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Znaleziono 26 wyników
epub | 278.36 KB | English | ASIN:9780330376266 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller
epub | 440.93 KB | English | ASIN:9780812579048 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
epub | 442.4 KB | English | ASIN:9780330451833 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2007 Description: Category:Fiction, Literature, Suspense, Thriller
epub | 286.23 KB | English | ASIN:9780330522052 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller
epub | 477.08 KB | English | ASIN:9780330468961 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2007 Description: Category:Fiction, Literature, Suspense, Thriller
epub | 249.02 KB | English | ASIN:9780330522595 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Literature
epub | 641 KB | English | ASIN:9780330376235 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2011 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller
epub | 494.8 KB | English | ASIN:9781447203391 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 1990 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Literature
epub | 725.06 KB | English | ASIN:9780230764873 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2012 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Suspense, Thriller
epub | 350.59 KB | English | ASIN:9781447294610 | Author: James Herbert | Year: 2017 Description: Category:Fiction, Horror, Historical Fiction
Herbert von Karajan - Master Recordings (10 CD Box Set) (2008) [APE] Artist: Herbert von Karajan Album: Master Recordings (10 CD Box Set) Year Of Release: 2008 Genre: Classical Quality: APE (image+.cue) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 10:56:58 (10 CD) Total Size: 3.14 GB TRACKLIST DODATKOWE INFO DOWNLOAD
Wells Herbert George Wojna ?šwiat??w Opis: Nowe tlumaczenie klasycznej powiesci science fiction o inwazji Marsjan na Ziemie. Autor r??wnie slynnego â?žWehikulu czasuâ? w przenikliwy spos??b przedstawia zachowania jednostek i spolecznosci stojacych w obliczu wojny totalnej. Wydana po raz pierwszy w roku 1898 â?žWojne swiat??wâ?? uznano po latach za dzielo profetyczne â?? r??wniez ze wzgledu na opis wykorzystania zdobyczy technologicznych do cel??w masowej zaglady. Na samym poczatku XX wieku autor przewidzial, jak bedzie wygladac nowoczesna wojna pozycyjna, jak globalny konflikt wplynie na gospodarke, a nawet jakie zagrozenie bedzie za soba niesc uzycieâ?? broni jadrowej. W roku 1938 amerykanski rezyser i aktor Orson Welles przygotowal inspirowane ksiazka sluchowisko radiowe, kt??rego emisja wywolala panike wsr??d sluchaczy. â?žWojna swiat??w, najswietniejsze dzielo H. G. Wellsa, jest zarazem jedna z nielicznych powiesci, kt??re wykraczajac poza fantastycznosc swych zalozen, weszly do skarbca literatury swiatowej.â? Stanislaw Lem Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), powiesciopisarz angielski; rozwinal i spopularyzowal powiesc utopijna i fantastyczno-naukowa. Jest autorem ponad stu ksiazek ("Wehikul czasu", "Wyspa doktora Moreau", "Niewidzialny czlowiek", "Pierwsi ludzie na Ksiezycu", "Tono-Bungay", "Utopia Nowoczesna" i in.). Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Wielkosc calosci: 287 MB Czas: 06h 36m 01s Bit rate: 128kbps Rodzaj kompresji: .rar Zawartosc uploadu: plik .mp3 Wersja jezykowa: polska Czyta: Michal Breitenwald BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: Haslo: BRAK HASLA
Nazwa releasu: Herbert M. - Dieta podczas chemioterapii. 5 krok??w do wzmocnienia zdrowia w trakcie leczenia raka Opis: "To zdumiewajÄ?ce, ??e 20-40 procent pacjent??w chorych na raka umiera z przyczyn zwiÄ?zanych ze z??ym od??ywianiem siÄ?, a nie z powodu samej choroby, za?? u 80 procent pacjent??w rozwija siÄ? jaka?? forma klinicznego niedo??ywienia". Opis uploadu: Download:
Herbert Zbigniew Barbarzy??ca w ogrodzie Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Relacja z dw??ch wypraw Herberta: dos??ownej podr????y, kt??rÄ? odby?? pod koniec lat 50. do Francji i W??och oraz tej, w trakcie kt??rej skonfrontowa?? wyobra??enia z rzeczywisto??ciÄ?. Po latach poznawania sztuki w teorii, albumach z reprodukcjami, na czarno-bia??ych fotografiach, ujrza?? w ko??cu wspania??e osiÄ?gniÄ?cia kultury europejskiej na w??asne oczy. To refleksja Zbigniewa Herberta ze spotkania z tÄ? wielkÄ? sztukÄ?, ale r??wnie?? cudowny przewodnik po najwspanialszych jego zdaniem latach cywilizacji, kiedy malowano obrazy, stawiano strzeliste katedry, kiedy Europa prze??ywa??a swoje â?žz??ote wiekiâ?. S??uchacze nie tylko poznajÄ? refleksje poety. Autor dzieli siÄ? r??wnie?? zaduma nad lekturami, kt??re przez lata stanowi??y jedyne ??r??d??o wiedzy na temat tego, co w??wczas ujrza?? na w??asne oczy. â?žBarbarzy??ca w ogrodzieâ? to publikacja, kt??ra sk??ada siÄ? na cykl zwany TrylogiÄ? Herberta, w kt??rym ukaza??y siÄ? r??wnie?? â?žMartwa natura z wÄ?dzid??emâ? oraz â?žLabirynt nad morzemâ?. Niniejsze wydanie audio czyta Zbigniew Zapasiewicz. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 408 MB czas trwania: 07h 54m 53s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Zbigniew Zapasiewicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Herbert (2015) PL.DVDRip.Xvid-MX / Lektor PL re??yseria: Thomas Stuber scenariusz: Thomas StuberClemens Meyer gatunek: Dramat produkcja: Niemcy premiera: 12 wrze??nia 2015 (??wiat) ChoÄ? ten by??y bokser lata kariery ma ju?? za sobÄ?, energii mu nie brakuje. Gdy niespodziewanie dowiaduje siÄ?, ??e jest ??miertelnie chory, chce odnowiÄ? relacje z c??rkÄ?.
Wells Herbert George Wehiku?? czasu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Audiobook â?žWehiku?? czasuâ? zosta?? przygotowany z niezwyk??Ä? dba??o??ciÄ? o szczeg????y â?? tak, jak zas??uguje na to jedna z najs??ynniejszych historii w dorobku mistrza, H.G. Wellsa. WersjÄ? audio w wydaniu Biblioteki akustycznej prezentuje lektor Leszek Filipowicz. â?žWehiku?? czasuâ? to opowie??Ä? o przysz??o??ci, postÄ?pie, podr????ach w czasie. Ale przede wszystkim to ksiÄ???ka o konfrontacji marze?? z rzeczywisto??ciÄ?. G????wny bohater â?žWehiku??u...â? pragnie przenie??Ä? siÄ? w czasie. Brzmi to jak mrzonki i nikt nie daje mu szansy powodzenia, ale zdeterminowany m??ody naukowiec konstruuje pojazd, kt??ry mu to umo??liwi. Szybko okazuje siÄ? jednak, ??e to, co na pierwszy rzut oka wydaje siÄ? idyllÄ?, mo??e staÄ? siÄ? najczarniejszym koszmarem. Niezwyk??y audiobook na blisko cztery godziny zabierze s??uchaczy w niezwyk??Ä? podr????, uruchomi wyobra??niÄ? i sk??oni wiele os??b do refleksji na temat kierunku postÄ?pu cywilizacji ludzkiej. H. G. Wells przedstawia niepokojÄ?cÄ? wizjÄ? odleg??ej o tysiÄ?ce lat przysz??o??ci, w kt??rej cywilizacja chyli siÄ? ku upadkowi, a rasa ludzka ulega degeneracji. â?žWehiku?? czasuâ? to niesamowita opowie??Ä? o m??odym naukowcu, kt??ry ma jedno marzenie: podr???? w czasie. I choÄ? nikt nie wierzy, ??e to mo??liwe, udaje mu siÄ? zbudowaÄ? wehiku?? czasu i przenie??Ä? siÄ? w przysz??o??Ä? do roku 802 701. Z poczÄ?tku wydaje siÄ?, ??e trafi?? do raju. Jednak wkr??tce odkrywa przera??ajÄ?cÄ? prawdÄ?â?? Herbert George Wells (ur. 1866 w Bromley, zm. 13 sierpnia 1946 w Londynie) â?? powie??ciopisarz angielski. Jeden z pionier??w gatunku fantastyki naukowej. Pisa?? tak??e pod pseudonimem Reginald Bliss. Po sukcesie, jaki przynios??y Wellsowi powie??ci science-fiction, skierowa?? swoje zainteresowania w stronÄ? literatury obyczajowo-spo??ecznej. Napisa?? sze??Ä?dziesiÄ?t trzy ksiÄ???ki, w??r??d kt??rych znajdujÄ? siÄ? r??wnie?? dzie??a encyklopedyczne z zakresu historii, filozofii i biologii. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 183 MB czas trwania: 03h 57m 10s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Leszek Filipowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Herbert von Karajan Title: Tchaikovsky: Symphonies Nos. 4, 5 & 6 Year Of Release: 2012 (1972) Label: EMI, Warner Classics/Erato Genre: Classical Quality: FLAC (tracks) [24Bit/96kHz] Total Time: 02:18:02 Total Size: 2,75 GB Herbert von Karajan was unquestionably one of Tchaikovsky's greatest interpreters. Under his baton, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra performs a batch of Tchaikovsky's final symphonies with unparalleled virtuosity and renowned precision. With its rich sonics and colorful dynamics, this is a hair-raising performance that will leave listeners speechless. Karajan's commitment and passion are simply unmatched, capturing every intense and emotional moment. Tracklist: 01 - Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.36: I. Andante sostenuto-Moderato con anima 02 - Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.36: II. Andantino in modo di canzone 03 - Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.36: III. Scherzo: Pizzicato ostinato, allegro 04 - Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.36: IV. Allegro con fuoco 05 - Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op.64: I. Andante - Allegro con anima 06 - Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op.64: II. Andante cantabile, con alcuna licenza 07 - Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op.64: III. Valse: Allegro moderato 08 - Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op.64: IV. Andante maestoso - Allegro vivace 09 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op.74 'Pathetique': Adagio - Allegro con troppo 10 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op.74 'Pathetique': Allegro con grazia 11 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op.74 'Pathetique': Allegro molto vivace 12 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op.74 'Pathetique': Finale - Adagio lamentoso About the Mastering: Four engineers at Abbey Road Studios in London have remastered these historic EMI recordings from their original analogue sources for release in pristine hi-def. Between them, Simon Gibson, Ian Jones, Andy Walter and Allan Ramsay have many years of experience remastering archive recordings for EMI and other record labels. The process always starts with finding all of the records and tapes in EMI's archive in London and comparing different sources and any previous CD reissues. We consult each recording's job file, which contains notes about the recording made by the engineer and producer. For example, this sometimes explain why there is more than one set of tapes to choose from. All of the tapes are generally in good condition and we play them on our Studer A80 ? inch tape machine, after careful calibration of its replay characteristics. In order to have the best digital remastering tools at our disposal for the remastering, we transfer from analogue to the digital domain at 96 KHz and 24-bit resolution using a Prism ADA-8 converter and capture the audio to our SADiE Digital Audio Workstation.
- berlin
- philharmonic
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Oznaczone tagami:
Artist: Kenny Herbert Title: The Last Song In Abbey Road Year Of Release: 2002 Label: Real Live Music Records Genre: Pop Rock Quality: FLAC (image+.cue) / MP3 320 Kbps Total Time: 44:58 Total Size: 330 Mb / 120 Mb Tracklist: 01. Amazin Eyes (2:59) 02. Free Love (3:53) 03. Tellin Me Lies (2:43) 04. Childhood Days (4:15) 05. Why Don't You Listen (5:09) 06. Money Tree (5:00) 07. Live The Life (4:24) 08. I Don't Know Why (5:37) 09. Say The Word (3:05) 10. Siver Star (3:47) 11. Live The Life (acoustic) (4:05)
Frank Herbert, Bill Ransom - The Ascension Factor (Pandora Sequence #03) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: 978-1482994759 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 14 hrs and 09 mins | 347.62 MB Set 25 years after The Lazarus Effect, this final book in the Destination: Void collaboration between Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom concludes the story of the planet Pandora. Pandora's humans have been recovering land from its raging seas at an accelerated pace since The Lazarus Effect. The great kelp of the seas, sentient but electronically manipulated by humans, buffers Pandora's wild currents to restore land and facilitate the booming sea trade. New settlements rise overnight, but children starve in their shadows. An orbiting assembly station is near completion of Project Voidship, which is the hope of many for finding a better world. Pandora is under the fist of an ambitious clone from hibernation called the Director, who rules with a sadistic security force led by the assassin Spider Nevi. Small resistance groups have had little effect on his absolute power. The Director controls the transportation of foodstuffs; uprisings are punished with starvation. The resistance fighters' main hope is Crista Galli, a woman believed by some to be the child of God. Crista pools her talents with Dwarf MacIntosh, Beatriz Tatoosh, and Rico LaPush to transcend the barriers between the different species and overthrow the Director and the sinister cabal with which he rules. The Ascension Factor (1988) is the third book Herbert wrote in collaboration with Bill Ransom and the fourth in the setting introduced in his novel Destination: Void (1966). It's a series plagued with problems and tragedy. The first novel, The Jesus Incident (1979), had to be extensively rewritten at the last moment after a copyright issue threatened to block its publication. The second novel, The Lazarus Effect (1983), was written during a time of rapidly declining health of Herbert's second wife Beverly. She died less than a year after its publication. Herbert himself did not live to see the publication of the third novel. He died in February 1986, with much of the actual writing of the novel still to be done. Although Herbert and Ransom had agreed on the plot and character development, much of the novel is his work rather than Herbert's. It is clear however, that thematically at least, Herbert had a large influence on this novel. Download Link
Herbert Frank Mesjasz Diuny Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download:[czyt.M.Reczek].rar[czyt.M.Reczek].rar.html Haslo:
Frank Herbert - ConSentiency Universe Series Unabridged AudioBook | 2010 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 64Kb | Collection | 491 MB ConSentiency Universe #1: Whipping Star In the far future, humankind has made contact with numerous other species - Gowachin, Laclac, Wreaves, Pan Spechi, Taprisiots, and Caleban (among others) - and has helped to form the ConSentiency to govern between the species. After suffering under a tyrannous pure democracy that had the power to create laws so fast that no thought could be given to the effects, the sentients of the galaxy found a need for the Bureau of Sabotage (BuSab) to slow the wheels of government, thereby preventing it from legislating recklessly. In Whipping Star, Jorj X. McKie, a "Saboteur Extraordinary," is a born troublemaker who has naturally become one of BuSab's best agents. As the novel opens, it is revealed that Calebans, who are beings visible to other sentient species as stars, have been disappearing one by one. Each disappearance is accompanied by millions of sentient deaths and instances of incurable insanity. Ninety years prior to the setting of Whipping Star, the Calebans appeared and offered jump-doors to the collective species, allowing sentients to travel instantly to any point in the universe. Gratefully accepting, the sentiency didn't question the consequences. Now Mliss Abnethe, a psychotic human female with immense power and wealth, has bound a Caleban in a contract that allows the Caleban to be whipped to death; when the Caleban dies, everyone who has ever used a jump-door (which is almost every adult in the sentient world and many of the young) will die as well. ConSentiency Universe #2: The Dosadi Experiment Generations of a tormented human-alien people, caged on a toxic planet, conditioned by constant hunger and war - this is the Dosadi Experiment, and it has succeeded too well. For the Dosadi have bred for vengeance as well as cunning, and they have learned how to pass through the shimmering God Wall to exact their dreadful revenge on the Universe that created them.... Download Link
Schwarzkopf Herbert Norman Nie trzeba bohatera Autobiografia Opis: General Norman H. Schwarzkopf dowodzil wojskami sprzymierzonymi podczas operacji "Pustynna burza" i "Pustynna tarcza" (1990-1991), w czasie wojny w Zatoce Perskiej. Autor bardzo ciekawie opowiada o zyciu swoim, swojej rodziny i o przyjaciolach. Ksiazka, to nie tylko opis ostatnich wydarzen z zycia generala, ale cale jego zycie, kt??re poswiecil dla armii i ojczyzny - Stan??w Zjednoczonych. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Wielkosc calosci: 378 MB Czas: 27h 33m 01s Bit rate: 32kbps Rodzaj kompresji: .rar Zawartosc uploadu: plik .mp3 Wersja jezykowa: polska Czyta: Ksawery Jasienski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA
- schwarzkopf
- herbert
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Oznaczone tagami:
Wells Herbert George Wyspa doktora Moreau Opis: "Wyspa doktora Moreau" to jedna z najbardziej znanych ksiazek Herberta Wellesa, nazywanego ojcem science fiction. Bohater powiesci jest swiadkiem wstrzasajacych i przerazajacych eksperyment??w dokonywanych przez genialnego chirurga na odcietej od cywilizacji wyspie. "Wyspa doktora Moreau" byla wielokrotni ekranizowana. W najslawniejszej adaptacji role tytulowego doktora zagral Marlon Brando. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 75.2 MB czas trwania : 05h 28m 43s bit rate: 32kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Miroslaw Utta BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: HASLO: BRAK HASLA
Wells Herbert George Wehiku?? czasu Opis: Mlody naukowiec ma jedna pasje: podr??ze w czasie. I pewnego dnia udaje mu sie skonstruowac wehikul, kt??rym mozna przemierzac Kraine Czasu. Wyrusza w podr??z i przenosi sie w rok 802 701... Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 125 MB Czas trwania: 04h 35m 14s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Ryszard Nadrowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: Haslo: BRAK HASLA
Frank Herbert - The Green Brain Unabridged AudioBook | 2010 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: N/A | MP3 128Kb | Length: 6 hrs and 36 mins | 361.49 MB In an overpopulated world seeking living room in the jungles, the International Ecological Organization was systematically exterminating the voracious insects that made these areas uninhabitable. Using deadly foamal bombs and newly developed vibration weapons, men like Joao Martinho and his coworkers fought to clear the green hell of the Mato Grosso. But somehow those areas that had been completely cleared were becoming reinfested, despite the impenetrable vibration barriers. And tales were coming out of the jungles - tales of insects mutated to incredible sizes, of creatures who seemed to be men but whose eyes gleamed with the chitinous sheen of insects.... Download Link