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Znaleziono 30 wyników

  1. The Secret Battle of Evan Pao - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 200.69 MB | Author: Shang, Wendy Wan-Long | Year: 2022 Description: Category:Kids, Fiction & Literature - Kids, People, Places & Cultures - Kids Fiction, Emotions & Behaviors - Kids Fiction, School Life - Kids Fiction, Social Issues - Kids Fiction, U. S. People Download Link:
  2. The Canceled Czech (Evan Tanner Series #2) - [AUDIOBOOK] mp3 | 1 GB | Author: Lawrence Block | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Thrillers, Other Mystery Categories, Espionage Thrillers, Humorous Mysteries & Crime Capers Download Link:
  3. Free Download Ghosted (The Last Witch) - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 688.76 MB | English | Isbn:‎ B09LNFL769 | Author: Karpov Kinrade | Year: 2021 Description: Category:Paranormal Ghost Romance, 90-Minute Romance Short Reads, Multicultural & Interracial Romance Download Link:
  4. Currie Evan Odyssey One Tom 05 Kr??l wojownik??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Kapitan Eric Weston uratowal Ziemie przed drasinska rzezia. Jednak nie bedzie mu dane odpoczac, bo przed nim kolejna niebezpieczna misja. Wraz z zaloga "Odyseusza" musi wytropic tych, kt??rzy steruja Drasinami, kt??rzy przygotowali atak na Ziemian i Priminae. Sytuacja robi sie grozna, kiedy w przestrzeni kosmicznej natykaja sie na okret nalezacy do tajemniczych drasinskich wladc??w. To oni stoja za inwazja na planety Priminae i Uklad Sloneczny. Potezne Imperium ma dwa cele: podbic nowe swiaty i wyr??wnac stare rachunki. Przed Westonem stoi tylko jeden cel: ocalic ludzkosc w tej straszliwej wojnie. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 359 MB czas trwania: 09h 46m 42s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  5. Currie Evan Hayden War Tom 06 De oppresso liber Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Koniec wojny nie oznacza ko??ca walki. SOLCOM dowiaduje siÄ?, ??e Ross Ell podjÄ?li ekspedycjÄ? przeciw niestowarzyszonemu gatunkowi, kt??ry zamieszkuje ziemiÄ? niczyjÄ? pomiÄ?dzy obszarami kontrolowanymi przez Ziemian a tymi, gdzie panuje Sojusz. W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi i najlepszej metody dzia??ania SOLCOM wysy??a okrÄ?t, kt??ry ma po cichu zbadaÄ? sytuacjÄ?. Major Sorilla Aida i jej oddzia?? zostajÄ? wyznaczeni do tego zadania. Ich wyprawa ma za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? pozostaÄ? tajemnicÄ? dla potÄ???nych obcych. Jedna rzecz wydaje siÄ? pewna: wolno??Ä? nigdy nie jest dana na zawsze, a opresja to uniwersalny spos??b dzia??ania w kosmosieâ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 322 MB czas trwania: 08h 15m 11s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  6. Currie Evan Hayden War Tom 05 Za wszelkÄ? cenÄ? Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wojna o Haydena siÄ? sko??czy??a. SOLCOM i Sojusz rozpoczynajÄ? rozmowy pokojowe, ale ??adna ze stron nie ma pojÄ?cia, jak rozstrzygnÄ???a siÄ? ostateczna bitwa w wojnie o Haydena. Dyplomatyczne niuanse nie sÄ? specjalno??ciÄ? major Sorilli Aidy, kt??ra dostaje zadanie: znale??Ä? jakÄ??? s??abo??Ä? przeciwnika, daÄ? ludziom czas, by dowiedzieli siÄ?, co siÄ? sta??o z WalkiriÄ? i jednocze??nie mogli siÄ? upewniÄ?, ??e Sojusz nie zaryzykuje kolejnego otwartego konfliktu. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 260 MB czas trwania: 06h 59m 37s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  7. Artist: Sebastian Lexer, Evan Parker, & Eddie Prevost Title: Tri-Borough Triptych Year Of Release: 2013 Label: Matchless Recordings Genre: Free Jazz, Avant-Garde Jazz Quality: FLAC [16bit/44.1kHz] Total Time: 1:19:31 Total Size: 318 MB Tracklist: 1. Camden (28:24) 2. Deptford (26:04) 3. Dalston (24:55)
  8. Artist: Evan Plommer Title: Albrecht W??rl's Lute Book Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Evan Plommer Genre: Classical / Baroque / Lute Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue,log) Mp3 Total Time: 01:08:56 Total Size: 443 MB 228 MB (Scans) Compiled between about 1620 and 1650 by the Munich painter Albrecht W??rl, this manuscript collection of early 17th century baroque lute music includes dances and song settings by many of the earliest generation of lutenist-composers working in the 'new tunings' (accords nouveaux). W??rl's ability to notate the pieces he collected with accuracy seems to have been severely hampered by the rapid degradation of his eyesight. Because of this, and the fact that W??rl's lute book contains many unique anonymous works, this manuscript, which is full of beautiful music has been overlooked for far too long. Canadian lutenist Evan Plommer presents reconstructed and revitalized versions of 36 pieces in 5 different tunings for baroque lute, including W??rl's elaborations as well as those of his own making. Tracklist: 01 - Prelude 117, 118, 209 02 - Allemande 246 03 - Gigue 237 04 - Courante 248 05 - Courante 165 06 - Sarabande 133 (Chaconne) - le Caquet des Femmes 07 - Cher Amy 193, 210 08 - Courante 124 09 - Sarabandes 143, 142, 140 10 - Prelude 66 11 - Lanturlu 242, 244 12 - Allemande 104 13 - Courante 56 14 - Courante 59 15 - Sarabande 57 16 - Gigue 55 17 - Allemande 93 18 - Courante 94 19 - Sarabande 92 (Passacaglia) 20 - Allemande 116 21 - Aria 'Le cure de mole' 114 22 - Allemande 77 23 - Gigue 75 24 - Courante 78 25 - Sarabande 74 26 - Intrada 85 27 - Prelude 189 28 - Allemande 29 29 - Courante 54 30 - Sarabande 20 31 - Sarabande 21 32 - Courante 46 33 - Bergamasca 185 34 - Courante 'la Chabotte' 37 35 - Sarabande 19 36 - Courante (Aria) ''Patientia'' 183, 184 Evan Plommer's CD of lute pieces from the lute book of Albrecht W??rl is highly recommended! The mostly dance pieces are played to perfection with Plommer's excellent sense of tempo, poise, phrasing, ornamentation, and delicate touch on the lute's silvery-timbred gut strings. Pay special attention to the feisty sarabandes performed with bravura! The clarity of articulation is exceptional and the microphone has captured complete live takes without editing at just the right optimal distance from the rich-toned lute made by Travis Carey. The lute is modeled on the type used during this "transitional tuning" period of the lute's history: with the four lowest bass courses progressively lengthened on a "stepped" pegbox extension most often seen in paintings from this period in France, England and the Low Countries. The preparation for this recording was no easy task, for Plommer had to thoroughly edit every measure of each piece to correct a multitude of errors in the manuscript. The result is a solid triumph and this CD should be in every lute and early music enthusiast's library.
  9. Currie Evan Hayden War Tom 04 Zew Walhalli Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wojna o ?šwiat Haydena dobiega zaskakujÄ?cego ko??ca. ?šwie??o upieczona porucznik Sorilla Aida ma nowych sojusznik??w, nowy sprzÄ?t i wsparcie, i oczywi??cie nowe zadanie. Jej misja mo??e zagwarantowaÄ? ludzko??ci szansÄ? na zdobycie przewagi technologicznej w konflikcie z obcymi. Sojusz jednak nie czeka, a?? wojna wymknie siÄ? mu spod kontroli, i w odpowiedzi podejmuje b??yskawicznÄ? kontrakcjÄ?. Czy obcych naprawdÄ? interesujÄ? ludzie i ludzkie ??wiaty, czy mo??e jednak gra toczy siÄ? o co?? wiÄ?cej? Zew Walhalli rozbrzmiewa w ca??ej Galaktyce i kto?? bÄ?dzie musia?? na niego odpowiedzieÄ?. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 332 MB czas trwania: 09h 12m 51s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  10. Jared Evan - The Blanket Truth (2016) Title : The Blanket Truth Artist : Jared Evan Year : 2016 Genre : Pop Packed size: 91 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Role Model 02 - Kids Forever 03 - The End Game 04 - Revive Me 05 - Hourglass 06 - Cry 07 - Big Brother 08 - Slow Rain 09 - The Blanket Truth 10 - Temporary Download
  11. Currie Evan Hayden War Tom 03 Walkiria w ogniu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Trwa wojna ludzi z Sojuszem obcych. Sorilla i jej zesp???? podejmujÄ? siÄ? niezwykle trudnej misji uwolnienia zak??adnik??w przetrzymywanych na jednej z wrogich planet. Pomimo ??e odbudowano orbitalne ??Ä?cze na ?šwiecie Haydena, w d??ungli nadal grasujÄ? Stra??nicy, prowadzÄ?c partyzanckÄ? walkÄ? z oddzia??ami ludzi. Tymczasem w przestrzeni kosmicznej pojawia siÄ? nowy gracz, kt??ry zachwieje uk??adem si?? â?? ale Ziemianie te?? majÄ? w zanadrzu niejednÄ? niespodziankÄ?. Jak zako??czy siÄ? starcie w kosmosie? Czy ?šwiat Haydena bÄ?dzie znowu wolnÄ? planetÄ?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 302 MB czas trwania: 08h 23m 41s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  12. Evan Currie - Hayden War 01 - Na srebrnych skrzyd??ach Opis: "Hayden War: Na Srebrnych Skrzyd??ach" to pierwszy tom nowego cyklu Evana Curriego. W przysz??o??ci ludzko??Ä? kolonizuje inne ??wiaty, eksploatuje pasy asteroid i wysy??a swoje statki w ciemnÄ? przestrze??, z kt??rej blask ich silnik??w dociera na ZiemiÄ? po latach. W prawie ka??dym odwiedzanym systemie istnieje ??ycie, ale jak dotÄ?d cz??owiek nie spotka?? innego inteligentnego gatunku. A?? do dzi??. Download:
  13. Evan Currie - Hayden War 02 - Narodziny Walkirii Opis: Dwa lata po inwazji na ?šwiecie Haydena oddzia??y partyzantki i nieprzyjaciela znalaz??y siÄ? w impasie, ale ??adna ze stron nie zamierza tak pozostawiÄ? stanu rzeczy. Sojusz obcych rzuca do walki kolejne si??y, na Haydena przybywajÄ? Stra??nicy, k??rzy specjalizujÄ? siÄ? w rozwiÄ?zywaniu problem??w. Ludzie na planecie zwierajÄ? szeregi, ale czy bÄ?dÄ? w stanie oprzeÄ? siÄ? superpotÄ???nej broni obcych?... Download:
  14. Evan Currie - Hayden War 03 - Walkiria w ogniu Opis: Trwa wojny ludzi z Sojuszem obcych. Zjednoczona Flota Solarna zajmuje wrogie ??wiaty, choÄ? w centrum konfliktu pozostaje kolonia na ?šwiecie Haydena. Czy d??ugo jeszcze ludziom wystarczy si??, by toczyÄ? tÄ? walkÄ?? Download:
  15. Pluralsight - Changing Seasons in After Effects and Photoshop With Evan James Size: 409MB | Duration: 0h 57m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1024x576 15fps | Audio: AAC 44.1KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English In this After Effects and Photoshop tutorial, we'll learn how to transition between seasons by making a spring-time park into fall. We'll start off by giving the shot a golden hue using a matte and an adjustment layer. We'll then paint colored leaf elements in Photoshop before bringing them back in After Effects to track the trees so we can get the leaf layers moving with the pan. We'll finish off the shot by adding some more orange leaves with a adjustment layer and a mask using tracking data. In the end of this After Effects and Photoshop training, you'll have created colorful fall foliage out of a scene that was shot in the spring. Software required: After Effects CC, Photoshop CC. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  16. Advanced Instruments and Effects In REAKTOR With Evan Sutton Size: 315MB | Duration: 1h 27m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English Everyone uses Native Instruments virtual instruments in their productions, regardless of their DAW. This course will show how to take advantage of the advanced instruments and effects in REAKTOR, including MONARK, PRISM, and THE FINGER. Your guide, Evan Sutton, provides an overview of synthesizer history (and which synthesizers of the past have been resurrected in REAKTOR), and reviews new approaches to effects and live performance and programming in REAKTOR. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  17. Digital Tutors - Linear Workflow in After Effects With Evan James 47m 54s | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | 1.54 GB Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Project files Included In this After Effects tutorial, we'll learn how to incorporate a linear workflow into our projects to get better results. We'll start off going over how light behaves linearly and how our vision system perceives light non-linearly. Then we'll learn what video gamma space is and why we use it to store standard digital images After that, we'll go over some of the problems that happen when you composite in video gamma space. We'll see all the advantages of 32-bit float using a Cineon file, learn more about the advantages of working in linear gamma instead of video gamma and then set up a project in linear color space to see what After Effects is doing behind the scenes. Finally, we'll put theory into practice as we composite a forest fire in linear color space and compare it to the same shot comped in video gamma. By the end of this After Effects training, you'll have a solid understanding of how to work in a linear color space and why a linear workflow can benefit your own projects. Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  18. Synthesis and Sampling with ABSYNTH With Evan Sutton Size: 592MB | Duration: 2h 42m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English ABSYNTH is an essential instrument in the KOMPLETE toolkit, doubling as a semi-modular synthesis tool and a powerful effects plugin. Join Evan Sutton in this course for a tour of ABSYNTH, covering everything from signal flow and patching to advanced signal processing. Along the way, Evan covers routing and modulation, ABSYNTH's built-in effects, and working with control surfaces and automation. Tune in to learn how to design your own intoxicating sounds with ABSYNTH. Topics include: * Routing and signal flow * Destructive envelope editing techniques * Beat syncing and envelope looping * Basic sampling * Master FX * Modulation * Automation Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  19. Advanced Instrumentation and Sound Design with KONTAKT With Evan Sutton Size: 746MB | Duration: 2h 42m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English A versatile and cutting-edge sampler, KONTAKT is capable of bringing the sounds you can only imagine in your head out into the real world. In this course, Evan Sutton teaches advanced techniques for customizing instruments and creating sounds with KONTAKT. He shows how to load and route instruments in the Multi Rack, customize sounds with FX and modulation, time stretch audio, and sync and slice loops. Plus, learn how to work with automation and save and archive your sounds. Topics include: * Loading and routing MIDI * Multi-output routing * Customizing with audio FX and modulation * Time stretching audio * Layering groups * Instruments and buss FX * Looping * Resampling and customizing instrument * Audio editing in the Wave editor * Automation Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  20. Drum Programming and Sampling with BATTERY With Evan Sutton Size: 542MB | Duration: 2h 02m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English BATTERY is the cutting-edge drum and percussion sampler from Native Instruments that lets you create awesome beats and explore new sounds. In this course, Evan Sutton covers everything you need to know about drum programming and sampling with the app, from developing beats with BATTERY's factory kits to customizing its library to fit your sound. He'll show how to use different control surfaces and adjust the way BATTERY reacts to incoming MIDI and knobs. He'll also help you experiment with modulation, audio effects, loops, and sidechaining and help you save your patches for use in DAWs like Logic Pro and Ableton Live. Topics include: * Playing and editing factory kits * Importing and playing raw audio * Customizing MIDI settings and macros * Modifying samples using alternate playback modes * Vintage drum machine emulation * Signal routing for optimal mixing * Saving and archiving kits and sounds Download From Keep2Share Download From NiroFlare Download From RapidGator
  21. Evan Pantazi - Kyusho Health & Wellness Program English | .AVI, x264, 1933 kbps, 720x480 | Mp3, 256 kbps, 2 Ch | 1 hr 57 mins | 1.85 Gb Genre: eLearning, Healthcare Kyusho translates as "Vital Point" and is a study of the human condition and it's frailties. Based on the ancient acupuncture and pressure point massage methods, the vital point is that all of us can easily rid the body of common ailments. Within seconds we can begin to relax and ease the pain associated with headaches, backaches, muscle and internal cramps, hiccups, asthma, nausea, sinus congestion and so many more common maladies. You can relieve stress or rid yourself and others of insomnia and many more stress related difficulties, all without expensive pills or drugs that can have serious side effects. This type of holistic approach has been effective for many thousands of years in cultures throughout the world. You will learn this incredible information in a unique, simple and understandable language and demonstration. I am proud to offer this simple method of restoring Health & Wellness so that you too can help your family and friends with many of these common ailments. DOWNLOAD
  22. Evan Pantazi - Kyusho Health & Wellness Program (DVDRip) DVDRip | .AVI, x264, 1933 kbps, 720x480 | English, MP3, 256 kbps, 2 Ch | 1 hr 57 mins | 1.85 GB Genre: Healthcare Kyusho translates as "Vital Point" and is a study of the human condition and it's frailties. Based on the ancient acupuncture and pressure point massage methods, the vital point is that all of us can easily rid the body of common ailments. Within seconds we can begin to relax and ease the pain associated with headaches, backaches, muscle and internal cramps, hiccups, asthma, nausea, sinus congestion and so many more common maladies. You can relieve stress or rid yourself and others of insomnia and many more stress related difficulties, all without expensive pills or drugs that can have serious side effects. This type of holistic approach has been effective for many thousands of years in cultures throughout the world. You will learn this incredible information in a unique, simple and understandable language and demonstration. I am proud to offer this simple method of restoring Health & Wellness so that you too can help your family and friends with many of these common ailments. Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  23. Frequency Modulation with FM8 With Evan Sutton Size: 578MB | Duration: 2h 22m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English Get going with FM8, the next gen FM synthesizer from Native Instruments. In this course, author Evan Sutton dives deep into the app's features and the techniques necessary for creating FM8's characteristic clangy and textured sounds and incorporating them into your music productions. He covers working with the routing matrix; developing harmonics, partials, and overtones using waveforms; and creating both realistic and more far-out sounds. The course also touches on percussion programming, as well as FM8's built-in Arpeggiator and morphing controls. Topics include: * What is frequency modulation? * Reviewing the FM8 routing matrix * Harmonics, partials, and waveforms * Using operators * Percussion programming * Programming with the Arpeggiator * Morphing * Automation Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  24. Digital Synthesis with MASSIVE With Evan Sutton Size: 878MB | Duration: 3h 36m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English MASSIVE is Native Instruments' flagship digital synth; musicians all over the world use it to create music in the studio and on the stage. In this course, author Evan Sutton will dive deep into the instrument, including its flexible and powerful filters and routing, audio processing, and modulation features. He covers the basic signal flow and shows how to use MASSIVE's wavetable system to create unique sounds. After processing those sounds with filters and modulators, Evan uses audio effects to sweeten and brighten the mix, and then brings the entire sound to life with MASSIVE's macro controls and automation. Topics include: * Envelope setting, routing, and looping * Working with oscillators and wavetables * Inserting effects like distortion and feedback * Controlling incoming MIDI * Side-chaining * Automating macros Download From Uploaded Download From NitroFlare Download From Rapidgator
  25. Currie Evan Odyssey One Tom 03 Ostatni bastion Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: Haslo:
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