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Free Download Converter Modeling And Control Part-1 (Voltage Mode Control) Published: 2/2025 MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 4.02 GB | Duration: 4h 54m Small Signal Modeling and Voltage Mode Control of DC-DC Converters[English] What you'll learn Converter Topologies and Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT) Switch Buck Converter Review Small Signal Analysis Buck Converter Small Signal Model Small Signal Modeling for SPDT Switch Transfer Functions and Frequency Response Feedback Control (Voltage Mode Control VMC) The Loop Gain Compensator Design Procedure MATLAB and LTspice Simulations Input Filter Design Circuit Simulations Requirements Power Electronics Basics DC-DC Converters Control System MATLAB and SIMULINK LTSpice Bode Plots Description "Converter Modeling and Control Crash Course Part-1" is an English course that immerses parti[beeep]nts in an enriching and interactive educational experience spanning 5 engaging sessions. Delving deep into the intricate world of DC-DC converter modeling and control, this course equips learners with invaluable skills and insights.Throughout the course, parti[beeep]nts will embark on a journey to master the art of obtaining the linear model of any DC-DC converter through small signal modeling techniques. They will also gain proficiency in designing compensator networks tailored to optimize converter performance. Additionally, learners will uncover the intricacies of EMI input filter design, ensuring stability and response integrity while minimizing interference.Comprehensive explanations, supplemented by interactive simulations and hands-on exercises, foster a dynamic and immersive learning environment. This multifaceted approach ensures a thorough understanding of key concepts within a relatively short timeframe, making it ideal for both newcomers to the field and seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their expertise.By providing structured materials and expert guidance, this intensive course empowers parti[beeep]nts to master converter modeling and control principles effectively. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock your potential in the realm of DC-DC converter technology. Dive deeper into the complexities of converter design and emerge with newfound knowledge and confidence. Overview Section 1: Course Materials Lecture 1 Reference Lecture 2 Simulations Lecture 3 Getting Started with LTspice Section 2: DC-DC Converters Modeling Lecture 4 Session 1 Section 3: Transfer Functions and Frequency Response Lecture 5 Session 2 Section 4: Feedback Control (Voltage Mode Control VMC) and Loop Gain Lecture 6 Session 3 Section 5: Compensator Design Procedure Lecture 7 Session 4 Section 6: MATLAB and LTspice Simulations and Input Filter Design Lecture 8 Session 5 Electrical Power Engineers,Power Electronics Engineers,Control Systems Engineers,Electronics Engineers,Bio-Medical Engineers,Mechatronics Engineers,Model-Based Engineer,Automotive System Engineer Homepage: DOWNLOAD NOW: Converter Modeling And Control Part-1 (Voltage Mode Control) Rapidgator Fikper Free Download : No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Nazwa releasu: WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro 12.1 Opis: HD Video Converter Factory Pro to rozbudowany, potÄ???ny program do konwersji plik??w wideo pomiÄ?dzy wieloma dostÄ?pnymi formatami, w tym tymi najczÄ???ciej spotykanymi w codziennych zastosowaniach. Warto jednak nadmieniÄ?, ??e radzi sobie on r??wnie?? z plikami audio. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Total HTML Converter Opis: Total HTML Converter jest u??ytecznÄ? aplikacjÄ?, kt??ra pozwala konwertowaÄ? pliki HTML na format DOC, PDF, HTML, XHTML, TXT, XLS, RTF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, ODT, EMF lub SVG. Aplikacja nie jest ograniczona do HTML tylko jako plik wej??ciowy, obs??uguje r??wnie?? MHT, HTM i XHTML. Wszystko to mo??na wykonaÄ? za po??rednictwem standardowego interfejsu u??ytkownika w stylu eksploratora lub za pomocÄ? wiersza polecenia Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Tipard AMV Video Converter 9.2.12 Opis: Tipard AMV Video Converter jest ??atwy w u??yciu wideo do konwertera AMV do konwersji dowolnych format??w wideo, takich jak MP4, AVI, MPEG, FLV, MOV do AMV, MTV wideo do odtwarzania na odtwarzaczach MP4, a tak??e odtwarzacze MP3 S1. Mo??esz tak??e konwertowaÄ? te importowane formaty do format??w MP3, MP2, WAV z doskona??Ä? jako??ciÄ? obrazu / d??wiÄ?ku. Ten AMV Converter oferuje wiÄ?cej funkcji edycyjnych, w tym przycinanie, kadrowanie, scalanie i znak wodny. Dodatkowo, dziÄ?ki nowo przyjÄ?temu wielordzeniowym procesorom wspomagajÄ?cym technologiÄ?, zyska?? lepszÄ? wydajno??Ä? podczas konwersji wideo. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Coolutils Total Mail Converter 5.1.184 Opis: Total Mail Converter to przydatny program do konwersji plik??w poczty elektronicznej e-mail o formacie MSG, EML, EMLX i MIM do popularnych plik??w PDF, DOC, TXT, HTML, TIFF oraz JPEG. Aplikacja umo??liwia konwersjÄ? i przypisywania odpowiednich opis??w, by zachowaÄ? porzÄ?dek w przypadku du??ej ilo??ci r????nych plik??w. DziÄ?ki temu prostemu w obs??udze programowi u??ytkownik bez problem??w mo??e przenie??Ä? wiele wiadomo??ci e-mail do postaci pliku wybierajÄ?c kt??re z informacji majÄ? zostaÄ? zachowane. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: AnyMP4 DVD Converter v7.2.10 Opis: AnyMP4 DVD Converter to profesjonalne oprogramowanie do konwersji DVD / wideo, kt??re daje u??ytkownikom najlepsze rozwiÄ?zanie do konwersji film??w DVD i wideo. Ten potÄ???ny konwerter DVD mo??e pomagaÄ? konwertowaÄ? filmy DVD / wideo do dowolnego popularnego formatu wideo, takiego jak MP4, MOV, AVI, MKV, FLV, WMV, 3GP itd. Co wiÄ?cej, ten konwerter DVD jest wyposa??ony w wiele u??ytecznych funkcji edycyjnych, Film DVD i wideo. Mo??esz wyciÄ?Ä? d??ugo??Ä? wideo, przycinaÄ? sekcjÄ? obrazu wideo, dostosowaÄ? efekty wideo dodaÄ? sw??j osobisty znak wodny i po??Ä?czyÄ? filmy wideo i tak dalej. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Tipard MKV Video Converter 9.2.12 Opis: Tipard MKV Video Converter mo??e pom??c konwertowaÄ? pliki MKV do format??w pasujÄ?cych do przeno??nych graczy. Ten najlepszy MKV Video Converter mo??e ??atwo przekonwertowaÄ? MKV, MPEG, HD MPEG, itp. Do AVI, MPG, MP4, filmy HD ... i wyodrÄ?bniÄ? audio z MKV i innych plik??w wideo do AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, MP3, M4A, MP2, OGG, WMA, WAV itp. Silne funkcje edycyjne, takie jak dzielenie, kadrowanie, ??Ä?czenie, znak wodny ... wideo wraz z Tipard MKV Video Converter mo??e jeszcze bardziej udoskonaliÄ? konwertowane pliki. Dodatkowo, dziÄ?ki nowo przyjÄ?temu technologiom NVIDIAÂ? CUDA â?? i wielordzeniowych procesorom obs??ugujÄ?cym technologiÄ? prÄ?dko??Ä? konwersji jest teraz o 6X szybsza. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Tipard M2TS Converter 9.2.12 Opis: Tipard M2TS Converter, intuicyjny i profesjonalny plik M2TS Konwersja oprogramowania pozwala na konwersjÄ? plik??w wideo M2TS nagranych przez wszystkie kamery HD, takie jak Sony HDR, Panasonic HDC / AG, Canon itd. Na iPodzie, iPhone, iPad, Samsung i inne urzÄ?dzenia przeno??ne . Mo??esz tak??e konwertowaÄ? dowolny plik .m2ts / HD .m2ts na WMV, AVI, MP4, MOV, FLV, VOB, MTS, TS, MPG, MPEG, MPEG2, HD i wiele innych. W konwerterze M2TS dodawane sÄ? wszechstronne funkcje edycji wideo, takie jak do??Ä?czenie do filmu, ciÄ?cie filmu, znakowanie wideo i kadrowanie filmu, aby dostosowaÄ? efekt pliku wyj??ciowego. Dodatkowo, dziÄ?ki nowo przyjÄ?temu technologiom NVIDIAÂ? CUDA â?? i wielordzeniowych procesorom obs??ugujÄ?cym technologiÄ? prÄ?dko??Ä? konwersji jest teraz o 6X szybsza. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Tipard TS Converter 9.2.12 Opis: Tipard TS Converter jest profesjonalnym konwerterem wideo TS, kt??ry mo??e pom??c w konwersji plik??w wideo TS do r????nych popularnych format??w, takich jak MPEG, VOB, DAT, MP4, M4V, MTS, WMV, ASF, MKV itd. Mo??esz tak??e poprawiÄ? wydajno??Ä? Wideo poprzez edytowanie funkcji. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Tipard iPhone Video Converter 9.2.12 Opis: Tipard iPhone Video Converter to wszechstronny film do oprogramowania konwersji iPhone, kt??ry mo??e spekowaÄ? ??ycie multimedialne, konwertujÄ?c filmy do r????nych tryb??w iPhone, w tym iPhone SE, iPhone 6s / 6s plus / 6/6 plus. S??u??y jako najlepszy konwerter plik??w wideo, umo??liwia konwersjÄ? najpopularniejszych format??w wideo / audio: MTS, MXF, WMV, MKV, AVI, MP4, MOV, MOD itp. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Leawo Video Converter Ultimate Opis: Leawo Video Converter Ultimate to wielofunkcyjne narzÄ?dzie do konwertowania wideo, pobierania film??w z takich portali jak YouTube czy Dailymotion, nagrywania plik??w na p??ytach DVD/Blu-ray, tworzenia pokaz??w slajd??w czy odtwarzania wideo. Obs??ugiwanych jest ponad 180 rozmaitych format??w, co gwarantuje, ??e odtworzony zostanie praktycznie ka??dy materia?? filmowy. W??r??d nich znajdziemy AVI, MP4, WMV, FLV, RMVB, MPEG, 3GP, MKV, MP3, WMV, WAV, AAC, OGG, M4A, etc. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: Freemake Video Converter Gold Opis: Freemake Video Converter oferuje zestaw przydatnych funkcji pozwalajÄ?cych poza zmianÄ? formatu tak??e na zgrywanie na dysk zawarto??ci no??nik??w DVD-Video, nagrywanie p??yt DVD, tworzenie ze zdjÄ?Ä? pokaz??w slajd??w i wizualizacji do piosenek, podstawowÄ? edycjÄ? wideo oraz wysy??anie bezpo??rednio z poziomu aplikacji klip??w do serwisu YouTube. ZaletÄ? programu, poza bogatÄ? funkcjonalno??ciÄ?, jest du??a prostota obs??ugi, a tak??e dopracowany i przyjazny u??ytkownikowi interfejs graficzny. Po uruchomieniu programu wybieramy typu multimedi??w, z kt??rym chcemy pracowaÄ?, wczytujemy pliki oraz wskazujemy wyj??ciowy format. W zale??no??ci od wybranej w ostatnim kroku opcji aplikacja oferuje r????ne mo??liwo??ci pracy. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: VSO DVD Converter Ultimate Beta Opis: VSO DVD Converter to narzÄ?dzie umo??liwiajÄ?ce konwertowanie film??w DVD do formatu - MKV, iPad, iPhone, Xbox, PS3, AVI i wielu innych. Program wspiera r??wnie?? ??cie??ki Audio oraz napisy, kt??re mo??emy w ??atwy spos??b do??Ä?czaÄ? do konwertowanego filmu. Aplikacja posiada mo??liwo??Ä? podglÄ?du przerabianego materia??u wideo w czasie rzeczywistym. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: 4Videosoft Video Converter Ultimate 6.2.12 Opis: 4Videosoft Video Converter Ultimate to rozbudowane oprogramowanie do konwertowania plik??w audio/wideo jak i podstawowej edycji film??w. Interfejs jest mi??y dla oka i bardzo czytelny. Jego wiÄ?kszÄ? czÄ???Ä? stanowi lista wszystkich multimedi??w, kt??re chcemy przekonwertowaÄ?. Do dyspozycji oddano r??wnie?? panel z podglÄ?dem nagrania i podstawowe narzÄ?dzia do sterowania odtwarzaniem. Opis uploadu: Download:
- 4videosoft
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Nazwa releasu: AnyMP4 MTS Converter 6.2.25 MacOSX Opis: AnyMP4 MTS Converter has the ability to convert MTS, M2TS, and TS to other common and 4K video formats like AVI, MP4, MOV, M4V, MPEG, FLV, MKV and audio formats like AAC, AIFF, MP3, WAV and more, and more that highly supported by Video Editing software like Final Cut Pro, iMovie, and Avid Media Composer. Opis uploadu: Download:
Nazwa releasu: WonderFox DVD Video Converter 12.0 Opis: WonderFox DVD Video Converter to zaawansowany program do konwersji p??yt DVD-Video. Aplikacja pozwala w kilku prostych krokach zgraÄ? materia?? filmowy z p??yty DVD do pliku wideo zgodnego z wieloma urzÄ?dzeniami stacjonarnymi oraz przeno??nymi. Opis uploadu: Download:
AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus for Windows v5.2.5 | 10.1 MB AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus for Win is a powerful iTunes M4V video converter and DRM media converter. It aims to remove DRM from iTunes M4V movies, music videos and TV shows, and convert them to common video formats for freely playing on various non-Apple devices. Remove DRM from iTunes M4V purchases and rentals at 20X faster speed Convert iTunes M4V videos to MP4, AVI, MOV, FLV, MPEG, MP3, AAC, etc Output files for iPhone, Smasung Galaxy, Surface RT/Pro, Nokia 920, Kindle Fire, etc Keep subtitles and retain all audio tracks. Support iTunes 12.4 Keep All Subtitles and Audio Tracks AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus for Windows helps Windows users crack iTunes DRM protection thus to convert them to regular formats. When you convert iTunes M4V to "Same as source for MP4 / MOV", all audio tracks (including 5.1 audio track) and all subtitles (including closed caption) will be preserved. The function to keep AC3 5.1 audio tracks and subtitles will satisfy most of our customers, which make AVS4Mac surpass many similar programs in the markets. Simple and Fast Way to Remove DRM The program performs as a the fastest DRM removal software, which helps Windows users to easily and legally get rid of DRM protection from iTunes movies, music videos and TV shows at 20X faster speed on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and the lastest Windows 10. The M4V removal tool can not only remove DRM protection from purchased M4V movies, but also supports to remove DRM from rented M4V movies before they are expired. Offer Plentiful Output Formats It enables you convert iTunes DRM protected M4V videos to common video formats like MP4, AVI, MOV, MPG, MPEG1/2, 3GP, 3G2, FLV, SWF and audio formats such as MP3, AAC which are free from DRM protection. Besides, this useful DRM M4V removal tool can also be regarded as the best iTunes M4V to MP4, M4V to MOV, M4V to AVI, M4V to FLV video converter. Export to Media Player Devices It supports to export videos to hundreds portable media players, including iPhone, iPad, iPod and other non-Apple devices such as PSP, PS3, Zune, Xbox 360, BlackBerry, Nokia, HTC, Samsung, Surface RT/Pro, Creative Zen, etc. In this way, you can convert your DRM-Free video files with best quality to fit your portable devices for enjoying movies on the go. User Friendly & Easy-to-Use It is a easy-to-use program for you to finish DRM removal & video conversion with only a few clicks. Succinct UI enables you freely import the M4V resources from iTunes library. What's more, the Speedy Technical Support and lifetime free Upgrade will make you feel reassured to use our program on Windows OS. Download link:]ajtzg.AVS4Mac.M4V.Converter.Plus.for.Windows.5.2.5.rar [b]uploadrocket_net[/b]:]ajtzg.AVS4Mac.M4V.Converter.Plus.for.Windows.5.2.5.rar.html [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]ajtzg.AVS4Mac.M4V.Converter.Plus.for.Windows.5.2.5.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Freemake Video Converter Gold Multilingual | 31 Mb Freemake Video Converter Gold - Convert video to AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, 3GP, DVD, MP3, iPad, iPhone, PSP, Android phones. Video to MP3 with one click! Rip & burn DVD. Convert YouTube to MP4, AVI, etc. with Freemake! Guaranteed result. 200+ Input Formats: Input any video files: AVI, MP4, MKV, WMV, MPG, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, FLV, TOD, AVCHD, MOV, DV, RM, QT, TS, MTS, etc. Import music (MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV), and photos (JPG, BMP, PNG,GIF) to turn them into video free and easily! All supported formats Output to AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, MP3, HTML5: Convert video free to the most popular video formats. Rip DVD movie (unprotected) to AVI, WMV, MP4, MPEG, MKV, FLV, SWF, 3GP. Convert video to Flash and embed it directly to your web page. Create HTML5 video (Ogg, WebM, H.264) for modern web browsers. Convert Free to iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, Android: Optimize videos for Apple, Sony, and Android devices. Convert videos free to iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod 5G, iPhone, iPad, Sony PSP, PS2, PS3, BlackBerry, Samsung, Nokia, Xbox, Apple TV, Android mobile devices, smartphones, etc. Fastest Video Converter with CUDA and DXVA: Freemake is the only free video converter that features integrated both CUDA and DXVA technologies for the fastest ever video conversion and less CPU usage. The software automatically detects the optimal conversion parameters and switches on/off CUDA and DXVA for better conversion results. Burn Blu-ray Video: Convert your movies to video Blu-ray format and burn high-quality BDs for free. Create Blu-ray discs out of any input content: video, audio, photos, URLs. Burn multiple Blu-ray copies and save the resulted Blu-ray video to HDD as an ISO image or Blu-ray folder. Burn DVD - up to 40 hours: Unlike other software, our free video converter doesn't have a two-hour limit and can burn DVD video up to 20h to a Standard DVD or 40h to DVD-DL. With our free video converter, you can make multiple DVD copies and save the output DVD video to your PC as an ISO image or DVD folder. Video Converter with Subtitles Support: Convert DVD, MKV, MOV with embedded subtitles to any video format or device for free. Add SSA/SRT/ASS external subtitles to any video with our free video converter. Advanced Preset Editor: Take total control of the output result by customizing conversion parameters. Create your own presets by establishing video and audio codecs, frame size, etc. Choose an icon, and save you custom preset for further usage with our free video converter. Upload Photos and MP3 to YouTube: Upload videos, photo slideshows, MP3 to YouTube with our free video converter. Upload AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, JPG, BMP, GIF, MP3 to YouTube. The program will cut videos (if required) into 15-minute parts and insert them into one YouTube playlist. Make Slideshows and Visualizations: Turn photos and MP3 into slideshows with background music for free. Edit your slideshow: add, delete, and shuffle photos, enable panorama effect. Create music visualizations and upload photos to YouTube for free! Cut, Join, Rotate, Limit size, Adjust to aspect ratio: Cut video parts from your file. Flip or rotate video. Join several videos into one file, add transitions between parts. Fit the output file size to any limit (e.g. 700 Mb, 1.4 Gb, 4.7 Gb). Adjust output video to the established aspect ratio: add black bars, stretch, zoom, auto-adjust. Unlocked Licenses: Gold Pack License, Subtitle Packs What's New: Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version Download link:]mlnew.Freemake.Video.Converter.Gold. [b]uploadrocket_net[/b]:]mlnew.Freemake.Video.Converter.Gold. [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]mlnew.Freemake.Video.Converter.Gold. Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
VSO Blu-ray Converter Ultimate Multilingual | 56.5 Mb Blu-ray Converter software can convert any Blu-ray video or AVCHD structure (from HD camcorder) to DVD video (with menu) or other video formats supported by most popular devices like PS3, XBOX360, DivX home player, iPod, iPhone, iPad... Convert Blu ray any format Convert to any format: DVD, AVI, MKV, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Xbox, PS3, Playstation Mpeg2, Mpeg4, H264, Xvid Many audio outputs are available: stereo, multi-channel, AC-3, dts, AAC, Mp2 Live preview with audio and subtitle track selection For beginners and Avanced Users Even your grandma can convert Blu-rays now! Smart display of movies, series and other contents Files are displayed as main movie, bonuses or episodes Includes a video player for audio and subtitle tracks selection (no ugly list of complicated m2ts files) Special settings for advanced users are only 1 click away Quality Impressive quality results to play on various devices Advanced Image Filter to convert images down from HD to SD if needed H264 encoder included in to rip blu-ray 2 pass conversion for enhanced quality Special features Iso files supported Processes simultaneous conversions Custom profiles: create your own profile with your favorite codecs, resolution and bitrate and existing files Remux profiles for MKV and AVI Multi-angle support Chapter support: keep original chapters or create new chapters Audio booster feature Subtitles can be in the DVDsub format or hardcoded in video Forced subtitles supported (when included in original file, ex: Avatar alien dialog is subtitled) Padding and cropping features Hardware decoding+ multi-core + h264 Fast bluray converter Encoder optimized for multi-core processors convert 3x's faster DXVA2 hardware decoding: NVIDIA CUDA, Intel and ATI technology Uses Hardware encoding: NVIDIA CUDA Burning Burning engine included Compatible with all all optical drives and disks Split burning over disks Download link:]xvcze.VSO.Bluray.Converter.Ultimate.]xvcze.VSO.Bluray.Converter.Ultimate.]xvcze.VSO.Bluray.Converter.Ultimate.]xvcze.VSO.Bluray.Converter.Ultimate.]xvcze.VSO.Bluray.Converter.Ultimate. Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Tipard MKV Video Converter v7.3.0 Multilingual | 31.8 MB Tipard MKV Video Converter can help you convert MKV files to the formats fitting your portable players. This best MKV Video Converter can easily convert MKV, MPEG, HD MPEG, etc. to AVI, MPG, MP4, HD videos and extract audio from MKV and other videos to AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, MP3, M4A, MP2, OGG, WMA, WAV etc. The strong editing functions, such as splitting, cropping, merging, watermarking video, accompanied with Tipard MKV Video Converter can further perfect your converted files. Plus, with newly adopted NVIDIA CUDA technology and multi-core CPUs supporting technology, the converting speed is 6X faster now. Convert MKV file to other popular video format Define output video Output MKV file to any video/audio at will Support converting MKV to popular videos and HD videos Tipard MKV Video Converter gives you a hand to get what you want video/audio formats, including HD WMV, HD AVI from MKV video formats and other popular, even from the High Deification videos easily. Extract audio from MKV You are allowed to convert MKV and other video format to AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, FLAC, MP3, M4A, etc. audio format. Capture favorite pictures Capture your favorite pictures when preview your video and you can choose to save it as JPEG, GIF or BMP formats. You can also set the saved folder or it will be saved automatically in the defaulted folder. Output Settings Adjust output settings Set the Video Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate; Set the Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, Audio Bitrate. You also can save all the output settings as your preference, which is saved in the user-defined column automatically. Select what you want profile Tipard MKV Video Converter sorts the profile by the devices, General video, General audio, HD videos, etc, then it's easy for you to find what you want one. Output one file to different formats with only one conversion Get multiple files with the same content at one time by adding multiple profiles to one source simultaneously. Select audio track and subtitle Gives you the ability to select you need audio track or subtitle for your output video. Powerful video editing functions Set video effect Tipard MKV Video Converter allows you to set the video Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation. Set Deinterlacing With MKV Video Converter, you can easily convert an interlaced video to the progressive for better enjoyment. Trim and merge Clip any segment of your video exactly, and join the separated video files into one file. Crop the play region Adjust the playing region of the video to fit for your player and your favor. Watermark video Tipard MKV Video Converter adds the function to watermark your video in text or picture. You also can edit the watermark text, like the font-family, font-style, color, etc. User-friendly software Provide you with high speed and intuitive interface Give you 6X faster converting speed This video converter also supports multi-core CPUs, which can take full advantage of your PC power to accelerate the converting speed. Preview video effect Using Tipard MKV Video Converter, you can preview the original video and the instant output video for your operation at the same time. Intuitive interface The intuitive interface simplifies the operation, and only a few clicks can finish the conversion. What's New in This Release: English/French/German/Japanese four interface languages AMD APP Acceleration provides another converting acceleration choice. Auto-update function makes sure you always have latest version. Support multi-core CPUs. Newly added iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 output profiles. Download link: [b]uploadrocket_net[/b]:]6m3rz.Tipard.MKV.Video.Converter.v7.2.6.Multilingual.rar.html [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]6m3rz.Tipard.MKV.Video.Converter.v7.2.6.Multilingual.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Tipard MKV Video Converter v7.2.6 Multilingual | 31.8 MB Tipard MKV Video Converter can help you convert MKV files to the formats fitting your portable players. This best MKV Video Converter can easily convert MKV, MPEG, HD MPEG, etc. to AVI, MPG, MP4, HD videos and extract audio from MKV and other videos to AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, MP3, M4A, MP2, OGG, WMA, WAV etc. The strong editing functions, such as splitting, cropping, merging, watermarking video, accompanied with Tipard MKV Video Converter can further perfect your converted files. Plus, with newly adopted NVIDIA CUDA technology and multi-core CPUs supporting technology, the converting speed is 6X faster now. Convert MKV file to other popular video format Define output video Output MKV file to any video/audio at will Support converting MKV to popular videos and HD videos Tipard MKV Video Converter gives you a hand to get what you want video/audio formats, including HD WMV, HD AVI from MKV video formats and other popular, even from the High Deification videos easily. Extract audio from MKV You are allowed to convert MKV and other video format to AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, FLAC, MP3, M4A, etc. audio format. Capture favorite pictures Capture your favorite pictures when preview your video and you can choose to save it as JPEG, GIF or BMP formats. You can also set the saved folder or it will be saved automatically in the defaulted folder. Output Settings Adjust output settings Set the Video Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate; Set the Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, Audio Bitrate. You also can save all the output settings as your preference, which is saved in the user-defined column automatically. Select what you want profile Tipard MKV Video Converter sorts the profile by the devices, General video, General audio, HD videos, etc, then it's easy for you to find what you want one. Output one file to different formats with only one conversion Get multiple files with the same content at one time by adding multiple profiles to one source simultaneously. Select audio track and subtitle Gives you the ability to select you need audio track or subtitle for your output video. Powerful video editing functions Set video effect Tipard MKV Video Converter allows you to set the video Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation. Set Deinterlacing With MKV Video Converter, you can easily convert an interlaced video to the progressive for better enjoyment. Trim and merge Clip any segment of your video exactly, and join the separated video files into one file. Crop the play region Adjust the playing region of the video to fit for your player and your favor. Watermark video Tipard MKV Video Converter adds the function to watermark your video in text or picture. You also can edit the watermark text, like the font-family, font-style, color, etc. User-friendly software Provide you with high speed and intuitive interface Give you 6X faster converting speed This video converter also supports multi-core CPUs, which can take full advantage of your PC power to accelerate the converting speed. Preview video effect Using Tipard MKV Video Converter, you can preview the original video and the instant output video for your operation at the same time. Intuitive interface The intuitive interface simplifies the operation, and only a few clicks can finish the conversion. What's New in This Release: English/French/German/Japanese four interface languages AMD APP Acceleration provides another converting acceleration choice. Auto-update function makes sure you always have latest version. Support multi-core CPUs. Newly added iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 output profiles. Download link: [b]uploadrocket_net[/b]:]6m3rz.Tipard.MKV.Video.Converter.v7.2.6.Multilingual.rar.html [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]6m3rz.Tipard.MKV.Video.Converter.v7.2.6.Multilingual.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
EZ CD Audio Converter Ultimate Multilingual (x86) | 25 MB All-in-one multi format Audio Converter, CD Ripper, Metadata Editor, and Disc Burner.Rip audio CDs, make copies of discs, convert mp3, convert audio files, and burn audio CDs, MP3 CDs, and data discs. EZ CD Audio Converter is easy to use, fast, and has best audio quality. Formats MP3, FLAC, AAC, HE AAC, M4A, Apple Lossless, WAV, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, CUE, M3U plus more. All codecs are included, no additional codec downloads is needed. Key features - Easy to use - Optimized for best audio quality - Accurate audio CD ripping with error detection - Convert between audio formats with metadata preservation - Burn audio CDs, mp3 discs, and data discs - Automatic updates (free lifetime updates included) - Automatic high-quality cover art downloads - Features ReplayGain, normalization, silence removal - Convert audio from video files - Makes 1:1 copies of CDs and DVDs Power features - Fastest audio converter, can convert up to 8 files in parallel - Best audio codecs included - Automatically download metadata with high quality cover art from multiple services (GD3, MusicBrainz, Freedb) - Utilizes multi-core CPUs and multimedia instructions (SSE, MMX) for best performance - Gapless audio converting and gapless sample rate conversion - Creates and Burns Cue Sheets (.cue), all types - Full ReplayGain support - Rips hidden audio tracks (HTOA) - Supports CD-Text, ISRC, pre-gap, and pre-emphasis detection EZ CD Audio Converter converts CD to mp3, converts audio files from flac to mp3, wav to mp3, and burns mp3 to CD. 4.0.9 Fixed DPI scaling Download link: [b]uploadrocket_net[/b]:]cvvfg.EZ.CD.Audio.Converter.Ultimate. [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]cvvfg.EZ.CD.Audio.Converter.Ultimate. Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate 9.0.22 | 53.2 Mb Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate is the powerful conversion software to assist you converting homemade DVD and videos to 2D/3D/HD video files with great video editing features and supports iPhone/iPad/iPod and most popular portable devices. Improve video quality and make your video visually energetic (New) The new video enhancer function will enable you to enhance the video quality and add more effects to your video. In the new video enhancer window, you can enhance the video quality from SD to HD, enhance the brightness and contrast or remove the annoying video noise. The video editing functions also allow you to adjust the video saturation, hue and volume. After editing, you will get a video in any effect you like, horror, romantic, funny, etc. Rotate and flip your video to the right angle (New) Now smart phones and tablets have replaced cameras to a large extent. Sometimes we may get some video that's filmed sideways and want to correct it to the right angle. The video rotating function allows you to easily make tweaks to the videos. It can rotate the video clockwise or counterclockwise, or flip the video files horizontally or vertically, solving the angle problem in one simple click. Reduce video shaking to stabilize wobbly video (New) When shake your phone to record a video, the recorded video moves not as a whole stabilization but a distorted wave. This video deshaker will help to compensate global motion to keep central objects stable. When you download an extremes sport video in aerial shoot, or motion video created with different kinds of sensors, you will find the whole frame moves. At this point, you can reduce video shaking to stabilize the shaking video to make it look much better. Convert video to HD/3D video files Convert video to HD video for extraordinary visual experience, including HD AVI, HD WMV, HD MOV, TS, HD MP4, etc. and 3D video files with five modes including Anaglyph (Red/cyan), Side By Side (Full), Side by Side (Half-Width), Top and Bottom (Full), Top and Bottom (Half-Height). Convert homemade DVD to 2D/3D video formats Convert home DVD to video in MP4, AVI, WMV, 3GP, FLV, and tons of other formats and 3D video files with only one conversion. Moreover, this software supports batch conversion, which lets you effortlessly convert multiple files to the same or different video formats with one conversion. Offer default settings for popular devices Video Converter Ultimate offers many default settings for iPhone/iPad/iPod (iPod Touch 5 and iPhone 5 included), Android devices, Samsung devices and other popular devices. It's easy to trim and clip your DVDs and video files. You are allowed to edit and personalize DVDs or videos by adjusting video effect (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation and output volume), crop video, trim video, add watermark to video, and merge multiple video files. Download link: [b]uploadrocket_net[/b]:]x28z8.Aiseesoft.Video.Converter.Ultimate.9.0.22.rar.html [b]alfafile_net[/b]:]x28z8.Aiseesoft.Video.Converter.Ultimate.9.0.22.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
PDF to Word Converter Full Crack PDF2Word (pdf to word) software enable export the text, images and other contents from pdf document into word document, so you can reuse your PDF content, pdf to word software will preserving text, layout and bitmap images in the generated word document. PDF2Word(pdf to word) software is a standalone program and does not require Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, or even Acrobat Reader. Here are some key features of "PDF to Word Converter: - PDF to Word Converter convert PDF files into Microsoft Word RTF format - Standalone software, MS Word, Adobe Acrobat and Reader NOT required! - PDF to Word Converter processes the conversion at very high speed - PDF to Word Converter supports Command Line Operation (for manual use or inclusion in scripts) - PDF to Word Converter supports Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP platforms - PDF to Word Converter supports auto resize the pdf page to fit your requirement - PDF to Word Converter accurately preserves Text, Pictures, and Layout - PDF to Word Converter is easy to use - PDF to Word Converter supports multiple document conversions (Batch Processing) - PDF to Word Converter supports drag and drop files and batch conversion - PDF to Word Converter supports PDF1.5 protocol (formerly only supported by Acrobat 6.0) - Converted files can be automatically loaded immediately after conversion complete - PDF to Word Converter supports Page ranges (all, from to, individual pages. DOWNLOAD THANKS!
PDF To JPG Converter PDF To JPG Converter is one utility Reserved cho Windows helps to change the file PDF into the file image be saved below the format file JPG, BMP, TIF, GIF, PNG one way quick Chong. Ngoai ra PDF To JPG Converter can also to convert PDF to JPG in multiple pages, and put ra image DPI All features policy: Conversion faster 87% as with applications along type. Support mode 'conversion all. Support to convert PDF to JPG, BMP, TIF, GIF, PNG Supports converting as page Support options variables DPI DOWNLOAD THANKS