welding. Gain insights into heat treatment processes and their impact on weld quality.Interpreting Codes and Standards: Familiarize with international welding codes and standards (e.g., AWS, ASME, ) to ensure compliance in welding procedures and inspection protocols.Inspection Techniques: Learn visual inspection methods, non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques (e.g., ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing), and destructive testing methods (e.g., tensile testing, bend testing).Quality Control and Assurance: Understand the principles of quality control and assurance in welding processes. Learn to implement quality management systems and interpret quality assurance documents.Inspection sampling methods:Partial SamplingSpecified Partial SamplingRandom Partial SamplingStatistical SamplingNon-Destructive Examination (NDE) Methods.Visual inspection, with or without optical aidsVisual Inspection (VT):Ultrasonic Testing (UT):Radiographic Testing (RT):Magnetic Particle Testing (MT):Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT):Eddy Current Testing (ET):Thermographic Testing (TT):Acoustic Emission Testing (AE):Resonance Testing (RT):Leak Testing (LT):Visual Inspection and visual aids.Welding Inspector responsibilities before welding, during welding, and after welding.Execution of Inspection.Analysis and InterpretationReporting, findings, feedback, follow-up, and corrective actions.Safety and Environmental Considerations: Emphasize safety protocols and environmental considerations related to welding operations. Understand the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) and safe working practices,Course content: Introduction to Welding Processes Codes and Standards Inspection TechniquesVisual inspectionNon-destructive testing (NDT) methodsDestructive testing methodsQuality Control and AssuranceQuality management systemsDocumentation and record-keepingSafety and Environmental ConsiderationsSafety protocols in weldingEnvironmental impacts and mitigationWelding Defects and RemediationCommon defects and causesRemediation techniquesRole of a Welding InspectorResponsibilities and ethical considerationsReporting and documentationIntroduction to Inspection TechnologyAutomated inspection systemsDigital radiography and laser scanningMethodology: The course employs a blend of theoretical sessions, practical demonstrations, case studies, and hands-on exercises to ensure a holistic learning experience. Parti[beeep]nts will engage in simulated welding inspections, analyze real-world case studies, and interact with industry experts to gain insights into current practices and emerging trends.Target Audience: This course is ideal for individuals aspiring to become certified welding inspectors, quality control professionals, welding engineers, supervisors, or anyone involved in welding operations and inspection activities across industries such as manufacturing, construction, aerospace, and automotiveConclusion: By the end of this course, parti[beeep]nts will possess the skills and knowledge necessary to excel as Certified Welding Inspectors, contributing effectively to quality assurance and compliance in welding operations. They will be prepared to apply their learning in diverse industrial settings, ensuring safety, reliability, and adherence to international standards in welding practices. Who this course is for Degree or Diploma or Trade Certificate in Mechanical or Welding Engineering, with 2 to 3 years of Industrial experience in Welding or Engineering. Teaching experience will also be considered. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  9. Free Download AWS Certified AI Practitioner - Concepts, Demos, Questions Published 9/2024 Created by Amit Arora MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 67 Lectures ( 3h 11m ) | Size: 1.25 GB Excel AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam | Prep Course with Concepts, Demos, Quiz |Practice Exam Included What you'll learn: Exam details for AWS Certified AI Practitioner Certification AIF-C01, tips and tricks to ace the exam. Learn Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, and Machine Learning fundamentals Use cases for AI, Generative AI (GenAI) and Machine Learning Learn the key AWS AI services, including a deep dive on Bedrock, Amazon Q and SageMaker Learn about Foundation Models and how to optimize them Responsible AI Learn Prompt Engineering Practice Questions for the exam Requirements: No AWS Cloud experience is necessary, though basic familiarity with AWS services may help. No AI pre-requisites is necessary Description: Welcome to the ultimate course for the AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) certification. This course is designed to help you ace the exam content and achieve your certification goals with confidence. The AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01 / AI1-C01) exam isn't just for developers - it's aimed at a wide variety of roles in the technology space. Whether you're a PM, manager, sales or marketing professional, or developer - the concepts behind artificial intelligence, GenAI, and machine learning (ML) aren't as hard as you think. This course starts with the basics, explaining things in plain English and with simple examples. No coding required!You'll be fully prepared for the exam with an included 100 practice questions in Quiz, diagnostic test and practice quiz. Key Features of this course:1. Every topic you need to master the AIF-C01 exam is covered in depth (based on all the latest information).2. Content is created based on official AWS exam guide and it is packed by practical knowledge on how to use AWS AI services inside and out.3. Learn in hands-on labs how to use all the relevant AWS AI services like Bedrock, and Comprehend and many more.4. Challenge and test your knowledge with lots of quizzes through out all the sections to be sure of your knowledge.Some topics we'll cover include:Fundamental concepts and terminologies of AI, ML, and Generative AIUse cases of AI, ML, and GenAIEvaluating and measuring AI modelsMachine learning design principlesPrompt engineeringAmazon BedrockAmazon Q Hands-on on Transcribe, translate, A2I, and many more servicesHigh-level AWS AI and machine learning servicesResponsible AI Who this course is for: Anyone seeking certification in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies on Amazon Web Services. Anyone wanting to start with learning AI and acquire the knowledge in this subject area. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  10. Free Download AI-Powered Email Marketing -A Complete Guide Published 9/2024 Created by Anton Voroniuk MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 22 Lectures ( 1h 29m ) | Size: 1.21 GB Make Email Marketing and Automation Easy and Effective with AI What you'll learn: How AI can enhance email marketing How to create a newsletter with GenAI How to segment your contact base Why should you use landing pages in email marketing? How to create a landing page with AI How to utilize AI for email marketing campaign creation How to set up autoresponder and create an automated email sequence What KPI's to track in email marketing? What are ethical perspectives of using AI in email marketing? Requirements: There are no special requirements for taking this course. Basic knowledge of using Generative AI Description: Unlock the future of email marketing by enrolling in AI-Powered Email Marketing: A Complete Guide!This comprehensive course is perfect for beginners and marketers looking to enhance their skills with cutting-edge AI tools. Learn how to supercharge your email marketing efforts, drive engagement, and boost conversions with the power of artificial intelligence.Through this course, you'll explore how AI can revolutionize the way you create newsletters, segment your audience, and build high-converting landing pages. Discover step-by-step how to automate your email campaigns, from setting up autoresponders to crafting effective email sequences that keep your customers engaged. You'll also learn how to track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success and continuously improve your strategies.For all these tasks, we will use an email marketing software called GetResponse. In just an hour with GetResponse, you'll master the essential AI-driven techniques that top marketers are using to stay ahead of the competition.Enroll now to gain new knowledge!Who is this course for?For everyone who would like to learn about email marketing and how to enhance it with AIFor email marketers, digital marketers who want to upgrade their work routine with artificial intelligenceMoreover, there are no special requirements for taking this course. However, having basic knowledge of using Generative AI is desirable.Our email marketing course includes:Theory and Practice: 2+ hours of lectures with many examples. Lessons range from 3 to 10 minutes and are easy to follow.Lifetime access to the course and any future updates.Support: If you have any questions, I will always be willing to answer them.Complete the course and receive an Udemy certificate.What will students discover throughout this course?How AI can enhance email marketingHow to create a newsletter with GenAIHow to segment your contact baseWhy should you use landing pages in email marketing?How to create a landing page with AIHow to utilize AI for email marketing campaign creationHow to set up autoresponder and create an automated email sequenceWhat KPI's to track in email marketingWhat are the ethical perspectives of using AI in email marketing?And much more.Do you need to be concerned?This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.Don't miss this opportunity to upgrade your skills and transform your email marketing strategy with the power of AI.Enroll today and start building smarter, more effective email campaigns that get results with GetResponse!See you in the first lecture! Who this course is for: For everyone who would like to learn about email marketing and how to enhance it with AI For email marketers, digital marketers who want to upgrade their work routine with artificial intelligence Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  11. Free Download AI vs. ML vs. DL vs. Generative AI - Master Basic Concepts Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 55m | Size: 686 MB Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI), ML, DL, Generative AI: Key Concepts, Terminology, and Real-World Use Cases What you'll learn Learners will be able to clearly differentiate between these core technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Generative AI. Learners will explore real-world examples of how AI, ML, DL, and Generative AI are applied across various industries. Learners will understand the fundamental ideas behind AI, ML, DL, and Generative AI in an easy-to-grasp way. Learners will develop the ability to choose the right tool (AI, ML, DL, or Generative AI) based on the problem at hand. Requirements No prior experience with AI or programming required - This course is designed for beginners with an interest in AI, ML, DL, and Generative AI. A basic understanding of technology and curiosity to learn - Ideal for learners who have a general interest in how modern technology works. An internet-connected device - Learners will need access to a computer or mobile device. Willingness to explore new concepts - A mindset open to learning about emerging technologies. Description Hey, friends! Ever been curious about buzzwords like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Generative AI, and how they connect to each other? These concepts are reshaping the future, but how do they actually connect and impact the world around us? Well, you're in the right place! I've dived deep into a sea of information, sifted through endless data, and brought it all together into a simple, high-level guide. You don't need a tech degree to grasp these exciting ideas-I've distilled them into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces. Whether you're a tech lover, a curious learner, or just someone intrigued by the amazing power of AI, this journey is packed with insights that will get you thinking, inspired, and ready to dive deeper!This isn't just another dull tech talk-my AI assistant Spark will sprinkle (or should I say sparkle) in some humor along the way! Get ready for an engaging journey that opens the door to understanding how AI is transforming industries, sparking creativity, and shaping everyday life. We'll explore real-world applications, industry trends, and future possibilities together. Buckle up for an exciting ride!By the end of this journey, you'll have a clear grasp of these technologies and how they're driving innovation. Let's dive in! Who this course is for Beginners curious about AI, ML, DL, and Generative AI - People with little to no prior knowledge who want to learn the basic concepts. Students and professionals exploring careers in technology - Individuals who are considering a career in tech or data science and want foundational knowledge. Business leaders and decision-makers - Professionals seeking to understand these technologies for strategic purposes in their industry. Anyone interested in the future of AI and emerging technologies - Lifelong learners who want to stay updated on the latest advancements in AI. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  12. Free Download AI for React Developers Released 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Skill Level: Intermediate | Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 1h 17m | Size: 1.36 GB Knowledge of AI tooling is critical for future-proofing the careers of React developers, and understanding the Vercel suite of AI tools is an approachable on-ramp for anyone comfortable with React. This stack makes it easier to incorporate the new paradigms of generative AI and streaming user interfaces in a React app. In this course, take a closer look at the Vercel AI SDK and see how this can help React developers build streaming interfaces with JavaScript and TypeScript. Join Instructor Eve Porcello to find out how to start adding AI-enhanced functionality to your apps as she guides you through creating a React App with Next.js. Learn about working with streams, using generative AI functions, working with components, generating structured data, and much more, and get the knowledge and skills you need to ride this new technological wave. Homepage TakeFile Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  13. Free Download AI Fundamentals From Basics to Generative AI Published 9/2024 Created by Vikram Bandugula MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 53 Lectures ( 1h 48m ) | Size: 525 MB Understand basic components of AI, journey to GenAI, Using LLMs like chatGPT, Claude for your daily task What you'll learn: Understand the basics of AI and Machine Learning (ML). Understand intuition behind ML techniques. Explore the exciting field of Generative AI Learn practical applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) After the course you will be able to Generate content, learn any language, generate images and will be able to have conversation about AI. Requirements: No Programming experience is needed, you will learn everything here. You don't need to have any AI background. We will teach you everything. Does not matter what job you have, these skill will help you Description: AI and GenAI have taken the world by storm, transforming how we work and live. Whether you view this as hype or a genuine shift, there's no denying the power and impact of these technologies. Companies are investing heavily in AI, creating a growing demand for individuals who understand and can leverage these tools. This course is your gateway to that world, offering a structured, bite-sized, and interactive learning experience. With quizzes, personal insights from 20 years of corporate experience in data science, and practical tips, you'll be in the top 10% of those who know how to use AI for personal and professional productivity. These added skills will set you on a path where you can build on these skills and continue to be leverage the advancements in AI for your personal growth and development. Regardless of your background, education, or career stage, geographical location this course is designed to meet you where you are and help you get started in AI. By investing in yourself through this course, you're making one of the best and most affordable investments of your life. The next time you are hanging out with your AI/IT friends or listening to news about AI, the hype of why Microsoft and NVIDIA are becoming so huge, you will be able to make those connections and show off your new skills. Welcome to the world of AI! Who this course is for: No AI or little AI background Anyone who wants to learn about GenAI, OpenAI Chatgpt or just want to up skill themselves. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  14. Free Download AI Art School Complete professional AI Comic creation Published 9/2024 Duration: 2h45m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 4.43 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Master AI Like Never Before: Create Perfect Manga & Comic Panels, Tailored to Your Vision, Scene by Scene. What you'll learn Create professional looking AI Comic books , Manga , Manhwa and more Learn The Midjourney Ultimate formula for maxiumum control and accurate character design with various expressions and poses Learn to Create Dumb assets and Pro assets to increase the workflow of your pro AI comic book Harness the power of Chatgpt to help with character design Requirements Only minimal basic photoshop skills are required, No midjourney or AI experieence neeeded Description Ever dream of creating your own manga, anime, or comic without needing to draw? In this groundbreaking course, you'll learn how to harness AI to craft professional-quality comic panels, turning your unique vision into reality, exactly the way you want it. What you'll learn Total Control Over AI : You'll master advanced techniques to turn Midjourney AI bot into your personal mangaka, guiding it to understand every intricate detail of your story and deliver panels that align perfectly with your creative direction. Panel by Panel Mastery : Whether it's dramatic close-ups or sweeping action scenes, you'll create panels that flow seamlessly and convey your story just as a professional artist would. Custom Styles & Characters : Learn how to guide the AI to develop characters, backgrounds, and art styles that match your storytelling needs, from tricky character poses and expressions to light-hearted anime moments. Polishing with Photoshop : Enhance and refine AI-generated artwork in Photoshop to add finishing touches, making your final product stand out with stunning visuals. Baloons and speed lines with Clipstudio: You'll learn how to Create speech baloons and speed lines in clip studio , and create a professional looking comic pages . Who is this course for? Aspiring creators who have a story to tell but lack traditional drawing skills. Manga, anime, and comic enthusiasts looking to bring their ideas to life with professional quality. Writers and storytellers who want to explore a new medium and create visuals that complement their narrative. You don't need to be an artist-just come with your vision, and by the end of this course, you'll be able to create manga and comic panels that reflect every detail of your story. Join now and start turning your imagination into a visually captivating experience with the help of AI! Who this course is for Any one looking to create professional looking AI comic books or anyone looking to unlocks midjourney ai image generation ultimate formula Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  15. Free Download 3Bedrom Bungalow SketchUp from basic to advance Free version Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 1h 9m | Size: 977 MB 3Bedroom bungalow 3D SketchUp pro design from basic to advance level, (Free version) What you'll learn Basic to advance free version How to make use of the software tools Get the paid version after you went through this How to design 3D building using sketch up Requirements Make sure you have a good phone or laptop, recommended laptop Stay in a cool pace to learn well Never miss the paid version, first course on the page Description If you're looking to design 3D models using SketchUp and you're interested in learning from basic to advanced levels, here's a guide tailored for the free version of SketchUp:Getting Started with SketchUp FreeIntroduction to SketchUp FreeWhat is SketchUp Free? It's a browser-based version of SketchUp that's accessible without cost. It's ideal for basic 3D modeling tasks.Basic Tools and FeaturesNavigate the Interface: Learn how to use the toolbar, the drawing area, and the default panels.Basic Drawing: Start with basic shapes like rectangles, circles, and lines.Push/Pull Tool: This tool helps you extrude 2D shapes into 3D models.Move, Rotate, and Scale: Understand how to manipulate objects within your model.Creating Simple ModelsBuild a Basic Object: Practice creating simple objects like a chair or table.Group and Component: Learn to group objects to manage them easily and use components to reuse elements.Intermediate SkillsDetailed ModelingPrecision Drawing: Use guidelines and inferencing to create accurate models.Layers and Tags: Organize your model using layers (now called tags) for better management.Textures and Materials: Apply textures and colors to your models for a more realistic look.Advanced ToolsFollow Me Tool: Create complex shapes by extruding a profile along a path.Intersect Faces: Use this tool to create detailed cuts and intersections in your model.Scale Tool: Learn advanced scaling techniques for fine-tuning your models.Component and Model LibrariesUsing 3D Warehouse: Access and integrate models from SketchUp's 3D Warehouse into your projects.Creating Custom Components: Design and save your own components for reuse.Advanced TechniquesComplex GeometryAdvanced Shapes: Model intricate geometry and complex structures.Sculpting: Use tools to refine and sculpt your model for detailed designs.Rendering and PresentationStyles and Shadows: Apply different styles and shadows to enhance the visual appeal of your models. Who this course is for This course is for everyone who want to become 3D building designer Also Architects Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  16. Free Download 10 Key Functions to Analyze Data in Python for Beginners Published 9/2024 Duration: 36m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 310 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Learn and Apply Data Analysis with Python on Real-World Datasets What you'll learn Understand and apply 10 essential Python functions for data analysis. Master techniques to transform raw data into meaningful insights. Analyze datasets efficiently using Python's powerful tools. Learn how to clean and prepare data for analysis with Python. Requirements No prior programming experience needed; the course is designed for beginners. A computer with internet access to install Python and necessary tools. Description Welcome to "10 Awesome Functions in Python to Analyze Data"! Who this Course is for This course is tailored for anyone eager to step into the world of data analysis using Python , whether you have coding experience or not. There's no need for prior knowledge-just a computer, an internet connection, and a willingness to learn. What You Need To start analyzing data with Python, you'll need to set up a Python environment on your computer. But don't worry - I'm here to help every step of the way. We'll be using tools like Anaconda (which includes Jupyter Notebooks) or Visual Studio Code, both of which are free and widely used for data analysis. What You'll Learn In this class, you'll dive into 10 of the most powerful and practical functions in Python that are essential for data analysis. Each lesson focuses on a specific function, explaining its purpose and demonstrating how to use it with real-world datasets. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid toolkit of Python skills that you can apply directly to your own data projects. Here's what you'll cover How to load and view data with read_csv() and head() Summarizing your data with info() and describe() Cleaning and handling missing data using dropna() and fillna() Grouping and sorting data with groupby() and sort_values() Filtering data with query() Combining datasets using merge() By the end of this class you will not only understand the methods presented but also be able to apply the 10 functions on your own datasets and have gained great skills regarding data analysis. Who this course is for This course is ideal for business professionals, analysts, and beginners who want to harness the power of Python for data analysis. Whether you are new to programming or looking to enhance your data skills, this course will guide you step by step in transforming raw data into valuable insights. Perfect for those looking to apply data analysis in a business setting. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  17. Free Download SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) Last updated 7/2024 Duration: 56h1m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 35.8 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Dive deep into how SQL Server works to implement an effective high availability and disaster recovery solution. What you'll learn By the end of the course, attendees will be able to understand the different SQL Server high availability and disaster recovery technologies - how they work and properly implement the right solution to address recovery objectives and service level agreements Requirements Attendees should have a basic understanding of managing and administering SQL Server databases Description This is a deep dive course on understanding how SQL Server works to effectively choose the right high availability and disaster recovery solution that will address every organization's need to protect digital assets. Packed with videos explaining concept and demos to reinforce the lessons, this course is what every IT professional needs to properly manage and protect a SQL Server database. The course uses SQL Server 2012 for demonstrations. But the concepts still apply to later versions of SQL Server on Windows. Who this course is for Senior IT professionals SQL Server administrators Software developers who write applications for SQL Server Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  18. Free Download Body Language - Non-Verbal Communication for Leaders (2024) Published 9/2024 Duration: 1h39m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 342 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Master the Art of Non-Verbal Communication to Strengthen Leadership, Build Trust, and Influence Others What you'll learn Introduction to Body Language for Leaders The Basics of Non-Verbal Communication Understanding Body Posture Gestures and Hand Movements The Role of Space in Communication (Proxemics) The Power of Touch (Haptics) Voice and Vocal Cues (Paralanguage) Micro-Expressions and Their Role in Leadership Decoding Incongruence in Communication The Role of Appearance in Leadership The Psychology Behind Body Language Non-Verbal Communication in Team Settings Non-Verbal Communication in Negotiations Developing a Leadership Presence Building Trust Through Non-Verbal Communication : Non-Verbal Communication in Cross-Cultural Leadership Using Body Language to Manage Stress and Anxiety Body Language in Public Speaking The Role of Body Language in Virtual Communication Body Language in Crisis Leadership Non-Verbal Communication and Emotional Intelligence Identifying and Correcting Negative Body Language The Influence of Body Language on Decision-Making Developing a Non-Verbal Communication Strategy Advanced Techniques in Body Language Mastery Non-Verbal Communication in Conflict Resolution The Role of Body Language in Building Relationships Non-Verbal Communication in Feedback and Performance Reviews The Impact of Cultural Context on Body Language Future Trends in Non-Verbal Communication Requirements Leadership or Team Management Experience: This course is tailored for individuals in leadership positions or those aspiring to leadership roles. Prior experience leading a team or managing projects will help parti[beeep]nts relate to and apply the concepts. Basic Communication Skills: Parti[beeep]nts should have a foundational understanding of communication strategies, as this course builds on verbal communication by introducing advanced non-verbal techniques Interest in Personal Development: A willingness to self-reflect and improve body language and communication habits is crucial for mastering the non-verbal cues taught in this course. Openness to Feedback: Since much of the course involves self-awareness and behavior modification, parti[beeep]nts should be open to receiving constructive feedback on their body language and communication style. Access to a Digital Device (For Virtual Components): If enrolling in the course's virtual modules, parti[beeep]nts will need a device with a camera and microphone to practice non-verbal communication in virtual environments, such as video calls or presentations. Optional, but Helpful: Prior Knowledge of Emotional Intelligence (EI): An understanding of emotional intelligence will enhance your ability to grasp the connection between body language and leadership effectiveness. Cross-Cultural Awareness: Familiarity with cultural differences in communication will be beneficial, especially for those working in global or multicultural settings. Description This comprehensive course is designed for leaders seeking to master the art of non-verbal communication, a critical skill for effective leadership. Parti[beeep]nts will delve into the nuances of body language, learning how to interpret and leverage non-verbal cues to enhance leadership presence, foster team cohesion, and manage high-stress situations. The course explores the science behind facial expressions, gestures, posture, and other forms of non-verbal communication, empowering leaders to build trust, convey confidence, and strengthen relationships within diverse and cross-cultural environments. Course Objectives Understand the fundamental role of body language in leadership. Learn how to control facial expressions and body posture for positive influence. Master techniques for reading micro-expressions and vocal cues. Explore the role of non-verbal communication in negotiations, crisis management, and public speaking. Develop a strategy for using body language to build trust and foster team dynamics. Adapt non-verbal communication to cross-cultural contexts. Gain practical skills for maintaining composure and projecting confidence under pressure. Key Modules Introduction to Body Language for Leaders : Definition, importance, and the science behind body language. Non-Verbal Communication Basics : Facial expressions and controlling cues as a leader. Posture and Perception : Adopting a confident posture and understanding its influence. Gestures and Hand Movements : Psychology of gestures and their impact on perception. Proxemics in Communication : How personal space affects leadership effectiveness. Touch in Professional Settings : Appropriate uses of touch to convey empathy and support. Vocal Cues (Paralanguage) : Using tone, pitch, and vocal variation to convey authority. Micro-Expressions in Leadership : Identifying and interpreting subtle emotional cues. Decoding Incongruent Messages : Understanding mixed signals and their impact. The Role of Appearance : How appearance influences leadership perception and trust. Non-Verbal Communication in Team Settings : Building cohesion and leading through body language. Body Language in Negotiations : Using non-verbal communication to gain an advantage. Leadership Presence : Developing presence through body language and appearance. Trust-Building Through Non-Verbal Communication : Body language of honesty and transparency. Cross-Cultural Leadership : Navigating different non-verbal norms internationally. Managing Stress and Anxiety Through Non-Verbal Cues : Techniques for remaining composed. Public Speaking and Body Language : Key non-verbal techniques for engaging audiences. Virtual Communication : How to effectively use body language during video calls. Crisis Leadership : Body language strategies for leading in high-stress situations. Emotional Intelligence and Body Language : How body language reflects emotional awareness. Correcting Negative Body Language : Spotting and transforming defensive or dismissive cues. Influencing Decision-Making Through Non-Verbal Cues : Persuasion techniques through body language. Advanced Body Language Techniques : Mastery of micro-cues and gestures for leadership impact. Conflict Resolution : Using body language to de-escalate conflicts. Non-Verbal Communication in Relationships : Building and maintaining rapport through body language. Feedback and Performance Reviews : Non-verbal cues to enhance feedback delivery. Cultural Context in Body Language : Adapting to different interpretations of non-verbal communication. Future Trends in Non-Verbal Communication : How emerging technologies are influencing body language practices. By the end of the course, parti[beeep]nts will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to become effective leaders through mastery of non-verbal communication. Who this course is for Current Leaders & Managers Leaders, executives, and managers looking to enhance their communication skills and influence through non-verbal cues. This course will help them strengthen their leadership presence, build trust, and improve team dynamics. Aspiring Leaders Individuals seeking leadership roles in their organization can gain an edge by developing a powerful non-verbal communication toolkit. The course will prepare them to convey confidence, make strong first impressions, and build rapport with colleagues and stakeholders. HR Professionals & Team Leaders Human resources professionals, team leads, and project managers can leverage non-verbal communication techniques to better manage teams, resolve conflicts, and create a positive work environment. Public Speakers & Presenters Speakers, trainers, and presenters who want to captivate their audience can learn how body language influences public speaking, improving their stage presence and audience engagement. Negotiators & Sales Professionals Professionals involved in negotiations or sales can use body language strategies to gain an advantage in deal-making, building trust, and reading others' non-verbal cues during important discussions. Coaches & Consultants Business coaches, consultants, and mentors can use these insights to better guide their clients on leadership development, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal communication. Anyone Looking to Improve Emotional Intelligence (EI) Individuals who want to boost their emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills will find value in the course's emphasis on reading and interpreting non-verbal cues, enhancing their ability to connect with others. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  19. Free Download Mastering ChatGPT for UI/UX design and AI design tools Published 9/2024 Created by Jose ookken thekkekkara Joseph MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 42 Lectures ( 3h 21m ) | Size: 2.38 GB Create sitemaps, UX workflows, personas, research plans, empathy, mindmaps, affinity mapping, AI tools, and so on. What you'll learn: Master Prompt Engineering for UX Design: Learners will develop proficiency in crafting effective prompts to utilize ChatGPT for generating UX design ideas This course teaches you how to write prompts for any AI design tool, such as Midjourney, Ideogram, and Microsoft Designer. AI will lead next-generation design. Learn about the best design tools. There are approximately 25 AI design tools that cover training. No other training is covering this many tools. This course covers a variety of AI technologies for font pairing, color palettes, icon generation, image generation, image editing, and website development, amo Requirements: Basic experience as UI designer or UX designer Description: Unlock the potential of AI in your UX design practice with "Mastering ChatGPT for UI/UX design and AI design tools." This course is designed specifically for UX professionals who want to integrate AI-driven tools like ChatGPT into their workflow, enhancing creativity and efficiency.This course covers a variety of AI technologies for font pairing, color palettes, icon generation, image generation, image editing, and website development, among other things. (This course includes approximately 25 tools and lectures.)You'll learn how to craft precise prompts that enable ChatGPT to generate innovative design ideas, optimize user flows, and create engaging content tailored to specific user needs. The course also covers how to incorporate ChatGPT seamlessly into your design processes, including user research, persona development, and user journey mapping.Additionally, you'll explore advanced techniques for using ChatGPT to personalize user experiences, dynamically generating content and interface elements based on user preferences. By mastering these skills, you'll be able to enhance your productivity, improve communication of design concepts, and deliver more compelling user experiences.Whether you're a seasoned UX designer or new to the field, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to stay at the forefront of UX design in the age of AI. Join us and transform the way you approach design with ChatGPT.Learners will gain the ability to use ChatGPT to communicate complex UX design concepts, creating clear and user-friendly documentation, presentations, and client-facing materials. Who this course is for: UX designer , Web designer, UI designers etc... Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  20. Free Download 30 Project in 30 Days | HTML, CSS & JAVA SCRIPT Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 11h 35m | Size: 7.99 GB From Beginner to Pro: 30 Web Development Projects in 30 Days2 What you'll learn How to integrate JavaScript with CSS and HTML to build interactive web applications. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals through hands-on projects. How to build 30 unique web development projects from scratch. CSS layouts and styling using Flexbox, Grid, and animations. Problem-solving skills by completing real-world web development challenges. Portfolio development with 30 diverse projects to showcase their skills. Requirements Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (optional, but helpful). A computer with internet access to work on projects. Description Welcome to "30 Day 30 Projects: Master Web Development" - a hands-on, project-based course designed to teach you HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through the completion of 30 real-world projects in 100 days!This course is perfect for anyone wanting to improve their coding skills through practical application. Whether you're a beginner looking to break into web development or an intermediate developer seeking to sharpen your skills, this course offers something for everyone.Each day, you'll tackle a new project, ranging from simple websites and interactive forms to complex web applications. You'll learn key web development concepts, from responsive design and layout techniques to JavaScript programming and DOM manipulation. By the end of the course, you'll have a portfolio of 30 unique projects to showcase your skills.What you'll learn:How to build 30 projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptCore web development fundamentals, from styling to interactivityResponsive web design for mobile-friendly websitesJavaScript concepts such as DOM manipulation, events, and API integrationCSS techniques like Flexbox, Grid, and animationsHow to structure clean and maintainable codeProblem-solving through real-world challengesWhy take this course?Learn by doing: Build projects that reflect real-world scenarios.Comprehensive curriculum: 30 projects covering essential web development skills.Portfolio development: Create a strong portfolio that can impress potential employers or clients.Challenge yourself: The course structure encourages discipline and daily practice. Who this course is for Beginner coders who want to learn by building real-world projects. Intermediate developers seeking to enhance their skills with hands-on projects. Students or professionals wanting to create a web development portfolio with 100 diverse projects. Anyone interested in the 30 Days of Code challenge to learn through daily practice. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  21. Free Download Vigilant Leader - Sensing & Probing The External Environment Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 3.17 GB | Duration: 2h 3m Master the skills to detect weak signals, analyze external environments, and proactively lead through uncertainty. What you'll learn Identify weak signals to anti[beeep]te emerging threats and opportunities. Distinguish weak signals from noise using proven detection techniques. Build networks and leverage tools for real-time environmental sensing. Test assumptions through scenario planning and simulations. Analyze and act on signals to make proactive, strategic decisions. Requirements There are no strict prerequisites for taking the *Vigilant Leadership* series, making it accessible to leaders, managers, and aspiring executives at all levels. **Basic leadership experience:** Familiarity with leading teams or managing projects will allow you to apply the concepts more effectively. **An understanding of business fundamentals:** Knowledge of basic business operations, strategy, and risk management will help contextualize the course material. **An interest in proactive leadership:** A willingness to embrace change, anti[beeep]te challenges, and drive innovation is essential for maximizing the value of this series. No specialized tools or equipment are required, just a commitment to improving your leadership skills and the drive to lead your organization with vigilance and foresight. Description In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, successful leaders don't just react to change-they anti[beeep]te it. Course 3: Sensing and Probing the External Environment is designed to equip you with the skills and tools necessary to detect early warning signs, or "weak signals," that indicate potential risks or opportunities for your organization.This course is part of the Vigilant Leadership series and focuses on helping you build a proactive, future-focused approach to leadership. Throughout this course, you'll learn how to scan your environment for subtle, yet important, changes. These weak signals could be the difference between staying ahead of industry shifts or being caught off-guard by disruptions.We'll dive into practical techniques for distinguishing weak signals from the overwhelming noise of daily operations. By learning to filter out distractions and focus on what truly matters, you'll be able to pinpoint emerging trends and developments before they fully materialize. You'll explore methods such as environmental scanning, network-building for external sensing, and leveraging real-time insights from social media, customer feedback, and competitive intelligence.The course also covers how to test and challenge assumptions through scenario planning, war-gaming exercises, and simulations, helping you prepare for a range of future outcomes. By learning to probe deeper into the assumptions behind weak signals, you'll sharpen your strategic thinking and improve your decision-making abilities.Finally, we'll guide you through the process of interpreting weak signals and taking decisive action. You'll learn how to prioritize emerging trends, allocate resources effectively, and lead your organization through uncertainty with confidence and clarity.By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive toolkit to sense, analyze, and act on external signals, making you a more vigilant and proactive leader. If you're ready to take your leadership to the next level and stay ahead of the curve in a fast-changing world, this course is for you.Enroll today and start mastering the art of proactive leadership with Sensing and Probing the External Environment! Overview Section 1: Introduction Lecture 1 Introduction Lecture 2 About Series in Vigilant Leadership Lecture 3 Vigilant Leader Promo - Sensing and Probing the External Environment Section 2: Segment 3.1: Understanding Weak Signals Lecture 4 Part 1: What are Weak Signals and Why They Matter Lecture 5 Part 2: Distinguishing Weak Signals from Noise Lecture 6 Part 3: Techniques for Detecting Weak Signals Early Lecture 7 Part 4: Case Studies of Weak Signals Leading to Major Disruptions Section 3: Segment 3.2: Sensing the External Environment Lecture 8 Part 1: Building Networks for External Sensing Lecture 9 Part 2: Leveraging Social Media and Online Platforms for Real-Time Insights Lecture 10 Part 3: Using Customer Feedback and Market Research Lecture 11 Part 4: The Role of Competitive Intelligence Lecture 12 Conclusion: Enhancing Your Sensing Capabilities in the External Environment Section 4: Segment 3.3: Probing and Testing Assumptions Lecture 13 Part 1: Methods for Testing Assumptions and Hypotheses Lecture 14 Part 2: Scenario Planning and War-Gaming Exercises Lecture 15 Part 3: Utilizing Simulations and Prototypes Lecture 16 Part 4: Learning from Failures and Near-Misses Section 5: Segment 3.4: Interpreting and Acting on Signals Lecture 17 Part 1: Analyzing Weak Signals to Identify Potential Threats Lecture 18 Part 2: Prioritizing Signals and Allocating Resources Lecture 19 Part 3: Strategies for Timely and Decisive Action Lecture 20 Part 4: Building an Agile Response Framework Section 6: Conclusion Lecture 21 Conclusion: Completing the Course on Sensing & Probing the External Environment **Experienced Leaders:** Managers, directors, and executives who want to sharpen their leadership skills by learning how to anti[beeep]te challenges and make proactive, informed decisions in a rapidly changing environment.,**Aspiring Leaders:** Professionals aiming for leadership roles who want to develop the strategic foresight and decision-making capabilities necessary to lead teams and organizations with confidence.,HR Professionals:** Individuals responsible for developing leadership programs within their organizations who seek to foster a culture of vigilance and empower teams to identify and respond to emerging threats.,**Entrepreneurs and Business Owners:** Those who want to enhance their ability to navigate uncertainty, drive innovation, and build resilient, future-ready businesses.,**Who is it not suitable for?** - **Complete Beginners:** This series assumes a foundational understanding of business and leadership principles. Those new to leadership may benefit from starting with more basic leadership courses before diving into this series. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  22. Free Download Ultimate Salesforce Admin Certification, Lightning Flows Published 9/2024 Duration: 47h35m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 32.6 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Pass Salesforce Admin Examination, Clear Interviews and Work On Salesforce Administration Projects A Complete Guide What you'll learn Learn each Salesforce Topic with Detailed Explation from 12X Salesforce Certified Technical Architect Complete 160+ Salesforce Challenges Basics to Advanced and Realtime Scenarios with Step by Step Learning Could Configure Complex Salesforce Real time Scenarios Helpful for Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce Advanced Administrator and Interview Preparation Requirements No Prerequisites Description This Salesforce course offers an in-depth exploration of Salesforce administration and business process management, covering both foundational and advanced topics. Starting with the Dev Edition setup and Lightning View , you'll gain a solid understanding of the Salesforce environment. You'll learn to manage SalesCloud with modules like Lead Management, Opportunities, Products, PriceBooks, Quotes, Contracts, Orders, and Invoices , and explore Marketing Campaigns . The course dives deep into Service Cloud and Field Service Lightning (FSL) , equipping you with the skills to handle customer service and field operations efficiently. You'll explore Salesforce's release cycles to stay up-to-date with new features. Key administration skills include managing objects, fields, tabs , page layouts , and relationships like Master-Detail, Lookup, and Hierarchical Relationships . You'll also learn to create dynamic formula fields and various email templates . In user management , you'll master Profiles, Permission Sets, Permission Set Groups, Roles , and OWD , and automated sharing through queues and public groups . The course also covers record types , validation rules , and approval processes to streamline data management. Automation is a core focus, with hands-on experience in Lightning Flows , including Record-Triggered, Screen, Sub Flows , and Flow Orchestration . You'll also work with the Data Loader for bulk data operations. By the end, you'll be well-prepared to tackle real-world Salesforce challenges in sales, marketing, service, and automation. Who this course is for Freshers, Graduates, Salesforce Job Seekers, Salesforce Administrators, Salesforce Developers Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  23. Free Download Travel Writing for Beginners Crafting Compelling Stories Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 37m | Size: 302 MB Write and Publish Your Adventures What you'll learn Student will be able to craft vivid and engaging descriptions that bring travel destinations to life for their readers. Student will be able to organize their travel experiences into coherent and captivating stories with a clear narrative arc. Students will develop skills in pitching articles, identifying publishing opportunities, and using digital tools to promote their work. Students will be adept at gathering information and making insightful observations that enrich their travel writing. Students will demonstrate an awareness of cultural contexts and apply ethical practices to produce respectful and responsible travel content. Students will master techniques for using sensory details, figurative language, and narrative structures to create immersive travel stories. Requirements Students should have a good command of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and sentence structure. Learners should possess basic writing skills and be comfortable with structuring sentences and paragraphs. A genuine interest in both travel and writing is essential for students to stay motivated and engaged throughout the course. Students should have regular access to a computer and a reliable internet connection. Having prior travel experience, either domestically or internationally. Description Do you have lots of tales to tell about your adventures? Do you love to write but don't know where to start when it comes to crafting a travel story? Then please join me in this beginners' travel writing course, where we'll delve into a few basics about storytelling. how to use tone of voice, how to paint vivid descriptions, how to craft a great intro and an ending and how to incorporate memorable characters and dialogue.I've kept the course quick, but by the end you should have a better understanding about what makes a good travel story and hopefully feel more confident in your writing. My aim is to inspire you to write and practice by yourself, pitch to any outlets you think would be suitable, or write for friends and family. We'll look at some examples of successful travel writing together and discuss what makes the pieces work. I also encourage you to try the practical writing exercises that will challenge you to apply what you've learned along the way, and which I encourage you to do. Writing is a muscle, and it needs constant toning and practice!I'm really looking forward to having you with me on this journey and sharing my passion for both travel and writing. Who this course is for Individuals who have a passion for travel and storytelling and are eager to start a career or hobby in travel writing. Bloggers and online content creators looking to enhance their travel writing skills to engage their audience more effectively. Travelers who want to document and share their experiences more vividly with friends, family, or a wider audience. Journalists and media professionals who wish to specialize or improve their skills in travel journalism. Freelance writers interested in expanding their portfolio by adding travel writing to their skillset. Digital nomads and remote workers who travel frequently and want to document their journeys. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  24. Free Download Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 1h 47m | Size: 1.22 GB TPRM, Mitigating Vendor Risks What you'll learn Understand the Fundamentals of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Identify and Assess Various Types of Third-Party Risks Navigate the Regulatory Landscape Impacting TPRM Develop and Implement a Robust TPRM Framework Conduct Effective Third-Party Risk Assessments and Due Diligence Manage Third-Party Risks Through Contractual and Cybersecurity Measures Respond to and Mitigate Third-Party Risk Incidents Foster a Risk-Aware Culture and Continuous Improvement in TPRM Requirements Basic Understanding of Risk Management Concepts Familiarity with Business Processes Basic Knowledge of Regulatory Compliance Description Course Description-This course provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and managing third-party risks in today's interconnected business environment. It covers the fundamentals of third-party risk management (TPRM), including identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with vendors, suppliers, and other external partners. Learn how to develop a robust TPRM framework, conduct due diligence, and monitor third-party performance to protect your organization from potential threats.Downloadable Templates-Lecture 6 - eBook - Due Diligence QuestionnaireLecture 7 - eBook - Third-Party Risk Assessment ChecklistLecture 12 - eBook - Incident Response Plan TemplateCourse StructureModule 1- IntroductionLecture 1 - IntroductionModule 2 Introduction to Third-Party Risk ManagementLecture 2- Overview of Third-Party Risk ManagementDefinition of third-party risk management (TPRM)Importance of TPRM in the modern business landscapeKey components of an effective TPRM programLecture 3- Types of Third-Party RisksOperational risksFinancial risksCompliance and legal risksCybersecurity and data privacy risksReputational risksLecture 4- The Regulatory LandscapeOverview of global regulations impacting TPRM (GDPR, CCPA, SOX, etc.)The role of regulatory bodies in third-party oversightConsequences of non-complianceModule 3- Building a Third-Party Risk Management FrameworkLecture 5- Developing a TPRM FrameworkKey elements of a TPRM frameworkAligning TPRM with organizational objectives and risk appetiteRoles and responsibilities in TPRMLecture 6- Third-Party Risk Assessment and Due DiligenceIdentifying and categorizing third-party risksConducting initial due diligence and background checksTools and techniques for risk assessmentLecture 7- Risk Scoring and SegmentationCreating a risk scoring modelSegmentation of third parties based on risk profilesPrioritizing third-party risk management effortsModule 4- Implementing Third-Party Risk Management PracticesLecture 8- Contractual Risk ManagementKey contractual clauses for managing third-party risksService Level Agreements (SLAs) and performance metricsNegotiating risk-sharing and liability provisionsLecture 9- Monitoring and Auditing Third PartiesContinuous monitoring of third-party performanceConducting third-party audits and assessmentsUsing technology and tools for third-party monitoringLecture 10- Managing Cybersecurity and Data Privacy RisksUnderstanding cybersecurity threats from third partiesData privacy considerations and complianceBest practices for securing third-party dataModule 5- Mitigating and Responding to Third-Party RisksLecture 11- Risk Mitigation StrategiesDeveloping risk mitigation plansImplementing controls and safeguardsCase studies of successful risk mitigationLecture 12- Incident Response and Crisis ManagementPreparing for third-party risk incidentsBuilding an incident response planManaging communication and damage controlLecture 13- Terminating Third-Party RelationshipsIdentifying when to terminate a third-party relationshipLegal and contractual considerationsSteps for a smooth transition and offboardingModule 6- Enhancing Third-Party Risk Management PracticesLecture 14- Continuous Improvement in TPRMEvaluating the effectiveness of your TPRM programLeveraging feedback for continuous improvementStaying updated with evolving risks and regulationsLecture 15- The Role of Technology in TPRMOverview of TPRM software and toolsUsing data analytics to enhance TPRMFuture trends in TPRM technologyLecture 16- Building a Risk-Aware CulturePromoting risk awareness across the organizationTraining and educating employees on TPRMEngaging stakeholders in risk management Who this course is for Risk Management Professionals Compliance Officers and Auditors Procurement and Vendor Management Professionals Business Leaders and Managers Legal and Contract Management Professionals Anyone Interested in Risk Management Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  25. Free Download The Complete Playwright Bootcamp - Zero to Hero in eCommerce Published 9/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English | Duration: 2h 37m | Size: 1.39 GB Automated Testing Mastery for Magento / Adobe eCommerce - Playwright, Cucumber, Allure, AI + 6 Months FREE JetBrains IDE What you'll learn Introduction to Automated Testing: Understand the fundamentals of automated testing and how it applies to eCommerce environments. Comprehensive Playwright Setup: Learn how to set up and configure Playwright for efficient testing, including essential settings and best practices. Advanced Testing Techniques: Dive into complex testing scenarios, including Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), cross-browser testing, and debugging. Optimizing Test Performance: Discover how to run tests in parallel, handle flaky tests, and manage resources effectively to reduce test execution time. Data-Driven Testing: Utilize fixtures, data files, and video recording to enhance test coverage and gain deeper insights. Environment Management: Streamline testing across different environments and configurations, ensuring your eCommerce site functions correctly in all scenarios. Reporting and Analysis: Generate detailed test reports with tools like Allure, and gain insights into test outcomes to drive continuous improvement. Requirements Basic Understanding of Web Development: Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential as the course involves testing web applications. Experience with Adobe Commerce (Magento) or some another eCommerce Platform: While not mandatory, having some experience with Adobe Commerce (Magento) or eCommerce Platform will help you better understand the context of the course. Fundamental Knowledge of Testing Concepts: A basic grasp of software testing principles, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing, will be beneficial. Description Are you looking to elevate your eCommerce testing skills and ensure that your eCommerce site like Adobe Commerce / Magento shop performs flawlessly? Welcome to "The Complete Playwright Bootcamp: Zero to Hero in eCommerce" course.In today's competitive online marketplace, ensuring a seamless and reliable shopping experience is critical. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to master Playwright-a powerful end-to-end testing framework-specifically tailored for eCommerce platforms like Adobe Commerce and Magento.What You'll Learn:Introduction to Automated Testing: Understand the fundamentals of automated testing and how it applies to eCommerce environments.Comprehensive Playwright Setup: Learn how to set up and configure Playwright for efficient testing, including essential settings and best practices.Advanced Testing Techniques: Dive into complex testing scenarios, including Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), cross-browser testing, and debugging.Optimizing Test Performance: Discover how to run tests in parallel, handle flaky tests, and manage resources effectively to reduce test execution time.Data-Driven Testing: Utilize fixtures, data files, and video recording, and more techniques to enhance test coverage and gain deeper insights.Environment Management: Streamline testing across different environments and configurations, ensuring your eCommerce site functions correctly in all scenarios.Reporting and Analysis: Generate detailed test reports with tools like Allure, and gain insights into test outcomes to drive continuous improvement.Exclusive Offer for You:As a valued student, you'll gain access to exclusive offers that will further enhance your learning experience:6 Months FREE Access to Top JetBrains IDEs:PhpStorm - Perfect for PHP and Adobe Commerce / Magento development.WebStorm - The ultimate IDE for modern JavaScript and front-end development.IntelliJ IDEA - Ideal for Java and Kotlin developers.PyCharm - The go-to IDE for Python development.And More JetBrains IDEs...Automatic 40% Discount on your selected IDE subscription after the free 6-month period - ensuring you continue to save as you grow your skills.JetBrains AI Assistant: Experience the future of coding with a 7-day trial of the JetBrains AI Assistant, integrated directly into your selected JetBrains IDE.Stay tuned for even more exciting discounts and offers exclusively for my students!Why This Course?This course is specifically crafted for developers, testers, and quality assurance professionals working with Adobe Commerce (Magento) who want to ensure their applications are robust, reliable, and ready for the real world. Whether you are new to Playwright or looking to refine your skills, this course provides a complete guide to mastering test automation in an eCommerce context.Course Highlights:Hands-On Practice: Engage with real-world scenarios and practice exercises designed to reinforce your learning.Quizzes and Assessments: Test your knowledge regularly to ensure you're mastering the concepts as you progress through the course.Expert Guidance: Benefit from clear explanations, best practices, and insights from experienced professional.Up-to-Date Content: Stay ahead with the latest testing techniques and tools that are relevant to modern eCommerce platforms.Platform Agnostic: The skills you acquire will be applicable across different platforms, making you a versatile and in-demand professional.By the end of this course, you'll have the confidence and expertise to implement automated testing strategies that ensure your Adobe Commerce (Magento) site delivers a seamless shopping experience, every time.Enroll today and start mastering Playwright, Cucumber, Allure, and more-taking your eCommerce testing skills to the next level! Who this course is for eCommerce Developers: Looking to enhance their testing capabilities. QA Engineers and Testers: Aiming to master Playwright for robust test automation. Adobe Commerce (Magento) Specialists: Seeking to ensure their platform's reliability and performance. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
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