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epub | 13.8 MB | English| Isbn:9781493448173 | Author: Karen Witemeyer | Year: 2024 Description:
epub | 10.21 MB | English | Isbn:9798986330556 | Author: Karen Jones | Year: 2022 About ebook: The Summer of Grace Category:Teens & YA, Teen Fiction, Choices & Transitions - Teen Fiction, Coming of age->Teen fiction->General
Dionne Karen C??rka kr??la moczar??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Znakomity thriller psychologiczny, po??Ä?czenie â?žDziewczyny z tatua??emâ? i â?žPokojuâ?. Helena Pelletier potrafi polowaÄ? na zwierzÄ?ta i wytropiÄ? ka??dy ??lad. Nauczy??a siÄ? tego od ojca, z kt??rym dorasta??a w ca??kowitym odosobnieniu w domku na trzÄ?sawiskach. MÄ???czyzna by?? jej bohaterem, wzorem do na??ladowania i idolem â?? do czasu, gdy zaczÄ???a sobie u??wiadamiaÄ?, ??e obie z matkÄ? sÄ? na bagnach wiÄ?zione, a ojciec kontroluje ca??e ich ??ycie. Teraz, piÄ?tna??cie lat p????niej ojciec ucieka z pilnie strze??onego wiÄ?zienia i ukrywa siÄ? gdzie?? po??r??d moczar??w. Helena ma jedno zadanie: dopa??Ä? ojca, zanim on dopadnie jÄ? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 362 MB czas trwania: 09h 01m 46s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Anna Dereszowska BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Karen Souza - Velvet Vault (2017) [FLAC] Artist: Karen Souza Album: Velvet Vault Year Of Release: 2017 Genre: Vocal Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 00:40:24 Total Size: 253 MB TRACKLIST DODATKOWE INFO DOWNLOAD
Artist: Karen Elson Title: Double Roses Year Of Release: 2017 Label: HOT Records Limited Genre: Indie Folk, Singer/Songwriter Quality: flac 24 bits - 44.1Khz Total Time: 00:46:36 Total Size: 507 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Wonder Blind 02. Double Roses 03. Call Your Name 04. Hell and Highwater 05. The End 06. Raven 07. Why Am I Waiting? 08. Million Stars 09. Wolf 10. Distant Shore
Karen Essex - ?abÄ?dzie Leonarda Opis: ?abÄ?dzie Leonarda to fascynujÄ?ca historia dw??ch rywalizujÄ?cych ze sobÄ? si??str z ksiÄ???Ä?cego rodu d Este, sugestywnie nakre??lona na tle zamÄ?tu, jaki zapanowa?? w Italii u schy??ku XV wieku. PiÄ?kna, wykszta??cona i ambitna Isabella nie ma powodu zazdro??ciÄ? swej nie tak utalentowanej i ol??niewajÄ?cej siostrze, jednak kaprys losu w??a??nie m??odszÄ? Beatrice ??Ä?czy wÄ?z??em ma????e??skim z potÄ???nym Ludovikiem... Download:
Karen Essex - Kr??lowa Opis: KR??LOWA to kontynuacja KLEOPATRY, pasjonujÄ?cej, wnikliwej pod wzglÄ?dem historycznym opowie??ci o dynastycznej i duchowej spadkobierczyni Aleksandra Wielkiego. Dwudziestoletnia w??adczyni, odzyskawszy tron egipski, zostaje sprzymierze??cem dw??ch najpotÄ???niejszych Rzymian. Po najs??ynniejszych w historii idach marcowych do??Ä?cza do legendarnego wodza i m??ciciela Cezara - Marka Antoniusza. Wsp??lnie... Download:
Karen Essex - Kleopatra Opis: Opowie??Ä? o dzieci??stwie i m??odo??ci niezwyk??ej kobiety, o kt??rej pisano ??artobliwie, ??e gdyby jej nos by?? kr??tszy, inne by??oby oblicze ??wiata. Szpieg, dyplomata, poliglota, ju?? od dzieci??stwa rasowy poszukiwacz przyg??d Kleopatra jest dynastycznym i duchowym potomkiem Aleksandra Wielkiego. Download:
Artist: Karen Sharp Title: So Far So Good Year Of Release: 2004 Label: 33 Records Genre: Jazz Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 63:08 min Total Size: 145 MB Tracklist ---------- 01. Candy 02. I've Never Been In Love Before 03. Doowap 04. Sheltered By the Stars 05. Smile 06. I Want More 07. Mona Lisa 08. So Far So Good 09. Mr Gas Man 10. Small World 11. Flight of the Foo Birds 12. Smile - Reprise KAREN SHARP - tenor saxophone DAVE PRISEMAN - trumpet RICARD BUSIAKIEWICZ - piano JOHN DAY - double bass MATT FISHWICK - drums
Po??Ä?czeni 2 / Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge 2 (2016) MULTi.1080i.HDTV.H264-B89 / Lektor i Napisy PL KsiÄ?garnia "The Bridge" zostaje ca??kowicie zniszczona przez potÄ???nÄ? burzÄ?. Jej w??a??cicielom, Charliemu (Ted McGinley) i Donnie (Faith Ford), niebawem sko??czÄ? siÄ? fundusze na odbudowÄ?. Nied??ugo potem mÄ???czyzna ma powa??ny wypadek, przez kt??ry zapada w ??piÄ?czkÄ?. Ryan (Wyatt Nash) i Molly (Katie Findlay) wciÄ??? nie potrafiÄ? zapomnieÄ? o wspania??ym czasie spÄ?dzonym w ich ulubionej ksiÄ?garni. PostanawiajÄ? podjÄ?Ä? pewne dzia??ania... Po??Ä?czeni 2 / Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge 2 (2016) MULTi.1080i.HDTV.H264-B89 / Lektor i Napisy PL
Human Design - Karen Curry - Emotion, Weight, Eating & Energy English | Size: 2.39 GB Category: Self Improvement Ibiza is the natural home of Human Design. A place where so many were attracted by the possibility of living a life that was 'different' from the homogenized standards of the societies where their journey originated. I was one of them when I arrived on the island 25 years ago looking for a way out of my struggle and to transcend my fears that life seemed to carry no other purpose than simply surviving, and in spite of enjoying the exotics of the 'new age life style' that being in such place brought into my life, I remained blind for years to the deeper layers of what this magical island had to offer. Ibiza is the natural home of Human Design. A place where so many were attracted by the possibility of living a life that was 'different' from the homogenized standards of the societies where their journey originated. I was one of them when I arrived on the island 25 years ago looking for a way out of my struggle and to transcend my fears that life seemed to carry no other purpose than simply surviving, and in spite of enjoying the exotics of the 'new age life style' that being in such place brought into my life, I remained blind for years to the deeper layers of what this magical island had to offer. I discovered that this was a place where individuals had been long trying to learn to live in harmony with themselves, rather than with others, and that in their daily practice had discovered things that no guru, no master, had ever taught anywhere. I discovered that even in a place like Ibiza human beings can be afraid of being unique. Because being unique is not something relative. It is an absolute. But if you do not know the way the absolute of uniqueness operates through your actual form, then comparison is all that is left for you. If you do not know how to honor what is unique in you, than nobody else ever will. Human Design provides a complete tool set for each individual that will allow them to tailor their lives according to the nature of whatever is unique in them, as long as they experiment and practice in their daily lives with the mechanical keys that they will learn during their process with Design. Human Design is not for believers. It is for those who are ready to get involved in the experimentation with their individual potential. As an entirely logical system, it is legitimately called the 'Science of Differentiation'. In every system that has been revived through the spirit of the New Age, it is stated that there is a real need for a new order in humanity. But it is not enough to proclaim the need of a new order. You need to know what that new order can mean for you, and you need to know HOW you actually can get to discover it, wherever you are, as its most committed and original representative. This is what Human Design can do for you. Alokanand Diaz del Rio has been a direct student of Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, since 1993, and has operated in the international Human Design World at all professional levels and categories. As a director of the Spanish school for more than ten years and as a teacher in four different languages, he has dedicated his whole life to the investigation and testing in real life of this amazingly revealing body of knowledge. The Rave Mandala Wheel Fundamental to Human Design is the 64 hexagrams of the ancient Chinese system of the I'Ching, which correlate directly to the 64 codons of our genetic code. Surrounding the BodyGraph, is a Mandala of these hexagrams, representing the codons and the I'Ching information. Each of the hexagrams is then translated into the BodyGraph through a series of 64 gates which form a circuitry pattern that represents the potential connections between the 9 centers. This circuitry of the gates correlates to the ancient Hebrew system of the Kabala, and its Tree of Life pattern within the being. Unlike the traditional Chakra system of the ancient Hindus, Human Design is composed of nine centers. Their seven Chakra system was based upon a seven planet solar system. This system was accurate for its time, as humanity had only evolved to the development level of the seven centered being. Humans have evolved over millions of years, and continue to evolve. Our last evolutionary shift occurred in 1781, when we evolved from a seven centered being to a nine centered being. This evolutionary shift corresponded to the discovery of Uranus, and then later in the early twentieth century, of Pluto. The Vast Neutrino Seas Human Design was revealed to Ra Uru Hu in 1987, and essential to the knowledge is the importance of the Neutrino. He was told that Neutrinos have mass, and are the intelligence of the universe, like a streaming data feed. Neutrinos had been considered pure energy units hypothetically since the 1930's. It was not until 1993 that equipment was available to detect the actual mass of these most minute atomic units of our universe; and reversed the previous belief that Neutrinos were only energy. If you think of the mass that has form in our universe - planets, stars, novas, galaxies, it is actually a quite small amount of the atomic universe. Neutrinos are the emissions of the stars and our sun, and they are constantly in motion across the universe. We are actually floating in a vast intelligent neutrino ocean. Our bodies are bombarded by approximately 30 trillion neutrinos per square inch, per second, and that is a lot of information coming to us every second of our lives. As the Neutrinos stream through the universe, they collide with and then pass by the planets in our solar system. Think about when a black car collides with a red car - a little red paint rubs off on the black car; a little of the planetary energy rubs off onto the Neutrino when they meet one of the planets. In this way, the position of the planets influences the data of the Neutrinos that reach us here on Earth. Therefore, the positions of the planets fix the imprint of the Neutrinos that are received at any given moment. Neutrinos move through space and time, and finally reach us here on Earth, and then pass beyond us, carrying our global imprint upon the neutrino frequency. Just as we are influence by the cosmos, so too the cosmos is influence by us. Rave Mandala Wheel Human Design Human Design is a revealed system of knowledge, and Ra Uru Hu has been sharing this information world wide for more than 20 years. It is a revealed synthesis of advanced scientific information and ancient mystical traditions. Human Design provides you with a map of your unique self that is here for you to explore and experience. Go to website for a FREE Rave chart, FREE Human Design Software test version, FREE audio and video programs, as well as a variety of ongoing educational opportunities. Secret of Being You is here to provide you with education and coaching in this new and revealing science, and to aid you in your process of discovering truly who you are. We are certified professional teachers and analysts of Human Design. Planets and The Rave Chart The position of the planets at the moment of our birth, and 88 or 89 days prior to birth are critical to our unique design. Many people when first introduced to Human Design think that it is like Astrology, because the birth data is utilized to determine the position of the planets. However, Human Design uses the birth data for fixing the moment in time and determining the genetic impact that the position of the planets reveal in the BodyGraph. You can think of it as an advanced form of navigation, one that determines where you were at the moment you were born, and where the planets were in relation to the genetic information that uniquely forms your being, thereby determining the neutrino information that was imparted at your birth. As was mentioned earlier, the gate numbers in the chart each represent one of the 64 hexagrams of the I'Ching. Your individual configuration of these gates is determined by which of the planets were transiting that part of the Rave Mandala Wheel at your birth, and thus fixing your unique design. Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Artist: Karen Mason Title: Sweetest Of Nights Year Of Release: 2006 Label: ZEVELY RECORDS INC Genre: Jazz / Pop Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps Total Time: 44:52 min Total Size: 102 MB Tracklist ---------- 01. A Whole New World 02. You And I 03. Watch What Happens / I Will Wait For You 04. Almost Like Being In Love 05. My Foolish Heart 06. He's Got A Way 07. Now I Have Everything / Married 08. What's Wrong With This Picture 09. Cold Enough To Cross 10. The Winner Takes It All 11. Let's Face The Music And Dance 12. People 13. The Sweetest Of Nights And The Finest Of Days Karen Mason has starred on Broadway, Off-Broadway, television, and recording: and "has few peers when it comes to ripping the roof off with her amazing voice that knows no bounds!" ( Karen is an nine time MAC Award winner and has won the MAC Award for Major Female Vocalist of the Year for six consecutive years. She has also won the 2006 Nightlife Award for Major Female Vocalist and three Bistro Awards. Ms. Mason originated the role of Tanya on Broadway in Abba's MAMMA MIA!, and was awarded a 2002 Drama Desk nomination as Best Actress. Her other leading roles include Norma Desmond in SUNSET BOULEVARD which she performed to critical acclaim and standing ovations on Broadway and in Los Angeles for three years; Mazeppa in JEROME ROBBIN'S BROADWAY; Rosalie in CARNIVAL (another Drama Desk nomination); plus featured roles in Broadway's TORCH SONG TRILOGY; and PLAY ME A COUNTRY SONG. Karen won the Outer Critics Circle Award for her performance in AND THE WORLD GOES ROUND, and starred Off-Broadway in her own show KAREN MASON SINGS BROADWAY, BEATLES AND BRIAN. Her television appearances include the hit dramas ED and LAW & ORDER SVU. Film credits include SLEEPING DOGS LIE and A CHORUS LINE.
Artist: 3 Winans Brothers Feat. Karen Clark Sheard Title: I Choose You Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Vega Records Genre: Soulful House Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 01:18:05 Total Size: 183 Mb :: PLAYLIST :: 01. I Choose You (Louie Vega Dance Ritual Mix) (11:22) 02. I Choose You (Louie Vega Chosen Dub) (8:46) 03. I Choose You (Louie Vega In Detroit Mix) (8:33) 04. I Choose You (Bassdrive Dub Main) (8:00) 05. I Choose You (Vega Axel Solo Version) (8:44) 06. I Choose You (Louie Vega Mid Tempo Remix Main) (9:13) 07. I Choose You (Louie Vega New Beat Main) (10:20) 08. I Choose You (Louie Vega Dance Ritual Mix Radio Edit) (4:10) 09. I Choose You (Louie Vega Mid Tempo Mix Radio Edit) (4:39) 10. I Choose You (Louie Vega New Beat Mix Radio) (4:18)
Karen Quinn - Opowie??ci Ivy Opis: Kiedy energiczna mama z Park Avenue, Ivy Ames traci pracÄ? na wysokim stanowisku w wielkiej korporacji i rozpada siÄ? jej ma????e??stwo, b??yskawicznie zdaje sobie sprawÄ?, ??e musi znale??Ä? spos??b, by utrzymaÄ? siebie i swoje dwie uczÄ?szczajÄ?ce do .. Download:
Artist: Legato Feat. Karen Jones Title: Wonderland Year Of Release: 1996 Label: Irma Records Genre: Acid Jazz / Soul / Funk Quality: FLAC (image) / MP3 Total Time: 53:56 min Total Size: 321 MB / 129 MB Tracklist: 01. Where Are You [03:48] 02. Wonderland [04:56] 03. Till You Take My Love [03:22] 04. Soft Lights (And Moonlight) [04:54] 05. Vertigo [04:49] 06. There Is A Sign [04:49] 07. Free Our Children [04:05] 08. If You Suck My Soul [06:34] 09. Let's Walk [04:39] 10. How Long Does It Take [04:59] 11. Mosquito [06:07] 12. ... Seconds Of Madness [00:51]
Po??Ä?czeni 2 / Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge 2 (2016) PL.HDTV.Xvid-MX / Lektor PL produkcja: USA re??yseria: Mike Rohl obsada: Katie Findlay, Wyatt Nash, Faith Ford, Ted McGinley gatunek: dramat czas trwania: 90 min KsiÄ?garnia The Bridge zostaje zniszczona przez potÄ???nÄ? burzÄ?. Charliemu i Donnie niebawem sko??czÄ? siÄ? fundusze na jej odbudowÄ?. MÄ???czyzna ulega wypadkowi, po kt??rym zapada w ??piÄ?czkÄ?.
Karen Doornebos - Dama w opa??ach Opis: Marzenia potrafiÄ? siÄ? spe??niaÄ? w najmniej oczekiwany spos??b CzÄ?sto my??limy, ??e gdyby??my urodzili siÄ? gdzie indziej, albo w innym czasie, byliby??my bardziej szczÄ???liwi. Wtedy mogliby??my naprawdÄ? rozwinÄ?Ä? skrzyd??a, pokazaÄ? na co nas staÄ?! Na przyk??ad taka Chloe Parker. Zawsze uwa??a??a, ??e urodzi??a siÄ? o dwa wieki za p????no. Powinna byÄ? damÄ?, jednÄ? z tych, o kt??rych pisa??a Jane Austen, nosiÄ? piÄ?kne mu??linowe sukienki, zalotnie spoglÄ?daÄ? zza wachlarza i dumnie odrzucaÄ? awanse d??entelmen??w, w oczekiwaniu na prawdziwÄ? mi??o??Ä?. Tymczasem mia??a ca??kiem wsp????czesne problemy, niezap??acone rachunki i by??ego mÄ???a, kt??ry porozumiewa?? siÄ? z niÄ? jedynie za pomocÄ? sms??w i e-maili. Ale czy wsp????czesna kobieta na pewno umia??aby przetrwaÄ? w ??wiecie Rozwa??nej i romantycznej? Dama w opa??ach to zadziorna i pe??na angielskiego humoru opowie??Ä? o dziewczynie, kt??ra na w??asnej sk??rze przekona??a siÄ?, ??e nie wszystkie marzenia powinny siÄ? spe??niaÄ?, a przys??owie: â?žwszÄ?dzie dobrze, gdzie nas nie maâ? niesie w sobie wiele prawdy. Download:
Artist: Professor's Blues Revue (feat. Karen Carroll) Title: Professor Strut Year Of Release: 1989 Label: Delmark Genre: Modern Electric Blues Quality: FLAC Total Time: 38:14 Total Size: 240 MB Tracklist: 1. Come On Down To The Blues Bar (2:48) 2. Jealous Kind Of Woman (5:26) 3. Professor Strut (4:37) 4. You're Leaving Me (5:43) 5. Everything Is You (3:30) 6. They Call It Stormy Monday (6:09) 7. I Wanna Be With You (4:27) 8. This Little Light Of Mine (5:06)
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Karen Voight - Sleek Essentials II Equipment Needed: Hand Weights & Foam Roller Due to the success of Sleek Essential 3 DVD set, Karen has added another DVD to this breakthrough fitness system to streamline your workout and deliver fast results. It contains all new footage, not available on Karen's other workouts. Integrate fat-blasting, muscle-toning and lengthening into one synergistic program to achieve a lean, sculpted, sleek body. The Complete Sleek Workout offers 5 ways to get fit: 1. The Complete Sleek 50 min. workout - Maximize workout time and accelerate your results by combining cardio moves with muscle strengthening and stretching. 2. Sweat Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on high energy moves for maximum calorie burn to get you lean and defined. 3. Strength Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on sculpting and strengthening to create long, shapely muscles. 4. Sleek Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on body conditioning and lengthening exercises to develop a firm and flexible body. 5. Foam Roller 20 min. workout - Focus on core and balance training to make traditional exercises more challenging and effective. Format:mp4 Language: English Size: 2.47 GB Hoster: Uploaded
Karen Voight - Sleek Essentials II English | MP4 | Video; x264; 712*480 (4:3); 2228 kbps; 29.970 fps | Audio; aac; 160 kbps; 2 ch; 48.0 Khz | 2.5 Gb Genre: eLearning, Sports, Workout Due to the success of Sleek Essential 3 DVD set, Karen has added another DVD to this breakthrough fitness system to streamline your workout and deliver fast results. It contains all new footage, not available on Karen's other workouts. Integrate fat-blasting, muscle-toning and lengthening into one synergistic program to achieve a lean, sculpted, sleek body. The Complete Sleek Workout offers 5 ways to get fit: 1. The Complete Sleek 50 min. workout - Maximize workout time and accelerate your results by coMbining cardio moves with muscle strengthening and stretching. 2. Sweat Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on high energy moves for maximum calorie burn to get you lean and defined. 3. Strength Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on sculpting and strengthening to create long, shapely muscles. 4. Sleek Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on body conditioning and lengthening exercises to develop a firm and flexible body. 5. Foam Roller 20 min. workout - Focus on core and balance training to make traditional exercises more challenging and effective. DOWNLOAD
Karen Voight - Sleek Essentials II Due to the success of Sleek Essential 3 DVD set, Karen has added another DVD to this breakthrough fitness system to streamline your workout and deliver fast results. It contains all new footage, not available on Karen's other workouts. Integrate fat-blasting, muscle-toning and lengthening into one synergistic program to achieve a lean, sculpted, sleek body. The Complete Sleek Workout offers 5 ways to get fit: 1. The Complete Sleek 50 min. workout - Maximize workout time and accelerate your results by combining cardio moves with muscle strengthening and stretching. 2. Sweat Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on high energy moves for maximum calorie burn to get you lean and defined. 3. Strength Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on sculpting and strengthening to create long, shapely muscles. 4. Sleek Effect 20 min. workout - Focus on body conditioning and lengthening exercises to develop a firm and flexible body. 5. Foam Roller 20 min. workout - Focus on core and balance training to make traditional exercises more challenging and effective. Format: mp4 Language: English Size: 2.47 GB Hoster: Uploaded
Karen Lord - The Galaxy Game Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: 9780345534071 | M4B 64Kb | Length: 11 hrs and 12 mins | 304.09 MB Karen Lord is one of today's most brilliant young talents. Her science fiction, like that of predecessors Ursula K. Le Guin and China Mi??ville, combines star-spanning plots, deeply felt characters, and incisive social commentary. With The Galaxy Game, Lord presents a gripping adventure that showcases her dazzling imagination as never before. On the verge of adulthood, Rafi attends the Lyceum, a school for the psionically gifted. Rafi possesses mental abilities that might benefit people... or control them. Some wish to help Rafi wield his powers responsibly; others see him as a threat to be contained. Rafi's only freedom at the Lyceum is Wallrunning: a game of speed and agility played on vast vertical surfaces riddled with variable gravity fields. Serendipity and Ntenman are also students at the Lyceum, but unlike Rafi, they come from communities where such abilities are valued. Serendipity finds the Lyceum as much a prison as a school, and she yearns for a meaningful life beyond its gates. Ntenman, with his quick tongue, quicker mind, and a willingness to bend if not break the rules, has no problem fitting in. But he too has his reasons for wanting to escape. Now the three friends are about to experience a moment of violent change as seething tensions between rival star-faring civilizations come to a head. For Serendipity, it will challenge her ideas of community and self. For Ntenman, it will open new opportunities and new dangers. And for Rafi, given a chance to train with some of the best Wallrunners in the galaxy, it will lead to the discovery that there is more to Wallrunning than he ever suspected... and more to himself than he ever dreamed. Download Link
Slim Toning on a Ball with Karen Voight Incorporate weight training with pilates inspired sculpting moves and yoga stretches to quickly see your body get slim, strong and defined.Speed up your metabolism as you sculpt and stretch your muscles using a stability ball and 3-8 lb dumbbells. In this 30 min. routine you'll achieve strength without developing bulky muscles with Karen's new approach to strength and stability training. Some exercises are done sitting on the stability ball, other exercises place the ball in various positions to help you target several muscles at once. Shape your arms, slim your midsection, thin down your thighs and tighten up your tush with Karen's detailed instruction to make each exercise effective and efficient. Format: mp4 Language: English Size: 535.66 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
Streamline Fitness AM PM Workout with Karen Voight Begin and end the day with these two condensed workouts, one designed to energize and the other to de-stress and stretch. Instructor Karen Voight has an amazingly sculpted body--just try to pry your eyes from her abs, shoulders, or thighs. The 25-minute A.M. Workout starts with a rhythmic warm-up that readies your muscles and raises your heart rate, followed by a full-body, muscle-conditioning series using light weights or weighted balls. It's impressive how many muscle groups are worked in Voight's superbly designed, nonstop sequence of moves and combinations--some coordination required. The P.M. Workout starts with a strong ab routine and some push-ups, followed by a long, slow-paced yoga routine to stretch your muscles and calm your mind. Format: mp4 Language: English Size: 1016.69 MiB Hoster: Uploaded
- streamline
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