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  1. Kommunikationsmuster in B2B Customer Journeys: Eine Taxonomie des Kommunikationsverhaltens organisationaler Käufer Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3658466111 | 303 Pages | PDF (True) | 11 MB Neue Kommunikationstechnologien sowie die gesteigerte Verfügbarkeit von Informationen verändern laufend das Spektrum der Informationsmöglichkeiten in organisationalen Beschaffungsprozessen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht das Buch die Prämissen für das Kommunikationsverhalten in Buying Centern und berücksichtigt dabei verschiedene Ausgangssituationen in der B2B Customer Journey. Mit Rückgriff auf die Theorie des Wahrgenommenen Risikos, die Informationsökonomie und die Media Synchronicity Theorie wird ein theoretischer Bezugsrahmen entwickelt, der die Wahl von Touchpoints in der B2B Customer Journey anhand der Kommunikationsbedürfnisse in spezifischen Kaufsituationen konzeptualisiert. Die entwickelte Hypothesenbasis wird anhand einer Befragung von mehr als 500 Buying Center Mitgliedern empirisch überprüft und mündet in der Entwicklung einer Taxonomie von fünf B2B Kommunikationstypen. Die Ergebnisse erweitern nicht nur den wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand, sondern liefern auch konkrete Impulse zur Ausrichtung der anbieterseitigen Marketingaktivitäten an den Kommunikationspräferenzen der identifizierten B2B Kommunikationstypen. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  2. Rachel Caine, "Kiss of Death (Morganville Vampires, Book 8)" English | 2010 | pages: 121 | ISBN: 0451229738 | PDF | 0,9 mb A new chapter in the New York Times bestselling Morganville Vampires saga. Vampire musician Michael Glass has attracted the attention of a big- time producer who wants to cut a demo and play some gigs-which means Michael will have to enter the human world. For this, he's been assigned escorts that include both a dangerous immortal as well as Michael's all-too-human friends. And with that mix of personalities, this is going to be a road trip from hell... Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  3. King of Finance: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy: From Wall Street to Main Street - A Guide to Financial Dominance by Sean Jiang Jing, US International Finance Foundation Non-Profit, China Listed Companies Association Non-Profit English | August 18, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDLBXVH2 | EPUB | 0.14 Mb In the ever-evolving landscape of global finance, "King of Finance: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy" emerges as a beacon of wisdom and practical guidance. Authored by [Your Name], this comprehensive book delves into the intricate world of finance, offering readers a treasure trove of strategies designed to navigate and thrive in today's interconnected economic systems. The book is a testament to the author's deep understanding of financial markets, investment strategies, and the nuances of economic policies that shape our world. It is crafted for a diverse audience, from seasoned investors to budding entrepreneurs, and anyone in between who seeks to grasp the complexities of finance and economics. For those seeking to master the art of finance in a global context, "Jiang Jing (Sean), King of Finance: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy" is an indispensable resource. This book is not just a guide; it is a roadmap for financial literacy, empowerment, and success in the modern world. With clear insights and actionable advice, it equips readers with the knowledge to make informed decisions and adapt to the ever-changing global economic landscape. Whether you are looking to expand your portfolio, start a business, or simply understand the world economy better, "King of Finance" is your go-to companion. It is a must-read for anyone with a passion for finance and a drive to succeed in the global market. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  4. Sean McGlynn, "Kill Them All: Cathars and Carnage in the Albigensian Crusade" English | ISBN: 0752486322 | 2015 | 320 pages | AZW3 | 4 MB The bloody Albigensian Crusade launched against the Cathar heretics of southern France in the early thirteenth century is infamous for its brutality and savagery, even by the standards of the Middle Ages. It was marked by massacres and acts of appalling cruelty, deeds commonly ascribed to the role of religious fanaticism.Here, in the first military history of the whole conflict, Sean McGlynn tells the story of the crusade through its epic sieges of seemingly impregnable fortresses, desperate battles and destructive campaigns, and offers expert analysis of the warfareinvolved, revealing the crusade in a different light - as a bloody territorial conquest in which acts of terror were perpetrated to secure military aims rather than religious ones.The dramatic events of the crusade and its colourful leading characters - Simon de Montfort, Louis the Lion, Innocent III, Peter of Aragon, Count Raymond of Toulouse - are brought to life through the voices of contemporary writers who fought and experienced it. Read more Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  5. Keltische Geschichte: Ein fesselnder Überblick über die Kelten (German Edition) by Billy Wellman, Volker Husberg German | December 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DQDWR3R6 | 165 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb Haben Sie sich jemals Gedanken über die alten Kelten in Irland gemacht und darüber, was sie zu dem machte, was sie waren? Wussten Sie, dass Halloween auf sie zurückgeht, dass sie die Harfe erfunden haben oder dass sie Schwerter führten, die bis zu einem Meter lang waren? In diesem Buch erfahren Sie historische Fakten über die Kelten wie diese und vieles mehr. Ob Sie die Kelten bereits kennen oder noch nie von ihnen gehört haben, dieses Buch ist für Sie. Wenn Sie mehr über das Leben der Kelten, ihre Kultur und das keltische Erbe des modernen Irlands erfahren möchten, finden Sie alles in diesem umfassenden und fesselnden Führer. In unserer Einführung in die keltische Geschichte lernen Sie alle Aspekte des keltischen Lebens auf leicht zugängliche Weise kennen, mit Bildern und in leicht verständlicher Sprache (kein akademischer Jargon!). Wir führen Sie durch die keltische Geschichte, indem wir Folgendes erklären:Wo die Kelten herkamen und wer sie waren.Wie sie Irland besiedelten.Die wichtigsten keltischen Mythen, Götter, Göttinnen, Sagen und Helden.Ihre jahreszeitlichen Feste und Feierlichkeiten.Schlüsselgeschichten, die die Kelten und die modernen Iren beeinflusst haben.Keltische Kunst und ihre glanzvolle Entwicklung und ihr Einfluss im Laufe der Jahrhunderte.Keltische Rituale in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.Der Einfluss des Christentums auf die keltische Gesellschaft.Der Aufstieg des Christentums in Irland und der Niedergang des Heidentums.Warum die Kelten wichtig sind.Und vieles mehr! Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  6. Letitia Stuart Savage, "Kaufmann's: The Big Store in Pittsburgh " English | ISBN: 1467119903 | 2016 | 160 pages | EPUB | 6 MB Join Letitia Stuart Savage on a journey to a time of leisurely shopping for the latest fashions complete with a side of Mile High Ice Cream Pie from the Tic Toc Restaurant. In 1871, Jacob and Isaac Kaufmann created a classic Pittsburgh institution. The business grew from a small store on the South Side to a mammoth clothing house downtown that outfitted the community. The removal of the original freestanding clock upset customers, so Kaufmann's added its iconic version in 1913. A redesign of the store's first floor attracted national attention in the 1930s. While most Pittsburghers remember and celebrate the downtown store, others recall the suburban branches - miniatures of the expansive flagship store. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  7. Karolingische Kaiser als Sportler: Ein Beitrag zur frühmittelalterlichen Körpergeschichte By Achim Thomas Hack 2015 | 89 Pages | ISBN: 3515111476 | PDF | 1 MB Die große Bedeutung des Sports in der neueren und neuesten Zeit ist - selbst dann, wenn gerade keine Olympiade oder Weltmeisterschaft stattfindet - völlig unbestritten. Auch in der Antike gehörten sportliche Aktivitäten unterschiedlicher Art ganz selbstverständlich zum Alltag; sie sind schon seit langem Gegenstand der althistorischen Forschung. Wie verhielt es sich aber in den Jahrhunderten dazwischen? Gab es auch im Mittelalter Sport? Und wenn ja, welche Bedeutung hatte er?Indiesem Band geht Achim Thomas Hackder Frageam Beispiel der karolingischen Könige und Kaiser nach. Wie sich herausstellt, finden sich bereits in den Quellen des 8. und 9. Jahrhunderts zahlreiche Elemente, die wir heute mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit dem Bereich des Sports zuweisen: Einzelsportarten und Mannschaftsdisziplinen, regelmäßiges Training, Wettbewerb und Sieg. Den Rahmen für diese Untersuchung bildet die in der Mediävistik noch wenig etablierte Körpergeschichte, die sich mit der Beschreibung und Bewertung des Körpers sowie seiner unterschiedlichen Funktionen und Tätigkeiten etc. beschäftigt. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  8. Kannten die Griechen die Demokratie? Zwei Studien By Christian Meier, Paul Veyne 2015 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 3515111395 | PDF | 1 MB Ob die Griechen die Demokratie kannten - daran sollte man zweifeln, weil man sonst so leicht nicht der großen, unsichtbaren Unterschiede gewahr wird, die sie von uns trennen. Sie sind uns ungemein fremd; um so mehr, je weniger wir es bemerken. Was uns an ihnen vertraut zu sein scheint und was ja auch wirklich nicht wie die Hinterlassenschaft eines exotischen Volkes sich ausnimmt, ist nur gleichsam der sichtbare Teil eines Eisbergs. Manch einer könnte auf den Titel: "Kannten die Griechen die Demokratie?" antworten: Kennen wir sie etwa? Noch aber taugt die Überschrift "Demokratie" dazu, jenes Ensemble zu bezeichnen, das uns wichtig ist; Rechtsstaat (auch Sozialstaat), Grundrechte, Verfassung samt bestimmten ihrer Voraussetzungen im allgemeinen Diskurs, das so leicht in andere Weltgegenden nicht zu übertragen ist und das die Griechen nicht kannten. Gleichwohl scheint einiges dabei zu sein, sich zu verschieben - und dann wären die Griechen es heute um so mehr, die nun wirklich die Demokratie kannten; freilich auf ihre Weise. Der in diesem Band abgedruckte wissenschaftliche Dialog zwischen Christian Meier und Paul Veyne aus den 1980er Jahren erscheint in der mittlerweile dritten Auflage. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  9. Kabbalah For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Arthur Kurzweil English | February 11th, 2025 | ISBN: 1394315139 | 400 pages | True EPUB | 2.77 MB A trustworthy, easy-to-read guide to an integral part of Judaism Kabbalah For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your factual and objective guide to understanding Kabbalah-a spiritual practice, also known as the "received tradition," that's connected to Judaism. This easy-to-follow resource walks you through how to connect to and better understand the Kabbalistic way of life, through explaining what Kabbalah is and isn't and detailing the Kabbalistic approach to the Torah, the Talmud, the Mishnah, and more Jewish texts. You'll also discover how to practice common rituals, worship, and pray as a practitioner of Kabbalah with this informative resource. * Understand the foundations of Kabbalah (including core ideas) * Know what Kabbalistic practice and study entails * Discover key Kabbalah resources Perfect for practicing Kabbalists who want to brush up on the basics and for the Kabbalah-curious-Kabbalah For Dummies, 2nd Edition is a must-read resource for anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals of one of the world's great spiritual practices. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  10. Justizberichterstattung in der direkten Demokratie: Kongress der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 22.-23. Juni 2017 in Bellinzona By Daniel Kipfer, Anne Kühler (eds.) 2019 | 170 Pages | ISBN: 3515123687 | PDF | 1 MB Welche Rolle spielt die Justizberichterstattung für die Verwirklichung des Rechts in der direkten Demokratie? Diese Frage tangiert sowohl rechtliche und gerichtspolitische als auch demokratietheoretische Themen im Verhältnis zwischen Recht, Öffentlichkeit, Medien und Justiz: So hängt die Wahrnehmung der Justiz - und mit ihr des Rechts - in der Öffentlichkeit maßgeblich davon ab, wie in den Medien darüber berichtet wird. Die mediale Vermittlung der Rechtsprechungstätigkeit beeinflusst in der direkten Demokratie auch die zukünftige Gesetzgebung, wodurch die Art und die Qualität der Justizberichterstattung eine für den demokratischen Rechtsstaat fundamentale Bedeutung erlangen.Die Autorinnen und Autoren beleuchten die gesellschaftlichen Rollen von Justiz und Medien in ihrer Wechselwirkung. Sie untersuchen den Einfluss der Medien auf die Rechtsprechungstätigkeit und auf die Art und Weise, wie die Justiz in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wird. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  11. Junk Journal Joy by Francesca Radice English | 2025 | ISBN: 1684817137 | 224 pages | True EPUB | 54.36 MB Discover the Transformative Power of Creativity with Junk Journaling In this inspiring and heartfelt guide, author Francesca shares her personal journey of making junk journals, revealing how this simple yet profound practice can help you reconnect with your emotions, find inner peace, and bring more well-being into your life. #1 New Release in Book Making & Binding Book binding beginners and experts welcome. Whether you're new to book binding or an experienced crafter, this scrapbooking book is packed with simple yet powerful projects and prompts that will guide you from start to finish. Learn how to create a journal from scratch using recycled and affordable materials, transforming everyday items into a beautiful keepsake. You'll also explore the art of scrapbooking, mixed media art, and other creative techniques that turn your journal into a personal treasure. The ultimate book on book binding. Filled with scrapbook ideas, bookbinding techniques, and tips for creating your own unique scrapbooking journal, this book will inspire you to take action and start junk journaling with confidence. As you dive into the stories and exercises within, you'll feel a sense of connection, accomplishment, and inner peace. Let Junk Joy Journal be your guide to finding magic in the mundane and cherishing the beauty that already exists in your life. Inside, you'll find: Creative fun by learning to make beautiful junk journals using recycled and affordable materials. Enhanced well-being by using journaling as a therapeutic outlet to reduce stress and overcome creative blocks. Personal growth and a sense of connection through guided prompts and personal stories that inspire self-discovery. If you liked other book binding books such as Junk Journal Cutouts, Making Handmade Books, or Treasure Book Making, you'll love Junk Journal Joy. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  12. Judical Minimalism - For and Against: Proceedings of the 9th Kobe Lectures. Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto, June 2008 By Yasutomo Morigiwa, Hirohide Takikawa (eds.) 2012 | 99 Pages | ISBN: 3515101365 | PDF | 1 MB In his Kobe Lecture, Cass Sunstein reflects upon his judicial minimalism, a doctrine asserting that the proper role of the judiciary is to go "narrow and shallow," collectively making minimal changes to its jurisprudence. He goes "beyond judicial minimalism" by reflecting on the goal and conditions that make the minimalist strategy reasonable, culminating in the conclusion that there are situations when a different strategy is more efficient. Ten commentators carefully examine Sunstein's legal theory, especially his arguments for and against judicial minimalism. Sunstein himself replies to the comments by appealing to the notion of fallibility. This book attempts to evaluate the pros and cons of judicial minimalism as an important strategy for legal interpretation. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  13. Rupert Matthews, "Jack the Ripper's Streets of Terror: Life During the Reign of Victorian London's Most Brutal Killer" English | ISBN: 1782122125 | 2013 | 208 pages | EPUB | 27 MB This is a new take on the Jack the Ripper story. Focusing on the people who lived through the Ripper's reign of terror, it shows what happened when familiar London streets suddenly became the hunting grounds of a monster. This book looks at the crimes of Jack the Ripper through the eyes of the Londoners who had to survive his career of brutal savagery. It follows the way the crimes affected the local population, the rumors that swept the streets, the alarms, the riots, the persecutions, the suspicions, and the sheer naked terror of the awful autumn when Jack the Ripper stalked the streets. This is the authentic version of how the case of the Ripper pulled apart lives in London's East End. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  14. Introduction to Ship-to-Ship Transfers for Oil Tankers by Alexander Arnfinn Olsen English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031748018 | 72 Pages | True PDF | 2.46 MB This book provides an outline of the Ship-to-Ship transfer process, and how ship's masters and officers can conduct this inherently dangerous activity safely. It is non-technical in detail making it an ideal resource for first-year students completing their studies in nautical science, or as a refresher resource for professionals already employed in the tanker sector. Moreover, this book would serve as a good handrail for shore-based personnel involved in planning and executing ship-to-ship transfers. It would be used a mid-range textbook for apprentices, officer cadets posted to crude/gas carriers. Due to its non-technical approach, accessible style and nature, the book would be good resource for students and teachers/trainers in the maritime field. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  15. Introduction to Electrospinning and Nanofiber English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031743091 | 192 Pages | PDF (True) | 8 MB The target audience of this is senior undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and engineering practitioners who are about to enter or entering the fields of nanofiber, nanofiber materials, electrospinning, and the like. This book is expected to prepare the readers, rather than providing the details of any specifics. This type of book is necessary because many researchers in training need basics to jump start the projects related to the research topics above. They also need to understand the potential applications to be direct their research. However, this type of book is missing, regardless of many handbooks or books focused on a specific field. The first half of the book introduces the basics of electrospinning and nanofiber technologies, leading the readers into the field step by step. It is expected to set a solid foundation for researchers in training (e.g. graduate students) before the jump into the particular research project (e.g. PhD thesis project). The contents are ordered such way that junior researchers normally follow. This book can also be used as a general reference book for those who are interested in the subjects. Each chapter is written as independent as possible, with references listed at the end of the chapter. Readers who can dig deep into the field after reading the chapters and the references listed. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  16. Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology by Aspinall, Victoria;Cappello, Melanie;Phillips, Catherine;, Melanie Capello, Catherine Phillips English | 2025 | ISBN: 1800624042 | 328 pages | True EPUB | 45.94 MB The fifth edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive description of the anatomy and physiology of dogs, cats, horses, farmed animals, birds and exotics. For the new edition there are 255 online questions and answers and beautiful animations to view on your phone. A sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an essential basis for the effective clinical treatment of companion animals and farm animals alike. The fifth edition of this bestselling textbook continues to provide students with a comprehensive description of the anatomy and physiology of dogs, cats, birds, exotics, farmed animals, and horses. This new edition: Contains detailed descriptions of the systematic anatomy and physiology of a wide range of animal species with expanded bird coverage for the first time Added chapter on amphibians Includes applied anatomy tips that relate theory to clinical practice Considers anatomy education not only for veterinary science students, but also those studying wider animal science, animal behavior, or agriculture Newly enhanced with an online test-yourself course and augmented reality animations to view on your phone . Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  17. Intrepid's Fighting Squadron 18 by Michael I. Fink English | January 14, 2025 | ISBN: 1682473228 | 304 Pages | True epub | 7,03 MB USS Intrepid's Fighting Squadron 18 (VF-18) was one of the U.S. Navy's highest-scoring carrier units of World War II. Despite having only one combat veteran in its roster, its aviators-including Cecil "Speedball" Harris, the Navy's second-ranking ace-were credited with shooting down more than 170 planes during their 81-day tour of duty, earning the squadron the nickname "Two-a-Day 18" in newspapers nationwide. How did a novice unit with a comparatively short time in theater accomplish such a feat? To answer this question, Intrepid's Fighting Squadron 18 follows squadron members through training, into combat, and finally to the end of their harrowing stories-whether they took the return trip home or made the ultimate sacrifice. Drawing extensively on archival and family collections, author Mike Fink reveals the personalities of these men and the binding friendships they built. "Moe" Mollenhauer, Fighting 18's youngest pilot, had a score to settle with the Japanese. Outspoken "Punchy" Mallory incredibly was reprimanded for shooting down enemy planes. And the squadron's best-known figure, Cecil "Speedball" Harris, took the lead in preparing his peers for war before they took their place at the tip of the Navy's spear. Intrepid's Fighting Squadron 18 is as much about the bonds these young men formed as it is about Pacific War history. The men of Fighting 18 joined the Navy's massive fast-carrier force in August 1944-just in time to parti[beeep]te in the last great air and sea battles in the Pacific. They were one of the first squadrons to engage Japan's massive battleship force during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, racked up incredible scores and suffered devastating losses during the Formosa Air Battle, and bore witness to an unthinkable new weapon-the kamikaze suicide attack-as the war entered its desperate endgame. Ultimately, Intrepid's Fighting Squadron 18 showcases the powerful impact of war on those who fight it and sheds light on the impact of those men on the war itself. eBook Details: Michael I. Fink 304 Pages 8 - 9 Hours to read 109k Total words Release Date: January 14, 2025 ISBN-13: 9781682473221 ISBN-10: 1682473228 Language: English Format: epub ✅File Size: 7,03 MB Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  18. Rebecca Attree, "International Commercial Agreements" English | 2002 | pages: 230 | ISBN: 1854182862 | PDF | 0,5 mb This new Professional Insight appears at an exciting time for international commercial lawyers: new legislation, fresh opportunities-and the challenge of understanding fully how to exploit them. Recent changes to EC Competition law have made a significant impact upon parties' freedom to contract commercially, generally giving them greater flexibility. In the field of e-commerce, the EC has issued a welter of laws that are in the course of being implemented into national laws. The report explains the principles and techniques of successful international negotiation and provides a valuable insight into the commercial points to be considered as a result of the laws relating to: pre-contract; private international law; resolving disputes (including alternative methods, such as mediation); competition law; drafting common clauses; and contracting electronically. It also examines in more detail certain specific international commercial agreements, namely agency and distribution and licensing. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  19. Robert Harry Hover, "Internal Moving Healing Manual of Instruction: Stopping Your Pain & Other Unpleasant Things" English | 2004 | ISBN: 1418438855 | PDF | pages: 141 | 39.0 mb Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  20. Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031637046 | 182 Pages | PDF (True) | 8 MB This book aims to address a wide range of topics in wireless/satellite communications to tackle the issues related to the integration of terrestrial networks (TN) with non-terrestrial networks (NTN). In Release 17, the third-generation partnership project (3GPP) proposed the standardization of NTN to allow 5G-based TN to support NTN. According to Release 17, the NTN will consist of satellites, with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and high-altitude platforms (HAPs) regarded as specific use cases of NTN. Similar to the Global Positioning System (GPS), signals based on NTN are unable to provide indoor coverage, as these signals are attenuated and scattered by roofs, walls, etc. Moreover, power and delay are critical factors that restrict a cellular-enabled mobile handset from achieving reliability, seamless coverage, and low latency while relying on NTN. This book has brought together multidisciplinary contributors in the field of wireless/satellite communications to identify and present technical challenges and recent results related to the design of energy-efficient, delay-tolerant, and enhanced coverage-based integrated TN and NTN. Given that challenges and future aspects are also considered, the book covers a wide variety of subject categories and would therefore benefit a larger readership in the scientific community. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  21. Insights about the Nature of Law from History: The 11th Kobe Lecture, 2014 By Kosuke Nasu (editor) 2017 | 146 Pages | ISBN: 3515115706 | PDF | 1 MB Brian Tamanaha has consistently sought his own version of general jurisprudence, stressing mutual influence between law and cultural and historical diversity of human lives. Now he takes a "third-way" approach of jurisprudence, which inherits the viewpoints of legal realism, historical jurisprudence, and sociological jurisprudence. Tamanaha identifies several alluring problems, like the complacence of the "law and development" projects, the prevalence of legal instrumentalism, the debate between legal formalists and legal realists, and the universal value and applicability of the rule of law. The contributors of this volume critically approach Tamanaha s arguments and hypotheses, or his methodological position, some from particular contexts of historical experiences of Japanese society, and some from more general and theoretical perspectives. This will help us to deepen the understandings about certain central problems of jurisprudence and philosophy of law, as well as significance of Tamanaha s own jurisprudential accomplishments and future prospects. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  22. Jia-Wei Chang, Jason C. Hung, "Innovative Computing: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC 2022)" English | 2022 | ISBN: 9811941319 | PDF | pages: 1324 | 60.6 mb This book comprises select proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC 2022) focusing on cutting-edge research carried out in the areas of information technology, science, and engineering. Some of the themes covered in this book are cloud communications and networking, high performance computing, architecture for secure and interactive IoT, satellite communication, wearable network and system, infrastructure management, etc. The essays are written by leading international experts, making it a valuable resource for researchers and practicing engineers alike. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  23. Innovative and Hybrid Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Recycling English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032593261 | 428 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 59 MB Innovative and Hybrid Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Recycling investigates the biological and non-biological features of the treatment process for wastewater and emphasizes the benefits that these aspects bring for sustainable engineering. It discusses several approaches that are based on biological and non-biological processes and examines the fundamental principles, practical applications, current achievements, future aspects, and associated limits. Further, it provides a wide range of innovative research on the treatment of wastewater, as well as the applications in the treatment, remediation, and pollution prevention processes. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  24. Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success by Edward W. Merrow English | August 6, 2024 | ISBN: 1119893178 | 496 pages | PDF | 10 Mb The most up-to-date edition of the bestselling text on megaprojects In the newly revised second edition ofIndustrial Megaprojects Revisited: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success, 2nd Edition , veteran megaproject valuator Edward Merrow delivers an accessible and authoritative discussion of why megaprojects frequently go over budget, past their deadlines, or result in safety compromises. You'll explore project management deficiencies, destructive team dynamics, weak accountability systems, short-term biases, and technical expertise gaps and, more importantly, learn how to avoid or address these pitfalls in the real world. This latest edition offers extensive new material on renewable energy and decarbonization projects, as well as:Clear, nontechnical explanations of why major projects tend to get into troubleStrategies to avoid hazardous and costly errors in the high-stakes megaproject environmentA comprehensive collection of tools, tips, principles, and frameworks to take a megaproject from start to finish without compromising on safety, blowing the budget, or exceeding the deadlineAn essential resource for engineers and industry professionals and executives, Industrial Megaprojects remains the gold standard on the subject. It also belongs in the libraries of finance and banking professionals who regularly fund these projects, and academics who research them. Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
  25. Individual Rights over Economic Equality: How Inalienable Rights and Property Ownership Stand in Opposition to Civil Rights and Equality English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031751027 | 241 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 2 MB Since the mid-1960s, citizens' rights in the United States have improved across many areas, including race, gender, sexuality, physical disabilities, age, consumption of goods, voting, and more. During this time, there has also been a degradation in economic rights, such as economic inequality. Is there a reason for this contradiction? Is it possible for American citizens to experience rights and equality? Download Links RapidGator TakeFile Fileaxa Fikper
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