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  1. Free Download Php , Laravel, Mysql, Mongodb, Webpay De Transbank Última actualización: 3/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: Español | Size: 9.90 GB | Duration: 24h 42m PHP, Laravel, Webpay de Transbank, Integración con Paypal, API Rest, JWT, Blade, Livewire What you'll learn Laravel es el framework estrella de la plataforma PHP Conocerás el framework Laravel 9 por dentro Veremos cómo funciona su potente motor de plantillas Blade Formularios, validaciones, upload de archivos También aprenderás a crear APIs Rest con Laravel 9 Login, registro de usuarios, JWT, envío de mails Webpay de Transbank es la pasarela de pago más utilizada en Chile Implementación de Paypal Generación de reportes en PDF, EXCEL y CSV Livewire Laravel 9 Laravel 11 Requirements No se necesita experiencia previa Conocimientos básicos de HTML Muchas ganas de aprender para salir al mercado laboral o mejorar en tu empleo actual Description PHP es uno de los lenguajes más utilizados en la actualidad, sobre todo a nivel de los CMS (Content Management System) y LMS (Learning Management System) que existen en el mercado.Laravel es el framework estrella de PHP, es el más utilizado actualmente, y cuenta con una amplia comunidad detrás que está permanentemente desarrollando mejoras.En este curso aprenderás cómo crear aplicaciones completamente funcionales con este potente framework de desarrollo, y obtendrás las herramientas para salir de forma real a buscar empleo con Laravel. Además aprenderás a implementar la pasarela de pago Webpay de Transbank .Dentro de lo que aprenderás:Conocerás el ecosistema de Laravel por dentroAprenderás a trabajar con su potente motor de plantillasVerás cómo sacarle el máximo provecho al ORM de LaravelTe enseñaremos a crear formularios, validarlos, subir archivosHoy vivimos en el mundo de las integraciones, por lo que, desde luego, te enseñaremos a crear APIs Rest para integrarlas con cualquier cliente como alguna aplicación SPA, Android, IOS, etc.También te enseñaremos cómo consumir APIs de tipo Rest y SOAP, para poder adquirir el conocimiento necesario para integrar tus aplicaciones con cualquier plataforma, ya sea basada en JSON o en XML.Un tema del que no habla mucho en estas plataformas, es el de las pasarelas de pago. En este curso te enseñaremos a integrar Laravel con:Introducción técnico teóricaInstalación y primeros pasosSintaxis básica, variablesCondicionales, ciclos y arraysFuncionesProgramación orientada a objetosTrabajo con FormulariosUpload de archivosConexión con MySQL, CRUDHerencia y colaboración de objetosCreación de archivos PDFImportar Excel y guardar datos en MySQLCrear archivo excelManipular imágenesEnvío de mails con PHP Mailer PáginaCliente API SOAP PáginaCliente API Rest PáginaLogin con sesiones PáginaImplementación de webpay de TransbankCreación de códigos QRImplementaciónd de Google ChartCreación de archivos ZIPLaravel 9. Instalación y primeros pasosLaravel 9. Controladores y rutasLaravel 9. Modelos y migracionesLaravel 9. Formularios y validacionesLaravel 9. Creación de helper personalizadoLaravel 9. Implementación de AJAXLaravel 9. ORM (Object-Relational mapping)Laravel 9. Paginación de registrosLaravel 9. Login Auth, extensión de modelo AuthLaravel 9. Creación de buscadorLaravel 9. Creación de API RestLaravel 9. API Rest con request y response JSONLaravel 9. API Rest upload de archivosLaravel 9. API Rest con JWT con FirebasJWTLaravel 9. Despliegue en AWSLaravel 9. Envío de mails con MailableWebpay de TransbankLaravel 11Livewire Overview Section 1: Introducción Lecture 1 Introducción Lecture 2 Qué editor usaremos Section 2: Repaso de PHP Lecture 3 Inducción técnico - teórica Lecture 4 Sintaxis básica Lecture 5 Condicionales y ciclos Lecture 6 Ciclos y array Lecture 7 Funciones Lecture 8 Programación orientada a objetos Lecture 9 Método Constructor Lecture 10 Métodos de clase Lecture 11 Métodos estáticos Lecture 12 Clases abstractas Lecture 13 Herencia Lecture 14 Colaboración de objetos Lecture 15 Trabajo con Formularios Lecture 16 Upload de archivos Section 3: Conexión con MySQL Lecture 17 Habilitación de PDO en PHP.INI Lecture 18 PDO (PHP Data Object) para MySQL, archivo de conexión Lecture 19 Clase de consulta Lecture 20 Listar Productos asociados a Categorías Lecture 21 Crear productos Lecture 22 Editar productos Lecture 23 Eliminar productos Section 4: Conexión con MongoDB Lecture 24 Instalación en Ubuntu de MongoDB\Client Lecture 25 Archivo de conexión Lecture 26 Listar Productos asociados a Categorías Lecture 27 Crear productos con insertOne y MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Lecture 28 Editar productos Lecture 29 Eliminar productos Section 5: Librerías y utilidades para el mercado laboral real Lecture 30 Creación de archivos PDF con MPDF Lecture 31 Crear archivo excel Lecture 32 Creación de archivos ZIP Lecture 33 Cliente API SOAP Lecture 34 Cliente API Rest Lecture 35 Creación de códigos QR Lecture 36 Envío de mails con PHP Mailer Lecture 37 Creación de JWT (Json Web Token) Section 6: Laravel 9 - Instalación y primeros pasos Lecture 38 Instalación y primeros pasos Lecture 39 Controladores y rutas Lecture 40 Parámetros en rutas Section 7: Laravel 9 - Templates Blade Lecture 41 Primer archivo blade Lecture 42 Datos desde el controlador - Binding desde Blade Lecture 43 Condicionales en Blade Lecture 44 Ciclos en Blade Lecture 45 Include en Blade Lecture 46 Creación de componentes Lecture 47 Links en Blade Lecture 48 Archivos estáticos en Blade Lecture 49 Creación de template Lecture 50 Implementación de DOM (usaremos Bootstrap) Lecture 51 Página error 404 personalizado Lecture 52 stacks y push Section 8: Laravel 9 - Formularios y validaciones Lecture 53 Creación de FormularioController Lecture 54 Formulario básico Lecture 55 CSRF ( Cross-site request forgery) Lecture 56 Uso de helper old Lecture 57 Clase Request Lecture 58 Validaciones Lecture 59 Select dinámico Lecture 60 Validaciones personalizadas con invokable Lecture 61 Manejo de checkbox Lecture 62 Flash Messages y redirect Section 9: Laravel 9 - Upload de Archivos Lecture 63 Creación de formulario Lecture 64 Validación mimetype Lecture 65 Upload de archivo Section 10: Laravel 9 - Helper personalizado Lecture 66 Creación de controlador Lecture 67 Conociendo los helpers de Laravel Lecture 68 Creación clase Helper y su Content Provider Lecture 69 Métodos de prueba y uso en controlador Lecture 70 Uso del Helper desde Blade Section 11: Laravel 9 - Envio de E-Mail con Mailable Lecture 71 Creación de controlador Lecture 72 Creación de clase EjemploMailable Lecture 73 Ejemplo de envío vía SMTP Section 12: Laravel 9 - Migraciones Lecture 74 Ejecución de migración Lecture 75 Ver estado migraciones Lecture 76 Creación primera migración Lecture 77 Migración con llaves foráneas Lecture 78 Modificar tabla y rollback Section 13: Laravel 9 - Elocuent ORM Lecture 79 Creación de controlador Lecture 80 Modelos Categoría Lecture 81 Modelos Productos y ProductosFotos con llaves foráneas Lecture 82 Listar categorías con order by Lecture 83 Crear categorías Lecture 84 Editar categorías (firstOrFail) Lecture 85 Eliminar categorías Lecture 86 Listar productos con tabla relacionada Lecture 87 Crear productos Lecture 88 Editar productos Lecture 89 Eliminar productos Lecture 90 Productos por categoría Lecture 91 Listar fotos productos Lecture 92 Subir fotos producto Lecture 93 Eliminar fotos producto Lecture 94 Paginación de registros Lecture 95 Implementación de useBootstrapFive y useBootstrapFour Lecture 96 Buscador interno con like Section 14: Laravel 9 - Utilidades Lecture 97 Creación controlador útiles Lecture 98 Reporte PDF Lecture 99 Reporte Excel Lecture 100 Cliente Rest con guzzlehttp Lecture 101 Cliente SOAP Section 15: Laravel 9 - Login Auth, Registro de usuarios Lecture 102 Tabla Perfil Lecture 103 Extención modelo Auth con perfil Lecture 104 Creación controlador Acceso Lecture 105 Formulario Registro Lecture 106 Creación modelos Perfil y UserMetadata Lecture 107 Registro de usuario con hash de contraseña Lecture 108 Formulario login Lecture 109 Login con Auth::attempt y sesiones personalizadas Lecture 110 Validación de login en Blade Lecture 111 Controlador rutas protegidas Lecture 112 Cerrar sesión Lecture 113 Validación de perfil en rutas Lecture 114 Middleware auth Lecture 115 Creación de Middleware para login Section 16: Implementación de Webpay de Transbank Lecture 116 Creación de controlador Lecture 117 Creación de botón de pago Lecture 118 Programación de botón de pago Lecture 119 Verificación de token de Webpay Section 17: Laravel 9 - Creación de API Rest Lecture 120 Controlador de ejemplo básico Lecture 121 Conociendo Postman Lecture 122 Ejemplo básico con GET-POST-PUT-DELETE Lecture 123 Parámetros vía GET Lecture 124 Parámetros json request Lecture 125 Listar Categorías Lecture 126 Categoría por ID Lecture 127 Crear categoría Lecture 128 Modificar categoría Lecture 129 Eliminar categoría Lecture 130 Listar productos Lecture 131 Producto por ID Lecture 132 Crear productos Lecture 133 Editar productos Lecture 134 Eliminar productos Lecture 135 Listar fotos producto Lecture 136 Listar fotos por producto Lecture 137 Upload de foto producto Lecture 138 Eliminar foto producto Lecture 139 Autenticación Basic Lecture 140 Controlador de login para obtener JWT Lecture 141 Middleware rutas protegidas con Bearer Lecture 142 Rutas protegidas con JWT Section 18: Laravel 9 - Implementación de Paypal Lecture 143 Configuración cuenta sandbox Paypal Lecture 144 Conociendo API de Paypal. Lecture 145 Configuración variables globales Lecture 146 Migración órdenes de pedido Lecture 147 Modelo OrdenesPaypal Lecture 148 Configuración de controlador Lecture 149 Solicitar token desde Laravel Lecture 150 Crear orden de pago y botón de pago Lecture 151 Implementación de página de captura Lecture 152 Página de cancelación (Descarga archivos del curso) Section 19: Laravel 11 - Instalación y primeros pasos Lecture 153 Creación de proyecto (Descargar fuentes) Lecture 154 Análisis novedades de Laravel 11 Lecture 155 Despliegue directo y usando PHP Artisan Lecture 156 Despliegue con PHP Lecture 157 Ejecución de migraciones - novedades Section 20: Laravel 11 - Implementación de layout Lecture 158 Creación homeController Lecture 159 Primera ruta home Lecture 160 Creación e implementación de layout Lecture 161 Diseño Bootstrap layout Lecture 162 Creación custom Helper Lecture 163 Fecha dinámica Lecture 164 Reloj digital Section 21: Laravel 11 - Login Lecture 165 Migración y modelo Perfiles Lecture 166 Migración y modelo UsersMetadata Lecture 167 Creación layout login Lecture 168 LoginController y ruta Lecture 169 Formulario Login HTML Lecture 170 Procesar formulario y validaciones Lecture 171 Auth login, creación de sesiones Lecture 172 Creación middleware Acceso Lecture 173 Agregando middleware a rutas protegidas Lecture 174 Mostrar datos de la sesión en layout blade Lecture 175 Cerrar la sesión Section 22: Laravel 11 - Equipos Lecture 176 Migración y modelo Lecture 177 Creación controlador y ruta Lecture 178 Listar equipos Lecture 179 Ventana modal dinámica Lecture 180 Crear equipo Lecture 181 Editar equipo Section 23: Laravel 11 - Jugadores Lecture 182 Migración y modelo Jugadores Lecture 183 Creación controlador y ruta Lecture 184 Listado jugadores Lecture 185 Crear jugadores con ventana modal Lecture 186 Editar jugadores Lecture 187 Eliminar jugadores Lecture 188 Eliminar equipos Lecture 189 Mensajes flash Section 24: Laravel 11 - APIs Rest Lecture 190 Instalación módulo API Rest Lecture 191 Creación controlador EquiposApiController y rutas Lecture 192 Listar equipos Lecture 193 Listar equipos por ID Lecture 194 Crear equipo Lecture 195 Editar equipo Lecture 196 Eliminar equipo Lecture 197 Creación controlador JugadoresApiController y rutas Lecture 198 Listar jugadores con llave foránea de equipo Lecture 199 Listar jugadores por ID Lecture 200 Crear jugadores Lecture 201 Editar jugadores Lecture 202 Eliminar jugadores Section 25: Laravel 11 - APIs Rest JWT Lecture 203 Instalación librería JWT Lecture 204 Configuración guard Lecture 205 Métodos getJWTIdentifier y getJWTCustomClaims Lecture 206 Creación LoginApiController - retornar JWT Lecture 207 Protegiendo rutas Section 26: Livewire 3 - Primeros pasos Lecture 208 Creación proyecto - Descargar código fuente Lecture 209 Instalación de Livewire 3 vía Composer Lecture 210 Primer componente Home y Primera ruta Lecture 211 Creación de layout Lecture 212 slot, livewireStyles y livewireScripts Lecture 213 Accediendo a propiedades en la vista Lecture 214 Compartir datos adicionales con la vista con with Lecture 215 Parámetros path Lecture 216 Parámetros querystring Lecture 217 Componentes inline Lecture 218 Implementación template bootstrap Lecture 219 Creación de enlaces | wire:navigate | route Lecture 220 Title dinámico Lecture 221 Componentes de renderizado Lecture 222 Componentes de renderizado parámetros Section 27: Livewire 3 - Acciones y Eventos Lecture 223 Creación ActionsComponent Lecture 224 Creación contador dinámico Lecture 225 Modificando el DOM Lecture 226 Funciones con parámetros Lecture 227 Método mágico $set Lecture 228 Método mágico $parent Lecture 229 Creación EventosComponent Lecture 230 Primer evento | console log Lecture 231 Segundo evento | usando parámetros Lecture 232 Tercer evento | implementación de sweetalert2 Lecture 233 Cuarto evento | select2 | push y stack Lecture 234 Quinto evento | Ventana modal Lecture 235 Sexto evento | Mensajes Toast Lecture 236 Componentes tipo Volt Lecture 237 setUpdateRoute para despliegue normal (Importante!!) Section 28: Livewire 3 - Formularios y validaciones Lecture 238 Creación FormulariosComponent Lecture 239 Formulario básico | submit prevent Lecture 240 Realtime validación con anotaciones Lecture 241 Upload de Archivos | WithFileUploads Section 29: Con qué seguir ? Lecture 242 ¿ Cómo puedo seguir aprendiendo ? Lecture 243 Curso Microservicios multiplataforma Desarrolladores, estudiantes, ingenieros, o cualquier persona que requiere aprender PHP Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  2. Free Download Learn PHP Programming - Create Dynamic Websites with MYSQL Published 9/2024 Created by Maria EduCare MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 57 Lectures ( 5h 40m ) | Size: 2.2 GB Develop your PHP programming skills to construct dynamic websites with interactive features and advanced functionality. What you'll learn: Basic Syntax Variables Global and Static Keyword Constants Data Types Strings Numbers Arithmetic and Assignment operators Comparison operators Logical operators if & if...else Statements Nested if Statement While Loop and For Loop Functions Array Indexed and Multidimensional arrays $GLOBALS, $_SERVER, $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET Regular Expressions Form Validation Forms Required Fields PHP and JSON MySQL Database Connect to MySQL Create a MySQL Database Create, Delete and Update Data in table Requirements: No Programming Experience Needed Description: Are you ready to unlock the power of server-side scripting and transform your static websites into dynamic, interactive platforms? Welcome to "Learn PHP Programming: Create Dynamic Websites with MYSQL," your gateway to mastering PHP and building engaging web experiences!In this comprehensive course, you will embark on a journey through the fundamentals of PHP programming, one of the most popular and versatile server-side scripting languages used for web development. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or a developer seeking to expand your skill set, this course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation and practical experience.Designed for beginners and intermediate developers alike, this course provides a thorough introduction to PHP. You'll start by setting up your development environment and diving into PHP basics like syntax, variables, and operators. From there, you'll explore essential topics including form handling, database integration with MySQL, and session management.As you progress, you'll delve into more advanced topics such as form handling, sessions, and cookies, which are crucial for creating user-driven websites. The course also explores how to interact with databases using MySQL, enabling you to store and retrieve data effectively.Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, you'll apply what you've learned to build real-world applications. By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to create fully functional, data-driven websites and the confidence to tackle more complex PHP programming challenges. With clear explanations, engaging content, and support from the instructor, this course is your gateway to becoming proficient in PHP and developing dynamic web applications with ease.Key Features:Understand what PHP is, how it works, and how to set up your development environment.Master PHP syntax, variables, data types, operators, and control structures to build robust scripts.Learn how to collect, process, and validate user input through forms to create interactive web pages.Discover how to connect PHP with MySQL databases, perform CRUD operations, and manage data effectively.Implement sessions and cookies to manage user authentication and maintain state across pages.Develop skills in debugging and error handling to create reliable and error-free applications.Apply your knowledge by working on hands-on projects, including creating a blog system, user registration, and login features.Why Enroll?Beginners who want to learn PHP programming from scratch.Benefit from clear, expert instruction and actionable insights.Learn at your own pace with lifetime access to course materials.Web developers looking to enhance their skills with dynamic content.Designers and front-end developers interested in understanding server-side scripting.Anyone eager to build dynamic, interactive websites and web applications.Take the first step towards becoming a proficient PHP developer and creating dynamic websites with ease. Enroll now and start your journey to mastering PHP programming!Enroll Today and Start Building the Web Applications of Tomorrow! Who this course is for: Beginners who want to learn PHP programming from scratch. Anyone eager to build dynamic, interactive websites and web applications. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  3. Free Download Master PHP For Absolute Beginners Published 9/2024 Created by Piotr Jura | 57,000+ Students MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 127 Lectures ( 18h 53m ) | Size: 7.26 GB Learn PHP the Right Way for Absolute Beginners No Coding Skills Required What you'll learn: Master the Fundamentals of PHP Programming Develop Dynamic Web Applications Integrate PHP with Databases Implement Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts Apply Security Best Practices Build a Complete Web Project Understand Error Handling and Debugging Requirements: No prerequisites! Description: Master PHP for Absolute BeginnersUnlock the Power of PHP and Build Dynamic, Interactive Websites and Web ApplicationsWhy Learn PHP?PHP powers over 75% of websites worldwide, including major platforms like Facebook, WordPress, and Wikipedia. It's a versatile, powerful, and in-demand scripting language essential for creating dynamic web content. Whether you're an aspiring web developer, a front-end designer expanding your skills, or a complete beginner to programming, mastering PHP opens up a world of opportunities.Course OverviewWelcome to "Master PHP for Absolute Beginners"! This comprehensive 18.5-hour course is designed to take you from zero programming experience to a confident PHP developer. You'll learn the fundamentals of PHP, understand how it integrates with HTML, and build real-world projects to showcase your new skills. For simplicity, we'll be using SQLite as our database system, allowing you to focus on learning PHP without the complexities of setting up a separate database server.What You'll Learn• Fundamental PHP Concepts• Syntax, variables, data types, operators, and control structures.• Functions, arrays, and string manipulation.• Developing Dynamic Web Applications• Handling forms and user input.• Managing sessions and cookies.• Working with files and directories.• Database Integration• Connecting PHP with databases using SQLite for simplicity.• Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).• Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP• Classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation.• Writing modular and reusable code.• Web Security Best Practices• Protecting against common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS attacks.• Secure coding techniques to safeguard user data.• Building Real-World Projects• Developing a complete web application from scratch.• Applying PHP skills to create dynamic, interactive websites.Who Is This Course For?• Complete Beginners to Programming• No prior coding experience? No problem! We start from the very basics.• Aspiring Web Developers• Learn server-side scripting to build full-stack web applications.• Front-End Developers• Expand your skillset by adding back-end development with PHP.• Students and Career Changers• Break into the tech industry with practical PHP skills that employers value.• Entrepreneurs and Hobbyists• Build and manage your own websites or web applications without relying on others.Why Choose This Course?• Comprehensive Curriculum• Covers essential PHP features and best practices.• Hands-On Learning• Practical exercises and projects reinforce each concept learned.• Expert Instructor• Learn from Piotr, an experienced PHP developer passionate about teaching and helping you succeed.• Lifetime Access & Updates• Enroll once and get lifetime access to all future updates and new content added to the course.• Community Support• Join a community of learners and get your questions answered promptly.Student Testimonials"This course is a standout, far surpassing my expectations. It is very well prepared, engaging, and fun! I hope to see more courses from Piotr! Thanks!"- Vladislav C."I really enjoyed the course. The content was very well chosen and presented in a clear and precise manner. Well done Piotr!"- Fouche du P."Incredible course, exceeded all expectations. Thanks!"- Bojan A."I was looking for a fast-paced dive straight into Symfony to give me a broad overview of the framework. This class is it! Piotr also does a great job of referencing documentation for further study."- Brian P."Good course! The course is very good, nothing superfluous. The author even cuts and speeds up empty spaces. Everything you need to know is there. How best to do and how best NOT to do is shown and told. In addition to just the code, there are explanations with the theory, which, in principle, I have not seen anywhere else. Directly with diagrams, everything is clear and understandable."- Dev N."Great teacher. Explains things very well, and I like the pace."- Deigan M.Benefits of Enrolling• Boost Your Career Prospects• PHP developers are in high demand; add a valuable skill to your resume.• Create Professional Websites• Build websites and applications that can serve real users and clients.• Understand Back-End Development• Gain a solid foundation that will make learning other programming languages easier.• Personalized Learning Experience• Learn at your own pace with 24/7 access to course materials.Enroll Now and Start Your PHP Journey!Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn one of the most widely used programming languages in web development. Enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a proficient PHP developer.Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Do I need any prior programming experience?A: No prior experience is required! This course is designed for complete beginners.Q: What software or tools do I need?A: You'll need a computer (Windows, macOS, or Linux), PHP, and a code editor. We'll cover the setup in the course, including how to install and use SQLite for simplicity.Q: Is there a certificate upon completion?A: Yes, you'll receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile.About the InstructorPiotr is a seasoned PHP developer with over 14 years of experience in building dynamic websites and web applications. Passionate about teaching, Piotr has helped thousands of students learn programming and achieve their career goals. His clear explanations, practical approach, and engaging teaching style have earned him rave reviews from students worldwide.Unlock your potential and become a PHP expert. Enroll now, and let's start coding together! Who this course is for: Complete Beginners to Programming Aspiring Web Developers Front-End Developers Expanding Their Skillset Students and Career Changers Entrepreneurs and Hobbyists Anyone Curious About PHP Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  4. Free Download PHP Bootcamp - The Complete Programming Course With MYSQL Published 9/2024 Duration: 5h47m | Video: .MP4, 1920x1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Size: 1.41 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Master PHP Development: Comprehensive Bootcamp Covering Basics to Advanced Techniques for Web Applications. What you'll learn Overview of the course structure and objectives Setting up the learning environment Understanding PHP tags and basic syntax Understanding variables and data types in PHP Arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators Expressions and operator precedence Loops (for, while, do-while, foreach) Conditional statements (if, elseif, else, switch) Function arguments and return values Array functions and operations String functions and regular expressions Validating and sanitizing user input Using $_GET and $_POST for data transmission Setting up a MySQL database Connecting PHP with MySQL Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Preventing SQL injection Enhancing database security Implementing polymorphism Understanding RESTful APIs Making HTTP requests with cURL Securely storing passwords Requirements No prior programming experience is required. Description Learn to build dynamic, data driven websites and web applications from the ground up with PHP in this beginner friendly bootcamp. PHP Bootcamp: The Complete Programming Course With MYSQL is designed to take you through the entire process of mastering PHP, one of the most popular server-side programming languages used in web development today. Starting with the basics, you'll explore everything from setting up your development environment to advanced PHP features like object-oriented programming, working with databases, and handling user authentication. You'll also dive into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure a solid understanding of both front-end and back-end development. What you'll learn Core PHP concepts and syntax, from basic to advanced How to build dynamic websites with PHP and MySQL databases Form handling, sessions, cookies, and user authentication Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with PHP Working with APIs and external data sources Deploying PHP applications on a live server This course is perfect for beginners looking to start their journey in web development, as well as experienced developers wanting to deepen their understanding of PHP. By the end, you'll have the skills to create fully functional, database driven websites and applications with confidence. Enroll today and unlock the power of PHP for web development! Who this course is for Anyone interested to learning PHP Programming course with MYSQL. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
  5. Web Services with PHP MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hours | 163 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English PHP is more than just a platform for creating blogs; you can use it to create Web services, too! Learn how from this newest installment in Blaize's master class on PHP. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From UploadGig Services with PHP.rar
  6. Team Treehouse Php Courses bundle English | Size: 1.61 GB Category: CBTs Php Courses Included: Browser Persistent Data with PHP Drupal Basics File Handling with PHP PHP Testing PHP User Authentication Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  7. Web Development with PHP 7 and Laravel 5 MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 7 Hours 14M | 1.63 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English PHP 7 with added features and Laravel, being the best and the most commonly used PHP framework with its expressive and elegant syntax will ease your way of developing robust feature-rich websites and web applications. This Learning Path starts with an introduction to PHP 7 and then move on to exploring its new and advanced features. You will also get acquainted with basics and advanced object-oriented programming concepts and techniques. Next, you will learn the installation procedures to create and configure Laravel applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. Then, get familiar with the directory structure of Laravel application, as well as third-party dependencies, packages, and installation with Composer. Moving ahead, you will learn about the Laravel MVC structure: routes, controllers, models, views, and templates. Finally, you will create a simple web application using the CRUD operations and basic validations. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to build your own applications using PHP 7 and Laravel. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From UploadGig 5.part1.rar 5.part2.rar
  8. Become PHP Facebook Developer: Password-Less Authentication MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 4 Hours | Lec: 37 | 539 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Using Facebook Account Kit, learn how to become a Facebook developer using PHP programming Welcome to The Become PHP Facebook Developer: Password-Less Authentication course! It is a specialized course but with over 40 lessons, you are will not find a course similar to this. We use pure PHP code to deploy Password-Less Authentication using Facebook App and Account-kit In this course, you'll learn the basics of web server, HTML and CSS including in fundamentals of PHP. This course is not about learning PHP programming or getting to know in-depth HTML and CSS, rather a specialized course on implementing Password-Less Authentication using PHP on your Web Site. Mastering highly specialized course such as this will give you unique skills that you can use for yourself or your client - especially if you are a freelance developer or programmer! Course Structure: This course is divided into two halves. If you are a beginner, you should watch and practice all lessons. If you are already a programmer or have fundamental skills in HTML, CSS, SQL, and PHP, then you should start this course from the second half. "This is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it - Awesome learning experience!" Sami Shah. Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience Get started today and join thousands of our happy students, many of whom have changed careers, created second incomes or added critical new skills to their tool kits. Our students have become successful programmers and developers managing and creating applications and are earning six figure salaries. Some are freelancing and earning even more with high scaled projects. Oh, and did I mention you get FREE hosting for one year - ClayDesk Webhosting Service? Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  9. Nazwa releasu: Sosna ?. - CodeIgniter. Zaawansowane tworzenie stron w PHP Opis: Wolisz proste rozwiÄ?zania? Mo??esz liczyÄ? na CodeIgniter! CodeIgniter to ni mniej, ni wiÄ?cej, tylko doskona??y framework, kt??rzy przyda siÄ? wszystkim programistom jÄ?zyka PHP. Pozwala on na szybkie i efektywne zaimplementowanie tych element??w stron czy aplikacji internetowych, kt??rych samodzielne przygotowanie jest trudne i czasoch??onne. Jego g????wne zalety to niewielkie wymagania co do serwera, na kt??rym ma dzia??aÄ? oprogramowanie, zapewnienie logicznego i wygodnego rozdzia??u element??w strony, brak potrzeby konfiguracji oraz ??wietna dokumentacja i ??yczliwa spo??eczno??Ä? u??ytkownik??w, chÄ?tnie dzielÄ?cych siÄ? z innymi swoim do??wiadczeniem w pracy z programem. Opis uploadu: Download:
  10. Nazwa releasu: Shiflett C. - PHP. Bezpieczne programowanie Opis: Zabezpiecz aplikacje przed atakami z sieci Bezpiecze??stwo danych w sieci to temat, kt??ry jest ostatnio poruszany niezwykle czÄ?sto. Serwery internetowe zajmujÄ?ce siÄ? przetwarzaniem transakcji elektronicznych, wy??wietlaniem stron WWW i przesy??aniem danych sta??y siÄ? ulubionym celem atak??w komputerowych przestÄ?pc??w. Kluczowym zagadnieniem jest wiÄ?c bezpiecze??stwo aplikacji dzia??ajÄ?cych na tych serwerach. Aplikacje napisane w najpopularniejszym jÄ?zyku, w PHP, stanowiÄ? dla haker??w ??akomy kÄ?sek. Nie jest to jednak wina jÄ?zyka, a raczej tw??rc??w aplikacji, kt??rzy w projektach nie uwzglÄ?dniajÄ? mechanizm??w obronnych. Opis uploadu: Download:
  11. Lynda - Test-Driven Development in PHP with PHPUnit Size: 366 MB | Duration: 1h 55m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English Develop better software with less bugs, and save more time for developing new features, with test-driven development. This course takes developers from writing their first unit test in PHPUnit to improving code coverage in their applications. Justin Yost covers writing test doubles to deal with dependencies in software, writing exception-based tests, and rapidly adding test cases to the core suite of unit tests. Developers will come away with a basic understanding of the test-driven development (TDD) cycle and understand how to use unit tests to write code, as well as refactor legacy code. Download link: Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  12. Tutsplus - How to Become a Web Developer: Learn PHP Duration: 46 minutes | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 30fps | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2 ch | 127 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Project Files Web development can be confusing at first. There are a number of basic languages and technologies to learn: CSS, HTML, HTTP, and so on. Moreover, applications and sites are often split into two parts: the front-end and the back-end. The front-end is the user's browser, where content is displayed and where styling and interaction happen. However, the back-end is where user data is saved and processed and where web pages are served. In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will teach you one of the fundamental languages for back-end web development: PHP. You'll learn how to set up a server on your own computer for development, and how to create a simple PHP application to render a web page. By the end, your app will be able to receive data from the user and respond to it. If you're new to web development, you might want to check out the first two courses in this series: How to Become a Web Developer How to Become a Web Developer: jQuery and Bootstrap If you want to learn PHP from start to finish, check out our comprehensive course on PHP Fundamentals. Download link:]]]] Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  13. The PHP Practitioner HDRips | MP4/AVC, ~300 kb/s | 1728x1080 | Duration: 00:34:12 | English: AAC, 235 kb/s (2 ch) | 1.07 GB Genre: Development / Programming We all start somewhere. When it comes to web development with PHP, well, your first stop is this series. Designed specifically and exclusively for beginners, here, you'll learn the fundamentals of PHP - all the way down to defining variables and arrays. If you feel somewhat unprepared for the content at Laracasts, this "PHP for beginners" series should be your next stop. New lessons are published every Thursday, so don't fall behind! Download link:]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part1.rar]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part2.rar]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part1.rar.html]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part2.rar.html]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part1.rar]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part2.rar]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part1.rar]h8bqu.The.PHP.Practitioner.part2.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  14. Understand PHP Arrays and HTTP Request in a Better Way MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 35M | Lec: 7 | 224 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English We'll Introduce fundamental of PHP Arrays and Http Requests PHP is an object oriented general purpose language suitable for a wide variety of tasks. In this course, we'll learn how to use PHP as a server-side scripting language for use in web development. Unlike traditional courses that concentrate mainly on theory, we'll take a practical "how-to" approach to working with data. Here's what you'll learn: Associative arrays will be discussed in this course. Arrays are the key to understanding the mechanism of sending and receiving data via the request mechanism in PHP. We'll learn how to work with data via REQUEST, GET, and POST, and we'll also cover some important server variables exposed by PHP. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to working with you! Download link:]]]]]]]]]]]] Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  15. Code Katas in PHP HDRips | MP4/AVC, ~200 kb/s | 1152x720 | Duration: 02:37:37 | English: AAC, 147 kb/s (2 ch) | 608 MB Genre: Development / Programming If martial artists use kata as a method for exercise and practice, what might be the equivalent for coders, like us? Well, code katas are short, repeatable programming challenges, which are meant to exercise everything from your focus, to your workflow. Download link:]]]] Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  16. Lynda - Building APIs in PHP Using the Slim Micro Framework Size: 258 MB | Duration: 1h 53m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English A well-designed API includes not just URLs and response codes but also authentication, consistent structures, and useful JSON payloads. A well-designed API includes not just URLs and response codes but also authentication, consistent structures, and useful JSON payloads. Luckily, the Slim micro framework makes it easy to move an API from concept to implementation to production. What used to take weeks or even months can usually be done in hours or days with Slim. This course begins with a simple application specification and builds it one step at a time. Each chapter includes a key concept, with examples from other public APIs, and then shows how to build it yourself with Slim. Learn about URL routing, validating input, and generating response codes and hypermedia payloads. Like any project, the first implementation may be a little messy but don't worry. The last chapter covers refactoring and what it takes to scale and support the API going forward. * Understanding the project goals * Setting up the database * Adding authentication in Slim * Using cross-framework and authentication middleware * Creating a read-write API in Slim * Uploading files via the API * Adding file security * Creating payloads and response codes in Slim * Scaling your API DOWNLOAD
  17. Lynda - Building APIs in PHP Using the Silex Micro Framework Size: 242 MB | Duration: 1h 44m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English A well-designed API includes not just URLs and response codes but also authentication, consistent structures, and useful JSON payloads. Luckily, the Silex micro framework makes it easy to move an API from concept to implementation to production. What used to take weeks or even months can usually be done in hours or days with Silex. This course begins with a simple application specification and builds it one step at a time. Each chapter includes a key concept, with examples from other public APIs, and then shows how to build it yourself with Silex. Learn about URL routing, validating input, and generating response codes and hypermedia payloads. Like any project, the first implementation may be a little messy, but don't worry. The last chapter covers refactoring and what it takes to scale and support the API going forward. * Understanding the project goals * Adding authentication with Silex * Using cross-framework and authentication middleware * Creating a read-write API in Silex * Uploading files via an API * Adding file security * Creating payloads and response codes in Silex * Scaling your API DOWNLOAD
  18. Create a Simple Blog CMS in PHP and MYSQL MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 5 Hours | Lec: 43 | 1.79 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Learn to create a blog with commenting system in php and mysql In this course we will create a complete Blog with the admin panel to manage content. The course is designed for anyone even the php beginners. We will start by creating the user interface of the project by using bootstrap free templates then we will start to make it dynamic and database driven. You will learn the following main features : Use Bootstrap templates to build UI of the CMS Create a Commenting System Perform Database Operations Confidently Build a Login/Logout System Create an Admin Panel to Manage Content on the Blog CMS Make Pages Private by using Sessions DOWNLOAD
  19. PHP Projects MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 5 Hours 13M | 813 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Build product ready applications and find real world solutions with PHP The latest release of PHP has created a massive spark among developers, needless to say how popular a back-end scripting language it is. With this course, you'll get a deep insight into 3 cool projects that are built on PHP, and you'll learn different ways to improve your development. Once you're familiar with setting up your environment and using the basic syntax of PHP, we'll begin with an entry-level project, where we'll show you how to build a URL shortener. You'll understand how to make effective use of MVC and how to connect up to the database. From there, we'll show you how to automate testing for our project and how to create functional tests. Next, we'll jump on to building an authentication platform, where you'll be introduced to Test Driven Development and CRUD, to create persistence storage. We'll show you the beauty of using the REST API and you'll also learn how to alleviate the load on the database. Finally, we'll build a social sharing platform, where we'll tighten the security and let users interact with each other in real-time. With this course in your hands, you'll be confident of the practical use cases of PHP and will be ready to take your development skills to the next level. Download link:]78cc4.PHP.Projects.2016.rar.html]78cc4.PHP.Projects.2016.rar]78cc4.PHP.Projects.2016.rar]78cc4.PHP.Projects.2016.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  20. PHP - SQL For Complete Beginners #3 MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 24M | 79 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English PHP programmers create, launch, and maintain websites using the HTML-embedded scripting language known as Hypertext Preprocessor. This class is the THIRD in the PHP-SQL programming series This class requires students to have knowledge of HTML. Students are introduced to the terminology and programming concepts of Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and how it's used to create websites for large amounts of data, such as online shopping sites. The skills taught in this class include embedding PHP code, writing text files and developing basic programming techniques used in Web applications. You will learn the basics of PHP and all about variables, functions, conditionals and much more! PHP is the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites, and though it is a very extensive language, this class will take it step-by-step. The stateless web (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) can only do so much without a dynamic language such as PHP to add the ability to interact with the web server. You will learn how to make your pages dynamic based upon user interaction, interacting with HTML forms and store and retrieve information from local data sources which include a database. Objectives for this class: Understand how server-side programming works on the web. PHP Basic syntax for variable types and calculations. Creating conditional structures Storing data in arrays Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions Understanding POST and GET in form submission. How to receive and process form submission data. Create a database in phpMyAdmin. Read and process data in a MySQL database. See you in class! re! DOWNLOAD
  21. PHP Projects MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 5 Hours 13M | 813 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Build product ready applications and find real world solutions with PHP The latest release of PHP has created a massive spark among developers, needless to say how popular a back-end scripting language it is. With this course, you'll get a deep insight into 3 cool projects that are built on PHP, and you'll learn different ways to improve your development. Once you're familiar with setting up your environment and using the basic syntax of PHP, we'll begin with an entry-level project, where we'll show you how to build a URL shortener. You'll understand how to make effective use of MVC and how to connect up to the database. From there, we'll show you how to automate testing for our project and how to create functional tests. Next, we'll jump on to building an authentication platform, where you'll be introduced to Test Driven Development and CRUD, to create persistence storage. We'll show you the beauty of using the REST API and you'll also learn how to alleviate the load on the database. Finally, we'll build a social sharing platform, where we'll tighten the security and let users interact with each other in real-time. With this course in your hands, you'll be confident of the practical use cases of PHP and will be ready to take your development skills to the next level. DOWNLOAD
  22. PHP - SQL For Complete Beginners #2 MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 16M | 55 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English PHP programmers create, launch, and maintain websites using the HTML-embedded scripting language known as Hypertext Preprocessor. This class is the SECOND in the PHP-SQL programming series This class requires students to have knowledge of HTML. Students are introduced to the terminology and programming concepts of Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and how it's used to create websites for large amounts of data, such as online shopping sites. The skills taught in this class include embedding PHP code, writing text files and developing basic programming techniques used in Web applications. You will learn the basics of PHP and all about variables, functions, conditionals and much more! PHP is the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites, and though it is a very extensive language, this class will take it step-by-step. The stateless web (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) can only do so much without a dynamic language such as PHP to add the ability to interact with the web server. You will learn how to make your pages dynamic based upon user interaction, interacting with HTML forms and store and retrieve information from local data sources which include a database. Objectives for this class: Understand how server-side programming works on the web. PHP Basic syntax for variable types and calculations. Creating conditional structures Storing data in arrays Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions Understanding POST and GET in form submission. How to receive and process form submission data. Create a database in phpMyAdmin. Read and process data in a MySQL database. DOWNLOAD
  23. PHP - SQL For Complete Beginners MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 16M | 40 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English PHP programmers create, launch, and maintain websites using the HTML-embedded scripting language known as Hypertext Preprocessor. This class is the FIRST in the PHP-SQL programming series This class requires students to have knowledge of HTML. Students are introduced to the terminology and programming concepts of Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and how it's used to create websites for large amounts of data, such as online shopping sites. The skills taught in this class include embedding PHP code, writing text files and developing basic programming techniques used in Web applications. You will learn the basics of PHP and all about variables, functions, conditionals and much more! PHP is the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites, and though it is a very extensive language, this class will take it step-by-step. The stateless web (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) can only do so much without a dynamic language such as PHP to add the ability to interact with the web server. You will learn how to make your pages dynamic based upon user interaction, interacting with HTML forms and store and retrieve information from local data sources which include a database. Objectives for this class: Understand how server-side programming works on the web. PHP Basic syntax for variable types and calculations. Creating conditional structures Storing data in arrays Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions Understanding POST and GET in form submission. How to receive and process form submission data. Create a database in phpMyAdmin. Read and process data in a MySQL database. DOWNLOAD
  24. The Complete Web Developer Master Class Part 6: PHP & MySQL MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 5.5 Hours | 926 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Here Is Everything You Will Learn In Our Complete Course: This course is our most current, in-depth and exciting web development course to date. This course is designed for you no matter where you are in your web development journey! We put you in the fast lane and get you working with real world examples from scratch! We've left no stone unturned in our Masterclass course! I guarantee, this is the biggest, most thorough, and up-to-date coding course available anywhere - or you can get your money back - no questions asked! Whether you're an expert developer or novice coder - here you'll find everything you need to get up and creating beautiful interactive websites-fast. This course is one perfectly-packaged, super-convenient online solution. Here are all of the Frameworks you will learn in all of our Master Class Courses! HTML & CSS HTML5 and CSS3 Bootstrap, Bootstrap3, and Bootstrap4 JavaScript jQuery PHP & MySQL WordPress AJAX NodeJS AngularJS EMMET HTML5 Canvas And So Much More! What else makes our course different? We'll take you from beginner to professional developer in only 55 hours! You can ask any question you would like directly in our course dashboard! This is the biggest course on web development anywhere online! You may also take this course at your own pace! Whatever suits you! Download link:]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part1.rar.html]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part2.rar.html]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part1.rar]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part2.rar]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part1.rar]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part2.rar]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part1.rar]qb65f.The.Complete.Web.Developer.Master.Class.Part.6.PHP..MySQL.part2.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
  25. Shopping List with AngularJS, PHP and SQLite MP4 | AVC 330kbps | English | 1280x720 | 30fps | 3h 31mins | AAC stereo 63kbps | 635 MB Genre: Video Training In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Shopping List - responsive web application which you can access from any device. You will learn how to: Create the form to add new items to your shopping list Display all items in the shopping list Mark items as completed Option to print the entire list Option to remove completed items Create responsive layout for your application to access it from your mobile while shopping Write tests for your AngularJs module and all its services and methods All this using: AngularJS PHP with PDO SQLite database Zurb Foundation 5 Jasmine behavior-driven testing framework DOWNLOAD
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