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epub | 7.89 MB | English| Isbn:9781648480348 | Author: Graham Davey | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Psychology, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction RapidGator AlfaFile TurboBit
- Catastrophic
- Worrier
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epub | 567.92 KB | English | ASIN:9780711269392 | Author: Kate Williams | Year: 2007 Description: Category:Architecture, Biography & Autobiography, History, Nonfiction
Graham Bonnet Band - The Book (2016) Graham Bonnet Band - The Book Genre: Hard Rock,Classic Rock Year: 2016 Source: cd Audio codec: FLAC (tracks) Bitrate: lossless(Folder.auCDtect) Playtime: 1 CD-00:47:52 2 CD-01:07:57 Cover: tak Size: 927 MB 1 CD The Book 1. Into the Night 4:29 2. Welcome to My Home 4:47 3. Earths Child (I Am Your Son) 4:07 4. Rider 3:44 5. Dead Man Walking 5:43 6. Strangest Day 4:22 7. The Dance 3:49 8. Where Were You? 4:00 9. The Book 5:08 10. Everybody Wants to Go There 3:46 11. California Air (Better Here Than There) 3:52 2 CD Re-Recorded Classics 1. Eyes of the World 6:33 2. All Night Long 3:48 3. Lost in Hollywood 4:55 4. Since Youve Been Gone 3:29 5. Night Games 3:39 6. S.O.S. 3:03 7. Assault Attack 4:16 8. Dancer 4:40 9. Desert Song 5:52 10. Island in the Sun 3:53 11. Hiroshima Mon Amour 4:00 12. God Blessed Video 3:25 13. Will You Be Home Tonight 5:12 14. Witchwood 2:47 15. Stand in Line 4:08 16. Here Comes the Night (Down Without a Fight) 4:08 linki:
Graham Bonnet Band - Live..Here Comes The Night (2017) BDRip 720p Screenshots: Setlist: 01 - EYES OF THE WORLD - Richard Blackmore, Roger Glover 02 - ALL NIGHT LONG - Richard Blackmore, Roger Glover 03 - S.O.S. - Russell Ballard 04 - STAND IN LINE - Graham Bonnet, Chris Impellitteri 05 - GOD BLESSED VIDEO - Steve Vai, Graham Bonnet 06 - WILL YOU BE HOME TONIGHT - Graham Bonnet, Jimmy Waldo, Steve Vai 07 - JET TO JET - Josephine Dawn Eime Bonnet, Yngwie Malmsteen 08 - NIGHT GAMES - Ed Hamilton 09 - SUFFER ME - Josephine Dawn Eime Bonnet, Yngwie Malmsteen 10 - DANCER - Graham Bonnet, Michael Schenker 11 - DESERT SONG - Graham Bonnet, Michael Schenker 12 - ISLAND IN THE SUN - Graham Bonnett, Yngwie Malmsteen 13 - SINCE YOU BEEN GONE - Russell Ballard 14 - ASSAULT ATTACK - Chris Glen, Ted Mckenna, Graham Bonnet, Michael Schenker 15 - LOST IN HOLLYWOOD - Richard Blackmore, Roger Glover, Cozy Powell Info: Genre: Hard Rock Quality: BDRip | 720p Format: MKV | 4855kbps Length: 01:13:00 | 2.87Gb Video: H.264 | 1280x720 | 16:9 | 29.970fps Audio 1: AC3 | 192kbps | 48kHz | 2 channels: L R Audio 2: AC3 | 448kbps | 48kHz | 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R Language: English pass: galexandersHD Attention: Files are subject to expiration and can be automatically deleted if their not downloaded 30 days after the last download.
Ballard James Graham Wyspa Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: HASLO:
Masterton Graham Anio??owie chaosu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Doskona??a lektura dla wszystkich, kt??rzy lubiÄ? szybkÄ? akcjÄ?, twardych mÄ???czyzn i piÄ?kne kobiety. NurkujÄ?c u wybrze??y Gibraltaru, Noah, trzydziestosiedmioletni kaskader, znajduje na dnie morza tajemniczy medalion z napisem PRCHAL. Pilot o tym nazwisku jako jedyny prze??y?? katastrofÄ? samolotu, w kt??rej zginÄ??? genera?? W??adys??aw Sikorski. To odkrycie tak go fascynuje, ??e postanawia je wyja??niÄ?. Wr??ciwszy do Los Angeles, pokazuje medalion swojej by??ej dziewczynie, kt??ra zajmuje siÄ? jubilerstwem, i przyjacielowi. Nie wie, ??e w ten spos??b wyda?? na nich wyrok ??mierci. Od tej chwili rusza lawina wydarze??, kt??re wciÄ?ga czytelnika bez reszty. Masterton - nieoceniony mistrz thrillera - zabiera nas w niezwyk??Ä? podr???? do staro??ytnego Babilonu, a tak??e ods??ania przed nami kulisy wielu zbrodni politycznych, do kt??rych przez wieki dochodzi??o na ca??ym ??wiecie. Doskona??a, wciÄ?gajÄ?ca lektura dla wszystkich, kt??rzy lubiÄ? szybkÄ? akcjÄ?, twardych mÄ???czyzn, piÄ?kne kobiety i wyrafinowany seks. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 483 MB czas trwania: 10h 38m 28s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Masterton Graham G????d Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Powie??Ä? ukazuje wstrzÄ?sajÄ?cy obraz Stan??w Zjednoczonych, kt??re zaatakowane zostajÄ? przez tajemniczy wirus niszczÄ?cy uprawy zbo??a. W przera??ajÄ?cym, apokaliptycznym obrazie ginÄ?cej z g??odu Ameryki poruszajÄ? siÄ? bohaterowie powie??ci. Ich losy stajÄ? siÄ? pretekstem do pokazania najnikczemniejszych ludzkich zachowa??. W obliczu nieuchronnej zag??ady ludzie tracÄ? wszelkie hamulce moralne, opr??cz zwyk??ych chor??b toczÄ?cych spo??ecze??stwo ameryka??skie - wszechw??adnej przemocy, ob??udy i korupcji - coraz powszechniejsze stajÄ? siÄ? wyuzdane praktyki seksualne i kanibalizm. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 759 MB czas trwania: 16h 16m 41s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Leszek Filipowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Artist: D Burnett Graham Title: Man in the Moon Year Of Release: 2016 Label: D Burnett Graham Genre: Blues Quality: mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 00:48:18 Total Size: 110 mb Tracklist --------- 01. Chillin' 02. La Guy 03. Pour Me Another 04. Cannot Run 05. Selfish Man 06. Don't Worry 'Bout Me 07. Old Friends 08. Reclaim 09. The Disease 10. Man in the Moon
Masterton Graham Stra??nicy Piek??a Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Straszliwie okaleczone zw??oki m??odej Amerykanki Julii Winward zostajÄ? wy??owione z Tamizy. Jej brat Joshua wraz ze swojÄ? dziewczynÄ? Nancy pr??bujÄ? na w??asnÄ? rÄ?kÄ? wyja??niÄ? zagadkÄ? morderstwa. Szereg tajemniczych wydarze?? daje podstawy do domniemania, i?? za okrutnym zab??jstwem kryje siÄ? co?? wiÄ?cej. Okazuje siÄ?, i?? w Londynie nie ma ulicy, przy kt??rej Julia wynajmowa??a mieszkanie, ani firmy Wheatstone Electrics, kt??ra jÄ? zatrudnia??a. Joshua i Nancy odnajdujÄ? "bramÄ?" prowadzÄ?cÄ? do "alternatywnego" Londynu, w kt??rym rzÄ?dzi terror i zbrodnia - i stajÄ? do walki z zakapturzonymi stra??nikami... Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 574 MB czas trwania: 12h 36m 10s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Masterton Graham Zaraza Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Pewnego piÄ?knego letniego poranka doktor Leonard Petrie dostaje wezwanie do chorego dziecka. Ch??opiec w stanie krytycznym trafia do szpitala. Niestety, lekarze nie mogÄ? mu ju?? pom??c. Poszukiwanie przyczyn zgonu daje nieoczekiwany, przera??ajÄ?cy efekt. Jednak lekarze nie majÄ? wÄ?tpliwo??ci. Ch??opiec zmar?? na d??umÄ?. Od tej chwili wydarzenia toczÄ? siÄ? w przewrotnym tempie. W ciÄ?gu kilku dni epidemia obejmuje ca??Ä? FlorydÄ?, kt??rÄ? w??adze postanawiajÄ? odciÄ?Ä? od reszty kraju. Jednak nielicznym udaje siÄ? przedostaÄ? przez blokadÄ?. Czy podjÄ?te przez rzÄ?d ??rodki zaradcze zdo??ajÄ? uratowaÄ? Stany Zjednoczone przed zag??adÄ?? Mro??Ä?ca krew w ??y??ach opowie??Ä? o zagro??eniach, jakie niesie cywilizacja, ale tak??e o zachowaniach i postawach ludzkich w obliczu ??miertelnego niebezpiecze??stwa. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 587 MB czas trwania: 12h 58m 07s bit rate: 128kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Piotr Borowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Graham Masterton - ?šwiÄ?ty terror Opis: (Sekta) Conor Oâ??Neill jest ochroniarzem, kt??ry wiedzie spokojne ??ycie z piÄ?knÄ? dziewczynÄ? u boku. Jego sielanka zostaje jednak zaburzona, kiedy przypadkiem zmuszony jest wziÄ?Ä? udzia?? w dw??ch napadach, w kt??rych skradzione zostajÄ? depozyty warte dziesiÄ?tki milion??w dolar??w. Download:
Graham Masterton - Wojownicy nocy 02 - ?šmiertelne sny Opis: Wojownicy Nocy, ludzie obdarzeni nadzwyczajnymi umiejÄ?tno??ciami, a w??r??d nich zdolno??ciÄ? poruszania siÄ? po snach, to bohaterowie cyklu ksiÄ???kowego obejmujÄ?cego powie??ci "Wojownicy Nocy", "?šmiertelne sny", "Nocna plaga", "Powr??t Wojownik??w Nocy", i "DziewiÄ?ty koszmar". Przeznaczeniem Wojownik??w jest chroniÄ? ludzko??Ä? przed Z??em - wszelkimi metodami. Nocna mara pojawiajÄ?ca siÄ? w snach dziewiÄ?cioletniego synka Johna Woodsa, Lenny`ego, jest nie tylko przera??ajÄ?ca ? jest te?? ca??kowicie realistyczna. Po??Ä?dajÄ?c ludzkiej krwi, przekracza granice miÄ?dzy snem a jawÄ? i morduje z niezwyk??ym okrucie??stwem. Policja podejrzewa ch??opca o wsp????udzia?? w zbrodniach, tymczasem liczba ofiar stale siÄ? powiÄ?ksza. John do??Ä?cza do Wojownik??w Nocy. Tylko oni sÄ? w stanie pokonaÄ? straszliwego demona ? o ile on nie odnajdzie ich pierwszy i nie zabije ? ??piÄ?cych, bezbronnych, pozbawionych swojej mocy... Download:
Graham Masterton - Szata??skie w??osy Opis: Kelly O Sullivan jest uczennicÄ? w salonie fryzjerskim s??ynnego stylisty, Simona Crane a. Ale praca okazuje siÄ? mniej efektowna, ni?? sobie wyobra??a??a. Jej obowiÄ?zki obejmujÄ? sprzÄ?tanie salonu i wynoszenie toreb z w??osami do piwnicy. Kt??rego?? dnia odkrywa na swoim ramieniu kilka r????nego koloru w??os??w, kt??re nie dajÄ? siÄ? w ??aden spos??b usunÄ?Ä?. Download:
Graham Masterton - Studnie piekie?? Opis: W studniach po??o??onych niedaleko miasteczka New Milford w Connecticut pojawia siÄ? woda o dziwnym zapachu i ??????tozielonkawym zabarwieniu. Okazuje siÄ?, ??e zawiera nieznane nauce mikroorganizmy. Pod ich wp??ywem cia??o cz??owieka ulega budzÄ?cym grozÄ? przeobra??eniom - pokrywa siÄ? sztywnym pancerzem z??o??onym z rybich ??usek. Download:
Graham Masterton - Rook Opis: Jim Rook jest nauczycielem jÄ?zyka angielskiego w szkole specjalnej. Wiele lat temu omal nie umar?? na skutek powik??a?? po powa??nym zapaleniu p??uc. Od tego czasu posiada wyjÄ?tkowe umiejÄ?tno??ci postrzegania zjawisk nadprzyrodzonych, a tak??e komunikowania siÄ? z duchami. W niniejszej ksiÄ???ce Rook zmierzy siÄ? z potÄ???nym czarownikiem voodoo - Umberem Jonesem, wujkiem jednego ze swych uczni??w. Download:
Artist: Graham Central Station Title: Release Yourself [Japan] Year Of Release: 1990 (1974) Label: Warner-Pioneer Corporation [WPCP-3685] Genre: Funk, Soul, R&B Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue,log) Mp3 Total Time: 37:32 Total Size: 275 MB 128 MB (Scans) Release Yourself is the second album by Graham Central Station released in 1974 on Warner Brothers. This is the first digital release of the album, taken from a Japanese CD pressing made in 1990. GCS consisted of Graham, Hershall "Happiness" Kennedy (clavinet, electric piano, synthesizer, vocals, background vocals, tambourine), Robert "Butch" Sam (organ, vocals, background vocals, tambourine), David "Dynamite" Vega (a Scorpio) (guitar, vocals, background vocals), Willie "Wild" Sparks (drums, background vocals), and Patryce "Chocolate" Banks (vocals, background vocals, funk box, tambourine), with a horn section that included Hershall "Happiness", Gregory Adams, Emilio Castillo, Michael Gillette, Stephen Kupka, and Leonard Pickett. Tracklist: 01. G.C.S. 02. Release Yourself 03. Got To Go Through It To Get To It 04. I Believe In You 05. 'Tis Your Kind Of Music 06. Hey Mr. Writer 07. Feel The Need 08. Today
Artist: Graham Bonnet Title: Underground Year Of Release: 2005 Label: IROND Genre: Hard Rock Quality: FLAC [16bit/44.1kHz] Total Time: 42:00 Total Size: 301.4 MB Tracklist: 01. Underground (4:14) 02. Whiplash (3:36) 03. Breakaway (3:32) 04. Movin' On (3:31) 05. The Strange (5:24) 06. Sail On (4:51) 07. The Wind Cries Mary (3:16) 08. Cajun Pink (4:24) 09. Winter Skin (4:18) 10. Lost In Hollywood (4:54)
Kenny Graham - Frank Holder Plays Calypso (2016) Title: Frank Holder Plays Calypso Artist : Kenny Graham Year : 2016 Genre : Pop, Jazz Packed size: 90 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Gumbo Lay 02 - Johnny Gone 03 - Red Beans and Rice 04 - Nice Woman, Ugly Man 05 - Come Back Liza 06 - Jamaican Farewell 07 - Caterpillar Bush 08 - Sweet Charlie 09 - Kingston Market 10 - Bangolee 11 - Ah Passin' 12 - Tick-Tick 13 - Arima 14 - Jump In the Line
Graham Bonnet Band - The Book (2016) Title: The Book Artist : Graham Bonnet Band Year : 2016 Genre : Hard Rock Packed size: 178 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Into The Night 02 - Welcome To My Home 03 - Earth's Child (I Am Your Son) 04 - Rider 05 - Dead Man Walking 06 - Strangest Day 07 - The Dance 08 - Where Were You? 09 - The Book 10 - Everybody Wants To Go There 11 - California Air 12 - Eyes Of The World 13 - All Night Long 14 - Lost In Hollywood 15 - Since You Been Gone 16 - Night Games 17 - S.O.S. 18 - Assault Attack
Artist: Graham Nash Title: Reflections [3CD Box Set] Year Of Release: 2009 Label: Atlantic / Rhino [8122-79935-8] Genre: Folk Rock, Soft Rock Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue,log) Mp3 Total Time: 03:44:25 Total Size: 1.34 GB 535 MB (Covers) He's been part of two huge-selling international superstar rock groups, and recorded some very popular albums on his own and with David Crosby. Yet Graham Nash has never been thought of as a talent in his own right the way that, to varying degrees, either of his three bandmates in Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young have. This three-CD, 64-track box set can be seen as both a way of focusing the spotlight on Nash's work both within and outside of his famous bands, and also as a career retrospective of sorts, spanning as it does about 40 years of recordings. Like almost all such box sets, however, it won't be as balanced as everyone would like between his various career phases and contexts, or contain as much in the way of revelatory rarities as some would hope. To start with the set's strengths, certainly it includes virtually all of the material for which Nash is most known as a songwriter, and to some degree as a lead singer. All of the major songs he wrote as part of CSN (or CSNY) are here in their celebrated official versions, prominent among them "Marrakesh Express," "Pre-Road Downs," "Our House," and "Teach Your Children." So is his sole Top 40 hit single, "Chicago"; highlights from his first/best/most commercially successful solo album, Songs for Beginners; and numerous tracks from his collaborative efforts with Crosby. The 150-page booklet has lots of photos and insightful comments on each track by Nash himself. Tracklist: CD1: 01. On A Carousel - THE HOLLIES (February 1967 UK 7" single on Parlophone R 5562, A-side, Mono) 02. Carrie Anne - THE HOLLIES (May 1967 UK 7" single on Parlophone R 5602, A-side, Mono) 03. King Midas In Reverse - THE HOLLIES (September 1967 UK 7" single on Parlophone R 5637, A-side, Mono) 04. Marrakesh Express - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH 05. Pre-Road Downs - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH 06. Lady Of The Island - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH (tracks 4 to 6 are from the album "Crosby, Stills & Nash" released June 1969 in the USA on Atlantic SD 8229 and in the UK on Atlantic 588 189) 07. Our House - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG 08. Teach Your Children - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG (tracks 7 and 8 originally on the album "D??j? Vu" released March 1970 in the USA on Atlantic SD 7200 and in the UK on Atlantic 2401 001. Track 8 is a Previously Unreleased Mix) 09. Right Between The Eyes - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Demo) 10. I Used To Be King - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 11. Simple Man - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 12. Man In The Mirror - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 13. Better Days - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 14. Military Madness - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 15. Sleep Song - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 16. Chicago/We Can Change The World - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 17. Southbound Train - CROSBY & NASH 18. Immigration Man - CROSBY & NASH (tracks 17 and 18 on the album "Graham Nash / David Crosby" released April 1972 in the USA on Atlantic SD 7220 and May 1972 in the UK on Atlantic K 50011) 19. Wild Tales - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 20. Prison Song - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 21. Oh! Camil (The Winter Soldier) - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 22. On The Line - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 23. You'll Never Be The Same - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 24. Another Sleep Song - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) CD2: 01. To The Last Whale: Critical Mass/Wind On The Water - DAVID CROSBY / GRAHAM NASH 02. Fieldworker - DAVID CROSBY / GRAHAM NASH 03. Cowboy Of Dreams - DAVID CROSBY / GRAHAM NASH 04. Love Work Out - DAVID CROSBY and GRAHAM NASH (tracks 1 to 4 are from the album "Wind On The Water" released October 1975 in the USA on ABC Records ABCD-902 and January 1976 in the UK on Polydor 2310 428) 05. Marguerita - DAVID CROSBY and GRAHAM NASH (on the album "Whistling Down The Wire" released July 1976 in the USA on ABC Records ABCD-956 and in the UK on Polydor 2310 468) 06. Taken At All - CROSBY. STILLS, NASH & YOUNG (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 07. Mutiny - CROSBY, NASH (on the album "Whistling Down The Wire" released July 1976 in the USA on ABC Records ABCD-956 and in the UK on Polydor 2310 468) 08. Just A Song Before I Go - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH (on the album "CSN" released June 1977 in the USA on Atlantic SD 19104 and in the UK on Atlantic K 50369) 09. Cold Rain - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased mix) 10. Cathedral - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH (originally on the album "CSN" released June 1977 in the USA on Atlantic SD 19104 and in the UK on Atlantic K 50369 - this is a Previously Unreleased Mix) 11. Barrel Of Pain (Half-Life) - GRAHAM NASH 12. Magical Child - GRAHAM NASH (11 and 12 originally on the album "Earth & Sky" released March 1980 in the USA on Capitol SWAK-12014 and in the UK on Capitol EA-ST 12014. Track 12 is a Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 13. Song For Susan - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH 14. Wasted On The Way - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH (13 and 14 on the album "Daylight Again" released July 1982 in the USA on Atlantic SD 19360 and in the UK on Atlantic K 50896) 15. Love Is The Reason - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 16. Raise A Voice - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH (on "Allies" (Live) released June 1983 on Atlantic 78-0075-1) 17. Clear Blue Skies - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH (Previously Unreleased version) 18. Lonely Man - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH (Previously Unreleased song) 19. Sad Eyes - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased Alternate Mix) 20. Water From The Moon - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased song) 21. Soldiers Of Peace - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG (on the album "American Dream" released November 1988 in the USA on Atlantic 7 81888-1 and in the UK on Atlantic WX 233) CD3: 01. If Anybody Had A Heart - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH 02. Chippin' Away - GRAHAM NASH (on the album "Innocent Eyes" released April 1986 in the USA on Atlantic 7 81888 1 and Atlantic WX 233 in the UK) 03. After The Dolphin - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH 04. House Of Broken Dreams - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH (1, 3 and 4 on the album "Live It Up" released June 1990 on LP in the UK and USA on Atlantic 7567 82101-1) 05. Unequal Love - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased version) 06. Liar's Nightmare - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased version) 07. Heartland - CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG (on the album "looking Forward" released November 1999 on CD on East West 9362 47436-2) 08. These Empty Days - CROSBY, STILLS & NASH (on the album "After The Storm" released August 1994 on CD on East West 7567 82654-2) 09. Try To Find Me - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased song) 10. Two Hearts - CAROLE KING and GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased version) 11. Behind The Shades - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased song) 12. Michael (Hedges Here) - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased version) 13. I Surrender - CROSBY, NASH 14. Live On (The Wall) - CROSBY, NASH (tracks 13 and 14 are on the 2CD set "Crosby Nash" released 2004 on Sanctuary 06076-84683-2 in the USA and Sanctuary SANDD293 in the UK and Europe) 15. Dirty Little Secret - GRAHAM NASH 16. We Breathe The Same Air - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased song) 17. Grace - CROSBY, NASH 18. Jesus Of Rio - CROSBY, NASH 19. In Your Name - GRAHAM NASH (Previously Unreleased song)
Artist: Graham Candy Title: Plan A Year Of Release: 2016 Label: BMG Genre: Indie Pop Quality: AAC 256 Kbps Total Time: 45:08 min Total Size: 101 MB Tracklist: 1. Home 2. Glowing in the Dark 3. 90 Degrees 4. Back Into It 5. My Wellington 6. Kings and Queens 7. Travellers Lovers 8. Heart of Gold 9. Little Love 10. Paid a Nickel 11. Broken Heart 12. Memphis A New Zealand-born, German-based singer/songwriter and actor with a distinctive voice and a penchant for clever pop collaborations, the aptly named Graham Candy is a quirky and unpredictable musical confectioner. A student of music, dance, and theater from a very young age, Candy spent the majority of his career in Auckland before relocating to Berlin in 2013, where he lent his voice to popular German DJ and producer Alle Farben's international hit single "She Moves." Collaborations with German indie pop outfit Abby and electro-swing enthusiast Parov Stelar followed in 2014, as did the release of his Crazy Planet Records-issued solo EP, 13 Lords. ~ James Christopher Monger.
Heather Graham - The Dead Play On (Cafferty & Quinn #3) Unabridged AudioBook | 2015 | Genre: Crime/Thriller | English | ISBN-13: 9780778317739 | MP3 96Kb | Length: 9 hrs and 53 mins | 407.58 MB Play a song for me. Musicians are being murdered in New Orleans. But Arnie Watson apparently died by his own hand. When Tyler Anderson plays the saxophone he inherited from Arnie, a soldier and musician who died soon after his return, he believes he sees visions of his friend's life-and death. He becomes convinced Arnie was murdered and that the instrument had something to do with whatever happened, and with whatever's happening all over the city. Tyler knows his theory sounds crazy to the police, so he approaches Danni Cafferty, hoping she and Michael Quinn will find out what the cops couldn't. Or wouldn't. After all, Cafferty and Quinn have become famous for solving unusual crimes. They're partners in their personal lives, too. Quinn's a private investigator and Danni works with him. When they look into the case, they discover a secret lover of Arnie's and a history of jealousies and old hatreds that leads them back to the band Arnie once played with-and Tyler plays with now. They discover that sometimes, for some people, the line between passion and obsession is hard to draw. Only in uncovering the truth can they hope to save others-and themselves-from the deadly hands of a killer. Download Link
Greene Graham W Brighton Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: HASLO:
Greene Graham Stawka o ??onÄ? Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download: HASLO:
Greene Graham Po??ycz nam mÄ???a, Poopy Humoreski erotyczne Opis: Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download:,Poopy.Humoreski.erotyczne.rar HASLO: