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Free Download Construyendo Web Apis Restful Con Asp.Net Core 9 Last updated: 2/2025 MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: Spanish | Size: 15.67 GB | Duration: 27h 12m ¡Aprende a construir y publicar cualquier Web API que te propongas! What you'll learn Construir Web APIs con .NET Core Publicar Web APIs en Azure Utilizar Azure DevOps para configurar integración y entrega continua (CI/CD) Desarrollar Web APIs RESTful Requirements Conocimientos básicos de C# (saber qué es una clase, el condicional IF, cómo invocar una función) Description Aprende a desarrollar Web APIs con ASP.NET Core desde cero con este increíble curso. Vamos a ver todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de un Web API, desde crear la solución, desarrollar los endpoints, trabajar la manipulación de recursos, hasta su puesta en producción en Azure. Aprende también a utilizar GitHub Actions para configurar un pipeline de integración continua y entrega continua, para poder publicar tus proyectos desde su código fuente en Github.A lo largo de este curso iremos desarrollando un proyecto completo y profesional, donde trabajamos: Subida de archivosSistema de usuario con rolesValidacionesBase de datos de SQL ServerRelaciones entre tablasEntity Framework CorePruebas unitarias y de integraciónManejo de errores en producciónY más!Los Web APIs son fundamentales en el desarrollo web moderno. Ya que nos permiten centralizar y proteger la lógica de nuestras soluciones. Además de que es en un Web API que típicamente tenemos acceso a una base de datos central con la cual todos tus usuarios se pueden comunicar. Ya sea que construyas una red social, una aplicación de deliveries, o incluso una app de oficina, un Web API te permite trabajar el back-end de aplicaciones móviles (Android, iOS, MAUI, etc.), web (React, Angular, Blazor, Vue, etc.), desktop, entre otros. Overview Section 1: Fundamentos de Web API y HTTP Lecture 1 Introducción Lecture 2 ¿Qué es un API? Lecture 3 ¿Qué es REST? - Principios de REST Lecture 4 Métodos HTTP Lecture 5 Anatomía de una petición HTTP Lecture 6 Códigos de Estatus HTTP Lecture 7 Resumen Lecture 8 Repositorio de Github Section 2: Configurando el Ambiente Lecture 9 Introducción Lecture 10 ¿Qué es .NET? Lecture 11 ¿Qué es C#? Lecture 12 Introducción a ASP.NET Core Lecture 13 Controladores y Minimal APIs Lecture 14 Instalando .NET Lecture 15 Instalando el EF Core CLI Lecture 16 Instalando Visual Studio Lecture 17 Instalando Visual Studio Code Lecture 18 Instalando SQL Server Lecture 19 Instalando Postman Lecture 20 Creando el Web API con VS Lecture 21 Creando el Web API con VS Code Lecture 22 Explorando el Web API - Soluciones y Proyectos Lecture 23 ¿Qué es Nullable? Lecture 24 Usings Implícitos Lecture 25 Archivo LaunchSettings Lecture 26 Clase Program Lecture 27 Archivos AppSettings Lecture 28 Resumen Section 3: Nuestro Primer Web API Lecture 29 Introducción Lecture 30 Iniciando el Desarrollo del Web API Lecture 31 Instalando Entity Framework Core Lecture 32 Leyendo y Creando Recursos desde el Controlador Lecture 33 Obteniendo un Registro Por su Id Lecture 34 Actualizando Recursos Lecture 35 Borrando Recursos Lecture 36 Creando una Segunda Tabla Lecture 37 CRUD de Libros Lecture 38 Consultando la Data Relacionada Lecture 39 Resumen Section 4: Fundamentos de ASP.NET Core y Web API Lecture 40 Introducción al Módulo 4 Lecture 41 Controladores y Acciones Lecture 42 Explorando Nuestro Controlador Lecture 43 Reglas de Ruteo Lecture 44 Restricciones de Ruta Lecture 45 Tipos de Datos de Retorno Lecture 46 Programación Asíncrona Lecture 47 Introducción al Model Binding Lecture 48 Validaciones por Defecto Lecture 49 Otras Validaciones Por Defecto Lecture 50 Validaciones Personalizadas por Atributo Lecture 51 Validaciones Personalizadas por Modelo Lecture 52 Validando desde el Controlador - Validando Contra la BD Lecture 53 Inyección de Dependencias y Acoplamiento Lecture 54 Utilizando el Principio de Inversión de Dependencias Lecture 55 Servicios en ASP.NET Core Lecture 56 Ejemplo de Tiempo de Vida de los Servicios Lecture 57 Usando Un Singleton Para Nuestro Repositorio en Memoria Lecture 58 ¿Y qué hacemos con Entity Framework Core? Lecture 59 Loggers Lecture 60 Introducción al Middleware Lecture 61 Ejemplos de Middleware Lecture 62 Colocando los Middlewares en Su Propia Clase Lecture 63 Resumen Section 5: Manipulando Recursos Lecture 64 Introducción al Módulo 5 Lecture 65 Limpiando el Proyecto Lecture 66 Repaso de Cómo Configurar EF Core Lecture 67 Repaso de Cómo Insertar Registros en la Base de Datos Lecture 68 Creando Recursos con Post Lecture 69 Nombres, Apellidos y Datos Sensibles Lecture 70 DTOs y Automapper Lecture 71 DTOs de Libros Lecture 72 DTOs Que Suman Lecture 73 Leyendo Registros con EF Core Lecture 74 Actualizando Recursos Lecture 75 HTTP Patch y JSON Patch Lecture 76 Actualizando Solo Algunos Campos con HTTP PATCH Lecture 77 Borrando Recursos Lecture 78 Relación Uno a Muchos Lecture 79 Controlador de un Recurso Dependiente Lecture 80 Relación Muchos a Muchos Lecture 81 Insertando Datos en una Relación Muchos a Muchos Lecture 82 Actualizando Registros de Relaciones Muchos a Muchos Lecture 83 Obteniendo Data Relacionada en Una Relación Muchos a Muchos Lecture 84 Creando una Recurso con sus Recursos Relacionados Lecture 85 Creando una Colección de Recursos Lecture 86 Obteniendo una Colección de Recursos Lecture 87 Resumen Section 6: Configuraciones Lecture 88 Introducción Lecture 89 Introducción a las Configuraciones Lecture 90 Ejemplo de IConfiguration Lecture 91 Secciones - GetChildren Lecture 92 Usando el AppSettings Lecture 93 Variables de Ambiente Lecture 94 Orden de Declaración de los Proveedores de Configuración Lecture 95 User Secrets Lecture 96 Línea de Comandos Lecture 97 Diccionario en Memoria como Proveedor Lecture 98 Patrón en Opciones Lecture 99 Utilizando IOptionsSnapshot Lecture 100 Utilizando IOptionsMonitor Lecture 101 Consideraciones de Seguridad Lecture 102 Resumen Section 7: Seguridad Lecture 103 Introducción al Módulo 7 Lecture 104 Limpiando la App Lecture 105 Autenticación y Autorización Lecture 106 Configurando Identity Lecture 107 Authorize y AllowAnonymous Lecture 108 Registrando Usuarios Lecture 109 Login de Usuarios Lecture 110 Enviando el JWT Lecture 111 Relación Entre Usuarios y Comentarios Lecture 112 Obteniendo al Usuario Logueado Lecture 113 Utilizando el Servicio de Usuarios Lecture 114 Renovando el Token Lecture 115 Configurando la Autorización Basada en Claims Lecture 116 Agregando una Columna a la Tabla de Usuarios Lecture 117 Obteniendo el Listado de Usuarios Lecture 118 Deslogueo Lecture 119 Introducción a CORS Lecture 120 Experimentando un Error de CORS Lecture 121 Configurando CORS en ASP.NET Core Lecture 122 Retornando Cabeceras Personalizadas - CORS Lecture 123 Entendiendo la Encriptación Lecture 124 Encriptación en ASP.NET Core Lecture 125 Ejemplo Práctico de Encriptación Limitada por Tiempo - Links que Expiran Lecture 126 Llaves de Protección de Datos Lecture 127 Entendiendo Hashing Lecture 128 Hashes en ASP.NET Core Lecture 129 Resumen Section 8: Escenarios Avanzados Lecture 130 Introducción Lecture 131 Limpiar Lecture 132 Instalando Swagger Lecture 133 Agregando Informaciones Extras a Swagger Lecture 134 Agregando Descripciones a las Acciones Lecture 135 Swagger y JWT Lecture 136 Personalizando Los Endpoints En los Que Swagger usa JWT - IParameterFilter Lecture 137 Paginación Lecture 138 Paginación en Libros Lecture 139 Preparando el Terreno Para Guardar Imágenes Lecture 140 Salvando Imágenes en Azure Lecture 141 Salvando Imágenes Localmente Lecture 142 Filtros Dinámicos con EF Core Lecture 143 Ordenado Dinámico Lecture 144 Borrado Lógico y Filtros Globales Lecture 145 Implementando Cache con OutputCache Lecture 146 Limpiando el Cache Lecture 147 Introducción al Cache Distribuido Lecture 148 Creando una Base de Datos en Redis Lecture 149 Utilizando Redis en ASP.NET Core Lecture 150 Introducción a los Filtros Lecture 151 Creando Nuestro Primer Filtro Lecture 152 Filtros Que Aceptan Parámetros Lecture 153 Filtros Globales Lecture 154 Filtro Para Centralizar Validaciones Repetidas Lecture 155 Manejo de Errores Lecture 156 Versionando el Web API Lecture 157 Versionando el Web API con la URL Lecture 158 Evitando Repetición de Código al Versionar Lecture 159 Swagger y Versionamiento Lecture 160 Introducción a HATEOAS Lecture 161 Implementando HATEOAS Lecture 162 Agregando Otras Rutas Lecture 163 Removiendo Rutas las Cuales el Usuario No Puede Usar Lecture 164 Enlaces HATEOAS en un DTO Lecture 165 Enlaces de HATEOAS en un Listado Lecture 166 Excluir HATEOAS con un Query String Lecture 167 HATEOAS y Filtros (Parte 1) Lecture 168 HATEOAS y Filtros (Parte 2) Lecture 169 Resumen Section 9: Pruebas Automáticas Lecture 170 Introducción Lecture 171 Limpiando el Proyecto Lecture 172 ¿Qué es una Prueba? Lecture 173 Pruebas Automáticas Lecture 174 Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 175 Nuestra Primera Prueba Unitaria Lecture 176 Ejecutando una Misma Prueba con Distintos Valores Lecture 177 Agregando Más Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 178 Probando EF Core Lecture 179 Preparándonos para Probar Controladores Lecture 180 Probando el Controlador de Autores - Obtener por Id Lecture 181 Probando la Creación de un Autor Lecture 182 Verificando que usemos una dependencia Lecture 183 ¿Por que usar varios contextos? - Evitando Falsos Positivos Lecture 184 Evitando Repetir Código Lecture 185 Probando el Put de Autores Lecture 186 Probando el Patch de Autores Lecture 187 Probando el Delete de Autores Lecture 188 Probando un Método que usa el HttpContext Lecture 189 Probando un Método que usa Claims Lecture 190 Preparándonos para Probar Login y Registro Lecture 191 Probando los Métodos de Registro y Login Lecture 192 Pruebas de Integración Lecture 193 Configurando las Pruebas de Integración en ASP.NET Core Lecture 194 Nuestra Primera Prueba de Integración Lecture 195 Verificando que una Acción Está Protegida Lecture 196 Métodos Auxiliares para Crear Usuarios en Pruebas de Integración Lecture 197 Verificando que Sólo un Admin Pueda Crear un Recurso Lecture 198 Probando que un Usuario no Pueda Borrar el Comentario de Otro Lecture 199 Probando que un Filtro se Ejecuta Lecture 200 Resumen Section 10: Despliegues Lecture 201 Introducción Lecture 202 Publicando en Azure - Managed Identity Lecture 203 Publicando en Azure - Usuario y Password Lecture 204 Publicando en Azure usando VS Code Lecture 205 ¿Qué hacer si la app no sube? Lecture 206 Viendo errores en producción Lecture 207 Publicando en IIS Lecture 208 Integración continua y Entrega Continua Lecture 209 Subiendo el código a GitHub Lecture 210 Breve Introducción a los GitHub Actions Lecture 211 Implementando la Integración Continua Lecture 212 Implementando la Entrega Continua Lecture 213 Resumen Section 11: Proyecto Final Lecture 214 Introducción Lecture 215 Introducción a Postman Lecture 216 Esquema de las Entidades del Proyecto Lecture 217 Creando el Proyecto Lecture 218 Configurando EF Core Lecture 219 Creando el Controlador de Géneros de Películas Lecture 220 Entidad Actor Lecture 221 Subiendo una Imagen al Web API Lecture 222 Validando Imágenes Lecture 223 Subiendo Imágenes hacia Azure Storage Lecture 224 Subiendo Imágenes hacia Azure Storage (Parte 2) Lecture 225 Subiendo Imágenes hacia el wwwroot (alternativa a Azure Storage) Lecture 226 HTTP Patch Lecture 227 Paginación Lecture 228 Entidad Película Lecture 229 Relaciones Muchos a Muchos Lecture 230 Model Binder Personalizado Lecture 231 Filtrando Películas Lecture 232 Data Relacionada Lecture 233 Order By Lecture 234 CustomBaseController Lecture 235 Entidad Sala de Cine - CRUD Lecture 236 Configurando NetTopologySuite Lecture 237 Queries Espaciales Lecture 238 Sistema de Usuarios Lecture 239 Entidad Reviews - Relación con Usuarios Lecture 240 Pruebas Unitarias - Proveedor En Memoria de EF Core Lecture 241 Controlador de Géneros - Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 242 Controlador de Actores - Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 243 Controlador de Películas - Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 244 Controlador de Cuentas - Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 245 Controlador de Cines - Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 246 Controlador de Reviews - Pruebas Unitarias Lecture 247 Métodos Auxiliares - Pruebas de Integración Lecture 248 Controlador de Géneros - Pruebas de Integración Lecture 249 Controlador de Reviews - Pruebas de Integración Lecture 250 Publicando el Proyecto en un Azure App Service - Application Insights Section 12: Bono: Construyendo un API con Suscripciones Lecture 251 Introducción Lecture 252 Lo Que Haremos Lecture 253 Preparando el Proyecto Lecture 254 Entidad Llave Lecture 255 Gestionando las Llaves Lecture 256 Probando la Gestión de Llaves Lecture 257 Creando el Middleware de Limitar Peticiones Lecture 258 Limitando las Peticiones por Día Lecture 259 Lista Blanca de Rutas Lecture 260 Restricciones Lecture 261 Restricciones por Dominio Lecture 262 Restricciones por IP Lecture 263 CRUD Restricciones por Dominio Lecture 264 CRUD Restricciones por IP Lecture 265 Llaves no Gratuitas Lecture 266 Entidad Factura Lecture 267 Creando el Query de las Facturas Lecture 268 Emitiendo Facturas Mensuales Lecture 269 Setear Usuario Mala Paga Lecture 270 Saldando Facturas Section 13: Miscelaneos Lecture 271 Factorías - Inyección de Dependencias Lecture 272 Agregando Soporte de XML - Accept, Content-Type y Negociación de Contenido Programadores de .NET que quieren aprender a construir Web APIs Homepage: DOWNLOAD NOW: Construyendo Web Apis Restful Con Asp.Net Core 9 Rapidgator Fikper Free Download : No Password - Links are Interchangeable
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Free Download SAP ABAP RAP (RESTful App. Programming) Model - Read Only Published 10/2024 Created by Ramesh Kumaar MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 39 Lectures ( 9h 14m ) | Size: 4.38 GB ABAP CDS | CDS for Fiori | BTP ABAP | S/4HANA | OData | Fiori Elements & Templates | BAS | RAP - Read Only Apps What you'll learn ABAP RAP on BTP system - S/4 HANA ABAP RAP On-Cloud (Public and Private) system - S/4 HANA ABAP RAP On-Premise system - S/4 HANA 1909 and above ABAP CDS View and VDM for SAP Fiori Applications Requirements Basic Programming Knowledge required any technology Basic SAP ABAP programming Knowledge required For SAP Programmers & Technical consultants For SAP ABAP Developers & Consultants (Technical & Functional) For SAP Application developers, ABAP, OData & Fiori Consultants... Description Introduction about ABAP on BTP in S/4HANAIntroduction about the ABAP RESTful Application programming modelABAP RAP Design tool setup like ADT, BAS on BTP ABAP Development tool setup for CDS Data model designABAP RESTful Application Programming for S/4 HANAABAP RAP based Fiori Application DevelopmentCDS - Core Data Service - Data model designCDS Joins, Association and Composition view mappingBasic Framework Design - Read only applicationsDesign metadata extension - CDS AnnotationsFiori List Page App. Design - from UI AnnotationsFiori Object Page Design - from UI AnnotationsFiori Selection field UI annotations for F4 help and Search box, List box designComplex Fiori object page design - Facets & NavigationsAdditional features in RAP base Fiori AppsCDS Based Data model, Annotation based elementsMetadata Extension view with UI base annotationsVDM - Basic, Composite and Consumption CDS viewsService definition and services bindingsGenerate OData V2 - UI and OData V4 - UI service generation and consumption Setup BTP trail environmentSetup BAS - Business Application Studio for UI Application designEnable BAS - Fiori Development workspace and usageBTP - Business App. Studio for Fiori applications build and deployment Fiori Launchpad based configurationFiori tiles, catalog and groups setupEnd-to-end Fiori tile based read only application design, development, deployment from ABAP RAP. Who this course is for For SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming Language) Developers For SAP Programmers & Technical consultants For SAP Application developers, ABAP, OData & Fiori Consultants etc Specially for SAP Up skill talents in SAP new technologies like ABAP on-premise or ABAP on Cloud/BTP Cloud development Homepage Screenshot Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
Free Download SAP ABAP on Cloud - RESTful Programming for Beginners Published 10/2024 Created by Vishal Saxena MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 58 Lectures ( 14h 15m ) | Size: 7.77 GB Best course to learn and work in basic concepts of RESTful Programming and ABAP on Cloud / BTP. What you'll learn: You will create your own tenant and explore different aspects of SAP BTP and ABAP on Cloud. You will learn about the basics of ABAP on Cloud and RESTful programming, including their uses and features, and how to register for a free trial account. You will set up SAP Cloud and tools: Create a free SAP Cloud trial account, install Eclipse IDE for ABAP development, and understand SAP BTP, including spaces, , quotas, limitations, and the benefits of ABAP on Cloud. You will also compare SAP WebIDE, SAP HANA Studio, and Eclipse to know when to use each tool. You will learn about modeling and development: Build data elements, domains, structures, and tables in Eclipse, including foreign key relationships and how to create data using Classes in ABAP on Cloud. You will work with CDS views, including complex scenarios with associations, aggregations, parameters, SQL scripts, and AMDP procedures. You will study the Restful ABAP Programming Model (RAP): Understand the RAP framework, including the differences between managed and unmanaged scenarios, and develop Fiori apps using customer and agency CDS with related data. You will implement behavior definitions and methods, debug, and enhance Fiori UIs with features like search help and custom logic. You will learn about new ABAP syntax and Entity Manipulation Language (EML): Explore new syntax features for data handling and loops, practice using EML for CRUD operations in managed scenarios, and see practical examples of EML in Fiori apps, like processor and approver applications. Requirements: It's good if you have prior knowledge in SAP ABAP, although I have tried to explain the concept for beginners. Description: This course has been made for beginners in SAP ABAP on Cloud, it'll help them to understand RESTful Programming and how to implement it in ABAP on cloud.In this course I'll be teaching you to create your own tenant and explore different aspects of SAP BTP and ABAP on Cloud.You will learn about the basics of ABAP on Cloud and RESTful programming, including their uses and features, and how to register for a free trial account in the Cloud.You will set up SAP Cloud and tools: Create a free SAP Cloud trial account, install Eclipse IDE for ABAP development, and understand SAP BTP, including spaces, quotas, limitations, and the benefits of ABAP on Cloud. You will also compare SAP WebIDE, SAP HANA Studio, and Eclipse to know when to use each tool.You will learn about modeling and development: Build data elements, domains, structures, and tables in Eclipse, including foreign key relationships and how to create data using Classes in ABAP on Cloud. You will work with CDS views, including complex scenarios with associations, aggregations, parameters, SQL scripts, and AMDP procedures.You will study the Restful ABAP Programming Model (RAP): Understand the RAP framework, including the differences between managed and unmanaged scenarios, and develop Fiori apps using customer and agency CDS with related data. You will implement behavior definitions and methods, debug, and enhance Fiori UIs with features like search help and custom logic.You will learn about new ABAP syntax and Entity Manipulation Language (EML): Explore new syntax features for data handling and loops, practice using EML for CRUD operations in managed scenarios, and see practical examples of EML in Fiori apps, like processor and approver applications.I have tried to explain all the concepts using simple examples which can be extended to match your business case in real time. All the concepts have been explained using simple examples so that even beginners can understand them.In the resources section of lectures you'll find the code for building apps, which I have used in the practical demos which I have shown in the videos. Who this course is for: This course is very useful for those of you who are starting with SAP ABAP on Cloud and RESTful programming in ABAP and want to grow career in SAP ABAP. This course will act like a bridge between existing SAP ABAP consultants who want to grow in their career in RESTful programming and want to shift to SAP ABAP RESTful Programming. As SAP ABAP on cloud will be the future of SAP, SAP is trying to slowly move it's products from in premise to cloud. This course will be useful for existing SAP consultants who want to learn how to use cloud concepts in SAP BTP. Homepage Rapidgator Fikper Free Download No Password - Links are Interchangeable
RESTful Service with JAX-RS 2.0 Size: 485 MB | Duration: 2h 17m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Advanced | Language: English The ability to successfully build a RESTful web service is an essential skill in today's Internet-dominated industry. In this course, learn how to develop a RESTful client and server application using the Java Enterprise Edition implementation of the REST architectural style, JAX-RS API 2. 0. This powerful and fully-featured API enshrines industry best practices as it integrates seamlessly with other essential APIs such as Bean Validation and JSON Processing. Join Alex Theedom as he guides you through a wide range of topics, including how to define resource endpoints, how to add dynamism to your application with hypermedia, how to maintain data integrity with Bean Validation, and how to process messages with the JSON Processing API. Once you have completed this course, you'll be ready to develop your own client and server RESTful APIs. Topics include: * Discover the extent of JAX-RS's features * Use the annotation methodology * Use the inheritance methodology * Define a REST contract and API root * Create the REST resource entity * Create the REST resource methods * Understand consumers and producers * Work with different media types * Define and work with path parameters * Build a REST response and handle exceptions * Implement Bean Validation and manage failures * Create a RESTful client that consumes the web service * Use JSON-P API with the REST client * Implement hypermedia (HATEOAS) Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator Download From UploadGig
LearnNowOnline - Restful Services The Server and Client English | Size: 231.43 MB (242,668,370 bytes ) Category: Tutorial In this course you will build a client server application from scratch using the Eclipse IDE and Apache Tomcat Server. You'll see how you can create resources, how to configure CRUD requests, and how you can access those resources from a client application. Prerequisites This course assumes that the users have experience coding with Java and RESTful Services. You should have already viewed the "RESTful Services: Overview and JAX-RS", "RESTful Services: Injection and Sub Resources", "RESTful Services: Response, Form and Exceptions" and "RESTful Services: Install, JAX-RS and Jersey" courses before viewing this course if you are not familiar with RESTful Services. Meet the expert Jordan Hudgens Jordan Hudgens has certifications for Ruby on Rails, Thinkful; Ruby on Rails,; Front End Development, Thinkful; and AngularJS, Thinkful. He is currently vice president of engineering for TRACKR in Midland, Texas and is working on his PhD in Computer Science from Texas Tech. In addition to Ruby, Jordan works with PHP, javascript, MySQL, Postgres, CSS3, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, and Python. He also works with the frameworks Rails (Ruby), Zend (PHP), and Django (Python); plus the libraries AngularJS, jQuery, and Backbone.js. Download link:]mqt31.LearnNowOnline..Restful.Services.The.Server.and.Client.rar.html]mqt31.LearnNowOnline..Restful.Services.The.Server.and.Client.rar]mqt31.LearnNowOnline..Restful.Services.The.Server.and.Client.rar]mqt31.LearnNowOnline..Restful.Services.The.Server.and.Client.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
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Symfony RESTful API HDRips | MP4/AVC, ~438 kb/s | 1024x640 | Duration: 5 Hours | English: AAC, 147 kb/s (2 ch) | 1.59 GB Genre: Development / Programming In this series, we get to work: by building the same API in the REST series, but leveraging all the amazing tools and libraries of the Symfony framework. If terminology like representations, resources, and hypermedia are new to you, start with the REST series and then come back. And get ready to get your (API) mind blown. In Course 1, we'll start quick with: Build your first functional POST endpoint Decoding the Request body Using forms to handle incoming data Writing tests for your API Handling data "seeding" for your tests GET, PUT, DELETE and PATCH endpoints Using the JMS Serializer Now, we turn to a huge part of APIs: handling and returning consistent errors. Seriously, this is more important than you might think - which is why we're covering this in episode 2. So, let's handle errors, and let's do it gracefully: Handling Form Validation errors and response Disabling csrf_protection Introducing the api-problem JSON format Exception Listener! Consistent errors everywhere: 404's, 500's, oh my! Handling "extra fields" in your form The basics, check! Errors, double check! Now let's get back to some core API concepts and take things up a level. REST Pagination Including next/prev pagination links Filtering collections Advanced serialization customization (serializer subscriber) Including links via custom annotations Evaluating expressions Making embedded resources configurable/conditional After 3 tutorials, we've got a nice API, But we've been completely ignoring authentication. Thanks to some modern tools, this will be such a treat: Understanding JSON web tokens (JWT) Creating, signing & returning JWT's Using Guard for a custom JWT authentication system Sending tokens on the Authorization header Proper API errors for invalid credentials and missing credentials Choosing to split into 2 firewalls After 4 courses, we've somehow avoided the hottest buzzwords in REST: Hypermedia and HATEOAS. These can make your API awesome, or could bring you to your knees with fuzzy details, missing best practices and complexity. Let's make our API awesome: Linking to Resources (and Hypermedia) without hating it Controlling your JSON fields with VirtualProperty and SerializedName Customizing your input field names with property_path The wonderful HATEOAS php library HAL+JSON... and whether you want to use it or not Subordinate resources! Handle ugly, non-RESTful, weird endpoints with some swagger Download link:]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part1.rar.html]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part2.rar.html]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part1.rar]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part2.rar]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part1.rar]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part2.rar]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part1.rar]ks8fl.Symfony.RESTful.API.part2.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Symfony RESTful API HDRips | MP4/AVC, ~438 kb/s | 1024x640 | Duration: 5 Hours | English: AAC, 147 kb/s (2 ch) | 1.59 GB Genre: Development / Programming In Course 1, we'll start quick with: Build your first functional POST endpoint Decoding the Request body Using forms to handle incoming data Writing tests for your API Handling data "seeding" for your tests GET, PUT, DELETE and PATCH endpoints Using the JMS Serializer Now, we turn to a huge part of APIs: handling and returning consistent errors. Seriously, this is more important than you might think - which is why we're covering this in episode 2. So, let's handle errors, and let's do it gracefully: Handling Form Validation errors and response Disabling csrf_protection Introducing the api-problem JSON format Exception Listener! Consistent errors everywhere: 404's, 500's, oh my! Handling "extra fields" in your form The basics, check! Errors, double check! Now let's get back to some core API concepts and take things up a level. REST Pagination Including next/prev pagination links Filtering collections Advanced serialization customization (serializer subscriber) Including links via custom annotations Evaluating expressions Making embedded resources configurable/conditional After 3 tutorials, we've got a nice API, But we've been completely ignoring authentication. Thanks to some modern tools, this will be such a treat: Understanding JSON web tokens (JWT) Creating, signing & returning JWT's Using Guard for a custom JWT authentication system Sending tokens on the Authorization header Proper API errors for invalid credentials and missing credentials Choosing to split into 2 firewalls After 4 courses, we've somehow avoided the hottest buzzwords in REST: Hypermedia and HATEOAS. These can make your API awesome, or could bring you to your knees with fuzzy details, missing best practices and complexity. Let's make our API awesome: Linking to Resources (and Hypermedia) without hating it Controlling your JSON fields with VirtualProperty and SerializedName Customizing your input field names with property_path The wonderful HATEOAS php library HAL+JSON. and whether you want to use it or not Subordinate resources! Handle ugly, non-RESTful, weird endpoints with some swagger DOWNLOAD
Lynda - RESTful Web API Design with Node.js Size: 319 MB | Duration: 1h 55m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English RESTful web APIs allow developers to create unprecedented applications by leveraging big data on the Internet. RESTful web APIs allow developers to create unprecedented applications by leveraging big data on the Internet. Since JavaScript is the language of the web, building APIs using Node. js (a JavaScript framework) provides a seamless development experience on both the front end and the back end. This Node. js training course gives you an overview of a RESTful API and the logical steps of building one. It explores three different APIs, focusing on their similarities and differences to effectively implement one. Author Saleh Hamadeh starts off by defining APIs, showing how they can be built on top of HTTP and listing the properties that make an API RESTful. Then learn how to develop Twitter Notes, a sample web application that lets its users leave notes for their Twitter friends. You'll use Twitter's API to implement a login flow and then design a web API. In addition, you'll get a closer look at two other real-world APIs-Facebook API and GitHub API. Finally, learn some best practices to keep APIs secure, maintainable, and efficient. Note: RESTful Web API Design with Node. js was created by Packt Publishing. We are pleased to host this training in our library. Topics include: * Identifying REST resources * Setting up the development environment * Consuming a RESTful API * Creating an OAuth login request * Getting an access token * Saving data in MongoDB * Building a RESTful API * Looking at APIs in the real world * Best practices for building RESTful APIs DOWNLOAD
Lynda - RESTful Web API Design with Node.js Duration: 1h 55m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | 319 MB Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English RESTful web APIs allow developers to create unprecedented applications by leveraging big data on the Internet. Since javascript is the language of the web, building APIs using Node. js (a javascript framework) provides a seamless development experience on both the front end and the back end. This Node. js training course gives you an overview of a RESTful API and the logical steps of building one. It explores three different APIs, focusing on their similarities and differences to effectively implement one. Author Saleh Hamadeh starts off by defining APIs, showing how they can be built on top of HTTP and listing the properties that make an API RESTful. Then learn how to develop Twitter Notes, a sample web application that lets its users leave notes for their Twitter friends. You'll use Twitter's API to implement a login flow and then design a web API. In addition, you'll get a closer look at two other real-world APIs-Facebook API and GitHub API. Finally, learn some best practices to keep APIs secure, maintainable, and efficient. Note: RESTful Web API Design with Node. js was created by Packt Publishing. We are pleased to host this training in our library. Topics include: * Identifying REST resources * Setting up the development environment * Consuming a RESTful API * Creating an OAuth login request * Getting an access token * Saving data in MongoDB * Building a RESTful API * Looking at APIs in the real world * Best practices for building RESTful APIs Download link:]hxtkk.Lynda..RESTful.Web.API.Design.with.Node.js.rar.html]hxtkk.Lynda..RESTful.Web.API.Design.with.Node.js.rar]hxtkk.Lynda..RESTful.Web.API.Design.with.Node.js.rar]hxtkk.Lynda..RESTful.Web.API.Design.with.Node.js.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Connecting Android Apps to RESTful Web Services With David Gassner MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 128 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 3h 25m | 653 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Android apps need data, and many use RESTful services (at their heart, simple HTTP networking calls) to get and send data over the web. This course teaches developers how to integrate Android apps with cloud-based storage networks, and use RESTful web requests to access data from them. The course concentrates on the different ways of making requests with the built-in classes in the Android SDK, but also provides an overview of popular open-source networking libraries, including OkHttp, Retrofit, and Google's new Volley library, all of which you can easily incorporate into your own projects. David Gassner will describe how to retrieve content with simple GET and POST requests, parse the responses, and pass user credentials to services that support HTTP basic authentication. He'll also show you how to send parameters with your requests and format POST requests with JSON. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
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Udemy - A Simple RESTful API using PHP & CodeIgniter English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 58 kbps | 44 KHz | 2 hours | 258 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to build a simple RESTful API with the basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality using CodeIgniter. As more and more web & mobile applications nowadays are being powered by RESTful APIs on the back-end, this course is a simple yet practical introduction to creating your first API in less than an hour. In this course, you'll learn how to build a very simple RESTful API using the CodeIgniter PHP framework. You'll learn how to: Use PHP and CodeIgniter to create fully RESTful APIs Leverage existing classes and frameworks to cut down development time Create a simple API with CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality Fetch user information from a real back-end MySQL database Restrict your API to certain keys or whitelisted IP addresses Sanitize and validate data using CodeIgniter's built in form validation libraries What are the requirements? Intermediate knowledge of PHP (5.3+) and MySQL Basic familiarity with the CodeIgniter framework is an asset Working local environment setup: LAMP/ XXAMP, WAMP, MAMP What am I going to get from this course? Over 12 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! Understand how to create a simple RESTful API with the basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality Practical hands-on experience Tips & tricks for testing and debugging your API calls Pro tips to make working with your database a piece of cake More experience with CodeIgniter - the most popular PHP framework What is the target audience? This course is meant for people who are familiar with PHP and want to learn the basics of creating RESTful APIs. DOWNLOAD
RESTful Web Services with Node.js and Express English | 2h 4m | AVC (.mp4) 1024x768 15fps | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 397 Mb Genre: eLearning Node.js is a simple and powerful tool for backend development. When coMbined with Express, you can create lightweight, fast, scalable APIs quickly, and simply. Node.js is a simple and powerful tool for backend development. When coMbined with express, you can create lightweight, fast, scalable APIs quickly and simply. In this course, we will walk through how to stand up a lightweight Express server serving truly RESTful services using Node.js, Mongoose, and MongoDB. We will implement all of the RESTful verbs to get, add, and update data from our service. We will also spend some time working through unit and end to end integration tests for our services. DOWNLOAD